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Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy

National Directorate of Geology

Project Coordination and Implementation Unit
Republic of Mozambique




Component 2:
Geological Infrastructure Development Project
Geological Mapping - Lot 1


Sheet explanation:

1039 Muidine, 1040 Palma, 1134 Ponta Messuli, 1135 Lupilichi,

1136 Milepa, 1137 Macalange, 1138, Negomano, 1139 Mueda,
1140 Moçimboa da Praia, 1234 Metangula, 1235 Macaloge-Chiconono,
1236 Mavago, 1237 Mecula, 1238 Xixano, 1239 Meluco,
1240 Quissinga-Pemba, 1334 Meponda, 1335 Lichinga, 1336 Majune,
1337 Marrupa, 1338 Namuno, 1339 Montepuez, 1340 Mecufi,
1435 Mandimba, 1436 Cuamba, 1437 Malema, 1438 Ribáuè-Mecuburi,
1535 Insaca, 1536 Gurué, 1635 Milange, 1636 Lugela-Mocuba


January 2007
in association with

Norconsult (Mozambique) Lda




REPORT No. B6f: Appendices

Sheet explanation:
1039 Muidine, 1|040 Palma, 1134 Ponte Messuli, 1135 Lupilichi, 1136 Milepa,
1137 Macalange, 1138, Negomano, 1139 Mueda, 1140 Moçimboa da Praia, 1234
Metangula, 1235 Macaloge-Chiconono, 1236 Mavago, 1237 Mecula, 1238 Xixano,
1239 Meluco, 1240 Quissinga-Pemba, 1334 Meponda, 1335 Lichinga, 1336
Majune, 1337 Marrupa, 1338 Namuno, 1339 Montepuez, 1340 Mecufi, 1435
Mandimba, 1436 Cuamba, 1437 Malama, 1438 Ribaue-Mecuburi, 1535 Insaca,
1536 Gurué, 1635 Milange,
1636 Lugela-Mocuba

January 2007
APPENDIX 1: ANALYTICAL METHODS .....................................................1

1.1. Mineral analyses...............................................................................................1

1.1.1. Scanning Electron Microscope ..................................................................1
1.1.2. Electron Microprobe ..................................................................................1

1.2. Geochemical analyses ......................................................................................1

1.3. Geochronology..................................................................................................2
1.3.1. Preparation of zircon and monazite for U-Pb geochronology ...................2
1.3.2. U-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite, LA-ICPMS ..................................2
1.3.3. U-Pb analyses of zircon, HR-SIMS ...........................................................4
1.3.4. Re-Os analyses of sulfides, ID-NTIMS .....................................................5
1.3.5. Rb-Sr analyses of phlogopite, ID-TIMS....................................................5
1.3.6. Geochemical analyses and C, O, and Rb-Sr isotopes analyses of
carbonate rocks ..........................................................................................................5

APPENDIX 2: MINERAL ANALYSES ..........................................................7

2.1. Mineral chemical data, Ponta Messuli Complex (electron microprobe) ....7

2.2. Mineral chemical data, Nampula Complex (electron microprobe).............8

2.3. Mineral chemical data, Unango Complex (electron microprobe) .............10

2.4. Mineral chemical data, Marrupa Complex .................................................17

2.4.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................17
2.4.2. SEM - EDS ..............................................................................................19

2.5. Mineral chemical data, Xixano Complex.....................................................21

2.5.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................21
2.5.2. SEM - EDS ..............................................................................................26

2.6. Mineral chemical data, Muaquia Complex (SEM - EDS)..........................28

2.7. Mineral chemical data, M'Sawize Complex ................................................29

2.7.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................29
2.7.2. EDS - SEM ..............................................................................................29

2.8. Mineral chemical data, Lalamo Complex....................................................34

2.8.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................34
2.8.2. SEM - EDS ..............................................................................................34

2.9. Mineral chemical data, Montepuez Complex (electron microprobe) .......37

2.10. Mineral chemical data, Ocua Complex....................................................38

2.10.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................38
2.10.2. SEM - EDS ..............................................................................................44

2.11. Mineral chemical data, Txitonga Complex .............................................49

2.11.1. Electron microprobe.................................................................................49
2.11.2. SEM - EDS ..............................................................................................49

2.12. Mineral analyses from kimberlites in the Maniamba graben ...............51

APPENDIX 3: GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES .............................................54

APPENDIX 4: GEOCHRONOLOGICAL DATA ..........................................61

APPENDIX 5: TABLE OF MINERAL DEPOSITS.....................................111


1.1. Mineral analyses

1.1.1. Scanning Electron Microscope
Mineral analyses were partly obtained using a LEO 1450 VP scanning electron microscope
(SEM) equipped with an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and a single wavelength-
dispersive spectrometer (WDS) from Oxford Instruments. Major elements were analysed by
EDS. Counting times were 160 seconds live time. Analyses were performed at 10 nA sample
current and 15 kV acceleration voltage. Standardisation was made by running one mineral
standard (with more than 10 % of the element) for each element. A garnet standard (not
included in the standardisation) was run with regular intervals to survey accuracy and
precision. The EDS spectrum was calibrated with a run of cobalt standard for 200 sec. . The
total sums of the analyses varies normally within + 3 wt% oxides, in rare cases up to 5-10
wt%. The analyses are a base for mineral identification, and the better analyses also useful
for geothermobarometry.

1.1.2. Electron Microprobe

Electron microprobe analyses of mineral compositions have been performed on a Cameca
SX100 electron microprobe at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Oslo. The
accelerating voltage was 15 kV and the counting time 10 s on peak. Garnets, pyroxenes,
amphiboles and oxides were analysed at 15 nA with a focused beam, biotites with a
defocused beam (10 µm in diameter). Feldspars and scapolites were analysed with a
defocused beam (10 Pm) at 10 nA. Na, K, Cl were analysed first. Synthetic and natural
minerals and oxides were used as standards. Data reduction was done by the PAP program.

1.2. Geochemical analyses

A total of 551 samples have been analysed for major and trace elements using standard XRF-
techniques and following the analytical procedures at the Geological Survey of Norway
(Table 1 and Table 2). The instrument used for analysis is a Philips X-ray Spectrometer PW
1480 with a Rh X-ray tube. Determination of major elements is based on samples fused with
Li2B4O7 to glass beads, whereas determination of trace elements is based on pressed pellets.
The trace element analyses are done in two analytical programs (denoted trace C and trace
The reporting limits or lower limits of quantification (LOQ) are given in Table 1.
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 MgO CaO Na2O K2O MnO P2O5
% % % % % % % % % %
LOQ 0.5 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.010 0.01
Table 1: Reporting limits for XRF major elements.
The reporting limits or limits of quantification (LOQ) for the trace element analyses are
summarized in the table below (Table 2).

Mo Nb Zr Y Sr Rb U Th Pb Cr V As Sc Hf
LOQ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 10
- Ba Sb Sn Ga Zn Cu Ni Yb Co Ce La Nd W Cs Ta Pr
LOQ 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 15 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Table 2: Reporting limits XRF trace elements (all values in ppm = mg/kg)

A total of 10 sulphide-bearing samples were crushed at NGU, Trondheim, Norway,
and c. 60 gms samples were sent for analysis at ACME Analytical Laboratories Ltd,
Vancouver, Canada. ICP-ES analyses of 30 elements were performed on sample splits of 0.5
g leached in hot Agua Regia. Solubility of some elements* were limited by mineral species
present. Precious metals** (Au, Pt and Pd) were analysed by ICP-ES after a lead-collection
fire-assay fusion and digestion of the Ag dore bead (30 g samples). The analysed elements
and detection limits are listed in Table 3.

Table 3: Elements and detection limits for analysis performed at ACME

Mo Cu Pb Zn Ag Ni Co Mn* Fe* As U* Au Th* Sr Cd Sb Bi
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
1 1 3 1 0.3 1 1 2 .01 2 8 2 2 1 0.5 3 3
V* Ca* P La Cr* Mg* Ba* B* Ti* Al* Na* K* W* Au** Pt** Pd**
ppm % % ppm ppm % ppm ppm % % % % ppm ppb ppb ppb

1 .01 .001 1 1 .01 1 3 .01 .01 .01 .01 2 3 3 2

1.3. Geochronology
1.3.1. Preparation of zircon and monazite for U-Pb geochronology
Samples selected for U-Pb geochronology are washed and crushed. Zircon and monazite are
separated using classical methods of physical mineral separation, including density
separation using a water table and heavy liquid and magnetic separation using a Frantz
Isodynamic separator. Inclusion-free zircon and monazite are hand picked under alcohol with
the help of a binocular microscope. Zircon is selected in the less magnetic fractions available
for each sample (<5° 1.5A in the Frantz separator), and monazite in a magnetic fraction (15°
0.25-0.50 A). Selected zircon and monazite crystals are embedded in epoxy resin and
polished to approximately half thickness with diamond abrasive. Cathodoluminescence (CL)
images are collected for zircon and backscattered electron (BSE) images are collected for
monazite in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The CL and BSE images are used to
select the most suitable position in each crystal for analysis by laser ablation inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) or high-resolution secondary ion mass
spectrometry (HR-SIMS). Part of the LA-ICPMS data on prismatic magmatic zircons was
collected on crystals mounted on double sided tape, without any SEM imaging. These data
form part of the data set for some samples analysed in 2003, and represent the full data set
for four samples showing very large zircons (pegmatite 33312) or very small zircon (samples
33410, 33420 and 31818).

1.3.2. U-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite, LA-ICPMS

The main U-Pb data set (1150+ analyses, Appendix 4) was collected by laser ablation
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). LA-ICPMS analyses were
performed at the Geological Survey of Norway by Ø. Skår and B. Bingen, using a Finnigan
ELEMENT1 single-collector high resolution sector ICP-MS. The spectrometer is alimented by
a Finnigan 266 nm laser microsampler. The laser is operated at a frequency of 10 Hz with an
energy varying from 0.05 to 4.0 mJ. The beam energy is adjusted for every sample or
standard to obtain a 238U signal around 2x106 counts/sec. Zircon crystals are abladed with a
ca. 10-15 µm laser beam rastered over an area of ca. 45 x 65 µm over the crystal section. One
to three analyses are performed for each selected location. The aerosol is transported from
the sample chamber in He gas, and introduced in the plasma in a mixture of He and Ar gas.
The data are acquired in a time-resolved counting scanning mode for 60 sec. Masses 202Hg,

(Hg+Pb), 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb, 232Th and 238U are measured. 235U is recalculated from natural
U/235U ratio. The interference between 204Pb and 204Hg contained in the Ar gas is corrected
by monitoring 202Hg and assuming a 204Hg/202Hg ratio of 0.2293. A 60 sec gas blank analysis
is performed between each zircon analysis. The measured isotope ratios are corrected for
element- and mass-bias effects using the 1065 Ma Geostandard 91500 zircon (Wiedenbeck et
al., 1995). Analyses of the standard are performed at the start of the analytical session and at
regular intervals during the session. The analytical setting provides an intensity for the 207Pb
signal generally higher than 104 counts/sec. Analyses during which the zircon crystals break
are generally discarded. A common Pb correction is applied using the 204Pb signal. The most
consistent data reduction is obtained by using a modern (0 Ma) isotopic composition of Pb,
as given by Stacey and Kramers (1975), for the common Pb correction. This indicates that
most of the common Pb in the analysis is instrumental. For some blocks of monazite analyses
(collected on 14 Nov 2005), the isotopic composition of Pb provided by the blank
measurement was used for common Pb correction. The data reduction is performed with the
help of an in-house developed program (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Visual Basic
macros). Concentrations of U, Pb and Th are not derived from the data. Only isotope ratios
are manipulated.

Figure 1: Concordia diagram showing LA-ICPMS analyses performed during one of the
analytical sessions (30 Mars 2006) for reference zircons GJ1 and Z6412. The LA-ICPMS
average 207Pb/206Pb age is equivalent, within error, to the reference ID-TIMS age (reference
for ID-TIMS age quoted in the text).

Concordia diagrams, probability density curves and weighted mean age calculations
are generated with the ISOPLOT program (Ludwig, 2001). Mean ages are quoted at the 95%
confidence level. For most of the samples, both Neoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic,
analyses define short linear clusters intersecting the concordia curve and regressing through
the origin of the concordia diagram (0 Ma). This indicates that the analyses are generally
affected by minor instrumental U-Pb fractionation, positive and negative, relative to the
standard. For this reason, the age of a zircon population is best approximated by the average
Pb/206Pb age, rather than the 206Pb/238U age. If the analyses for one population are
statistically equivalent and concordant, a "concordia age" (Ludwig, 1998) is calculated and
selected as the best age estimate (e.g. samples 31978, 33304).

Figure 2: Concordia diagram showing LA-ICPMS analyses performed during one of the
analytical session (10 Nov. 2005) for reference monazites BB9952 and BB0109.The LA-
ICPMS average 207Pb/206Pb age is equivalent, within error, to the reference ID-TIMS age
(reference for ID-TIMS age quoted in the text).

The accuracy of the LA-ICPMS method is assessed by measurement of zircon or

monazite samples with known composition measured by ID-TIMS. At least 24 analyses of
two reference samples are performed for each one-day analytical session. Reference zircon
samples are, (i) a zircon multigrain fractions from a granite (ØS-99-14) from Mo i Rana,
Norway, with an age of 1797 ±3 Ma (Skår, 2002), (ii) zircon megacryst Z-6412 from a
pegmatite, Ontario, with an age of 1160 ±2 Ma (Geological Survey of Canada, unpublished
data, courtesy of R. Stern), (iii) a zircon megacrysts from a nepheline syenite from Seiland,
Norway, with an age of 531 ±2 Ma (Pedersen et al., 1989), and (iv) zircon megacryst GJ-1
with an age of 608.5 ±0.4 Ma (Jackson et al., 2004). Reference monazite samples are, (i) a
multigrain fraction of Th-rich monazite from a pelitic gneiss from Fosen, Norway, with an
age of 401 ±1 Ma (WJ. Davis and B. Bingen, unpublished data) and (ii) a multigrain fraction
of monazite from a sillimanite granulite from Bamble, Norway, with an age of 1137 ±2 Ma
(WJ. Davis and B. Bingen, unpublished data). The analytical session is conducted only if
results on the reference samples agree within error with the reference age. A summary of data
collected in the laboratory in 2002-2003 on reference samples is published in Bingen et al.
(2005). It indicates that the average deviation between LA-ICPMS and ID-TIMS ages is
below 0.5 %. Data for reference samples collected in 2006, also display good agreement
between LA-ICPMS data and ID-TIMS data for zircon (Figure 1) and monazite (Figure 2).

1.3.3. U-Pb analyses of zircon, HR-SIMS

High-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (HR-SIMS) U-Th-Pb analyses were
aquired in two different laboratories. Data on 7 samples (115 analyses) were collected with
the Cameca 1270 instrument at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, by B.
Bingen and M. J. Whitehouse. Data on 8 samples (200 analyses) were collected with the
SHRIMP II instrument at the Curtin University of Technology, Perth, by J. Jacobs and M.

Analyses with the Cameca 1270 instrument (labelled HR-SIMS or SIMS in the text,
figures and tables) were collected following the methods described in Whitehouse et al.
(1997; 1999). The analyses were conducted with a spot size of ca. 15 µm, and calibrated
relative to the Geostandard 91500 zircon with an age of 1065 Ma (Wiedenbeck et al., 1995).

The standard was analysed in a regular way during the analytical session. A common Pb
correction is applied using the 204Pb analysis.

Analyses with the SHRIMP II instrument (labelled SHRIMP in the text, figures and
tables) were conducted with a spot size of ca. 30 µm following a method summarized in
Nemchin and Pidgeon (1997). Absolute U and Th concentrations were estimated by
comparison with the CZ3 zircon standard (551 ppm 238U) and 206Pb/238U ratio was calibrated
with the Temora zircon standard (206Pb/238U =0.0668, 417 Ma) (Black et al., 2004). Analyses
of the standards are interspersed with those of unknown zircons. The 204Pb signal is very low,
and commonly below detection limit, for the two analytical sessions. Consequently, data
uncorrected for common Pb are reported and plotted in figures.

Concordia diagrams, probability density curves and weighted mean age calculations
are generated with the ISOPLOT program (Ludwig, 2001). Mean ages are quoted at the 95%
confidence level. If the analyses for one zircon population are statistically equivalent and
concordant, a "concordia age" (Ludwig, 1998) is regarded as the best estimate of the age of
the population. For discordant analyses or poorly clustered analyses, the preferred age is the
U/206Pb age for zircon younger that 1 Ga and the 207Pb/206Pb age for zircon older than 1

1.3.4. Re-Os analyses of sulfides, ID-NTIMS

Re-Os geochronological data were collected by isotope dilution- negative ion thermal
ionisation mass spectrometry (ID-NTIMS), by H.J. Stein and R.J. Markey at the AIRIE
Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. The data were collected on pyrite and
chalcopyrite from three samples (31852 b, 31853 a, b). Aliquots of 100 to 530 mg of sulfide
were extracted from the samples under a binocular microscope, using a chisel or a diamond-
tipped drill. Aliquots were digested in a Carius tube and were analysed by ID-NTIMS
according to procedures outlined in Stein et al. (2000), Hannah et al. (2004), and Bierlein et
al. (2006). All data are blank-corrected, and common Os is monitored for each analysis.
Uncertainty in age calculations includes propagation of all analytical errors, and the
uncertainty in the decay constant. The model age for a single aliquot is calculated by
applying the equation 187Os = 187Re (eȜt-1), where t is the age, and Ȝ is the decay constant for
Re (Smoliar et al., 1996).

1.3.5. Rb-Sr analyses of phlogopite, ID-TIMS

Rb-Sr isotopic data were preformed on phlogopite separated from kimberlite. The analyses
were acquired under the supervision of E. Barton, De Beers, Exploration Division,
Johannesburg. The data were generated in a commercial laboratory, not specified to us, using
the ID-TIMS method.

1.3.6. Geochemical analyses and C, O, and Rb-Sr isotopes analyses of carbonate rocks
Geochemical analyses and carbon, oxygen and Rb-Sr isotopes analyses of carbonate rocks of
the Montepuez area and of the Geci Group were performed under the supervision of V.
Melezhik. Most of the samples consist of homogeneous whole-rock. Part of the samples
consists of submilligram microsamples. Submilligram microsamples were acquired using an
Ulrike Medenbach microcorer, which enables core diameters from <50 Pm to several
millimetres to be obtained with a maximum drilling depth of 1 mm. The microsamples were
cored from 150 Pm thick polished sections stained by Alizarin-red.

Major and trace elements were analysed on whole-rock carbonate rocks by X-ray
fluorescence spectrometry at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Trondheim, using a
Philips PW 1480 X-ray spectrometer. The precision (1V) is typically around 2% of the major
oxide present. Acid-soluble Fe, Ca, Mg and Mn were analysed by ICP-AES at NGU using a
Thermo Jarrell Ash ICP 61 instrument. Detection limits for Fe, Mg, Ca, Mn and Sr are 5,
100, 200, 0.2 and 2 ppm, respectively. The total analytical uncertainty including element
extraction (1V) is r10% rel.

Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of whole-rock and microcore samples were
performed at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Glasgow, by A.F.
Fallick. The analyses were performed using the phosphoric acid method as modified by
Rosenbaum and Sheppard (1986) for operation at 70°C. Oxygen isotope data for dolomites
were corrected using the fractionation factor 1.0099 recommended by Rosenbaum and
Sheppard (1986). Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in carbonate constituents of the whole-
rock and microcore samples were measured on an AP 2003 or VG SIRA 10 mass
spectrometer. Analyses were calibrated against NBS 19, and precision (1V) for both isotope
ratios is better than r 0.2‰. The carbon isotope data are reported relative to V-PDB whereas
the oxygen isotope data are relative to V-SMOW.

Rb-Sr analyses of acetic acid-soluble constituent of marble whole-rock and microcore

samples were carried out at the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, by A.B. Kuznetsov and I.M. Gorokhov,
following a protocol described in Gorokhov et al. (1995). The Rb and Sr concentrations were
determined by isotope dilution on a MI 1320 20 cm radius, 90q sector, single-collector mass
spectrometer using a triple Re filament ion source. The strontium isotopic composition was
measured in static mode on a Triton or a Finnigan MAT-261 multicollector thermal
ionization mass spectrometer with Re-filaments. All 87Sr/86Sr ratios were normalised to a
Sr/88Sr of 0.1194, and measurements of the NIST SRM-987 run averaged 0.710255 r4
(2Vmean, n =9) or 0.710263 r16 (2Vmean, n =27). During the course of the study, the value
obtained for the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the USGS EN-1 standard was measured at 0.709191 r8
(2Vmean, n =6) or 0.709199 r21 (2Vmean, n =4).


2.1. Mineral chemical data, Ponta Messuli Complex (electron microprobe)

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
42760 #64 0 0.043 38.929 1.631 0.01 22.129 25.471 10.496 1.33 0 - - 100.042 Garnet core
42760 #65 0 0.024 38.984 1.664 0.027 22.282 25.935 9.907 1.515 0 - - 100.342 Garnet Grt II
42760 #66 0.002 0 39.027 1.64 0.015 21.963 25.939 10.351 1.423 0.019 - - 100.383 Garnet
42760 #75 0 0 38.582 1.501 0.01 22.093 27.513 9.126 1.611 0 - - 100.441 Garnet core
42760 #77 0.012 0.008 38.661 1.596 0.028 22.106 26.676 9.834 1.22 0.025 - - 100.173 Garnet core
42760 #78 0.005 0.113 39.11 1.626 0 22.21 26.916 10.015 1.265 0 - - 101.264 Garnet rim
42760 #81 0 0 39.448 1.325 0.015 22.053 25.317 10.812 1.502 0 - - 100.477 Garnet large, core
42760 #1 0.296 5.815 56.248 9.85 0 27.417 0.163 - 0.037 - 0 - 99.831 Plagioclase large, core
42760 #2 0.125 5.861 55.309 10.119 0 27.451 0.094 - 0.026 - 0 - 98.989 Plagioclase small
42760 #3 15.343 1.02 63.406 0.07 0.02 18.543 0 - 0 - 0.747 - 99.153 K-feldspar large, core
42760 #4 15.169 0.98 63.372 0.073 0.002 18.456 0.049 - 0.028 - 0.979 - 99.112 K-feldspar large, core
42760 #6 15.057 0.920 63.749 0.069 0.029 18.282 0.028 - 0.025 - 1.192 - 99.354 K-feldspar core
42760 #7 0.116 5.723 55.66 10.477 0 28.141 0.12 - 0 - 0.02 - 100.261 Plagioclase core
42760 #8 15.429 0.931 63.436 0 0.002 18.469 0 - 0 - 0.916 - 99.186 K-feldspar core
42760 #9 0.258 5.803 55.651 10.197 0.012 27.261 0.143 - 0 - 0 - 99.327 Plagioclase core
42760 #10 0.133 5.993 55.446 9.713 0.025 26.915 0.076 - 0.013 - 0.046 - 98.362 Plagioclase rim
42760 #11 0.113 5.853 55.823 10.085 0 27.419 0.064 - 0.013 - 0.061 - 99.436 Plagioclase rim
42760 #12 15.057 1.235 63.903 0.021 0 18.545 0.071 - 0 - 0.799 - 99.634 K-feldspar large inclusion in Crd
42760 #71 0.004 0.086 49.135 0.021 0.007 32.676 4.092 11.046 0.087 0 - - 97.159 Cordierite
42760 #80 0 0.191 49.336 0.006 0 32.836 4.121 11.194 0.084 0.025 - - 97.797 Cordierite core
42760 #79 9.872 0.105 37.104 0 3.693 15.886 12.746 15.143 0.01 0.019 - - 94.584 Biotite core
42760 #70 0.005 0 36.791 0.014 0 61.459 1.119 0.015 0.028 0 - - 99.435 Sillimanite
42760 #76 0 0.007 36.218 0.004 0.027 60.998 1.135 0.01 0.043 0.053 - - 98.498 Sillimanite
composite grain Mag +
42760 #67 0 0 0 0 0.077 0.231 90.905 0.025 0.021 0.216 - - 91.475 Magnetite Ilm
composite grain Mag +
42760 #68 0.011 0 0.006 0 46.588 0.019 50.577 1.06 0.524 0 - - 98.786 Ilmenite Ilm
composite grain Mag +
42760 #69 0.004 0.024 0 0 23.676 0.113 72.494 0.511 0.155 0.083 - - 97.063 Ilmenite Ilm
composite grain Mag +
42760 #73 0 0.009 0.002 0.013 47.924 0.013 48.485 0.849 1.076 0.073 - - 98.446 Ilmenite Ilm
composite grain Mag +
42760 #74 0 0 0.043 0 0.023 0.204 91.757 0.051 0 0.355 - - 92.435 Magnetite Ilm
42760 #1 0 0.232 0 0 0.095 59.779 24.128 9.181 0.203 0.58 - 5.387 99.584 Spinell
42760 #2 0 0.144 0.014 0 0.017 59.923 23.506 9.265 0.23 0.403 - 5.319 98.822 Spinell
2.2. Mineral chemical data, Nampula Complex (electron microprobe)
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
26840 #1 0 0 38.176 2.046 0.02 21.764 29.835 6.788 1.606 0.022 - 100.26 Garnet core
26840 #6 0 0.012 37.562 2.027 2.302 21.056 30.877 5.899 2.071 0.042 - 101.852 Garnet core
26840 #7 0 0 38.032 1.995 0.018 21.392 30.49 5.959 2.094 0.026 - 100.011 Garnet core
26840 #11 0.004 0.003 37.748 1.356 0.008 21.43 31.794 5.626 2.256 0.018 - 100.245 Garnet rim
26840 #4 0.271 8.36 61.385 5.856 0.04 23.962 0.014 0.008 0.05 0 - 99.949 Plagioclase core
26840 #5 0.314 8.399 61.01 5.844 0.007 24.262 0.057 0 0 0 - 99.897 Plagioclase core
26840 #13 0.178 8.235 60.923 6.04 0 24.542 0.162 0 0.025 0.012 - 100.12 Plagioclase core
26840 #2 9.674 0.329 37.405 0.003 5.818 15.907 11.928 14.841 0.066 0.031 - 96.006 Biotite inclusion
26840 #3 9.827 0.094 35.921 0 3.96 15.412 19.116 11.016 0.065 0.037 - 95.451 Biotite core
26840 #8 9.66 0.084 35.974 0.003 3.885 15.471 17.496 12.114 0.043 0.057 - 94.789 Biotite inclusion
26840 #9 10.033 0.085 36.047 0.032 3.873 15.79 15.888 13.318 0.063 0.096 - 95.23 Biotite inclusion
26840 #10 9.775 0.058 35.394 0 3.913 15.191 19.008 11.025 0.023 0.025 - 94.417 Biotite core
26840 #12 9.851 0.075 36.205 0.028 3.685 15.474 18.768 11.454 0.052 0.023 - 95.621 Biotite core
40696 #128 0.001 2.638 41.109 0.53 0.415 21.12 12.187 18.675 0.085 0.475 - 97.242 Amphibole core
40696 #129 0.022 2.592 41.215 0.569 0.505 21.154 11.802 18.764 0.088 0.649 - 97.366 Amphibole core
40696 #133 0.001 2.484 41.173 0.479 0.427 21.265 11.707 18.978 0.103 0.533 - 97.156 Amphibole core
40696 #141 0.016 2.51 40.974 0.508 0.545 21.158 11.746 18.708 0.123 0.634 - 96.926 Amphibole core
40696 #130 0 0.02 0 0.042 0.027 97.744 0.964 0.012 0 1.377 - 100.189 Corundum core
40696 #137 0 0 0.006 0 0.023 97.612 0.817 0.027 0.021 1.179 - 99.688 Corundum core
40696 #131 0 0.013 0.045 0 0.022 53.031 24.852 11.946 0.028 9.312 - 99.253 Spinell core
40696 #140 0.004 0 0 0.011 0.008 54.036 24.661 11.844 0.025 8.696 - 99.288 Spinell core
40696 #132 0.029 5.889 55.328 10.392 0.03 28.236 0.116 0 0.03 0.034 - 100.086 Plagioclase core
40696 #136 0.034 6.3 56.672 9.692 0 27.053 0 0 0.026 0 - 99.78 Plagioclase core
40696 #139 0.025 6.056 56.013 10.056 0.027 27.674 0.012 0 0 0 - 99.867 Plagioclase core
40696 #17 0.045 5.758 55.183 10.879 0 27.965 0.008 - 0 - 0.016 99.857 Plagioclase core
40696 #134 7.733 1.217 38.357 0.07 2.38 17.585 6.991 19.474 0.034 0.59 - 94.438 Biotite core
40696 #135 7.835 1.251 38.441 0.004 2.347 17.594 7.269 19.537 0.001 0.633 - 94.917 Biotite core
40696 #138 7.797 1.248 38.276 0.029 1.84 18.138 7.122 19.646 0.028 0.59 - 94.722 Biotite core
26882 #14 0.012 0.004 38.655 1.515 0.047 21.555 30.474 7.534 0.465 0 - 100.265 Garnet core
26882 #15 0.013 0.011 37.84 1.233 0.038 21.672 32.561 6.412 0.461 0.045 - 100.289 Garnet rim
26882 #20 0 0 38.22 1.031 0.018 21.77 30.72 7.702 0.488 0 - 99.954 Garnet core
26882 #21 0.002 0 38.255 1.342 0.03 21.555 32.234 6.544 0.537 0.018 - 100.521 Garnet rim
26882 #27 0 0.005 38.449 1.319 0.02 21.965 31.53 7.183 0.461 0.054 - 100.992 Garnet core
26882 #29 0 0 38.471 1.189 0 22.201 31.435 7.33 0.542 0.038 - 101.211 Garnet small
26882 #30 0.016 0.009 38.039 1.213 0.012 21.604 31.054 7.165 0.529 0.05 - 99.693 Garnet small
26882 #16 10.057 0.084 36.783 0.024 6.093 15.382 14.41 12.832 0 0.088 - 95.756 Biotite core, matrix
26882 #17 10.151 0.05 36.68 0.018 5.98 15.552 14.621 12.996 0.044 0.051 - 96.148 Biotite
26882 #22 10.008 0.07 36.481 0 5.493 15.752 15.979 12.144 0.019 0.115 - 96.066 Biotite rim, large
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
26882 #23 10.012 0.074 36.329 0.011 5.509 15.582 16.669 11.82 0.028 0.07 - 96.111 Biotite core, large
26882 #28 9.957 0.04 36.203 0.004 4.857 15.739 17.12 11.26 0.017 0.083 - 95.287 Biotite core
26882 #31 9.969 0.063 36.858 0.036 5.69 15.399 15.919 12.101 0.027 0.127 - 96.192 Biotite small
26882 #32 10.047 0.044 35.831 0 5.211 15.843 18.999 10.079 0.028 0.089 - 96.177 Biotite cmall
26882 #24 11.291 0.199 45.96 0 0.434 34.824 1.676 0.905 0 0.189 - 95.481 White mica small
26882 #33 11.15 0.237 45.982 0.014 0.626 34.818 1.02 0.713 0.005 0.373 - 94.94 White mica
26882 #18 0.608 8.987 63.103 4.273 0.02 22.966 0 0.013 0.008 0.009 - 99.99 Plagioclase core
26882 #19 0.384 9.072 63.04 4.515 0.017 23.134 0.03 0 0.026 0.007 - 100.229 Plagioclase rim
26882 #25 0.367 9.204 63.53 4.406 0 23.142 0.01 0 0 0.018 - 100.681 Plagioclase core
26882 #26 0.365 9.119 63.672 4.501 0.012 23.132 0.015 0 0.043 0.007 - 100.869 Plagioclase core
26882 #34 0.332 9.349 63.513 4.312 0.005 22.83 0.054 0.002 0.013 0.038 - 100.452 Plagioclase core
33362 #36 0 0.008 37.427 1.494 0 21.487 32.376 5.568 1.462 0 99.824 Garnet core
33362 #37 0.002 0 37.183 1.58 0.027 21.426 34.209 3.464 1.934 0 99.829 Garnet rim
33362 #41 0 0 36.71 1.22 0 21.061 35.376 3.353 2.072 0.022 99.818 Garnet rim
33362 #42 0.008 0 37.731 1.259 0.008 21.209 34.386 4.686 1.783 0.028 101.102 Garnet core
33362 #43 0.01 0 37.568 1.332 0.005 21.42 33.699 5.132 1.583 0 100.752 Garnet core
33362 #7 15.317 1.077 64.08 0.029 0.015 18.191 0 - 0.005 0.134 98.854 K-feldspar core
33362 #8 15.699 0.952 64.294 0 0 18.163 0 - 0 0.246 99.358 K-feldspar core
33362 #10 14.312 2.006 64.356 0.042 0 18.683 0.054 - 0 0 99.456 K-feldspar core
33362 #11 15.319 1.123 64.164 0.069 0.013 18.35 0 - 0 0.134 99.175 K-feldspar core
33362 #9 0.216 9.376 62.987 4.17 0 22.83 0.076 - 0 0.028 99.685 Plagioclase core
33362 #38 9.855 0.093 35.904 0.052 0.557 19.937 16.538 10.983 0.026 0.038 93.986 Biotite
33362 #39 9.91 0.128 35.919 0.035 0.959 19.973 16.845 10.743 0.058 0 94.574 Biotite core
33362 #40 9.888 0.104 36.426 0 1.161 19.231 16.989 11.021 0.044 0.05 94.917 Biotite core
33362 #44 9.955 0.054 35.989 0.001 0.777 19.382 16.405 10.971 0.039 0 93.578 Biotite core
2.3. Mineral chemical data, Unango Complex (electron microprobe)
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
31873 #113 0 0.001 35.401 32.766 1.128 3.433 23.651 0.181 0.586 0.051 - - - - - 97.2 Garnet core
31873 #114 0 0.011 35.474 33.236 0.976 3.896 23.109 0.186 0.469 0.064 - - - - - 97.423 Garnet rim
31873 #120 0 0.008 35.857 33.523 0.957 3.456 23.455 0.206 0.448 0.026 - - - - - 97.938 Garnet small
31873 #123 0.002 0.028 35.328 33.014 0.872 2.715 25.22 0.141 0.5 0.041 - - - - - 97.864 Garnet core
31873 #125 0.012 0.007 35.563 32.355 0.602 2.379 25.865 0.066 0.755 0.001 - - - - - 97.608 Garnet rim
31873 #115 0 1.112 51.223 22.714 0.053 1.321 12.281 10.033 0.684 0.02 - - - - - 99.446 Clinopyroxene core
31873 #116 0.024 1.131 50.864 21.862 0.043 1.336 12.818 9.768 0.634 0.025 - - - - - 98.509 Clinopyroxene rim
31873 #118 0.005 0.79 52.333 23.766 0.053 1.066 8.636 12.213 0.584 0 - - - - - 99.451 Clinopyroxene core
31873 #119 0.002 1.038 51.176 22.774 0.038 1.268 11.932 10.348 0.648 0 - - - - - 99.229 Clinopyroxene rim
31873 #122 0.006 1.471 50.389 21.89 0.103 1.772 15.465 8.552 0.492 0.015 - - - - - 100.158 Clinopyroxene core
31873 #124 0.012 1.415 50.804 21.887 0.062 1.598 14.67 8.955 0.533 0.053 - - - - - 99.993 Clinopyroxene rim
31873 #16 16.269 0.407 64.166 0 0 18.138 0.129 - 0.003 - 0.421 - - - - 99.537 K-feldspar
31873 #127 0.207 9.86 64.728 3.28 0 21.768 0.264 0.012 0.032 0.009 - - - - - 100.164 Plagioclase core
31873 #117 0.089 9.62 64.395 3.46 0.005 22.244 0.096 0 0.019 0 - - - - - 99.933 Plagioclase rim
31873 #121 0.272 9.643 64.6 3.011 0 22.108 0.143 0 0 0.02 - - - - - 99.802 Plagioclase core
31873 #126 0 0.022 30.264 28.582 34.506 1.36 3.757 0 0.052 0 - - - - - 98.545 Titanite core
42758 #1 0 0.026 37.985 8.653 0.068 21.065 25.723 5.211 1.356 0 - - - - - 100.091 Garnet core
42758 #2 0.007 0.001 37.915 7.136 0.048 20.646 28.216 4.215 2.081 0.019 - - - - - 100.288 Garnet rim
42758 #5 0 0.019 37.936 6.934 0.075 20.801 28.142 4.643 1.85 0 - - - - - 100.403 Garnet core
42758 #6 0.01 0.003 38.026 6.978 0.063 20.787 28.474 4.197 2.213 0.025 - - - - - 100.778 Garnet rim
42758 #15 0.001 0.032 38.109 6.855 0.073 20.971 27.495 5.433 1.609 0.004 - - - - - 100.586 Garnet core
42758 #16 0 0.04 37.936 7.14 0.038 20.704 28.224 4.548 2.044 0.009 - - - - - 100.687 Garnet rim
42758 #3 0.001 0.333 51.191 22.142 0.175 2.037 11.351 12.29 0.305 0 - - - - - 99.83 Clinopyroxene rim
42758 #4 0.002 0.536 50.147 21.875 0.28 2.885 12.523 11.102 0.32 0.029 - - - - - 99.704 Clinopyroxene core
42758 #7 0.004 0.437 50.474 22.08 0.219 2.481 12.121 11.514 0.358 0 - - - - - 99.691 Clinopyroxene core
42758 #8 0 0.524 50.474 21.315 0.205 2.275 12.744 11.852 0.322 0 - - - - - 99.715 Clinopyroxene rim
42758 #17 0.007 0.48 50.904 21.712 0.275 2.583 12.583 11.204 0.39 0.022 - - - - - 100.164 Clinopyroxene core
42758 #20 0.012 0.419 51.088 21.896 0.232 2.543 12.53 11.358 0.359 0 - - - - - 100.442 Clinopyroxene core
42758 #21 0.017 0.324 51.486 22.153 0.21 2.014 11.986 11.81 0.315 0.034 - - - - - 100.353 Clinopyroxene rim
42758 #9 0.011 0.015 49.721 0.606 0.055 1.428 29.289 16.939 0.633 0.045 - - - - - 98.748 Orthopyroxene core
42758 #10 0.002 0.065 50.357 0.581 0.035 1.139 29.576 17.13 0.637 0 - - - - - 99.526 Orthopyroxene core
42758 #18 0 0.011 50.106 0.694 0.067 1.366 30.959 15.803 0.746 0 - - - - - 99.756 Orthopyroxene
42758 #22 0 0.018 50.166 0.683 0.053 1.171 29.532 16.456 0.748 0 - - - - - 98.833 Orthopyroxene rim
42758 #23 0.018 0.008 49.999 0.637 0.063 1.307 29.922 16.513 0.706 0.004 - - - - - 99.183 Orthopyroxene core
42758 #11 0.347 5.718 55.917 10.046 0.01 27.497 0.248 0.007 0 0 - - - - - 99.793 Plagioclase rim
42758 #19 0.287 5.775 56.135 9.773 0 27.27 0.14 0 0.025 0 - - - - - 99.407 Plagioclase core
42758 #12 1.164 1.48 42.05 11.42 1.833 11.852 17.496 10.074 0.187 0 - - - - - 97.562 Amphibole core
42758 #27 1.02 1.508 42.272 11.459 1.813 11.306 18.35 9.554 0.148 0.032 - - - - - 97.468 Amphibole core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
42758 #13 0 0.009 0.028 0 1.088 0.782 90.945 0.083 0.025 0.041 - - - - - 93.002 Magnetite
42758 #14 0.001 0 0 0 52.436 0.011 45.005 0.814 1.537 0 - - - - - 99.806 Ilmenite exsolution in Mag
42758 #24 0.013 0 0.034 0.007 47.975 0.04 49.658 0.96 0.479 0.01 - - - - - 99.18 Ilmenite
42758 #25 0.005 0 0.036 0.008 51.231 0 46.875 0.937 0.544 0.013 - - - - - 99.653 Ilmenite
42758 #26 0 0 0.024 0 0.861 0.693 91.029 0.05 0.067 0 - - - - - 92.724 Magnetite exsolution in Ilm
22781 #4 0.007 0.073 0.026 0.022 52.93 0.002 45.243 0.739 0.186 0.026 - - - - - 99.255 Ilmenite
22781 #5 0.017 0 0 0.017 52.711 0.043 46.304 0.688 0.214 0.083 - - - - - 100.079 Ilmenite
22781 #10 0 0 38.653 1.571 0.025 21.908 31.754 6.976 0.795 0.06 - - - - - 101.746 Garnet core
22781 #11 0 0.019 38.304 1.464 0.01 21.611 31.595 6.772 0.909 0.053 - - - - - 100.739 Garnet core
22781 #12 0 0 38.302 1.347 0.025 21.844 32.585 6.314 0.823 0.037 - - - - - 101.28 Garnet core
22781 #13 0.008 0.016 38.255 1.305 0.048 21.795 32.418 6.352 0.817 0.032 - - - - - 101.05 Garnet core
22781 #14 0.011 0 38.248 1.293 0.047 21.796 34.328 5.266 0.891 0.053 - - - - - 101.936 Garnet rim
22781 #1 0.018 0.012 38.22 1.283 0.033 21.681 33.576 5.162 0.908 0.02 - - - - - 100.918 Garnet rim
22781 #6 0.022 0.003 37.455 1.235 0.022 21.534 33.886 5.16 0.837 0.029 - - - - - 100.186 Garnet rim
22781 #1 0.008 0.066 37.805 1.301 0.017 21.81 33.298 6.047 0.861 0.026 - - - - - 101.244 Garnet rim
22781 #2 0 0 38.456 1.377 0.018 21.67 31.548 7.068 0.755 0.019 - - - - - 100.915 Garnet core
22781 #3 0.016 0.013 38.032 1.45 0.002 21.53 32.482 6.123 0.829 0.054 - - - - - 100.535 Garnet rim
22781 #6 0.006 0 38.394 1.494 0.073 21.607 31.655 6.629 0.779 0.061 - - - - - 100.702 Garnet rim
22781 #7 0 0.001 37.887 1.529 0.012 21.71 31.653 6.785 0.726 0.041 - - - - - 100.346 Garnet core
22781 #8 0.03 0.028 38.18 1.28 0.003 21.519 33.719 5.414 0.883 0.042 - - - - - 101.102 Garnet rim
22781 #1 0.249 7.368 59.322 7.171 0.01 24.997 0.031 - 0 - 0 - - - - 99.152 Plagioclase core
22781 #2 0.204 7.187 59.166 7.393 0 25.613 0.112 - 0 - 0.083 - - - - 99.761 Plagioclase rim
22781 #3 0.22 7.379 59.423 7.369 0 25.415 0.068 - 0.023 - 0.15 - - - - 100.05 Plagioclase core
22781 #4 0.23 7.29 59.402 7.372 0 25.524 0.269 - 0 - 0 - - - - 100.091 Plagioclase rim
22781 #5 14.706 1.476 63.744 0.083 0 18.414 0 - 0.022 - 0.471 - - - - 98.919 K-feldspar core
22781 #6 14.701 1.562 63.883 0.046 0 18.256 0 - 0 - 0.443 - - - - 98.894 K-feldspar rim
22781 #7 14.369 1.595 64.262 0.175 0.022 18.762 0.013 - 0 - 0.516 - - - - 99.717 K-feldspar core
22781 #2 10.025 0.088 36.46 0.013 5.433 17.211 14.481 12.192 0.025 0.146 - - - - - 96.076 Biotite
22781 #3 10.05 0.086 36.167 0 5.458 17.028 15.431 12.24 0.005 0.118 - - - - - 96.587 Biotite core
22781 #7 10.124 0.08 36.488 0.011 5.301 17.441 14.34 12.744 0.019 0.114 - - - - - 96.668 Biotite
22781 #4 9.949 0.084 36.148 0.02 4.766 17.024 13.686 13.207 0.032 0.057 - - - - - 94.975 Biotite core
22781 #5 10.163 0.1 36.52 0.028 5.111 17.045 14.087 13.134 0.026 0.058 - - - - - 96.275 Biotite core
22774 #75 0 0.032 37.739 6.391 0.023 21.558 26.57 4.989 2.371 0 - - - - - 99.677 Garnet core
22774 #76 0.011 0.018 37.611 6.768 0.023 21.082 27.518 3.918 2.499 0.016 - - - - - 99.467 Garnet rim
22774 #80 0.017 0.015 37.968 6.738 0.05 21.396 26.363 4.644 2.363 0 - - - - - 99.557 Garnet core
22774 #6 16.526 0.253 63.905 0.039 0 18.292 0.117 - 0.057 - 0.218 - - - - 99.411 K-feldspar small
22774 #7 0.384 7.642 60.268 6.573 0 24.665 0 - 0.003 - 0.151 - - - - 99.689 Plagioclase matrix, core
22774 #8 16.598 0.205 63.918 0.05 0 18.148 0.099 - 0 - 0.335 - - - - 99.356 K-feldspar small
22774 #78 0.555 7.133 58.826 7.294 0.002 24.944 0.371 0.008 0.034 0 - - - - - 99.17 Plagioclase small
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
22774 #79 0.55 7.602 60.882 6.166 0 24.122 0.108 0.022 0.023 0.009 - - - - - 99.488 Plagioclase large
22774 #77 10.05 0.075 36.971 0.008 5.508 13.621 15.592 13.009 0.111 0.05 - - - - - 95.001 Biotite core
22774 #81 9.799 0.049 36.907 0.034 5.513 13.88 15.893 12.896 0.044 0.077 - - - - - 95.097 Biotite core
22774 #82 0 0 0.013 0.003 52.344 0.006 45.016 0.401 0.829 0.022 - - - - - 98.635 Ilmenite core
22774 #83 0 0.034 0 0 52.222 0.002 45.104 0.478 0.677 0.018 - - - - - 98.535 Ilmenite
37219 #83 0.01 0.036 37.536 9.638 0.037 20.207 28.826 2.068 2.39 0 - - - - - 100.751 Garnet core
37219 #87 0.004 0.028 37.692 9.162 0.018 20.71 28.506 2.109 2.453 0.012 - - - - - 100.697 Garnet core
37219 #88 0 0.04 37.106 9.397 0.072 20.164 28.084 1.986 2.652 0.009 - - - - - 99.513 Garnet rim
37219 #91 0.006 0.038 37.371 9.573 0.045 20.151 28.719 2.119 2.283 0.001 - - - - - 100.31 Garnet core
37219 #85 0.005 1.324 49.242 20.078 0.337 3.851 17.298 7.262 0.383 0 - - - - - 99.784 Clinopyroxene core
37219 #90 0.018 1.12 50.239 20.655 0.22 2.915 17.088 7.518 0.373 0 - - - - - 100.151 Clinopyroxene core
37219 #84 1.913 1.535 39.827 11.3 2.157 11.662 23.064 5.878 0.23 0.042 - - - - - 97.611 Amphibole core
37219 #89 1.935 1.647 39.35 11.223 1.995 11.985 23.653 5.719 0.258 0.006 - - - - - 97.774 Amphibole core
37219 #3 0.153 9.054 62.758 4.862 0 23.238 0.076 - 0 - 0.017 - - - - 100.161 Plagioclase core
37219 #4 14.987 1.15 63.907 0 0.002 18.571 0 - 0 - 1.181 - - - - 99.802 K-feldspar core
37219 #5 15.245 1.065 63.177 0 0.005 18.711 0.062 - 0.025 - 1.137 - - - - 99.43 K-feldspar core
37219 #6 0.231 8.991 62.698 4.525 0 22.652 0.021 - 0 - 0 - - - - 99.121 Plagioclase core
37219 #92 0.181 9.229 62.989 4.598 0.008 23.217 0.089 0 0.022 0 - - - - - 100.337 Plagioclase core
37219 #86 0.001 0.004 0.009 0.015 49.672 0.03 48.54 0.242 0.793 0.001 - - - - - 99.31 Ilmenite
35220 #149 0.016 0 38.595 6.587 0.015 21.364 25.611 6.538 1.247 0.02 - - - - - 99.997 Garnet
35220 #151 0.007 0.04 38.629 5.973 0.037 21.343 26.537 6.796 1.262 0.019 - - - - - 100.647 Garnet
35220 #161 0.004 0.02 38.375 6.112 0.015 21.394 26.635 6.508 1.369 0 - - - - - 100.434 Garnet
35220 #154 0 0.018 52.019 0.355 0.047 1.173 23.609 21.505 0.467 0.006 - - - - - 99.206 Orthopyroxene large
35220 #157 0 0 52.361 0.414 0.038 1.073 23.555 21.074 0.55 0 - - - - - 99.071 Orthopyroxene large
35220 #160 0.018 0.005 52.027 0.371 0.065 1.124 24.348 20.563 0.514 0.019 - - - - - 99.061 Orthopyroxene small
35220 #153 0.002 1.351 52.517 21.346 0.16 2.328 8.712 12.906 0.097 0.029 - - - - - 99.453 Clinopyroxene large
35220 #158 0.018 1.316 50.808 21.311 0.209 4.826 8.806 11.671 0.148 0 - - - - - 99.116 Clinopyroxene small
35220 #155 0.489 7.848 60.465 6.016 0.073 23.948 0.158 0.007 0.041 0.032 - - - - - 99.082 Plagioclase
35220 #156 0.513 7.906 61.199 5.987 0.012 24.054 0.076 0.013 0.008 0.037 - - - - - 99.808 Plagioclase
35220 #159 0.366 8.167 61.618 5.556 0.005 23.707 0.078 0 0.026 0.016 - - - - - 99.543 Plagioclase
35220 #150 9.934 0.019 36.982 0.017 4.857 14.201 14.239 14.908 0.048 0.028 - - - - - 95.237 Biotite
35220 #152 10.034 0.026 36.597 0.022 4.926 14.12 14.734 14.273 0.032 0.013 - - - - - 94.781 Biotite
35220 #162 10.055 0 36.77 0.003 4.652 14.159 14.298 15.146 0.035 0.028 - - - - - 95.15 Biotite
31228 #99 0 0.018 38.069 1.413 0.017 21.823 30.812 7.342 0.66 0.004 - - - - - 100.161 Garnet core
31228 #100 0 0 37.842 1.429 0 21.834 30.832 7.262 0.686 0.004 - - - - - 99.893 Garnet rim
31228 #106 0 0 37.979 1.617 0.042 21.613 30.635 7.193 0.586 0.025 - - - - - 99.693 Garnet core
31228 #107 0 0 38.081 1.438 0.035 21.647 30.661 7.093 0.708 0.025 - - - - - 99.692 Garnet rim
31228 #101 9.12 0.128 36.768 0.006 5.159 16.145 13.967 12.31 0 0.105 - - - - - 93.711 Biotite
31228 #102 9.538 0.133 36.267 0.022 5.263 16.361 14.527 12.348 0 0.082 - - - - - 94.545 Biotite
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
31228 #108 9.755 0.105 35.953 0 5.423 16.447 15.164 12.522 0.022 0.069 - - - - - 95.464 Biotite
31228 #103 0.019 0.07 36.856 0 0 62.291 0.25 0.007 0 0.088 - - - - - 99.583 Al-silicate
31228 #109 0.002 0.013 36.708 0.025 0.005 62.179 0.234 0.012 0.012 0.057 - - - - - 99.251 Al-silicate
31228 #104 0 0 0.002 0.021 53.225 0.021 44.048 1.839 0.183 0.057 - - - - - 99.398 Ilmenite
31228 #105 0.073 0.116 16.903 0.169 75.875 1.151 1.73 0 0.017 0.057 - - - - - 96.094 oxide alteration(?) rim
31228 #110 0.005 0.013 0 0.001 53.106 0.008 44.336 1.723 0.156 0.054 - - - - - 99.404 Ilmenite
EDS: possibly Nb
31228 #111 0.004 0.009 0 0.014 98.133 0.015 0.104 0 0.005 0.152 - - - - - 98.438 Rutile (very small peak)
31807 #19 0.014 12.926 53.416 0.845 0.654 4.606 24.287 0.653 0.088 0 - - - - - 97.492 Aegirine
31807 #20 0.002 11.943 53.955 2.558 0.244 5.368 22.124 1.373 0.115 0 - - - - - 97.684 Aegirine
31807 #21 0.008 11.908 53.955 3.021 0.279 4.877 22.461 1.509 0.169 0.01 - - - - - 98.2 Aegirine
31807 #22 0 13.134 54.34 1.185 0.459 7.65 20.53 0.764 0.132 0 - - - - - 98.198 Aegirine short prism
31807 #23 0.005 13.42 54.494 0.628 0.424 5.821 23.31 0.522 0.101 0.001 - - - - - 98.729 Aegirine short prism
31807 #24 0 11.928 53.743 2.972 0.294 5.215 22.113 1.607 0.314 0.004 - - - - - 98.193 Aegirine elongated prism
31807 #25 0 13.493 54.062 0.651 0.45 5.734 23.397 0.499 0.079 0.006 - - - - - 98.376 Aegirine fine aggregate
31807 #26 0 12.172 53.934 2.611 0.337 5.908 21.43 1.464 0.164 0.001 - - - - - 98.025 Aegirine
31807 #8 0.073 11.787 68.703 0 0 19.234 0.071 - 0.023 - 0.073 - - - - 99.968 Albite
31807 #9 15.172 1.303 65.105 0 0 18.469 0.162 - 0 - 0.006 - - - - 100.221 K-feldspar
31807 #10 15.322 1.185 65.586 0 0.002 18.537 0.068 - 0.045 - 0.357 - - - - 101.107 K-feldspar
31807 #11 14.854 1.684 64.872 0.015 0.005 18.316 0.188 - 0 - 0.374 - - - - 100.312 K-feldspar
31807 #12 0.108 11.77 68.53 0.022 0 19.325 0.165 - 0.023 - 0.078 - - - - 100.026 Albite
31807 #13 0.105 11.747 68.136 0.022 0 19.28 0.149 - 0 - 0 - - - - 99.444 Albite
33512 #9 0.011 0.044 36.539 3.012 0.018 21.241 30.128 5.4 2.075 0.031 - - - - - 98.503 Garnet core
33512 #10 0 0.081 36.879 2.969 0 21.379 30.59 5.317 2.014 0.028 - - - - - 99.261 Garnet core
33512 #11 0.006 0.04 36.796 3.267 0.02 21.226 30.158 5.314 1.902 0.026 - - - - - 98.759 Garnet rim
33512 #12 0.008 0.031 37.326 2.864 0.013 21.454 30.77 5.382 1.96 0.035 - - - - - 99.848 Garnet rim
33512 #15 0 0.05 37.361 2.887 0.038 21.385 30.622 5.235 1.932 0.058 - - - - - 99.571 Garnet rim
33512 #13 0.002 0 50.395 0.309 0.127 1.821 28.526 17.707 0.617 0 - - - - - 99.51 Orthopyroxene
33512 #14 0.004 0.005 51.011 0.217 0.13 1.714 27.559 18.711 0.516 0.08 - - - - - 99.954 Orthopyroxene
33512 #16 0 0.028 50.027 0.385 0.128 2.041 29.592 16.597 0.702 0.001 - - - - - 99.507 Orthopyroxene
33512 #17 0.002 0.036 50.074 0.253 0.067 1.563 30.098 16.846 0.637 0.029 - - - - - 99.61 Orthopyroxene
33512 #18 0 0 49.48 0.295 0.123 1.795 30.298 16.684 0.546 0.051 - - - - - 99.276 Orthopyroxene
33512 #1 0 0.001 49.405 0.236 0.053 1.808 30.69 16.16 0.63 0.009 - - - - - 98.997 Orthopyroxene
33512 #2 0.01 0 49.349 0.214 0.088 2.052 30.985 16.312 0.62 0 - - - - - 99.635 Orthopyroxene
33512 #3 0 0 48.808 0.228 0.088 1.755 30.048 16.309 0.646 0.058 - - - - - 97.946 Orthopyroxene
33512 #4 0.01 0.051 49.139 0.252 0.062 1.663 30.562 15.811 0.618 0.016 - - - - - 98.188 Orthopyroxene
33512 #7 0 0.026 49.798 0.169 0.13 1.923 31.049 15.922 0.7 0 - - - - - 99.723 Orthopyroxene
33512 #8 * 0.680 7.342 60.210 6.650 0.023 24.718 0.067 - 0.062 - 0.050 - - - - 99.806 Plagioclase
33512 #9 0.641 7.275 60.349 6.845 0 24.804 0.008 - 0 - 0 - - - - 99.925 Plagioclase
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33512 #10 0.588 7.137 59.635 7.092 0.02 25.205 0.246 - 0.008 - 0.06 - - - - 99.994 Plagioclase
33512 #11 0.532 7.671 60.548 6.52 0.003 24.423 0.033 - 0.052 - 0.092 - - - - 99.879 Plagioclase
33512 #12 16.108 0.435 64.016 0.062 0.022 18.541 0.014 - 0 - 0.871 - - - - 100.073 K-feldspar
33512 #13 16.212 0.423 64.074 0.036 0 18.52 0.053 - 0 - 0.749 - - - - 100.071 K-feldspar
33512 #14 0.484 7.588 61.015 6.295 0.007 24.379 0.1 - 0.041 - 0.076 - - - - 99.988 Plagioclase
33512 #19 0.601 6.989 59.78 7.516 0 25.411 0.244 0.002 0.036 0.023 - - - - - 100.606 Plagioclase
33512 #20 9.956 0.011 36.453 0.048 4.73 14.411 15.155 13.833 0.056 0.149 - - - - - 94.805 Biotite
33512 #21 9.821 0 35.987 0 6.377 14.037 19.36 10.696 0.09 0.123 - - - - - 96.494 Biotite
33512 #22 10.021 0.044 36.004 0.028 6.482 13.938 18.828 10.739 0.118 0.091 - - - - - 96.297 Biotite
33512 #5 9.711 0.061 35.546 0.039 6.392 14.067 20.009 10.046 0.028 0.088 - - - - - 95.991 Biotite
33512 #6 9.821 0.077 35.403 0.034 6.777 13.978 19.504 10.144 0.111 0.096 - - - - - 95.949 Biotite
33512 #23 0.006 0.009 0.021 0.013 0 0 78.873 0 0 0 - - - - - 78.923 Pyrite
31318 #28 0 0 38.569 8.027 0.013 22.07 24.302 6.835 0.758 0.006 - - - - - 100.584 Garnet core
31318 #29 0.001 0.008 38.599 7.549 0.028 21.594 25.016 6.82 0.772 0 - - - - - 100.391 Garnet rim
31318 #34 0.007 0.013 38.971 8.335 0.027 21.821 24.218 6.755 0.739 0.05 - - - - - 100.939 Garnet core
31318 #38 0.007 0.015 39.337 9.605 0.057 22.174 23.207 6.672 0.678 0.015 - - - - - 101.771 Garnet core
31318 #39 0.004 0.024 39.123 9.572 0.015 21.934 23.006 6.602 0.586 0.009 - - - - - 100.88 Garnet core
31318 #40 0 0 39.401 8.287 0 21.751 23.989 7.143 0.68 0.069 - - - - - 101.325 Garnet rim
31318 #41 0 0.018 38.993 8.364 0.03 21.847 24.392 6.974 0.713 0.039 - - - - - 101.374 Garnet rim
31318 #45 0.001 0.035 38.92 10.029 0.027 21.651 23.379 6.117 0.644 0.018 - - - - - 100.824 Garnet core
31318 #51 0.012 0 39.303 8.953 0.017 21.855 24.031 6.81 0.622 0.023 - - - - - 101.631 Garnet core
31318 #30 0.01 0.844 51.861 22.528 0.282 3.186 8.088 13.394 0.107 0.035 - - - - - 100.337 Clinopyroxene rim
31318 #31 0.008 1.262 50.519 21.689 0.444 5.733 8.691 11.696 0.048 0.139 - - - - - 100.233 Clinopyroxene core
31318 #35 0.006 1.502 50.372 21.196 0.422 6.014 8.716 11.406 0.067 0.365 - - - - - 100.07 Clinopyroxene core
31318 #42 0.005 1.282 51.428 21.647 0.335 4.537 8.192 12.424 0.075 0.038 - - - - - 99.967 Clinopyroxene core
31318 #43 0.013 0.873 51.863 22.286 0.209 3.048 8.19 13.349 0.09 0.025 - - - - - 99.951 Clinopyroxene rim
31318 #46 0 1.241 50.71 21.865 0.405 5.12 8.767 11.91 0.087 0.02 - - - - - 100.131 Clinopyroxene core
31318 #47 0 0.771 50.973 22.678 0.319 3.32 9.036 12.868 0.119 0.034 - - - - - 100.121 Clinopyroxene rim
31318 #32 0.499 1.809 42.846 11.391 1.735 12.128 13.934 12.18 0.067 0 - - - - - 96.593 Amphibole
31318 #33 0.401 1.717 43.838 11.591 1.45 11.89 14.034 12.532 0.102 0.054 - - - - - 97.614 Amphibole
31318 #48 0.467 1.853 43.297 11.521 1.723 11.779 14.567 11.812 0.092 0.041 - - - - - 97.156 Amphibole
31318 #49 0.497 1.898 43.053 11.5 1.835 12.175 13.934 12.261 0.09 0.057 - - - - - 97.305 Amphibole
31318 #36 0.173 8.356 62.157 5.716 0 23.843 0.157 0 0.009 0 - - - - - 100.415 Plagioclase core
31318 #44 0.194 8.422 61.834 5.681 0 23.461 0.13 0.002 0 0.004 - - - - - 99.731 Plagioclase core
31318 #50 0 0.013 0.024 0 53.113 0.382 43.525 2.412 0.302 0.042 - - - - - 99.817 Ilmenite
31318 #25 0.118 4.687 47.770 16.056 0.017 25.161 0.166 0.094 0.079 - - 0.463 2.126 - - 96.636 Scapolite
31318 #26 0.111 4.314 47.483 16.032 0.000 25.010 0.243 0.052 0.020 - - 0.473 1.975 - - 95.61 Scapolite
31810 #9 1.743 8.593 53.035 1.055 0.794 2.08 16.197 12.945 0.398 0.018 - - - - - 96.861 Amphibole large
31810 #10 1.81 8.659 52.789 1.047 0.802 2.201 16.536 12.464 0.469 0.018 - - - - - 96.799 Amphibole
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
31810 #11 0.028 13.211 52.994 0.532 1.029 2.519 26.346 0.728 0.168 0.016 - - - - - 97.574 Aegirine
31810 #12 1.742 8.613 52.911 1.072 0.946 2.303 16.379 12.704 0.464 0.028 - - - - - 97.166 Amphibole
31810 #13 0.007 13.079 53.159 0.87 0.797 1.542 27.766 0.778 0.164 0.02 - - - - - 98.187 Aegirine small
31810 #14 1.706 8.557 53.217 1.077 0.872 2.167 16.107 12.575 0.511 0 - - - - - 96.794 Amphibole large
31810 #15 1.373 8.847 53.324 1.174 0.816 2.237 16.064 12.779 0.462 0.023 - - - - - 97.104 Amphibole large
31810 #16 1.22 8.75 53.125 1.224 0.812 2.152 16.256 12.848 0.435 0.032 - - - - - 96.86 Amphibole small
31810 #18 1.209 8.932 55.057 1.023 0.415 1.066 14.603 14.168 0.476 0.063 - - - - - 97.016 Amphibole
31810 #17 9.831 0.136 38.627 0 4.35 10.749 19.446 12.648 0.347 0 - - - - - 96.139 Biotite
31810 #5 0.134 12.07 68.864 0 0 19.134 0.178 - 0 - 0 - - - - 100.382 Albite
31810 #6 0.283 11.685 66.776 1.672 0 18.711 0.078 - 0.159 - 0.1 - - - - 99.468 Albite
31810 #7 0.149 11.873 68.782 0.036 0.007 19.304 0.078 - 0 - 0.045 - - - - 100.279 Albite
31810 #1 - - 0 - 48.684 - 0.202 - 0.231 - - 0 - 3.74 38.957 90.242 Apatite EDS: contains REE
31810 #2 - - 0 - 48.589 - 0.144 - 0.256 - - 0 - 5.27 38.788 90.829 Apatite EDS: contains REE
31810 #3 - - 0 - 48.877 - 0.023 - 0.067 - - 0.005 - 3.675 39.331 90.433 Apatite EDS: contains REE
31825 #1 0.01 0 38.509 10.323 0.033 21.819 24.152 4.727 0.533 0 - - - - - 100.11 Garnet small
31825 #8 0.001 0 38.447 10.221 0.035 21.555 25.12 4.689 0.599 0.054 - - - - - 100.724 Garnet core
31825 #13 0 0 38.683 6.545 0.015 21.668 27.8 5.419 0.826 0.023 - - - - - 100.982 Garnet small
31825 #2 0.408 7.562 60.058 6.877 0.022 25.18 0.131 0 0.012 0.06 - - - - - 100.314 Plagioclase corona
31825 #15 0.391 7.327 59.254 7.098 0.028 25.294 0.194 0 0 0 - - - - - 99.592 Plagioclase corona
31825 #3 0.001 1.227 51.929 21.266 0.224 3.367 9.535 12.316 0.09 0.098 - - - - - 100.058 Clinopyroxene
31825 #9 0.008 0.883 51.57 21.851 0.202 2.694 10.053 12.193 0.155 0.072 - - - - - 99.685 Clinopyroxene
31825 #14 0.017 0.749 52.194 22.02 0.182 2.534 9.975 12.648 0.167 0.029 - - - - - 100.52 Clinopyroxene
31825 #4 1.329 1.736 43.068 11.248 1.987 10.9 15.878 11.291 0.102 0.035 - - - - - 97.578 Amphibole
31825 #10 1.238 1.673 43.468 11.305 1.983 10.768 15.653 11.452 0.098 0.018 - - - - - 97.661 Amphibole
31825 #5 9.832 0.036 37.273 0.003 5.478 13.557 17.501 12.877 0.058 0.006 - - - - - 96.625 Biotite
31825 #6 9.649 0.042 36.597 0.052 5.429 13.645 17.34 12.714 0 0.051 - - - - - 95.524 Biotite
31825 #11 9.798 0.042 36.958 0.076 5.473 13.825 17.274 12.636 0.014 0.054 - - - - - 96.153 Biotite
31825 #7 0.007 0 0 0.013 50.097 0.028 48.648 0.696 0.26 0 - - - - - 99.752 Ilmenite
31825 #12 0.005 0 0.026 0.014 49.67 0.036 48.379 0.478 0.306 0.092 - - - - - 99.007 Ilmenite
31833 #16 0 0.563 51.174 23.016 0.624 3.664 6.941 13.666 0.199 0.118 - - - - - 99.969 Clinopyroxene
31833 #21 0.006 0.569 51.386 23.235 0.607 3.537 7.009 13.807 0.212 0.092 - - - - - 100.463 Clinopyroxene
31833 #17 0.005 0 52.969 0.36 0.125 2.084 18.573 25.108 0.421 0.022 - - - - - 99.673 Orthopyroxene
31833 #23 0 0.005 53.324 0.448 0.125 2.092 19.028 24.665 0.412 0.038 - - - - - 100.142 Orthopyroxene
31833 #24 0 0.028 53.236 0.539 0.117 2.162 18.977 25.058 0.445 0 - - - - - 100.568 Orthopyroxene
31833 #18 0.024 3.569 50.637 14.286 0 31 0.095 0 0 0 - - - - - 99.614 Plagioclase
31833 #22 0.036 2.773 49.105 15.534 0.032 32.149 0.059 0 0.008 0 - - - - - 99.698 Plagioclase
31833 #19 0.806 2.228 42.298 11.955 3.091 12.049 11.563 13.059 0.087 0.202 - - - - - 97.341 Amphibole
31833 #20 0.756 2.1 42.356 11.922 2.884 12.323 11.048 13.12 0.116 0.178 - - - - - 96.809 Amphibole
31840 #209 0.02 0.001 37.241 3.48 0.015 20.308 32.397 2.918 3.313 0.022 - - - - - 99.719 Garnet
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
31840 #212 0.01 0.001 37.114 4.617 0 20.759 31.339 2.714 3.64 0.032 - - - - - 100.229 Garnet
31840 #210 9.09 0.058 35.938 0.095 5.523 13.179 22.461 8.804 0.102 0 - - - - - 95.254 Biotite
31840 #213 9.236 0.061 35.979 0.014 5.154 13.345 21.757 9.507 0.017 0 - - - - - 95.073 Biotite
31840 #211 0 1.115 51.694 20.063 0.053 1.204 15.178 9.733 0.4 0.041 - - - - - 99.484 Clinopyroxene
31840 #214 0.023 1.188 50.519 19.689 0.147 2.373 14.895 9.214 0.398 0 - - - - - 98.45 Clinopyroxene
31840 #216 0.027 1.02 50.355 20.497 0.158 2.377 15.016 9.388 0.519 0.076 - - - - - 99.436 Clinopyroxene
31840 #217 0 0.019 0.03 0.014 51.225 0 45.886 0.201 1.329 0 - - - - - 98.705 Ilmenite
31840 #218 0 0 0.011 0.015 49.542 0.032 47.281 0.209 0.922 0.045 - - - - - 98.058 Ilmenite
31840 #18 8.681 5.494 66.003 0.578 0.017 19.191 0.087 - 0.023 - 0.456 - - - - 100.535 perthite R
31840 #19 14.176 1.427 63.398 0.032 0.02 18.242 0.053 - 0.003 - 0.932 - - - - 98.287 perthite R
31840 #20 13.749 1.651 62.85 0.043 0.402 18.029 0.399 - 0.01 - 0.881 - - - - 98.018 perthite R
31840 #21 0.171 9.227 62.715 3.989 0 22.407 0.039 - 0.028 - 0.02 - - - - 98.599 Plagioclase
31840 #215 0.145 10.065 65.131 3.053 0 21.914 0.273 0.041 0 0.013 - - - - - 100.638 Plagioclase
40406 #135 0.013 0 38.33 6.229 0.025 21.536 28.797 5.089 1.103 0.029 - - - - - 101.153 Garnet core
40406 #136 0 0.004 38.171 6.405 0.025 21.475 28.56 5.163 1.023 0 - - - - - 100.831 Garnet core
40406 #141 0 0.011 38.813 6.825 0.018 21.417 28.185 4.978 1.149 0 - - - - - 101.399 Garnet small
40406 #142 0.011 0.074 38.349 6.734 0.018 21.541 28.487 5.11 0.99 0.012 - - - - - 101.329 Garnet small
40406 #146 0 0.013 38.659 6.397 0.013 21.451 28.713 5.1 1.024 0.025 - - - - - 101.399 Garnet core
40406 #133 0.01 0.675 51.692 22.653 0.224 2.392 10.698 12.177 0.085 0.086 - - - - - 100.696 Clinopyroxene core
40406 #134 0.002 0.666 50.699 19.642 0.249 2.798 13.459 12.25 0.195 0 - - - - - 99.965 Clinopyroxene core
40406 #143 0.027 0.762 50.992 22.075 0.305 3.135 11.092 11.545 0.155 0.009 - - - - - 100.1 Clinopyroxene core
40406 #138 0.016 0 51.099 0.41 0.057 1.164 28.405 18.244 0.347 0.004 - - - - - 99.751 Orthopyroxene core
40406 #144 0.013 0.011 50.511 0.43 0.06 1.204 28.378 17.668 0.238 0.009 - - - - - 98.526 Orthopyroxene small
40406 #147 0 0.005 51.191 0.513 0.062 1.496 28.203 18.69 0.254 0 - - - - - 100.421 Orthopyroxene core
40406 #137 1.458 1.856 41.746 11.578 2.807 11.777 17.033 9.706 0.112 0.023 - - - - - 98.102 Amphibole
40406 #148 1.876 1.202 40.229 11.826 2.535 13.201 16.964 9.393 0.04 0 - - - - - 97.27 Amphibole
40406 #139 0.295 7.83 59.799 6.733 0 24.988 0.175 0 0.022 0 - - - - - 99.845 Plagioclase core
40406 #145 0.441 8.248 61.581 5.534 0.01 23.882 0.059 0 0.028 0.039 - - - - - 99.826 Plagioclase core
40406 #140 0.001 0 0 0.015 48.064 0.028 50.493 0.33 0.315 0.001 - - - - - 99.25 Ilmenite
2.4. Mineral chemical data, Marrupa Complex
2.4.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
38418 #164 0 0 38.171 5.755 0.037 21.543 26.49 6.646 1.132 0 - - - 99.777 Garnet small
38418 #176 0 0.027 38.437 5.981 0.012 21.437 26.77 6.301 1.086 0 - - - 100.055 Garnet core
38418 #165 0.332 7.473 59.722 6.639 0 24.546 0.113 0 0.005 0 - - - 98.835 Plagioclase
38418 #166 0.31 7.658 60.257 6.468 0.005 24.597 0.09 0 0 0.037 - - - 99.424 Plagioclase
38418 #177 0.477 7.798 60.501 5.994 0.012 24.313 0.026 0.002 0 0.003 - - - 99.129 Plagioclase
38418 #167 0.008 0.894 51.223 21.07 0.259 2.658 10.912 11.978 0.174 0.042 - - - 99.223 Clinopyroxene core
38418 #168 0.002 0.93 50.915 21.356 0.362 3.203 10.649 11.777 0.23 0 - - - 99.428 Clinopyroxene rim
38418 #173 0.002 0.937 51.381 21.26 0.285 2.683 11.083 11.84 0.213 0.009 - - - 99.698 Clinopyroxene
38418 #169 0 0.035 51.664 0.346 0.075 1.19 27.679 18.479 0.4 0.016 - - - 99.889 Orthopyroxene
38418 #174 0 0 50.904 0.606 0.08 1.36 27.408 18.36 0.377 0 - - - 99.101 Orthopyroxene
38418 #170 1.52 2.382 40.028 11.501 3.843 12.319 16.228 9.161 0.103 0.013 - - - 97.102 Amphibole around Cpx
38418 #171 1.488 2.422 40.169 11.279 3.963 12.48 15.813 9.285 0.118 0.031 - - - 97.05 Amphibole around oxide
38418 #178 1.535 2.355 40.062 11.349 3.588 12.444 16.525 9.434 0.092 0.022 - - - 97.41 Amphibole around Bt
38418 #175 9.588 0.113 35.427 0.008 7.134 14.01 18.516 10.986 0.009 0 - - - 95.796 Biotite
38418 #179 9.334 0.189 35.029 0.018 7.034 13.853 18.085 11.412 0.023 0.041 - - - 95.023 Biotite
38418 #172 0.007 0 0.013 0.031 50.237 0.009 46.713 1.127 0.443 0 - - - 98.584 Ilmenite
38418 #180 0 0.004 0.034 0.007 49.764 0.009 47.997 0.552 0.307 0.006 - - - 98.684 Ilmenite
33252 #1 0.002 0 36.871 1.28 0.015 20.908 23.63 2.305 15.81 0.016 - - - 100.84 Garnet core
33252 #2 0.024 0.015 36.278 1.561 0.022 20.568 21.716 1.575 17.982 0 - - - 99.744 Garnet rim
33252 #3 0 0 36.721 1.343 0.012 20.702 23.725 2.218 15.594 0.044 - - - 100.364 Garnet core
33252 #7 0 0.016 36.717 1.252 0 20.837 23.624 2.117 16.36 0.001 - - - 100.927 Garnet core
33252 #10 0 0.016 36.74 1.366 0 20.262 23.203 2.023 16.548 0.001 - - - 100.163 Garnet core
33252 #12 0 0.027 36.443 1.675 0.012 20.982 22.557 1.993 16.776 0.015 - - - 100.481 Garnet core
33252 #4 9.68 0.055 34.984 0.049 2.831 16.4 21.316 9.075 0.773 0.032 - - - 95.199 Biotite core
33252 #5 9.515 0.035 34.751 0.104 2.694 16.168 21.229 9.209 0.732 0.004 - - - 94.445 Biotite rim
33252 #6 9.799 0.057 35.193 0.02 3.254 17.039 20.564 8.581 0.817 0 - - - 95.327 Biotite core
33252 #8 9.939 0.036 35.521 0 2.554 17.216 20.799 8.94 0.576 0 - - - 95.585 Biotite core
33252 #13 9.875 0.047 35.08 0.014 3.039 17.181 20.667 8.957 0.68 0 - - - 95.545 Biotite core
33252 #9 11.238 0.226 45.239 0.017 0.949 31.771 3.884 0.892 0.059 0.063 - - - 94.34 Muscovite
33252 #1 0.212 9.042 62.266 4.785 0 23.043 0.044 - 0 - 0.077 - - 99.474 Plagioclase core
33252 #2 0.205 8.782 62.713 4.869 0 23.516 0.081 - 0.081 - 0.121 - - 100.371 Plagioclase rim
33252 #3 0.216 8.983 62.61 4.659 0 23.299 0.041 - 0 - 0.099 - - 99.911 Plagioclase core
33252 #4 0.278 8.878 62.294 4.673 0.013 23.246 0 - 0 - 0 - - 99.385 Plagioclase core
33252 #5 15.26 0.946 63.436 0.013 0.047 18.79 0 - 0.045 - 1.302 - - 99.843 K-feldspar core
33252 #6 0.431 8.938 62.412 4.759 0 23.365 0.062 - 0.036 - 0.203 - - 100.209 Plagioclase core
33252 #7 15.323 0.917 63.417 0.039 0.038 18.843 0.033 - 0 - 1.373 - - 99.988 K-feldspar core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33252 #11 0 0.111 0.004 0.029 0.012 0.025 92.423 0 0.138 0 - - - 92.743 Magnetite
26830 #35 0 0.012 51.018 0.406 0.057 2.768 22.672 21.77 0.704 0 - - - 99.412 Orthopyroxene
26830 #37 0.022 0.028 51.424 0.334 0.088 2.367 22.647 21.747 0.759 0 - - - 99.424 Orthopyroxene
26830 #43 0.007 0.004 51.559 0.421 0.048 2.566 22.136 22.178 0.723 0 - - - 99.649 Orthopyroxene
26830 #47 0 0.007 51.995 0.414 0.088 2.309 22.56 22.17 0.683 0 - - - 100.232 Orthopyroxene
26830 #36 1.224 1.375 42.734 11.482 1.726 12.121 13.98 12.064 0.2 0 - - - 96.91 Amphibole
26830 #39 1.221 1.325 42.144 11.729 1.791 12.155 13.904 12.275 0.218 0.01 - - - 96.778 Amphibole
26830 #45 1.124 1.357 42.343 11.613 1.728 12.043 13.576 12.565 0.265 0.006 - - - 96.624 Amphibole
26830 #38 9.707 0.097 36.948 0.006 3.648 14.809 13.421 16.04 0.101 0 - - - 94.78 Biotite
26830 #46 9.651 0.124 37.519 0.059 3.937 14.847 13.102 15.841 0.063 0 - - - 95.147 Biotite
26830 #42 0.22 5.039 54.55 11.529 0.012 28.855 0.142 0.007 0 0.004 - - - 100.36 Plagioclase
26830 #44 0.199 5.269 54.813 11.112 0 28.385 0.072 0 0 0.003 - - - 99.856 Plagioclase
26830 #40 0.006 0 0.013 0 19.743 0.117 73.206 0.29 0.062 0.023 - - - 93.462 Ti-Magnetite mixed grains
26830 #41 0 0.015 0 0.014 48.848 0.013 50.467 0.887 0.249 0.012 - - - 100.507 Ilmenite mixed grains
26830 #48 0 0 0.009 0 13.835 0.13 76.749 0.169 0.056 0.045 - - - 90.993 Ti-Magnetite mixed grains
26830 #49 0 0.02 0.039 0.049 44.413 0.038 52.481 0.851 0.205 0.012 - - - 98.108 Ilmenite mixed grains
31837 #7 0.028 12.173 51.57 2.216 0.158 1.876 27.375 0.232 0.976 0 - - - 96.608 Aegerine
31837 #8 0.023 12.509 51.92 1.946 0.155 2.199 27.85 0.418 0.607 0.067 - - - 97.697 Aegerine
31837 #3 0 12.42 52.13 2.179 0.125 1.937 27.392 0.153 1.233 0 - - - 97.57 Aegerine
31837 #4 0.005 0.003 0.011 0.042 1.191 0.04 87.903 0 0.216 0.035 - - - 89.445 Ti-hematite
31837 #5 0.004 0.1 0.024 0.085 0.16 0.185 78.007 0.035 12.476 0.038 - - - 91.114 Mn-magnetite
31837 #1 12.041 0.169 68.384 0.052 0 19.249 0.176 - 0 - 0.022 - - 100.097 Albite
31837 #2 0.435 16.73 65.186 0 0 18.369 0.117 - 0 - 0 - - 100.843 K-feldspar
31837 #3 0.469 16.439 64.741 0 0 18.297 0.071 - 0.028 - 0.039 - - 100.089 K-feldspar
31837 #4 16.306 5.888 44.386 0.109 0 32.819 0.239 - 0.031 - 0.111 - - 99.894 Nepheline-kalsilite
31837 #2 6.71 16.45 43.492 0.108 0 33.622 0.274 0.025 0 0 - - - 100.683 Nepheline-kalsilite
31837 #1 0.012 0.12 34.721 30.005 0.842 1.589 25.643 0 3.866 0 - - - 96.801 Andraditt
31837 #6 0 0.175 34.695 28.82 1.383 1.882 24.913 0 5.328 0 - - - 97.198 Andraditt
31837 #77 0.014 0 49.976 18.619 0.626 2.383 14.05 13.314 0.363 0.028 - - - 99.375 Clinopyroxene core
31837 #79 0 0.173 51.73 17.332 0.372 2.462 8.748 17.486 0.23 0.229 - - - 98.767 Clinopyroxene
31837 #83 0.008 0.12 50.021 17.585 0.575 1.784 15.328 12.754 0.418 0 - - - 98.598 Clinopyroxene
31837 #78 0.012 0.035 54.085 4.101 0.11 0.699 14.199 25.266 0.377 0.023 - - - 98.914 Orthopyroxene core
31837 #80 0.004 0.022 54.319 2.268 0.198 1.33 13.673 27.154 0.316 0.127 - - - 99.418 Orthopyroxene core
31837 #81 0.008 0 51.446 13.512 0.355 1.731 13.08 17.91 0.4 0.019 - - - 98.467 Orthopyroxene rim
31837 #20 3.313 0.202 50.453 14.225 0.028 29.411 0.929 - 0.023 - 0.028 - - 98.617 Plagioclase
31837 #21 3.289 0.201 50.596 14.199 0.048 29.375 0.908 - 0.031 - 0.05 - - 98.701 Plagioclase
31837 #82 0.255 3.529 51.51 13.695 0.027 28.98 1.043 0.151 0 0.02 - - - 99.214 Plagioclase core
38405 #8 0.002 0.352 52.107 24.273 0.035 0.812 10.361 11.306 0.843 0.013 - - - 100.109 Clinopyroxene core
38405 #11 0.004 0.272 51.777 24.055 0.013 0.769 11.91 10.232 1.005 0.057 - - - 100.099 Clinopyroxene core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
38405 #13 0 0.197 51.747 24.153 0.01 0.554 12.69 9.441 1.225 0 - - - 100.021 Clinopyroxene
38405 #14 0.013 0.299 51.193 23.878 0.045 0.871 13.466 9.099 1.054 0.044 - - - 99.966 Clinopyroxene
38405 #15 0 0.053 53.24 25.104 0.003 0.181 6.98 13.5 1.028 0.025 - - - 100.12 Clinopyroxene
38405 #9 0 0.04 30.108 28.338 36.556 2.347 0.704 0 0.009 0.018 - - - 98.122 Titanite core
38405 #10 0.002 0 29.941 28.136 36.476 1.833 0.726 0 0.041 0.009 - - - 97.167 Titanite strongly zoned
38405 #12 0 0 37.679 23.611 0.002 23.469 11.625 0 0.167 0.044 - - - 96.599 Epidote
38405 #3 0.722 3.989 47.336 16.288 0 26.059 0.109 0 0.074 - - 0.865 0.657 95.906 Scapolite
38405 #4 0.778 4.01 47.191 16.254 0.015 26.135 0.049 0 0.045 - - 0.859 0.505 95.651 Scapolite
38405 #5 0.726 4.114 47.278 16.1 0 25.747 0.06 0 0 - - 0.914 0.557 95.295 Scapolite
38410 #26 0 0.022 36.785 8.104 0.022 19.979 28.732 1.23 4.393 0.006 - - - 99.275 Garnet
38410 #29 0.016 0 36.969 7.509 0.022 20.215 29.911 1.254 3.765 0.019 - - - 99.682 Garnet
38410 #31 0 0 36.689 7.619 0.002 20.19 29.557 1.552 3.601 0.004 - - - 99.217 Garnet
38410 #25 9.486 0 34.639 0.048 3.276 15.051 25.942 6.249 0.387 0 - - - 95.081 Biotite core
38410 #30 9.587 0 34.49 0.014 2.47 15.374 25.329 6.549 0.422 0 - - - 94.241 Biotite core
38410 #33 5.227 0.036 31.86 0.508 0.595 15.96 26.527 8.312 0.487 0.022 - - - 89.538 Biotite core
38410 #34 0.418 0 28.181 1.952 0.766 16.986 28.968 8.202 0.633 0.001 - - - 86.11 Chlorite
38410 #27 0.006 0.019 37.343 23.211 0.057 23.565 11.738 0 0.272 0 - - - 96.214 Epidote
38410 #28 1.612 1.155 38.68 11.143 0.731 12.884 24.792 4.291 0.603 0 - - - 95.895 Amphibole
38410 #32 1.394 1.171 40.21 11.188 0.337 11.828 24.139 5.46 0.568 0 - - - 96.298 Amphibole
38410 #35 1.356 1.162 39.906 11.37 0.399 11.482 23.788 5.487 0.652 0 - - - 95.605 Amphibole
38410 #1 0.793 15.399 63.075 0 0 18.233 0.111 - 0 - 1.525 - - 99.139 K-feldspar core
38410 #2 8.754 0.165 61.575 5.031 0 23.059 0.058 - 0.037 - 0.022 - - 98.705 Plagioclase core
38410 #3 9.264 0.155 63.013 4.304 0.008 22.707 0.028 - 0.005 - 0.017 - - 99.506 Plagioclase core
38410 #4 0.826 15.046 62.613 0 0 18.159 0.031 - 0 - 1.757 - - 98.436 K-feldspar core
38410 #5 0.648 15.261 63.361 0 0 18.22 0.105 - 0 - 1.52 - - 99.12 K-feldspar core
38410 #6 9.31 0.173 63.727 3.918 0 22.384 0.078 - 0.012 - 0.073 - - 99.679 Plagioclase core

