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Register will rely on the information provided by you on this page for purposes of indexing this instrument:The information on this page will control for indexing purposes in the event NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER ‘This page is part ofthe instrument, The City of any conflict with the rest ofthe document 2020122400211001001EDAC4 RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE. PAGE 1 OF 7| Document ID: 2020122400211001 Document Date: 12-14-2020 Preparation Date: 12-24-2020] Document Type: DEED Document Page Count: 5 PRESENTER: RETURN TO: FIRST CHOICE ABSTRACT IFIRST CHOICE ABSTRACT 3288 MERRICK ROAD 3288 MERRICK ROAD VER-NY-20120. IVLR-NY-20120. WANTAGH, NY 11793 WANTAGH, NY 11793 516-781-0674 516-781-0674 JRYOREK@GMAIL.COM RYOREK@GMAIL.COM PROPERTY DATA Borough Block Lot Unit Address IMANHATTAN 13401345 Entire Lot 81BC 845 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA Property Type: SINGLE RESIDENTIAL CONDO UNIT ‘CROSS REFERENCE DATA REN or DocumentiD. or Year___Reel__ Page, or File Number PARTIES ]GRANTOR/SELLER: IGRANTEE/BUYER: ATBOURA LIMITED. ISTEVEN V. MAKSIN C/O: JEFFREY ZWICK & ASSOCIATES, P.C Is45 UNITED NATIONS PLZ UNIT 81BC BROADWAY, SUITE 403 INEW YORK, NY 10017-3540 BROOKLYN, NY 11211 © Additional Parties Listed on Continuation Page FEES AND TAXES Morteae: ling Fes: Mortgage Amount: $ 0.00 s 125.00. Taxable Moraes AES 0.01 | NYC Real pen Ta Ts [snp : 000 ITAXES: County (Basic): | $ 0.00 NYS Real Estate Transfer Tax: Gy Aditoely TS ot] sane © esto 21,000.00 Spec (Additional):| $ 0.00 RECORDED OR FILED IN THE OFFICE caste S$ 9.00, eee, OF THE CITY REGISTER OF THE wis ts a8 CITY OF NEW YORK Additional MRT:_{ $ 0.00) City Register File No(CRFN}: ToIAL [3 om Sons T008s Recording Fee: S$ 62.00 ‘ibaa Fs s 000 City Register Official ignature NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER | | 2020122400211001001CD844_ RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE (CONTINUATION) PAGE 2 OF7 Document 1D: 202012240021 1001 Document Date: 12-14-2020 Preparation Date: 12-24-2020 Document Type: DEED PARTIES, GRANTEE/BUYER: NATALIE C. MAKSIN 845 UNITED NATIONS PLZ UNIT 81BC NEW YORK, NY 10017-3540 CONDOMINIUM UNIT DEED ‘THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th day of December, 2020 between ATBOURA LIMITED, having offices at c/o Jefey Zwick & Associates, P.C., 266 Broadway, Suite 403, Brooklyn, NY 11211, Attention Tlan Lerman, Esq. (“Grantor”) and STEVEN V. MAKSIN & NATALIE C. MAKSIN, as husband and wife, having an address at 845 United Nations Plaza, Unite 81BC, New York 10017 ("Grantee"), NESSETH That the Grantor, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and release unto the Grantee, and the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe Grantee, forever: The Condominium Unit SIBC (hereinafter called the “Unit inthe builing hereinafter cad the “Bing known as The Trump Word Tower Condominlim. and by the eet audress 845 United Navons Plaza, Borough of Manhattan City, County and State of New York, Said Unit being designated and otiginully dosebed as Ualt NO. 818 and Unt No. 81C in that Gertain declaration, dat as of September 21, 2000, made by Grantor pursuant Article 9B of the Rea Property La ofthe Stte of New Vor (eretaer calle the Condominium Act) Establishing condominium ownership of the Building and the land (hereinafter called the “Tland”) upon which the building is situate (which Land is more pariculatly described in Exhibit ‘angered hereto and by this reerence mado «part ere), whlch declaration was Teeonded a the New York County Oifice of the Register of The City af New York (the “City Registers Ottis") om November 27, 3000, in Reel 3195, a page 2396 (which, Geslarson, end any amendments thereto, ate hereinater collectively called the “Decleation”). The Condominium Unis No, 81B and BIC where combined and designated as Unit No. BIBC, Tax Lot 1345 in Block 1340 bythe ‘Third Amendment to the