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UJCV 2 - 2022 Basic 2 Unit 1

Unit 1
Buying And Selling

Phone Sales
a. Here are some examples of phone sales messages. Match each store or company in
column B to a mesage in column A.

We have the best coats in town. All our coats come from
1 France. ____
c a Dream Travels

Sharp knives, small knives, long knives - 50% off all our The Kitchen
2 knives for the next three days only. ____
b b
For only $20 a month, we bring the news to your door
Winterwear Fas-
3 every morning! ____
d c
We’re holding the biggest sale of the year! Now you can
4 buy fun gifts for your children at half price! ____
e d The Daily News

Do you ever dream about Paris, London, or Prague? Call

5 us now and find out about our special holiday deals! ____
a e Toys 4 Kids

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Basic 2 Unit 1 UJCV 2 - 2022
b. Complete the phone sales message with the words below.

best • calling • price • remember • sale • something

“Hi there! This is Susan Thomas (1) _____________

calling from Winterwear Fashions.

We have the (2) ______________

best coats in town and this week we have

(3) _______________
something great for you! Our big end-of-season (4)____________!

All our coats are half (5)_________________!


Call now! The number is 677-7999.

And (6)________________,
remember our end-of-season sale is for one week only.”

c. Write your own phone sales message. Include the following information:

• your name
• the name of the product

• the price

• a contact phone number

Good aftenoon, Lohana greets you, offering fiber optic internet services that have
more capacity at only $60. for more information she calls 9754-3313.
call now!



d. You are a salesperson from one of the companies in activity a. Try to convince your
partner to buy your product.

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UJCV 2 - 2022 Basic 2 Unit 1

Wrong Color
a. Do you remember the characters in the story “Wrong Color”? Who did what? Mark
Ms. Green or Mr. Brown next to the sentence that is true for them. Some sentences
are true for both.

Ms. Green... Mr. Brown...

✔ 1. ordered a green chair.

✔ 2. waited for the delivery of the chair.

✔ 3. got the wrong color chair.

✔ 4. was angry and called the store manager.

✔ 5. went to the store but it was closed.

✔ 6. met Ms. Green outside the store.

✔ 7. smiled when she saw the handsome man.

✔ 8. got the right chair in the end.

b. Imagine you are either Ms. Green or Mr. Brown. Write about your day in your diary.
Use the sentences from activity a. to help you.

July 27th
Dear Diary,
What a day I had today!

I asked for green chair and they sent me a brown one, I was late for work.
I had to call the manager. and then I went to the store and it was closed
but met someone who helped me. I finally had my chair



c. Read your partner’s diary and guess which character he/she is.

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Basic 2 Unit 1 UJCV 2 - 2022
d. Did you understand all the words in the story, “Wrong Color”? Rewrite the sentences
using the words below to replace the word in bold.

angry • deliver • handsome • manager • mistakes

1. Ms. Green waited for the man to bring her chair. __________________________

2. Ms. Green was really mad. _________________________________________


3. The storekeeper said, “We all make errors.” ______________________________


4. The person in charge of the store laughed. _____________________________


5. There was a good-looking man outside the store. _________________________


e. Read Part 2 of the story, “Wrong Color”, and find out how it ends.

Wrong Color – Part 2

A few months later, Ms. Green called to order a brown table from the
same store. The store manager was very surprised. “I thought you
were still angry about the mistake we made with your chair,” he said.
“Oh, no, not at all,” said Ms. Green. “We all make mistakes!”
“When do you want us to deliver the table?” asked the store manager.
“Any time this week,” said Ms. Green. “You can write ‘For Mrs.
Brown’ on the package,” she added happily and smiled at her
handsome new husband, Mr. Brown.

f. Did you understand Part 2 of the story? Mark the sentences that are true.

1. Ms. Green and Mr. Brown want to buy two different tables.

✔ 2. Ms. Green wants the table in the next 7 days.

3. Ms. Green is still angry with the store manager.

✔ 4. Ms. Green and Mr. Brown are in love.

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UJCV 2 - 2022 Basic 2 Unit 1

Dress from Paris

a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Dress from Paris”? Write the sentences below in the
correct order.

Of course. It’s beautiful. Is it new? What a lovely dress!

Well, it’s really nice. Yes. I bought it in Paris last week.
Really? Do you like it? Thank you.

Woman 1: What
a lovely dress!

Woman 2: Really?
Do you like it?

Woman 1: Of
course. It’s beautiful. Is it new?

Woman 2: Yes.
I bought it in Paris last week.

Woman 1: Well,
it’s really nice

Woman 2: Thank

b. Your friend buys something new and you think it’s great! Complete the dialogue
between you and your friend.

You: What a lovely. _______________!


Your friend: Really? Do you _______________

like it?

You: Yes, it’s _______________.

beautiful Is it _______________?

Your friend: Yes, I bought it in _______________.


You: Well, it’s really _______________.


Your friend: _______________!

Thank you

c. Practice the dialogues from activity a. and activity b. with your partner, then take turns
reading the different parts.

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Basic 2 Unit 1 UJCV 2 - 2022
Be-Past: Statements and Questions
a. Yesterday, when Mr. Brown was shopping at the mall, his shopping bags disappeared.
Somebody stole them! Mr. Brown went to the police. Complete the questions the
policeman asked Mr. Brown.

Policeman: (1) _________________________________

What was there in your shopping bags?
Mr. Brown: Just some gifts for my family, and clothes for myself.
Policeman: (2) _______________________________________________
They were full?
Mr. Brown: Yes, the bags were quite full.
Policeman: (3) _____________________________
What did you do when the bags disappeared?
Mr. Brown: I was near the cashier.
Policeman: (4) _________________________________________
Was there someone around you?
Mr. Brown: No, there weren’t many people around me.

b. When was the last time you bought something you weren’t happy with? Write about
what happened. What was wrong with the product? Were you angry? Did you call
the store?

Last ______________
oroduct that I bought ____________
it was at ____________________________.
a bookstore

I wasn’t happy with it because ____________________________________________.

it was not what I was looking for

I was________________________,
in another store so I ____________________________
ask about that product the store.

They _______________________________________________________________.
don´t have that product

c. Exchange stories with a partner. Your partner is the store manager and you are calling
to complain. Practice the dialogue.

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