2.4.2. SEM - EDS

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
39299 #21 1.7 1.49 41.166 12.08 2.01 10.53 18.94 8.82 96.736 Amphibole
39299 #16 1.56 1.69 40.968 12.67 1.62 10.35 18.69 9.423 96.971 Amphibole
39299 #10 1.66 1.54 40.95 12.13 1.45 10.17 18.67 9.198 95.768 Amphibole
39299 #20 0.7 50.508 23.61 2.142 12.48 10.809 100.249 Clinopyroxene
39299 #19 0.64 49.815 23.75 2.268 11.48 11.088 99.041 Clinopyroxene
39299 #17 0.75 50.256 23.51 1.872 11.61 10.998 98.996 Clinopyroxene
39299 #14 0.78 49.905 23.37 1.881 3.45 10.863 90.249 Clinopyroxene
Plag,same grain as
39299 #24 0.29 7.87 59.418 6.5 24.282 98.36 Plagioclase below
39299 #23 0.32 7.63 58.833 6.52 23.949 97.252 Plagioclase
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
39299 #22 0.36 7.33 58.41 7.4 24.678 98.178 Plagioclase
39299 #18 0.35 7.75 59.706 6.61 24.174 98.59 Plagioclase
39299 #13 0.33 7.36 58.572 7.05 24.012 97.324 Plagioclase
39299 #8 0.95 7.45 72.945 6.94 1.098 4.554 93.937 Plagioclase
2.5. Mineral chemical data, Xixano Complex
2.5.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33414 #142 0.113 0.848 48.898 12.588 0.424 7.681 11.118 15.171 0.214 0.057 - - - 97.116 Amphibole core
33414 #149 0.087 0.764 48.823 12.798 0.444 7.227 11.12 15.214 0.161 0.126 - - - 96.77 Amphibole
33414 #150 0.09 0.847 48.558 12.598 0.439 7.401 10.961 14.695 0.194 0.077 - - - 95.864 Amphibole core
33414 #143 0.005 0.523 43.943 19.719 0 35.104 0.085 0 0.008 0 - - - 99.39 Plagioclase
33414 #146 0 0.551 44.104 19.472 0 35.183 0.138 0 0 0.016 - - - 99.467 Plagioclase
33414 #144 0.012 0.226 52.847 24.645 0.13 1.461 6.194 14.138 0.3 0.016 - - - 99.973 Clinopyroxene
33414 #145 0.012 0.233 52.838 24.637 0.133 1.47 6.09 14.193 0.285 0 - - - 99.898 Clinopyroxene core
33414 #147 0.028 0.303 51.674 17.112 0.167 2.917 8.36 16.002 0.239 0.104 - - - 96.91 Clinopyroxene
33414 #148 0 0.282 53.095 24.896 0.115 1.347 6.214 14.364 0.252 0.067 - - - 100.636 Clinopyroxene
38421 #1 16.862 0.1 63.301 0 0.12 15.9 2.81 - 0 - 0.402 - - 99.498 K-feldspar core
38421 #2 16.611 0.102 62.63 0 0.007 13.56 5.186 - 0 - 0.184 - - 98.284 K-feldspar
38421 #3 16.803 0.098 62.942 0 0.138 15.866 2.492 - 0 - 0.343 - - 98.685 K-feldspar core
38421 #4 16.558 0.08 63.721 0 0.013 14.088 4.892 - 0.005 - 0.232 - - 99.593 K-feldspar
38421 #5 16.679 0.078 62.974 0 0.03 13.855 5.04 - 0 - 0.07 - - 98.73 K-feldspar rim
38421 #10 16.385 0.123 63.272 0 0.047 12.602 6.264 0.154 0.001 0 - - - 98.851 K-feldspar
38421 #12 16.924 0.101 63.453 0.004 0.07 15.856 3.009 0.027 0 0.018 - - - 99.466 K-feldspar
38421 #8 4.805 6.3 53.392 1.549 3.595 0.102 13.341 13.394 0.28 0 - - - 96.763 Amphibole
38421 #9 5.011 6.326 55.215 1.307 0.065 0.04 12.752 15.357 0.194 0.085 - - - 96.355 Amphibole
38421 #11 5.042 5.934 53.422 1.756 3.059 0.144 13.166 12.983 0.336 0.032 - - - 95.877 Amphibole
38423 #194 0 0 50.502 0.943 0.132 0.88 28.912 16.871 0.749 0 - - - 98.994 Orthopyroxene core
38423 #195 0.016 0.032 50.404 1.202 0.123 0.731 28.972 16.327 0.906 0.01 - - - 98.728 Orthopyroxene core
38423 #196 0 0.016 50.943 1.003 0.097 0.767 28.393 16.742 0.797 0 - - - 98.762 Orthopyroxene core
38423 #207 0.02 0.015 51.191 1.473 0.078 0.754 27.901 17.138 0.802 0 - - - 99.378 Orthopyroxene core
38423 #197 0.002 0.311 51.431 21.735 0.205 1.453 12.031 11.882 0.385 0.016 - - - 99.456 Clinopyroxene
38423 #204 0.002 0.318 51.854 22.97 0.183 1.376 11.343 11.797 0.404 0 - - - 100.253 Clinopyroxene core
38423 #205 0.005 0.297 51.413 22.066 0.214 1.495 11.276 12.237 0.359 0.003 - - - 99.368 Clinopyroxene rim
38423 #198 0.037 0.109 52.949 1.103 0.085 1.778 24.56 15.233 0.877 0.015 - - - 96.75 Amphibole corona
38423 #199 0.24 0.557 48.048 11.953 0.605 6.838 16.06 11.951 0.271 0.006 - - - 96.534 Amphibole corona
38423 #203 0.136 0.721 47.312 8.346 0.195 8.279 20.248 11.238 0.492 0 - - - 96.973 Amphibole large
38423 #208 0.871 1.162 41.006 11.707 0.651 15.618 17.618 7.873 0.196 0 - - - 96.705 Amphibole corona
38423 #200 0.014 3.149 49.516 15.012 0.002 31.434 0.158 0 0.004 0 - - - 99.292 Plagioclase core
38423 #206 0.029 3.222 50.006 14.626 0.013 31.2 0.117 0 0.037 0 - - - 99.253 Plagioclase
38423 #201 0 0.053 0 0.027 50.531 0.002 46.371 0.385 1.481 0 - - - 98.85 Ilmenite composite grain
38423 #202 0 0.027 0.049 0.104 0.202 0.421 90.167 0.05 0.077 0.077 - - - 91.175 Magnetite composite grain
33274 #1 0 0.009 37.365 3.937 0.013 20.617 33.16 2.91 2.728 0.022 - - - 100.766 Garnet core
33274 #4 0 0.015 37.42 3.83 0 20.81 33.337 2.887 2.662 0.015 - - - 100.977 Garnet corona on oxide
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33274 #10 0.01 0.059 36.92 5.17 0.143 20.908 32.374 3.245 1.761 0 - - - 100.594 Garnet core
33274 #2 0.014 0.003 49.24 0.424 0.067 1.287 35.759 12.581 0.785 0.026 - - - 100.189 Orthopyroxene core
33274 #3 0.004 0.038 48.669 0.445 0.09 1.406 35.974 12.371 0.878 0.001 - - - 99.879 Orthopyroxene core
33274 #7 0 0.047 48.023 0.434 0.112 1.717 36.128 11.6 1.339 0.012 - - - 99.416 Orthopyroxene core
33274 #8 0 0.062 47.916 0.411 0.113 1.77 36.607 11.777 1.281 0 - - - 99.941 Orthopyroxene core
33274 #6 0.067 9.738 64.41 3.697 0 22.333 0.039 0 0 0.032 - - - 100.319 Plagioclase core
33274 #11 0.077 9.734 64.367 3.674 0 22.496 0.154 0 0.057 0.032 - - - 100.594 Plagioclase rim
33274 #12 0.087 9.619 64.557 3.636 0.012 22.414 0.035 0 0 0 - - - 100.364 Plagioclase core
33274 #9 8.921 0.075 37.125 0.008 1.977 15.085 23.382 9.517 0.061 0 - - - 96.156 Biotite
33274 #13 10.844 0.4 45.263 0.011 0.022 35.563 1.949 0.164 0 0.047 - - - 94.266 Muscovite incl. in Pl
33274 #5 0.01 0 0 0 52.449 0 46.219 0.216 0.804 0.016 - - - 99.716 Ilmenite
33275 #22 0.007 0.059 37.095 6.752 0.045 20.512 29.489 2.539 3.633 0.019 - - - 100.153 Garnet core
33275 #23 0 0 37.731 7.938 0.04 20.47 28.295 2.441 3.391 0.02 - - - 100.328 Garnet rim
33275 #27 0.005 0.013 37.189 7.477 0.013 20.663 28.589 2.842 2.767 0 - - - 99.563 Garnet core
33275 #28 0 0.024 37.553 8.436 0.013 20.84 27.504 2.741 2.608 0.037 - - - 99.76 Garnet rim
33275 #30 0 0.032 36.99 7.584 0.033 20.582 28.516 2.804 2.703 0 - - - 99.247 Garnet core
33275 #31 0.013 0.031 37.651 8.357 0.033 20.865 27.847 2.633 2.837 0.012 - - - 100.283 Garnet rim
33275 #34 0.004 0.019 37.84 7.126 0.028 20.857 30.789 2.865 1.72 0.035 - - - 101.286 Garnet core
33275 #35 0 0.003 37.585 7.095 0.007 20.914 30.59 2.762 1.744 0.004 - - - 100.708 Garnet core
33275 #36 0.012 0.003 37.78 7.19 0.02 20.619 29.81 2.946 1.722 0.016 - - - 100.123 Garnet rim
33275 #37 0.001 0.003 37.769 6.568 0.037 20.942 32.065 2.227 1.624 0.009 - - - 101.249 Garnet corona on oxide
33275 #38 0 0.018 37.275 6.748 0.007 20.566 31.704 2.204 1.551 0.079 - - - 100.154 Garnet corona on oxide
33275 #46 0.013 0.012 37.709 7.619 0.027 20.867 28.295 3.23 2.304 0.025 - - - 100.104 Garnet rim
33275 #47 0.002 0.047 37.408 7.267 0.05 20.933 28.968 3.321 2.373 0.016 - - - 100.389 Garnet core
33275 #48 0 0.046 37.324 7.437 0.033 20.695 28.233 3.323 2.491 0.032 - - - 99.617 Garnet core
Alteration product
33275 #24 0.058 0.093 51.2 1.013 0.048 1.377 29.926 11.729 1.866 0.009 - - - 97.323 after orthopyroxene
Alteration product
33275 #25 0.004 0.071 51.989 0.493 0.045 1.047 30.245 12.223 1.344 0.012 - - - 97.477 after orthopyroxene
Alteration product
33275 #26 0.054 0.115 51.208 1.122 0.023 1.09 30.038 11.771 1.305 0 - - - 96.731 after orthopyroxene
Alteration product
33275 #41 0.025 0.09 52.027 0.957 0.023 1.058 29.338 13.147 0.638 0.026 - - - 97.336 after orthopyroxene
Alteration product
33275 #42 0.019 0.051 52.9 0.409 0.015 0.365 28.833 13.48 0.514 0 - - - 96.59 after orthopyroxene
33275 #29 0.082 7.695 59.791 7.032 0.005 25.556 0.221 0 0.046 0 - - - 100.434 Plagioclase rim
33275 #32 0.064 7.886 60.013 7.098 0 25.352 0.27 0 0.009 0.028 - - - 100.724 Plagioclase rim
33275 #33 0.086 7.837 59.752 7.088 0 25.148 0.066 0 0.021 0 - - - 100.001 Plagioclase core
33275 #43 0.071 7.828 59.774 7.115 0 25.35 0.021 0.015 0.009 0 - - - 100.185 Plagioclase core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33275 #44 0.069 7.81 59.581 7.223 0.012 25.488 0.001 0 0 0 - - - 100.187 Plagioclase core
33275 #45 0.047 7.946 59.671 7.052 0.002 25.519 0.13 0 0 0.029 - - - 100.398 Plagioclase rim
33275 #39 0 0.007 0.043 0.006 0.17 0.119 92.897 0 0.026 0 - - - 93.269 Magnetite composite grain
33275 #40 0 0 0.021 0.017 51.275 0.025 47.896 0.144 0.833 0 - - - 100.213 Ilmenite composite grain
33220 #16 0 0.001 37.254 0.687 0 36.687 11.668 7.345 0.209 0.051 - - - 93.907 Al-silicate incl. in Grt
33220 #29 0.005 0 36.924 0 0 62.876 0.13 0.017 0.004 0.101 - - - 100.061 Al-silicate
33220 #30 0.006 0.015 37.303 0.025 0.012 62.941 0.219 0.035 0.003 0.101 - - - 100.661 Al-silicate
33220 #31 0 0.007 37.384 0.017 0 62.436 0.17 0 0 0.121 - - - 100.139 Al-silicate
33220 #32 0.028 0.008 37.042 0.013 0 62.721 0.145 0.003 0 0.096 - - - 100.06 Al-silicate
33220 #1 0 0.038 39.573 1.331 0.015 22.692 24.817 11.855 0.374 0.05 - - - 100.749 Garnet core
33220 #2 0.005 0.026 38.862 1.259 0.022 22.783 24.57 11.951 0.369 0.026 - - - 99.879 Garnet core
33220 #3 0.02 0.011 39.617 1.339 0.03 22.41 24.601 11.787 0.382 0.029 - - - 100.232 Garnet rim
33220 #4 0.013 0 39.891 1.382 0.027 22.635 24.706 11.699 0.336 0.031 - - - 100.724 Garnet rim
33220 #5 0.004 0 39.63 1.256 0.032 22.72 24.762 11.772 0.312 0 - - - 100.493 Garnet core
33220 #6 0 0.013 39.722 1.347 0.03 22.605 24.72 11.827 0.389 0.029 - - - 100.687 Garnet rim
33220 #7 0.002 0.063 39.716 1.241 0.008 22.775 25.106 11.923 0.356 0.051 - - - 101.247 Garnet core
33220 #8 0 0.007 39.481 1.307 0.027 22.93 25.09 11.868 0.373 0.023 - - - 101.11 Garnet rim
33220 #9 0.001 0.003 39.665 1.282 0.053 22.785 24.829 11.938 0.368 0.05 - - - 100.977 Garnet core
33220 #14 0 0.016 39.844 1.291 0.032 22.554 24.615 11.998 0.421 0.015 - - - 100.792 Garnet core
33220 #15 0 0 39.378 1.214 0.018 22.599 24.906 12.014 0.343 0.02 - - - 100.499 Garnet core
33220 #17 0 0 39.299 1.314 0.003 22.635 25.418 11.122 0.383 0.02 - - - 100.2 Garnet rim
33220 #18 0.022 0.026 39.566 1.378 0.012 22.717 24.962 12.026 0.338 0.025 - - - 101.075 Garnet rim
33220 #19 0.017 0 39.938 1.258 0.012 22.567 24.491 11.92 0.292 0.009 - - - 100.507 Garnet
33220 #20 0.002 0.003 39.573 1.283 0.003 22.592 24.398 12.009 0.318 0.037 - - - 100.222 Garnet core
33220 #21 0.014 0.004 39.906 1.265 0.023 22.607 25.137 11.922 0.416 0.031 - - - 101.33 Garnet core
33220 #22 0.008 0.005 39.624 1.241 0.032 22.728 25.178 11.82 0.431 0.009 - - - 101.081 Garnet core
33220 #23 0.011 0.008 39.821 1.342 0.037 22.628 24.833 12.014 0.294 0.037 - - - 101.029 Garnet rim
33220 #24 0.005 0.043 39.453 1.41 0.025 22.775 25.31 11.85 0.311 0.051 - - - 101.239 Garnet rim
33220 #25 0.011 0 39.275 1.395 0.04 22.443 24.785 11.926 0.382 0.015 - - - 100.278 Garnet rim
33220 #26 0 0 39.722 1.255 0.025 22.669 25.246 11.946 0.385 0.023 - - - 101.276 Garnet core
33220 #27 0.007 0.022 39.848 1.244 0.033 22.654 24.899 12.273 0.43 0.058 - - - 101.474 Garnet core
33220 #28 0 0.032 39.247 1.273 0.035 22.677 24.857 11.815 0.314 0 - - - 100.256 Garnet core
33220 #8 15.009 1.206 63.956 0.039 0.018 18.592 0.277 - 0.022 - 0.45 - - 99.573 K-feldspar rim
33220 #9 13.662 2.05 64.47 0.502 0.032 19.013 0 - 0.048 - 0.281 - - 100.062 K-feldspar core
33220 #10 10.95 3.329 63.907 1.308 0.023 19.867 0 - 0.014 - 0.111 - - 99.513 K-feldspar core
33220 #11 14.41 1.624 64.238 0.134 0.027 18.469 0 - 0 - 0.441 - - 99.348 K-feldspar core
33220 #12 14.206 1.936 64.262 0.193 0.017 18.626 0 - 0.034 - 0.413 - - 99.689 K-feldspar core
40446 #84 0.011 0.925 50.849 22.348 1.086 5.409 4.799 14.017 0.225 0.164 - - - 99.836 Clinopyroxene core
40446 #89 0.002 0.008 52.917 0.487 0.188 3.82 14.365 27.121 0.297 0.085 - - - 99.298 Orthopyroxene core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40446 #94 0.018 0.007 53.976 0.098 0 2.071 14.923 27.226 0.394 0.009 - - - 98.728 Orthopyroxene corona
40446 #95 0 0.032 53.463 0.497 0.192 3.983 14.255 26.74 0.328 0.07 - - - 99.566 Orthopyroxene corona
40446 #85 0.001 0 38.047 0.045 0.005 0.028 23.117 37.585 0.34 0.058 - - - 99.234 Olivine core
40446 #93 0 0 37.795 0.027 0 0 24.729 36.725 0.309 0 - - - 99.59 Olivine core
40446 #4 0.006 0 38.148 0.008 0.02 0 24.453 36.65 0.319 0.004 - 0.014 0 99.623 Olivine core
40446 #86 1.361 2.565 41.175 11.749 4.153 15.091 7.859 13.163 0.102 0.209 - - - 97.434 Amphibole
40446 #87 0.139 3.913 51.576 13.239 0.033 30.066 0.049 0 0.012 0.013 - - - 99.043 Plagioclase core
40446 #88 0.158 3.941 51.497 13.193 0.047 29.736 0 0 0.001 0 - - - 98.576 Plagioclase core
40446 #96 0.179 4.642 53.136 12.065 0.023 29.218 0 0 0 0.013 - - - 99.28 Plagioclase
40446 #90 0 0.054 0.002 0 0 58.693 31.84 5.841 0.084 0.241 - - - 96.76 Spinell
40446 #2 0 0.05 0.036 0.029 0 59.084 31.452 5.848 0.089 0.3 - 0.115 1.459 98.462 Spinell
40446 #3 0 0.065 0 0.039 0 59.113 31.251 6.461 0.116 0.137 - 0.017 1.285 98.484 Spinell
40446 #91 8.986 0.143 36.359 0.055 3.608 15.892 14.568 13.545 0.061 0.39 - - - 93.611 Biotite
40446 #92 0 0 0 29.446 0.01 0 4 18.232 0.199 0 - - - 51.889 Dolomite
38444 #82 0 0.009 37.474 7.582 0.058 20.901 29.554 2.578 1.778 0 - - - 99.937 Garnet core
38444 #83 0 0.032 37.072 7.841 0.012 20.793 29.538 2.383 1.599 0.025 - - - 99.297 Garnet rim
38444 #87 0.008 0.016 37.326 7.963 0.042 20.954 29.368 2.416 1.686 0.02 - - - 99.803 Garnet symplectitic Grt
38444 #92 0.001 0.031 37.303 7.656 0.047 20.784 30.104 2.127 2.225 0.039 - - - 100.32 Garnet core
38444 #93 0.01 0.011 37.08 8.138 0.025 20.604 29.752 1.791 1.982 0.045 - - - 99.441 Garnet rim
38444 #97 0 0.019 37.38 7.529 0.065 20.644 29.992 2.222 1.956 0.019 - - - 99.828 Garnet
38444 #84 0 0.305 49.871 20.975 0.214 1.668 17.347 8.71 0.316 0.057 - - - 99.467 Clinopyroxene core
38444 #85 0.005 0.256 50.432 22.348 0.173 1.306 14.765 9.491 0.154 0.004 - - - 98.937 Clinopyroxene rim
38444 #86 0 0.266 50.427 22.405 0.193 1.449 14.926 9.328 0.252 0.009 - - - 99.259 Clinopyroxene rim
38444 #88 0.011 0.278 50.087 21.91 0.188 1.404 15.772 9.224 0.254 0.022 - - - 99.154 Clinopyroxene core
38444 #94 0.01 0.244 49.745 20.872 0.232 1.273 17.425 8.456 0.289 0.073 - - - 98.622 Clinopyroxene core
38444 #95 0 0.286 50.109 21.631 0.215 1.328 16.644 8.486 0.267 0.004 - - - 98.974 Clinopyroxene core
38444 #96 0 0.286 50.509 21.775 0.17 1.02 16.731 8.862 0.272 0.066 - - - 99.696 Clinopyroxene rim
38444 #98 0.006 0.287 50.346 21.728 0.082 1.105 16.78 8.585 0.369 0.028 - - - 99.32 Clinopyroxene core
38444 #89 0.001 1.386 45.903 18.09 0.007 33.868 0.048 0 0.061 0.012 - - - 99.378 Plagioclase core
38444 #91 15.221 0.894 63.759 0 0.02 18.155 0.041 0.002 0.019 0 - - - 98.115 K-feldspar core
38444 #13 15.366 0.872 63.894 0.021 0.03 18.224 0.017 - 0.023 - 0.895 - - 99.345 K-feldspar core
38444 #14 0.022 1.444 45.828 17.812 0 33.821 0.05 - 0 - 0.026 - - 99.005 Plagioclase core
38444 #15 0.017 1.27 45.331 18.083 0 34.019 0.085 - 0 - 0 - - 98.808 Plagioclase rim
38444 #90 0 0 0 0.013 52.369 0 44.896 0.443 0.465 0.004 - - - 98.191 Ilmenite
40745 #60 0.012 0.022 38.565 24.295 0.207 19.926 15.716 1.162 0.414 0.121 - - - 100.443 Garnet rim
40745 #61 0.027 0.028 38.58 24.382 0.178 19.996 16.3 1 0.434 0.13 - - - 101.058 Garnet core
40745 #62 0.005 0.016 38.796 24.284 0.168 19.939 16.045 1.099 0.398 0.044 - - - 100.797 Garnet core
40745 #65 0.002 0.015 38.084 23.133 0.178 19.969 16.803 1.244 0.527 0.022 - - - 99.979 Garnet core
40745 #66 0.01 0.009 38.49 23.509 0.244 19.898 16.279 1.189 0.536 0.039 - - - 100.205 Garnet rim
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40745 #73 0.011 0.036 38.396 22.164 0.202 20.41 16.943 1.479 0.781 0.094 - - - 100.519 Garnet core
40745 #74 0.016 0.051 38.394 22.303 0.178 20.304 16.962 1.423 0.888 0.107 - - - 100.629 Garnet rim
40745 #58 0.007 0.179 45.528 24.109 1.119 7.543 13.216 8.254 0.048 0.031 - - - 100.039 Clinopyroxene core
40745 #59 0.011 0.181 45.139 24.151 1.294 7.176 13.985 7.887 0.088 0.145 - - - 100.061 Clinopyroxene rim
40745 #63 0.012 0.185 46.788 24.543 0.746 6.564 12.562 8.803 0.056 0.039 - - - 100.302 Clinopyroxene core
40745 #64 0.019 0.171 46.031 24.19 1.049 6.328 13.553 8.023 0.018 0.039 - - - 99.426 Clinopyroxene rim
40745 #70 0.013 0.185 46.915 24.493 0.814 6.212 12.088 9.41 0.137 0.048 - - - 100.317 Clinopyroxene core
40745 #71 0.005 0.205 45.772 24.326 1.301 6.938 12.726 8.513 0.118 0.012 - - - 99.918 Clinopyroxene rim
40745 #67 0.01 0.206 43.485 19.859 0.002 35.916 0.198 0 0.019 0 - - - 99.698 Plagioclase rim
40745 #68 0.01 0.252 43.387 19.845 0 35.744 0.156 0 0 0.016 - - - 99.413 Plagioclase core
40745 #72 0 0.189 43.579 19.828 0.017 36.152 0.212 0 0.015 0 - - - 99.995 Plagioclase rim
40745 #5 0.012 0.171 43.575 19.819 0.01 36.101 0.078 - 0.009 - 0 - - 99.78 Plagioclase core
40745 #69 2.214 1.467 36.883 12.138 1.278 15.722 20.078 6.768 0.059 0.038 - - - 96.649 Amphibole
40749 #14 10.793 0.403 45.988 0.008 1.253 33.091 0.069 1.38 0.036 0.371 - - - 93.396 Muscovite
40749 #15 10.705 0.476 45.941 0 0.681 34.525 0.076 1.258 0.015 0.209 - - - 93.89 Muscovite
40749 #16 10.92 0.439 46.189 0 0.604 33.139 0.045 1.384 0 0.684 - - - 93.408 Muscovite
40749 #17 10.521 0.417 46.497 0.034 1.176 31.385 0.157 1.403 0.041 0.602 - - - 92.235 Muscovite
40750 #49 0 0.031 51.525 0.361 0.053 1.249 26.909 19.048 0.825 0.009 - - - 100.015 Orthopyroxene core
40750 #55 0 0.023 51.642 0.46 0.04 1.151 26.99 18.864 0.937 0 - - - 100.114 Orthopyroxene core
40750 #54 0 0.553 52.222 22.516 0.175 1.963 9.39 12.732 0.267 0.004 - - - 99.827 Clinopyroxene core
40750 #56 0.008 0.545 52.423 22.706 0.178 1.944 9.066 12.89 0.32 0.029 - - - 100.114 Clinopyroxene core
40750 #50 0.555 1.39 44.512 11.469 1.053 11.269 15.171 11.837 0.185 0.01 - - - 97.455 Amphibole
40750 #57 0.716 1.508 43.462 11.724 1.286 12.308 15.573 10.915 0.221 0.072 - - - 97.788 Amphibole
40750 #51 0.096 5.161 54.53 11.728 0 29.114 0.046 0.02 0.03 0.028 - - - 100.757 Plagioclase core
40750 #53 0.073 4.455 52.834 13.147 0 30.219 0.004 0 0 0 - - - 100.736 Plagioclase core
40750 #4 0.123 5.372 54.353 11.165 0.02 28.615 0.081 - 0.04 - 0.123 - - 99.895 Plagioclase core
40750 #52 0.004 0.065 0.021 0.022 0.165 0.385 90.923 0.058 0.061 0.434 - - - 92.14 Magnetite
40755 #36 0 0 38.473 13.176 0.16 21.358 22.446 4.51 0.857 0.004 - - - 100.989 Grt C
40755 #37 0 0 38.066 7.856 0.058 21.163 27.649 4.026 1.837 0.039 - - - 100.699 Grt R
40755 #41 0 0.013 38.554 9.562 0.103 21.422 25.299 5.072 0.85 0.009 - - - 100.888 Grt C
40755 #42 0.001 0.003 38.051 7.612 0.073 21.237 27.644 4.046 1.992 0 - - - 100.663 same Grt R
40755 #47 0 0.016 38.695 12.198 0.097 21.337 22.879 4.707 0.718 0 - - - 100.651 Grt C
40755 #38 0 0.658 50.123 21.55 0.37 3.386 12.48 10.62 0.28 0.018 - - - 99.489 nearby Cpx C
contains thin
40755 #45 0.011 0.632 51.185 21.596 0.28 2.817 12.829 10.978 0.371 0.047 - - - 100.75 Cpx C exsolutions
40755 #46 0.008 0.598 50.934 20.87 0.272 2.636 12.337 11.127 0.34 0 - - - 99.127 Cpx C
40755 #39 9.779 0.066 36.195 0 3.798 14.163 20.593 11.071 0.092 0.029 - - - 95.789 nearby Biot C
40755 #44 10.016 0.081 36.59 0.021 4.013 14.15 19.78 11.348 0.101 0.023 - - - 96.128 adjacent Biot C
40755 #43 1.591 1.353 42.17 11.706 1.716 11.34 18.262 9.106 0.24 0.019 - - - 97.507 Amph C
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40755 #48 1.58 1.379 42.204 11.736 1.635 11.229 18.339 9.177 0.285 0.069 - - - 97.636 Amph C
40755 #1 15.315 0.724 63.385 0.011 0 18.637 0.091 - 0.053 - 1.896 - - 100.116 k-f minor in area 1
40755 #2 15.132 0.927 63.239 0.001 0.008 18.548 0.046 - 0 - 1.718 - - 99.626 large K-f C
40755 #3 0.247 7.837 59.926 7.136 0 25.192 0.053 - 0 - 0.011 - - 100.405 adjacent large Pl C
40755 #40 0.239 7.162 58.762 7.775 0.002 25.864 0.133 0.007 0.004 0.009 - - - 99.959 Pl C

