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Rand Paul on Gun Control


Rand Paul on Gun Control

Oppose laws which would limit the right to gun ownership

As President, I vow to uphold our entire Bill of Rights, but specifically our right to bear arms. I will not
support any proposed gun control law which would limit the right to gun ownership by those who are
responsible, law-abiding citizens. In the White House, I will remain vigilant in the fight against infringements
on our Second Amendment rights.
Source: 2016 presidential campaig n website,, "Issues" , Apr 7, 2015

Don't let the liberals tread on the Second Amendment

We are the party that adheres to the Constitution. We will not let the liberals tread on the Second Amendment!
We will fight to defend the entire Bill of Rights. We will stand up against excessive government power
wherever we see it. We cannot and will not allow any President to act as if he were a king. We will not let any
President use executive orders to impinge on the Second Amendment.
Source: Tea Party Response to 2013 State of the Union Address , Feb 12, 2013

Patriot Act violates your gun rights

[Speech at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shootout, April 4, 2009]: Unless you want a government that can
enter your house at will, check to see if you have trigger locks, measure the length of your guns and rapidity of
their ability to fire, you must oppose violations of the Fourth Amendment like the PATRIOT Act.
Source: The Tea Party Goes to Washing ton, by Rand Paul, p.125 , Feb 22, 2011

2nd amendment is only as good as the fourth amendment

How many supposed pro-gun politicians voted for the Patriot Act which gives the government the right to
search your home without a warrant, when you're not home, leave listening devices, and use any and all
information to create a prosecution on any charge regardless of their original reason for the search?
G un rights advoc ates need to know that the 2 nd amendment is only as good as the fourth amendment. I f
we are not free from unreas onable and warrantles s s earc hes , no one's guns are s afe.
Source: 2010 Senate campaig n website,, "issues" , Sep 1, 2010

Supports 2nd amendment; vote against restricting handguns

How many politicians claim they are supporters of the 2nd amendment and then vote to restrict handguns? We
need to send people to Washington that not only understand the 2nd amendment but the entire Bill of Rights.
Source: 2010 Senate campaig n website,, "Issues" , Jul 19, 2010

Voted NO on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets.

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Rand Paul on Gun Control

Congressional Summary:
T he term 'large c apac ity ammunition feeding devic e' means a magazine or s imilar devic e that has an
overall c apac ity of more than 1 0 rounds of ammunition
I t s hall be unlawful for a pers on to import, s ell, manufac ture, or pos s es s a large c apac ity ammunition
feeding devic e.
Shall not apply to the pos s es s ion of any large c apac ity ammunition feeding devic e otherwis e lawfully
pos s es s ed before 2 0 1 3 .
Shall not apply to qualified or retired law enforc ement offic ers .

P roponent's Argument f or v oti ng Yes: Sen. BL U M E N T H A L : T his amendment would ban high- c apac ity
magazines whic h are us ed to kill more people more quic kly and, in fac t, have been us ed in more than half
the mas s s hootings s inc e 1 9 8 2 . I as k my c olleagues to lis ten to law enforc ement, their polic e,
pros ec utors who are outgunned by c riminals who us e thes e high- c apac ity magazines . I as k that my
c olleagues als o lis ten to the families of thos e killed by people who us ed a high- c apac ity magazine.
Opponent's Argument f or v oti ng No: Sen. G RA SSL E Y. I oppos e the amendment. I n 2 0 0 4 , whic h is the
las t time we had the large- c apac ity magazine ban, a D epartment of J us tic e s tudy found no evidenc e
banning s uc h magazines has led to a reduc tion in gun violenc e. T he s tudy als o c onc luded it is not c lear
how often the outc omes of the gun attac k depend on the ability of offenders to fire more than 1 0 s hots
without reloading. Sec ondly, there is no evidenc e banning thes e magazines has reduc ed the deaths from
gun c rimes . I n fac t, when the previous ban was in effec t, a higher perc entage of gun c rime vic tims were
killed or wounded than before it was adopted. A dditionally, tens of millions of thes e magazines have been
lawfully owned in this c ountry for dec ades . T hey are in c ommon us e, not unus ually dangerous , and us ed by
law- abiding c itizens in s elf- defens e, as in the c as e of law enforc ement.
Reference: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act; Bill S.Amdt. 714 to S. 649 ; vote number 13-SV103 on Apr 17, 2013

Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms.