Declaration of the. Trump Word ‘Tower Condominium, which was filed end recorded on Tansy 6, 2006 inthe City Registers Oey as Condominium Plan 1164-C that superseded the origina! foor plans fox Unit No, 818 and Ualt No. 81C, respectively, that were cerified by Costas Kondylis& Associates, PC: on Se 28, 2006, and led withthe Real Propecy Assessinent Bureau of The City of New ork on Sepiember 29, 2000, as Condominium Plan No, 1165 and also filed in he City Repister'sOflice on November 27, 2000, xs Map No, 5756; Together with an undivided 0,79839% Interest in the Common Elements (as such tem is 4efined in the Declaration) of The Trump World Tower Condominium; nig, TBS with the appurtenances and all the estat and righs of Grantor in and tothe nit, ‘Together with, and subject to, all ofthe rights, obligations, easements, restrictions and ther provisions set’forth in the Declaration and By-Laws of The Trump World Tower Condominium, as each of the same may be amended from time to time (gad By-Laws and any amendments thereto are hereinafter collectively called the “By-Laws"), including, without limitation, the restrictions and other provisions with respect tothe permitted uses of the Unit all of which shall constitute covenants running with the Land and shall bind any person having at ‘any time any interest or estate inthe Unit, as though recited and stipulated at length herein; and Subject also to such other liens, agreements, covenants, easements, restrictions, consents and other matters of record as pertain to the Unit, to the Land and/or to the Building (which and and Building ae hereinafer collectively called the “Property"); ‘TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Grantee, and the heirs or successors and assigns of Grantee, forever, Being the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed dated August 31, 2001, snd recorded on November 21, 2001 at Reel 3394, Page 0911 in New York County Cletk's Office, If any provision of the Declaration or the By-Laws is invalid under, or would cause the Declaration oF the By-Lavs to be insufficient to submit the Property to, the provisions of the Condominium Act, oF if any provision that is necessary to cause the Declaration and the By~ Laws to be sufficient to submit the Property to the provisions of the Condominium Act 1s missing from the Declaration or the By-Laws, or if the Declaration and the By-Laws. are insufficient to submit the Property to the provisions of the Condominium Act, the applicable provisions of the Declaration shall contra Grantor covenants that Grantor has not done or suffered anything whereby the Unit has ‘been encumbered in any way whatever, except as set forth in the Declaration and the By-Laws (and any Rules and Regulations adopted under the By-Laws) Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Lew of the Ste of New York, covenants at Grantor wll ceive the consideration for is Conveyance: and wil had the ight {o receive such consieraon, ss 4 sont fond for the porpse of paying te cost of the Jtwprovements atthe Property and wil apply the same fir to the peyiment Of the cost of Sich Jnsprovements before using any ptf the sme fr anyother purposes. Grantee hereby septs and ratifies the provisions ofthe Desartion andthe By-Laws (and any Rules and Regulafons adopted under te By-Laws) and agess to comply with all te {enn and provisions teooF ‘This conveyance is made in the regular course of business actully conducted by Grantor. The Unit isnot subject to a credit ine mortgege. Except as othersisespocfclly permite bythe Condominium Board or provided in the Declaration rth By Las, the Units ended for reid se ony The term “Grantee” shall be read as “Grantees” whenever the sense ofthis indenture so requites. [Signature Page to follow] shove DYWHINESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed this od the day and year ist ove write, Autherited Signaler STATE OF NEW YORK ) dss COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) On the [OM day of