2.5.2. SEM - EDS

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40664 #6 1.6 1.01 42.7 12.1 0.78 13.47 18.03 8.25 97.94 Amphibole
40664 #8 1.79 0.88 42.37 12.4 1.05 13.52 18.33 8.41 98.74 Amphibole
40664 # 10 0.95 0.79 46.68 12.52 0.71 9.91 17.39 10.08 99.03 Amphibole
40664 # 10 1.72 1.09 40.43 11.49 0.8 13.55 18.3 7.91 95.28 Amphibole
40664 # 32 1.54 0.92 38.51 11.43 0.85 12.72 16.84 7.43 90.24 Amphibole
40664 # 48 1.81 1 41.69 12 1 13.18 17.78 7.9 0.53 96.89 Amphibole
40664 # 55 1.77 1.13 41.15 12.17 0.97 13.22 17.77 7.48 95.66 Amphibole
40664 # 11 55.64 95.51 Carbonate
40664 # 12 53.8 53.8 Carbonate
40664 #9 56.18 13.13 0.9 14.76 14.82 99.79 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 13 52.51 23.73 0.64 9.17 12.09 98.14 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 14 52.04 23.22 0.69 9.32 11.38 0.52 97.18 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 26 53.37 23.98 10.84 11.98 0.63 100.8 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 29 49.69 22.74 0.48 8.76 11.32 92.98 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 31 49.56 22.6 0.58 10.18 10.6 0.58 94.11 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 27 52.76 24.48 0.49 10.48 11.69 0.69 100.6 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 28 53.25 24.41 0.81 9.64 12.33 0.64 101.09 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 33 50.49 11.9 2.07 12.73 13.84 0.49 91.51 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 49 52.03 24.5 0.56 9.95 11.58 0.49 99.11 Clinopyroxene
40664 # 50 53.33 12.72 1.54 14 14.58 0.47 96.64 Clinopyroxene
40664 #3 40.25 4.01 21.22 24.53 10.85 0 100.86 Garnet
40664 #4 39.41 4.27 22.18 23.45 10.35 0 99.66 Garnet
40664 #5 39.47 4.12 21.47 24.07 10.65 0.56 100.34 Garnet
40664 #6 36.76 3.95 20.24 22.27 9.59 0.55 93.36 Garnet
40664 #8 36.46 3.57 20.33 21.75 9.77 0.46 92.34 Garnet
40664 # 16 35.6 3.95 19.86 21.18 9.74 90.32 Garnet
40664 # 17 39.09 3.97 21.62 24.04 10.44 0.62 99.79 Garnet
40664 # 25 36.82 3.87 19.99 22.41 10.2 93.29 Garnet
40664 # 35 39.13 4.08 22.04 23.93 10.42 0 99.59 Garnet
40664 # 47 38.97 4.13 21.57 23.34 10.9 98.91 Garnet
40664 #1 40.57 7.38 48.79 96.73 Orthopyroxene
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40664 #3 91.68 91.68 Oxyd of Fe Fe2O3
40664 #7 83.8 83.8 Oxyd of Fe
40664 # 42 91.68 91.68 Oxyd of Fe
40664 # 11 4.12 52.82 13.42 30.07 0 100.44 Plagioclase
40664 # 34 4.4 53.58 12.41 29.06 0 99.45 Plagioclase
40664 # 51 4.05 51.95 12.84 29.76 0 98.6 Plagioclase
40664 #2 3.94 49.78 11.56 26.59 0.99 92.86 Plagioclase
40664 # 41 14.04 59.45 1.28 23.89 0.66 0.55 99.86 Plagioclase
40664 # 43 92.35 92.35 Quartz
40664 # 44 99.89 99.89 Quartz
40664 # 36 99.87 99.87 Quartz
40664 #7 31.23 29.46 35.71 3.09 100.17 Sphene sphene
40664 # 18 29.66 28.68 39.11 2.34 99.79 Sphene
40664 # 19 29.17 27.6 38.54 2.51 97.82 Sphene
40664 # 20 30.46 29.05 36.74 96.24 Sphene
40664 # 21 28.87 26.92 39.23 2.06 97.08 Sphene
40664 # 22 30.4 28.01 37.21 2.08 97.7 Sphene
40664 # 23 28.7 26.41 34.86 2.15 92.12 Sphene
40664 # 24 31.7 28.96 38.64 2.01 101.3 Sphene
40664 # 53 31.34 28.79 32.44 4.89 1.33 99.6 Sphene
40664 #9 42.47 6.07 1.95 0.88 34.88 91.21 rhodonite std
40664 # 30 3.59 49.17 12.45 27.89 93.11 jadeite std
40664 # 45 45.99 6.7 2.11 0.92 37.92 98.19 Rhodonite std
40664 # 56 44.03 10.27 15.55 9.06 78.91
40664 # 57 27.61 0.38 19.7 24.84 13.89 86.41
40664 # 58 3.6 50.89 13.51 30.39 98.38
40664 #5 26.4 19.94 25.8 14.51 0.49 87.13 unknown sec. min.
40664 #2 39.89 4.21 22.37 23.98 10.62 0.7 101.78 Garnet SPI almandine
2.6. Mineral chemical data, Muaquia Complex (SEM - EDS)
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
34274 #7 0.62 52.72 22.56 2.02 10.54 12.76 101.22 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 13 0.45 53.31 23.02 2 11.21 12.98 102.97 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 14 0.72 52.54 22.59 2.29 11.14 12.62 101.89 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 16 0.48 53.5 21.22 2.18 10.48 13.77 0.55 102.18 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 17 0.57 52.54 20.39 2.2 11.68 12.72 100.08 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 18 0.37 0.47 51.84 19.78 2.48 11.38 13.2 99.53 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 19 0.6 52.31 19.8 2.36 11.57 13.36 100 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 21 0.49 52.77 22.74 1.82 10.32 12.89 101.03 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 24 0.48 50.69 22.1 2.12 11.48 12.26 99.13 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 27 0.72 53.12 21.77 1.7 10.99 12.77 101.09 Clinopyroxene
34274 # 26 47.8 23.53 1.95 9.95 12.41 95.63 Clinopyroxene
34274 #1 40.3 4.39 21.91 23.61 10.33 0.65 101.19 Garnet
34274 # 15 40.29 4.39 22.19 23.01 10.33 0.56 100.76 Garnet
34274 # 11 0.62 50.27 49.76 0.53 0.76 101.94 Ilmenite
34274 # 23 4.98 0.97 67.82 21.9 0.52 96.98 Ilmenite
34274 #3 15.96 0.85 65.14 18.49 0.73 101.17 K-feldspar
34274 #5 16.98 0.44 64.58 17.99 100 K-feldspar
34274 # 12 15.69 1.17 65.03 18.12 100 K-feldspar
34274 # 22 16.11 0.37 63.43 17.48 0.91 0.87 99.17 K-feldspar
34274 # 25 15.38 1.34 64.44 18.06 99.21 K-feldspar
34274 #4 53.49 0.64 1.36 25.47 19.81 0.66 101.43 Orthopyroxene
34274 #6 52.76 0.65 1.35 25 19.23 0.62 99.62 Orthopyroxene
34274 #8 52.58 0.9 1.24 25.07 20.11 0.68 100.59 Orthopyroxene
34274 #9 1.34 89.67 91.7 Fe-oxide
2.7. Mineral chemical data, M'Sawize Complex
2.7.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40674 #3 0.011 0 39.061 9.812 0.063 21.536 21.003 7.65 0.767 0.142 - - - 100.051 Garnet core
40674 #4 0.016 0 38.732 11.136 0.048 21.9 20.937 5.69 1.972 0 - - - 100.436 Garnet rim
40674 #6 0 0.005 39.327 9.514 0.043 21.961 20.858 7.838 0.773 0.037 - - - 100.359 Garnet core
40674 #7 0 0.02 38.886 9.905 0.075 21.579 21.853 6.778 1.005 0.029 - - - 100.134 Garnet rim
40674 #12 0.005 0 39.042 9.605 0.068 22.086 20.685 7.869 0.742 0.075 - - - 100.18 Garnet core
40674 #13 0 0.023 38.526 10.095 0.073 21.745 21.91 6.74 0.95 0.075 - - - 100.142 Garnet rim
40674 #18 0.008 0 38.995 9.194 0.085 22.087 21.003 8.012 0.711 0.056 - - - 100.156 Garnet core
40674 #19 0.002 0.023 38.847 9.807 0.058 21.592 21.769 6.735 1.069 0.057 - - - 99.964 Garnet rim
40674 #1 0 0.833 50.312 23.26 0.634 5.825 6.309 12.477 0.138 0.045 - - - 99.836 Clinopyroxene core
40674 #2 0.007 0.355 51.709 23.901 0.277 3.673 5.775 13.507 0.181 0.092 - - - 99.48 Clinopyroxene rim
40674 #9 0.001 0.853 50.29 23.264 0.661 6.016 6.501 12.21 0.112 0.058 - - - 99.971 Clinopyroxene core
40674 #10 0.004 0.779 51.09 23.589 0.505 4.637 6.054 13.084 0.177 0.013 - - - 99.937 Clinopyroxene rim
40674 #14 0.014 0.91 50.346 23.628 0.709 6.379 6.746 12.159 0.101 0.08 - - - 101.077 Clinopyroxene core
40674 #15 0.001 0.713 50.735 23.814 0.442 4.722 6.365 12.916 0.088 0.054 - - - 99.856 Clinopyroxene rim
40674 #16 0.004 0.9 49.963 23.105 0.696 6.32 6.763 12.124 0.112 0.018 - - - 100.008 Clinopyroxene core
40674 #21 0 0.795 50.883 23.537 0.492 5.101 6.467 12.452 0.19 0.072 - - - 99.994 Clinopyroxene core
40674 #5 0.029 2.181 48.337 16.702 0.02 32.982 0.041 0 0.013 0 - - - 100.308 Plagioclase core
40674 #11 0.046 3.013 49.646 15.556 0 31.997 0.075 0 0.009 0.032 - - - 100.377 Plagioclase core
40674 #17 0.064 3.126 49.854 15.181 0.002 31.406 0.01 0 0.026 0.037 - - - 99.709 Plagioclase core
40674 #24 0.057 2.909 49.785 15.3 0 31.939 0.067 0 0.048 - - - - 100.107 Plagioclase
40674 #8 1.03 1.573 41.849 11.875 0.794 14.343 14.479 10.376 0.247 0.089 - - - 96.659 Amphibole
40674 #20 1.419 1.525 40.52 12.001 1.495 15.059 14.203 10.06 0.196 0.067 - - - 96.548 Amphibole
40674 #23 1.025 1.426 41.528 12.162 0.816 13.759 15.242 10.565 0.115 0.067 - - - 96.709 Amphibole
40674 #22 0.004 0 38.569 24.077 0.212 27.331 7.195 0.211 0.139 0.02 - - - 97.76 Epidote
40674 #1 0.596 5.645 49.554 14.498 0.007 25.692 0.075 0.031 0.002 - - 1.443 0.338 97.559 Scapolite
40674 #2 0.375 4.553 47.161 16.004 0 25.802 0 0.043 0.007 - - 0.983 1.964 96.547 Scapolite

2.7.2. EDS - SEM

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
standard #1 0.0364 0.1365 41.4778 4.73 1.05 21.1757 11.0747 19.9745 0.4 100.0556 Garnet Pyrope standard
SPI standard 42.363 4.69 1.15 21.474 11.19 19.4188 0.7 100.9858 Garnet Pyope
SPI Standard 41.022 4.58 1.12 20.754 10.95 19.665 0 0.96 99.051 Garnet Pyrope standard
37245 #39 41.292 4.53 0.99 21.447 11.72 18.4728 0.74 99.1918 Garnet
37245 #38 42.246 4.94 0.95 21.456 11.87 19.2124 0.84 101.5144 Garnet
37245 #36 38.277 7.22 20.232 27.96 5.1084 0.99 99.7874 Garnet
37245 #35 37.899 7.03 20.187 28.14 5.3062 0.93 99.4922 Garnet
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
37245 #34 37.377 9.76 20.088 27.54 4.5064 0.98 100.2514 Garnet
37245 #33 38.358 7.18 21.132 28.45 5.375 1.02 101.515 Garnet
37245 #32 37.755 7.58 20.385 29.1 4.9622 0.89 100.6722 Garnet
37245 #31 38.043 9.22 20.808 27.8 4.7816 0.92 101.5726 Garnet
37245 #30 38.403 7.38 20.619 29.07 4.9966 1 101.4686 Garnet
37245 #29 40.68 6.43 19.062 28.22 5.7878 1.01 101.1898 Garnet
37245 #27 37.953 7.36 20.448 28.3 4.7472 0.73 99.5382 Garnet
37245 #26 38.601 7.23 20.907 28.55 5.3148 0.54 101.1428 Garnet
37245 #22 38.511 7.1 20.133 28.02 5.0654 0.91 99.7 Garnet
37245 #19 37.773 7.21 20.736 27.67 5.0138 1.35 99.7528 Garnet
37245 #18 38.367 7.17 21.042 27.92 5.332 1.17 101.001 Garnet
37245 #9 38.16 6.96 20.61 28.1 5.1256 0.98 99.9356 Garnet Grt rim
37245 #8 38.268 7.55 21.204 27.74 5.074 0.94 100.776 Garnet
37245 #7 37.98 7.07 20.475 28.66 5.0138 0.89 100.0888 Garnet
37245 #1 40 4.2 21.64 23.76 10.6 0.68 100.88 Garnet
37245 # 12 38.89 7.16 20.82 27.65 5.42 0.83 100.78 Garnet
37245 # 15 38.86 7.6 21.12 28.21 4.95 0.91 101.66 Garnet
37245 # 16 39.2 7.27 21.19 28.23 5.32 0.74 101.95 Garnet
37245 # 20 41.51 7.01 20.01 25.83 5.3 1.01 100.66 Garnet
37245 # 28 38.99 7.58 19.74 26.79 5.32 0.87 99.28 Garnet
37245 # 29 31.87 5.29 17.55 41.18 4.55 0.83 101.27 Garnet
37245 #48 0.43 7.09 58.356 8.13 25.569 99.575 Plagioclase
37245 #45 7.5 59.409 8.06 25.11 0.59 100.669 Plagioclase
37245 #3 0.28 7.27 59.94 8 25.57 0 101.06 Plagioclase
37245 # 11 0.27 7.2 59.67 8.13 25.39 0.48 101.14 Plagioclase
37245 # 24 7.76 61.03 6.6 24.14 0 99.53 Plagioclase
37245 # 31 7.11 58.96 8.14 25.41 0 99.62 Plagioclase
37245 #47 0.7 52.209 23.07 1.998 10.31 12.5302 100.8172 Clinopyroxene
37245 #46 0.59 51.561 23.12 1.764 10.31 12.3754 99.7204 Clinopyroxene
37245 #43 0.57 52.929 22.53 1.314 10.17 12.6936 99.6366 Clinopyroxene
37245 #41 0.55 50.85 23.12 2.124 9.72 12.169 98.533 Clinopyroxene
37245 #21 0.63 52.29 22.75 1.224 10.51 12.5646 99.9686 Clinopyroxene
37245 #20 0.67 52.254 22.89 1.746 9.73 12.6506 99.9406 Clinopyroxene
37245 #16 0.85 52.281 22.73 1.584 9.93 12.4442 99.8192 Clinopyroxene
37245 #15 51.651 23.23 1.548 10.18 13.6826 100.2916 Clinopyroxene
37245 #14 0.49 51.867 23.29 1.692 9.89 12.1776 99.4066 Clinopyroxene
37245 #12 0.56 52.227 23.43 1.782 9.15 12.8398 99.9888 Clinopyroxene
37245 #5 0.56 53.774 22.85 1.6468 10.62 13.5424 102.9932 Clinopyroxene
37245 #2 0.96 51.78 22.73 1.81 9.99 13.34 100.61 Clinopyroxene
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
37245 #8 0.79 53.21 23.03 1.65 9.77 13.02 101.45 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 18 0.74 52.24 22.41 1.74 9.85 12.86 99.84 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 22 0.45 52.67 22.71 1.17 9.92 13.24 100.16 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 26 0.6 53.2 23.52 1.85 9.13 12.76 101.06 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 30 0.66 52.59 23.17 1.61 9.88 12.9 100.82 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 32 0.93 52.95 23.1 1.75 9.97 12.99 101.71 Clinopyroxene
37245 #44 51.399 0.79 1.206 27.61 18.4642 1.12 100.5892 Orthopyroxene
37245 #42 51.471 0.55 1.413 27.13 17.8278 1.03 99.4218 Orthopyroxene
37245 #40 50.751 0.39 1.215 27.11 18.0858 0.85 98.4018 Orthopyroxene
37245 #6 52.119 0.46 0.936 26.44 19.307 99.262 Orthopyroxene
37245 #4 51.58 0.45 1.31 25.88 19.03 0.83 99.09 Orthopyroxene
37245 #9 51.93 0.39 1.4 26.04 19.38 0.69 99.84 Orthopyroxene
37245 #7 51.91 1.24 25.91 18.99 0.73 98.79 Orthopyroxene
37245 #17 2 1.62 39.51 12.03 1.8 13.149 17.89 8.4366 96.4356 Amphibole
37245 #13 1.97 1.73 39.771 12 1.94 12.375 18.99 8.0668 96.8428 Amphibole
37245 # 25 2.04 1.42 40.27 12.24 1.61 12.48 18.59 8.17 96.81 Amphibole
37245 # 10 101.37 101.37 Quartz
37245 # 19 104.7 104.7 Quartz
37245 # 27 100.41 100.41 Quartz
37245 # 17 66.68 13.68 4.86 8.46 1.42 95.11 Mixed phases
37245 #6 0.81 0.98 89.84 92.03 Fe-oxide
37245 #5 1.05 0.4 0.89 87.91 90.24 Fe-oxide
37245 #37 32.823 14.44 17.865 25.13 4.3258 0.73 95.3138 Grossular
37245 # 13 11.97 38.82 2.52 9.31 2.95 65.57 Carbonate
37245 # 14 3.66 50.56 0.68 2.36 1.92 59.19 Carbonate
37245 # 21 9.22 40.31 3.02 8.3 3.6 64.45 Carbonate
37245 # 23 13.69 32.93 4.82 11.18 4.93 67.56 Carbonate
37245 #17 2 1.62 39.51 12.03 1.8 13.149 17.89 8.4366 96.4356 Amphibole
37245 #13 1.97 1.73 39.771 12 1.94 12.375 18.99 8.0668 96.8428 Amphibole
37245 # 25 2.04 1.42 40.27 12.24 1.61 12.48 18.59 8.17 96.81 Amphibole
37245 # 13 11.97 38.82 2.52 9.31 2.95 65.57 Carbonate
37245 # 14 3.66 50.56 0.68 2.36 1.92 59.19 Carbonate
37245 # 21 9.22 40.31 3.02 8.3 3.6 64.45 Carbonate
37245 # 23 13.69 32.93 4.82 11.18 4.93 67.56 Carbonate
37245 #47 0.7 52.209 23.07 1.998 10.31 12.5302 100.8172 Clinopyroxene
37245 #46 0.59 51.561 23.12 1.764 10.31 12.3754 99.7204 Clinopyroxene
37245 #43 0.57 52.929 22.53 1.314 10.17 12.6936 99.6366 Clinopyroxene
37245 #41 0.55 50.85 23.12 2.124 9.72 12.169 98.533 Clinopyroxene
37245 #21 0.63 52.29 22.75 1.224 10.51 12.5646 99.9686 Clinopyroxene
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
37245 #20 0.67 52.254 22.89 1.746 9.73 12.6506 99.9406 Clinopyroxene
37245 #16 0.85 52.281 22.73 1.584 9.93 12.4442 99.8192 Clinopyroxene
37245 #15 51.651 23.23 1.548 10.18 13.6826 100.2916 Clinopyroxene
37245 #14 0.49 51.867 23.29 1.692 9.89 12.1776 99.4066 Clinopyroxene
37245 #12 0.56 52.227 23.43 1.782 9.15 12.8398 99.9888 Clinopyroxene
37245 #5 0.56 53.774 22.85 1.6468 10.62 13.5424 102.9932 Clinopyroxene
37245 #2 0.96 51.78 22.73 1.81 9.99 13.34 100.61 Clinopyroxene
37245 #8 0.79 53.21 23.03 1.65 9.77 13.02 101.45 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 18 0.74 52.24 22.41 1.74 9.85 12.86 99.84 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 22 0.45 52.67 22.71 1.17 9.92 13.24 100.16 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 26 0.6 53.2 23.52 1.85 9.13 12.76 101.06 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 30 0.66 52.59 23.17 1.61 9.88 12.9 100.82 Clinopyroxene
37245 # 32 0.93 52.95 23.1 1.75 9.97 12.99 101.71 Clinopyroxene
standard #1 0.0364 0.1365 41.4778 4.73 1.05 21.1757 11.0747 19.9745 0.4 100.0556 Garnet
SPI standard 42.363 4.69 1.15 21.474 11.19 19.4188 0.7 100.9858 Garnet
SPI Standard 41.022 4.58 1.12 20.754 10.95 19.665 0 0.96 99.051 Garnet
37245 #39 41.292 4.53 0.99 21.447 11.72 18.4728 0.74 99.1918 Garnet
37245 #38 42.246 4.94 0.95 21.456 11.87 19.2124 0.84 101.5144 Garnet
37245 #36 38.277 7.22 20.232 27.96 5.1084 0.99 99.7874 Garnet
37245 #35 37.899 7.03 20.187 28.14 5.3062 0.93 99.4922 Garnet
37245 #34 37.377 9.76 20.088 27.54 4.5064 0.98 100.2514 Garnet
37245 #33 38.358 7.18 21.132 28.45 5.375 1.02 101.515 Garnet
37245 #32 37.755 7.58 20.385 29.1 4.9622 0.89 100.6722 Garnet
37245 #31 38.043 9.22 20.808 27.8 4.7816 0.92 101.5726 Garnet
37245 #30 38.403 7.38 20.619 29.07 4.9966 1 101.4686 Garnet
37245 #29 40.68 6.43 19.062 28.22 5.7878 1.01 101.1898 Garnet
37245 #27 37.953 7.36 20.448 28.3 4.7472 0.73 99.5382 Garnet
37245 #26 38.601 7.23 20.907 28.55 5.3148 0.54 101.1428 Garnet
37245 #22 38.511 7.1 20.133 28.02 5.0654 0.91 99.7 Garnet
37245 #19 37.773 7.21 20.736 27.67 5.0138 1.35 99.7528 Garnet
37245 #18 38.367 7.17 21.042 27.92 5.332 1.17 101.001 Garnet
37245 #9 38.16 6.96 20.61 28.1 5.1256 0.98 99.9356 Garnet
37245 #8 38.268 7.55 21.204 27.74 5.074 0.94 100.776 Garnet
37245 #7 37.98 7.07 20.475 28.66 5.0138 0.89 100.0888 Garnet
37245 #1 40 4.2 21.64 23.76 10.6 0.68 100.88 Garnet
37245 # 12 38.89 7.16 20.82 27.65 5.42 0.83 100.78 Garnet
37245 # 15 38.86 7.6 21.12 28.21 4.95 0.91 101.66 Garnet
37245 # 16 39.2 7.27 21.19 28.23 5.32 0.74 101.95 Garnet
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
37245 # 20 41.51 7.01 20.01 25.83 5.3 1.01 100.66 Garnet
37245 # 28 38.99 7.58 19.74 26.79 5.32 0.87 99.28 Garnet
37245 # 29 31.87 5.29 17.55 41.18 4.55 0.83 101.27 Garnet
37245 #37 32.823 14.44 17.865 25.13 4.3258 0.73 95.3138 Grossular
37245 # 17 66.68 13.68 4.86 8.46 1.42 95.11 Mixed phases
37245 #44 51.399 0.79 1.206 27.61 18.4642 1.12 100.5892 Orthopyroxene
37245 #42 51.471 0.55 1.413 27.13 17.8278 1.03 99.4218 Orthopyroxene
37245 #40 50.751 0.39 1.215 27.11 18.0858 0.85 98.4018 Orthopyroxene
37245 #6 52.119 0.46 0.936 26.44 19.307 99.262 Orthopyroxene
37245 #4 51.58 0.45 1.31 25.88 19.03 0.83 99.09 Orthopyroxene
37245 #9 51.93 0.39 1.4 26.04 19.38 0.69 99.84 Orthopyroxene
37245 #7 51.91 1.24 25.91 18.99 0.73 98.79 Orthopyroxene
37245 #6 0.81 0.98 89.84 92.03 Fe-oxide
37245 #5 1.05 0.4 0.89 87.91 90.24 Fe-oxide
37245 #48 0.43 7.09 58.356 8.13 25.569 99.575 Plagioclase
37245 #45 7.5 59.409 8.06 25.11 0.59 100.669 Plagioclase
37245 #3 0.28 7.27 59.94 8 25.57 0 101.06 Plagioclase
37245 # 11 0.27 7.2 59.67 8.13 25.39 0.48 101.14 Plagioclase
37245 # 24 7.76 61.03 6.6 24.14 0 99.53 Plagioclase
37245 # 31 7.11 58.96 8.14 25.41 0 99.62 Plagioclase
37245 # 10 101.37 101.37 Quartz
37245 # 19 104.7 104.7 Quartz
37245 # 27 100.41 100.41 Quartz
2.8. Mineral chemical data, Lalamo Complex
2.8.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40757 #18 0 0.026 37.784 1.738 0 21.594 32.024 5.805 1.626 0 100.6 Garnet rim
40757 #22 0.004 0 38.062 1.992 0.007 21.702 30.54 6.324 1.963 0.075 100.672 Garnet core
40757 #30 0 0.009 37.915 1.827 0.022 21.664 32.642 5.317 1.814 0.05 101.264 Garnet rim
40757 #31 0 0 38.118 1.692 0 21.449 32.405 5.301 1.716 0.02 100.703 Garnet rim
40757 #33 0.018 0.013 37.953 1.848 0.005 21.694 32.168 5.896 1.494 0.066 101.16 Garnet core
40757 #34 0 0 37.953 1.741 0 21.411 31.901 5.851 1.57 0.075 100.505 Garnet core
40757 #19 8.094 0.448 37.544 0 2 17.762 14.069 14.256 0.026 0.139 94.342 Biotite
40757 #20 7.853 0.41 37.718 0.035 1.835 17.834 14.108 14.432 0.03 0.044 94.3 Biotite
40757 #29 8.077 0.528 37.808 0 1.338 17.916 14.209 14.566 0 0.099 94.546 Biotite
40757 #32 7.738 0.46 37.228 0 1.429 18.087 14.249 14.568 0.031 0.101 93.896 Biotite
40757 #21 0.043 7.69 59.506 7.189 0.007 25.328 0.01 0 0.03 0.003 99.81 Plagioclase core
40757 #25 0.02 7.669 59.669 7.204 0 25.721 0.04 0 0.009 0 100.337 Plagioclase around Cord
40757 #28 0.04 7.658 59.731 7.083 0.017 25.473 0.041 0 0.013 0 100.059 Plagioclase core
40757 #23 0 0.256 49.186 0.032 0 32.927 5.94 10.063 0.092 0.022 98.522 Cordierite
40757 #35 0.005 0.279 48.827 0.034 0 32.753 5.573 9.824 0.046 0 97.346 Cordierite
40757 #26 0 0.05 27.049 0 0.6 52.775 13.529 2.081 0.155 0.598 96.841 Staurolite
40757 #27 0.005 0.034 26.863 0 0.649 53.27 13.248 1.922 0.147 0.552 96.694 Staurolite
40757 #24 0 1.409 44.476 0.311 0.219 14.53 22.003 13.694 0.465 0.096 97.205

2.8.2. SEM - EDS

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40673 # 17 1.2 1.26 41.67 11.97 0.7 11.65 18.37 8.66 95.48 Amphibole
40725 # 12 1.63 1.25 40.98 11.86 0.86 12.55 24.55 5 98.68 Amphibole
40725 # 13 1.88 1.09 40.56 11.93 1.22 13.16 25.15 5.1 100.11 Amphibole
40725 # 15 1.74 1.19 40.52 12.16 1.11 13.07 23.39 5.2 98.37 Amphibole
40725 # 17 1.75 1.14 40.93 11.48 1.31 12.04 23.29 5.17 97.1 Amphibole
40725 # 19 1.75 1.36 41.33 12.02 0.97 12.9 23.34 5.56 99.24 Amphibole
40725 # 20 1.72 1 40.93 11.71 1.16 12.36 23.78 5.79 0.48 98.93 Amphibole
40725 # 22 1.77 1.31 40.68 11.83 0.96 13.5 23.66 5.32 99.03 Amphibole
40725 # 26 1.56 0.93 41.08 11.69 1.3 12.28 23.01 5.49 97.33 Amphibole
40727 #4 55.35 13.04 1.05 4.16 94.81 Amphibole Tremolit-anthoph
40727 #6 54 24.37 2.81 97.49 Amphibole cleaved grain
40727 #8 55.06 13.03 1.35 4.3 94.98 Amphibole Prismatic min.
Host grain for many
40727 #9 56.05 13.22 1.92 4.38 96.76 Amphibole opaque incl.
40727 # 11 55.85 13.28 1.23 4.34 96.29 Amphibole grain without incl.
40727 # 12 56.05 13.22 1.27 4.4 96.24 Amphibole grain without incl.
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40727 # 13 0.4 55.53 13.02 1.5 4.53 96.51 Amphibole grain with many incl.
40673 #9 9.94 36.63 2.62 14.57 18.22 11.49 93.47 Biotite
40673 # 11 9.58 36.67 2.43 15.01 18.17 11.51 93.37 Biotite
40725 # 18 0.5 51.31 22.9 1.38 16.82 7.94 0.57 101.42 Clinopyroxene
40725 # 21 0.56 51.99 23.27 1.64 17.13 8.08 102.67 Clinopyroxene
40725 # 23 39.1 24.07 24.86 10.65 98.68 Clinopyroxene
40725 # 27 39.27 23.95 25.22 9.77 98.21 Clinopyroxene
40727 #7 52.22 23.88 6.96 99.65 Clinopyroxene
40673 #1 40.02 4.26 21.72 23.71 10.43 100.14 Garnet
40673 #6 39.59 4.14 21.96 23.89 10.52 0.61 100.7 Garnet
40725 #1 38.54 13.94 20.84 24.63 1.04 2.49 101.49 Garnet
40725 #2 37.8 13.55 20.9 25.1 1.6 2.05 100.99 Garnet
40725 #3 39.16 14.05 20.5 26.17 1.52 1.65 103.05 Garnet
40725 #4 38.45 13.58 20.67 24.9 1.37 2.13 101.1 Garnet
40725 #5 38.84 13.5 20.61 25 1.32 2.53 101.78 Garnet
40725 #6 38.28 13.95 20.91 23.71 1.21 2.78 100.85 Garnet
40725 #7 38.39 14.03 20.78 24.07 1.03 3.19 101.48 Garnet
40725 #8 38.56 14.34 21.03 23.36 0.92 3.44 101.65 Garnet
40725 #9 38.4 13.73 20.7 23.92 1.06 3.46 101.26 Garnet
40725 # 10 38.34 14.32 21.03 23.27 0.61 3.25 100.82 Garnet
40727 #1 35.11 3.04 20.36 21.34 90.26 Garnet
40727 #2 39.92 4.16 21.84 24.06 0.52 0 101.25 Garnet std spi alm
40673 # 12 37.61 24.73 23.88 10.94 97.16 Grossular
40673 # 13 37.93 24.33 23.76 10.32 0.46 96.8 Grossular
40725 # 14 0.79 79.09 79.88 Oxyd of Fe
40727 #3 7.59 0.72 60.47 71.74 Oxyd of Fe Feox with 2% Ni
40727 #5 85.59 2.4 87.98 Oxyd of Fe Feox w Cr
40727 # 10 0.65 86.55 1.78 88.97 Oxyd of Fe FeOx w Cr
40727 # 14 0.79 87.04 2.31 90.14 Oxyd of Fe FeOxw. Cr.
40673 #7 7.98 60.58 6.13 23.9 0 98.6 Plagioclase
40673 # 10 7.63 59.5 7.19 24.37 0 98.69 Plagioclase
40673 # 14 7.67 60.05 6.54 24.07 0 98.32 Plagioclase
40673 # 15 8.61 62.69 5.5 23.21 0 100.01 Plagioclase
40673 # 16 7.69 59.02 7.03 24.75 0 98.48 Plagioclase
40673 # 18 8.01 61.13 6.21 23.46 0 98.81 Plagioclase
40673 # 19 7.59 59.71 6.92 24.38 0 Plagioclase
40725 # 11 7 59.43 7.88 25.33 0 99.63 Plagioclase
40725 # 16 7.11 60.59 7.4 25.56 0 100.66 Plagioclase
40725 # 25 7.09 59.77 7.56 25.47 0 99.89 Plagioclase
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40673 #8 101.03 101.03 Quartz
40725 # 24 102.56 102.56 Quartz
2.9. Mineral chemical data, Montepuez Complex (electron microprobe)
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33299 #49 0.007 0.036 36.776 6.994 0.025 20.844 28.167 1.978 5.312 0 - 100.144 Garnet core
33299 #50 0.001 0.054 36.62 7.216 0 20.706 27.788 1.389 6.274 0 - 100.051 Garnet rim
33299 #54 0.007 0.038 37.012 7.19 0 20.729 27.553 1.447 6.271 0 - 100.251 Garnet rim
33299 #55 0.001 0 37.181 6.624 0 20.861 28.496 2.089 5.317 0 - 100.572 Garnet core
33299 #60 0.001 0.009 37.41 7.071 0.013 20.942 28.081 2.025 5.337 0.009 - 100.902 Garnet core
33299 #61 0.005 0 36.909 7.049 0.003 20.903 27.542 2.086 5.335 0 - 99.836 Garnet core
33299 #62 0.005 0 36.761 7.108 0.037 20.712 27.388 1.497 6.53 0.035 - 100.076 Garnet rim
33299 #65 0.001 0.035 37.183 7.302 0 20.714 26.795 1.464 6.589 0.035 - 100.121 Garnet rim
33299 #56 0.353 8.748 62.185 5.153 0 23.542 0.03 0.02 0.039 0.003 - 100.076 Plagioclase core
33299 #57 0.282 8.74 62.153 5.341 0 24.181 0.16 0 0.017 0 - 100.876 Plagioclase rim
33299 #66 15.825 0.783 64.003 0.021 0 18.528 0.001 0 0 0 - 99.165 K-feldspar core
33299 #68 0.202 9.004 62.551 5.324 0 24.166 0.157 0 0 0 - 101.408 Plagioclase rim
33299 #1 15.519 0.776 63.753 0.027 0 18.494 0 0 - - 0.969 99.54 K-feldspar core
33299 #2 0.27 8.619 61.894 5.269 0 23.901 0 0 - - 0.028 99.984 Plagioclase core
33299 #3 0.212 8.671 62.031 5.225 0.005 23.442 0.156 0.003 - - 0.032 99.78 Plagioclase rim
33299 #4 15.314 0.887 63.958 0.043 0.003 18.634 0 0 - - 1.007 99.85 K-feldspar core
33299 #51 9.504 0.026 35.72 0.101 2.602 14.719 24.353 8.459 0.213 0.053 - 95.753 Biotite
33299 #52 9.558 0.011 35.178 0.035 2.55 14.721 24.689 8.408 0.177 0 - 95.332 Biotite
33299 #53 9.65 0.042 35.401 0.059 2.539 14.881 24.123 8.542 0.226 0.034 - 95.5 Biotite
33299 #58 9.743 0.027 35.163 0.029 3.451 14.586 24.155 7.964 0.274 0 - 95.397 Biotite
33299 #59 9.761 0.034 35.332 0 3.441 15.006 24.334 7.974 0.285 0.009 - 96.178 Biotite
33299 #63 9.216 0.031 35.27 0.115 2.275 15.115 24.428 8.687 0.269 0.02 - 95.43 Biotite
33299 #64 9.37 0.049 35.497 0.111 2.821 15.102 24.013 8.468 0.207 0.028 - 95.668 Biotite
33299 #67 9.598 0.042 35.367 0.024 3.139 15.081 23.962 7.995 0.333 0.023 - 95.569 Biotite
2.10. Mineral chemical data, Ocua Complex
2.10.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40744 #1 0 0 38.882 11.105 0.047 21.369 20.948 6.559 1.042 0.032 - - - 99.989 Garnet core
40744 #2 0.001 0.015 38.691 7.115 0.058 21.398 24.556 6.823 1.574 0.035 - - - 100.271 Garnet rim
40744 #3 0 0 38.612 6.531 0.04 21.519 24.623 6.715 1.791 0 - - - 99.834 Garnet
40744 #9 0 0.127 39.228 7.819 0.047 21.778 22.18 8.524 0.717 0 - - - 100.423 Garnet core
40744 #10 0 0 38.73 7.008 0.037 21.543 24.938 6.904 1.397 0.009 - - - 100.57 Garnet rim
40744 #4 0 0 52.218 0.253 0.028 2.288 21.52 22.689 0.373 0.148 - - - 99.524 Orthopyroxene corona
40744 #6 0 0.016 51.217 0.406 0.018 1.374 24.52 20.495 0.655 0.019 - - - 98.724 Orthopyroxene corona
40744 #7 0.002 0.018 52.252 0.407 0.012 1.37 24.083 20.688 0.616 0.001 - - - 99.454 Orthopyroxene corona
40744 #13 0 0 52.126 0.32 0.033 1.702 23.269 21.184 0.513 0.032 - - - 99.185 Orthopyroxene corona
40744 #20 0.006 0.031 52.487 0.297 0.007 1.183 23.339 22.049 0.426 0.035 - - - 99.866 Orthopyroxene corona
40744 #5 0.145 3.681 50.966 13.923 0.003 30.724 0.291 0 0.009 0 - - - 99.746 Plagioclase symplectite
40744 #12 0.139 3.015 49.865 14.968 0 31.712 0.212 0.051 0.039 0.012 - - - 100.016 Plagioclase symplectite
40744 #15 0.485 6.764 58.266 8.028 0 25.976 0.085 0 0 0 - - - 99.608 Plagioclase core
40744 #16 0.436 6.728 58 8.202 0 25.949 0.031 0.003 0 0.025 - - - 99.377 Plagioclase core
40744 #8 0.004 0 0.021 0.069 0 0.178 91.506 0.01 0.01 0.194 - - - 91.994 Magnetite corona
40744 #11 1.743 1.076 42.499 11.871 0.811 12.066 14.212 12.074 0.102 0.11 - - - 96.566 Amphibole
40744 #17 1.564 1.578 41.977 11.482 2.41 11.769 15.031 11.084 0.098 0.096 - - - 97.095 Amphibole
40744 #14 0.012 0.652 50.275 22.338 0.36 4.229 9.124 12.293 0.176 0.004 - - - 99.467 Clinopyroxene core
40744 #18 0.005 0.678 50.438 22.507 0.292 4.009 9.263 12.119 0.216 0.038 - - - 99.569 Clinopyroxene core
40744 #19 0.01 0.59 50.793 22.744 0.202 3.887 8.819 12.726 0.168 0.058 - - - 100 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #93 0 0.008 37.801 6.552 0.075 20.869 28.884 4.386 2.322 0 - - - 100.9 Garnet core
33298 #94 0 0 38.069 6.488 0.067 20.706 28.194 4.256 2.167 0.022 - - - 99.973 Garnet core
33298 #95 0.005 0 37.857 6.517 0.078 20.838 28.634 4.651 1.988 0.029 - - - 100.603 Garnet core
33298 #96 0.011 0.02 37.551 6.733 0.05 20.789 28.234 3.882 2.238 0.001 - - - 99.513 Garnet rim
33298 #97 0 0.007 37.761 6.759 0.052 20.916 28.34 3.888 2.499 0.009 - - - 100.233 Garnet rim
33298 #98 0 0 37.401 6.793 0.017 20.854 28.171 3.817 2.333 0.02 - - - 99.41 Garnet rim
33298 #116 0.008 0.075 37.932 6.212 0.087 20.908 28.929 4.279 2.387 0.06 - - - 100.881 Garnet core
33298 #117 0 0 38.084 6.66 0.037 20.867 28.6 4.306 2.395 0 - - - 100.951 Garnet rim
33298 #99 0 0.709 50.971 21.871 0.235 2.299 12.4 11.172 0.389 0.026 - - - 100.076 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #103 0.008 0.561 51.202 21.833 0.143 1.77 12.327 11.361 0.269 0 - - - 99.479 Clinopyroxene rim
33298 #115 0.001 0.585 51.364 21.719 0.195 2.358 12.613 11.028 0.445 0 - - - 100.312 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #120 0 0.383 52.237 22.187 0.095 1.221 11.866 11.681 0.369 0.016 - - - 100.06 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #121 0.023 0.615 51.707 22.043 0.128 1.753 12.297 11.514 0.4 0.018 - - - 100.502 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #126 0 0.837 50.605 21.58 0.299 2.983 12.162 10.857 0.372 0 - - - 99.699 Clinopyroxene core
33298 #101 0.002 0 50.414 0.602 0.018 0.724 30.955 15.926 0.741 0.004 - - - 99.392 Orthopyroxene small
33298 #102 0.008 0.038 50.307 0.532 0.023 0.769 31.058 15.83 0.695 0.016 - - - 99.281 Orthopyroxene small
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33298 #104 0 0 50.622 0.5 0.037 0.852 30.946 15.871 0.891 0.044 - - - 99.767 Orthopyroxene
33298 #114 0.001 0 50.042 0.576 0.055 0.928 30.904 15.405 0.981 0 - - - 98.896 Orthopyroxene small
33298 #118 0.016 0 50.626 0.597 0.067 0.727 31.496 15.821 0.846 0.004 - - - 100.205 Orthopyroxene core
33298 #122 0 0.053 50.322 0.603 0.052 0.969 31.646 16.062 0.946 0 - - - 100.658 Orthopyroxene core
33298 #100 1.531 1.205 42.18 11.275 1.284 11.611 18.219 9.64 0.128 0.013 - - - 97.09 Amphibole
33298 #108 1.489 1.215 42.138 11.321 1.508 11.021 18.708 9.179 0.201 0 - - - 96.783 Amphibole
33298 #113 1.517 1.26 42.236 11.538 1.92 10.872 18.386 9.41 0.179 0 - - - 97.322 Amphibole
33298 #119 1.467 1.326 42.512 11.605 1.726 10.936 18.314 9.479 0.168 0.031 - - - 97.569 Amphibole
33298 #105 0.535 7.828 60.826 6.719 0.002 24.85 0.06 0 0.059 0.013 - - - 100.897 Plagioclase core
33298 #106 0.465 7.299 59.581 7.27 0.003 25.398 0.167 0 0.021 0.053 - - - 100.261 Plagioclase rim
33298 #107 0.443 7.559 59.793 7.383 0 25.277 0.282 0.015 0.004 0 - - - 100.759 Plagioclase rim
33298 #109 0.557 7.768 60.48 6.485 0.005 25.016 0.1 0.012 0 0.029 - - - 100.457 Plagioclase core
33298 #123 0.408 7.903 60.567 6.692 0 25.022 0.111 0.007 0 0.025 - - - 100.739 Plagioclase rim
33298 #124 0.53 7.867 60.478 6.459 0 24.612 0.076 0.007 0 0.003 - - - 100.034 Plagioclase core
33298 #110 0 0 0.049 0.034 0.987 0.801 90.407 0.053 0.046 0.034 - - - 92.413 Magnetite
33298 #111 0 0 0.066 0 17.693 1.612 79.053 0.101 0.353 0 - - - 98.879 Oxide
33298 #112 0.001 0.001 0.222 0.045 5.529 0.563 86.619 0.051 0.101 0.012 - - - 93.146 Oxide
33298 #125 0.001 0 0.058 0.02 3.103 0.748 89.347 0.083 0.116 0.051 - - - 93.529 Oxide
33307 #127 0.017 0 37.979 6.475 0.098 21.095 25.266 6.515 2.765 0 - - - 100.214 Garnet core
33307 #128 0 0.212 38.561 6.664 0.052 21.154 24.801 5.772 3.725 0.056 - - - 100.999 Garnet rim
33307 #129 0 0.001 37.865 6.625 0.078 21.016 24.986 5.88 3.792 0.004 - - - 100.252 Garnet rim
33307 #130 0.01 0.035 38.004 6.587 0.087 21.06 25.03 5.72 3.643 0.013 - - - 100.191 Garnet rim
33307 #145 0 0 38.719 6.55 0.083 21.254 26.033 6.8 1.649 0.038 - - - 101.129 Garnet core
33307 #146 0.007 0 38.464 6.445 0.063 21.237 26.034 6.843 1.854 0.058 - - - 101.011 Garnet core
33307 #147 0 0.03 38.445 6.522 0.072 21.26 24.949 6.11 3.382 0.058 - - - 100.83 Garnet rim
33307 #148 0 0 37.795 6.615 0.088 21.05 25.34 5.999 3.312 0.031 - - - 100.233 Garnet rim
33307 #149 0.006 0.012 38.342 6.484 0.09 21.377 25.052 6.37 3.02 0.038 - - - 100.795 Garnet rim
33307 #163 0.008 0.024 38.501 6.407 0.082 21.165 25.183 6.403 2.949 0.019 - - - 100.745 Garnet rim
33307 #133 0.006 0.652 52.062 21.92 0.175 2.09 10.104 13.057 0.456 0 - - - 100.526 Clinopyroxene
33307 #139 0.022 0.899 50.275 21.805 0.384 4.009 10.441 11.814 0.346 0 - - - 99.999 Clinopyroxene core
33307 #141 0 0.652 51.882 22.079 0.234 2.024 9.827 12.903 0.467 0 - - - 100.072 Clinopyroxene core
33307 #152 0 0.677 51.786 20.877 0.232 2.088 10.889 12.989 0.507 0.009 - - - 100.058 Clinopyroxene rim
33307 #154 0.014 0.638 52.06 22.183 0.137 1.648 9.474 13.207 0.483 0.02 - - - 99.868 Clinopyroxene small
33307 #156 0.002 0.547 52.359 22.558 0.138 1.606 9.144 13.419 0.447 0.009 - - - 100.235 Clinopyroxene small
33307 #166 0.017 0.918 50.449 21.553 0.349 3.728 10.191 11.681 0.456 0 - - - 99.346 Clinopyroxene core
33307 #167 0 0.642 52.207 22.307 0.138 1.644 9.462 13.188 0.544 0.013 - - - 100.149 Clinopyroxene rim
33307 #168 0.002 0.909 50.32 21.547 0.405 3.956 10.301 11.985 0.445 0.004 - - - 99.879 Clinopyroxene core
33307 #169 0.005 0.675 51.914 22.17 0.239 2.364 9.6 12.736 0.427 0.051 - - - 100.185 Clinopyroxene rim
33307 #131 1.577 1.506 42.396 11.609 2.063 11.042 15.164 11.403 0.319 0 - - - 97.082 Amphibole small
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33307 #134 1.72 1.653 41.601 11.454 2.335 11.977 15.704 10.95 0.303 0.026 - - - 97.727 Amphibole
33307 #140 1.603 1.453 42.612 11.595 2.472 11.204 15.224 11.26 0.303 0 - - - 97.731 Amphibole small
33307 #153 1.512 1.39 42.972 11.768 2.245 10.785 15.286 11.552 0.271 0 - - - 97.785 Amphibole small
33307 #155 1.597 1.581 42.018 11.629 2.248 11.091 15.299 11.136 0.235 0.045 - - - 96.883 Amphibole small
33307 #165 1.494 1.286 42.82 11.54 2.003 10.834 15.451 11.255 0.207 0.028 - - - 96.922 Amphibole
33307 #173 1.56 1.53 42.371 11.56 2.258 10.83 15.393 11.298 0.301 0 - - - 97.105 Amphibole
33307 #135 0.273 6.486 56.73 8.872 0.017 26.639 0.176 0 0.028 0 - - - 99.226 Plagioclase rim
33307 #136 0.325 7.708 59.887 7.057 0.023 25.347 0.116 0 0.028 0.019 - - - 100.513 Plagioclase rim
33307 #137 15.79 0.805 63.759 0.062 0.013 18.683 0.036 0.002 0 0.009 - - - 99.162 Plagioclase core
33307 #138 0.424 8.097 60.931 6.48 0 24.912 0.099 0.005 0 0 - - - 100.951 Plagioclase core
33307 #143 0.343 7.621 59.806 7.169 0.012 25.367 0.175 0 0 0.041 - - - 100.539 Plagioclase rim
33307 #144 0.408 8.2 60.97 6.04 0.008 24.436 0.099 0 0 0.007 - - - 100.172 Plagioclase core
33307 #151 0.294 6.667 57.799 8.893 0.012 26.616 0.187 0.007 0 0.013 - - - 100.49 Plagioclase corona on Grt
33307 #161 0.487 8.097 60.593 6.282 0.01 24.842 0.138 0 0.017 0 - - - 100.469 Plagioclase core
33307 #162 0.264 5.827 55.666 10.386 0 28.105 0.369 0 0.035 0.004 - - - 100.661 Plagioclase inclusion
33307 #164 0.393 6.916 58.118 8.258 0.013 26.316 0.445 0 0.039 0 - - - 100.501 Plagioclase inclusion
33307 #170 0.459 7.671 60.683 6.537 0.012 25.296 0.121 0 0.034 0.004 - - - 100.82 Plagioclase core
33307 #171 0.442 7.656 60.011 6.786 0.022 24.891 0.077 0 0 0 - - - 99.89 Plagioclase core
33307 #132 10.058 0.116 37.048 0.006 6 14.29 15.151 13.354 0.155 0.018 - - - 96.199 Biotite
33307 #142 10.068 0.054 37.027 0.017 5.511 14.148 16.005 13.457 0.17 0 - - - 96.461 Biotite
33307 #150 10.076 0.042 36.988 0 6.11 14.28 15.349 13.444 0.138 0.044 - - - 96.476 Biotite
33307 #159 9.923 0.04 37.087 0.039 5.685 14.52 14.59 13.842 0.118 0.048 - - - 95.896 Biotite
33307 #160 10.152 0 36.866 0.032 5.675 14.231 15.225 13.943 0.097 0 - - - 96.226 Biotite
33307 #172 10.073 0.058 36.725 0.007 5.621 13.808 16.179 13.396 0.118 0.088 - - - 96.075 Biotite
33307 #157 0.017 0.031 0.036 0 51.785 0.032 45.041 0.584 2.256 0 - - - 99.784 Ilmenite
33307 #158 0.027 0 0.036 0.046 0.107 0.164 91.774 0 0.018 0.086 - - - 92.26 Magnetite
33307 #174 0 0.012 0.021 0.067 17.519 0.206 74.388 0.181 0.127 0.077 - - - 92.6 Ti-Magnetite
33307 #175 0.005 0.042 0.021 0.09 46.319 0.023 50.75 0.642 0.549 0.022 - - - 98.463 Ilmenite
33310 #69 0.001 0.02 38.3 5.427 0.027 21.247 26.155 6.246 3.863 0.054 - - - 101.344 Garnet core
33310 #70 0.007 0.108 38.062 5.289 0.07 21.243 26.387 6.228 3.562 0 - - - 100.96 Garnet core
33310 #71 0.002 0 37.868 2.541 0 21.241 27.113 6.845 3.964 0 - - - 99.576 Garnet rim
33310 #72 0.005 0.02 37.827 2.556 0.012 21.139 27.343 7.077 3.781 0 - - - 99.763 Garnet rim
33310 #74 0 0.007 38.415 5.441 0.055 21.29 26.061 6.962 2.3 0.02 - - - 100.555 Garnet core
33310 #75 0 0 38.257 5.483 0.062 21.413 25.842 6.914 2.585 0 - - - 100.56 Garnet core
33310 #76 0 0.186 38.351 2.601 0.017 21.432 27.634 7.712 3.183 0.01 - - - 101.128 Garnet rim
33310 #77 0.007 0 38.208 2.693 0 21.577 27.54 8.033 2.075 0 - - - 100.137 Garnet rim
33310 #78 0 0.03 37.951 2.951 0 21.324 28.026 7.36 2.491 0.015 - - - 100.151 Garnet rim
33310 #82 0.001 0.031 38.022 5.159 0.072 21.39 25.719 7.078 2.621 0.016 - - - 100.112 Garnet core
33310 #83 0.01 0.047 38.088 5.159 0.105 21.326 27.36 5.934 2.772 0.02 - - - 100.825 Garnet core
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33310 #84 0.02 0 38.321 2.654 0.008 21.315 27.86 7.179 3.009 0 - - - 100.37 Garnet rim
33310 #85 0.013 0 38.481 2.362 0.002 21.243 28 7.523 2.975 0 - - - 100.603 Garnet rim
33310 #80 9.719 0.139 36.522 0.034 4.699 15.25 16.497 13.109 0.061 0.022 - - - 96.054 Biotite
33310 #81 9.374 0.051 36.019 0.041 5.024 15.102 16.539 12.958 0.094 0.006 - - - 95.212 Biotite
33310 #86 9.752 0.08 36.605 0.06 5.454 15.223 15.233 13.268 0.094 0 - - - 95.775 Biotite
33310 #87 9.791 0.062 36.466 0.006 4.936 14.702 18.456 12.114 0.088 0.028 - - - 96.652 Biotite
33310 #88 9.823 0.073 36.122 0 4.979 14.641 18.299 12.14 0.01 0.013 - - - 96.105 Biotite
33310 #89 9.021 0.096 36.306 0.042 4.764 15.102 15.947 13.545 0.05 0.022 - - - 94.898 Biotite
33310 #90 0.219 9.384 63.122 4.417 0.008 22.943 0.041 0 0.004 0 - - - 100.144 Plagioclase core
33310 #91 14.094 2.119 64.893 0.146 0.022 18.649 0.005 0 0 0.019 - - - 99.95 K-feldspar core
33310 #92 15.661 1.14 64.793 0.063 0 18.335 0.032 0 0 0.032 - - - 100.06 K-feldspar
33310 #5 0.143 9.413 63.085 4.321 0 23.399 0.06 - 0 - 0 - - 100.424 Plagioclase core
33310 #6 15.155 1.227 64.855 0.049 0 18.533 0.049 - 0.043 - 0.094 - - 100.007 K-feldspar core
33310 #7 15.461 1.205 64.264 0.083 0.007 18.388 0.026 - 0.036 - 0.298 - - 99.771 K-feldspar core
33310 #8 14.863 1.405 64.671 0.021 0 18.577 0 - 0 - 0.148 - - 99.689 K-feldspar core
33310 #9 15.607 1.068 64.399 0.056 0 18.577 0 - 0 - 0.287 - - 99.996 K-feldspar core
33310 #10 0.223 9.31 62.925 4.455 0 22.762 0.033 - 0.005 - 0.055 - - 99.773 Plagioclase core
33310 #11 0.251 9.211 62.942 4.379 0.003 23.094 0.109 - 0 - 0.066 - - 100.059 Plagioclase core
33310 #12 13.19 2.558 64.748 0.085 0.022 18.73 0 - 0 - 0.171 - - 99.507 K-feldspar core
33310 #13 14.047 2.25 64.628 0.088 0.013 18.348 0.021 - 0 - 0 - - 99.399 K-feldspar core
33310 #73 0.133 0.062 33.745 1.63 0.04 9.734 31.997 8.32 0.056 0.023 - - - 85.744 Sheet silicate altered pyroxene
33310 #79 0.008 0.04 0.039 0.025 0.013 0.249 92.336 0.01 0.046 0.001 - - - 92.77 Oxide
26809 #1 0.007 0.02 38.199 32.399 0.53 15.095 12.544 0.217 0.363 0 - - - 99.379 Garnet core
26809 #2 0.012 0 38.099 32.874 0.51 16.672 10.647 0.227 0.288 0.099 - - - 99.432 Garnet rim
26809 #6 0 0 38.069 32.376 0.447 14.981 12.975 0.259 0.31 0.044 - - - 99.464 Garnet rim
26809 #14 0.01 0.028 38.178 32.524 0.502 15.002 13.275 0.249 0.354 0.034 - - - 100.158 Garnet core
26809 #15 0.008 0.026 37.87 32.464 0.459 14.968 13.309 0.225 0.26 0.051 - - - 99.641 Garnet rim
26809 #21 0 0 37.968 32.52 0.464 15.626 12.412 0.109 0.289 0.077 - - - 99.468 Garnet rim
26809 #3 0.006 0.17 50.975 24.085 0.048 0.707 15.272 8.363 0.196 0.124 - - - 99.951 Clinopyroxene rim
26809 #4 0.01 0.191 50.793 24.172 0.098 1.602 15.049 8.567 0.236 0.066 - - - 100.789 Clinopyroxene core
26809 #5 0.008 0.144 51.381 23.98 0.038 0.879 14.65 8.834 0.174 0.054 - - - 100.149 Clinopyroxene core
26809 #7 0 0.205 50.994 24.213 0.047 0.964 15.426 8.287 0.187 0.155 - - - 100.48 Clinopyroxene rim
26809 #16 0 0.119 51.031 24.028 0.01 0.756 16.253 7.781 0.179 0.137 - - - 100.298 Clinopyroxene rim
26809 #18 0.012 0.202 49.142 23.635 0.082 1.277 19.345 5.366 0.207 0.023 - - - 99.292 Clinopyroxene inclusion
26809 #20 0.005 0.183 49.704 23.653 0.12 1.383 19.485 5.588 0.243 0 - - - 100.368 Clinopyroxene inclusion
26809 #9 0.027 0.914 44.628 18.799 0.012 34.958 0.073 0 0 0.048 - - - 99.462 Plagioclase core
26809 #10 0.02 0.992 44.972 18.84 0 35.274 0.157 0 0.009 0 - - - 100.267 Plagioclase rim
26809 #17 0.033 0.887 44.681 19.062 0 35.211 0.098 0 0.052 0 - - - 100.027 Plagioclase core
26809 #19 0.063 0.957 45.053 18.707 0.013 34.979 0.169 0 0.022 0.023 - - - 99.989 Plagioclase inclusion
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
26809 #11 0.006 0 30.324 28.5 36.034 2.878 0.449 0 0 0.057 - - - 98.25 Titanite
26809 #8 0.135 2.201 43.838 20.218 0.005 28.617 0.185 0.032 0.001 0 - - - 95.236
26809 #12 0.123 2.341 44.238 20.162 0 28.498 0.077 0 0.013 0 - - - 95.456
26809 #13 0.107 2.189 44.283 20.029 0.012 28.674 0.188 0.003 0.013 0.009 - - - 95.511
33397 #71 0.004 0.011 38.24 6.501 0.063 21.065 27.497 5.074 2.106 0.063 - - - 100.627 Garnet core
33397 #77 0.006 0 38.131 6.803 0.058 21.069 26.584 6.231 1.241 0.01 - - - 100.137 Garnet core
33397 #78 0.005 0 38.494 6.529 0.053 21.099 27.744 5.266 1.657 0 - - - 100.851 Garnet rim
33397 #69 0 0.011 50.977 0.49 0.055 1.721 28.131 18.156 0.545 0 - - - 100.091 Orthopyroxene core
33397 #76 0.006 0 50.791 0.435 0.048 1.493 27.487 18.514 0.524 0.016 - - - 99.32 Orthopyroxene core
33397 #72 0.011 0.596 50.652 22.436 0.27 3.055 10.576 11.94 0.241 0.013 - - - 99.796 Clinopyroxene core
33397 #79 0.001 0.768 50.821 21.968 0.269 3.18 10.732 12.122 0.201 0.012 - - - 100.079 Clinopyroxene core
33397 #70 1.912 1.391 41.275 11.704 2.235 11.992 17.19 9.703 0.141 0.042 - - - 97.59 Amphibole
33397 #82 1.906 1.318 41.859 11.752 1.882 11.65 16.21 10.263 0.137 0.023 - - - 97.004 Amphibole small Xtal
33397 #75 0.505 6.955 59.215 7.928 0 25.632 0.109 0 0.025 0.038 - - - 100.411 Plagioclase core
33397 #1 16.4 0.182 63.622 0.057 0 18.6 0.003 - 0.028 - 1.523 - - 100.419 K-feldspar small
33397 #2 0.459 7.162 59.171 7.884 0 25.335 0.063 - 0 - 0.056 - - 100.134 Plagioclase core
33397 #80 10.129 0 36.935 0 5.086 14.32 15.548 13.979 0 0 - - - 96.002 Biotite small Xtal
33397 #73 0.002 0 0 0 51.452 0.019 46.735 1.161 0.63 0.023 - - - 100.024 Ilmenite homogeneous
nearly homogeneous,
33397 #74 0.011 0.008 0.009 0.01 0.549 0.896 90.575 0.055 0.098 0.02 - - - 92.231 Magnetite rare exsolutions
with exsolutions along
33397 #81 0.001 0 0.028 0.008 0.075 0.217 92.718 0.012 0 0.009 - - - 93.07 Magnetite 3 planes
40690 #50 0 0.016 38.74 8.338 0.193 21.129 24.576 6.876 0.976 0.025 - - - 100.874 Garnet core
40690 #51 0.016 0 38.841 8.325 0.16 21.352 24.605 6.841 1.01 0.034 - - - 101.187 Garnet core
40690 #60 0.013 0.004 38.988 7.721 0.058 21.402 25.004 6.777 1.191 0.019 - - - 101.179 Garnet core
40690 #61 0.004 0 38.997 7.746 0.075 21.611 24.74 6.709 1.114 0 - - - 100.999 Garnet core
40690 #55 0.01 0.018 51.433 0.511 0.045 1.238 25.71 19.741 0.807 0.016 - - - 99.532 Orthopyroxene core
40690 #62 0 0 51.523 0.564 0.058 1.478 25.767 19.598 0.616 0 - - - 99.609 Orthopyroxene core
40690 #57 0 0.615 51.332 21.598 0.322 3.101 10.848 12.386 0.34 0.042 - - - 100.586 Clinopyroxene core
40690 #63 0 0.65 50.917 21.214 0.32 3.218 11.344 12.273 0.338 0.035 - - - 100.316 Clinopyroxene core
40690 #67 0.002 0.594 51.604 22.336 0.27 2.743 10.13 12.935 0.257 0 - - - 100.876 Clinopyroxene core
40690 #68 0.01 0.545 52 22.819 0.157 1.999 9.144 12.93 0.26 0 - - - 99.866 Clinopyroxene
40690 #52 1.745 1.601 40.764 11.65 2.325 12.425 16.32 10.29 0.172 0.042 - - - 97.34 Amphibole large
40690 #56 1.797 1.344 41.712 11.636 2.404 11.896 16.104 10.258 0.158 0.031 - - - 97.342 Amphibole
40690 #65 1.736 1.438 42.274 11.606 2.253 11.775 16.43 10.617 0.132 0.019 - - - 98.285 Amphibole
40690 #58 0.499 6.72 58.358 8.371 0 26.044 0.072 0 0.028 0 - - - 100.095 Plagioclase core
40690 #59 0.459 6.445 57.194 9.106 0.017 26.917 0.188 0.005 0.008 0.004 - - - 100.346 Plagioclase core
40690 #66 0.371 6.639 58.343 8.673 0.023 26.494 0.051 0 0 0.018 - - - 100.616 Plagioclase core
40690 #53 9.751 0.058 36.351 0.032 5.553 14.265 16.342 12.809 0.068 0.042 - - - 95.277 Biotite
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40690 #64 9.874 0.03 36.073 0.01 5.91 14.012 17.266 12.358 0.068 0.057 - - - 95.66 Biotite
40690 #54 0 0 0 0.05 43.595 0.021 53.439 0.366 0.58 0.05 - - - 98.103 Ilmenite
40408 #122 0.006 0.036 37.02 9.156 0.118 20.304 31.265 1.05 1.611 0.004 - - - 100.575 Garnet core
40408 #124 0.011 0.032 37.048 8.749 0.158 20.166 31.569 0.932 1.784 0 - - - 100.453 Garnet core
40408 #128 0 0.03 36.92 8.816 0.178 20.285 30.882 1.006 1.884 0 - - - 100.005 Garnet core
40408 #123 0.004 0.426 48.975 19.877 0.108 0.979 24.177 4.808 0.467 0.009 - - - 99.832 Clinopyroxene core
40408 #126 0 0.418 49.133 19.873 0.085 0.863 24.019 4.711 0.518 0 - - - 99.623 Clinopyroxene
40408 #129 0.004 0.43 49.167 21.025 0.158 1.069 23.051 4.782 0.457 0 - - - 100.147 Clinopyroxene core
40408 #125 1.627 1.936 39.23 10.579 2.702 10.8 27.546 3.439 0.262 0.023 - - - 98.148 Amphibole
40408 #130 1.627 2 39.401 10.705 2.962 10.819 27.448 3.384 0.21 0 - - - 98.562 Amphibole
40408 #131 1.629 2.031 39.324 10.757 2.951 10.32 27.513 3.346 0.243 0 - - - 98.116 Amphibole
40408 #127 0.157 9.445 63.669 4.165 0 22.768 0.05 0 0 0.013 - - - 100.271 Plagioclase core
40408 #132 0.202 9.262 63.475 4.191 0.025 22.786 0.041 0.003 0 0 - - - 99.989 Plagioclase core
40408 #9 13.407 2.247 64.591 0.06 0 18.785 0.01 - 0 - 1.043 - - 100.147 K-feldspar core
40409 #98 0.02 0.136 37.829 6.009 0.078 20.678 29.97 4.52 1.52 0.02 - - - 100.785 Garnet core
40409 #100 0 0 38.644 6.347 0.097 21.237 28.182 5.573 1.357 0.035 - - - 101.475 Garnet core
40409 #101 0.005 0.043 38.248 6.314 0.105 20.937 28.439 5.632 1.191 0.031 - - - 100.949 Garnet core
40409 #102 0.012 0.043 38.094 6.288 0.1 20.918 28.56 4.764 1.831 0 - - - 100.613 Garnet rim
40409 #97 0.027 0.121 49.862 0.677 0.053 0.965 31.936 15.092 0.557 0.012 - - - 99.306 Orthopyroxene core
40409 #103 0.002 0.059 51.05 0.627 0.053 1.028 29.244 17.134 0.484 0 - - - 99.687 Orthopyroxene core
40409 #105 0.01 0.049 51.09 0.607 0.06 1.088 29.386 17.294 0.528 0.045 - - - 100.162 Orthopyroxene core
40409 #110 0.017 0.042 50.894 0.681 0.06 0.701 31.737 16.327 0.42 0.004 - - - 100.888 Orthopyroxene core
40409 #111 0.006 0.075 50.652 0.714 0.025 0.701 30.733 16.48 0.458 0.02 - - - 99.869 Orthopyroxene core
40409 #104 0 0.434 51.3 22.357 0.214 2.415 11.553 11.689 0.161 0.031 - - - 100.159 Clinopyroxene core
40409 #112 0.002 0.373 51.341 22.573 0.113 1.294 11.497 11.764 0.187 0 - - - 99.15 Clinopyroxene core
40409 #99 0.695 7.098 59.686 7.507 0.003 25.341 0.129 0.005 0.03 0.003 - - - 100.5 Plagioclase core
40409 #106 0.317 5.419 55.39 10.888 0 28.243 0.121 0 0.021 0 - - - 100.403 Plagioclase core
40409 #113 0.649 7.31 60.306 7.14 0 24.795 0.064 0 0.004 0.048 - - - 100.32 Plagioclase core
40409 #107 0 0.038 0.049 0.014 1.511 2.152 88.955 0.169 0.043 0.094 - - - 93.025 Magnetite
40409 #108 0.012 0.023 0.026 0.013 0.103 0.221 91.739 0 0 0.092 - - - 92.23 Magnetite
40409 #109 0.01 0.027 0 0 51.902 0.013 46.805 0.358 0.75 0 - - - 99.866 Ilmenite
33360 #1 0 0.524 50.489 23.396 0.07 1.472 13.244 9.532 0.427 0.01 - - - 99.169 Clinopyroxene core
33360 #4 0.019 0.598 49.927 22.794 0.115 1.691 16.283 7.698 0.403 0.041 - - - 99.573 Clinopyroxene core
33360 #7 0 0.609 49.52 22.594 0.125 1.695 16.468 7.786 0.359 0.015 - - - 99.176 Clinopyroxene core
33360 #5 15.737 0.806 64.181 0.02 0.003 18.142 0.09 0 0.004 0.029 - - - 99.016 K-feldspar core
33360 #1 15.694 0.749 63.526 0.027 0 18.101 0.04 - 0.017 - 0.509 - - 98.667 K-feldspar core
33360 #2 15.745 0.658 64.082 0 0.002 17.948 0 - 0.008 - 0.509 - - 98.956 K-feldspar core
33360 #6 0.005 0 29.82 27.887 36.169 1.888 1.086 0 0.008 0.041 - - - 96.905 Titanite
33360 #2 0 0 30.275 28.318 36.451 2.273 0.81 0 0.034 0.038 - - - 98.201 Titanite
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33360 #1 1.005 5.091 49.901 13.438 0.003 24.236 0.252 0 0.045 - - 1.525 1.075 96.23 Scapolite
33360 #2 1.059 4.993 49.231 13.911 0.003 24.485 0.085 0 0.003 - - 1.272 1.151 95.908 Scapolite
33366 #45 0 0.019 38.505 5.737 0.067 21.613 25.645 7.693 0.789 0.023 - - - 100.094 Garnet core
33366 #46 0 0 38.227 7.987 0.067 21.256 24.396 6.09 1.282 0.016 - - - 99.324 Garnet rim
33366 #51 0.001 0 38.171 7.989 0.095 21.148 24.609 6.191 1.2 0 - - - 99.408 Garnet rim
33366 #58 0 0 38.819 5.724 0.078 21.645 25.633 7.8 0.715 0 - - - 100.419 Garnet core
33366 #49 0 0.646 49.773 22.332 0.332 3.786 9.632 12.145 0.278 0 - - - 98.929 Clinopyroxene core
33366 #50 0 0.608 50.357 22.678 0.332 3.546 9.402 12.313 0.239 0.016 - - - 99.495 Clinopyroxene
33366 #55 0.004 0.563 51.824 22.753 0.217 2.632 9.486 12.693 0.123 0 - - - 100.3 Clinopyroxene core
33366 #57 0 0.581 50.637 23.029 0.364 3.393 9.404 12.326 0.163 0.031 - - - 99.932 Clinopyroxene core
33366 #47 1.138 1.368 43.755 11.96 1.379 11.03 12.689 12.93 0.164 0 - - - 96.417 Amphibole in corona
33366 #52 1.208 1.531 42.816 11.591 1.6 11.448 13.957 11.925 0.244 0 - - - 96.324 Amphibole in corona
33366 #54 1.223 1.476 42.478 11.897 1.878 11.038 14.329 11.714 0.132 0 - - - 96.168 Amphibole in foliation
33366 #48 0.139 3.932 51.469 13.424 0 30.023 0.179 0 0.012 0.037 - - - 99.217 Plagioclase in corona
33366 #53 0.23 5.811 55.964 10.063 0 27.266 0.112 0.002 0 0.066 - - - 99.518 Plagioclase in corona
33366 #56 0.289 6.26 56.554 9.081 0.007 26.928 0.273 0 0 0.004 - - - 99.4 Plagioclase
33399 #163 0 0.009 38.522 6.987 0.078 21.386 26.671 6.233 0.638 0.038 - - - 100.568 Garnet core
33399 #164 0.008 0.004 38.015 6.365 0.073 21.095 28.036 5.195 0.841 0 - - - 99.636 Garnet rim
33399 #169 0.018 0 38.039 6.587 0.075 21.141 29.933 4.072 1.154 0.082 - - - 101.104 Garnet rim
33399 #170 0 0 37.91 6.569 0.11 20.867 29.513 4.021 1.167 0.035 - - - 100.196 Garnet rim
33399 #171 0.005 0.016 38.139 6.512 0.085 21.488 27.892 5.53 0.723 0.006 - - - 100.4 Garnet core
33399 #172 0 0.009 37.934 6.432 0.082 21.15 29.004 4.707 0.925 0.041 - - - 100.287 Garnet rim
33399 #166 0 0.013 50.278 0.684 0.073 0.612 32.293 15.579 0.425 0 - - - 99.962 Orthopyroxene core
33399 #174 0 0.001 50.633 0.688 0.057 0.59 31.562 15.631 0.399 0 - - - 99.566 Orthopyroxene core
33399 #176 0 0.012 50.77 0.916 0.058 0.622 31.767 15.518 0.399 0 - - - 100.067 Orthopyroxene
33399 #167 0.007 0.381 51.685 21.568 0.067 1.1 13.141 11.689 0.189 0 - - - 99.832 Clinopyroxene small
33399 #175 0 0.383 52.006 21.91 0.095 1.13 12.655 11.522 0.17 0.035 - - - 99.911 Clinopyroxene small
33399 #10 15.85 0.514 63.791 0.05 0.003 18.242 0.058 - 0 - 0.814 - - 99.326 K-feldspar core
33399 #11 16.158 0.396 63.725 0.041 0 18.212 0 - 0.005 - 0.965 - - 99.505 K-feldspar core
33399 #12 0.384 7.509 59.765 6.867 0.003 24.886 0.031 - 0 - 0 - - 99.45 Plagioclase matrix
33399 #168 0.351 7.395 60.129 7.098 0 25.288 0.113 0.007 0.083 0.004 - - - 100.471 Plagioclase core
33399 #165 9.757 0 36.267 0.007 5.544 13.921 20.89 10.365 0.046 0.032 - - - 96.834 Biotite large
33399 #173 9.685 0.012 36.079 0.073 5.169 13.808 20.357 10.421 0.017 0.042 - - - 95.666 Biotite