Paul opposes the CC survey question on right to bear arms

T he C hris tian C oalition voter guide [is ] one of the mos t powerful tools C hris tians have ever had to impac t
our s oc iety during elec tions . T his s imple tool has helped educ ate tens of millions of c itizens ac ros s this
nation as to where c andidates for public offic e s tand on key faith and family is s ues .
T he C C s urvey s ummarizes c andidate s tanc es on the following topic : "Further res tric tions on the right to
keep and bear arms "
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q 10 on Aug 11, 2010

Rated AQ by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record.

Paul scores AQ by NRA on pro-gun rights policies

While widely rec ognized today as a major politic al forc e and as A meric a's foremos t defender of Sec ond
A mendment rights , the N ational Rifle A s s oc iation (N RA ) has , s inc e its inc eption, been the premier
firearms educ ation organization in the world. But our s uc c es s es would not be pos s ible without the tireles s
efforts and c ountles s hours of s ervic e our nearly three million members have given to c hampion Sec ond
A mendment rights and s upport N RA programs .
T he following ratings are bas ed on lifetime voting rec ords on gun is s ues and the res ults of a ques tionaire
s ent to all C ongres s ional c andidates ; the N RA as s igned a letter grade (with A + being the highes t and F
being the lowes t).

What the Grades Mean:

A +: A legis lator with not only an exc ellent voting rec ord on all c ritic al N RA is s ues , but who has als o
made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Sec ond A mendment.
A : Solidly pro- gun c andidate inc luding voting rec ord.
A Q : A pro- gun c andidate whos e rating is bas ed s olely on the N RA - P V F C andidate Q ues tionnaire
and who does not have a voting rec ord.
B: A generally pro- gun c andidate; may have oppos ed s ome pro- gun reform in the pas t.
C : A c andidate with a mixed rec ord or pos itions on gun related is s ues , who may oppos e s ome pro-
gun pos itions .
D : A n anti- gun c andidate who us ually s upports res tric tive gun c ontrol legis lation. Regardles s of
public s tatements , c an us ually be c ounted on to vote wrong on key is s ues .

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Rand Paul on Gun Control

F: True enemy of gun owners ' rights . A c ons is tent anti- gun c andidate.
? : Refus ed to ans wer the N RA - P V F C andidate Q ues tionnaire, often an indic ation of indifferenc e, if
not outright hos tility, to gun owners ' rights .

Source: NRA website 10-NRA on Aug 11, 2010

Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty.

Paul signed Letter to Pres. Obama from 50 Senators

D ear P res ident O bama:
We write to expres s our c onc ern and regret at your dec is ion to s ign the U nited N ations ' A rms Trade Treaty.
For the following reas ons , we c annot give our advic e and c ons ent to this treaty:

1 . T he treaty violates a 2 0 0 9 red line laid down by your own adminis tration: "the rule of c ons ens us
dec is ion- making." I n A pril 2 0 1 3 , after the treaty failed to ac hieve c ons ens us , it was adopted by
majority vote in the U N G eneral A s s embly.
2 . T he treaty allows amendments by a 3 /4 majority vote. When amended, it will bec ome a s ourc e of
politic al and legal pres s ure on the U S to c omply in prac tic e with amendments it was unwilling to
ac c ept.
3 . T he treaty inc ludes only a weak, non- binding referenc e to the lawful owners hip and us e of firearms ,
and rec ognizes none of thes e ac tivities , muc h les s individual s elf- defens e, as fundamental individual
rights . I t enc ourages governments to c ollec t the identities of individual end us ers of imported
firearms at the national level, whic h would c ons titute the c ore of a national gun regis try
4 . T he State D epartment has ac knowledged that the treaty is "ambiguous ." By bec oming party to the
treaty, the U S would therefore be ac c epting c ommitments that are inherently unc lear.
5 . T he c riteria at the heart of the treaty are vague and eas ily politic ized. T hey will s teadily s ubjec t the
U S to the influenc e of internationally- defined norms , a proc es s that would impinge on our national
s overeignty.
6 . T he treaty c riteria as es tablis hed c ould hinder the U S in fulfilling its s trategic , legal, and moral
c ommitments to provide arms to key allies s uc h as Taiwan and I s rael.