December in the year 2020 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Aor Feinstein personally known tome or proved fo eon the basis of satitonry evidence be the individuals) whose rame() isGar)subsaribed tothe within instrument and scknovledged tome that heshetey encod the same in hah tei capacity ee), and tat by Naor ie sionaturets) on the tstrment, the individuals) oF the person upon behalf of whieh he individuals) acted, executed the insirument ANS ouay Public SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND ALL that cectain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being the City, County and State ‘of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING atthe corner by the intersection ofthe westerly side of United Nations Plava and the northerly side of East 47th Street; RUNNING THENCE westerly along the northerly side of East 47th Steet, 147 feet to the point ‘being distant 475 feet easterly ftom the comer formed by the intersection of the northerly side of East 47th Stroet and the easterly side of Second Avenue; THENCE northerly a right angles to the northerly side of East 47th Street 100 feet 5 inches to a point; ‘THENCE westerly at right angles to the last mentioned course, 75 feet; ‘THENCE northerly at right angles o the last mentioned course 100 feet $ inches to the southerly side of East 48th Street being distant 400 feet easterly from the corace formed by the intersection ‘of the southerly side of East 48th Street tothe easterly side of Second Avenue; ‘THENCE easterly along the southern side of East 48th Street 222 feet tothe comer formed by the intersetion ofthe southerly side of East 48th Street to the westerly side of United Nations Plaza; ‘THENCE southerly along the westerly side of United Nations Plaza 200 feet 10 inches tothe point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises being known as 845 United Nations Plaza, New York, New York. CONDOMINIUM UNTT DEED ATBOURA LIMITED, Grantor 0 STEVEN V. MAKSIN & NATALIE C. MAKSIN Grantee Condominium Unit # 81BC at ‘The Trump Word Tower Condominium Block: 1340 Lot: 1345 ity: New York. ‘County: New York RECORD AND RETURN TO: Igor Dodin, Esa, 2357 Coney Island Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11223 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ae | | | | | | | 2020122400211001001S1445 ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENT COVER PAGE PAGE 1 OF 1 Document 1D: 202012240021 1001 Document Date: 12-14-2020 Preparation Date: 12-24-2020 Document Type: DEED ‘ASSOCIATED TAX FORM ID: _ 2020112400046 ‘SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED: Page Count RP- 5217 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 3 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFERREPORT RP -5217NYC “fom |__fS__LUMITED yaTIONS PLAZA stBC MANUATTAN sr en —— we : xaraue o “Ee, momma a a | rec “Taran ete LL wavsoe on [] rrcarian “grpmetawtroro water Shetteiun towne niin i oo | me re gg ar ei rere Jomratrtowin—c[]mucansicernn gf] comna Osanna Setimoracmeea Sfefocmcrttins EEfmecer $F] sm ‘ UL gt 200 cette mmr BL 200 snanaries $,0.0,0,0 0.0 ee $Y snd a (tt pra . {7 Bog ot dot Ral eer) (He a ech hn ato seers) L__MANHATTAN 1340 1345 wt 202011240004620102 niet na er ae mw nea cs ti wi ee eee saRR owns aee arrays coder! oe ence | 2hel2020 20201 12400046201 oon. 5217 HC arnt CERTIFICATION eat hale ens tedomaten een hf ee an co hebeclada nen ess ‘nyt of aa erent a nits pa ange tenements Buyers sey = sateen (2/0/2020 eee faa = are ee ee Abbie tole aaa ime Sate Bae =a ———— ie Eien mene serecsererecstr ese MMC sesEUEC ever soa se a ee Bye Sora 7 BelerSgretze Cae Hin seeeeeeeeretecre imine ee eeereeneree ‘Seer Sgrae ate [er ‘Sater Sarature ae degen erent cage eee eC Baler Sonate Date Boers SSC ‘Sater Signatre om AmenOeeeee errr rrisrie memeerceirrinr Ser Spisiue ae fereeernes a aaa aamtome ete Cr ‘Sate Sgratire om Cn —— a_i BaerSomre SSC ‘Sele Sgnature 2020112400046201

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