2.10.2. SEM - EDS

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40744 # 21 1.52 1.22 42.79 11.77 0.62 12.89 14.79 12.18 97.79 Amphibole symp worm
40744 # 32 1.66 1.08 43.86 12.43 0.82 12.81 14.79 12.45 99.9 Amphibole worm
40744 # 35 1.56 1.47 44.02 11.62 1.32 12.51 14.12 12.19 98.8 Amphibole
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40744 # 36 1.28 1.21 43.97 11.85 1.24 10.87 15.47 11.85 97.74 Amphibole
40744 # 41 1.61 1.46 44.16 11.79 2.18 11.22 14.18 11.77 98.69 Amphibole
40744 # 42 1.4 1.74 43.02 11.99 1.83 12.69 14.43 11.7 98.78 Amphibole
33394 #2 9.47 0.21 36.11 0.08 5.58 13.08 18.2 10.77 0.2 0.04 83.37 Biotite
33394 #12 9.45 0.03 36.59 5.57 13.18 19.15 11.24 0.04 0.14 0.33 95.72 Biotite Bi with trace of V
Biotite in grt, rounded
33394 #39 9.48 0.21 36.02 6.78 13.42 15.58 11.99 0.03 0.06 0.63 93.24 Biotite grain
33394 #46 9.7 0.02 36.35 0.22 5.6 13.46 19.14 10.99 0.13 0.04 0.24 95.58 Biotite
Biotite in grt, rounded
33394 #42 10.01 36.59 0.03 4.86 13.76 17.61 12.75 0.04 95.65 Biotite grain
40744 # 40 0.57 51.92 22.4 0.47 4 9.49 12.62 101.45 Clinopyroxene
40744 # 44 0.79 52.88 22.85 3.98 9.52 13.14 103.14 Clinopyroxene
33394 #11 0.03 0.5 49.23 19.53 0.43 2.54 12.85 11.54 0.17 96.79 Clinopyroxene
33394 #40 0.1 0.25 52.69 22.03 0.38 2.01 11.53 12.24 0.01 0.03 0.08 100.93 Clinopyroxene Cpx with lamellae
33394 #41 51.33 22.11 2.23 11.56 12.02 0.27 99.4 Clinopyroxene Cpx with lamellae
Cpx, not in contact
33394 #45 0.37 50.88 21.76 0.43 2.17 11.83 11.7 0.29 0.06 98.69 Clinopyroxene with grt
33394 #48 0.05 0.26 52.02 22.02 0.42 1.12 11.97 12.4 0.27 99.78 Clinopyroxene Cpx near grt
Cpx, in contact with
33394 #60 0.47 51.03 21.79 2.26 11.39 12.21 0.26 0.33 98.87 Clinopyroxene grt
33397 #41 0.49 51.49 22.3 0.37 2.89 10.68 12.21 0.27 100.69 Clinopyroxene cpx in contact with #42
33397 #43 0.62 51.45 21.95 0.4 2.78 11.27 12.17 0.29 100.93 Clinopyroxene cpx in contact with #42
33397 #46 0.59 51.29 22.21 0.18 2.89 10.54 12.54 0.16 100.41 Clinopyroxene
40744 #1 39.64 4.11 22.43 23.74 10.09 0.58 100.59 Garnet
40744 #2 38.35 7.76 20.89 24.12 6.79 1.67 99.59 Garnet
40744 #3 39.78 8.52 21.92 21.73 8.07 0.78 100.82 Garnet
40744 #4 39.44 9.67 21.61 21.64 7.51 1.27 101.15 Garnet
40744 #5 39.84 9.36 22.24 21.66 7.17 1.57 101.83 Garnet
40744 #6 39.53 9.99 21.74 21.39 7.18 0.93 100.76 Garnet
40744 #7 39.58 9.25 21.38 21.33 7.48 0.93 99.94 Garnet
40744 #8 39.99 7.86 21.45 23.17 8.13 0.84 101.44 Garnet
40744 #9 40.2 7.6 21.37 24.19 7.97 0.79 102.12 Garnet
40744 # 10 39.53 7.24 21.58 23.67 7.91 0.7 100.63 Garnet
40744 # 11 39.8 6.67 22.67 24.63 7.81 1.26 102.84 Garnet
40744 # 12 40 8.5 21.62 22.51 7.99 0.83 101.47 Garnet
40744 # 13 39.97 8.59 21.6 22.31 8.08 0.82 101.37 Garnet
40744 # 14 40.26 9.34 21.37 22.34 8.14 0.63 102.08 Garnet
40744 # 15 40.64 9.71 21.48 21.7 7.9 1.14 102.57 Garnet
40744 # 16 39.82 9.97 22.19 21.19 7.79 1.04 102 Garnet
40744 # 17 39.8 9.55 21.41 21.9 7.48 0.83 100.96 Garnet
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
40744 # 18 40.47 8.88 22.2 23.74 6.89 1.15 103.32 Garnet
40744 # 19 39.64 8.3 21.47 23.81 6.98 1.41 101.61 Garnet
40744 # 31 40.32 6.43 21.62 25.41 7.25 1.25 102.29 Garnet
40744 # 45 39.52 7.24 21.76 24.99 7.22 1.49 102.21 Garnet
33394 #31 0.07 0.01 38.2 6.43 21.02 29.03 5.16 1.3 101.11 Garnet grt rim
grt 100 microm from
33394 #32 0.1 37.93 6.89 0.02 21.15 28.71 4.95 1.03 0.1 0.01 100.75 Garnet rim towards centre
grt 200 microm from
33394 #33 0.11 38.38 6.63 0.05 21.33 28.5 5.35 1.22 0.09 0.03 101.51 Garnet rim towards centre
grt 300 microm from
33394 #34 38.52 6.84 0.21 20.82 28.46 5.54 1.08 0.01 101.26 Garnet rim towards centre
grt 400 microm from
33394 #35 38.69 6.69 0.11 21.08 28.35 5.24 1.06 0.06 101.17 Garnet rim towards centre
grt 500 microm from
33394 #36 0.05 0.16 38.32 6.59 0.16 21.04 28.46 5.15 1.03 0.14 100.59 Garnet rim towards centre
grt 600 microm from
33394 #37 0.2 38.67 6.74 0.3 21.32 28.33 5.69 0.98 0.13 0.15 101.86 Garnet rim towards centre
33394 #38 0.08 38.75 6.55 0.12 21.39 28.45 5.58 0.98 0.1 101.8 Garnet grt centre
33394 #52 0.07 0 37.57 6.87 0.24 20.71 27.72 5.19 1.11 0.06 99.22 Garnet Grt centre
33394 #53 0.05 37.91 6.6 0.06 20.7 29.24 4.65 1.5 100.46 Garnet grt rim
grt 1/2 way rim-centre
33394 #54 0.01 38.08 6.89 0.06 21.8 28.47 4.85 1.04 101.04 Garnet grain #53+54
33394 #55 0.14 0.02 38.5 6.52 0.23 20.97 29.45 5.38 1.13 101.94 Garnet 1/4 from rim tw. centre
33394 #56 0.36 38.33 6.63 0.12 20.97 28.38 5.1 1.19 0.02 100.61 Garnet grt 1/4 centre to rim
33394 #59 0.08 0.04 37.77 6.55 21.07 29.04 4.61 1.28 0.09 0.09 100.42 Garnet grt near plag corona
33394 #64 0.03 38.46 6.94 0.02 20.81 28.93 4.74 1.23 0.04 0.03 101.15 Garnet
33394 #69 0.03 0.09 38.79 6.38 0.12 21.05 29.58 4.34 1.55 0.22 101.9 Garnet
33394 #70 0.03 0.05 37.95 6.73 0.11 20.95 29.72 4.53 1.36 0.07 0.1 101.3 Garnet
33397 #20 38.63 6.49 0.04 20.59 28.1 5.35 1.71 100.9 Garnet grt, centre of grain
33397 #21 0.08 38.06 6.51 0.25 20.9 28.53 5.29 1.61 101.23 Garnet grt,left of centre
grt, still longer
33397 #22 0.06 38.92 6.76 0.02 20.66 28.47 5.32 1.52 101.72 Garnet left,betw. qz incl.
33397 #23 0.06 38.5 7.04 0.01 21.6 28.28 5.31 1.75 102.55 Garnet grt, rim
33397 #34 0.08 38.96 6.95 0.03 20.52 27.56 4.72 2 100.81 Garnet
33397 #47 0.05 38.78 6.42 0.18 20.91 27.24 6.23 1.48 101.29 Garnet grt, centre of grain
33397 #48 38.33 6.58 0.09 21.08 27.46 6.12 1.4 101.02 Garnet grt same grain as #47
33397 #49 38.58 6.44 0.02 21.17 28.23 5.56 1.48 101.45 Garnet grt same grain as #47
grt same grain as
33397 #50 39.11 6.56 0.04 20.94 27.61 5.39 1.58 101.21 Garnet #47,rim.
40664 #4 40.28 4.14 21.62 24.07 10.55 100.66 Garnet SPI almandine
40744 # 33 40.31 4.28 22.57 23.98 10.3 0.67 102.11 Garnet spi almandine standard
40744 # 34 39.55 4.1 22.23 24 10.32 0 100.2 Garnet spi almandine standard
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
SPI pyrope #9 0.08 42.68 4.51 1.22 21.75 12.39 20.91 0.19 0.65 0.15 104.44 Garnet grt std.pyrope
SPI Pyrope standard 0 42.13 4.68 1.06 21.68 11.82 19.79 0.29 101.44 Garnet Standard at runtime
Ilmenite traces of Ba
33394 #63 0.53 50.9 0.27 48.01 0.66 0.49 1.09 99.39 Ilmenite and V
33394 #4 15.14 0.69 63.4 18.08 0.01 0.94 98.98 Kalifeldspar
33394 #13 15.34 0.9 63.75 0.04 18.83 0.2 1.12 100.18 Kalifeldspar
33394 #47 15.29 0.61 63.33 0.18 17.98 0.62 0.2 0.1 1.03 98.42 Kalifeldspar Kfs inmatrix
33394 #72 15.41 0.87 63.14 0.24 18.91 0.05 0.14 0.94 99.24 Kalifeldspar
40744 # 22 52.83 0.47 1.93 23.4 21.87 100.5 Orthopyroxene
40744 # 26 53.6 0.44 1.65 24.5 21.5 0.67 102.36 Orthopyroxene
opx inner prt. of
40744 # 27 53.14 0.44 1.33 25.13 20.89 0.51 101.44 Orthopyroxene corona
33394 #44 50.55 0.47 0.64 30.6 16.7 0.43 0.01 99.39 Orthopyroxene opx as rim on cpx
Opx in the corona zone
33394 #49 0.09 51.1 0.57 0.22 0.33 31.18 16.61 0.53 100.3 Orthopyroxene between grt and cpx
33394 #57 0.1 51.16 0.68 0.07 0.5 31.1 16.56 0.5 100.45 Orthopyroxene Opx, big grain
Opx separ. from grt
33394 #61 0.04 50.84 0.78 0.16 0.64 29.84 16.98 0.59 0.14 99.81 Orthopyroxene with plag
Opx, along grt
33394 #66 0.04 51.73 0.52 0.07 0.63 30.15 17.61 0.53 100.9 Orthopyroxene plaglining
33394 #68 0.06 50.34 0.67 0.66 31.36 17.01 0.32 100.22 Orthopyroxene Opx away from grt
33394 #71 0.02 52.7 0.58 0.38 0.73 31.72 16.88 0.49 0.03 102.35 Orthopyroxene
33397 #11 0.14 52.07 0.6 0.17 1.04 29.33 18.64 0.67 102.66 Orthopyroxene
33397 #13 0.29 51.46 0.52 1.19 28.05 18.43 0.74 100.66 Orthopyroxene
33397 #18 0.12 51.96 0.65 0.31 1.51 28.41 19.03 0.63 102.61 Orthopyroxene
33397 #27 0.1 52.21 0.56 1.33 29.37 18.95 0.59 103.09 Orthopyroxene
33397 #29 0.09 51.41 0.47 1.25 28.14 18.8 0.58 100.68 Orthopyroxene
33397 #32 51.91 0.5 0.04 1.21 28.77 18.78 0.67 101.81 Orthopyroxene
33397 #37 51.86 0.54 0.06 0.71 28.91 18.46 0.78 101.24 Orthopyroxene
33397 #42 51.67 0.57 0.02 1.38 28.2 18.14 0.44 100.25 Orthopyroxene
33397 #51 0.03 51.61 0.56 0.02 1.25 28.39 19.54 0.4 101.81 Orthopyroxene
40744 # 23 89.9 90.32 Oxyd of Fe
40744 # 29 83.16 83.16 Oxyd of Fe
33397 #14 0.2 1.32 0.25 1.96 92.38 0.12 94.65 Oxyd of Fe
40744 # 25 0.28 6.1 58.18 9.29 26.45 0 100.3 Plagioclase
40744 # 30 0.31 5.61 57.98 9.92 27.7 0 101.51 Plagioclase inner corona
40744 # 38 0.85 6.82 61.02 7.67 25.33 0 101.69 Plagioclase
40744 # 43 11.19 72.5 6.36 0 4.79 94.84 Plagioclase glass?
40744 # 20 2.49 49.49 16.21 32.71 100.9 Plagioclase symp host
40744 # 24 0.28 3.44 47.46 17.24 26.4 94.82 Plagioclase mixed phases?
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33394 #17 0.4 6.71 57.13 6.85 23.49 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.33 95.06 Plagioclase Plagioclase,Trace of V
Plag between grt and
33394 #43 0.24 5.95 56.93 9.01 26.37 0.1 98.6 Plagioclase cpx, thin lining
Plagioclase in the
corona zone between
33394 #50 0.31 5.9 56.67 8.26 0.09 25.91 0.24 0.02 0.06 0.01 97.06 Plagioclase grt and cpx
Plagioclase between
33394 #58 0.34 5.93 57.05 9.06 26.61 0.56 0.1 98.88 Plagioclase grt and opx/bi
33394 #65 0.38 5.76 56.48 8.65 0.13 26.19 1.03 0.11 97.45 Plagioclase Plagioclase,lining grt
33394 #67 0.48 6.58 59.06 6.96 0.09 24.27 0.13 0.17 0.15 0.03 97.38 Plagioclase Plagioclase matrix
33397 #16 6.36 59.82 7.8 0.12 25.48 0.3 0.46 0.01 100.36 Plagioclase
33397 #19 6.62 59.14 7.75 25.71 0.1 0.01 98.97 Plagioclase
33397 #24 6.47 59.55 8.29 26.04 0.28 100.47 Plagioclase
33397 #30 6.32 59.19 7.9 0.05 25.92 0.28 99.57 Plagioclase
33397 #31 6.37 58.91 7.94 0.02 25.37 0.28 98.82 Plagioclase
Plagioclase coronittic
33397 #35 5.48 57.03 9.49 26.98 0.17 0.15 0.04 99.29 Plagioclase to grt
33397 #40 6.34 59.24 8.01 0.01 25.69 0.12 99.19 Plagioclase
33397 #45 6.38 58.93 8.14 25.31 0.05 0 98.66 Plagioclase
33397 #52 5.7 58.45 9.43 0.02 26.7 0.49 100.66 Plagioclase
40744 # 28 103.37 103.37 Quartz
40744 # 37 99.11 99.11 Quartz
40744 # 39 101.64 101.64 Quartz
33397 #44 99.34 0.12 1.35 0.15 0.2 100.02 Quartz
2.11. Mineral chemical data, Txitonga Complex
2.11.1. Electron microprobe
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
38425 #181 0 0 36.905 5.226 0.138 20.576 23.386 1.144 12.875 0 100.253 Garnet core
38425 #182 8.236 0.039 36.034 0.183 1.625 17.526 16.909 9.511 0.332 0.045 90.444 Biotite
38425 #186 1.359 0.024 28.805 0.294 0.067 20.852 22.145 12.061 0.567 0 86.178 Biotite
38425 #183 9.743 0.999 45.575 0.015 0.454 31.973 3.503 1.166 0.03 0.075 93.536 Muscovite
38425 #187 9.866 0.956 45.928 0.003 0.442 32.273 3.273 1.018 0.056 0.025 93.842 Muscovite
38425 #188 10.087 0.894 44.869 0.021 0.544 33.152 2.988 0.768 0.008 0.038 93.373 Muscovite
38425 #190 10.064 0.779 46.087 0.034 0.32 32.175 3.171 1.033 0 0.029 93.696 Muscovite
38425 #184 0.013 0 0.036 0.043 0.043 0.049 91.509 0.015 0.022 0.294 92.025 Magnetite
38425 #185 0.07 0.044 0.009 0.007 49.925 0.03 42.338 0 5.814 0 98.239 Ilmenite
38425 #189 0.025 1.963 36.374 0.572 0.517 32.451 8.275 5.926 0.053 0 86.16 Tourmaline core
38425 #191 0.037 2.161 36.364 0.526 0.56 31.489 8.384 6.289 0.108 0.07 85.993 Tourmaline rim
38425 #192 0.01 1.91 36.67 0.397 0.399 33.025 8.468 5.765 0.046 0.058 86.752 Tourmaline core
38425 #193 0.024 2.273 36.351 0.171 0.54 31.918 8.986 5.916 0.074 0.039 86.295 Tourmaline rim
38426 #151 0.01 0.057 37.119 0.8 0 21.148 35.055 3.21 2.904 0.039 100.346 Garnet core
38426 #152 0.005 0.024 36.892 1.268 0.007 21.169 35.139 3.079 2.14 0.023 99.749 Garnet rim
38426 #156 0 0 37.046 1.024 0 20.999 34.723 2.951 3.125 0.023 99.895 Garnet core
38426 #157 0 0 37.076 1.974 0.01 20.993 34.223 2.696 3.006 0.063 100.045 Garnet rim
38426 #155 9.456 1.289 46.151 0.059 0.315 35.393 0.991 0.676 0 0.028 94.36 Muscovite
38426 #160 9.57 1.302 45.695 0.056 0.29 35.536 1.041 0.557 0 0.057 94.108 Muscovite
38426 #158 6.382 0.191 34.937 0.299 1.439 19.147 17.429 8.474 0.043 0.006 88.352 Biotite chloritized
38426 #159 6.313 0.146 34.967 0.339 1.446 18.998 18.197 7.957 0.045 0.001 88.413 Biotite chloritized
38426 #162 6.19 0.139 34.943 0.327 1.386 18.794 18.453 8.237 0.005 0.069 88.548 Biotite
38426 #161 0.002 0.098 28.008 0 0.53 52.857 13.257 1.65 0.083 0.06 96.549 Staurolite core
38426 #163 0.007 0 27.501 0.014 0.532 53.571 13.659 1.457 0.096 0.038 96.878 Staurolite rim
38426 #153 0.012 0.022 27.787 0.018 0.537 53.459 13.201 1.408 0.132 0.022 96.601 Staurolite core
38426 #154 0 0.005 28.07 0 0.485 53.988 13.525 1.515 0.136 0.019 97.748 Staurolite core

2.11.2. SEM - EDS

Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33509 #28 1.87 1.56 39.85 10.99 2.51 10.34 26.2 3.94 97.58 Amphibole
33509 #37 1.75 1.55 40.3 10.87 2.31 10.84 25.68 4.2 97.75 Amphibole
33509 #23 49.86 20.38 0.07 0.84 20.41 6.16 0.78 0.1 98.61 Clinopyroxene
33509 #24 50.49 20.57 0.82 21.7 6.15 0.61 100.19 Clinopyroxene
33509 #26 50.51 20.44 0.16 0.9 21.48 6 0.55 0.11 100.15 Clinopyroxene
33509 #33 14.34 1.54 65.15 18.67 0.58 100.27 Kalifeldspar
33509 #36 15.3 1.03 65.32 18.27 0.83 100.75 Kalifeldspar
Sample #analysis K2O Na2O SiO2 CaO TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO MnO Cr2O3 BaO Cl SO2 F P2O5 ZnO Total Mineral Comment
33509 #25 47.95 0.68 0.32 42.41 7.08 1.6 0.04 100.02 Orthopyroxene
33509 #27 48.52 0.84 0.12 0.61 40.59 7.04 1.58 99.2 Orthopyroxene
33509 #38 48.36 0.81 0.01 0.38 41.79 6.51 1.74 0.04 99.64 Orthopyroxene
33509 #39 47.8 0.94 0.21 0.23 40.85 6.84 1.69 98.34 Orthopyroxene
33509 #40 48.4 0.74 0.05 0.23 41.49 7.09 1.53 99.42 Orthopyroxene
2.12. Mineral analyses from kimberlites in the Maniamba graben

Sample 31964 31964 31989 31989 31989 31989 31989 31989 31989* 31989* 31989*
MgO 48.28 49.63 46.26 46.8 46.05 48.12 50.02 45.93 50.22 51.08 50.86
SiO2 40.99 40.8 40.1 40.94 40.15 41.1 41.04 39.98 41.49 41.62 41.67
FeO 9.56 8.55 13.17 13.44 13.6 12.35 7.55 12.94 8.31 7.3 7.46
CaO 0.37
Total 98.83 98.98 99.53 101.18 99.8 101.57 98.61 99.22 100.02 100 99.99

Sample 31991 31991 31991 31991
MgO 49.97 50.35 49.3 47.29 Pyroxene

Al2O3 Sample 31990 31989

SiO2 40.39 40.97 39.64 39.55 MgO 30.31 16.03
FeO 7.94 8.45 7.63 10.75 Al2O3 0.99
CaO SiO2 55.44 54.21
MnO 0.08 FeO 10.45 4.72
NiO 0.45 CaO 1.42 27.74
TiO2 0.02 TiO2 0.86 0.9
Total 98.72 99.76 96.57 97.58 Total 99.47 103.6
Same grain Enstatite Diopside
inclusion in Mg-

Table 1. Olivine and two pyroxene partial SEM analyses from Maniamba Graben kimberlites. *
refers to samples in Tables 2 to 9 that have been recalculated to 100+/-0.02%.

Sample 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986 31986
MgO 20.41 20.01 20.32 20.25 20.19 20.12 20.46 20.37 20.38 20.39 20.5
Al2O3 18.53 18.77 18.77 18.88 18.64 18.7 18.73 18.64 18.87 19.01 19.37
SiO2 41.25 41.28 41.25 41.26 41.58 41.21 41.65 41.32 41.08 41.76 41.21
CaO 5.4 5.54 5.49 5.37 5.41 5.33 5.51 5.33 5.4 5.28 5.38
Cr2O3 5.49 5.75 5.2 5.19 5.27 4.89 5.27 5.19 4.81 4.89 4.69
TiO2 0.76 0.46 0.34 0.58 0.49 0.51 0.5 0.55 0.5 0.48 0.32
MnO 0.46 0.4 0.44 0.32 0.25 0.42 0.09 0.29 0.46 0.24 0.3
FeO 7.87 7.46 7.47 7.34 7.06 7.06 7.28 6.93 7.56 7.42 6.57
Total 100.18 99.66 99.28 99.19 98.89 98.23 99.5 98.62 99.06 99.47 98.34

Sample 31984 31984 31984 31984 31984 31984 31984 31984 31984 31991 31991
MgO 20.59 20.43 20.44 20.37 20.32 20.88 20.32 20.78 20.77 19.62 19.68
Al2O3 20.54 20.31 20.23 20 20.21 20.49 20.35 20.34 20.18 20.96 21.1
SiO2 42.03 41.63 41.77 42.09 41.8 42.15 42.11 41.98 41.86 41.14 41.12
CaO 5.27 5.24 5.31 5.33 5.08 5.12 5.13 5.16 5.02 5.59 5.73
Cr2O3 3.96 3.8 3.97 3.83 3.98 4.11 3.97 3.94 3.78 2.23 2.32
TiO2 0.28 0.13 0.02 0.22 0.36 0.36 0.24 0.36 0.37
MnO 0.4 0.39 0.32 0.36 0.51 0.4 0.4 0.55 0.46
FeO 7.29 7.12 7.28 7.2 7.15 7.69 6.9 7.24 7.4 9.31 8.85
Total 100.35 99.06 99.35 99.4 99.41 101.2 99.42 100.35 99.84 98.85 98.81

Table 2. SEM analyses of pyrope grains from Maniamba Graben kimberlites

Sample 31989 31989 31989 31989 31964 31990 31991
MgO 24.94 27.29 24.17 24.31 23.42 21.3 23.34
Al2O3 15.44 12.72 13.95 14.35 11.17 14.81
SiO2 40.04 40.78 39.58 38.07 37.55 32.8 34.39
K2O 10.37 4.36 9.91 9.86 9.87 3.12 8.42
TiO2 1.74 1.23 1.33 1.62 1.89 2.3
FeO 6.2 16.26 7.32 6.32 4.24 16.89 5.09
Na2O 0.62
CaO 1.44 0.74
MnO 0.42
Total 98.73 91.16 94.92 93.84 91.05 87.91 88.36

Table 4. SEM analyses of phlogopite flakes from Maniamba Graben



See accompanying DVD for data on 551 whole-rock, major- and trace-element analyses.

Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 74.38 0.19 12.66 1.57 1.41 0.26 1.13 3.61 4.01 0.06 0.06 0.15 98.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 112 21 125 155 <10 16 12 20 17 <5 <10 <10 762 <10 <10 10 41 <10 <5 <15 5 55
Granitic gneiss (614) Marrupa Complex 69.31 0.46 14.09 3.79 3.41 0.44 1.72 3.36 4.97 0.04 0.15 0.13 98.46 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 21 362 35 310 199 <10 53 22 14 <10 <5 <10 29 1206 <10 <10 22 69 11 <5 <15 5 281
Granitic gneiss (105) Malema suite 65.91 0.78 15.15 4.28 3.85 0.95 2.35 3.69 4.84 0.02 0.20 0.21 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 0.22 <5 20 512 16 515 247 <10 42 14 19 45 5 12 58 1512 <10 <10 24 64 23 <5 <15 11 261
Leucogneiss (612) Marrupa Complex 73.91 0.16 13.29 1.27 1.14 0.14 1.39 3.28 5.11 0.02 0.02 0.14 98.75 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 157 28 132 154 <10 17 17 <10 <10 <5 10 <10 1062 <10 <10 16 26 13 <5 <15 6 74
Felsic granulite - mylonitic (401) Ocua Complex 71.60 0.44 13.30 2.94 2.65 0.35 1.99 3.24 4.09 0.05 0.10 0.19 98.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 247 26 374 94 <10 6 12 <10 27 <5 11 <10 2237 <10 <10 14 50 22 <5 <15 9 69
Granitic gneiss (105) Ocua Complex 65.40 0.68 14.76 5.89 5.30 0.55 2.11 3.91 4.47 0.12 0.17 0.08 98.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 85 565 87 135 115 <10 16 14 <10 26 <5 15 66 856 <10 <10 20 107 11 <5 <15 9 143
Amphibole-biotite granitic gneiss (206) Nampula Complex 71.14 0.34 13.33 3.34 3.01 0.15 0.98 3.16 5.74 0.05 0.05 0.15 98.43 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 24 462 69 70 181 <10 20 26 <10 <10 5 <10 45 312 <10 <10 33 135 12 <5 <15 8 191
Quartz-rich granitic gneiss (602) Marrupa Complex 73.65 0.28 13.58 2.13 1.92 0.70 2.35 4.53 1.10 0.04 0.09 0.20 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 91 7 263 18 <10 7 <10 30 26 <5 11 <10 1057 <10 <10 10 37 11 <5 <15 10 21
Gneissic qtz-diorite (205) Malema suite 54.69 2.10 15.70 9.06 8.15 3.06 6.22 3.60 2.70 0.11 0.74 0.26 98.24 <0.1 0.20 0.21 <5 26 571 43 761 84 <10 11 17 27 146 <5 25 76 1284 <10 <10 19 127 24 11 <15 24 188
Bt-Pl-Qtz gneiss, migmatised (211) Marrupa Complex 69.28 0.30 15.23 2.84 2.56 0.61 2.00 3.88 4.27 0.03 0.06 0.22 98.73 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 181 21 163 153 <10 21 17 23 13 <5 10 <10 704 <10 10 16 45 12 <5 <15 8 82
Gneissic bt-granite (602) Marrupa Complex 71.65 0.25 14.09 1.86 1.67 0.32 1.32 3.71 5.17 0.01 0.10 0.25 98.73 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 146 13 424 108 <10 26 16 16 19 <5 <10 <10 958 <10 <10 18 31 22 <5 <15 7 55
Economic, calcsilicate Marrupa Complex 66.77 0.62 14.60 2.48 2.23 2.01 3.91 7.66 0.64 0.08 0.02 0.18 98.97 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 457 74 37 7 <10 23 <10 35 53 <5 14 43 74 <10 <10 17 16 13 <5 <15 8 75
Economic, sulphidic Marrupa Complex 69.23 0.69 13.67 3.91 3.52 <0.01 0.94 6.96 0.52 <0.01 0.05 3.05 98.96 1.85 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 225 36 89 5 <10 15 <10 19 27 <5 12 <10 174 <10 <10 15 8 246 36 <15 56 45
Economic. gossan Marrupa Complex 17.83 0.34 3.70 65.22 58.70 1.26 0.96 1.36 0.11 0.08 0.04 3.43 94.33 0.22 <0.1 0.38 11 7 91 8 36 7 <10 5 <10 46 1974 5 <10 <10 41 19 10 26 18 224 35 <15 209 <10
Ultramafics (harzburgite?) (701) Marrupa Complex 48.99 0.59 6.29 9.00 8.10 16.10 15.51 0.99 0.34 0.18 0.07 0.36 98.42 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 59 17 172 8 <10 5 13 2173 188 <5 62 <10 204 <10 <10 <10 55 24 201 <15 54 12
Ultramafics (harzburgite?) (701) Marrupa Complex 47.32 0.56 6.20 10.11 9.10 17.55 15.77 0.53 0.14 0.18 0.05 0.30 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 33 17 108 5 <10 <5 <10 1891 243 5 61 <10 249 <10 <10 <10 49 23 274 <15 55 26
Banded migmatite; Bt-Pl-Qtz gneiss (615) Marrupa Complex 69.82 0.37 14.88 3.12 2.81 0.70 2.30 4.28 2.86 0.05 0.12 0.26 98.77 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 151 14 244 96 <10 15 22 10 27 <5 <10 <10 766 <10 <10 10 62 13 <5 <15 9 73
Phenocryst granite, Ribaue pluton (102) Murrupula suite 69.81 0.53 14.30 3.17 2.85 0.81 2.80 3.63 3.16 0.02 0.13 0.34 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 0.15 <5 14 234 29 589 123 <10 20 <10 11 40 <5 <10 <10 703 <10 <10 17 36 13 <5 <15 8 81
Coarse-grained syenite (101) Malema suite 61.62 0.72 18.87 3.34 3.01 0.44 2.30 6.65 4.35 0.12 0.22 0.07 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 43 14 588 23 <10 5 <10 <10 <10 5 14 <10 2231 <10 <10 24 60 11 <5 <15 7 36
Amphibolite (215) Nampula Complex 45.79 1.41 15.06 12.73 11.46 9.08 12.15 1.99 0.38 0.19 0.10 0.19 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 73 24 168 6 <10 5 <10 427 329 10 52 <10 115 <10 <10 <10 99 17 120 <15 56 25
Felsic gneiss (212) Nampula Complex 70.33 0.36 13.81 2.81 2.53 0.44 1.60 2.91 5.34 0.03 0.08 0.45 98.16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 260 35 229 232 <10 56 23 <10 28 <5 13 12 816 <10 <10 14 57 10 <5 <15 8 207
Felsic gneiss (212) Nampula Complex 57.52 0.93 17.80 6.66 5.99 3.06 6.51 4.65 1.25 0.09 0.16 0.19 98.83 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 136 25 306 14 <10 <5 <10 33 123 <5 20 <10 151 <10 <10 16 76 14 11 16 23 36
Felsic gneiss (212) Nampula Complex 51.20 1.83 17.05 9.47 8.52 5.46 6.47 3.75 2.28 0.12 0.57 0.33 98.54 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 25 214 23 1289 54 <10 <5 <10 39 108 6 18 <10 959 <10 <10 13 95 35 56 <15 36 105
Banded gneiss (211) Malema suite 52.44 2.79 14.35 11.46 10.31 3.62 6.00 3.59 3.02 0.15 1.18 0.16 98.74 <0.1 0.19 0.15 <5 34 516 50 767 93 <10 16 19 42 169 <5 19 60 1203 <10 <10 23 150 30 20 <15 34 203
Migmatitic bt gneiss (204) Nampula Complex 60.22 1.09 16.03 6.49 5.84 2.10 4.43 3.50 3.61 0.07 0.34 0.70 98.57 <0.1 0.14 <0.1 <5 10 407 35 646 122 <10 13 15 40 95 <5 14 27 1202 <10 <10 14 89 35 <5 <15 18 177
Paragneiss (301) Mecuburi 67.34 0.39 14.54 3.18 2.86 1.22 11.21 0.71 0.11 0.08 0.23 0.51 99.52 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 104 21 278 7 <10 9 11 92 42 <5 15 <10 49 <10 <10 <10 27 11 <5 <15 10 16
Granite gneiss (105) Malema suite 64.00 0.84 14.59 6.57 5.91 0.65 2.37 3.37 5.24 0.10 0.23 0.10 98.06 <0.1 0.16 0.18 <5 34 940 64 291 166 <10 21 34 16 19 <5 11 121 1643 <10 <10 16 159 13 <5 <15 11 420
meta-diatexite/migmatic banded gneiss (211) Nampula Complex 70.69 0.32 14.96 1.34 1.21 0.47 1.79 3.60 5.15 0.01 0.09 0.38 98.80 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 179 <5 437 193 <10 10 26 34 20 <5 <10 <10 1250 <10 <10 18 42 12 <5 <15 9 52
granite gneiss / Bt gneiss (105) Malema suite 62.59 0.60 16.15 4.49 4.04 1.94 5.27 4.48 1.88 0.05 0.20 0.91 98.56 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 210 17 502 32 <10 9 <10 32 70 <5 17 <10 998 <10 <10 11 37 23 6 <15 14 67
Very felsic garnet leucogneiss (613) Ocua Complex 76.56 0.06 12.34 0.76 0.68 <0.01 0.59 3.47 4.83 0.02 0.02 0.12 98.75 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 57 7 49 82 <10 10 16 27 <10 <5 10 <10 258 <10 <10 12 18 10 <5 <15 7 29
Bt gneiss (612) Marrupa Complex 75.06 0.09 13.31 0.87 0.78 0.09 0.77 4.29 4.06 0.13 0.03 0.18 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 85 99 59 75 <10 10 21 <10 11 6 12 <10 401 <10 <10 17 79 17 <5 <15 9 <10
Migmatitic Bt gneiss (602) Marrupa Complex 69.80 0.68 13.28 4.42 3.98 1.84 2.78 3.50 2.09 0.06 0.11 0.40 98.97 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 215 19 279 70 <10 16 <10 37 74 <5 15 <10 640 <10 <10 13 54 23 9 <15 12 93
Felsic gneiss (612) Marrupa Complex 78.54 0.06 11.40 1.45 1.31 <0.01 0.30 3.42 4.47 <0.01 0.03 0.20 99.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 36 269 32 21 235 <10 45 <10 20 <10 <5 <10 17 65 <10 <10 24 35 15 <5 <15 5 67
Leucogneiss-granulite (612) Marrupa Complex 73.85 0.25 12.72 3.26 2.93 0.54 2.88 3.84 0.94 0.08 0.06 0.31 98.73 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 109 21 138 14 <10 8 <10 18 25 7 16 <10 305 <10 <10 10 40 11 <5 <15 10 15
Banded Leucogneiss (215) Nampula Complex 50.72 2.33 12.73 17.60 15.84 4.65 9.11 0.59 0.65 0.23 0.28 0.06 98.95 0.11 <0.1 0.11 <5 12 169 42 116 20 <10 7 <10 47 479 <5 41 <10 164 <10 <10 23 133 42 43 16 62 69
Medium-grained light-grey biotite leucogneiss (215) Murrupula suite 72.73 0.19 14.31 1.46 1.31 0.43 1.52 3.90 4.09 0.03 0.06 0.27 99.00 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 112 6 219 166 <10 28 23 25 17 <5 <10 <10 581 <10 <10 16 32 11 <5 <15 7 26
Coarse-grained pink leucogranitic (ortho?)gneiss (203) Nampula Complex 70.91 0.38 13.93 3.01 2.71 0.29 1.60 3.51 5.13 0.06 0.10 0.16 99.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 22 345 89 128 205 <10 26 26 <10 <10 <5 10 23 721 <10 <10 18 65 14 <5 <15 6 205
Horn-bio-qtz-plag gneiss/migmatite (204) Nampula Complex 61.98 0.86 14.17 7.57 6.81 2.89 4.64 3.51 2.52 0.12 0.20 0.29 98.75 <0.1 0.14 0.11 <5 16 202 48 366 131 <10 12 11 141 89 8 15 <10 500 <10 <10 21 100 20 33 <15 21 112
Charnokite (106) Malema suite 62.18 0.92 16.69 4.24 3.82 0.76 1.91 5.98 4.82 0.12 0.36 0.14 98.09 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 32 343 35 278 52 <10 9 <10 <10 15 6 <10 19 1297 <10 <10 25 73 <10 <5 <15 7 88
Pink Pan African granite/syenite (102) Malema suite 68.32 0.44 13.48 4.82 4.34 0.27 1.47 2.96 6.07 0.06 0.07 0.23 98.19 <0.1 0.17 <0.1 <5 29 640 57 125 157 <10 16 24 <10 <10 <5 <10 66 830 <10 <10 22 99 <10 <5 <15 6 260
Biotite leucogneiss/migmatite (614) Marrupa Complex 72.02 0.18 13.99 1.34 1.21 0.21 1.15 3.21 5.75 0.02 0.04 0.30 98.20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 110 7 304 203 <10 8 28 <10 14 <5 <10 <10 1181 <10 <10 18 36 12 <5 <15 6 19
Biotite leucogneiss/migmatite (614) Marrupa Complex 69.05 0.63 14.84 3.37 3.03 0.64 1.91 3.89 4.23 0.04 0.18 0.20 98.98 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 19 347 39 399 169 <10 43 25 10 25 <5 <10 22 1070 <10 <10 20 68 13 <5 <15 7 161
Coarse syenitic gneiss (603) Marrupa Complex 56.43 1.01 12.25 6.96 6.26 2.24 8.78 4.31 4.19 0.25 1.57 0.31 98.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 106 235 99 516 113 <10 18 15 31 55 <5 21 <10 552 <10 <10 22 163 <10 38 <15 13 219
Coarse syenitic gneiss (603) Marrupa Complex 62.17 0.18 17.46 2.68 2.41 0.82 4.43 6.58 3.35 0.07 0.53 0.53 98.81 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 311 23 847 69 <10 5 <10 10 24 7 <10 23 535 <10 <10 29 45 13 <5 <15 11 56
Foliated (early) Pan-African granitoid (104) Marrupa Complex 61.41 1.30 14.78 6.64 5.98 1.20 2.93 5.27 3.37 0.21 0.54 0.54 98.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 61 542 60 448 61 <10 6 <10 11 22 7 14 53 922 <10 <10 21 153 12 <5 <15 10 147
Hornblende diorite, med-grained Unango Complex 58.78 0.73 16.82 5.59 5.03 2.75 4.43 3.52 3.50 0.11 0.22 1.80 98.25 <0.1 <0.1 0.17 <5 7 132 43 564 96 <10 9 <10 39 104 <5 14 <10 1187 <10 <10 13 73 19 18 <15 17 45
Granite, med-gr, weakly foliated Unango Complex 63.88 0.69 14.39 5.46 4.91 1.97 2.71 4.43 4.66 0.21 0.18 0.29 98.86 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 259 91 220 72 <10 15 17 42 41 <5 29 <10 575 <10 <10 14 103 28 15 <15 11 121
Diorititic gneiss, Metagranulite? Unango Complex 58.68 1.53 15.50 8.03 7.23 1.89 4.11 4.05 3.08 0.15 0.43 0.73 98.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 13 273 60 393 110 <10 10 11 12 115 <5 22 15 879 <10 <10 17 107 28 <5 <15 22 122
Granitic gneiss, hornblende-bearing Unango Complex 72.39 0.31 13.54 2.07 1.86 0.30 0.86 4.19 4.48 0.09 0.07 0.41 98.71 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 304 38 87 83 <10 10 <10 17 <10 <5 13 13 1291 <10 <10 12 68 10 <5 <15 <5 74
Fine grained granitic gneiss, Unango Complex 75.27 0.13 12.82 1.54 1.39 0.13 0.71 4.50 3.80 0.05 0.03 0.16 99.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 135 25 74 72 <10 9 <10 27 <10 <5 <10 <10 984 <10 <10 14 42 14 <5 <15 7 15
Brownish granulitic gneiss, fine grained Unango Complex 69.57 0.43 14.36 3.01 2.71 0.59 1.46 3.58 5.19 0.06 0.12 0.75 99.12 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 13 441 47 217 212 <10 14 20 19 38 <5 12 11 1093 <10 <10 16 57 13 <5 <15 7 131
Amphibolite?, plagioclase rich, Unango Complex 51.96 1.53 15.47 14.82 13.34 1.71 4.79 4.25 2.75 0.30 0.76 -0.07 98.26 <0.1 <0.1 0.25 6 77 531 95 473 49 <10 9 <10 <10 21 <5 24 26 1379 <10 <10 26 211 21 <5 <15 31 224
Granitic gneiss, K-feldspar phyric Unango Complex 68.77 0.50 14.63 3.38 3.04 0.90 2.46 3.08 4.31 0.08 0.17 0.35 98.63 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 18 154 47 304 163 <10 18 15 50 51 <5 19 <10 1231 <10 <10 13 53 12 <5 <15 8 51
Quartz syenite/granite Niassa Suite 77.54 0.13 11.58 0.95 0.86 0.08 0.69 3.00 4.51 0.01 0.02 0.34 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 104 5 217 71 <10 10 14 17 15 <5 10 <10 1006 <10 <10 10 23 12 <5 <15 <5 36
Quartz syenite/granite, Niassa Suite 65.22 0.45 17.66 1.70 1.53 0.29 0.79 4.75 7.72 0.03 0.05 0.29 98.96 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 34 430 297 57 123 <10 12 28 11 <10 <5 10 <10 279 <10 <10 19 53 <10 12 <15 <5 306
Grey, charnockitic gneiss with Unango Complex 55.96 1.45 17.86 6.23 5.61 1.82 3.82 5.17 4.58 0.11 0.56 0.24 97.81 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 28 656 39 1265 65 <10 9 23 <10 52 <5 16 22 4509 <10 <10 20 127 15 <5 <15 11 183
K-feldspar phyric, granitic gneiss Unango Complex 72.70 0.27 12.98 1.79 1.61 0.29 1.51 3.07 5.25 0.03 0.06 0.45 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 167 17 175 121 <10 20 15 25 14 <5 14 <10 1045 <10 <10 10 34 13 <5 <15 6 148
Granulitic gneiss Unango Complex 66.56 0.73 15.02 4.62 4.16 0.62 3.11 3.85 3.75 0.13 0.25 0.38 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 16 579 38 318 48 <10 7 14 15 29 <5 14 14 1757 <10 <10 15 85 13 <5 <15 8 65
Granulitic orthogneiss, K-feldspar phyric Unango Complex 74.51 0.30 12.47 2.10 1.89 0.35 1.35 2.55 5.04 0.03 0.08 0.32 99.12 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 194 18 157 119 <10 12 15 <10 19 <5 19 <10 778 <10 <10 10 44 13 <5 <15 5 102
Granite, fine to medium grained Niassa Suite 70.92 0.47 13.55 2.23 2.01 0.43 0.86 3.85 5.08 0.07 0.10 0.56 98.10 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 16 49 399 77 223 209 <10 24 34 19 14 <5 11 12 1074 <10 <10 16 92 12 <5 <15 <5 295
Syenite?, red, fine to medium grained. Niassa Suite 73.86 0.19 12.39 2.83 2.55 0.08 0.50 2.39 5.77 0.07 0.02 0.14 98.23 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 349 23 27 103 <10 14 16 21 <10 <5 <10 <10 672 <10 <10 16 52 11 <5 <15 6 57
Migmatitic biotite-granodioritic gneiss Unango Complex 72.14 0.45 12.80 3.17 2.85 0.22 0.95 3.92 5.30 0.10 0.06 0.26 99.36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 19 558 61 49 126 <10 11 12 26 <10 <5 15 <10 440 <10 <10 20 82 19 <5 <15 <5 103
Grey fine grained bi-rich gneiss Unango Complex 62.73 1.00 16.46 6.82 6.14 2.97 3.88 2.79 2.58 0.08 0.06 0.37 99.74 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 131 5 488 93 <10 25 12 149 115 <5 17 <10 1168 <10 <10 17 80 22 26 <15 23 107
Grey fine-gr quarto-feldspathic gneiss Unango Complex 68.80 0.56 14.00 3.48 3.13 0.27 1.29 4.39 4.90 0.12 0.10 1.02 98.92 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 21 560 80 87 127 <10 18 18 16 11 <5 17 14 717 <10 <10 19 91 17 <5 <15 5 128
Pale grey granodioritic gneiss Unango Complex 66.13 0.54 15.20 4.58 4.12 1.80 3.90 3.36 2.57 0.10 0.11 0.57 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 120 16 358 67 <10 10 <10 42 61 <5 31 <10 1042 <10 <10 12 67 <10 <5 <15 14 27
Massive coarse-gr granitic syenite Niassa Suite 62.46 0.98 16.76 4.06 3.65 0.86 1.75 4.54 6.66 0.11 0.28 0.21 98.66 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 28 1421 48 28 95 <10 14 29 15 11 <5 12 26 344 <10 <10 18 87 <10 <5 <15 <5 404
Felsic band in migm granulitic rock Unango Complex 65.36 0.46 16.63 3.70 3.33 1.08 3.23 5.47 1.57 0.08 0.19 0.24 98.01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 144 6 556 34 <10 6 10 15 35 <5 12 <10 806 <10 <10 10 63 12 <5 <15 7 28
Kfeldspar-phyric monzo-granite Unango Complex 63.42 0.84 14.50 5.10 4.59 2.58 3.43 3.72 4.29 0.09 0.33 0.20 98.49 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 192 25 430 140 <10 11 16 136 120 <5 16 <10 1017 <10 <10 15 67 54 32 <15 18 59
Ultramafic dyke Dyke 49.09 2.73 14.60 12.67 11.40 3.65 6.26 3.58 2.60 0.16 1.16 1.11 97.60 <0.1 <0.1 0.4 <5 27 364 47 1437 47 <10 5 11 <10 222 <5 21 31 2120 <10 <10 19 148 19 7 <15 38 225
Microgranite dyke Niassa Suite 69.32 0.42 13.80 2.63 2.37 0.33 0.67 3.45 5.73 0.03 0.11 0.83 97.33 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 6 64 589 82 87 226 <10 40 39 14 <10 <5 11 <10 1028 <10 <10 25 65 12 <5 <15 5 344
Biotite-quartz-syenite Niassa Suite 60.86 0.98 17.28 4.00 3.60 1.03 1.80 4.48 6.92 0.09 0.29 0.37 98.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 23 1122 37 105 111 <10 12 22 <10 13 <5 13 27 1171 <10 <10 17 76 14 <5 <15 6 169
Basalt dyke in migmatite Unango Complex 52.84 2.41 14.71 9.61 8.65 4.11 5.89 3.38 2.99 0.12 1.33 0.51 97.91 <0.1 0.11 0.38 <5 32 488 40 1442 79 <10 13 35 91 153 <5 20 32 2271 <10 <10 20 146 26 30 <15 19 263
Granite Niassa Suite 61.78 0.66 17.94 4.12 3.71 0.83 2.73 4.78 5.06 0.09 0.29 0.34 98.61 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 18 29 633 41 854 108 <10 7 23 <10 22 <5 11 19 3817 <10 <10 21 98 13 <5 <15 7 136
Migmatitic biotite-gneiss Unango Complex 68.43 0.31 15.81 2.79 2.51 1.00 3.29 3.71 3.15 0.05 0.09 0.33 98.95 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 94 5 535 70 <10 5 11 19 47 <5 15 <10 1288 <10 <10 <10 40 19 <5 <15 9 <10
Granite Unango Complex 77.15 0.14 12.05 0.65 0.59 0.07 0.43 3.46 4.60 <0.01 0.02 0.27 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 108 5 43 73 <10 10 11 13 10 <5 <10 <10 457 <10 <10 10 18 12 <5 <15 <5 <10
Migmatitic granitic orthogneiss Unango Complex 71.97 0.32 13.75 1.90 1.71 0.41 1.31 3.51 4.86 0.05 0.07 0.24 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 241 18 263 137 <10 11 14 18 24 <5 10 <10 1396 <10 <10 <10 33 15 <5 <15 6 33
andesitic dike Unango Complex 55.71 1.62 14.33 6.48 5.83 2.46 1.80 3.91 3.37 0.06 0.94 6.99 97.66 <0.1 <0.1 0.5 <5 30 538 35 888 144 <10 31 17 46 123 <5 13 25 4434 <10 <10 15 94 23 14 <15 17 326
metagabbroic gneiss Unango Complex 47.67 1.66 13.27 15.00 13.50 6.80 11.05 2.18 0.20 0.22 0.12 0.64 98.81 <0.1 <0.1 0.28 <5 5 91 37 137 8 <10 5 <10 161 470 <5 54 <10 980 <10 <10 17 83 222 62 <15 60 <10
granitic gneiss Unango Complex 70.28 0.56 13.80 3.36 3.02 0.55 1.60 4.46 3.81 0.08 0.13 0.16 98.78 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 234 31 278 67 <10 13 <10 13 25 <5 <10 <10 752 <10 <10 14 93 16 <5 <15 8 46
biotite gneiss Unango Complex 58.87 0.65 16.14 6.62 5.96 3.38 6.40 4.14 2.27 0.11 0.21 0.59 99.38 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 67 24 546 57 <10 6 17 108 118 <5 22 <10 777 <10 <10 14 74 38 26 <15 21 19
biotite-gneiss Unango Complex 60.37 0.74 15.94 6.68 6.01 3.25 5.25 3.26 2.85 0.11 0.24 0.40 99.09 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 151 25 526 100 <10 26 <10 53 144 <5 23 <10 850 <10 <10 17 75 41 18 <15 20 102
amphibolite Unango Complex 48.40 2.42 14.36 12.15 10.94 6.63 10.18 3.02 0.76 0.17 0.37 0.55 99.02 <0.1 <0.1 0.32 <5 17 170 27 418 14 <10 <5 <10 217 246 <5 37 12 290 <10 <10 21 96 70 70 <15 51 45
porphyritic diorite Unango Complex 52.91 2.16 15.68 9.25 8.33 2.79 5.20 4.15 3.07 0.11 1.25 0.87 97.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.37 <5 27 351 29 2262 71 <10 12 47 13 140 <5 21 42 3592 <10 <10 20 133 22 8 <15 18 350
granitic gneiss Unango Complex 73.16 0.15 14.08 1.15 1.04 0.20 1.06 3.69 5.14 0.03 0.04 0.23 98.92 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 134 5 296 272 <10 28 77 18 13 <5 <10 <10 947 <10 <10 22 31 11 <5 <15 <5 30
qtz-diorite, dark Unango Complex 56.01 0.97 18.56 6.89 6.20 3.45 6.43 4.88 1.47 0.12 0.31 0.04 99.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 106 17 1050 11 <10 <5 <10 41 122 <5 21 18 706 <10 <10 15 76 39 20 <15 21 30
enderbite Unango Complex 44.67 2.58 11.70 20.59 18.53 8.46 6.85 2.34 0.83 0.29 0.32 -0.28 98.35 <0.1 <0.1 0.4 <5 14 116 28 386 16 <10 8 <10 64 339 <5 28 <10 367 <10 <10 14 178 110 73 <15 108 65
nono foliated tonalite Unango Complex 67.21 0.46 15.13 3.30 2.97 1.65 2.96 3.70 3.77 0.06 0.11 0.97 99.32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 90 17 516 78 <10 11 <10 48 62 <5 13 <10 1363 <10 <10 10 43 10 12 <15 12 13
nono Med-grained quartzofeldspathic gneiss Unango Complex 74.10 0.28 13.25 2.08 1.87 0.29 0.76 3.90 4.50 0.08 0.07 0.38 99.69 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 181 7 105 118 <10 17 28 31 10 <5 <10 <10 726 <10 <10 11 49 <10 <5 <15 7 138
nono foliated tonalite Unango Complex 68.45 0.39 15.57 2.51 2.26 1.03 2.45 4.22 3.84 0.06 0.11 0.54 99.16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 114 14 387 108 <10 9 15 21 42 <5 <10 <10 848 <10 <10 12 46 14 <5 <15 9 22
nono enderbite?, retrogr Unango Complex 61.63 0.71 15.33 6.58 5.92 1.38 3.09 5.58 3.76 0.20 0.25 0.13 98.62 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 131 48 258 73 <10 8 17 30 59 <5 22 <10 1404 <10 <10 12 103 15 <5 <15 13 53
nono tonalite, porphyric Unango Complex 65.89 0.44 15.98 3.52 3.17 1.25 3.00 4.59 3.13 0.08 0.16 0.84 98.90 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 129 21 452 216 <10 15 18 41 61 <5 10 <10 920 <10 <10 15 54 15 <5 <15 10 25
nono granodiorite, porphyric, foliated Unango Complex 66.50 0.47 15.61 3.56 3.20 1.24 2.67 4.07 3.76 0.07 0.17 0.98 99.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 142 28 433 149 <10 11 <10 39 52 <5 11 <10 912 <10 <10 15 58 <10 6 <15 11 37
nono conglomerate/metavolcanic breccia? Geci Group 44.90 3.47 14.10 16.80 15.12 1.79 5.55 1.69 5.19 0.06 1.72 2.83 98.10 <0.1 <0.1 0.45 <5 49 248 62 181 147 <10 6 <10 <10 232 28 19 13 1197 <10 <10 22 90 <10 13 <15 30 94
nono foliated granite / quartzofeldspathic gneiss Unango Complex 66.17 0.41 16.68 3.19 2.87 0.93 2.47 4.87 3.95 0.08 0.17 0.82 99.75 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 151 33 385 111 <10 10 22 24 45 <5 <10 <10 1528 <10 <10 17 75 10 <5 <15 8 10
quartz syenite Txitonga Group 64.80 0.86 14.95 4.66 4.19 1.34 2.16 2.29 5.87 0.05 0.42 0.97 98.36 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 21 485 20 300 193 <10 82 50 23 68 <5 10 14 1804 <10 <10 17 67 72 11 <15 10 229
nono px-q-pl-granofels Unango Complex 65.18 0.52 16.74 3.90 3.51 1.03 2.96 4.70 3.39 0.09 0.19 0.28 98.99 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 228 15 457 46 <10 5 <10 18 44 <5 15 <10 2484 <10 <10 15 69 10 <5 <15 6 34
nono q-pl-granofels Unango Complex 74.91 0.30 12.95 1.47 1.32 0.17 0.44 3.62 5.27 0.06 0.03 0.14 99.36 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 198 5 14 43 <10 13 <10 14 <10 <5 15 <10 900 <10 <10 11 32 12 <5 <15 5 18
mafic granulitic gneiss M'Sawize Complex 53.48 0.90 17.79 9.17 8.25 4.18 8.12 4.09 1.16 0.19 0.17 0.02 99.26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 59 25 528 9 <10 7 <10 45 167 <5 31 <10 487 <10 <10 <10 85 17 9 <15 30 23
bio(px)-pl gneiss Unango Complex 59.32 0.96 18.19 5.84 5.26 0.76 3.61 5.22 3.91 0.19 0.37 0.09 98.46 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 16 314 57 638 30 <10 <5 10 17 12 <5 22 18 4316 <10 <10 21 153 13 <5 <15 10 89
nono px-pl gneiss Unango Complex 61.59 1.51 13.99 8.00 7.20 1.54 3.65 3.35 4.33 0.14 0.56 0.25 98.93 <0.1 <0.1 0.17 5 23 551 82 267 117 <10 10 19 38 88 <5 14 18 1094 <10 <10 22 116 18 <5 <15 19 124
syenite Unango Complex 59.28 0.50 13.97 8.15 7.34 1.78 0.69 7.44 4.72 0.09 0.53 1.79 98.93 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 61 319 8 396 83 <10 7 <10 <10 35 5 14 11 1675 <10 <10 <10 86 <10 <5 <15 12 193
pyroxenite Unango Complex 52.54 0.27 11.65 10.49 9.44 1.83 4.85 4.46 7.72 0.31 1.06 3.03 98.21 <0.1 <0.1 0.39 7 207 140 19 1872 191 <10 <5 10 20 32 <5 13 22 670 <10 84 13 116 <10 <5 <15 15 251
pyroxenite Unango Complex 55.64 0.21 9.44 16.86 15.17 0.67 1.62 8.75 3.70 0.30 0.20 1.10 98.50 <0.1 <0.1 0.3 <5 22 329 8 340 54 <10 5 11 11 87 <5 24 14 475 <10 94 <10 43 <10 <5 <15 26 104
pyroxenite Unango Complex 14.94 0.06 4.04 8.40 7.56 3.89 26.98 1.07 2.20 1.52 3.84 25.87 92.82 <0.1 <0.1 0.98 36 2377 959 171 17469 46 141 <5 25 <10 <10 <5 26 173 347 <10 12 <10 103 31 <5 <15 <5 1195
pyroxenite Unango Complex 46.07 0.14 9.91 9.98 8.98 1.38 8.57 6.62 3.12 0.86 0.74 9.99 97.38 <0.1 <0.1 0.31 <5 82 98 87 7077 46 <10 <5 <10 15 28 <5 18 81 786 <10 38 10 30 11 <5 <15 10 695
pyroxenite and carbonate-apatite vein Unango Complex 10.64 0.06 2.42 5.69 5.12 4.87 27.16 1.92 0.15 2.22 11.94 21.13 88.18 <0.1 <0.1 1.23 <5 675 <5 740 27729 <5 <10 <5 17 11 <10 <5 37 257 388 <10 21 <10 85 38 26 59 <5 5330
nono felsic/intermediate dyke Unango Complex 63.39 0.50 13.59 7.24 6.52 0.07 1.60 4.96 3.85 0.25 0.07 4.37 99.87 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 <5 125 566 113 154 48 <10 21 <10 10 <10 <5 15 16 239 <10 <10 23 331 <10 <5 <15 7 220
banded iron formation Txitonga Group 17.79 2.34 19.04 49.23 44.31 0.73 0.20 <0.1 3.04 0.10 0.07 4.52 97.03 <0.1 <0.1 0.41 <5 12 275 5 158 113 <10 17 <10 1261 1030 <5 47 31 373 <10 <10 101 271 <10 478 <15 240 143
syenite Txitonga Group 75.87 0.18 12.39 1.52 1.37 0.25 1.21 1.95 5.07 0.03 0.03 1.54 100.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 23 185 62 78 144 <10 32 12 26 10 <5 12 <10 557 <10 <10 11 38 <10 <5 <15 6 97
amphibolite Txitonga Group 53.41 3.01 12.17 15.90 14.31 3.59 9.13 1.17 0.17 0.30 0.33 0.21 99.38 <0.1 <0.1 0.41 <5 15 201 39 292 13 <10 7 23 16 422 <5 44 10 48 <10 <10 16 150 11 31 <15 60 87
Metagabbro Unango Complex 46.00 3.51 13.91 15.26 13.73 5.37 8.93 2.82 1.13 0.22 0.63 0.71 98.49 0.10 <0.1 0.55 <5 32 246 39 450 21 <10 <5 <10 56 338 <5 33 12 561 <10 <10 16 148 37 24 <15 59 133
LI Tremolite-rock Ponta Messuli C. 55.10 0.04 1.30 13.23 11.91 24.49 0.86 <0.1 0.03 0.28 0.02 2.41 97.73 <0.1 <0.1 0.29 <5 5 12 5 13 <5 <10 11 <10 3048 66 <5 31 <10 78 <10 <10 <10 148 <10 450 <15 92 <10
nono Quartz-feldspar gneiss Unango Complex 76.58 0.17 12.13 1.23 1.11 0.12 0.57 3.13 4.86 <0.01 0.04 0.99 99.82 0.47 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 134 14 92 170 <10 10 12 11 12 <5 <10 <10 398 <10 <10 10 8 <10 <5 <15 <5 30
nono Granitic gneiss Unango Complex 77.67 0.16 11.62 1.14 1.03 0.14 0.59 3.07 4.37 0.05 0.01 0.23 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 126 5 91 67 <10 8 134 14 14 <5 <10 <10 809 <10 <10 <10 79 <10 <5 <15 7 12
nono Quartz-feldspar gneiss Unango Complex 75.21 0.17 13.05 1.46 1.31 0.16 0.87 3.42 4.96 0.05 0.04 0.26 99.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 148 13 67 98 <10 7 <10 16 10 <5 18 <10 478 <10 <10 <10 32 12 <5 <15 5 17
nono Granitic gneiss Unango Complex 68.58 0.54 15.25 2.93 2.64 0.83 2.07 4.14 4.31 0.08 0.15 0.22 99.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 188 23 318 76 <10 7 10 16 36 <5 10 <10 1278 <10 <10 <10 51 <10 <5 <15 7 33
nono Pyroxene-gabbro Unango Complex 50.07 0.78 4.92 11.38 10.24 16.05 15.27 0.54 0.10 0.22 0.05 0.38 99.78 <0.1 <0.1 0.16 <5 5 39 17 97 <5 <10 7 <10 468 266 5 70 <10 144 <10 <10 <10 75 178 302 <15 72 <10
Charnockitic gneiss Unango Complex 69.28 0.50 15.07 3.58 3.22 1.69 3.00 4.57 1.95 0.11 0.15 0.76 100.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 138 10 423 53 <10 7 <10 48 59 <5 20 <10 986 <10 <10 18 82 11 8 <15 13 45
Biotite gneiss Muaquia Complex 70.30 0.32 15.47 2.38 2.14 0.76 2.43 4.43 2.87 0.06 0.11 0.48 99.61 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 113 9 578 75 <10 13 13 17 46 <5 16 <10 1092 <10 <10 15 50 34 <5 <15 10 45
Monzonitic rock Neoprot intr. 58.12 0.09 19.17 5.63 5.07 <0.01 0.74 8.25 4.34 0.37 0.14 1.41 98.24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 305 2903 100 48 255 14 71 45 <10 16 <5 <10 90 88 <10 15 42 120 <10 5 <15 9 384
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 72.96 0.25 13.85 2.37 2.13 0.38 1.23 3.63 4.37 0.04 0.07 0.24 99.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 129 5 334 91 <10 10 16 40 19 <5 <10 <10 1655 <10 <10 11 41 <10 <5 <15 7 15
Pyroxene-plagioclase gneiss Unango Complex 60.94 0.89 16.47 5.86 5.27 2.46 4.76 3.11 3.65 0.10 0.30 0.71 99.26 <0.1 <0.1 0.16 <5 9 174 20 553 102 <10 6 19 67 116 <5 20 <10 1342 <10 <10 19 83 23 7 <15 17 50
Gneissic granite Unango Complex 72.63 0.12 12.79 2.02 1.82 0.06 1.36 3.53 4.59 0.03 0.02 0.93 98.07 <0.1 <0.1 0.41 <5 117 180 129 55 292 19 62 30 12 <10 <5 <10 <10 97 <10 <10 25 75 <10 <5 <15 6 85
Deformed and altered microgabbro Txitonga Group 47.02 1.57 16.67 18.10 16.29 8.28 1.15 0.90 0.41 0.17 0.14 5.05 99.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.15 <5 11 79 13 94 12 <10 <5 <10 306 383 <5 31 <10 127 <10 <10 25 100 <10 98 <15 89 <10
Undeformed microgabbro Txitonga Group 47.32 2.90 13.85 15.19 13.67 5.77 9.43 1.86 0.26 0.24 0.34 1.22 98.38 <0.1 <0.1 0.28 <5 15 216 38 252 <5 <10 8 <10 135 375 <5 34 <10 45 <10 <10 15 120 51 61 <15 59 41
Mylonitic, altered microgabbro Txitonga Group 50.45 1.11 22.22 13.15 11.84 3.20 0.17 0.89 3.81 0.13 0.06 4.10 99.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 189 12 159 96 <10 24 13 256 190 <5 21 <10 1387 <10 <10 33 109 14 116 <15 47 96
Epidote-chlorite schist Txitonga Group 56.51 1.05 20.17 10.38 9.34 2.01 0.09 0.78 3.63 0.12 0.06 3.83 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 209 30 169 92 <10 26 16 230 147 <5 29 <10 1369 <10 <10 26 106 <10 98 <15 34 72
Granulitic pyroxene gneiss Unango Complex 56.00 1.68 16.14 9.89 8.90 1.28 4.01 4.48 4.49 0.24 0.42 0.20 98.82 <0.1 0.10 0.16 <5 7 22 50 247 22 <10 <5 <10 16 43 <5 24 <10 1875 <10 <10 25 211 21 <5 <15 17 61
Chlorite-amphibole rock Unango Complex 45.50 3.37 14.11 14.45 13.01 6.25 8.52 2.82 0.79 0.18 0.52 1.89 98.41 0.10 <0.1 0.52 <5 21 192 29 531 12 <10 5 <10 109 284 5 37 <10 359 <10 <10 14 128 44 79 <15 61 66
Iron ore Unango Complex 0.01 16.40 4.60 68.98 62.08 1.87 0.15 <0.1 0.02 0.26 0.02 -1.13 89.09 <0.1 <0.1 1.48 <5 5 28 5 8 11 <10 13 <10 1089 5719 <5 <10 29 <10 18 <10 54 717 <10 187 32 600 <10
Granitic gneiss Unango Complex 78.34 0.10 11.54 1.14 1.03 0.10 0.58 3.29 3.94 <0.01 0.03 0.33 99.40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 153 34 126 151 <10 31 34 <10 10 <5 <10 <10 231 <10 <10 15 19 <10 <5 <15 5 51
nono Granodiorite Unango Complex 66.49 0.48 16.67 2.85 2.57 0.74 2.07 5.09 3.81 0.06 0.16 0.60 99.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 197 24 424 104 <10 10 12 <10 39 <5 11 <10 1281 <10 <10 17 55 17 <5 <15 6 58
Biotite granite gneiss Unango Complex 62.97 0.17 19.51 3.34 3.01 0.09 0.37 7.83 4.07 0.10 0.01 0.29 98.74 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 73 1549 5 221 107 <10 10 <10 10 <10 <5 <10 27 452 <10 <10 13 51 <10 <5 <15 7 32
Quartz-rich biotite gneiss Unango Complex 77.32 0.17 11.07 1.53 1.38 0.06 0.50 2.64 5.15 0.03 0.02 0.13 98.63 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 437 13 35 94 <10 17 18 12 <10 <5 <10 <10 255 <10 <10 11 31 <10 <5 <15 5 144
Garnet-rich quartz-feldspar rock Unango Complex 62.02 0.75 14.70 10.37 9.33 0.29 3.34 1.75 5.50 0.38 0.22 0.05 99.37 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 52 43 101 82 <10 10 11 10 <10 <5 37 10 662 <10 <10 14 70 <10 <5 <15 10 42
Plagoclase-biotite-amphibole-quartz garnet-rich rock Unango Complex 42.21 3.33 13.36 20.64 18.58 6.25 10.87 1.89 0.21 0.25 0.02 0.06 99.08 0.28 <0.1 0.27 <5 5 21 14 329 <5 <10 <5 <10 15 749 <5 43 <10 110 <10 <10 15 141 22 <5 <15 81 <10
Plagioclase-pyroxene-biotite-garnet (quartz) rock) (mongerite ?) Unango Complex 57.67 1.10 16.63 7.73 6.96 3.72 6.86 3.59 1.32 0.15 0.38 0.17 99.31 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 120 43 607 19 <10 <5 <10 25 163 <5 31 <10 361 <10 <10 16 86 15 <5 <15 21 58
Augen gneiss Unango Complex 61.68 0.77 17.93 4.86 4.37 1.06 2.80 4.27 5.40 0.10 0.25 0.27 99.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 457 30 287 79 <10 <5 12 <10 42 <5 16 12 1621 <10 <10 18 62 12 <5 <15 9 25
Granite Unango Complex 71.04 0.25 14.04 1.81 1.63 0.19 0.80 3.44 6.19 0.03 0.04 0.19 98.01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 294 24 81 102 <10 10 13 14 <10 <5 17 <10 437 <10 <10 <10 47 <10 <5 <15 5 94
Granite Unango Complex 75.39 0.11 13.19 1.07 0.96 0.01 0.49 3.07 6.24 <0.01 0.02 0.17 99.77 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 204 5 28 140 <10 12 16 11 <10 <5 <10 <10 120 <10 <10 11 22 11 <5 <15 6 69
Granite gneiss Unango Complex 73.83 0.21 13.25 1.87 1.68 0.24 1.09 3.23 5.22 0.03 0.05 0.21 99.24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 208 5 319 75 <10 6 <10 25 22 <5 13 <10 969 <10 <10 11 36 <10 <5 <15 7 29
nono Qurtz-feldspar-biotite-epidote rocks Unango Complex 67.56 0.51 15.36 2.91 2.62 0.92 2.37 4.11 4.24 0.08 0.17 0.63 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 151 31 362 119 <10 21 15 <10 45 <5 11 <10 1007 <10 <10 11 49 11 <5 <15 9 29
nono Quartz-K-feldspar porphyroblastic rocks Unango Complex 64.86 0.86 15.60 4.36 3.92 1.92 1.84 4.40 3.18 0.10 0.28 1.79 99.19 <0.1 <0.1 0.24 <5 13 242 32 196 106 <10 18 <10 12 71 <5 14 <10 1155 <10 <10 18 71 13 <5 <15 19 64
nono Chlorite schist Unango Complex 45.28 2.30 15.27 15.86 14.27 5.37 5.30 1.23 2.64 0.20 0.65 4.70 98.80 <0.1 <0.1 0.82 <5 13 135 34 347 88 <10 <5 21 155 148 6 29 18 384 <10 <10 14 155 23 53 <15 74 52
nono Interbedded quartz-schist, chlorite schist, K-feldspar augen gneiss Unango Complex 63.10 0.85 13.30 9.65 8.69 0.37 1.93 3.95 4.29 0.20 0.21 0.68 98.53 <0.1 <0.1 0.37 <5 102 945 98 101 94 <10 14 13 <10 <10 <5 19 23 1310 <10 <10 22 188 11 <5 <15 16 283
nono Andesite Unango Complex 62.41 0.21 18.21 5.06 4.55 0.08 0.28 6.75 5.23 0.08 0.05 0.48 98.84 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 109 554 31 41 87 <10 17 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 18 127 <10 <10 15 73 13 <5 <15 7 130
nono Charnokite Unango Complex 75.23 0.17 13.30 1.09 0.98 0.32 1.98 4.00 2.96 0.02 0.05 0.52 99.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 61 5 214 81 <10 12 <10 23 16 <5 <10 <10 357 <10 <10 11 25 10 <5 <15 6 <10
nono Granite Unango Complex 78.41 0.05 11.77 0.56 0.50 0.12 0.82 3.41 4.09 0.02 0.02 0.29 99.56 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 102 5 195 57 <10 19 <10 10 10 <5 <10 <10 1031 <10 <10 <10 11 <10 <5 <15 5 <10
Sillimanite-muscovite schist Txitonga Group 45.00 1.06 28.89 13.13 11.82 0.36 0.02 <0.1 2.53 0.03 0.03 7.96 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 19 152 14 16 126 <10 24 25 330 210 <5 34 13 232 <10 13 31 94 168 99 <15 28 28
Quartz-muscovite schist Txitonga Group 53.37 1.21 22.19 10.50 9.45 0.87 0.01 <0.1 5.97 0.12 0.04 5.07 99.40 <0.1 <0.1 0.52 <5 18 180 20 34 250 <10 25 26 259 176 <5 24 <10 703 <10 12 30 57 23 70 <15 21 70
Arkosic metasandstone Txitonga Group 70.73 0.80 12.54 3.97 3.57 1.10 1.24 2.84 3.11 0.09 0.17 2.01 98.60 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 16 195 253 180 103 <10 21 15 52 74 <5 16 10 803 <10 <10 11 55 18 27 17 14 75
Quartz-muscovite-feldspar schist (sandstone) Txitonga Group 51.43 0.84 23.71 8.62 7.76 2.16 0.04 0.21 6.26 0.09 0.08 4.14 97.58 <0.1 <0.1 0.38 <5 12 156 31 70 455 <10 23 20 208 151 <5 21 <10 735 <10 <10 27 158 27 86 <15 28 77
Marble Geci Group 0.89 0.04 0.60 0.30 0.27 1.00 53.67 <0.1 0.11 <0.01 0.36 42.36 99.19 <0.1 <0.1 0.79 <5 5 8 5 872 <5 <10 <5 <10 <10 <10 <5 47 <10 60 <10 <10 <10 8 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Marble with sandstone over grey phyllitic schist Geci Group 14.24 0.06 0.94 2.55 2.30 16.44 25.41 0.25 0.24 0.14 0.05 38.88 99.19 0.13 0.11 <0.1 <5 5 15 15 629 <5 <10 <5 <10 12 12 7 33 <10 28 <10 <10 <10 38 <10 <5 <15 5 <10
nono Granitic rock with weak fabric Neoprot intr. 76.98 0.03 12.18 1.12 1.01 0.03 0.15 4.70 3.84 <0.01 0.03 0.35 99.41 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 46 131 154 12 143 <10 16 <10 10 <10 <5 <10 <10 44 <10 <10 38 15 11 5 <15 6 49
nono Metadioritic rock Neoprot intr. 54.55 2.14 14.70 10.71 9.64 2.68 5.79 3.58 2.37 0.19 0.62 1.07 98.40 <0.1 <0.1 0.43 <5 42 366 52 418 61 <10 12 <10 15 151 <5 19 10 960 <10 <10 16 120 19 <5 <15 27 144
nono Microgranite/leptite Unango Complex 76.95 0.11 11.90 0.26 0.23 0.09 0.18 2.20 6.87 <0.01 0.03 0.34 98.94 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 80 5 151 169 <10 33 18 15 <10 <5 <10 <10 789 <10 <10 <10 13 11 <5 <15 <5 18
Plagioclase porphyry Unango Complex 69.53 0.64 13.95 3.64 3.28 0.77 1.90 3.88 4.32 0.10 0.17 0.15 99.06 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 16 311 55 220 142 <10 18 <10 <10 28 11 15 <10 1387 <10 <10 15 66 <10 <5 <15 6 111
Quartz-mica schist Geci Group 81.66 0.35 13.61 1.90 1.71 0.08 0.02 <0.1 0.51 <0.01 0.10 1.12 99.40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 301 20 39 11 <10 13 <10 37 21 <5 <10 <10 43 <10 <10 <10 5 12 <5 <15 6 48
Granitic/monzonitic gneiss Unango Complex 64.39 0.82 15.90 5.41 4.87 0.46 0.93 4.34 6.02 0.16 0.11 0.92 99.45 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 22 1070 67 133 77 <10 6 30 11 <10 <5 15 25 1138 <10 <10 20 159 <10 <5 <15 8 111
nono Kimberlite Kimberlite 9.14 2.90 2.09 7.37 6.63 8.04 32.65 <0.1 0.22 1.05 0.70 32.53 96.53 <0.1 <0.1 0.59 <5 94 389 12 1174 9 <10 11 <10 681 132 <5 44 16 468 <10 <10 <10 60 48 825 <15 54 145
nono Kimberlite Kimberlite 29.23 3.78 2.27 11.50 10.35 28.22 9.11 <0.1 1.58 0.16 0.55 11.54 97.93 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 113 381 14 792 65 <10 14 <10 1127 151 <5 27 23 730 <10 <10 <10 73 53 1089 <15 96 76
nono Kimberlite Kimberlite 21.34 3.70 2.44 7.41 6.67 5.61 28.47 <0.1 0.28 1.02 0.69 26.03 96.87 <0.1 <0.1 0.5 <5 117 415 16 862 15 <10 12 <10 864 138 15 43 20 358 <10 <10 <10 73 63 1147 <15 76 188
nono Kimberlite Kimberlite 27.76 2.10 1.94 9.57 8.61 27.73 11.82 <0.1 1.17 0.16 1.34 13.56 97.13 <0.1 <0.1 0.17 <5 123 330 21 1790 51 <10 13 <10 1115 178 <5 25 28 1678 <10 <10 <10 70 47 1067 <15 74 258
nono Nef syenite Neoprot intr. 51.29 0.81 20.20 5.87 5.28 0.42 3.53 7.52 4.99 0.26 0.13 3.15 98.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 75 33 21 2737 158 <10 <5 <10 11 21 <5 <10 29 2521 <10 <10 14 136 <10 6 <15 8 104
Biotite-paragneiss Muaquia Complex 74.49 0.29 13.30 1.32 1.19 0.47 0.23 3.85 4.30 0.01 0.04 0.78 99.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 148 17 79 104 <10 20 <10 27 13 <5 11 <10 919 <10 <10 10 16 10 7 <15 6 <10
Kyanite-quartzite Muaquia Complex 59.90 0.56 35.87 1.74 1.57 0.14 0.04 <0.1 0.19 <0.01 0.16 0.62 99.22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 214 5 35 <5 <10 6 <10 54 24 <5 <10 <10 64 <10 <10 27 <5 10 <5 <15 9 14
Dolerite Dyke 52.47 0.88 14.01 11.40 10.26 5.94 9.38 1.93 1.06 0.21 0.15 1.94 99.37 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 9 120 33 191 36 <10 7 <10 80 262 5 37 <10 509 <10 <10 11 77 113 61 <15 48 41
Granodioritic(tonalitic) migmatitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 71.31 0.36 14.42 2.72 2.45 0.55 2.05 4.09 2.90 0.08 0.10 0.23 98.80 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 143 19 194 90 <10 7 <10 16 17 <5 11 <10 1369 <10 <10 <10 30 <10 <5 <15 <5 45
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 75.82 0.26 11.96 1.52 1.37 0.09 0.45 2.68 5.83 0.03 0.03 0.18 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 335 29 59 120 <10 18 18 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 377 <10 <10 <10 31 <10 <5 <15 <5 118
Tonalitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 65.99 0.39 17.79 2.44 2.20 0.87 3.80 5.27 1.70 0.04 0.11 0.31 98.71 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 103 9 743 30 <10 <5 <10 18 38 <5 <10 <10 1098 <10 <10 14 45 <10 6 <15 5 32
Granite Marrupa Complex 75.36 0.19 11.72 2.56 2.30 0.05 0.87 3.33 4.08 0.03 0.03 0.18 98.42 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 272 8 294 81 <10 <5 <10 20 29 <5 <10 <10 1859 <10 <10 <10 51 10 <5 <15 5 <10
Granitic mylonite Marrupa Complex 69.77 0.52 14.97 2.82 2.54 0.64 2.19 4.32 3.03 0.04 0.13 0.41 98.83 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 190 18 513 106 <10 14 <10 17 32 <5 10 <10 1067 <10 <10 13 41 20 7 <15 7 60
Quartz dioritic gneiss Marrupa Complex 59.29 1.52 15.16 7.88 7.09 2.32 4.44 4.01 2.90 0.14 0.37 0.25 98.28 <0.1 <0.1 0.24 <5 17 390 62 307 98 <10 13 <10 27 120 5 12 11 763 <10 <10 14 95 30 14 <15 20 125
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 65.27 0.59 15.93 3.95 3.56 0.73 2.36 3.70 5.08 0.07 0.15 0.27 98.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 372 46 270 80 <10 <5 16 15 29 <5 16 13 2250 <10 <10 19 65 14 <5 <15 7 112
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 72.96 0.21 14.90 1.42 1.28 0.31 1.66 4.26 3.83 0.02 0.06 0.29 99.91 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 116 6 438 106 <10 5 16 12 15 <5 <10 <10 1199 <10 <10 13 32 <10 <5 <15 <5 38
Quartz, coarse grained Montepuez Complex 99.67 0.035 0.18 0.165 0.15 <0.01 <0.01 <0.1 0.077 <0.01 <0.01 0.06 100.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 68 <5 <5 <5 <10 6 <10 13 <10 <5 <10 <10 33 <10 <10 <10 12 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Tonalite, porphyric Neoprot intr. 68.59 0.55 13.95 4.15 3.74 0.77 2.15 2.96 4.68 0.07 0.17 0.27 98.31 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 14 250 38 195 120 <10 11 18 12 30 <5 <10 <10 1295 <10 <10 10 71 <10 <5 <15 10 54
Tonalite, mus/bio Xixano Complex 73.33 0.11 15.06 0.32 0.29 0.15 0.99 3.54 4.61 0.02 0.03 0.47 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 54 12 394 96 <10 7 40 11 <10 <5 <10 <10 2050 <10 <10 15 59 <10 <5 <15 <5 17
Graphite schist/gneiss Xixano Complex 70.73 0.258 5.29 0.547 0.49 0.21 0.04 <0.1 1.516 0.018 0.015 20.65 99.35 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 15 <5 94 36 10 42 <10 7 <10 601 1138 <5 15 <10 637 <10 <10 <10 18 21 8 <15 6 <10
Quartz, coarse grained Xixano Complex 98.44 0.377 0.25 0.346 0.31 <0.01 0.02 <0.1 0.069 <0.01 <0.01 0.31 99.78 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 112 <5 <5 <5 <10 <5 <10 <10 <10 20 <10 <10 16 <10 <10 <10 16 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Leucogranitic gneiss Xixano Complex 71.54 0.08 15.87 0.89 0.80 0.10 1.83 6.07 1.26 0.03 0.03 0.53 98.23 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 64 11 807 7 <10 <5 21 12 <10 <5 <10 <10 792 <10 <10 11 33 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Granite/granitic gneiss Neoprot intr. 69.92 0.36 14.73 2.16 1.94 0.44 1.48 3.66 5.18 0.04 0.10 0.22 98.29 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 <5 18 208 23 376 133 <10 21 19 <10 19 <5 <10 <10 1538 <10 <10 15 50 <10 <5 <15 <5 127
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 73.68 0.06 14.47 0.68 0.61 0.06 0.66 4.33 3.81 0.12 0.01 0.47 98.35 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 55 68 33 32 463 12 21 81 12 <10 <5 10 <10 90 <10 19 34 37 <10 10 <15 <5 <10
Gabbro, coarse grained Neoprot intr. 46.23 0.21 19.17 8.43 7.59 11.86 9.06 2.31 0.17 0.11 0.03 1.25 98.82 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 19 <5 410 <5 <10 <5 <10 89 41 <5 17 <10 89 <10 <10 <10 56 <10 54 <15 42 <10
Gabbro, medium grained Neoprot intr. 47.53 0.13 24.09 4.56 4.10 7.10 10.89 2.65 0.15 0.06 0.02 1.93 99.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 12 <5 498 <5 <10 <5 <10 43 12 <5 19 <10 84 <10 <10 <10 33 <10 38 <15 24 <10
Granodioritic gneiss Xixano Complex 69.70 0.37 15.22 2.68 2.41 0.66 1.77 4.95 2.46 0.09 0.08 0.71 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 158 29 369 33 <10 7 <10 11 18 5 11 <10 1099 <10 <10 <10 38 <10 <5 <15 5 36
Granitic gneiss Meluco Complex 71.60 0.28 14.11 2.25 2.03 0.33 1.09 3.98 4.33 0.04 0.06 0.32 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 196 36 110 124 <10 12 12 12 12 19 <10 <10 852 <10 <10 13 47 <10 <5 <15 5 40
Graphite gneiss Lalamo Complex 65.34 0.209 2.18 0.826 0.74 0.48 0.03 <0.1 0.363 0.011 0.010 26.73 96.23 0.10 <0.1 <0.1 57 <5 79 54 17 17 <10 6 <10 720 5119 <5 20 <10 406 <10 <10 <10 348 21 68 <15 7 <10
Graphite gneiss Lalamo Complex 66.06 0.151 2.35 0.168 0.15 0.11 0.59 0.34 0.099 <0.01 0.064 26.01 95.94 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 6 7 53 68 49 <5 <10 <5 <10 173 812 <5 14 <10 75 <10 <10 <10 536 34 104 <15 8 39
Tonalitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 69.90 0.56 14.33 3.94 3.55 0.76 2.17 3.16 3.43 0.07 0.17 0.34 98.82 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 209 37 237 128 <10 16 16 27 32 <5 12 <10 1019 <10 10 <10 63 <10 <5 <15 6 87
Quartz-dioritic gneiss Montepuez Complex 60.15 0.59 14.10 4.50 4.05 3.81 8.65 1.87 4.57 0.08 0.16 0.39 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 0.15 <5 12 200 39 164 159 <10 16 11 58 56 <5 19 10 572 <10 <10 12 83 <10 21 <15 12 62
Granitic gneiss/foliated granite Meluco Complex 72.47 0.21 14.48 1.30 1.17 0.24 1.19 3.77 4.69 0.02 0.05 0.15 98.56 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 5 161 13 1156 97 11 23 50 15 10 <5 <10 <10 2890 <10 <10 14 54 10 <5 <15 <5 107
Quartz Lalamo Complex 99.51 <0.01 <0.01 0.024 0.02 <0.01 0.01 <0.1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.04 99.56 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 20 <5 <5 <5 <10 5 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 11 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Amphibolite Lalamo Complex 46.80 0.81 14.15 10.22 9.20 7.89 16.21 1.27 0.45 0.40 0.07 0.29 98.55 <0.1 <0.1 0.31 <5 <5 50 20 180 7 <10 <5 <10 610 220 <5 40 <10 108 <10 <10 13 72 10 226 <15 47 <10
Quartz dioritic/tonalitic gneiss Nampula Complex 56.73 1.56 14.52 9.25 8.33 3.56 5.90 3.37 2.19 0.14 0.47 0.32 98.00 <0.1 0.17 0.23 <5 13 373 62 313 71 <10 5 <10 53 139 <5 22 13 439 <10 <10 20 101 58 20 <15 29 113
Granitic gneiss, amph and mt-bearing Nampula Complex 68.03 0.32 15.10 3.53 3.18 0.12 1.82 3.24 6.57 0.09 0.03 0.08 98.93 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 18 634 47 133 165 <10 18 20 14 <10 <5 <10 <10 713 <10 <10 12 51 <10 5 <15 <5 208
Granodioritic gneiss Montepuez Complex 75.46 0.32 12.62 1.82 1.64 0.34 1.37 4.34 2.20 0.06 0.05 0.32 98.90 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 181 40 189 46 <10 10 <10 13 <10 <5 13 <10 841 <10 <10 10 28 <10 <5 <15 5 64
Amphibolite Ocua Complex 49.19 2.04 14.78 13.57 12.21 6.32 9.75 2.68 0.32 0.23 0.33 -0.10 99.11 0.15 <0.1 0.31 <5 16 107 46 184 <5 <10 <5 <10 118 280 <5 46 <10 76 <10 <10 10 93 38 36 <15 50 24
Amphibolite Ocua Complex 54.48 1.43 14.65 10.05 9.05 4.79 8.65 3.24 0.70 0.18 0.20 0.41 98.80 0.36 <0.1 0.31 <5 7 84 37 335 <5 <10 <5 <10 165 237 <5 36 <10 309 <10 <10 13 112 85 51 <15 36 33
Silisified amphibolite Ocua Complex 61.56 0.98 13.24 9.65 8.69 4.04 4.75 3.47 0.50 0.23 0.12 0.13 98.67 0.19 <0.1 0.13 <5 8 152 43 239 <5 <10 6 <10 185 170 <5 29 <10 247 <10 <10 10 81 66 34 <15 29 22
Scapolite-amphibole rock Nampula Complex 50.29 0.41 11.72 7.47 6.72 5.94 18.06 2.41 0.44 0.16 0.30 0.35 97.55 0.18 0.46 0.24 <5 24 141 44 230 5 <10 6 <10 43 51 5 20 <10 103 <10 <10 <10 65 12 <5 <15 16 63
Scapolite-amph+serpentine rock Nampula Complex 50.88 0.12 18.57 4.16 3.74 2.25 14.09 4.19 1.00 0.09 0.16 0.89 96.38 0.26 0.85 <0.1 <5 11 68 17 312 24 <10 5 <10 26 24 <5 15 <10 143 <10 <10 11 46 13 <5 <15 7 16
granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 74.12 0.14 14.14 1.21 1.09 0.27 1.70 4.45 2.55 0.04 0.03 0.22 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 80 9 310 50 <10 6 <10 23 10 <5 <10 <10 908 <10 <10 10 30 <10 <5 <15 <5 11
granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 73.00 0.14 14.78 1.37 1.23 0.40 2.38 4.34 2.11 0.05 0.08 0.23 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 93 5 549 38 <10 <5 10 13 15 <5 <10 <10 1655 <10 <10 <10 38 <10 <5 <15 <5 30
granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 67.57 0.54 15.46 2.84 2.56 0.59 2.06 3.72 4.88 0.06 0.14 0.29 98.15 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 319 42 244 113 <10 15 15 18 32 <5 <10 <10 2193 <10 <10 14 56 <10 <5 <15 5 133
amphibolite Muaquia Complex 49.72 0.89 18.87 7.99 7.19 4.84 12.17 3.31 0.33 0.11 0.03 0.59 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 0.23 <5 <5 28 9 454 6 <10 <5 <10 39 375 <5 41 <10 161 <10 <10 14 29 <10 16 <15 23 <10
amphibolite Muaquia Complex 55.81 0.41 16.09 4.04 3.64 5.07 12.44 4.40 0.21 0.11 0.03 0.26 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 40 13 419 <5 <10 <5 <10 149 143 <5 39 <10 148 <10 <10 <10 25 <10 5 <15 11 25
granitic-gneiss Muaquia Complex 66.39 0.47 16.48 2.87 2.58 0.79 2.47 4.68 3.53 0.06 0.12 0.34 98.19 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 253 23 374 94 <10 11 <10 19 33 <5 <10 <10 1138 <10 <10 11 45 23 <5 <15 6 32
amphibolite Xixano Complex 48.38 0.64 14.87 12.39 11.15 8.86 13.34 0.92 0.04 0.19 0.05 -0.02 99.65 <0.1 <0.1 0.21 <5 <5 40 18 123 <5 <10 <5 <10 169 278 <5 41 <10 35 <10 <10 <10 67 <10 66 <15 50 <10
amphibolite Xixano Complex 39.78 1.19 16.61 16.02 14.42 7.85 13.64 1.74 0.38 0.22 0.10 1.07 98.59 <0.1 0.40 0.64 <5 5 33 25 514 <5 <10 <5 12 108 425 7 50 <10 148 13 <10 13 96 <10 217 <15 83 <10
phenocryst granite Neoprot intr. 70.96 0.38 13.82 2.25 2.03 0.42 1.27 3.17 5.50 0.03 0.08 0.34 98.22 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 16 231 45 418 113 <10 21 18 13 19 <5 <10 <10 1497 <10 <10 12 55 <10 <5 <15 <5 293
Quartzofeldspathic gneiss Xixano Complex 75.18 0.13 11.43 1.27 1.14 0.05 0.04 0.36 9.59 <0.01 0.03 0.46 98.55 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 34 276 61 22 210 <10 18 22 11 <10 64 <10 <10 1017 <10 <10 12 8 <10 5 <15 <5 34
Grt granulite Xixano Complex 70.47 0.56 12.62 6.12 5.51 1.15 1.96 4.34 0.77 0.16 0.02 0.49 98.66 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 211 39 115 <5 <10 <5 <10 19 <10 <5 12 <10 357 <10 <10 17 100 10 <5 <15 10 <10
granulite Xixano Complex 72.08 0.29 11.89 6.07 5.46 0.82 3.43 3.06 0.38 0.12 0.05 0.20 98.40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 220 90 146 <5 <10 7 <10 <10 <10 <5 18 <10 176 <10 <10 15 95 <10 <5 <15 7 36
Graphite gneiss Xixano Complex 71.46 0.66 10.82 3.07 2.76 0.40 0.16 0.56 2.21 <0.01 0.04 9.34 98.72 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 43 17 171 11 92 88 <10 5 <10 206 1738 6 <10 <10 1888 <10 <10 <10 71 36 18 <15 8 <10
metagabbro Neoprot intr. 54.02 1.18 13.24 13.34 12.01 6.01 7.73 2.54 0.06 0.25 0.11 0.40 98.89 0.38 <0.1 0.16 <5 <5 54 21 202 <5 <10 <5 <10 163 323 <5 35 <10 50 <10 <10 <10 140 77 41 <15 46 17
augen gneiss Nampula Complex 72.87 0.29 13.37 2.45 2.21 0.44 1.11 2.23 6.05 0.05 0.11 0.16 99.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 156 56 122 189 <10 16 27 29 23 <5 <10 <10 933 <10 <10 14 35 10 7 <15 <5 28
Grt gneiss Ocua Complex 71.31 0.36 13.30 5.08 4.57 0.91 4.18 3.44 0.36 0.10 0.07 0.07 99.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 100 34 152 <5 <10 <5 <10 42 51 <5 21 <10 145 <10 <10 11 44 <10 <5 <15 10 <10
granitic gneiss Montepuez Complex 73.62 0.20 14.08 1.71 1.54 0.49 2.30 3.76 2.56 0.03 0.05 0.21 99.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 106 7 304 46 <10 9 <10 21 19 <5 <10 <10 1172 <10 <10 <10 41 <10 <5 <15 5 11
diorite gneiss Ocua Complex 57.74 0.67 14.24 4.28 3.85 2.86 5.28 2.35 8.46 0.07 0.80 0.16 96.91 <0.1 <0.1 0.33 <5 <5 98 25 3237 202 <10 <5 11 49 54 <5 10 37 7499 <10 <10 11 56 18 34 <15 5 134
Grt amphibolite Ocua Complex 58.96 1.40 17.02 10.05 9.05 3.75 3.12 2.72 1.95 0.13 0.24 -0.27 99.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 198 41 237 83 <10 5 <10 125 157 <5 19 <10 352 <10 <10 17 122 29 63 <15 32 51
granite Neoprot intr. 70.50 0.36 14.07 2.61 2.35 0.47 1.86 3.09 4.99 0.04 0.11 0.22 98.34 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 180 26 198 103 <10 10 <10 28 20 <5 <10 <10 1165 <10 <10 12 46 <10 <5 <15 5 78
Grt amphibolite Ocua Complex 55.73 1.32 16.64 8.21 7.39 3.51 6.70 3.67 1.72 0.11 0.45 0.51 98.56 <0.1 <0.1 0.22 <5 15 237 45 660 22 <10 <5 <10 46 144 <5 22 <10 559 <10 <10 15 88 54 26 <15 21 95
Hornblendite Ocua Complex 39.78 0.32 6.62 12.36 11.12 27.90 5.15 0.74 0.22 0.18 0.12 5.33 98.72 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 40 9 174 <5 <10 <5 <10 2519 99 5 21 <10 96 <10 <10 <10 76 10 806 33 107 <10
Hornblendite Ocua Complex 39.80 0.34 6.94 12.79 11.51 27.64 4.63 0.91 0.25 0.21 0.10 4.90 98.52 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 41 11 281 <5 <10 <5 <10 2756 91 <5 24 <10 128 <10 <10 <10 88 21 756 24 109 13
Grt amphibolite Ocua Complex 46.57 1.06 15.09 11.58 10.42 8.58 12.47 2.30 0.38 0.20 0.12 0.59 98.96 <0.1 <0.1 0.26 <5 <5 61 25 346 <5 <10 <5 <10 149 240 <5 49 <10 97 <10 <10 12 85 75 43 <15 48 10
Grt amphibolite Ocua Complex 56.87 1.12 16.41 7.28 6.55 3.69 6.03 3.74 2.72 0.11 0.28 0.18 98.43 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 7 214 25 782 49 <10 <5 12 80 133 <5 19 19 905 <10 <10 14 79 26 22 <15 22 56
Mica schist Xixano Complex 73.90 1.426 9.66 0.690 0.62 0.42 0.24 0.44 1.565 <0.01 0.051 10.73 99.15 0.43 <0.1 <0.1 13 14 216 38 45 44 <10 8 <10 304 606 <5 23 <10 746 <10 <10 10 17 18 18 <15 7 18
Granitic gneiss Montepuez Complex 73.29 0.18 12.43 1.54 1.39 0.15 0.65 3.14 4.74 0.03 0.03 0.35 96.53 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 160 26 70 169 <10 19 32 105 <10 <5 <10 <10 578 <10 <10 10 37 12 <5 <15 <5 46
Banded hbl-gneiss Montepuez Complex 59.24 0.40 14.24 4.89 4.40 2.70 11.52 2.73 1.65 0.16 0.09 0.43 98.04 0.15 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 142 42 202 42 <10 15 16 41 41 <5 25 <10 318 <10 <10 15 72 38 10 <15 11 56
Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss. Montepuez Complex 96.75 0.043 1.22 0.272 0.24 0.06 0.03 <0.1 0.495 <0.01 <0.01 0.39 99.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 40 <5 22 20 <10 <5 <10 13 <10 <5 <10 <10 135 <10 <10 <10 14 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Felsic orthogneiss Nairoto Complex 69.19 0.43 14.56 3.37 3.03 1.75 3.39 3.62 2.31 0.06 0.10 0.38 99.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 154 31 330 59 <10 7 <10 54 57 6 16 <10 822 <10 <10 11 49 <10 17 <15 11 34
Tonalitic gneiss? Lalamo Complex 66.30 0.39 16.83 2.62 2.36 1.36 4.10 4.59 1.71 0.05 0.14 0.32 98.42 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 103 8 566 41 <10 <5 <10 30 42 <5 <10 <10 707 <10 <10 <10 40 14 7 <15 8 28
Mica gneiss Lalamo Complex 73.00 0.17 13.75 1.38 1.24 0.42 1.95 3.27 3.80 0.02 0.05 0.22 98.04 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 94 <5 285 67 <10 7 <10 10 22 <5 <10 <10 1827 <10 <10 <10 26 <10 <5 <15 <5 33
Dyke Lalamo Complex 71.95 0.27 14.92 1.44 1.30 0.34 1.30 3.78 4.61 0.03 0.06 0.47 99.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 161 <5 386 88 <10 15 19 10 18 <5 <10 <10 1865 <10 <10 13 41 <10 <5 <15 <5 51
Granitic/tonalitic gneiss Montepuez Complex 74.17 0.18 13.24 1.46 1.31 0.21 1.14 3.41 4.28 0.03 0.04 0.25 98.40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 136 <5 587 95 <10 14 32 <10 10 <5 <10 11 1651 <10 <10 12 42 <10 <5 <15 <5 47
Graphite-bearing quartzofeldspathic rock Nampula Complex 71.07 0.339 8.72 0.167 0.15 <0.01 0.06 0.72 5.665 <0.01 <0.01 12.30 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 328 <5 698 105 <10 <5 13 64 65 <5 <10 <10 2212 <10 <10 <10 12 32 7 <15 <5 <10
Migmatite gneiss Nampula Complex 61.22 0.41 18.90 4.15 3.74 1.58 5.72 5.16 1.08 0.07 0.15 0.32 98.75 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 <5 34 13 740 26 <10 <5 <10 20 73 <5 16 11 236 <10 <10 <10 55 15 9 <15 11 10