We urge you to notify the treaty depository that the US does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is
therefore not bound by its obligations. As members of the Senate, we pledge to oppose the ratification of this
treaty, and we give notice that we do not regard the US as bound to uphold its object and purpose.
Source: Letter to Obama from 50 Senators 13-UNATT on Sep 25, 2013

Endorsed Liberty Candidate: no point in keeping guns you can't access.

Paul is endorsed by Congressional endorsement list

A L iberty C andidate will D efend the G reat A meric an P rinc iples of I ndividual L iberty and C ons titutional
G overnment, [s uc h as the views of] Rand P aul, Senate 2 0 1 0 c andidate from Kentuc ky, on P ers onal
L iberty: "T he Federal G overnment mus t return to its c ons titutionally enumerated powers and res tore our
inalienable rights . A meric a c an pros per, pres erve pers onal liberty, and repel national s ec urity threats
without intruding into the pers onal lives of its c itizens ."
A nd [s uc h as the views of] C hris C antwell, C ongres s 2 0 1 0 c andidate from N ew York on the 2 nd
A mendment: " 'To keep and bear A rms .' T hat means , you c an obtain them, keep them, and c arry them. T he
idea that you c an only have an unloaded gun in your c los et under loc k and key with the ammunition in a
foreign c ountry is ridic ulous . L oad your gun, put it in your hols ter, and leave the hous e. T here is no point to
keeping a gun you c annot ac c es s when you need it. I f anyone has time to go home and get their gun, they
probably didn’t need it in the firs t plac e."
Source: 2010 Cong ressional endorsement list 2010-LC-GC on Sep 1, 2010

Click here f or def init ions & background inf ormation on Gun Control.
Click here f or policy papers on Gun Control.
Click here f or a prof ile of Rand Paul.
Click here f or Rand Paul on all the issues.
Click here f or Vot eMat ch responses by Rand Paul.

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Rand Paul on Gun Control

Click here for AmericansElect responses by Rand Paul.

Other candidates on Gun Control: Rand Paul on other issues:

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Pres.Barack Obama Budget/Economy
V.P.Joe Biden Civil Rights
2016 Democratic Candidates: Corporations
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI) Crime
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY) Drugs
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD) Education
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT ) Energy/Oil
Sen.Jim Webb(VA) Environment
2016 Third Party Candidates: Families/Children
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI) Foreign Policy
Mayor Mike Bloomberg(I-NYC) Free T rade
Dr.Jill Stein(G-MA) Govt. Reform
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM) Gun Control
Robert Steele(L-NY) Health Care
2016 GOP Candidates: Homeland Security
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL) Immigration
Dr.Ben Carson(MD) Infrastructure/Technology
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ) Jobs
Sen.Ted Cruz(T X) Principles/Values
Carly Fiorina(CA) Social Security
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA) Tax Reform
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC) War/Iraq/Mideast
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR) Welfare/Poverty
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH) About Rand Paul:
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK) Profile
Gov.George Pataki(NY) AmericansElect quiz
Sen.Rand Paul(KY) MyOcracy quiz
Gov.Rick Perry(T X) Wikipedia
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL) Ballotpedia
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald T rump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)

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Page last updated: Mar 24, 2016

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