Paragneiss. Metaarkose(?) Montepuez Complex 75.82 0.11 12.28 1.00 0.90 0.12 0.51 2.64 5.14 0.02 0.02 0.42 98.07 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 38 129 11 30 291 <10 26 31 11 <10 <5 <10 <10 188 <10 11 14 34 <10 <5 <15 <5 36
Tonalite Neoprot intr. 71.26 0.25 13.70 2.00 1.80 0.34 1.63 3.58 4.08 0.05 0.08 0.22 97.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 148 41 127 142 <10 15 19 20 14 <5 <10 <10 860 <10 <10 13 48 <10 5 <15 <5 47
Diorite Neoprot intr. 69.02 0.49 14.78 3.34 3.01 0.65 2.33 3.63 3.93 0.06 0.14 0.37 98.73 <0.1 <0.1 0.28 <5 12 201 33 234 123 <10 13 18 <10 26 <5 12 <10 1163 <10 <10 12 61 <10 5 <15 7 57
Amphibolite Xixano Complex 48.45 2.53 12.13 15.78 14.20 5.86 10.54 2.09 0.15 0.25 0.20 0.69 98.66 <0.1 <0.1 0.45 <5 6 146 54 188 <5 <10 <5 <10 52 441 <5 54 11 111 <10 <10 12 115 13 24 <15 58 18
Granodioritic gneiss Nampula Complex 69.24 0.28 15.03 2.79 2.51 0.18 1.11 2.48 7.30 0.05 0.09 0.18 98.74 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 236 26 125 205 <10 23 28 30 11 <5 <10 <10 924 <10 <10 15 48 <10 5 <15 5 207
Dioritic gneiss Ocua Complex 56.88 0.87 14.73 5.05 4.55 2.34 5.88 2.55 7.83 0.09 0.80 0.23 97.24 <0.1 <0.1 0.42 <5 <5 94 32 3385 217 <10 <5 16 20 81 <5 15 35 6182 <10 <10 <10 69 14 16 <15 8 99
Granitic gneiss Ocua Complex 75.34 0.26 12.45 1.02 0.92 0.17 0.81 3.22 4.84 0.02 0.04 0.30 98.48 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 129 7 94 73 <10 11 <10 12 <10 <5 <10 <10 887 <10 <10 <10 23 <10 <5 <15 <5 47
Granitic gneiss Nampula Complex 77.24 0.10 11.91 0.80 0.72 0.11 0.81 2.96 4.93 0.03 0.02 0.18 99.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 104 45 116 200 <10 17 14 30 <10 <5 <10 <10 340 <10 <10 <10 17 <10 6 <15 <5 32
Tonalitic gneiss Nampula Complex 74.70 0.11 12.99 1.09 0.98 0.26 1.04 3.00 4.78 0.03 0.08 0.22 98.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 110 12 112 178 <10 17 24 21 12 <5 <10 <10 554 <10 <10 <10 30 <10 <5 <15 <5 22
Amphibolitic gneiss Ocua Complex 47.59 1.22 16.24 11.15 10.04 8.24 10.99 2.44 0.49 0.18 0.13 0.26 98.93 <0.1 <0.1 0.28 <5 5 75 27 307 <5 <10 <5 <10 147 242 <5 41 11 150 <10 <10 11 85 38 76 <15 53 <10
Diorite Murrupula suite 54.82 1.73 17.24 7.64 6.88 3.14 6.01 4.29 1.95 0.08 0.66 0.41 97.97 <0.1 0.16 0.3 <5 14 226 26 1519 54 <10 <5 <10 44 125 <5 20 16 1429 <10 <10 17 84 <10 14 <15 21 129
Granite Murrupula suite 64.19 0.68 16.44 3.92 3.53 1.07 2.10 3.55 5.66 0.05 0.20 0.33 98.19 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 281 24 451 140 <10 10 16 40 40 <5 10 10 1564 <10 <10 12 58 <10 6 <15 8 171
Psammite Xixano Complex 67.48 0.54 15.03 3.49 3.14 0.35 0.08 1.08 3.68 0.03 0.04 7.45 99.27 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 7 18 198 57 91 124 <10 7 <10 59 680 41 16 <10 940 <10 <10 17 171 17 20 <15 8 49
Meta-volcanic Xixano Complex 72.55 0.29 13.73 2.93 2.64 0.90 4.01 4.20 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.20 99.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 163 30 278 <5 <10 <5 <10 22 33 <5 15 <10 217 <10 <10 <10 35 <10 <5 <15 7 43
Tonalitic gneiss Nampula Complex 61.07 0.82 15.22 8.64 7.78 0.46 2.75 2.73 5.95 0.18 0.17 0.34 98.32 <0.1 <0.1 0.14 <5 9 1179 65 481 102 <10 <5 <10 29 15 <5 23 28 2213 <10 <10 12 93 13 6 <15 11 47
Quartz paragneiss Nampula Complex 66.20 0.70 13.40 7.00 6.30 0.30 2.45 2.68 4.93 0.10 0.16 0.24 98.16 <0.1 <0.1 0.18 <5 26 514 88 189 154 <10 12 26 <10 15 <5 16 27 1402 <10 <10 21 172 <10 <5 <15 11 136
Quartz paragneiss Ocua Complex 65.15 0.60 16.46 4.82 4.34 1.60 4.64 3.84 1.33 0.07 0.16 0.12 98.78 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 128 19 373 28 <10 <5 <10 37 44 <5 11 <10 421 <10 <10 19 70 <10 <5 <15 10 32
Paragneiss Xixano Complex 74.44 0.22 13.12 2.98 2.68 0.48 1.48 4.42 1.20 0.04 0.05 0.54 98.98 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 87 23 311 33 <10 6 <10 <10 15 <5 12 <10 274 <10 <10 <10 42 <10 <5 <15 7 22
Granitic Gneiss Marrupa Complex 71.49 0.30 14.44 1.76 1.58 0.38 1.38 3.59 5.32 0.05 0.09 0.22 99.01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 170 22 176 142 <10 18 18 <10 13 <5 <10 <10 1100 <10 <10 <10 46 <10 <5 <15 <5 94
Migmatite Marrupa Complex 73.35 0.17 13.39 1.96 1.76 0.33 1.00 2.92 5.04 0.04 0.05 0.35 98.59 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 125 18 181 118 <10 8 22 31 22 <5 11 <10 1757 <10 <10 11 44 18 6 <15 <5 54
Granodioritic gneiss Marrupa Complex 67.87 0.46 16.22 2.63 2.37 1.00 2.67 4.74 2.63 0.04 0.12 0.39 98.77 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 136 13 471 57 <10 10 12 49 40 <5 11 <10 1128 <10 <10 11 42 <10 5 <15 8 64
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 72.13 0.13 14.47 1.37 1.23 0.18 1.01 3.88 5.17 0.03 0.03 0.39 98.80 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 18 131 21 461 142 11 25 30 15 12 <5 <10 <10 1731 <10 <10 11 28 <10 <5 <15 <5 70
Metarhyolite Xixano Complex 75.64 0.16 12.36 1.99 1.79 0.09 0.47 4.48 3.41 0.01 0.03 0.20 98.85 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 306 82 26 25 <10 17 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 431 <10 10 16 15 <10 <5 <15 <5 176
Amphibolite Xixano Complex 47.36 0.24 15.55 7.67 6.90 10.20 16.27 0.68 0.06 0.15 <0.01 0.38 98.58 <0.1 <0.1 0.15 <5 <5 17 6 362 <5 <10 <5 <10 374 141 6 62 <10 101 <10 <10 <10 51 <10 63 <15 33 <10
Tonalite Xixano Complex 72.65 0.12 14.86 0.87 0.78 0.20 1.46 4.26 3.64 0.02 0.03 0.16 98.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 72 10 878 91 <10 <5 26 20 <10 <5 <10 <10 1327 <10 <10 14 42 <10 <5 <15 <5 18
Granitic gneiss Xixano Complex 73.78 0.27 11.59 3.51 3.16 0.06 0.20 4.13 4.70 0.06 0.03 0.03 98.38 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 26 734 95 10 135 <10 18 16 17 <10 <5 <10 14 136 <10 <10 19 115 <10 5 <15 5 143
Tonalitic orthogneiss Marrupa Complex 70.25 0.27 14.27 2.70 2.43 0.36 1.46 2.86 5.24 0.06 0.10 0.77 98.35 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 228 7 497 103 <10 34 21 14 21 <5 <10 <10 3868 <10 <10 <10 48 19 <5 <15 <5 247
Metadiabas Xixano Complex 44.65 0.74 16.35 11.20 10.08 4.29 19.86 0.57 0.31 0.21 0.20 1.04 99.43 <0.1 <0.1 0.4 39 <5 48 16 203 5 <10 <5 <10 290 230 5 42 <10 479 <10 <10 16 73 28 106 <15 47 21
Granitic orthogneiss Xixano Complex 73.92 0.13 13.71 1.33 1.20 0.18 1.21 3.41 4.66 0.02 0.04 0.22 98.82 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 142 25 158 145 <10 20 27 11 13 <5 <10 <10 1315 <10 <10 11 35 <10 <5 <15 <5 52
Orthopyroxene.bearing metagabbro Xixano Complex 50.37 1.06 9.58 8.24 7.42 10.57 15.53 1.90 0.38 0.16 0.16 0.56 98.51 <0.1 <0.1 0.26 <5 8 84 34 382 <5 <10 <5 <10 438 227 <5 68 <10 172 <10 <10 <10 74 <10 100 <15 35 47
Layered gabbronorite Nampula Complex 36.77 0.32 0.16 58.54 52.69 0.09 0.02 0.11 0.04 <0.01 0.06 0.25 96.34 <0.1 <0.1 0.86 6 9 129 <5 8 <5 <10 7 <10 68 38 34 <10 16 29 19 <10 <10 8 <10 <5 <15 175 163
Layered gabbronorite Nampula Complex 42.72 0.54 0.22 53.30 47.97 0.08 0.04 <0.1 0.02 <0.01 0.04 0.06 97.08 <0.1 <0.1 0.68 5 11 193 10 26 <5 11 13 <10 117 66 16 <10 17 46 26 <10 <10 <5 <10 <5 <15 153 285
Migmatitic tonalitic orthogneiss Nampula Complex 49.96 2.70 15.98 11.80 10.62 3.64 5.52 3.03 2.73 0.14 1.11 0.89 97.49 <0.1 <0.1 0.48 <5 30 346 32 1438 91 <10 <5 16 47 156 <5 16 11 2076 <10 <10 17 157 30 16 <15 37 206
Syenite, Na-rich Unango Complex 56.69 0.11 23.46 2.68 2.41 0.09 0.25 10.02 4.43 0.06 <0.01 0.26 98.05
Syenite Marrupa Complex 61.43 0.47 17.09 4.58 4.12 1.26 2.47 6.78 3.39 0.19 0.17 0.30 98.13
Dolerite Malema suite 52.22 0.84 14.34 11.27 10.14 6.66 10.16 1.99 0.82 0.18 0.10 0.95 99.54 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 105 30 154 26 <10 7 <10 100 228 5 38 <10 487 <10 <10 <10 76 107 63 <15 45 31
Syenite / monzonite Niassa Suite 65.82 0.64 15.93 3.06 2.75 0.51 0.51 4.18 6.97 0.07 0.14 0.29 98.11 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 46 845 62 23 126 <10 22 20 13 <10 <5 13 23 183 <10 10 19 85 <10 7 <15 <5 769
Biotitic granite Malema suite 64.15 1.10 14.87 5.88 5.29 1.15 2.91 3.05 4.32 0.05 0.34 0.30 98.13 <0.1 <0.1 0.32 <5 47 857 69 307 199 <10 41 15 15 46 <5 <10 24 1279 <10 <10 19 89 21 7 <15 11 424
Monzonitic granite Marrupa Complex 78.92 0.22 11.11 1.00 0.90 0.05 0.37 2.90 4.71 <0.01 0.02 0.13 99.43 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 222 27 44 62 <10 10 <10 14 <10 <5 <10 <10 333 <10 <10 10 20 <10 <5 <15 <5 38
Monzogranite -quartz monzonite Unango Complex 70.79 0.33 12.49 4.59 4.13 0.15 1.57 2.34 5.66 0.05 0.04 0.67 98.67 <0.1 <0.1 0.41 13 36 619 118 68 194 <10 31 25 <10 <10 <5 <10 13 317 <10 <10 17 119 <10 9 <15 5 672
Late granite Malema suite 66.82 0.46 15.50 3.67 3.30 0.37 1.47 4.46 5.63 0.08 0.11 0.06 98.62 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 8 47 456 47 195 126 <10 21 14 15 <10 <5 <10 <10 942 <10 <10 19 65 <10 <5 <15 5 177
Monzonitic-dioritic rocks Malema suite 58.84 1.18 16.02 7.59 6.83 0.99 2.86 4.78 4.94 0.18 0.37 0.12 97.87 <0.1 <0.1 0.15 <5 64 544 59 463 95 <10 <5 14 <10 13 <5 15 20 2589 <10 <10 20 129 <10 <5 <15 7 194
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 72.11 0.30 13.97 1.79 1.61 0.38 1.57 3.40 4.88 0.05 0.09 0.51 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 154 21 244 76 <10 12 12 14 22 <5 <10 <10 1706 <10 <10 <10 35 <10 <5 <15 6 68
Gneissic granite with mafic dykes. Marrupa Complex 73.64 0.31 12.62 1.44 1.30 0.31 0.93 2.83 5.68 0.02 0.05 0.22 98.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 178 27 128 231 <10 30 11 11 16 <5 <10 <10 574 <10 <10 <10 22 <10 <5 <15 <5 73
Granite Niassa Suite 71.16 0.32 13.45 2.97 2.67 0.31 1.09 3.17 5.44 0.08 0.14 0.29 98.41 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 54 276 92 137 187 <10 19 26 13 14 <5 <10 <10 627 <10 <10 19 100 <10 6 <15 <5 223
Biotite granite Niassa Suite 63.73 0.79 16.51 3.52 3.17 0.72 1.72 4.03 6.47 0.12 0.18 0.26 98.05 <0.1 <0.1 0.16 <5 54 911 78 194 150 <10 12 29 13 10 <5 12 23 2958 <10 <10 24 150 <10 <5 <15 <5 412
Basaltic dyke Dyke 67.41 0.57 14.50 4.14 3.73 0.49 1.35 3.76 5.65 0.09 0.15 0.27 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 0.22 <5 57 862 73 138 215 <10 23 27 <10 10 <5 <10 25 1093 <10 <10 21 115 <10 8 <15 5 318
Mangerite Unango Complex 62.40 0.75 17.95 2.67 2.40 0.53 1.43 4.01 8.17 0.06 0.13 0.18 98.27 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 16 648 22 164 123 <10 5 <10 <10 <10 <5 10 16 993 <10 <10 16 40 <10 <5 <15 <5 45
Gneissic mangerite Marrupa Complex 67.22 0.78 14.88 3.62 3.26 0.77 1.42 5.21 4.20 0.16 0.24 0.13 98.64 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 52 340 61 309 93 <10 9 <10 <10 13 <5 10 14 1165 <10 <10 21 80 <10 <5 <15 5 94
Charnockite Malema suite 58.30 1.05 18.07 6.17 5.55 0.71 3.98 4.14 5.13 0.12 0.35 0.04 98.04 <0.1 <0.1 0.26 <5 24 1162 25 624 68 <10 <5 <10 <10 <10 <5 16 34 2199 <10 <10 20 92 <10 <5 <15 8 68
Charnockitic gneiss Unango Complex 73.66 0.29 12.29 2.34 2.11 0.07 0.69 3.29 5.41 0.04 0.02 0.10 98.21 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 24 486 110 37 141 <10 17 16 20 <10 <5 <10 <10 338 <10 <10 16 58 <10 7 <15 <5 124
Biotite-granite Malema suite 63.00 0.73 14.97 6.58 5.92 0.53 2.36 3.41 6.17 0.10 0.15 0.06 98.08 <0.1 0.15 0.22 <5 66 1044 95 176 130 <10 <5 17 29 10 <5 16 36 1226 <10 <10 23 110 <10 6 <15 7 185
Garnetiferous banded gneiss Unango Complex 67.28 0.63 14.80 4.76 4.28 2.08 3.21 3.28 2.43 0.07 0.10 0.28 98.91 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 184 26 272 80 <10 11 <10 88 85 <5 15 <10 768 <10 <10 15 71 24 16 <15 13 55
Karoo dolerite 51.92 1.02 14.38 12.21 10.99 5.00 9.74 2.09 0.98 0.19 0.15 0.86 98.53 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 122 30 152 38 <10 14 <10 75 255 7 32 <10 336 <10 <10 <10 87 133 42 <15 51 39
Karoo dolerite 51.03 2.34 13.32 14.06 12.65 3.06 6.62 3.39 2.39 0.21 1.00 1.54 98.96 <0.1 <0.1 0.16 <5 16 229 57 540 50 <10 10 10 19 176 <5 29 17 1143 <10 <10 <10 124 18 <5 <15 43 116
Mesozoic syenite + dykes 61.94 0.66 17.46 4.23 3.81 0.57 1.58 6.62 5.73 0.18 0.17 0.30 99.45 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 65 374 29 164 122 <10 10 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 19 867 <10 <10 17 86 12 <5 <15 7 110
Mesozoic syenite + dykes 54.19 2.08 15.26 8.49 7.64 2.58 4.68 4.63 3.91 0.15 1.10 1.19 98.27 <0.1 <0.1 0.32 <5 32 556 57 877 90 <10 9 27 <10 75 <5 16 49 3110 <10 <10 <10 103 11 <5 <15 17 323
Mesozoic syenite + dykes 50.94 0.79 20.52 4.83 4.35 0.70 3.07 8.24 7.37 0.23 0.33 1.17 98.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 192 749 32 2819 120 <10 <5 <10 <10 43 5 <10 70 1080 <10 <10 13 75 19 <5 <15 6 164
Pan-African granites Unango Complex 69.30 0.50 14.11 3.26 2.93 0.48 1.81 2.70 5.78 0.02 0.11 0.81 98.89 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 400 28 305 167 <10 54 22 20 26 <5 <10 30 1143 <10 <10 15 40 12 <5 <15 7 298
Pan-African granites Unango Complex 60.46 1.49 15.69 6.03 5.43 1.59 3.78 4.11 4.04 0.06 0.47 0.42 98.13 <0.1 0.13 0.16 <5 45 870 25 567 138 <10 11 16 40 81 <5 <10 82 2124 <10 <10 18 112 14 <5 <15 14 213
Pan-African granites Murrupula suite 65.32 1.04 14.19 5.08 4.57 0.99 2.74 2.96 5.08 0.06 0.33 0.66 98.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.21 <5 42 535 47 347 207 <10 18 26 <10 51 <5 11 43 1446 <10 <10 16 102 14 <5 <15 11 216
Pan-African granites Murrupula suite 69.59 0.46 14.28 2.69 2.42 0.61 1.85 3.09 5.46 0.03 0.13 0.35 98.53 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 26 246 29 227 284 <10 61 32 11 25 <5 <10 <10 809 <10 <10 11 58 15 <5 <15 6 185
Pan-African granites Nampula Complex 72.86 0.17 13.53 0.98 0.88 0.28 1.46 2.46 6.03 <0.01 0.05 0.44 98.27 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 118 <5 295 225 <10 14 31 <10 13 <5 <10 <10 1901 <10 <10 <10 16 10 <5 <15 8 30
Pan-African granites Murrupula suite 70.51 0.43 14.20 2.45 2.21 0.47 1.69 3.10 5.34 0.03 0.11 0.67 99.00 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 250 <5 197 244 <10 48 35 17 23 <5 <10 11 766 <10 <10 13 56 12 <5 <15 9 154
Precambrian syenite Unango Complex 59.95 1.14 16.47 5.41 4.87 1.11 2.26 4.51 6.01 0.18 0.40 0.91 98.35 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 34 587 51 240 145 <10 11 44 <10 22 <5 11 42 2003 <10 <10 10 154 15 <5 <15 7 200
Wispy biotite gneiss Nampula Complex 74.43 0.24 13.25 1.43 1.29 0.37 1.55 3.15 4.63 0.03 0.06 0.18 99.32 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 70 8 305 139 <10 25 29 11 24 <5 <10 <10 881 <10 <10 <10 28 13 <5 <15 8 27
Wispy biotite gneiss Nampula Complex 74.44 0.18 14.74 1.02 0.92 0.31 3.19 4.42 1.24 0.02 0.03 0.33 99.92 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 75 <5 268 25 <10 8 17 <10 12 <5 <10 <10 178 <10 <10 <10 26 13 <5 <15 7 <10
Wispy biotite gneiss Nampula Complex 66.35 0.38 18.14 1.10 0.99 0.60 3.54 8.25 0.57 <0.01 0.21 0.24 99.38 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 154 18 330 10 <10 6 <10 <10 13 <5 12 <10 66 <10 <10 13 10 <10 <5 <15 10 44
Pink K-feldspar gneiss Nampula Complex 73.04 0.21 12.98 2.13 1.92 0.11 0.88 2.99 5.92 0.04 0.03 0.29 98.61 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 249 28 52 176 <10 29 42 <10 <10 <5 11 11 375 <10 <10 <10 52 10 <5 <15 9 171
Augen gneiss/charnockite Nampula Complex 73.52 0.35 12.73 2.46 2.21 0.44 1.37 2.53 5.65 0.04 0.07 0.15 99.31 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 5 15 189 31 129 226 10 36 33 <10 22 <5 <10 <10 845 <10 <10 <10 40 19 <5 <15 8 132
Augen gneiss/charnockite Nampula Complex 51.72 1.33 18.78 7.97 7.17 3.60 7.46 4.24 2.04 0.12 0.40 1.54 99.20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 21 223 79 634 48 <10 <5 17 93 162 <5 33 <10 798 <10 <10 19 114 18 18 <15 25 166
Augen gneiss/charnockite Nampula Complex 61.94 1.29 13.42 10.49 9.44 0.98 3.88 2.20 3.55 0.13 0.40 -0.06 98.24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 28 931 78 353 77 <10 14 25 28 44 <5 17 75 1732 <10 <10 14 195 24 <5 <15 20 207
Medium/coarse-grained Bt gneiss Nampula Complex 64.14 1.32 14.59 5.48 4.93 1.36 2.87 2.81 5.05 0.05 0.39 0.43 98.49 <0.1 <0.1 0.47 <5 50 843 42 300 285 <10 86 38 26 67 <5 <10 81 1423 <10 12 15 154 26 <5 <15 13 568
Medium/coarse-grained Bt gneiss Nampula Complex 63.63 0.80 15.72 4.55 4.10 1.91 4.25 4.30 3.01 0.06 0.26 0.51 99.00 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 217 23 675 83 <10 <5 19 25 74 <5 15 <10 1026 <10 <10 11 62 19 8 <15 17 47
Metarhyolite Nampula Complex 67.31 0.34 14.30 6.83 6.15 1.87 5.10 3.42 0.25 0.11 0.06 0.15 99.73 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 69 34 178 <5 <10 8 <10 11 133 <5 27 <10 81 <10 <10 <10 53 16 <5 <15 16 14
Metarhyolite Unango Complex 63.04 0.50 18.14 3.06 2.75 0.26 1.01 5.63 6.73 0.11 0.07 0.23 98.79 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 51 751 25 29 125 <10 55 37 <10 <10 <5 <10 56 123 <10 <10 15 69 <10 <5 <15 7 389
Amphibolite/metagabbro Nampula Complex 46.69 2.16 14.84 13.94 12.55 8.52 9.74 2.28 0.51 0.20 0.18 0.05 99.11 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 108 24 356 <5 <10 <5 <10 418 294 <5 36 <10 116 14 <10 <10 117 30 127 <15 67 35
Amphibolite/metagabbro Ocua Complex 52.46 2.27 16.81 8.14 7.33 3.41 6.27 4.44 3.46 0.11 0.87 0.13 98.38 <0.1 <0.1 0.21 <5 26 425 28 1437 82 <10 <5 23 45 138 <5 16 43 1665 11 <10 19 110 29 8 <15 21 134
Amphibolite/metagabbro Nampula Complex 48.79 0.44 20.52 10.08 9.07 6.78 10.53 2.13 0.21 0.18 0.04 -0.03 99.69 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 17 5 274 <5 <10 6 <10 49 200 <5 31 <10 85 <10 <10 11 66 17 15 <15 46 <10
Hbl orthogneiss Nampula Complex 62.99 0.36 16.02 5.78 5.20 0.08 1.78 4.26 6.60 0.08 0.04 0.15 98.12 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 24 96 642 117 15 190 <10 43 18 <10 <10 <5 <10 47 106 <10 <10 19 99 10 <5 <15 8 1452
Metagabbro/ultramafics Unango Complex 41.50 1.86 14.79 19.14 17.23 7.82 14.95 0.70 0.22 0.32 0.16 -0.18 101.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 83 39 88 5 <10 10 <10 135 499 <5 53 <10 48 <10 <10 <10 98 75 50 <15 79 30
Grey fedspar augen gneiss Unango Complex 59.33 0.89 19.17 3.54 3.19 0.93 2.79 4.39 6.52 0.05 0.24 0.30 98.16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 26 636 27 1652 132 <10 13 43 <10 48 <5 <10 54 3629 <10 <10 15 67 23 <5 <15 8 199
Granitic orthogneiss Unango Complex 65.86 0.97 13.68 6.23 5.61 0.83 2.35 3.27 4.90 0.08 0.26 0.57 98.99 <0.1 <0.1 0.13 <5 24 542 49 318 127 <10 9 16 15 30 <5 10 40 1750 <10 <10 10 93 16 <5 <15 12 106
Granitic orthogneiss Unango Complex 74.19 0.25 12.88 1.25 1.13 0.23 1.02 3.05 5.31 0.02 0.05 0.21 98.47 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 136 <5 63 118 <10 15 16 <10 16 <5 <10 <10 535 <10 <10 <10 20 10 <5 <15 7 30
Charnockites s.l. Unango Complex 59.91 0.78 17.07 6.08 5.47 0.52 2.59 4.63 6.46 0.14 0.18 -0.03 98.35 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 21 1459 21 258 69 <10 7 12 <10 <10 <5 <10 135 1639 <10 <10 18 79 <10 <5 <15 7 80
Charnockites s.l. Unango Complex 58.36 1.03 17.03 7.06 6.35 0.81 3.89 4.80 4.51 0.16 0.31 0.05 98.00 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 25 1457 30 759 47 <10 5 12 10 18 <5 18 142 3489 <10 <10 24 112 15 <5 <15 10 93
Charnockites s.l. Unango Complex 67.62 0.68 13.91 5.06 4.55 0.51 1.91 3.37 5.65 0.10 0.14 0.18 99.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 5 21 826 27 175 96 <10 9 18 <10 13 <5 <10 69 920 <10 <10 15 87 13 <5 <15 10 80
Charnockites s.l. Unango Complex 60.28 0.96 17.16 5.61 5.05 0.75 2.94 4.26 6.01 0.11 0.21 0.16 98.44 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 19 1119 26 507 79 <10 7 19 <10 16 <5 <10 109 3298 <10 <10 19 94 18 <5 <15 10 81
Amphibolite/metagabbro Unango Complex 47.69 1.97 13.83 16.71 15.04 5.51 7.41 2.90 1.39 0.29 0.30 0.16 98.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 67 41 217 22 <10 <5 <10 45 382 <5 49 <10 306 11 <10 <10 125 22 <5 <15 55 21
Banded gneiss/supracrustals Nampula Complex 50.42 2.27 12.92 13.86 12.47 5.73 10.70 3.42 1.08 0.23 0.26 0.18 101.08 <0.1 <0.1 0.24 <5 18 145 70 194 14 <10 5 <10 123 367 <5 40 <10 125 11 11 11 139 10 33 18 51 73
Banded gneiss/supracrustals Nampula Complex 48.65 2.01 16.92 11.10 9.99 4.65 7.34 3.72 1.62 0.15 0.56 1.34 98.07 <0.1 0.21 <0.1 <5 18 170 25 885 40 <10 6 20 20 157 <5 19 <10 676 <10 <10 11 137 20 27 <15 44 75
Mangeritic gneiss Unango Complex 57.88 0.98 17.08 8.46 7.61 0.82 4.36 4.86 3.31 0.28 0.37 -0.10 98.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 39 1476 83 613 37 <10 <5 <10 14 13 <5 23 47 3451 <10 <10 21 170 <10 <5 <15 9 161
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 70.52 0.32 15.22 1.77 1.59 0.31 1.08 3.83 5.47 0.03 0.05 0.26 98.86 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 218 43 139 108 <10 21 14 10 <10 <5 <10 <10 1236 <10 <10 11 36 <10 <5 <15 <5 183
Augengneiss Unango Complex 66.11 0.62 15.45 3.70 3.33 0.64 2.67 3.80 4.58 0.08 0.18 0.38 98.22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 22 405 43 410 52 <10 <5 11 15 20 <5 17 11 2871 <10 <10 17 69 <10 <5 <15 <5 88
Granitic gneiss Muaquia Complex 75.52 0.24 12.25 1.77 1.59 0.38 0.14 4.39 3.37 <0.01 0.05 0.35 98.46 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 204 29 42 80 <10 14 <10 14 <10 <5 <10 <10 370 <10 <10 10 24 <10 <5 <15 5 24
Granitic gneiss Muaquia Complex 72.50 0.20 14.34 1.49 1.34 0.21 0.99 4.44 3.89 0.03 0.03 0.36 98.47 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 160 12 258 92 <10 9 24 <10 16 <5 <10 <10 988 <10 <10 18 26 <10 <5 <15 <5 25
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 74.83 0.28 12.69 1.49 1.34 0.30 0.86 3.15 5.08 0.05 0.07 0.23 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 16 169 36 93 183 <10 24 13 10 13 <5 <10 <10 640 <10 <10 <10 30 <10 <5 <15 <5 88
Granitic gneiss Muaquia Complex 71.21 0.55 13.35 3.55 3.20 0.62 0.51 4.88 3.72 0.01 0.10 0.24 98.75 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 8 13 361 65 44 81 <10 12 <10 25 17 <5 11 <10 695 <10 <10 <10 19 <10 5 <15 7 82
Granodi gneiss Marrupa Complex 68.93 0.69 14.40 3.82 3.44 0.81 1.88 3.68 4.14 0.07 0.19 0.35 98.95 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 287 59 199 95 <10 13 13 21 34 <5 12 <10 1135 <10 <10 11 56 <10 5 <15 8 110
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 75.42 0.26 12.66 1.37 1.23 0.28 0.95 3.36 4.70 0.06 0.07 0.12 99.26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 18 166 40 109 127 <10 19 14 29 <10 <5 11 <10 828 <10 <10 <10 43 <10 5 <15 <5 108
Quartz monzonite Unango Complex 64.50 0.94 15.60 4.60 4.14 1.28 3.18 4.26 3.51 0.08 0.27 0.22 98.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.23 <5 9 273 29 374 68 <10 8 15 <10 65 <5 13 <10 1029 <10 <10 10 62 16 6 <15 13 40
Granitic gneiss Unango Complex 69.37 0.44 14.40 2.76 2.48 0.52 1.52 3.79 5.13 0.07 0.14 0.17 98.29 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 14 196 37 256 184 <10 9 17 11 20 <5 <10 <10 1328 <10 <10 10 46 <10 5 <15 <5 70
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 69.13 0.31 15.70 2.35 2.12 0.94 1.79 4.57 3.57 0.07 0.10 0.34 98.86 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 122 12 250 70 <10 6 <10 21 28 <5 12 <10 1440 <10 <10 10 58 <10 <5 <15 6 28
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 70.92 0.23 15.01 1.88 1.69 0.63 2.09 4.94 1.97 0.06 0.10 0.22 98.04 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 119 13 297 53 <10 7 12 20 26 <5 <10 <10 784 <10 <10 <10 44 <10 <5 <15 6 25
Quartz monzonite Unango Complex 64.77 1.06 14.72 5.36 4.82 1.15 2.94 3.85 4.14 0.11 0.29 0.14 98.54 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 13 313 45 285 144 <10 9 14 12 60 <5 18 <10 1346 <10 <10 16 81 <10 7 <15 12 94
Granodi gneiss Marrupa Complex 73.84 0.43 12.68 2.36 2.12 0.81 1.05 3.54 3.89 0.07 0.10 0.25 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 258 54 126 80 <10 11 <10 <10 26 <5 <10 <10 795 <10 <10 12 65 <10 6 <15 6 104
nono GREENSTONE Unango Complex 43.08 3.15 14.89 16.75 15.08 5.71 8.16 2.70 0.88 0.23 0.92 2.19 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 0.26 <5 19 95 32 513 25 <10 <5 <10 44 262 <5 28 <10 490 <10 <10 10 126 21 51 <15 72 59
nono PHYRIC GREENSTONE. Unango Complex 46.29 1.68 16.50 12.32 11.09 6.56 9.11 2.18 1.03 0.22 0.19 2.51 98.59 <0.1 <0.1 0.23 <5 6 58 18 449 31 <10 6 <10 76 168 <5 33 <10 438 <10 <10 13 103 35 54 <15 54 <10
Granodioritic gneiss Xixano Complex 71.67 0.28 13.14 4.49 4.04 0.87 4.42 2.89 0.42 0.10 0.08 0.51 98.89 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 65 14 159 5 <10 <5 <10 23 55 <5 18 <10 208 <10 <10 <10 53 <10 <5 <15 11 <10
Pyroxenite Muaquia Complex 48.00 0.66 8.83 10.05 9.05 14.03 14.72 1.09 0.28 0.18 0.04 0.59 98.47 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 33 13 186 <5 <10 <5 <10 1258 270 <5 62 <10 265 <10 <10 <10 51 105 157 <15 54 <10
Enderbite? Muaquia Complex 44.93 0.09 24.23 4.98 4.48 8.26 15.77 0.94 0.14 0.08 0.01 0.56 99.99 <0.1 0.35 <0.1 <5 <5 12 <5 398 <5 <10 <5 <10 494 39 10 29 <10 82 <10 <10 <10 32 <10 81 <15 29 <10
LI Metadiorite, porphyric Ponta Messuli C. 62.77 0.82 16.38 5.57 5.01 2.95 4.26 2.57 2.12 0.08 0.08 0.71 98.31 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 11 199 15 422 118 <10 37 20 84 90 <5 25 <10 735 <10 <10 10 70 31 51 <15 18 126
Intermediate dyke? Lalamo Complex 48.52 0.33 18.02 7.79 7.01 9.54 11.63 2.25 0.15 0.13 0.01 0.02 98.41 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 19 9 390 <5 <10 <5 <10 311 89 8 32 <10 120 <10 <10 <10 49 38 87 <15 40 <10
Tonalitic gneiss Nairoto Complex 60.38 0.69 16.05 7.38 6.64 2.79 6.43 3.71 1.22 0.14 0.16 0.25 99.20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 121 36 416 28 <10 <5 12 51 123 <5 27 <10 368 <10 <10 <10 81 23 7 <15 17 29
BASIC-INTERMEDIATE PORPHYRY Xixano Complex 51.09 0.70 14.29 10.57 9.51 7.09 10.27 1.88 0.86 0.17 0.12 1.51 98.56 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 83 25 205 27 <10 8 <10 149 240 <5 42 <10 533 <10 <10 <10 70 110 74 <15 46 38
MAFIC DYKE Xixano Complex 46.96 0.66 14.12 10.14 9.13 14.19 10.24 1.29 0.09 0.16 0.03 0.82 98.71 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 34 18 114 <5 <10 <5 <10 1036 189 <5 37 <10 292 <10 <10 <10 70 60 390 20 62 <10
QUARTZO-FELDSPATHIC GNEISS Xixano Complex 77.31 0.14 12.51 1.69 1.52 0.21 1.05 3.63 1.84 0.01 0.01 0.72 99.12 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 100 6 155 33 <10 9 <10 <10 13 <5 <10 <10 614 <10 <10 <10 17 <10 <5 <15 5 20
ACID META-VOLCANIC Xixano Complex 66.22 0.36 14.24 7.22 6.50 0.08 0.18 4.62 3.56 0.03 0.05 0.79 97.35 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 94 1287 53 112 63 <10 13 <10 <10 18 <5 <10 35 1842 <10 <10 23 64 17 <5 <15 12 148
QUARTZO-FELDSPATHIC GNEISS Xixano Complex 73.59 0.02 15.45 0.30 0.27 0.05 1.16 4.02 3.92 <0.01 0.01 0.50 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 20 <5 318 25 <10 <5 <10 <10 10 <5 <10 <10 3259 <10 <10 <10 13 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
?????????? Xixano Complex 61.73 2.50 11.85 4.35 3.92 2.05 1.54 0.89 11.51 0.04 1.20 0.52 98.19 <0.1 <0.1 0.52 <5 23 1586 11 916 158 <10 10 25 69 203 <5 15 61 1036 <10 10 19 85 29 60 <15 9 99
ACID META-VOLCANIC Xixano Complex 66.53 0.48 14.56 5.60 5.04 0.17 0.50 3.92 5.60 0.05 0.07 0.70 98.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 71 638 76 96 42 <10 15 15 <10 <10 <5 <10 17 1008 <10 <10 20 50 <10 5 <15 8 143
ACID META-VOLCANIC Xixano Complex 56.16 0.95 20.03 12.26 11.03 0.23 0.08 1.94 2.71 0.02 0.06 4.16 98.61 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 14 176 27 190 109 <10 22 <10 159 221 <5 23 <10 654 <10 <10 13 46 24 24 <15 21 80
GRANITIC GNEISS Xixano Complex 72.51 0.19 13.86 1.53 1.38 0.24 1.06 3.30 5.22 0.03 0.06 0.31 98.30 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 179 12 153 234 <10 53 34 20 11 <5 <10 <10 670 <10 <10 13 48 <10 <5 <15 <5 98
PYROXENITE Xixano Complex 44.04 0.78 19.83 15.09 13.58 5.40 12.19 0.90 0.06 0.21 0.02 0.97 99.49 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 19 <5 214 <5 <10 5 <10 <10 544 <5 49 <10 49 <10 <10 12 97 44 <5 <15 48 <10
META-RHYOLITE Xixano Complex 76.35 0.17 11.80 1.54 1.39 0.18 0.17 2.85 5.30 0.02 0.03 0.65 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 52 290 61 26 130 <10 15 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 312 <10 <10 15 28 <10 <5 <15 <5 75
GRANITIC GNEISS Unango Complex 66.52 0.83 15.20 4.66 4.19 0.63 0.77 3.45 5.86 0.14 0.26 0.78 99.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 25 266 58 72 159 <10 9 11 <10 18 <5 15 10 1776 <10 <10 11 75 <10 7 <15 8 81
HORNBLENDE GNEISS Unango Complex 61.06 0.85 16.00 7.95 7.16 0.68 3.60 3.48 4.10 0.21 0.25 0.06 98.24 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 1188 45 381 65 <10 5 11 <10 39 <5 22 44 2822 <10 <10 14 112 <10 5 <15 8 84
Migmatised granitic orthogneiss Marrupa Complex 76.10 0.13 11.73 1.40 1.26 0.11 0.61 2.94 4.81 0.03 0.06 0.28 98.20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 109 47 37 215 <10 27 19 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 308 <10 <10 <10 24 <10 6 <15 <5 53
LEUCOCRATIC GNEISS Marrupa Complex 67.93 0.32 15.64 3.64 3.28 1.44 3.85 4.54 1.31 0.08 0.10 0.59 99.45 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 74 13 338 19 <10 7 <10 16 48 <5 16 <10 389 <10 <10 11 66 <10 <5 <15 8 36
Intermediate orthogneiss Marrupa Complex 56.34 0.65 9.00 6.62 5.96 6.42 15.38 1.54 2.09 0.16 0.23 0.78 99.21 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 13 125 49 272 68 <10 12 12 110 112 <5 28 <10 1063 <10 <10 <10 99 <10 44 <15 17 58
Hornblende granodiorite Neoprot intr. 59.18 1.14 14.74 4.57 4.11 1.83 5.05 3.51 5.38 0.07 0.98 0.74 97.18 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 <5 5 374 30 3905 81 <10 <5 33 15 63 <5 13 53 5390 <10 <10 11 88 12 7 <15 5 264
Monzonite Neoprot intr. 60.52 0.15 18.76 5.30 4.77 0.01 0.96 7.32 5.21 0.24 0.05 0.50 99.02 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 <5 148 1085 48 16 175 <10 30 67 <10 <10 <5 <10 39 46 <10 10 27 216 <10 <5 <15 6 221
Charnockite Marrupa Complex 56.34 0.90 16.66 7.65 6.89 4.03 6.41 3.57 2.10 0.14 0.37 0.27 98.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.14 <5 7 163 21 700 67 <10 <5 <10 96 154 <5 26 11 1162 <10 <10 <10 102 19 34 <15 19 47
Quartz leuco diorite Marrupa Complex 68.84 0.46 14.92 2.77 2.49 1.02 2.46 3.60 4.14 0.07 0.12 0.21 98.62 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 127 19 331 110 <10 7 15 <10 39 <5 <10 <10 1061 <10 <10 10 50 <10 <5 <15 7 59
Granite Neoprot intr. 71.05 0.34 14.57 2.43 2.19 0.34 1.00 4.50 4.56 0.08 0.12 0.25 99.23 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 50 290 22 184 135 11 68 19 11 11 <5 <10 <10 611 <10 <10 12 50 <10 <5 <15 <5 93
Quartzofeldspathic gneiss Marrupa Complex 69.51 0.26 16.52 2.06 1.85 0.50 2.65 4.75 2.42 0.05 0.08 0.30 99.09 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 124 6 947 54 <10 <5 <10 15 27 <5 <10 14 2114 <10 <10 <10 39 <10 <5 <15 <5 27
Amphibolite Marrupa Complex 47.91 2.55 13.07 14.92 13.43 5.84 9.83 2.79 0.87 0.25 0.33 0.16 98.51 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 8 184 57 149 19 <10 <5 <10 112 402 <5 43 <10 268 10 <10 15 122 80 41 <15 57 59
Migm granodioritic orthogneiss Marrupa Complex 71.09 0.52 13.68 2.48 2.23 0.82 1.67 3.38 4.25 0.06 0.14 0.29 98.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 188 15 281 112 <10 13 <10 22 33 <5 <10 <10 1393 <10 <10 <10 41 <10 <5 <15 5 59
Dioritic gneiss Marrupa Complex 61.60 1.28 15.56 6.42 5.78 1.65 2.96 4.48 3.77 0.15 0.51 0.30 98.69 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 437 49 374 94 <10 5 13 10 56 <5 13 18 1646 <10 <10 12 84 <10 <5 <15 12 122
Granitic orthogneiss Marrupa Complex 69.83 0.49 14.58 3.20 2.88 0.62 1.57 4.14 3.93 0.04 0.16 0.47 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 246 13 317 97 <10 8 11 25 23 <5 <10 <10 1620 <10 <10 11 41 <10 <5 <15 7 67
Metagabbro M'Sawize Complex 45.04 1.05 13.36 15.76 14.18 8.22 10.54 2.42 0.75 0.17 0.11 0.63 98.03 0.10 0.44 <0.1 <5 6 33 33 182 13 <10 <5 <10 125 385 <5 53 <10 223 <10 <10 <10 65 <10 31 <15 59 10
Microgabbro M'Sawize Complex 49.46 0.59 16.60 10.06 9.05 7.60 12.13 1.88 0.39 0.16 0.07 0.51 99.46 <0.1 0.15 <0.1 <5 <5 41 13 265 10 <10 6 <10 188 243 <5 46 <10 455 <10 <10 <10 63 64 51 <15 46 <10
Metagabbro M'Sawize Complex 56.94 0.72 11.09 16.03 14.43 4.50 7.52 2.02 0.32 0.21 0.15 -0.25 99.26 <0.1 0.14 <0.1 <5 <5 80 22 250 <5 <10 <5 <10 22 247 <5 21 <10 150 <10 <10 15 90 <10 8 <15 50 49
Metagabbro M'Sawize Complex 63.52 0.77 12.64 5.22 4.70 3.75 7.34 4.38 0.43 0.06 0.07 0.31 98.49 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 77 32 341 <5 <10 <5 <10 21 102 <5 45 <10 153 <10 <10 <10 20 <10 7 <15 12 <10
Mafic gneiss Lalamo Complex 52.74 0.45 9.18 8.65 7.79 9.81 15.36 1.64 0.32 0.44 0.10 0.37 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 209 69 156 <5 <10 <5 <10 35 54 <5 25 <10 89 <10 <10 <10 146 <10 14 <15 23 45
mylonitic migmatitic mafic gneiss Marrupa Complex 62.46 0.79 15.83 5.89 5.30 2.33 4.06 3.51 2.74 0.09 0.19 0.63 98.53 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 183 28 354 121 <10 9 16 23 95 <5 18 <10 591 <10 <10 11 83 13 13 <15 16 38
Quartzite Marrupa Complex 85.51 0.28 10.41 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.14 0.08 <0.01 0.01 0.14 96.82 <0.1 <0.1 1.63 <5 5 142 <5 6 <5 <10 5 <10 17 <10 <5 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 12 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Quartzofeldspathic gneiss Marrupa Complex 73.01 0.28 12.79 2.91 2.62 0.64 1.57 3.41 3.76 0.07 0.06 0.57 99.07 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 240 51 121 108 <10 16 12 24 27 6 <10 <10 290 <10 <10 11 60 <10 6 <15 8 75
Stromatic grey gneiss Marrupa Complex 59.90 0.72 16.51 6.47 5.82 3.38 6.00 3.59 1.78 0.10 0.16 0.56 99.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 107 14 519 45 <10 6 <10 76 117 <5 19 <10 633 <10 <10 11 81 <10 15 <15 21 48
Pyroxene-amphibolitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 48.44 0.46 11.92 9.91 8.92 8.86 16.58 1.24 0.51 0.24 0.22 0.61 99.00 <0.1 0.10 <0.1 <5 7 34 14 474 11 <10 <5 14 531 243 <5 51 11 192 <10 <10 <10 97 <10 84 <15 39 32
Granodioritic migmatitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 69.08 0.41 14.92 2.13 1.92 0.70 2.13 2.70 6.05 0.03 0.12 0.46 98.74 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 151 23 440 120 <10 8 22 11 37 <5 <10 <10 2276 <10 <10 <10 29 14 <5 <15 <5 58
Amphibolite Muaquia Complex 66.62 0.59 14.36 4.58 4.12 1.97 2.16 4.19 1.73 0.04 0.15 2.36 98.75 1.03 <0.1 <0.1 10 5 180 8 217 52 <10 8 <10 47 74 <5 16 <10 441 <10 <10 <10 51 503 11 <15 14 58
Syenite Neoprot intr. 55.22 1.12 14.39 4.88 4.39 2.47 6.97 2.34 6.65 0.09 1.12 0.42 95.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 <5 44 7703 98 <10 <5 37 <10 84 <5 15 76 12445 <10 <10 <10 84 19 10 <15 <5 351
Granodioritic gneiss Marrupa Complex 63.22 0.76 16.06 4.76 4.28 2.41 4.55 3.89 2.61 0.07 0.14 0.36 98.83 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 164 21 433 75 <10 7 <10 36 100 <5 20 <10 1037 <10 <10 11 55 37 19 <15 13 55
Granodioritic gneiss Marrupa Complex 69.01 0.51 14.74 3.35 3.02 1.31 2.79 4.72 2.08 0.08 0.15 0.48 99.22 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 171 38 371 48 <10 11 16 21 47 <5 17 <10 883 <10 <10 <10 58 <10 12 <15 9 66
Microgranodioritic dyke Marrupa Complex 69.65 0.45 14.66 2.38 2.14 0.44 1.17 3.84 5.33 0.02 0.11 0.22 98.26 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 361 15 597 113 <10 39 29 12 17 <5 <10 <10 2888 <10 <10 12 47 14 <5 <15 <5 204
Granodioritic migmatite Marrupa Complex 57.49 1.23 15.31 4.96 4.46 1.99 5.03 3.12 6.41 0.09 1.13 0.29 97.05 <0.1 <0.1 0.16 <5 6 248 33 3851 107 <10 <5 32 16 69 <5 11 52 6273 <10 <10 14 91 13 11 <15 7 231
Metagabbro dyke within granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 37.34 2.02 21.59 12.69 11.42 1.04 21.90 0.20 0.05 0.09 0.39 0.78 98.09 <0.1 <0.1 0.12 <5 20 1846 51 3834 <5 <10 9 <10 <10 143 <5 34 113 82 <10 <10 33 26 <10 25 <15 9 282
Granitic/granodioritic migmatitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 70.96 0.35 14.37 2.28 2.05 0.91 1.91 3.30 4.14 0.03 0.13 0.32 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 133 5 519 114 <10 11 13 17 32 <5 <10 <10 1659 <10 <10 12 36 12 <5 <15 5 71
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 65.17 0.95 15.02 4.27 3.84 1.06 2.01 3.25 5.41 0.04 0.32 0.60 98.09 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 663 49 456 209 <10 69 30 10 51 <5 <10 13 2628 <10 10 16 75 21 8 <15 5 628
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 59.30 0.95 12.98 4.55 4.10 2.34 6.51 3.39 5.74 0.14 0.72 0.56 97.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 33 141 78 3091 128 <10 15 26 11 76 <5 15 23 6672 <10 <10 13 109 10 14 <15 5 420
Gabbro Xixano Complex 49.55 0.52 17.09 13.71 12.34 5.59 10.30 2.14 0.08 0.25 0.09 0.21 99.53 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 23 13 176 <5 <10 <5 <10 15 290 <5 43 <10 69 <10 <10 <10 105 17 9 <15 50 <10
Amphibolite Xixano Complex 60.29 1.24 13.31 11.85 10.67 1.64 7.05 2.64 0.24 0.15 0.47 0.17 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 <5 74 48 204 <5 <10 <5 <10 29 65 <5 30 <10 90 <10 <10 11 54 <10 5 <15 29 30
Amphibolite Ponta Messuli C. 49.25 1.30 11.56 12.72 11.45 9.09 14.15 0.71 0.31 0.22 0.11 0.72 100.16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 82 17 132 6 <10 <5 <10 843 187 <5 35 <10 156 <10 <10 <10 102 <10 305 16 66 <10
Amphibolite Montepuez Complex 51.63 0.64 11.84 7.80 7.02 6.84 14.23 2.49 0.34 0.17 0.12 2.62 98.72 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 63 17 248 <5 <10 <5 <10 452 151 9 31 <10 170 <10 <10 <10 61 <10 181 <15 28 <10
Tonalitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 67.24 0.46 16.64 3.02 2.72 1.47 3.49 4.56 2.08 0.05 0.13 0.32 99.47 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 104 9 553 62 <10 6 13 27 42 <5 11 <10 860 <10 <10 <10 51 <10 7 <15 9 34
Granitic gneiss Xixano Complex 77.74 0.18 11.09 2.01 1.81 0.23 0.08 2.08 5.67 0.01 0.02 0.56 99.67 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 92 678 76 12 223 <10 21 10 16 <10 <5 <10 29 86 <10 11 22 56 <10 6 <15 <5 104
Granodioritic gniess Xixano Complex 70.25 0.32 14.69 2.67 2.40 0.37 1.35 3.94 4.51 0.05 0.13 0.19 98.47 <0.1 <0.1 0.14 <5 26 273 14 291 146 <10 21 19 18 12 <5 <10 <10 1416 <10 <10 17 85 <10 <5 <15 <5 102
Granitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 73.81 0.09 13.69 0.91 0.82 0.10 0.56 3.45 5.66 <0.01 0.02 0.38 98.68 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 96 <5 118 194 <10 40 29 23 <10 <5 <10 <10 389 <10 <10 12 23 <10 <5 <15 <5 24
Magnetite quartzite Marrupa Complex 50.41 0.03 0.33 43.98 39.58 2.33 0.88 0.13 0.02 0.07 0.34 -0.53 98.00 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 6 5 21 12 49 <5 <10 8 <10 76 18 <5 <10 <10 143 16 <10 <10 35 <10 <5 <15 109 139
Silisified metagabbro Xixano Complex 41.46 1.24 16.00 12.48 11.23 5.07 16.57 1.19 0.17 0.16 0.11 3.71 98.15 4.10 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 86 22 240 <5 <10 <5 13 123 204 <5 35 <10 129 <10 12 17 125 36 39 <15 50 <10
Metagabbro Xixano Complex 46.83 1.93 15.91 13.58 12.22 8.15 9.87 2.67 0.11 0.22 0.24 0.30 99.80 0.24 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 114 28 222 <5 <10 <5 <10 187 266 <5 41 <10 101 <10 <10 15 112 82 142 <15 61 <10
Quartz diorite Xixano Complex 65.92 0.46 14.68 6.69 6.02 1.51 6.16 2.94 0.32 0.13 0.13 0.44 99.37 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 62 19 188 <5 <10 <5 <10 11 74 <5 25 <10 143 <10 <10 <10 64 13 <5 <15 14 <10
Quartz monzonite Xixano Complex 64.87 0.51 15.24 6.87 6.18 1.79 5.72 3.16 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.21 98.83 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 81 23 213 <5 <10 <5 <10 <10 87 <5 34 <10 147 <10 <10 <10 67 <10 <5 <15 16 13
Migmatitic gneiss Marrupa Complex 55.13 0.74 16.90 6.79 6.11 4.14 9.01 4.13 1.03 0.06 0.28 0.25 98.45 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 <5 93 21 841 6 <10 <5 <10 100 95 <5 22 14 142 <10 <10 <10 35 <10 38 <15 20 54
Granitic gneiss Nairoto Complex 70.78 0.50 14.23 2.60 2.34 0.76 1.93 3.52 4.42 0.04 0.11 0.39 99.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 191 30 260 125 <10 15 19 23 38 <5 12 <10 1090 <10 <10 12 29 27 <5 <15 9 94
Amphibolite Xixano Complex 47.84 1.06 14.29 13.04 11.74 8.06 11.87 1.31 0.18 0.20 0.09 0.54 98.47 0.10 0.16 <0.1 <5 5 58 26 117 6 <10 5 <10 332 294 <5 50 <10 54 <10 <10 <10 97 52 61 <15 59 <10
Marble Xixano Complex 7.58 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.06 8.22 44.32 <0.1 0.038 0.020 0.17 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 19 5 51 5 <10 5 <10 <10 <10 <5 39 <10 40 <10 <10 <10 39 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Grey gneiss Lalamo Complex 73.75 0.37 11.85 3.48 3.13 0.12 1.21 3.08 4.18 0.08 0.08 0.51 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 403 77 100 74 <10 16 <10 13 <10 5 20 32 1261 <10 <10 17 87 17 <5 <15 7 84
Marble Xixano Complex 14.26 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 11.81 37.57 <0.1 0.013 0.013 0.15 0.43 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 23 9 62 6 <10 6 2262 12 <10 <5 35 <10 35 22 <10 <10 7252 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Granitic gneiss Xixano Complex 68.79 0.41 14.95 2.65 2.39 0.42 1.68 3.41 5.29 0.03 0.11 0.90 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 18 313 27 161 168 <10 31 22 20 16 <5 <10 15 939 <10 <10 17 60 12 <5 <15 9 146
Tonalitic gneiss Xixano Complex 48.11 0.71 22.79 5.20 4.68 2.86 13.73 2.91 0.49 0.14 0.10 1.33 98.37 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 119 25 484 6 <10 8 20 234 113 <5 30 <10 174 <10 <10 18 104 14 65 <15 27 <10
Marble Lalamo Complex 6.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 3.51 49.34 <0.1 0.037 0.002 0.07 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 5 <5 3173 <5 <10 <5 <10 <10 10 <5 40 <10 146 <10 <10 <10 <5 <10 <5 <15 <5 12
Granodioritic gneiss Lalamo Complex 71.29 0.32 14.02 2.57 2.31 0.49 1.64 4.12 3.36 0.03 0.09 0.21 98.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 183 13 286 63 <10 12 <10 89 23 5 10 <10 1007 <10 <10 15 50 10 <5 <15 10 63
Quartz Lalamo Complex 99.48 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 <0.01 0.03 <0.1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 99.47 <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <5 <5 18 <5 <5 <5 <10 8 <10 11 <10 5 <10 <10 28 <10 <10 <10 11 11 <5 <15 8 <10
Marble Lalamo Complex 1.76 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 35.78 14.28 <0.1 <0.003 0.009 0.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 16 <5 199 <5 <10 6 <10 <10 <10 6 25 <10 24 <10 <10 <10 18 <10 <5 <15 9 <10
M Granodioritic gneiss Meluco Complex 68.71 0.36 15.10 3.43 3.09 0.44 2.35 4.88 2.95 0.06 0.10 0.33 98.72 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 206 35 184 67 <10 10 19 23 17 <5 13 <10 760 <10 <10 18 98 <10 <5 <15 10 47
Quartz diorite Lalamo Complex 65.87 0.52 16.11 3.62 3.26 1.85 5.15 4.22 1.25 0.06 0.09 0.46 99.21 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 111 16 317 26 <10 9 <10 91 59 <5 14 <10 444 <10 <10 11 48 16 <5 <15 11 23
Granodiorite Lalamo Complex 76.42 0.19 12.61 1.20 1.08 0.25 1.34 3.68 3.65 0.02 0.03 0.24 99.62 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 112 6 170 87 <10 11 21 <10 13 <5 <10 <10 1140 <10 <10 <10 26 11 <5 <15 8 38
Granitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 74.13 0.13 14.66 1.11 1.00 0.14 1.28 4.57 3.85 0.03 0.04 0.24 100.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 114 7 209 94 <10 10 27 12 <10 <5 <10 <10 894 <10 <10 14 46 <10 <5 <15 8 33
Metagabbro Nairoto Complex 43.53 1.91 12.56 10.76 9.68 5.03 20.98 0.98 0.06 0.18 0.20 1.40 97.59 0.65 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 111 18 276 5 <10 8 11 66 240 <5 38 <10 49 <10 <10 16 95 110 26 <15 37 53
Graphite-bearing biotite gneiss Nairoto Complex 76.04 0.47 3.09 0.52 0.47 0.24 0.61 0.78 0.31 0.01 0.05 16.80 98.91 0.10 <0.1 <0.1 29 9 163 69 74 11 15 12 10 116 686 <5 <10 <10 593 <10 <10 <10 48 59 5 <15 9 26
Minerais rara Montepuez Complex 30.66 0.60 17.80 5.95 5.36 2.22 12.44 <0.1 0.04 <0.01 0.01 2.25 71.50 <0.1 <0.1 0.37 50 71 116 <5 1745 <5 <10 17394 494 821 44 <5 <10 <10 212 <10 118 35 130 22 23 44 <5 98370
Banded granulite, intermediate Ocua Complex 59.98 0.98 16.31 7.15 6.44 2.61 4.70 3.46 1.93 0.09 0.34 0.61 98.16 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 10 258 28 430 63 <10 13 13 42 84 <5 19 13 715 <10 <10 16 90 26 10 <15 20 104
Marble Ocua Complex 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.07 21.59 31.32 <0.1 0.003 0.030 0.04 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 15 <5 116 <5 <10 10 <10 <10 <10 8 38 <10 38 <10 <10 <10 23 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Diorite Nampula Complex 56.00 1.16 16.33 8.71 7.84 3.49 6.67 3.70 2.30 0.14 0.32 -0.02 98.77 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 124 31 430 80 <10 9 13 84 168 9 25 <10 552 <10 <10 16 80 65 23 <15 27 48
Sand Recent 73.64 0.55 11.74 2.64 2.38 1.16 3.13 2.98 2.05 0.06 0.07 0.55 98.59 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 222 15 376 40 <10 9 16 52 52 <5 12 <10 771 <10 <10 <10 28 <10 <5 <15 11 26
Sand Recent 69.51 2.06 11.29 5.63 5.07 1.05 2.94 2.73 2.06 0.15 0.09 0.88 98.40 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 839 28 367 45 <10 17 12 64 77 <5 11 95 724 <10 <10 <10 32 17 6 <15 12 46
Sand Recent 72.12 1.38 10.59 5.01 4.51 1.13 2.92 2.48 1.89 0.14 0.09 0.74 98.50 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 648 32 331 38 <10 19 15 62 77 <5 14 72 671 <10 <10 <10 38 16 <5 <15 12 58
Sand Recent 71.26 1.54 11.55 4.83 4.35 1.15 3.06 2.69 2.04 0.12 0.11 0.84 99.19 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 845 32 362 42 <10 21 14 61 78 <5 17 98 728 <10 <10 <10 35 14 <5 <15 10 56
Sand Recent 74.80 0.70 11.14 2.87 2.58 0.91 2.65 2.62 2.07 0.09 0.06 1.15 99.08 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 332 17 347 43 <10 10 17 59 48 <5 <10 20 762 <10 <10 <10 30 10 <5 <15 11 22
Sand Recent 73.44 1.92 11.03 3.86 3.47 0.88 2.60 2.36 2.62 0.09 0.13 0.45 99.37 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 16 1125 27 347 51 <10 15 15 43 68 5 15 134 985 <10 <10 12 31 17 <5 <15 10 50
Granitic gneiss Nampula Complex 74.78 0.28 13.45 1.54 1.39 0.23 1.08 3.40 5.07 0.01 0.04 0.27 100.14 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 129 5 202 119 <10 12 15 <10 17 <5 <10 <10 716 <10 <10 <10 30 10 <5 <15 5 77
Granitic gneiss Nairoto Complex 70.13 0.42 14.46 2.96 2.66 0.82 3.21 3.57 3.30 0.05 0.10 0.19 99.20 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 147 21 335 87 <10 19 23 <10 31 <5 14 <10 978 <10 <10 10 42 15 <5 <15 7 63
Tonalitic gneiss Xixano Complex 57.57 0.79 13.90 4.11 3.70 1.93 6.32 1.74 8.30 0.09 1.06 0.31 96.10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 8 94 35 3405 198 <10 15 26 20 60 <5 17 <10 12334 <10 <10 13 71 29 <5 <15 5 347
Ultramafic rock Lalamo Complex 36.15 0.04 1.82 13.41 12.07 33.78 0.04 <0.1 0.01 0.10 0.02 12.30 97.58 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 17 <5 7 <5 <10 5 <10 5520 72 5 <10 <10 43 <10 <10 <10 49 124 6109 <15 173 <10
Amphibolite Lalamo Complex 49.93 0.66 16.65 10.21 9.19 6.29 10.42 3.41 0.32 0.25 0.10 0.46 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 46 16 265 5 <10 7 <10 188 234 <5 37 <10 74 <10 <10 11 101 <10 10 <15 43 17
Metagabbro Montepuez Complex 48.54 0.83 17.64 6.96 6.26 7.94 13.03 2.19 0.15 0.14 0.32 1.28 99.01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 29 18 464 <5 <10 <5 <10 321 115 <5 46 <10 123 <10 <10 15 53 94 123 <15 29 <10
Ultramafic rock Lalamo Complex 45.09 0.03 0.59 10.24 9.22 30.11 0.04 <0.1 0.01 0.09 0.02 11.98 98.19 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 18 <5 <5 <5 <10 6 <10 4661 35 <5 <10 <10 32 <10 <10 <10 46 14 3262 <15 113 <10
Amphibolitic gneiss Xixano Complex 41.29 1.43 19.72 11.24 10.12 3.74 20.74 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.19 0.29 99.38 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 178 44 1973 5 <10 5 <10 245 186 <5 41 <10 52 <10 <10 21 30 12 19 <15 21 49
Granite Xixano Complex 73.03 0.15 14.18 1.33 1.20 0.22 1.12 3.59 4.88 0.02 0.06 0.68 99.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 176 <5 195 177 <10 66 35 20 10 <5 <10 <10 943 <10 <10 10 34 14 <5 <15 6 128
Marble Xixano Complex 2.23 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.06 19.00 33.34 <0.1 0.015 0.005 0.06 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 17 <5 75 <5 <10 5 <10 <10 <10 <5 32 <10 39 <10 <10 <10 25 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Amphibolitic gneiss Xixano Complex 43.19 0.70 18.73 14.45 13.01 6.17 13.21 1.32 0.52 0.21 0.02 0.59 99.11 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 21 6 379 5 <10 <5 <10 45 613 <5 48 <10 137 <10 <10 16 82 124 <5 <15 54 <10
Quartz-feldspar gneiss Xixano Complex 77.35 0.12 11.66 1.48 1.33 0.02 0.49 2.81 5.22 0.02 0.02 0.24 99.43 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 180 10 56 57 <10 13 10 <10 <10 6 <10 <10 1304 <10 <10 <10 32 11 <5 <15 6 60
Quartzitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 74.84 0.18 12.45 1.11 1.00 0.02 0.29 3.64 5.17 <0.01 0.02 0.97 98.69 0.41 <0.1 <0.1 <5 14 204 29 50 78 <10 13 15 <10 <10 <5 <10 <10 1621 <10 <10 11 9 <10 <5 <15 <5 37
Amphibolitic gneiss Xixano Complex 49.77 1.00 16.80 10.21 9.19 4.99 9.48 3.20 2.02 0.18 0.44 0.62 98.70 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 <5 <5 100 24 347 49 <10 5 13 133 228 <5 28 <10 980 <10 <10 21 112 <10 48 <15 28 40
Amphibolite Lalamo Complex 58.70 0.37 11.27 4.66 4.19 5.97 14.23 0.34 1.65 0.24 0.07 2.14 99.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 17 161 29 333 48 <10 14 <10 54 47 6 22 <10 477 <10 <10 15 51 <10 28 <15 13 46
Granitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 67.25 0.83 14.95 3.86 3.47 0.83 2.09 3.80 4.44 0.04 0.23 0.64 98.96 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 15 612 48 316 90 <10 16 15 <10 43 <5 10 70 1703 <10 <10 <10 90 19 <5 <15 6 169
Talc schist Lalamo Complex 57.92 0.04 1.31 4.97 4.47 28.69 0.05 <0.1 0.01 0.06 0.03 4.87 97.89 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 18 <5 6 <5 <10 6 <10 2968 31 5 <10 <10 77 <10 <10 <10 52 18 1739 <15 61 <10
Granitic gneiss Meluco Complex 66.89 0.56 15.75 2.89 2.60 0.59 2.02 4.00 5.75 0.06 0.14 0.24 98.90 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 19 369 38 344 119 <10 14 26 <10 16 5 13 32 2137 <10 <10 19 61 14 <5 <15 8 106
Amphibolitic gneiss Lalamo Complex 50.22 1.34 14.04 12.31 11.08 5.89 10.83 2.71 0.86 0.17 0.11 0.39 98.87 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 83 26 215 10 <10 <5 <10 236 287 5 46 <10 94 <10 <10 13 85 <10 44 <15 50 33
Chlorite gneiss Lalamo Complex 41.73 0.08 11.11 9.98 8.98 24.97 4.45 0.33 0.05 0.17 0.02 5.41 98.28 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 20 8 28 <5 <10 7 <10 783 33 5 16 <10 51 <10 <10 <10 83 18 1019 <15 90 <10
Marble Montepuez Complex 1.77 0.03 0.14 0.21 0.19 0.81 53.91 <0.1 0.040 0.005 0.01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 8 <5 22 <5 872 <5 <10 <5 12 <10 <10 <5 36 <10 98 <10 <10 <10 16 <10 <5 <15 <5 <10
Tonalitic gneiss Montepuez Complex 66.68 0.42 16.40 4.49 4.04 1.23 5.03 4.01 0.38 0.14 0.14 0.14 99.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 6 90 12 682 5 <10 <5 <10 19 32 <5 16 <10 255 <10 <10 <10 62 12 <5 <15 11 15
Magnetite-bearing quartzitic gneiss Ocua Complex 48.37 1.34 15.43 13.11 11.80 4.97 10.03 3.75 0.94 0.22 0.23 0.26 98.65 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 5 84 29 306 13 <10 11 <10 95 349 11 44 <10 167 <10 <10 11 113 22 26 <15 43 49
Dioritic gneiss Ocua Complex 60.16 0.87 15.59 7.36 6.62 3.10 6.12 3.72 0.96 0.11 0.15 0.36 98.50 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 148 26 340 <5 <10 <5 <10 47 134 <5 21 <10 454 <10 <10 18 75 50 19 <15 26 29
Quartz-feldspar gneiss Ocua Complex 73.86 0.25 12.37 4.53 4.08 0.27 2.91 3.55 0.43 0.11 0.05 0.30 98.63 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 <5 71 29 148 <5 <10 <5 <10 27 15 6 14 <10 216 <10 <10 10 70 11 <5 <15 9 15
Iron ore Ocua Complex 2.90 1.24 2.89 84.34 75.91 1.31 1.48 <0.1 0.12 0.08 0.02 -2.03 92.26 <0.1 0.14 0.15 7 9 34 8 55 <5 <10 9 <10 212 1005 6 <10 <10 <10 38 <10 44 767 <10 127 <15 444 50
Graphite gneiss Montepuez Complex 69.58 1.07 8.57 2.48 2.23 0.05 1.46 1.88 0.66 <0.01 0.16 13.32 99.23 0.96 <0.1 <0.1 11 10 178 36 184 7 <10 10 14 145 404 <5 19 <10 2932 <10 <10 11 18 54 <5 <15 10 24
Granodioritic gneiss Nampula Complex 70.29 0.44 14.29 3.16 2.84 0.86 2.22 3.45 3.49 0.05 0.12 0.16 98.52 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 130 23 188 127 <10 9 17 21 37 5 <10 <10 453 <10 <10 15 51 <10 <5 <15 13 23
Metagabbro Nampula Complex 51.50 1.45 13.08 15.85 14.27 5.14 9.42 1.98 0.58 0.24 0.14 -0.36 99.03 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 9 121 30 127 27 <10 10 <10 91 415 13 41 <10 141 <10 <10 14 109 216 46 <15 61 56
Tonalitic gneiss Nampula Complex 65.33 0.56 16.47 3.30 2.97 0.94 2.45 3.32 5.51 0.03 0.23 0.31 98.45 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 7 183 19 222 168 <10 13 27 33 44 <5 11 <10 1181 <10 <10 16 47 22 6 <15 9 62
Granite Nampula Complex 67.43 0.42 15.51 3.39 3.05 0.22 1.29 3.13 7.32 0.04 0.09 0.13 98.97 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 12 432 24 72 237 <10 18 28 10 <10 <5 <10 33 615 <10 <10 16 57 16 <5 <15 8 56
Graphite gneiss Montepuez Complex 75.07 0.59 5.81 0.98 0.88 0.04 0.22 0.89 3.09 <0.01 0.08 11.49 98.26 0.50 <0.1 <0.1 51 13 169 27 174 54 17 18 17 90 176 8 13 <10 1635 <10 <10 <10 20 99 27 <15 10 25
Iron ore Nampula Complex 18.07 27.00 0.84 34.80 31.32 6.36 6.92 <0.1 0.03 0.25 <0.01 -2.27 91.97 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 5 23 164 20 14 <5 <10 12 11 1793 1870 16 99 <10 27 15 <10 <10 156 <10 249 <15 166 15
Iron ore Nampula Complex 38.27 10.24 1.09 25.76 23.18 14.11 9.29 <0.1 0.03 0.28 <0.01 -1.01 98.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 11 78 23 15 <5 <10 8 <10 718 831 <5 77 <10 30 16 <10 <10 136 <10 271 <15 154 <10
Iron ore Ocua Complex 0.00 1.72 3.11 93.65 84.29 0.84 0.02 <0.1 <0.01 0.15 0.01 -3.02 94.12 <0.1 <0.1 0.27 9 8 16 <5 7 7 11 7 <10 378 1338 <5 <10 <10 <10 24 <10 78 1473 <10 214 17 560 <10
Arenitic paragneiss Lalamo Complex 75.73 0.20 11.77 1.99 1.79 0.03 0.62 2.97 4.99 0.03 0.01 0.23 98.56 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <5 23 750 53 30 87 <10 11 12 <10 <10 <5 <10 88 1024 <10 <10 21 61 10 <5 <15 6 12
Arenite Lalamo Complex 78.10 0.14 10.48 1.02 0.92 <0.01 0.09 2.93 4.87 <0.01 0.01 1.02 98.66 0.12 <0.1 <0.1 <5 20 533 35 52 78 <10 13 15 <10 <10 <5 <10 64 207 <10 <10 18 9 10 <5 <15 6 11
Arenite Lalamo Complex 79.23 0.12 10.35 1.37 1.23 <0.01 0.19 3.51 3.50 <0.01 <0.01 0.96 99.24 0.17 <0.1 <0.1 <5 27 518 22 65 55 <10 13 14 <10 <10 <5 <10 55 208 <10 <10 17 9 12 <5 <15 7 13
Arenite Lalamo Complex 76.27 0.13 11.38 0.98 0.88 <0.01 0.21 2.75 5.54 <0.01 0.02 1.15 98.43 0.37 <0.1 <0.1 <5 18 322 22 108 74 <10 14 17 10 <10 <5 <10 <10 419 <10 <10 11 7 13 <5 <15 <5 27

Appendix 4 contains tables reporting the geochronological data collected during the mapping
programme. The geochronological data are presented and discussed in Chapter 10 and the
analytical methods are summarized in Appendix 1.

Appendix 4 includes:

Table 4: Re-Os geochronological data on pyrite and chalcopyrite from the Cagurué gold
field, Txitonga Group. Re-Os data were generated by the ID-NTIMS method, at the AIRIE
Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, by H. Stein and R. Markey.

Table 5: Rb-Sr data on phlogopite from two samples of kimberlite, Maniamba graben,
collected by the ID-TIMS method, as provided by E. Barton, De Beers Exploration Division,

Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table 9: Geochemical analyses and carbon, oxygen and Rb-Sr
isotopes analyses of carbonate rocks of the Montepuez area and of the Geci Group,
performed under supervision of V. Melezhik. The geochemical analyses were performed at
NGU. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses were performed at the Scottish Universities
Environmental Research Centre, Glasgow, by A.F. Fallick. Rb-Sr analyses were carried out
by the TIMS method, at the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, by A.B. Kuznetsov and I.M. Gorokhov.

Table 10, Table 11, Table 12: Summary of zircon and monazite U-Pb geochronological data,
including published data, presented in stratigraphic order. The summary includes some key
descriptive parameters on the samples and their location.

Table 13, Table 14, Table 15: HR-SIMS U-Pb data obtained on zircon with the SHRIMPII
instrument at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, by J. Jacobs and M. Wingate. The
sample are presented in stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

Table 16: HR-SIMS U-Pb data obtained on zircon with the Cameca 1270 instrument at the
NORDSIM laboratory, Swedish Museum of Natural history, Stockholm, by B. Bingen and
M. Whitehouse. The sample are presented in stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

Table 17: LA-ICPMS U-Pb data, on zircon (Zrn) and monazite (Mnz), generated at NGU, by
Ø. Skar and B. Bingen. The sample are presented in stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

Table 4: Re-Os geochronological data on pyrite and chalcopyrite from the Cagurué gold field, Txitonga Group.

192 187 187

AIRIE Run # Sample Re (ppb) total Os (ppb) Os (common) Re/188Os Os/188Os Model Age

LL-166 31852b cp 0.1203 (2) 0.00103 (2) 0.0003 704 (16) 2.05 (7) 164
LL-172 31852b cp 0.1229 (1) 0.00162 (8) 0.0006 426 (21) 1.41 (9) 181

LL-167 31853a cp 0.4758 (5) 0.00103 (1) 0.0002 4458 (110) 7.9 (2) 104
LL-178 31853a cp 0.4003 (6) 0.00091 (3) 0.0002 4667 (183) 9.3 (4) 118

LL-92 31853b py 0.645 (1) 0.431 (2) 0.1771 7.24 (3) 0.179 (1) 489
LL-182 31853b py 0.2148 (9) 0.0342 (1) 0.0137 31.2 (2) 0.379 (2) 496
LL-91 31853b cp 0.1253 (3) 0.00737 (2) 0.0028 89.5 (4) 0.844 (7) 484
LL-173 31853b cp 0.152 (6) 0.0148 (2) 0.0059 52 (2) 0.451 (8) 383
LL-174 31853b cp 0.0257 (1) 0.00170 (2) 0.0007 75.8 (9) 0.44 (1) 254
LL-179 31853b cp 0.1333 (5) 0.0068 (1) 0.0027 99 (2) 0.59 (2) 285
LL-181 31853b py+cp 0.510 (1) 0.0652 (1) 0.0263 38.5 (1) 0.314 (1) 301
LL-180 31853b cp+py 0.2692 (7) 0.02717 (9) 0.0106 50.6 (2) 0.594 (3) 560

UTM coodinates of Cagurué gold field: 739550 8714130, Zo 36; sample 31852b =TBM063b; 31853a =TBM064a; 31853b =TBM064b
cp: chalcopyrite, py: pyrite
Assumed initial 187Os/188Os for model age calculation = 0.2 ± 0.1
Absolute uncertainties shown, all at 2-sigma level, for last digit indicated
Carius tube dissolution with sample weights ranging from 102 to 533 mg
Blank corrections during study were Re = 1.153 ± 0.014, 1.795 ± 0.014, 2.27 ± 0.22 pg,
total Os = 0.111 ± 0.005, 0.118 ± 0.005, 0.133 ± 0.004, 0.324 ± 0.007 pg,
Os/188Os = 0.225 ± 0.011, 0.242 ± 0.015, 0.292 ± 0.013, 0.992 ± 0.061 (two samples)
Decay constant used for 187Re is 1.666 x 10-11yr-1 (Smoliar et al. 1996)
Model ages calculated using 187Os = 187Re (eOt - 1) include all analytical and 187Re decay constant uncertainties
Table 5: Rb-Sr data on phlogopite from two samples of kimberlite TX3, Maniamba graben.

87 87
Rb Sr Rb Sr ±2V
86 86
(ppm) (ppm) Sr Sr
Maniamba Graben
31964C 538.6 167.3 9.332 0.722813 0.000016 Phlogopite
31991A 355.2 40.14 25.73 0.755273 0.000018 Phlogopite
31991B 475.1 39.80 34.77 0.773168 0.000017 Phlogopite
31991C 349.2 53.62 18.91 0.742625 0.000016 Phlogopite
31991D 335.1 57.89 16.80 0.739124 0.000026 Phlogopite
31991E 343.9 127.7 7.800 0.719923 0.000015 Phlogopite

UTM coordinate: zone 36 between 719537-8610862 and 719493-8610891

Table 6: Chemical composition of Marble from the Montepuez Complex.

Field # Lithology SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O TOC Mg Ca Fe Mn Sr Mg/Ca

wt% ppm

Montepuez quarry 4, UTM 0497505, 8552297

White to pale grey calcite marbles, partially dolomitised
Mvm040 Coarsely crystalline, weakly banded - - - - - 3.1 33.1 456 28 160 0.09
Mvm041 Coarsely crystalline, weakly banded 0.40 - - 0.04 - 1.9 34.7 312 18 167 0.05
Mvm042 Giant crystalline, massive - - - - - 0.69 37.0 72 4 116 0.02
Mvm043 Coarsely crystalline, banded - - - - - 2.4 34.3 358 14 135 0.07
Mvm044 Ggiant and medium crystalline interbedded - - - - - 1.4 35.7 343 20 140 0.04
Mvm045 Coarsely to medium crystalline, banded 0.04 0.04 - 0.03 - 2.3 34.3 344 12 145 0.07
BB037 Very coarsely-crystalline, massive - - - - - 2.5 33.4 405 18 132 0.07

Calcite marbles, intensively dolomitised

BB039 Pale brown, medium-crystalline 6.0 2.98 0.11 0.70 - 8.7 19.9 4080 150 83 0.44

Grey dolomite marbles

Mvm046 Medium crystalline, banded 1.3 0.05 - 0.05 - 12.2 20.6 1300 48 58 0.59
Mvm047 Medium crystalline, banded 0.48 0.02 - 0.03 - 12.4 21.0 1210 52 93 0.59
BB038 Medium crystalline, banded - - - 0.03 - 12.2 20.8 1530 57 61 0.59

Montepuez quarry 3, UTM 0497650, 8552251

Calcite marbles, intensively dolomitised
Mvm052 Grey, banded, medium-crystalline 2.1 - - - - 10.4 22.7 1690 91 83 0.46

Dolomite marbles
Mvm051 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 6.9 - - - 0.37 10.8 20.2 632 23 99 0.53
Mvm048 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 0.1 - - - 0.13 12.7 20.6 1540 45 71 0.62
Table continued

Field # Lithology SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O TOC Mg Ca Fe Mn Sr Mg/Ca

wt% ppm

Montepuez quarry 3, UTM 0497650, 8552251

Dolomite marbles
Mvm049 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 3.0 - - - 0.60 12.0 20.4 1090 35 65 0.59
Mvm050 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 7.5 - - - 0.33 10.9 19.9 798 27 104 0.55
Mvm053 White, medium crystalline, banded 2.8 - - - - 11.7 21.3 1280 43 102 0.55
Mvm054 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 7.1 - - - 0.30 10.7 19.3 666 24 76 0.55
Mvm055 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 3.0 - - - - 12.0 20.5 2220 81 58 0.59
Mvm056 Grey, medium crystalline, banded 0.82 - - - 0.32 12.7 21.4 1440 43 86 0.59
BB034 White, coarsely crystalline, massive 0.33 - - - 0.17 12.4 20.8 782 33 86 0.60
BB035 Pale grey, medium crystalline, banded 7.7 - - - 0.26 10.2 19.2 386 16 99 0.53

Montepuez quarry 2, UTM 0497683, 8552084

White calcite marbles, intensively dolomitised
BB031 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - - 11.3 22.6 298 12 119 0.50

White dolomite marbles

BB029 Medium-crystalline, massive 1.8 - - - - 12.4 20.9 1530 73 83 0.59
BB030 Medium-crystalline, massive 3.6 - - - - 12.3 19.9 395 20 106 0.62
BB032 Medium-crystalline, massive 0.36 - - - - 12.6 20.4 513 19 71 0.62

Montepuez quarry 1, UTM 0497684, 8552072

White calcite marbles, intensively dolomitised
Mvm065 Finely crystalline, massive 17.6 - - - - 6.7 18.0 328 13 82 0.37
Mvm066 Finely crystalline, massive 8.4 - - - - 9.4 20.6 493 24 99 0.46
Mvm074 Finely crystalline, massive 18.7 - - - - 6.4 17.4 736 52 70 0.37
Table continued
Field # Lithology SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O TOC Mg Ca Fe Mn Sr Mg/Ca
wt% ppm

Montepuez quarry 1, UTM 0497684, 8552072

White calcite marbles, intensively dolomitised
Mvm075 Finely crystalline, massive 0.04 - - - - 11.2 22.9 758 61 112 0.49

White dolomite marbles

Mvm057 Medium crystalline, massive; amphibolite inclusions 1.5 - - - - 12.6 20.9 1550 73 79 0.60
Mvm058 Medium crystalline, massive; amphibolite inclusions 0.72 - - - - 12.4 20.7 1130 47 76 0.60
Mvm059 Medium crystalline, massive; amphibolite inclusions 11.9 - - - - 9.2 18.1 1540 79 72 0.51
Mvm060 Medium crystalline, massive; amphibolite inclusions 2.2 - - 0.02 - 12.5 20.8 715 36 78 0.60
Mvm062 Medium crystalline, massive; amphibolite inclusions 3.8 - - - - 11.0 19.9 2740 98 86 0.55
Mvm063 Finely crystalline, massive 6.8 - - - - 10.3 19.4 2050 79 88 0.53
Mvm064 Finely crystalline, massive 4.7 - - - - 11.0 20.5 806 40 85 0.54
Mvm067 Finely crystalline, massive 0.73 - - - - 12.1 21.6 1700 49 102 0.56
Mvm068 Finely crystalline, massive 0.08 - - 0.01 - 12.5 20.7 1530 58 80 0.60
Mvm069 Finely crystalline, massive 0.83 - - - - 12.3 21.1 1090 38 89 0.58
Mvm070 Finely crystalline, massive 0.22 - - - - 11.6 21.7 1150 42 108 0.53
Mvm071 Finely crystalline, massive - - - - - 12.4 21.3 447 26 77 0.58
Mvm072 Finely crystalline, massive 0.57 - - - - 12.1 22.1 211 10 98 0.55
Mvm073 Medium crystalline, massive 0.56 - - - - 12.4 20.5 1570 53 94 0.60
Mvm076 Weakly banded with amphibolite inclusions - - - - - 13.3 21.1 2120 97 65 0.63
Mvm077 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - 0.10 13.0 21.2 2360 69 89 0.61
Mvm078 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - - 12.9 20.9 2290 72 86 0.62
Mvm079 Medium crystalline, massive 0.23 - - - - 12.8 20.7 1100 48 91 0.62
Mvm080 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - - 13.1 21.0 1180 54 84 0.62
Mvm081 Medium crystalline, massive 0.52 - - - - 12.2 21.6 507 26 90 0.56
Table continued

Field # Lithology SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O TOC Mg Ca Fe Mn Sr Mg/Ca

wt% ppm

Montepuez quarry 1, UTM 0497684, 8552072

White dolomite marbles
Mvm082 Medium crystalline, massive 1.8 - - - - 12.5 20.6 863 36 83 0.61
Mvm083 Medium crystalline, massive 2.1 - - - - 11.3 21.2 2160 70 92 0.53
Mvm084 Medium crystalline, massive 4.4 - - - - 11.60 20.0 522 20 61 0.58
BB040 Medium crystalline, massive 4.7 - - - - 11.1 20.1 976 55 121 0.55
BB041 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - - 12.5 20.5 1210 84 96 0.61
BB042 Medium crystalline, massive - - - - - 12.5 20.9 829 36 81 0.60

'-' - below detection limits: 0.01 wt% for K2O; 0.1 wt.% for SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and Corg.
Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Sr are acid soluble constituents determined by ICP–AES.
Table 7: Minerals in insoluble residue, Rb and Sr concentrations and isotopic ratios of
marbles from the Montepuez Complex.

Minerals in Mg/Ca Mn/Sr  G13C G18O Rb Sr Rb/86Sr 87
Sr/86Sr 87
Sample # insoluble residue ‰ ppm measured initial*

Montepuez quarry 4, UTM 0497505, 8552297

Calcite marbles, partially dolomitised
Mvm040 - 0.09 0.17 2.0 17.9 0.12 170 0.0021 0.70510 0.70507
Mvm041 Mu, Am (Qtz, Tlc) 0.05 0.11 1.7 18.9 0.14 169 0.0024 0.70516 0.70512
Mvm042 - 0.02 0.04 2.1 20.3 0.13 123 0.0031 0.70521 0.70516
Mvm043 - 0.07 0.10 2.0 16.8 0.11 144 0.0022 0.70514 0.70511
Mvm044 - 0.04 0.15 1.6 14.6 0.12 150 0.0023 0.70508 0.70504
Mvm045 (Mu) 0.07 0.08 1.9 15.1 0.13 145 0.0026 0.70518 0.70514
BB037 - 0.07 0.13 1.8 16.6 0.09 128 0.0021 0.70520 0.70517

Montepuez quarry 3, UTM 0497650, 8552251

Calcite marble, intensively dolomitised
Mvm052 Am, Qtz 0.46 1.09 0.4 19.3 0.18 83 0.0063 0.70531 0.70521
Dolomite marbles
Mvm051 Am, Qtz 0.53 0.23 -1.5 22.7 0.22 122 0.0053 0.70565 0.70557
Mvm050 Am, Qtz 0.55 0.26 -1.7 21.7 0.09 110 0.0024 0.70561 0.70557
Mvm053 Am (Tlc) 0.55 0.42 1.4 22.4 0.12 106 0.0033 0.70546 0.70541
Mvm054 Am 0.55 0.32 -1.6 22.0 0.12 78 0.0045 0.70553 0.70546
Mvm056 - 0.59 0.50 -0.4 22.7 0.14 85 0.0048 0.70555 0.70547

Montepuez quarry 2, UTM 0497683, 8552084

Calcite marble, intensively dolomitised
BB031 - 0.50 0.097 1.8 22.0 0.07 124 0.0017 0.70540 0.70537

Montepuez quarry 1, UTM 0497684, 8552072

Calcite marble, intensively dolomitised
Mvm065 Am 0.37 0.16 1.3 22.2 0.14 80 0.0051 0.70561 0.70553
Mvm066 Am 0.46 0.24 1.5 22.6 0.1 99 0.0030 0.70560 0.70555
Mvm075 Am 0.55 0.55 1.7 21.4 0.08 116 0.0020 0.70551 0.70548
Dolomite marbles
Mvm064 Am 0.54 0.47 1.6 22.6 0.09 92 0.0029 0.70565 0.70560
Mvm067 Am (Tlc) 0.56 0.48 1.4 22.0 0.09 104 0.0025 0.70548 0.70544
Mvm070 - 0.53 0.38 1.7 22.2 0.09 113 0.0023 0.70556 0.70552
Mvm071 Qu 0.58 0.34 1.8 21.8 0.07 82 0.0025 0.70562 0.70558
Mvm072 Am 0.55 0.11 1.8 21.2 0.08 102 0.0023 0.70552 0.70548
Mvm081 Tlc, Am, Qtz 0.56 0.29 1.3 21.7 0.06 92 0.0019 0.70556 0.70553
Abbreviations: Am – amphibole, Mu – muscovite, Qtz – quartz, Tlc – talc.
Rb and Sr concentrations were determined by standard isotope dilution and solid-source mass spectrometry.

Table 8: Chemical composition of the carbonate rocks of the Geci Group, Serra Geci.

Sample UTM SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O K2O Mg* Ca* Fe* Mn* Sr* Mn/Sr Mg/Ca
## E N Zo % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm

9 737069 8576640 36 2.40 0.84 - 0.18 0.99 35.6 528 58.7 679 0.09 0.03
10 737069 8576639 36 2.28 2.82 - 0.13 1.65 35.2 781 59.7 623 0.10 0.05
11 737035 8576603 36 2.19 0.51 - 0.15 0.24 36.7 507 69.0 509 0.14 0.006
12 737037 8576579 36 0.80 0.09 - 0.04 0.58 37.4 727 61.9 655 0.09 0.02
13 737044 8576578 36 3.03 0.78 - 0.21 0.30 36.5 603 63.5 627 0.10 0.008
14 737123 8576718 36 0.48 0.16 - 0.08 9.15 27.2 456 76.7 248 0.3 0.34
15 736701 8576628 36 2.55 0.44 - 0.15 5.21 29.9 460 219 430 0.5 0.17
16 736623 8576693 36 4.15 0.80 - 0.22 4.46 30.7 1050 132 524 0.3 0.15
17 736609 8576699 36 4.09 0.82 - 0.23 4.42 30.3 1080 120 516 0.2 0.15
18 736581 8576706 36 4.13 1.41 0.10 0.29 3.78 31.1 1070 134 583 0.2 0.12
19 736594 8576705 36 3.87 0.68 - 0.21 3.32 31.9 973 181 489 0.4 0.10
20 736582 8576695 36 2.27 0.46 - 0.17 2.95 34.1 861 128 700 0.2 0.09
21 736587 8576692 36 2.28 0.59 - 0.23 8.40 26.8 1360 213 493 0.4 0.31
22 736535 8576690 36 2.15 0.54 - 0.18 1.18 35.8 317 288 587 0.5 0.03
23 736538 8576688 36 9.75 1.76 0.32 0.48 4.86 27.2 909 313 416 0.8 0.18
24 736356 8576736 36 0.96 0.23 - 0.07 0.28 38.3 384 33.2 917 0.04 0.007
25 736362 8576744 36 6.75 1.30 0.24 0.36 3.15 31.0 1150 75.8 622 0.12 0.10

‘Dashes’ – below detection limit of 0.01%.

Mg*, Ca*, Fe*, Mn* and Sr* - Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Sr contents in acid-soluble constituents determined by ICP-AES.
Table 9: Isotopic composition, Mn/Sr and Mg/Ca ratios of thecarbonate rocks from the Geci Group, Serra Geci.

87 87 87
Sample UTM Mn/Sr Mg/Ca G13C G18O Rb Sr Rb/86Sr Sr/86Sr Sr/86Sr Minerals in
## E N Zo ‰ ‰ ppm ppm measured initial insoluble residue
9 737069 8576640 36 0.09 0.03 +3.5 26.8
10 737069 8576639 36 0.10 0.05 +3.6 25.8
11 737035 8576603 36 0.14 0.006 +2.6 25.2
12 737037 8576579 36 0.09 0.02 +3.5 25.6 0.23 653 0.0010 0.70710 0.70709 -
13 737044 8576578 36 0.10 0.008 +3.3 25.2 0.26 661 0.0012 0.70715 0.70714 Qtz, Ms
14 737123 8576718 36 0.3 0.34 +4.0 26.4 0.23 256 0.0026 0.70736 0.70734 Grf
14fc* 737123 8576718 36 +3.7 26.4
14md* 737123 8576718 36 +4.2 25.7
15 736701 8576628 36 0.5 0.17 +4.8 26.3
16 736623 8576693 36 0.3 0.15 +4.4 26.3 0.33 563 0.0017 0.70721 0.70720 Qtz, Fsp (Ms)
16cm* 736623 8576693 36 +4.0 26.0
16dc* 736623 8576693 36 +4.2 24.7
17 736609 8576699 36 0.2 0.15 +4.4 26.0
18 736581 8576706 36 0.2 0.12 +4.2 25.4
19 736594 8576705 36 0.4 0.10 +4.3 25.7
20 736582 8576695 36 0.2 0.09 +4.4 26.3 0.28 743 0.0011 0.70720 0.70719 Qtz, Fsp, Ms
20cm* 736582 8576695 36 0.006** +3.9 25.9 0.22 855 0.0008 0.70714 0.70713 Ms, Qtz, Fsp
21 736587 8576692 36 0.4 0.31 +4.8 26.3 0.30 515 0.0017 0.70726 0.70725 Ms, Qtz, Fsp
21cm* 736587 8576692 36 +3.7 25.3
21md* 736587 8576692 36 0.61** +4.8 25.4 0.47 345 0.0041 0.70733 0.70730 Ms
22 736535 8576690 36 0.5 0.03 +3.6 25.0 0.56 594 0.0028 0.70716 0.70714 Qtz, Ms, Fsp
23 736538 8576688 36 0.8 0.18 +4.4 25.3
24 736356 8576736 36 0.04 0.007 +3.6 26.3 0.35 890 0.0012 0.70709 0.70708 Qtz, Ms
25 736362 8576744 36 0.12 0.10 +4.2 26.0
*  Microcore samples. The abbreviation used: cm – calcite matrix, fc – fenestreal calcite, md – microbial dolomite, dc – dolomicrite clast.
**  Mg/Ca ratio of the dolomite microcore was assumed to be equal to stoichiometric dolomite, whereas that of the calcite microcore was considered to be equal to the
lowest ratio obtained from whole-rock analyses.
Abbreviated mineral names: Fsp – feldspar, Ms – muscovite, Qtz – quartz, Grf – graphite.
Table 10: Summary of U-Pb geochronological data, including published data, in stratigraphic order

Xenocryst/Detrital Intrusion Metamorphism

Sample Sheet Lithology Deformation SiO2 K2O Zrn Zrn Zrn Zrn/Mnz method Ref
(%) (%) (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V

Alto Benfica group

EGC31 Mocuba Metaconglomerate Moderate 3315 ±8 626 ±22 492 ±12 SHRIMP
Txitonga group
31818 Lupilichi Granite porphyry Weak 75.9 5.1 715 ±20 ICPMS
Ocua complex
33312 Mecufi Boudin-neck pegmatite Weak 535 ±15 ICPMS
26878 Ribaue Leucogneiss Intense 538 ±10 ICPMS
33304 Mecufi Syenitic gneiss Intense 57.7 8.5 599 ±6 ICPMS
26811 Malema Granitic gneiss Intense 65.4 4.5 749 ±20 583 ±19 ICPMS
33305 Mecufi Paragneiss Intense 59.0 2.0 578 ±10 568 ±9 545 ±4 SIMS
33298 Montepuez Felsic granulite Intense 71.3 0.4 970 ±24 768 ±19 576 ±7 548 ±6 SIMS
26810 Ribaue Paragneiss Intense 71.6 4.1 978 ±34 832 ±40 587 ±23 ICPMS
33310 Mecufi Banded gneiss, felsic Intense 880 ±21 557 ±3 540 ±7 SIMS
Mugeba klippe
674GT1 Granulite 64.5 2.4 615 ±7 SHRIMP (1)
674GT2 Granulite 613 ±1 Evapor (1)
M'Sawize complex
31978 Mavago Tonalitic gneiss Weak 59.5 0.4 640 ±4 ICPMS
Lalamo complex
40667 Meluco Granodioritic gneiss Moderate 71.3 3.4 696 ±13 ICPMS
Xixano complex
33266 Namuno Foliated granite Moderate 71.0 5.5 573 ±17 397 ±19 ICPMS
33274 Namuno Banded granulite Intense 70.5 0.8 735 ±4 HR-SIMS
33306 Namuno Phenocryst granite Unfoliated 70.5 5.0 739 ±8 ICPMS
36053 Xixano Enderbite Moderate 742 ±16 ICPMS
33420 Namuno Granitic gneiss Moderate 73.8 4.7 799 ±44 ICPMS
33410 Namuno Metarhyolite Weak 75.6 3.4 818 ±10 ICPMS
Meluco complex
40760 Quissinga-P Granitic gneiss Moderate 66.9 5.8 946 ±12 585 ±13 ICPMS
(1) Kröner et al. (1997); (2) Costa et al. (1994)
Table continued Xenocryst/Detrital Intrusion Metamorphism
Sample Sheet Lithology Deformation SiO2 K2O Zrn Zrn Zrn Zrn/Mnz method Ref
(%) (%) (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V
Marrupa complex
26892 Malema Syenitic gneiss Weak 56.4 4.2 504 ±11 ICPMS
26802 Ribaue Granitic gneiss Moderate 69.3 5.0 735 ±20 521 ±15 ICPMS
33509 Cuamba Quartz mangerite Unfoliated 58.3 5.1 532 ±52 ICPMS
26859 Malema Granitic gneiss Intense 64.0 5.2 545 ±9 478 ±29 ICPMS
33205 Mecula Granite Unfoliated 75.4 4.1 547 ±14 ICPMS
33406 Marrupa Leucosome Moderate 73.4 5.0 548 ±13 ICPMS
33503 Cuamba Granitic gneiss Weak 73.6 5.7 558 ±11 ICPMS
33498 Cuamba Leucogneiss Weak 78.9 4.7 968 ±10 ICPMS
33405 Marrupa Granitic gneiss Moderate 71.5 5.3 1005 ±19 ICPMS
33253 Marrupa Granitic gneiss Moderate 67.6 4.9 1016 ±10 ICPMS
34284 Majune Granitic gneiss Moderate 68.9 4.1 1025 ±12 ICPMS
33206 Mecula Granitic gneiss Moderate 69.8 3.0 1026 ±9 ICPMS
Unango complex
31225 Lichinga Granite Unfoliated 70.9 5.1 507 ±4 ICPMS
40416 Gurue Quartz mangerite Unfoliated 58.4 4.5 513 ±4 SHRIMP
31260 Lichinga Granite Unfoliated 61.8 5.1 514 ±35 ICPMS
33499 Cuamba Granite Weak 72.1 4.9 517 ±12 ICPMS
33586 Gurue Granitic gneiss Moderate 75.0 6.0 519 ±6 SHRIMP
33598 Milange Amphibolite Moderate 47.7 1.4 753 ±12 548 ±5 SHRIMP
31997 Macaloge Syenitic gneiss Moderate 51.3 5.0 799 ±8 SIMS
33572 Milange Banded granulite, felsic Moderate 67.3 0.3 1092 ±14 827 ±20 569 ±9 SHRIMP
31965 Metangula Granitic gneiss Moderate 71.2 4.8 975 ±33 530 ±26 525 ±14 ICPMS
31259 Lichinga Dolerite Unfoliated 52.8 3.0 988 ±20 ICPMS
22782 Majune Charnockite Unfoliated 70.2 5.2 995 ±21 ICPMS
33507 Cuamba Quartz Mangerite Weak 62.4 8.2 1001 ±33 553 ±13 ICPMS
31225 Macaloge Granitic mylonite Mylonitic 1004 ±24 444 ±5 ICPMS
31863 Metangula Leucogneiss Intense 78.3 3.9 1006 ±9 ICPMS
31229 Lichinga Granitic gneiss Moderate 72.1 5.3 1013 ±10 ICPMS
31870 Macaloge Granodiorite Weak 66.5 3.8 1030 ±10 ICPMS
31261 Lichinga Banded granulite Moderate 68.4 3.2 1036 ±10 ICPMS
31971 Macaloge Leucogranite Weak 78.4 4.3 1048 ±8 ICPMS
40403 Majune Quartz monzonite Weak 1065 ±16 ICPMS
22780 Lichinga Metapelitic gneiss Moderate 73.4 2.0 1025 ±62 525 ±9 ICPMS
33512 Cuamba Garnet gneiss Moderate 67.3 2.4 2596 ±8 1062 ±54 536 ±6 527 ±8 SIMS
Table continued

Xenocryst/Detrital Intrusion Metamorphism

Sample Sheet Lithology Deformation SiO2 K2O Zrn Zrn Zrn Zrn/Mnz method Ref
(%) (%) (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V (Ma) ±2V
Nampula complex
33570 Gurue Granitic gneiss Moderate 64.1 5.1 508 ±3 SHRIMP
40710 Mecufi Granitic gneiss Weak 74.8 5.1 511 ±12 ICPMS
33373 Montepuez Phenocryst granite Unfoliated 64.2 5.7 936 ±53 516 ±19 ICPMS
673GJ6 Granodioritic gneiss 65.7 1.9 1028 ±7 SHRIMP (2)
673GJ8 Tonalitic gneiss 62.3 1.6 1040 ±1 Evapor (1)
40781 Mecufi Granitic gneiss Moderate 67.4 7.3 1042 ±9 ICPMS
672CJ3 Mocuba Granitic gneiss 72.6 5.2 1048 ±1 Evapor (1)
33296 Montepuez Augen gneiss Moderate 72.9 6.1 1058 ±9 ICPMS
587GJ3 Tonalitic gneiss 70.3 2.2 1067 ±1 Evapor (1)
33568 Milange Augen gneiss Moderate 51.7 2.0 1087 ±16 493 ±8 SHRIMP
618GJ7 Leucogneiss 76.0 4.8 1115 ±1 Evapor (1)
33564 Milange Leucogneiss Weak 74.4 1.2 1123 ±9 520 ±8 SHRIMP
586GC1 Granodioritic gneiss 61.7 2.9 1297 ±1 1148 ±1 Evapor (1)
Ponta Messuli complex
31779 Metangula Granite Weak 64.8 5.9 1056 ±11 ICPMS
31874 Ponta Messuli Metapelitic gneiss Moderate 2199 ±21 2074 ±11 1950 ±15 1946 ±11 SIMS
(1) Kröner et al. (1997); (2) Costa et al. (1994)
Table 11: Summary of the petrography of the samples dated with the U-Pb method.

Sample Lithology Minerals (by decreasing abundance) Grainsize Comment


Alto Benfica group

EGC31-32 Metaconglomerate Qtz, Kfs, Bt, Ms, Opaque, Sil, Zrn, Mnz 0.1-1 Equigranular matrix; Sil-bearing nodules
Txitonga group
JS139 Granite porphyry Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Bt, Cal, Ms, Opaque, Zrn 0.02-0.1 Porphyritic texture; Kfs, Qtz, Pl phenocrysts 0.4–5 mm
Ocua complex
33312 Boudin-neck pegmatite Pl, Qtz, Scapolite, Bt, Hbl, Ap, Zrn 0.1-10 Scapolite megacrysts
26878 Leucogneiss Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Opaque, Aln, Bt, Hbl, Ms, Ttn, Ap, Zrn 0.05-0.5 Equigranular; Qtz ribbons
33304 Syenitic gneiss Kfs, Cpx, Bt, Ap, Ttn, Opaque, Zrn 0.2-0.8 Cpx phenoclasts up to 2 mm
26811 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Opaque, Hbl, Bt, Ap, Ttn, Zrn 0.1-0.6 Hbl, Qtz phenoblasts 2-3 mm
33305 Paragneiss Pl, Qtz, Grt, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Rt, Zrn, Mnz 0.05-0.6 Grt phenoblasts 2-6 mm; Qtz ribbons
33298 Felsic granulite Pl, Qtz, Hbl, Cpx, Opx, Grt, Opaque, Bt, Ap, Zrn 0.05-2 Grt phenoblasts 1-2 mm; Qtz ribbons
26810 Paragneiss Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Hbl, Opaque, Bt, Ap, Zrn 0.05-0.8 Qtz ribbons; tabular Hbl; granulation?
33310 Banded gneiss, felsic Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Grt, Opaque, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.05-0.4 Kfs phenoclasts 1-4 mm; Grt phenoblasts 1-2 mm; Qtz ribbons
Mugeba complex
674GT1 Granulite Includes Pl, Qtz, Grt, Opx
674GT2 Granulite Includes Pl, Qtz, Grt, Opx
M'Sawize complex
31978 Tonalitic gneiss Pl, Cpx, Amp, Ttn, Qtz, Zrn 0.1-2.5 Equigranular
Lalamo complex
40667 Granodioritic gneiss Pl, Qtz, Kfs, Bt, Aln, Amp, Ap, Zrn 0.1-1.0 A few Aln, Pl, Hbl phenoblasts
Xixano complex
33266 Foliated granite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Ttn, Aln, Opaque, Ms, Ap, Ep, Zrn 0.1-6 Kfs phenocrysts 2 cm; Qtz ribbons; granulation
33274 Banded granulite Pl, Qtz, Opx, Grt, Opaque, Bt, Ap, Zrn 0.1-5 Grt-Opx phenoblasts 2 cm; Qtz ribbons; corona around Opx
33306 Phenocryst granite Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Bt, Hbl, Ttn, Ap 0.05-2 Kfs phenocrysts 1 cm
36053 Enderbite Pl, Qtz, Opx, Opaque, Ap, Hbl, Zrn 0.1–2.2 Equigranular; corona around Px
33420 Granitic gneiss Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Hbl, Opaque, Ttn, Bt, Ap, Zrn 0.05-0.6 Equigranular
33410 Metarhyolite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Opaque, Ms, Bt, Ap, Zrn 0.02-0.2 Kfs phenocrysts 0.6-2 mm
Meluco complex
40760 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Hbl, Ttn, Aln, Chl, Opaque, Ap, Cal, Zrn Equigranular
Table continued
Sample Lithology Minerals (by decreasing abundance) Grainsize (mm) Comment
Marrupa complex
26892 Syenitic gneiss Kfs, Cpx, Pl, Ap, Opaque, Ttn, Amp, Zrn 0.2-4 Equigranular; Aggregates of Cpx 1 cm
26802 Granitic gneiss Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Ttn, Aln, Ap, Zrn 0.1-4 A few Kfs, Pl megacrysts 1 cm
33509 Quartz mangerite Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Hbl, Opx, Cpx, Opaque, Ap, Bt, Zrn 0.2-8 Pl megacrysts 1 cm
26859 Granitic gneiss Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Hbl, Bt, Ttn, Opaque, Aln, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Equigranular, a few Kfs megacrysts
33205 Granite Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Hbl, Ap, Zrn 0.2-10 Equigranular
33406 Leucosome Qtz,Kfs, Pl, Bt, Grt, Ms, Ap, Zrn 0.1-3 Qtz megacrysts 10 mm
33503 Granitic gneiss Mesoperthite, Qtz, Bt, Hbl, Opaque, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.1-1.5 Equigranular
33498 Leucogneiss Mesoperthite, Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Zrn 0.2-5 Slightly inequigranular
33405 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Bt, Hbl, Ttn, Opaque, Aln, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Kfs megacrysts 5 mm
33253 Granitic gneiss Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Ttn, Ap, Aln, Zrn 0.1-3 Opaque phenoblasts 2 mm
34284 Granitic gneiss Pl, Qtz, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Ttn, Ap, Aln(?), Zrn 0.1-3 Equigranular
33206 Granitic gneiss Pl, Qtz, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Aln, Zrn 0.1-3 Equigranular
Unango complex
31225 Granite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Opaque, Ms, Fluorite, Ap, Zrn 0.1-4 Equigranular
40416 Quartz mangerite Pl, Opx, Amp, Kfs, Qtz, Cpx, Opaque, Ap, Bt, Zrn 0.1-2.5 Mesoperthitic feldspar phenocrysts >6 mm
31260 Granite Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Hbl, Ttn, Ap, Zrn 0.2-10 Pl phenocrysts 10 mm
33499 Granite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Hbl, Opaque, Ap, Aln, Zrn 0.2-5 Equigranular
33586 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Opaque, Bt, Ms, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Qtz megacrysts 5 mm
33598 Amphibolite Amp, Pl, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Equigranular
31997 Syenitic gneiss Mesoperthite, Pl, Bt, Carbonate, Scapolite, Ms, Zrn 0.05-6 Heterogranular; Feldspar phenocrysts; granulation
33572 Banded granulite, felsic Pl, Qtz, Hbl, Bt, Opx, Opaque, Grt, Ap, Zrn 0.1-3 Equigranular
31965 Granitic gneiss Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Bt, Ms, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Heterogranular; granulation
31259 Dolerite Pl, Bt, Opaque, Chl, Ep, Ap, Zrn 0.05-3 Pl phenocrysts 3 mm
22782 Charnockite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Hbl, Opaque, Bt, Opx(?), Grt, Ap, Zrn 0.1-4 Kfs phenocrysts 2 cm
33507 Quartz Mangerite Mesoperthite, Qtz, Hbl, Bt, Opaque, Zrn 0.1-8 Feldspar megacrysts 1 cm
31225 Granitic mylonite Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Bt, Ms, Opaque, Zrn 0.02–0.1 Kfs, Pl phenoclasts 2 mm; automorphic opaque phenoblasts
31863 Leucogneiss Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Opaque, Bt, Ms, Aln, Ap, Zrn 0.1-10 Cm-scale layering; Qtz proto-ribbons
31229 Granitic gneiss Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Amp, Bt, Ttn, Cal, Ap, Aln, Zrn 0.1-1.5 A few Kfs megacrysts > 5 mm
31870 Granodiorite Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Bt, Hbl, Opaque, Ttn, Ap, Ep, Zrn 0.1-1 Kfs phenocrysts 5-10 mm
31261 Banded granulite Pl, Qtz, Kfs, Bt, Amp, Opx, Grt, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Cm-scale banding
31971 Leucogranite Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Ep, Bt, Ttn, Aln, Ap, Zrn 0.05-6 Heterogranular; Kfs megacrysts 1 cm; granulation
40403 Quartz monzonite Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Hbl, Bt, Cpx, Opaque, Grt, Ap, Zrn 0.1-2 Rounded Kfs phenocrysts 6 mm; proto-rapakivi texture
22780 Metapelitic gneiss Qtz, Pl, Grt, Sil, Kfs, Bt, Opaque, Crd(?), Rt, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.1-1.2 Qtz up to 5 mm; Grt+Sil aggregates
33512 Banded granulite Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Bt, Opx, Cpx, Grt, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.1-2.5 Equigranular; Grt phenoblasts in outcrop
Table continued
Sample Lithology Minerals (by decreasing abundance) Grainsize Comment
Nampula complex
33570 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Pl, Qtz, Bt, Ttn, Opaque, Aln, Ap 0.1-2.5 Equigranular
40710 Granitic gneiss Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Aln, Zrn 0.1-1.0 Kfs phenocrysts 5 mm
33373 Phenocryst granite Kfs, Pl, Bt, Qtz, Hbl, Opaque, Ap, Ms, Zrn 0.1-2 Kfs megacrysts 1.5 cm
673GJ6 Granodioritic gneiss
673GJ8 Tonalitic gneiss
40781 Granitic gneiss Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Hbl, Grt, Opaque, Ap, Zrn 0.1-3 Heterogranular; granulation
672GJ3 Granitic gneiss
33296 Augen gneiss Pl, Kfs, Qtz, Bt, Grt, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.2-2 Kfs megacrysts 5 cm
587GJ3 Tonalitic gneiss
33568 Augen gneiss Pl, Hbl, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Ap, Carbonate, Zrn 0.2-10 Pl phenocrysts
618GJ7 Leucogneiss
33564 Leucogneiss Pl, Qtz, Bt, Opaque, Ms, Zrn 0.1-5 Equigranular
586GC1 Granodioritic gneiss
Ponta Messuli complex
31779 Granite Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt, Opaque, Ep, Ms, Ap, Aln, Ttn(?), Zrn 0.1-3 Equigranular
31874 Metapelitic gneiss Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Crd, Grt, Sil, Opaque, Bt, Spinel, Ap, Zrn, Mnz 0.05-3 Grt phenoblasts 6 mm; Qtz-free Crd+Grt+Sil+Spinel aggregates
Field id Sample Lithology E N Zo Sheet
Table 12: Location of samples dated with the U-Pb method
Field id Sample Lithology E N Zo Sheet Marrupa complex
RT582 26892 Syenitic gneiss 291146 8381529 37 Malema
Alto Benfica group BB075 26802 Granitic gneiss 407616 8416103 37 Ribaue
EGC31-32 EGC31 Metaconglomerate 215381 8159496 37 Mocuba RK45 33509 Quartz mangerite 277501 8359213 37 Cuamba
Txitonga group JJ671 26859 Granitic gneiss 387949 8404885 37 Malema
JS139 31818 Granite porphyry 732056 8705434 36 Lupilichi JS158 33205 Granite 353422 8635806 37 Mecula
Ocua complex AS0405 33406 Leucosome 358388 8514739 37 Marrupa
BB062 33312 Boudin-neck pegmatite 608733 8506279 37 Mecufi PND103 33503 Granitic gneiss 250690 8404299 37 Cuamba
RT515 26878 Leucogneiss 420123 8394372 37 Ribaue PND31 33498 Leucogneiss 283087 8435408 37 Cuamba
BB054 33304 Syenitic gneiss 608375 8511931 37 Mecufi AS0404 33405 Granitic gneiss 326441 8518115 37 Marrupa
BB102 26811 Granitic gneiss 370941 8387034 37 Malema BB003 33253 Granitic gneiss 308221 8523726 37 Marrupa
BB055 33305 Paragneiss 608605 8508344 37 Mecufi ON0421 34284 Granitic gneiss 272608 8508010 37 Majune
BB048 33298 Felsic granulite 596463 8510768 37 Montepuez JS159 33206 Granitic gneiss 353958 8637452 37 Mecula
BB099 26810 Paragneiss 486474 8437474 37 Ribaue Unango complex
BB060 33310 Banded gneiss, felsic 608733 8506279 37 Mecufi JS71 31225 Granite 763225 8462871 36 Lichinga
Mugeba complex WB295 40416 Quartz mangerite 219462 8288506 37 Gurue
674GT1 Granulite 326289 8142531 37 RK76 31260 Granite 768529 8482664 36 Lichinga
674GT2 Granulite 326289 8142531 37 PND40 33499 Granite 235093 8348165 37 Cuamba
M'Sawize complex JJ199 33586 Granitic gneiss 250368 8303631 37 Gurue
RK117 31978 Tonalitic gneiss 248255 8588574 37 Mavago JJ143 33598 Amphibolite 748853 8187242 36 Milange
Lalamo complex RK11471 31997 Syenitic gneiss 733103 8625759 36 Macaloge
JS304 40667 Granodioritic gneiss 562796 8647918 37 Meluco JJ126 33572 Banded granulite, felsic 762319 8191354 36 Milange
Xixano complex RK92 31965 Granitic gneiss 690892 8573736 36 Metangula
BB016 33266 Foliated granite 415746 8508958 37 Namuno RK74 31259 Dolerite 771129 8481688 36 Lichinga
BB024 33274 Banded granulite 443739 8539932 37 Namuno ET0410 22782 Charnockite 190728 8508496 37 Majune
BB056 33306 Phenocryst granite 485350 8515258 37 Namuno RK20 33507 Quartz Mangerite 206404 8370252 37 Cuamba
JS245 36053 Enderbite 485127 8641812 37 Xixano IH65 31225 Granitic mylonite 776146 8650372 36 Macaloge
AS0421 33420 Granitic gneiss 476043 8528294 37 Namuno M3 31863 Leucogneiss 698895 8594032 36 Metangula
AS0409 33410 Metarhyolite 459178 8514153 37 Namuno RS2 31229 Granitic gneiss 793775 8526498 36 Lichinga
AS0314 31870 Granodiorite 799550 8573390 36 Macaloge
Meluco complex RK78 31261 Banded granulite 774403 8486350 36 Lichinga
TBM139 40760 Granitic gneiss 611174 8600264 37 Quissinga-P RK106 31971 Leucogranite 771225 8645666 36 Macaloge
ET03168 40403 Quartz monzonite 195768 8559142 37 Majune
ET04106 22780 Metapelitic gneiss 765588 8469748 36 Lichinga
RK292 33512 Banded granulite 231564 8361419 37 Cuamba
Table continued
Field Nb Sample Lithology E N Zo Sheet

Nampula complex
JJ238 33570 Granitic gneiss 266082 8299521 37 Gurue
JS347 40710 Granitic gneiss 615974 8499940 37 Mecufi
TBM107 33373 Phenocryst granite 571948 8452202 37 Montepuez

673GJ6 Granodioritic gneiss

673GJ8 Tonalitic gneiss 288462 8131579 37
TBM159 40781 Granitic gneiss 650625 8490698 37 Mecufi
672GJ3 Granitic gneiss 282019 8133450 37 Mocuba
BB046 33296 Augen gneiss 548691 8461294 37 Montepuez
587GJ3 Tonalitic gneiss 421639 8219065 37
JJ110 33568 Augen gneiss 791982 8134840 36 Milange
618GJ7 Leucogneiss 372846 8190378 37
RT34 33564 Leucogneiss 817073 8210972 36 Milange
586GC1 Granodioritic gneiss 396647 8227136 37
Ponta Messuli complex
JS82 31779 Granite 691660 8657448 36 Metangula
AS0319 31874 Metapelitic gneiss 714350 8718577 36 Ponta Messuli

Table 13: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb data, Alto Benfica Group.

238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb

Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
EGC31-32. Metaconglomerate. Alto Benfica Gp
31-7.1 r 72 12 0.64 12.90 2.0 .0590 1.9 0.57 7.4 .0770 2.0 .27 480 9 364 161 -24
31-8.1 r 82 13 0.36 12.58 2.0 .0595 2.3 0.62 3.6 .0792 2.0 .55 492 10 476 67 -3
31-10.1 r 779 166 -0.02 12.52 1.8 .0566 0.7 0.63 2.0 .0799 1.8 .88 496 9 483 22 -2
32-7.1 r 54 6 -0.88 12.53 2.1 .0578 2.2 0.72 5.7 .0805 2.1 .36 494 10 771 112 54
31-9.1 c 211 81 -0.13 9.81 1.8 .0602 1.1 0.86 2.4 .1020 1.8 .78 626 11 650 32 4
32-11.1 c 135 55 0.04 7.39 1.9 .0715 1.1 1.33 2.5 .1353 1.9 .77 814 15 961 32 17
31-35.1 c 133 43 0.10 6.82 1.9 .0759 0.9 1.52 2.1 .1465 1.9 .88 875 16 1070 20 21
31-15.1 c 112 50 -0.20 6.05 1.9 .0732 1.1 1.71 2.4 .1657 1.9 .79 985 18 1064 30 8
31-33.1 c 254 82 -0.04 5.99 2.0 .0748 0.7 1.73 2.1 .1670 2.0 .94 992 19 1070 14 8
31-16.1 c 172 62 -0.02 5.96 2.0 .0736 0.9 1.71 2.2 .1678 2.0 .90 998 19 1037 19 4
32-3.1 c 47 49 0.07 5.70 2.1 .0720 1.6 1.73 3.1 .1754 2.1 .67 1045 21 969 46 -7
31-12.1 c 450 330 -0.03 5.85 1.8 .0731 0.5 1.73 1.9 .1710 1.8 .95 1017 18 1024 12 1
32-6.1 c 94 47 0.11 5.65 2.3 .0754 1.1 1.82 2.8 .1768 2.3 .83 1049 23 1055 31 1
31-8.2 c 234 72 -0.07 5.34 2.0 .0745 1.0 1.94 2.3 .1872 2.0 .89 1108 22 1071 20 -3
31-22.1 c 259 71 -0.01 5.39 2.1 .0750 1.2 1.92 2.4 .1856 2.1 .87 1099 22 1072 24 -2
31-28.1 c 251 177 -0.07 5.78 1.8 .0747 0.7 1.80 2.0 .1733 1.8 .92 1028 18 1077 15 5
31-29.1 c 138 80 0.03 5.45 1.8 .0759 0.8 1.91 2.1 .1836 1.8 .89 1086 19 1086 19 0
31-34.1 c 356 277 -0.02 5.68 1.8 .0757 0.9 1.84 2.0 .1760 1.8 .90 1043 18 1091 18 4
32-7.2 c 140 72 -0.01 5.40 1.9 .0759 0.9 1.94 2.1 .1850 1.9 .90 1094 20 1095 18 0
32-17.1 c 241 94 -0.01 5.38 1.9 .0760 0.6 1.95 2.0 .1858 1.9 .95 1099 20 1097 12 0
32-13.1 c 541 200 0.02 5.36 2.0 .0766 0.4 1.96 2.0 .1865 2.0 .97 1102 21 1106 10 0
32-10.1 c 165 74 -0.04 5.28 1.9 .0763 1.0 2.01 2.2 .1896 1.9 .85 1120 20 1113 22 -1
31-5.1 c 141 128 -0.03 5.35 1.9 .0766 0.9 1.98 2.1 .1871 1.9 .90 1105 20 1118 18 1
31-25.1 c 266 38 0.05 5.21 2.0 .0780 0.6 2.05 2.2 .1918 2.0 .92 1131 22 1136 17 0
32-2.1 c 280 107 0.07 5.00 2.3 .0786 0.5 2.15 2.4 .1999 2.3 .96 1176 26 1145 14 -3
31-36.1 c 90 31 0.04 5.23 2.1 .0785 1.2 2.06 2.6 .1911 2.1 .81 1126 23 1152 30 2
31-4.1 c 320 215 0.02 5.22 1.8 .0788 0.6 2.07 1.9 .1914 1.8 .93 1127 20 1161 14 3
31-11.1 c 401 805 0.02 5.34 1.8 .0788 0.6 2.03 1.9 .1871 1.8 .95 1103 19 1163 11 5
31-19.1 c 326 267 0.03 4.84 1.8 .0792 0.5 2.25 1.9 .2067 1.8 .96 1214 21 1171 10 -3
32-21.1 c 363 287 -0.01 5.33 1.9 .0792 0.6 2.05 2.0 .1876 1.9 .95 1105 21 1180 12 6
31-30.1 c 163 91 -0.02 4.80 1.8 .0795 0.7 2.29 2.0 .2083 1.8 .93 1221 21 1190 14 -2
31-17.1 c 125 33 0.06 4.71 1.9 .0812 0.9 2.36 2.1 .2122 1.9 .88 1242 22 1212 19 -2
32-14.1 c 24 41 -0.08 4.58 2.8 .0802 1.7 2.44 3.3 .2183 2.8 .84 1276 34 1219 35 -4
31-13.1 c 198 83 0.13 4.91 1.8 .0823 0.7 2.28 2.0 .2035 1.8 .89 1192 21 1225 18 3
31-2.1 c 376 180 -0.06 5.14 1.9 .0810 0.6 2.19 2.0 .1948 1.9 .94 1143 21 1233 13 7
32-12.1 c 174 48 0.02 4.71 1.8 .0818 0.7 2.39 2.0 .2124 1.8 .92 1242 22 1237 16 0
31-20.1 c 291 116 0.03 4.73 1.8 .0819 0.5 2.38 1.9 .2113 1.8 .95 1236 21 1238 11 0
32-9.1 c 87 83 -0.29 4.92 2.1 .0793 1.5 2.30 2.9 .2040 2.1 .73 1194 25 1239 39 3
32-1.1 c 338 369 -0.08 4.93 1.9 .0817 0.5 2.31 2.0 .2031 1.9 .96 1188 22 1254 11 5
32-15.1 c 131 86 -0.06 4.59 1.8 .0820 0.7 2.48 2.0 .2181 1.8 .91 1273 23 1259 17 -1
32-16.1 c 220 110 0.04 4.59 1.8 .0836 0.7 2.50 1.9 .2176 1.8 .93 1269 22 1275 13 0
1: analysis identifier
2: r: rim, c: core
3: proportion of total 206Pb made of common 206Pb
4: ratios uncorrected for common Pb
5: ratios corrected for common Pb using 204Pb method
6: Correlation of errors
7: Age corrected for common Pb with the 207Pb method
8: Age corrected for common Pb with the 204Pb method
9: Discordance of the analysis

Table continued
238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
EGC31-32. Metaconglomerate. Alto Benfica Gp
32-20.1 c 74 28 -0.23 4.80 2.0 .0817 1.1 2.41 2.9 .2090 2.0 .69 1220 23 1285 41 5
31-32.1 c 132 112 0.02 4.36 1.8 .0845 0.7 2.66 2.0 .2292 1.8 .91 1332 24 1300 16 -2
31-1.1 c 473 226 -0.03 4.60 1.9 .0853 1.5 2.57 2.4 .2176 1.9 .80 1266 24 1327 28 5
31-24.1 c 389 274 0.01 4.42 1.8 .0862 0.4 2.68 1.8 .2260 1.8 .97 1312 23 1341 8 2
31-21.1 c 449 192 -0.05 5.05 2.0 .0866 0.4 2.37 2.0 .1979 2.0 .98 1153 22 1360 8 17
31-6.1 c 130 66 0.03 4.21 2.0 .0883 0.8 2.88 2.2 .2373 2.0 .91 1372 27 1382 18 1
32-4.1 c 209 111 -0.08 4.29 1.8 .1010 0.6 3.27 2.0 .2335 1.8 .93 1330 23 1655 14 22
32-18.1 c 111 65 0.00 3.41 1.9 .1021 0.7 4.13 2.0 .2933 1.9 .93 1657 30 1663 14 0
32-22.1 c 88 76 0.02 3.61 1.9 .1063 0.8 4.05 2.1 .2771 1.9 .90 1562 29 1733 17 10
31-26.1 c 72 63 -0.06 3.28 1.9 .1066 0.8 4.51 2.1 .3053 1.9 .90 1714 32 1752 16 2
31-14.1 c 148 98 -0.01 3.89 1.9 .1110 0.7 3.94 2.0 .2573 1.9 .94 1445 27 1818 13 23
31-23.1 c 229 150 0.02 3.23 1.8 .1146 0.9 4.89 2.0 .3099 1.8 .90 1725 30 1871 16 8
32-5.1 c 141 79 -0.12 3.31 1.8 .1151 0.6 4.84 2.0 .3025 1.8 .94 1681 30 1897 12 11
32-8.1 c 101 79 0.07 3.01 1.9 .1202 0.7 5.48 2.0 .3322 1.9 .93 1836 34 1951 13 5
31-27.1 c 190 117 0.01 2.84 2.0 .1264 0.7 6.12 2.1 .3515 2.0 .94 1926 38 2047 12 5
31-31.1 c 337 104 0.02 2.27 1.8 .2129 0.5 12.89 1.9 .4395 1.8 .96 2179 45 2926 9 25
31-3.1 c 141 32 0.00 1.89 2.1 .2307 1.4 16.81 2.5 .5285 2.1 .83 2594 64 3057 22 12
31-18.1 c 395 163 0.01 1.76 1.8 .2715 0.3 21.22 1.8 .5668 1.8 .99 2660 63 3315 4 15

Table 14: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb data, Unango and Nampula Complexes. The sample are
presented in stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb

Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
#40416. WB295. Charnockite. Unango Complex
8.1 x 79 26 0.20 14.83 1.2 .0533 2.0 0.48 4.0 .0673 1.2 .31 422 5 270 87 -36
6.1 x 26 22 -1.69 13.02 3.5 .0580 4.0 0.77 12.2 .0781 3.6 .30 476 16 972 238 100
4.1 45 39 0.26 12.38 1.5 .0568 2.4 0.61 9.1 .0806 1.6 .18 501 7 399 200 -20
17.1 26 25 -1.28 12.30 1.7 .0590 2.9 0.79 11.7 .0823 1.9 .17 503 8 906 237 78
11.1 38 34 0.17 12.23 1.5 .0608 2.5 0.67 5.4 .0816 1.6 .29 505 8 585 113 16
1.1 28 16 -0.23 12.26 1.4 .0585 3.0 0.68 5.7 .0817 1.5 .26 505 7 616 120 22
13.1 101 85 0.14 12.19 1.1 .0595 1.4 0.66 2.8 .0820 1.1 .39 507 5 544 56 7
9.1 24 23 0.03 12.16 1.8 .0579 3.1 0.65 7.9 .0822 1.8 .23 509 9 518 168 2
7.1 28 13 -0.77 12.08 1.7 .0623 2.9 0.79 6.9 .0834 1.7 .25 510 8 884 138 71
18.1 37 17 0.28 12.11 1.5 .0583 2.4 0.64 4.8 .0824 1.5 .31 511 7 452 101 -11
8.1 20 18 1.14 12.09 1.9 .0590 3.4 0.56 13.3 .0818 2.0 .15 512 10 178 307 -65
14.1 56 46 -0.19 12.05 1.3 .0580 2.0 0.68 3.1 .0832 1.3 .41 514 6 587 62 14
3.1 33 21 -1.06 12.04 1.6 .0583 2.7 0.77 8.3 .0840 1.7 .21 514 8 833 170 60
12.1 90 67 0.17 11.96 1.1 .0577 1.5 0.65 2.6 .0835 1.1 .43 518 6 464 52 -10
15.1 24 10 0.64 11.92 1.7 .0578 3.1 0.60 12.7 .0833 1.8 .15 519 9 307 286 -41
10.1 35 20 -0.62 11.89 1.5 .0574 2.6 0.73 5.6 .0846 1.6 .29 521 8 688 114 31
16.1 30 25 -0.89 11.83 1.6 .0579 2.7 0.76 6.0 .0853 1.6 .27 523 8 775 122 47
2.1 31 30 0.46 11.67 2.5 .0608 2.7 0.67 9.8 .0853 2.6 .27 528 13 490 208 -7

#33586. JJ199. Granitic gneiss. Unango complex

1.1 303 264 -0.12 12.31 1.8 .0579 1.0 0.66 2.2 .0813 1.8 .82 503 9 566 27 12
3.1 194 177 -0.27 12.29 2.0 .0594 1.2 0.69 3.1 .0816 2.0 .65 503 10 662 50 31
12.1 174 134 -0.25 12.27 2.1 .0578 1.3 0.67 3.0 .0817 2.1 .70 505 10 595 47 18
8.1 71 42 -0.39 12.22 2.2 .0583 1.9 0.70 3.9 .0822 2.2 .56 506 11 654 68 29
9.1 134 96 -0.04 12.09 2.0 .0576 1.4 0.66 2.5 .0827 2.0 .82 512 10 527 31 3
7.1 120 77 0.15 12.00 1.9 .0592 1.7 0.67 3.2 .0832 1.9 .59 515 10 529 57 3
11.1 197 184 -0.02 12.00 1.8 .0576 1.2 0.66 2.2 .0834 1.8 .85 516 9 523 26 1
4.1 193 120 -0.36 11.96 1.8 .0585 1.1 0.71 2.7 .0839 1.8 .68 517 9 655 43 26
6.1 79 39 -0.83 11.86 2.0 .0581 1.8 0.76 4.5 .0851 2.0 .44 522 10 768 86 46
2.1 188 120 -0.12 11.84 1.9 .0594 1.3 0.70 2.4 .0846 1.9 .76 522 10 616 34 18
5.1 321 244 -0.01 11.83 1.8 .0582 0.9 0.68 2.0 .0845 1.8 .90 523 9 540 19 3
13.1 254 262 -0.21 11.69 1.8 .0586 1.0 0.71 2.4 .0857 1.8 .75 529 9 614 35 16
10.1 100 68 -0.28 11.66 1.9 .0572 1.6 0.71 3.3 .0860 1.9 .58 531 10 587 59 10
1: analysis identifier, x: not selected for age calculation
2: r: rim, c: core
3: proportion of total 206Pb made of common 206Pb
4: ratios uncorrected for common Pb
5: ratios corrected for common Pb using 204Pb method
6: Correlation of errors
7: Age corrected for common Pb with the 207Pb method
8: Age corrected for common Pb with the 204Pb method
9: Discordance of the analysis

Table continued
238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
#33598. JJ143. Amphibolite. Unango Complex
1.2 x 180 43 -0.09 12.16 1.9 .0584 1.9 0.67 2.8 .0823 1.9 .67 509 9 572 46 12
6.1 297 27 -0.03 11.86 1.9 .0583 1.1 0.68 2.2 .0843 1.9 .87 521 10 549 23 5
5.1 151 9 0.38 11.75 1.9 .0590 1.4 0.65 3.6 .0848 1.9 .53 526 10 451 68 -14
3.1 213 19 0.05 11.56 1.8 .0589 1.1 0.70 3.3 .0865 1.8 .56 535 10 547 60 2
20.1 117 2 -0.06 11.53 1.1 .0588 1.5 0.71 2.1 .0868 1.1 .53 536 6 579 38 8
19.2 173 11 0.06 11.50 1.0 .0580 1.2 0.69 1.8 .0869 1.0 .55 538 5 512 33 -5
1.1 192 4 -0.24 11.41 1.9 .0591 1.3 0.74 2.3 .0878 1.9 .81 541 10 639 29 18
2.1 206 10 -0.20 11.39 2.0 .0596 1.2 0.74 2.8 .0880 2.0 .72 542 11 647 41 19
13.1 236 19 -0.03 11.36 1.8 .0590 1.0 0.72 2.1 .0881 1.8 .87 543 10 579 23 6
20.2 178 2 -0.12 11.32 1.0 .0604 1.1 0.75 2.0 .0884 1.0 .49 544 5 650 37 19
4.1 303 14 0.01 11.30 1.8 .0586 0.9 0.71 2.2 .0885 1.8 .82 546 10 549 27 1
10.1 183 10 -0.03 11.25 1.8 .0604 1.1 0.74 2.2 .0889 1.8 .83 548 10 628 26 14
9.1 233 20 0.00 11.25 1.8 .0586 1.0 0.72 2.1 .0889 1.8 .88 549 10 553 21 1
16.2 298 30 0.08 11.25 1.9 .0580 0.9 0.70 2.2 .0888 1.9 .86 549 10 505 24 -8
12.1 343 27 0.01 11.23 1.8 .0587 0.8 0.72 2.1 .0890 1.8 .86 550 10 553 23 1
16.1 529 109 0.01 11.18 1.8 .0590 1.2 0.73 2.3 .0895 1.8 .80 552 10 567 29 3
17.1 159 17 -0.29 11.14 1.9 .0595 1.2 0.77 2.7 .0900 1.9 .68 554 10 667 43 20
19.1 6 1 -0.71 11.10 3.3 .0617 7.7 0.84 8.8 .0907 3.3 .37 554 18 841 169 50
18.1 182 50 0.04 11.10 1.8 .0588 1.3 0.73 2.4 .0901 1.8 .77 556 10 545 33 -2
7.1 163 3 -0.29 11.03 2.0 .0580 1.3 0.76 2.8 .0909 2.0 .70 560 11 618 43 10
14.1 278 8 0.09 10.97 1.8 .0605 0.9 0.75 2.2 .0911 1.8 .83 562 10 595 26 6
15.1 110 18 0.36 10.96 1.9 .0575 1.5 0.68 3.4 .0909 1.9 .56 564 11 396 63 -29
8.1 182 7 -0.06 10.93 1.9 .0598 1.3 0.76 2.3 .0916 1.9 .79 564 10 614 31 9
21.1 c 1871 574 0.13 8.03 0.8 .0690 0.3 1.17 0.9 .1244 0.8 .88 752 6 870 9 15

#33572. JJ126. Banded felsic granulite. Unango complex

8.1 x r 11 3 2.47 11.96 2.8 .0570 4.5 0.41 49.9 .0814 3.6 .07 518 14 -598 1348 -219
12.1 r 3 0 -5.24 11.42 5.2 .0650 11.0 1.34 27.5 .0924 6.4 .23 537 28 1721 492 202
4.1 r 32 0 -0.35 11.02 2.2 .0575 2.6 0.76 6.3 .0911 2.2 .35 561 12 616 128 10
9.1 r 34 0 -1.42 10.92 2.2 .0618 2.5 0.94 3.7 .0930 2.2 .58 563 12 1018 60 78
11.1 r 58 1 0.15 10.87 2.4 .0591 2.1 0.73 5.3 .0918 2.4 .45 567 13 524 103 -7
3.1 r 17 0 -3.45 10.85 2.6 .0552 3.9 1.09 13.0 .0955 2.9 .22 571 14 1260 246 114
10.1 r 31 0 -1.27 10.78 2.3 .0576 3.0 0.88 7.4 .0940 2.4 .32 573 13 866 146 49
5.1 r 16 0 0.39 10.66 2.6 .0648 3.8 0.79 8.5 .0935 2.7 .31 574 15 661 173 15
2.1 r 6 0 1.44 10.66 3.5 .0602 6.4 0.61 34.8 .0924 4.1 .12 578 20 113 814 -80
7.1 r 2 0 -14.22 10.74 6.1 .0498 16.0 2.26 35.7 .1071 9.5 .27 580 35 2383 589 262
6.1 r 4 0 -3.56 10.49 3.9 .0600 7.2 1.20 23.7 .0989 4.7 .20 587 23 1384 447 128
1.1 r 5 0 2.14 10.46 5.8 .0580 6.5 0.52 72.9 .0935 6.8 .09 590 33 -345 1866 -160
14.1 c 218 98 -0.02 7.46 1.8 .0700 0.8 1.30 2.0 .1341 1.8 .91 807 14 933 17 15
13.1 c 154 53 0.12 7.43 2.1 .0713 1.4 1.30 2.8 .1344 2.1 .77 809 17 938 36 15
18.1 c 113 44 0.10 7.34 2.1 .0715 1.1 1.33 2.6 .1361 2.1 .80 819 16 948 32 15
16.1 c 214 92 0.06 7.20 1.8 .0711 0.9 1.35 2.1 .1387 1.8 .86 834 15 945 22 13
15.1 c 221 64 -0.07 7.14 2.3 .0726 0.9 1.41 2.6 .1402 2.3 .92 840 19 1018 21 20
19.1 c 242 107 0.06 7.01 1.8 .0731 0.7 1.43 2.0 .1426 1.8 .90 855 15 1003 18 17
17.1 c 782 499 0.01 5.63 1.8 .0759 0.3 1.86 1.9 .1774 1.8 .98 1051 19 1092 7 4

Table 15: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb data, Nampula Complex. The sample are presented in
stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb

Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
#33570. JJ238. Granitic gneiss. Nampula complex
11.1 x 189 240 0.12 12.97 1.1 .0588 1.2 0.61 2.1 .0770 1.1 .51 478 5 525 39 10
10.1 x 277 75 0.08 12.75 0.9 .0574 0.9 0.61 1.6 .0784 0.9 .57 486 4 484 29 -1
1.1 144 179 -0.18 12.43 1.1 .0571 1.4 0.65 2.1 .0806 1.1 .51 499 5 551 40 10
14.1 199 230 0.17 12.40 1.0 .0577 1.2 0.62 2.1 .0805 1.0 .51 500 5 464 39 -7
12.1 319 104 -0.11 12.29 0.9 .0563 0.9 0.64 1.6 .0814 0.9 .57 505 5 499 29 -1
16.1 274 214 0.10 12.27 1.0 .0569 1.0 0.63 1.9 .0814 1.0 .52 505 5 456 37 -10
9.1 275 115 0.01 12.27 1.0 .0564 1.0 0.63 1.5 .0815 1.0 .67 506 5 464 25 -8
13.1 412 1293 -0.02 12.25 0.9 .0574 0.8 0.65 1.2 .0817 0.9 .75 506 5 514 18 2
4.1 270 172 -0.01 12.21 1.0 .0578 1.0 0.65 1.4 .0819 1.0 .70 507 5 524 22 3
2.1 298 99 0.19 12.16 1.0 .0575 1.0 0.63 1.8 .0821 1.0 .53 510 5 450 35 -11
3.1 311 97 0.16 12.14 1.0 .0577 0.9 0.64 2.0 .0822 1.0 .49 510 5 470 39 -8
7.1 230 84 0.12 12.14 1.0 .0566 1.1 0.63 1.8 .0823 1.0 .58 511 5 435 32 -15
15.1 243 379 0.20 12.08 1.0 .0594 1.1 0.66 2.2 .0826 1.0 .47 512 5 522 43 2
8.1 263 736 0.10 12.10 1.0 .0572 1.0 0.64 1.9 .0826 1.0 .55 512 5 469 34 -8
6.1 269 182 0.23 12.07 1.0 .0577 1.0 0.64 2.1 .0827 1.0 .48 513 5 446 41 -13
5.1 262 674 -0.07 11.98 1.0 .0579 1.1 0.67 1.5 .0835 1.0 .66 517 5 546 25 6
#33568. JJ110. Augen gneiss. Nampula complex
22.1 458 538 -0.02 12.88 0.9 .0570 0.8 0.61 1.2 .0777 0.9 .76 482 4 498 17 3
19.1 505 513 0.01 12.66 0.9 .0578 0.7 0.63 1.2 .0790 0.9 .75 489 4 518 17 6
20.1 124 98 0.01 12.56 1.1 .0568 1.4 0.62 2.9 .0796 1.1 .37 494 5 484 59 -2
17.1 395 256 -0.02 12.34 0.9 .0576 0.8 0.65 1.3 .0810 0.9 .72 502 4 519 19 3
21.1 878 280 -0.01 6.84 0.9 .0721 0.4 1.45 1.0 .1461 0.9 .90 875 7 991 8 13
12.1 210 93 -0.04 6.15 0.9 .0742 0.7 1.67 1.2 .1626 0.9 .79 968 9 1057 15 9
10.1 1001 381 0.00 6.00 0.8 .0734 0.4 1.68 0.9 .1666 0.8 .91 992 8 1024 7 3
14.1 220 125 -0.03 5.98 0.9 .0747 0.6 1.73 1.1 .1671 0.9 .81 993 9 1066 13 7
15.1 187 104 0.03 5.96 0.9 .0738 0.8 1.70 1.3 .1677 0.9 .71 998 9 1030 18 3
18.1 143 66 -0.02 5.84 1.0 .0756 0.9 1.79 1.4 .1713 1.0 .74 1017 10 1088 18 7
16.1 154 80 -0.01 5.74 1.0 .0755 0.8 1.82 1.3 .1744 1.0 .78 1034 10 1084 16 5
5.1 535 206 0.01 5.64 0.9 .0751 0.4 1.83 1.0 .1773 0.9 .87 1051 9 1067 10 1
11.1 370 213 -0.01 5.52 0.9 .0770 0.5 1.93 1.0 .1811 0.9 .85 1070 9 1124 11 5
1.1 199 130 0.02 5.46 1.0 .0751 0.7 1.89 1.3 .1832 1.0 .79 1085 10 1067 16 -2
4.1 298 152 0.02 5.45 1.0 .0751 0.6 1.89 1.2 .1833 1.0 .83 1086 10 1066 13 -2
20.2 227 103 0.08 5.44 1.6 .0754 1.3 1.89 2.2 .1837 1.6 .76 1088 17 1060 28 -2
13.1 308 219 -0.03 5.43 1.1 .0756 1.6 1.93 2.0 .1841 1.1 .54 1089 11 1090 33 0
8.1 x 304 179 0.02 5.42 1.0 .0788 1.5 2.00 1.8 .1846 1.0 .53 1089 10 1163 30 6
3.1 197 116 -0.09 5.42 1.0 .0755 0.7 1.94 1.3 .1847 1.0 .77 1092 11 1101 16 1
2.1 178 105 0.07 5.40 1.0 .0772 0.8 1.96 1.3 .1852 1.0 .79 1095 11 1113 16 2
9.1 558 307 0.00 5.37 0.9 .0756 0.6 1.94 1.1 .1862 0.9 .80 1101 9 1084 13 -2
21.2 227 133 -0.03 5.34 0.9 .0764 0.6 1.98 1.2 .1872 0.9 .76 1106 10 1112 16 1
1.2 563 298 -0.01 5.34 0.9 .0755 0.4 1.95 1.0 .1874 0.9 .88 1108 9 1085 9 -2
7.1 292 143 0.02 5.22 1.6 .0753 1.1 1.98 2.0 .1916 1.6 .83 1133 18 1072 23 -5
6.1 x 146 77 -0.08 5.20 1.0 .0772 0.7 2.07 1.3 .1925 1.0 .75 1134 10 1143 17 1
1: analysis identifier, x: not selected for age calculation
2: r: rim, c: core
3: proportion of total 206Pb made of common 206Pb
4: ratios uncorrected for common Pb
5: ratios corrected for common Pb using 204Pb method
6: Correlation of errors
7: Age corrected for common Pb with the 207Pb method
8: Age corrected for common Pb with the 204Pb method
9: Discordance of the analysis

Table continued
238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
#33564. RT34. Leucogneiss. Nampula complex
5.1 r 2712 76 0.04 11.91 0.8 .0577 0.4 0.66 1.0 .0840 0.8 .89 520 4 506 10 -3
15.1 r 2185 185 0.30 10.98 0.9 .0642 0.4 0.77 1.2 .0908 0.9 .73 558 5 665 17 19
12.1 r 3169 163 0.07 9.19 0.9 .0663 0.4 0.98 1.0 .1087 0.9 .91 662 6 797 9 20
4.1 r 2914 168 0.04 9.17 0.9 .0652 0.6 0.97 1.1 .1091 0.9 .82 665 6 768 14 15
9.1 r 1913 36 0.01 9.08 0.9 .0658 0.4 1.00 1.0 .1101 0.9 .92 671 6 795 8 18
19.1 r 2521 112 0.01 8.78 0.8 .0669 0.3 1.05 0.9 .1138 0.8 .93 692 6 834 7 20
18.1 r 3022 206 0.04 8.61 0.8 .0667 0.3 1.06 0.9 .1161 0.8 .93 705 6 816 7 15
16.1 r 2311 87 0.06 8.39 0.9 .0686 0.6 1.12 1.1 .1190 0.9 .80 721 6 872 14 20
13.1 r 2640 132 0.02 8.32 0.9 .0682 0.3 1.13 1.0 .1201 0.9 .93 728 6 870 8 19
3.2 r 2393 96 0.05 8.28 0.9 .0689 0.3 1.14 1.0 .1208 0.9 .92 731 6 884 8 20
1.2 r 1859 91 0.05 8.10 0.9 .0691 0.4 1.17 1.0 .1234 0.9 .91 746 7 889 9 19
14.1 r 1767 68 0.11 7.41 0.8 .0710 0.3 1.30 1.0 .1347 0.8 .88 811 7 930 9 14
7.1 r 2666 118 0.00 7.18 0.9 .0702 0.3 1.35 1.0 .1393 0.9 .93 838 7 936 7 11
6.2 r 3147 151 0.02 7.07 0.9 .0705 0.3 1.37 1.0 .1415 0.9 .94 850 8 937 7 10
17.1 r 2136 89 0.00 7.04 0.9 .0711 0.5 1.39 1.0 .1420 0.9 .86 852 7 961 11 12
1.1 c 234 114 0.40 6.82 1.0 .0733 1.1 1.41 2.7 .1461 1.0 .37 878 8 929 52 6
20.1 r 2058 62 0.01 6.64 0.8 .0719 0.4 1.49 0.9 .1507 0.8 .89 902 7 982 8 9
9.2 c 1872 747 0.02 6.56 0.9 .0733 0.3 1.54 1.0 .1524 0.9 .93 911 8 1018 7 11
8.1 c 806 233 0.00 6.14 0.9 .0748 0.6 1.68 1.1 .1628 0.9 .82 969 9 1064 13 9
10.1 r 2865 119 0.01 5.97 0.9 .0741 0.3 1.71 1.0 .1675 0.9 .93 997 9 1043 7 4
3.1 c 197 147 0.24 5.82 1.0 .0777 0.8 1.79 1.7 .1713 1.0 .62 1017 10 1086 26 7
2.1 c 692 401 -0.01 5.51 0.9 .0772 0.4 1.93 1.0 .1816 0.9 .91 1073 9 1127 8 5
12.2 c 1135 733 0.02 5.47 0.8 .0772 0.3 1.94 0.9 .1828 0.8 .92 1080 9 1124 7 4
6.1 c 506 179 0.01 5.45 0.9 .0770 0.6 1.95 1.1 .1836 0.9 .81 1085 9 1119 13 3
11.1 c 283 126 -0.02 5.29 1.0 .0769 0.6 2.01 1.1 .1891 1.0 .84 1116 10 1124 12 1
5.3 c 144 79 0.02 5.09 1.1 .0770 0.9 2.08 1.5 .1964 1.1 .77 1158 13 1117 18 -3

Table 16: HR-SIMS (Cameca 1270) zircon U-Pb data. The sample are presented in
stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb

Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9

#33305: Grt-Bt paragneiss, Ocua Complex

04a 534 18 0.19 11.66 1.3 0.0578 0.9 0.684 1.6 0.0858 1.3 0.82 531 7 522 20 1.8
07a 178 91 0.78 11.44 1.3 0.0580 2.4 0.699 2.8 0.0874 1.3 0.48 540 7 528 52 2.4
14a 376 38 0.61 11.43 1.3 0.0587 1.7 0.708 2.1 0.0875 1.3 0.62 540 7 556 36 -2.9
09a 230 16 0.61 11.43 1.3 0.0580 1.8 0.699 2.2 0.0875 1.3 0.59 540 7 530 39 2.1
10a 475 131 0.31 11.34 1.3 0.0573 1.1 0.697 1.7 0.0882 1.3 0.78 545 7 503 23 8.6
05a 378 19 0.39 11.29 1.3 0.0592 1.1 0.722 1.8 0.0886 1.3 0.76 547 7 573 25 -4.7
15a 433 116 0.49 11.26 1.3 0.0572 1.5 0.700 2.0 0.0888 1.3 0.67 549 7 498 32 10.6
06a 414 9 0.4 11.17 1.4 0.0577 1.3 0.712 1.9 0.0895 1.4 0.73 553 7 519 28 6.7
03a 216 108 0.45 11.12 1.3 0.0595 1.5 0.737 2.0 0.0899 1.3 0.66 555 7 585 32 -5.4
01a 441 133 0.28 11.01 1.3 0.0580 1.0 0.727 1.7 0.0909 1.3 0.79 561 7 530 22 6.0
11a 592 14 0.23 10.77 1.3 0.0592 0.9 0.758 1.6 0.0928 1.3 0.83 572 7 576 19 -0.7
13a 610 36 0.36 10.55 1.3 0.0592 1.0 0.774 1.6 0.0947 1.3 0.81 584 7 576 21 1.4
#33298: Felsic granulite, Ocua Complex
12a r 134 66 1.6 11.43 1.3 0.0607 3.7 0.732 4.0 0.0875 1.3 0.33 541 7 628 79 -14.5
10a r 86 50 1.07 11.34 1.3 0.0587 3.3 0.714 3.6 0.0882 1.3 0.37 545 7 557 71 -2.4
11a r 219 114 0.55 11.25 1.3 0.0572 1.8 0.701 2.2 0.0889 1.3 0.60 549 7 498 39 10.8
06a r 206 110 0.62 11.20 1.3 0.0592 1.6 0.728 2.1 0.0893 1.3 0.63 551 7 573 35 -4.0
05a r 191 96 0.71 11.17 1.3 0.0576 1.8 0.711 2.3 0.0895 1.3 0.59 553 7 515 40 7.7
01a r 110 65 0.91 10.90 1.3 0.0586 2.6 0.741 2.9 0.0918 1.3 0.46 566 7 552 56 2.6
03a r 117 64 0.61 10.74 1.3 0.0587 2.1 0.754 2.5 0.0931 1.3 0.53 574 7 556 45 3.3
09a r 106 48 0.96 10.60 1.3 0.0581 2.6 0.755 2.9 0.0943 1.3 0.45 581 7 533 56 9.5
05a r 112 54 0.88 10.56 1.3 0.0590 2.5 0.771 2.8 0.0947 1.3 0.47 583 7 568 54 2.8
13a c 247 83 0.31 8.312 1.3 0.0663 1.2 1.099 1.8 0.1203 1.3 0.75 732 9 815 24 -10.7
12b c 276 101 0.33 8.039 1.3 0.0672 1.1 1.153 1.7 0.1244 1.3 0.78 756 9 845 22 -11.2
07a c 223 83 0.41 7.908 1.3 0.0655 1.2 1.142 1.8 0.1265 1.3 0.76 768 10 791 24 -3.1
06b c 388 150 0.18 7.242 1.3 0.0699 0.9 1.332 1.6 0.1381 1.3 0.84 834 10 927 17 -10.7
02a c 184 50 0.23 6.987 1.3 0.0709 1.0 1.400 1.7 0.1431 1.3 0.79 862 11 956 21 -10.5
08a c 153 37 0.33 6.494 1.4 0.0694 1.2 1.473 1.9 0.1540 1.4 0.74 923 12 910 25 1.5
14a c 251 89 0.23 6.388 1.3 0.0716 0.8 1.545 1.6 0.1566 1.3 0.84 938 12 974 17 -4.0
15a c 486 116 0.08 6.335 1.3 0.0714 0.6 1.554 1.4 0.1579 1.3 0.92 945 12 969 11 -2.6
09b c 232 79 0.23 6.161 1.3 0.0716 0.9 1.603 1.6 0.1623 1.3 0.83 970 12 975 18 -0.6

1: analysis identifier, x: not selected for age calculation

2: r: rim, c: core, m: metamorphic blast/rim, d: detrital grain/core
3: proportion of total 206Pb made of common 206Pb
4: ratios corrected for common Pb, except for sample 31997 for which uncorrected ratios
5: ratios corrected for common Pb using 204Pb method
6: Correlation of errors
7: Age corrected for common Pb with the 204Pb method, except for sample 31997 corrected with the 207Pb method
8: Age corrected for common Pb with the 204Pb method
9: Discordance of the analysis

Table continued
238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9

#33310: Banded gneiss, felsic layer, Ocua Complex

18ax 247 245 0.52 11.46 1.2 0.0560 1.5 0.674 1.9 0.0873 1.2 0.62 539 6 452 34 20.2
04a 198 82 0.36 11.27 1.2 0.0594 1.4 0.727 1.9 0.0887 1.2 0.65 548 6 582 30 -6.1
07a 512 83 0.15 11.26 1.2 0.0595 0.8 0.729 1.4 0.0888 1.2 0.83 548 6 586 17 -6.7
19b 762 119 0.22 11.23 1.2 0.0582 0.7 0.714 1.4 0.0890 1.2 0.85 550 6 537 16 2.5
14a 337 109 0.29 11.22 1.2 0.0587 1.1 0.722 1.6 0.0891 1.2 0.73 550 6 557 24 -1.2
05a 995 138 0.07 11.21 1.2 0.0585 0.7 0.720 1.4 0.0892 1.2 0.87 551 6 550 15 0.2
16a 236 140 0.48 11.21 1.2 0.0584 1.7 0.718 2.1 0.0892 1.2 0.59 551 7 545 36 1.1
06a 811 143 0.1 11.21 1.2 0.0579 0.7 0.713 1.4 0.0892 1.2 0.88 551 6 527 14 4.8
02a 840 187 0.08 11.20 1.2 0.0579 0.6 0.713 1.3 0.0893 1.2 0.90 552 6 527 13 4.8
08a 1759 150 0.08 11.08 1.2 0.0585 0.4 0.728 1.3 0.0902 1.2 0.94 557 6 550 9 1.3
19a 617 82 0.19 11.04 1.2 0.0586 0.9 0.732 1.5 0.0906 1.2 0.78 559 6 552 21 1.2
09a 584 109 0.24 11.03 1.2 0.0585 0.8 0.731 1.4 0.0907 1.2 0.83 559 6 548 17 2.3
13a 1219 138 0.08 10.99 1.2 0.0589 0.5 0.738 1.3 0.0910 1.2 0.91 561 6 563 12 -0.2
11a 1005 90 0.11 10.94 1.2 0.0593 0.6 0.748 1.3 0.0914 1.2 0.90 564 6 578 12 -2.6
13b 1331 147 0.09 10.87 1.2 0.0590 0.5 0.748 1.3 0.0920 1.2 0.91 567 6 568 12 -0.1
01a 1554 261 0.05 10.86 1.2 0.0589 0.4 0.748 1.3 0.0920 1.2 0.95 568 7 564 9 0.6
01b 1518 257 0.04 10.83 1.2 0.0589 0.4 0.749 1.3 0.0923 1.2 0.95 569 7 562 9 1.3
03a 775 290 0.06 6.837 1.3 0.0693 0.4 1.397 1.4 0.1463 1.3 0.95 880 11 907 8 -3.1
#33274: Banded granulite, Xixano Complex
15b 75 41 1 8.514 1.2 0.0647 2.4 1.048 2.7 0.1175 1.2 0.44 716 8 765 51 -6.8
15a 420 229 0.18 8.425 1.2 0.0637 0.7 1.042 1.4 0.1187 1.2 0.85 723 8 731 15 -1.1
06b 65 34 0.69 8.425 1.2 0.0629 2.4 1.029 2.7 0.1187 1.2 0.45 723 8 704 50 2.9
17a 378 224 0.24 8.365 1.2 0.0630 0.8 1.039 1.5 0.1196 1.2 0.82 728 8 708 17 2.9
08a 434 356 0.23 8.336 1.2 0.0635 1.0 1.051 1.6 0.1200 1.2 0.76 730 8 726 22 0.6
09a 352 143 0.22 8.334 1.2 0.0642 0.9 1.062 1.5 0.1200 1.2 0.80 731 8 748 19 -2.4
02b 126 64 0.6 8.319 1.2 0.0624 1.7 1.034 2.1 0.1202 1.2 0.58 732 8 687 35 6.9
08b 123 47 0.39 8.314 1.2 0.0639 1.8 1.059 2.2 0.1203 1.2 0.54 732 8 737 39 -0.6
12a 468 388 0.16 8.298 1.2 0.0635 0.7 1.055 1.4 0.1205 1.2 0.87 734 8 725 14 1.3
02a 367 263 0.15 8.279 1.2 0.0629 0.8 1.048 1.4 0.1208 1.2 0.85 735 9 705 16 4.5
18a 296 32 0.41 8.270 1.2 0.0636 1.2 1.061 1.7 0.1209 1.2 0.71 736 8 729 25 1.0
01a 70 43 0.96 8.265 1.2 0.0612 2.5 1.020 2.8 0.1210 1.2 0.43 736 8 645 53 15.0
06a 428 347 0.13 8.259 1.2 0.0638 0.7 1.066 1.4 0.1211 1.2 0.87 737 8 736 14 0.1
04b 94 39 0.42 8.259 1.2 0.0642 1.9 1.072 2.3 0.1211 1.2 0.53 737 8 749 40 -1.7
04a 173 59 0.32 8.207 1.2 0.0643 1.2 1.080 1.7 0.1218 1.2 0.71 741 8 751 25 -1.4
10a 184 65 0.46 8.187 1.2 0.0622 1.4 1.047 1.9 0.1222 1.2 0.64 743 8 680 30 9.8
12b 77 24 0.95 8.149 1.2 0.0601 2.5 1.016 2.7 0.1227 1.2 0.44 746 9 605 52 24.6
17b 100 37 0.71 8.137 1.2 0.0640 2.0 1.085 2.3 0.1229 1.2 0.52 747 8 742 41 0.7
10b 303 37 0.21 8.095 1.2 0.0634 0.9 1.080 1.5 0.1235 1.2 0.79 751 9 722 20 4.2
13a 526 17 0.11 8.044 1.2 0.0645 0.8 1.105 1.4 0.1243 1.2 0.84 755 9 757 16 -0.2

Table continued
238U 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Spot U Th f 206Pb 1V 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
ppm ppm % % % % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9

#31997: Syenite gneiss, Unango Complex (uncorrected 238U/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios, 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U age)
12bx 7 10 12.0 7.188 1.5 0.1601 4.0 1.152 25.2 0.1225 1.3 0.05 740 18
13a 99 11 0.76 7.707 1.3 0.0709 1.3 1.155 2.3 0.1288 1.3 0.57 781 10
03b 63 18 1.33 7.624 1.3 0.0762 1.9 1.177 3.4 0.1294 1.3 0.40 784 10
11a 120 13 0.70 7.630 1.3 0.0696 1.2 1.153 2.2 0.1302 1.3 0.62 790 10
06a 9 25 18.5 6.414 1.5 0.1889 4.1 0.737 46.1 0.1271 1.3 0.03 792 24
09a 11 31 7.21 7.038 1.7 0.1260 3.1 1.288 13.7 0.1318 1.5 0.11 793 16
03a 83 17 0.88 7.516 1.3 0.0738 1.4 1.219 2.7 0.1319 1.3 0.49 797 10
15b 14 5 5.68 7.047 1.4 0.1202 2.7 1.423 9.4 0.1338 1.4 0.15 798 14
12a 6 7 11.9 6.711 1.6 0.1537 4.5 1.119 33.3 0.1313 1.3 0.04 798 20
13b 14 4 5.76 7.218 1.4 0.1002 4.4 0.994 15.0 0.1306 1.4 0.09 801 13
11b 44 27 2.58 7.329 1.4 0.0858 2.5 1.210 5.3 0.1329 1.4 0.26 804 11
01b 24 78 2.48 7.293 1.4 0.0884 2.6 1.279 5.7 0.1337 1.4 0.24 806 11
01a 12 5 3.93 7.146 1.4 0.0994 3.0 1.284 10.5 0.1344 1.4 0.13 810 13
02a 8 5 9.14 6.783 1.8 0.1312 5.2 1.114 25.2 0.1340 1.5 0.06 816 19
07b 21 6 6.19 7.088 1.7 0.0984 2.9 0.908 13.6 0.1324 1.6 0.12 817 15
10a 14 5 4.86 6.832 1.4 0.1206 3.6 1.615 9.1 0.1393 1.4 0.15 822 15
05a 16 3 2.90 7.022 1.5 0.0996 2.7 1.481 6.6 0.1383 1.4 0.22 823 13
15ax 13 11 6.48 6.435 1.4 0.1298 3.7 1.622 10.7 0.1453 1.4 0.13 860 16
07ax 7 5 11.2 6.488 1.8 0.1218 3.7 0.599 45.7 0.1369 1.5 0.03 863 18
#33512: Banded granulite, Unango Complex
19a m 174 75 1.53 11.66 1.3 0.0565 3.3 0.668 3.6 0.0858 1.3 0.37 530 7 472 72 12.8
14a m 272 49 0.71 11.64 1.3 0.0582 1.9 0.689 2.3 0.0859 1.3 0.58 531 7 536 40 -0.8
18a m 175 55 1.12 11.61 1.4 0.0562 2.8 0.667 3.1 0.0861 1.4 0.44 533 7 460 61 16.5
12a m 110 53 1.09 11.53 1.3 0.0599 3.0 0.716 3.3 0.0868 1.3 0.40 536 7 599 64 -10.9
03a m 178 103 0.6 11.52 1.3 0.0595 2.0 0.712 2.4 0.0868 1.3 0.56 537 7 585 42 -8.6
20a m 1030 83 0.2 11.32 1.3 0.0583 0.7 0.710 1.5 0.0883 1.3 0.88 546 7 541 15 0.9
16a d 125 83 0.58 5.971 1.3 0.0748 1.4 1.726 1.9 0.1675 1.3 0.70 998 12 1062 27 -6.5
10a d 88 122 0.81 5.874 1.3 0.0760 1.9 1.783 2.3 0.1702 1.3 0.58 1013 12 1094 37 -8.0
01a d 331 229 0.08 2.944 1.3 0.1186 0.4 5.554 1.4 0.3397 1.3 0.96 1885 22 1935 7 -3.0
08a d 150 149 0.17 2.869 1.4 0.1221 0.6 5.870 1.5 0.3486 1.4 0.92 1928 23 1987 10 -3.5
17a d 327 134 0.13 2.765 1.3 0.1319 0.4 6.576 1.4 0.3617 1.3 0.96 1990 23 2123 7 -7.3
05a d 353 46 0.05 2.559 1.3 0.1618 0.8 8.718 1.6 0.3907 1.3 0.85 2126 24 2475 14 -16.5
07a d 562 320 0.05 2.266 1.3 0.1739 0.2 10.585 1.4 0.4414 1.3 0.98 2357 26 2596 4 -11.0
#31974: Metapelitic gneiss, Ponta Messuli Complex
09a m 275 22 0.15 2.879 1.3 0.1196 0.4 5.726 1.4 0.3474 1.3 0.95 1922 22 1950 7 -1.6
04a m 16 13 1.66 2.928 1.5 0.1196 2.7 5.633 3.1 0.3416 1.5 0.50 1894 25 1950 47 -3.3
05a m 276 18 0.08 2.709 1.3 0.1214 0.5 6.181 1.4 0.3691 1.3 0.95 2025 23 1977 8 2.8
01b m 53 57 0.34 2.842 1.4 0.1218 0.9 5.906 1.7 0.3518 1.4 0.83 1943 23 1982 17 -2.3
03a m 513 22 0.07 2.771 1.3 0.1220 0.3 6.069 1.4 0.3608 1.3 0.97 1986 23 1986 6 0.0
02a m 267 131 1.95 2.930 1.3 0.1235 0.7 5.813 1.5 0.3413 1.3 0.89 1893 22 2008 12 -6.6
07a m 18 13 1.79 2.938 1.4 0.1239 2.3 5.813 2.7 0.3404 1.4 0.53 1889 23 2012 40 -7.1
01a d 351 227 0.09 2.657 1.3 0.1283 0.3 6.655 1.4 0.3763 1.3 0.97 2059 24 2074 6 -0.8
06a d 263 149 0.09 2.607 1.4 0.1348 0.5 7.127 1.4 0.3836 1.4 0.95 2093 24 2161 8 -3.7
08a d 142 75 0.28 2.597 1.4 0.1378 0.6 7.315 1.6 0.3851 1.4 0.92 2100 26 2199 10 -5.3

Table 17: LA-ICPMS U-Pb data, on zircon (Zrn) and monazite (Mnz). The sample are
presented in stratigraphic order, as in Table 10.

206Pb 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb

Id 204Pb 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
% % % Ma Ma %
1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7
#31818, granite porphyry, Zrn
01 186 0.06398 11.1 0.450 11.4 0.0510 2.9 0.25 320 9 741 236 56.8
12 355 0.06271 4.0 0.858 4.3 0.0992 1.5 0.36 610 9 699 85 12.7
18 361 0.06167 5.8 0.855 6.0 0.1005 1.7 0.28 617 10 663 124 6.8
15 2803 0.06467 1.4 0.900 1.9 0.1009 1.2 0.67 620 7 764 29 18.9
06 534 0.06136 3.1 0.898 3.3 0.1061 1.2 0.35 650 7 652 66 0.3
03 712 0.06099 2.9 0.912 3.2 0.1085 1.3 0.40 664 8 639 62 -3.9
19x 1370 0.05958 2.0 0.896 2.4 0.1091 1.3 0.52 668 8 588 44 -13.4
09 3943 0.06340 0.8 0.966 1.3 0.1106 1.0 0.78 676 7 722 18 6.3
04 1284 0.06178 3.1 0.967 3.4 0.1135 1.3 0.39 693 9 667 67 -4.0
20 1949 0.06241 2.4 0.981 2.6 0.1140 1.1 0.42 696 7 688 51 -1.1
02 2166 0.06609 4.1 1.064 4.4 0.1167 1.4 0.33 712 10 809 86 12.0
10 5410 0.06286 1.0 1.014 1.7 0.1169 1.3 0.78 713 9 703 22 -1.4
13x 888 0.05924 4.1 0.958 4.3 0.1172 1.4 0.32 715 9 576 89 -24.1
07 1321 0.06223 3.0 1.009 3.3 0.1176 1.4 0.43 716 9 682 63 -5.0
05 1331 0.06161 3.2 0.999 3.4 0.1176 1.2 0.36 717 8 661 68 -8.5
17 5993 0.06202 2.5 1.024 2.8 0.1198 1.3 0.45 729 9 675 54 -8.0
08 2147 0.06382 2.9 1.059 3.2 0.1204 1.2 0.38 733 8 736 62 0.4
14x 2167 0.06053 3.2 1.027 3.6 0.1230 1.6 0.44 748 11 623 70 -20.1
11 6900 0.06435 1.6 1.100 2.2 0.1239 1.6 0.70 753 11 753 34 0.0
#33312, boudin neck pegmatite, Zrn
30 1476 0.05946 2.9 0.636 3.0 0.0775 0.7 0.22 481 3 584 63 17.6
31x 2333 0.05610 2.7 0.625 2.8 0.0808 0.9 0.32 501 4 456 59 -9.7
24 15121 0.05820 0.8 0.662 1.1 0.0825 0.7 0.68 511 4 537 18 4.9
21x 1907 0.05425 2.8 0.622 2.8 0.0832 0.7 0.25 515 3 381 62 -35.1
25 61087 0.05901 1.0 0.680 1.2 0.0836 0.7 0.57 518 3 567 22 8.8
32 7628 0.05863 2.6 0.694 2.7 0.0858 0.8 0.29 531 4 553 57 4.1
08 5513 0.05745 1.8 0.696 2.1 0.0879 1.1 0.53 543 6 509 39 -6.7
22 6983 0.05691 2.1 0.696 2.2 0.0887 0.7 0.31 548 4 488 46 -12.3
13 2512 0.05880 3.4 0.723 3.5 0.0892 1.0 0.28 551 5 560 74 1.6
01 2015 0.05627 2.1 0.694 2.2 0.0895 0.8 0.37 552 4 463 46 -19.3
34 13948 0.05766 2.2 0.712 2.3 0.0896 0.6 0.28 553 3 517 48 -7.0
28 22160 0.05849 2.1 0.723 2.2 0.0896 0.8 0.35 553 4 548 45 -1.0
04 6587 0.05685 1.1 0.708 1.4 0.0903 0.9 0.66 557 5 486 24 -14.7
27 18362 0.05848 2.8 0.728 2.9 0.0903 0.7 0.23 558 4 548 62 -1.8
03 3218 0.05792 2.1 0.725 2.4 0.0908 1.0 0.42 560 5 527 47 -6.3
23 24178 0.05937 2.4 0.747 2.5 0.0912 0.6 0.25 563 3 581 52 3.1
02x 2489 0.05541 2.0 0.697 2.2 0.0913 0.8 0.36 563 4 429 45 -31.3
33 31429 0.05794 2.0 0.733 2.1 0.0917 0.8 0.35 566 4 527 44 -7.3
10 792238 0.06039 1.7 0.771 2.0 0.0926 1.0 0.49 571 5 618 37 7.6
06 7964 0.05824 1.3 0.745 1.7 0.0927 1.1 0.67 572 6 539 27 -6.1
29x 2905 0.05453 2.2 0.705 2.4 0.0938 0.9 0.38 578 5 393 49 -47.1
35 43704 0.05791 2.1 0.749 2.2 0.0938 0.6 0.27 578 3 526 45 -9.8
05 27839 0.05876 1.1 0.767 1.4 0.0946 0.8 0.60 583 5 558 24 -4.4
14 6903 0.05755 1.7 0.766 1.9 0.0966 0.9 0.47 594 5 513 37 -15.9
07 5923 0.05703 2.4 0.770 2.6 0.0979 1.2 0.44 602 7 493 52 -22.1
36 19020 0.05786 2.3 0.786 2.4 0.0985 0.7 0.31 606 4 525 50 -15.4

1: Analysis identifier, x: not used for age calculation

2: r: rim, c: core, r/c: overlap rim and core, d: detrital grain
3: Meaured ratio
4: Ratio corrected for common Pb
5: Correlation of errors
6: Age corrected for common Pb
7: Discordance of the analysis

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#26878, Zrn, Leucogneiss, Ocua Complex
14 20565 0.05843 1.1 0.631 1.4 0.0783 0.9 0.64 486 4 546 24 11.0
13 9440 0.05791 1.5 0.626 1.8 0.0784 1.0 0.55 487 4 527 32 7.6
11 8390 0.05747 1.6 0.621 1.9 0.0784 0.9 0.50 487 4 509 36 4.5
06 13900 0.05820 1.3 0.633 1.7 0.0789 1.0 0.60 490 5 537 29 8.9
04 17974 0.05834 1.0 0.637 1.5 0.0792 1.0 0.71 491 5 543 23 9.5
29 8418 0.05837 1.7 0.638 1.9 0.0793 1.0 0.51 492 5 544 36 9.6
07 9102 0.05767 1.5 0.635 1.7 0.0798 0.9 0.49 495 4 517 33 4.2
32 9481 0.05771 2.1 0.637 2.3 0.0801 1.0 0.44 497 5 519 45 4.2
09 14343 0.05816 0.9 0.648 1.3 0.0809 1.0 0.74 501 5 536 19 6.4
08 14905 0.05811 1.1 0.652 1.4 0.0813 0.9 0.65 504 4 534 24 5.6
02 24037 0.05815 1.0 0.653 1.4 0.0815 1.0 0.71 505 5 536 21 5.7
03 13965 0.05818 1.3 0.661 1.7 0.0824 1.1 0.63 510 5 536 29 4.9
21 35416 0.05989 1.3 0.686 1.7 0.0830 1.1 0.65 514 5 599 28 14.2
22 6426 0.05751 1.5 0.663 2.1 0.0835 1.5 0.71 517 7 511 33 -1.2
31 9633 0.05815 1.1 0.683 1.5 0.0852 1.1 0.71 527 5 535 24 1.5
33 10553 0.05784 1.2 0.680 1.6 0.0853 1.1 0.67 528 5 524 26 -0.8
01 83131 0.05932 0.8 0.698 1.3 0.0854 1.0 0.79 528 5 579 17 8.8
23x 3963 0.05531 1.5 0.668 2.1 0.0876 1.4 0.69 541 7 425 33 -27.4
12 13888 0.05805 0.9 0.706 1.3 0.0882 0.9 0.70 545 5 532 20 -2.5
30 36465 0.05825 0.9 0.708 1.5 0.0882 1.1 0.77 545 6 539 21 -1.1
10 11815 0.05790 0.9 0.706 1.4 0.0884 1.1 0.77 546 6 526 20 -3.8
27 7947 0.05708 1.5 0.698 1.9 0.0887 1.1 0.58 548 6 495 34 -10.7
26 14455 0.05928 1.3 0.728 1.8 0.0890 1.2 0.68 550 6 577 29 4.8
28 3705 0.05694 1.9 0.701 2.3 0.0893 1.4 0.61 551 8 489 41 -12.7
34 25702 0.05861 0.9 0.726 1.6 0.0898 1.3 0.82 554 7 553 20 -0.3
25 11053 0.05801 1.2 0.721 2.1 0.0902 1.8 0.84 557 10 530 25 -5.0
24 6721 0.05711 1.2 0.740 1.7 0.0940 1.2 0.70 579 7 496 27 -16.8

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 207Pb 206Pb 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb 1V 235U 1V 238U 1V Co 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
% % % Ma Ma %
#33304, Zrn, Syenitic gneiss, Ocua Complex
04x 1730 0.05701 2.7 0.695 3.0 0.0884 1.1 0.38 546 6 492 60 -11.0
06x 2035 0.06067 3.6 0.750 4.0 0.0897 1.5 0.39 554 8 628 79 11.8
05 2372 0.06268 3.5 0.819 3.8 0.0948 1.4 0.36 584 8 697 75 16.3
14 2358 0.05847 1.8 0.778 2.2 0.0965 1.3 0.60 594 7 547 39 -8.4
12 1605 0.05788 2.2 0.772 2.5 0.0967 1.1 0.45 595 6 525 48 -13.3
09 1632 0.06245 4.9 0.834 5.1 0.0969 1.2 0.24 596 7 690 106 13.6
07 1634 0.06019 3.2 0.809 3.4 0.0975 1.2 0.36 600 7 610 69 1.7
01 1781 0.05817 2.7 0.783 3.0 0.0976 1.1 0.38 600 6 536 60 -11.9
08 3355 0.06029 2.1 0.811 2.4 0.0976 1.2 0.49 600 7 614 46 2.2
02 2093 0.05935 2.2 0.808 2.5 0.0987 1.1 0.46 607 7 580 48 -4.6
13x 1723 0.05573 1.9 0.769 2.4 0.1000 1.4 0.59 614 8 442 43 -39.1
03 1798 0.05777 2.4 0.798 2.6 0.1002 1.1 0.43 615 7 521 52 -18.1
10x 4194 0.06304 2.6 0.893 3.0 0.1027 1.4 0.46 630 8 710 56 11.2
11x 7880 0.06316 2.2 0.931 2.5 0.1069 1.2 0.48 655 7 714 47 8.3
#26811, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Ocua Complex
08 r 17553 0.06003 1.7 0.658 2.2 0.0794 1.5 0.66 493 7 605 37 18.5
23x r 2924 0.05577 3.4 0.638 3.6 0.0830 1.1 0.31 514 5 443 75 -16.0
04 r 11489 0.05964 1.4 0.721 2.1 0.0877 1.6 0.75 542 8 590 31 8.2
03 r 24914 0.06137 1.5 0.756 2.4 0.0893 1.9 0.79 551 10 652 32 15.5
12 r 11111 0.05870 1.1 0.726 1.9 0.0896 1.6 0.82 553 8 556 24 0.5
06 r 10980 0.06034 1.2 0.750 2.2 0.0902 1.8 0.83 557 10 616 26 9.6
27 r 21243 0.05997 2.0 0.763 2.4 0.0922 1.3 0.55 569 7 603 44 5.6
31 r 67287 0.05919 1.5 0.754 1.9 0.0923 1.2 0.62 569 6 574 32 0.9
01 r 3558 0.06190 3.3 0.798 3.7 0.0936 1.6 0.45 577 9 671 71 14.0
35 r 12863 0.05875 1.4 0.766 1.8 0.0946 1.1 0.59 583 6 558 31 -4.5
26 r 7735 0.05792 1.5 0.762 2.0 0.0954 1.4 0.68 587 8 527 32 -11.5
24 r 17985 0.05908 1.2 0.802 1.7 0.0984 1.2 0.72 605 7 570 26 -6.2
25x r 58299 0.06069 1.1 0.892 2.3 0.1066 2.0 0.87 653 13 628 25 -3.9
09 c 2688 0.06254 3.0 0.932 3.4 0.1080 1.5 0.46 661 10 693 64 4.5
13 c 2647 0.06174 2.5 0.923 3.0 0.1085 1.7 0.55 664 11 665 54 0.2
15 c 12158 0.06528 2.8 1.015 3.2 0.1127 1.6 0.51 688 11 784 58 12.1
10 c 17907 0.06631 2.0 1.089 2.6 0.1191 1.6 0.62 725 11 816 42 11.1
28 c 29509 0.06562 2.1 1.100 2.3 0.1216 1.1 0.46 739 7 794 43 6.9
14 c 11185 0.06358 1.2 1.067 2.0 0.1217 1.6 0.79 740 11 728 26 -1.8
22 c 15216 0.06430 1.3 1.105 1.9 0.1246 1.4 0.75 757 10 752 27 -0.8
16 c 9109 0.06507 1.9 1.120 2.6 0.1248 1.8 0.69 758 13 777 40 2.4
32 c 7519 0.06336 1.3 1.123 1.8 0.1286 1.2 0.67 780 9 720 28 -8.2
37 c 7968 0.06354 2.1 1.133 2.6 0.1294 1.5 0.60 784 11 726 43 -8.0
38x c 5142 0.06166 1.2 1.141 1.6 0.1342 1.1 0.69 812 9 662 25 -22.6
29 c 34606 0.06462 0.9 1.231 1.6 0.1381 1.3 0.82 834 10 762 19 -9.5
#33305, Mnz, Paragneiss, Ocua Complex
03 37207 0.05931 0.7 0.661 1.3 0.0808 1.1 0.83 501 5 578 15 13.4
02x 18440 0.05801 0.6 0.649 1.1 0.0811 1.0 0.83 503 5 530 14 5.2
10 16920 0.05905 0.5 0.669 1.2 0.0821 1.1 0.90 509 5 569 12 10.6
09 21822 0.05917 0.7 0.674 1.3 0.0826 1.0 0.82 512 5 573 16 10.7
05 15571 0.05905 0.8 0.673 1.3 0.0826 1.1 0.82 512 5 569 17 10.0
12 168404 0.05893 0.6 0.677 1.1 0.0833 1.0 0.88 516 5 564 12 8.7
07 46660 0.05894 0.6 0.680 1.2 0.0836 1.0 0.87 518 5 565 12 8.3
04 7681 0.05841 0.8 0.682 1.3 0.0847 1.0 0.76 524 5 545 19 3.9
08 8367 0.05942 0.6 0.696 1.2 0.0850 1.0 0.86 526 5 583 13 9.8
11 22866 0.05912 0.5 0.702 1.1 0.0861 1.0 0.89 532 5 572 12 6.9
01 13285 0.05887 0.7 0.699 1.3 0.0862 1.1 0.83 533 5 562 15 5.3
06 16577 0.05858 0.6 0.701 1.2 0.0868 1.0 0.86 537 5 551 13 2.7
14 38942 0.05889 0.4 0.710 1.2 0.0874 1.1 0.93 540 6 563 10 4.0
17x 3084 0.05733 1.8 0.697 2.0 0.0882 1.0 0.50 545 5 504 39 -8.1
13 23478 0.05877 0.6 0.719 1.2 0.0888 1.0 0.87 548 6 559 13 1.9
18x 8785 0.06056 1.2 0.762 1.6 0.0913 1.1 0.69 563 6 624 25 9.7

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33305, Mnz, Paragneiss, Ocua Complex
15 22931 0.05962 0.6 0.755 1.2 0.0918 1.0 0.86 566 6 590 13 4.0
16 27193 0.05909 0.5 0.759 1.2 0.0931 1.1 0.91 574 6 570 10 -0.6
#26810, Zrn, Paragneiss, Ocua Complex
11x r 2913 0.05572 2.2 0.624 2.7 0.0812 1.5 0.55 503 7 441 49 -14.0
07x r 2862 0.05629 2.4 0.632 2.8 0.0814 1.5 0.54 505 7 464 53 -8.8
15 r 4667 0.06150 3.4 0.698 3.8 0.0823 1.5 0.40 510 7 657 74 22.4
35 r 1674 0.05555 4.3 0.644 4.4 0.0841 1.0 0.24 521 5 434 95 -19.9
01 r 2905 0.05897 5.2 0.685 5.4 0.0843 1.5 0.28 522 8 566 113 7.8
14 r 3577 0.05907 3.5 0.703 3.8 0.0863 1.5 0.39 533 8 570 77 6.4
03 r 3268 0.06017 4.1 0.719 4.4 0.0866 1.6 0.35 536 8 610 89 12.1
12 r 5554 0.05899 1.7 0.705 2.3 0.0867 1.6 0.68 536 8 567 38 5.4
08 r 18335 0.06031 1.8 0.745 2.3 0.0896 1.5 0.65 553 8 615 39 10.1
32 r 17567 0.05915 1.6 0.735 2.0 0.0902 1.1 0.56 556 6 573 35 2.8
16 r 3800 0.05728 2.5 0.720 2.9 0.0911 1.6 0.54 562 8 502 55 -11.9
34 r 10856 0.06059 1.8 0.764 2.1 0.0915 1.2 0.55 564 6 625 38 9.6
40x r 3898 0.05632 1.5 0.729 1.9 0.0939 1.1 0.59 579 6 465 34 -24.5
36 r 13529 0.05975 1.9 0.778 2.1 0.0945 1.0 0.49 582 6 595 41 2.2
22 r 2201940 0.06080 2.7 0.795 2.9 0.0949 1.1 0.38 584 6 632 58 7.6
33 r 8869 0.06148 1.7 0.821 2.2 0.0968 1.4 0.62 596 8 656 37 9.2
17 r 6691 0.05967 1.9 0.823 2.5 0.1000 1.7 0.68 615 10 592 40 -3.9
02 r 6767 0.05834 1.4 0.818 2.1 0.1017 1.6 0.73 624 9 542 32 -15.1
41 r 48314 0.05996 2.2 0.844 2.6 0.1021 1.3 0.52 626 8 602 47 -4.0
23 d2 2781 0.06903 3.8 1.516 4.0 0.1593 1.4 0.34 953 12 900 79 -6.0
24 d2 24552 0.07456 1.2 1.936 1.9 0.1883 1.4 0.74 1112 14 1057 25 -5.2
25 d3 10591 0.06977 1.5 1.281 2.3 0.1332 1.8 0.75 806 13 921 32 12.5
04 d3 14075 0.06996 1.4 1.292 2.2 0.1339 1.8 0.79 810 13 927 28 12.6
28 d3 6389 0.06653 1.9 1.264 3.2 0.1378 2.5 0.80 832 20 823 39 -1.1
29 d4 8211 0.06848 1.4 1.236 1.9 0.1309 1.2 0.66 793 9 883 29 10.2
05 d4 7931 0.06925 1.1 1.265 1.9 0.1324 1.6 0.82 802 12 906 23 11.5
30 d4 694331 0.07030 1.4 1.433 2.0 0.1479 1.5 0.74 889 12 937 28 5.1
06 d4 21546 0.07064 0.7 1.444 1.8 0.1483 1.6 0.92 891 13 947 14 5.9
09 d7 4233 0.07250 2.4 1.511 2.8 0.1512 1.6 0.56 908 14 1000 48 9.2
10 d7 1745 0.06993 2.7 1.580 3.3 0.1639 1.9 0.58 978 17 926 55 -5.6
38 d9 19069 0.06627 1.1 1.062 2.0 0.1163 1.7 0.85 709 12 815 22 13.0
39 d9 14566 0.06853 0.9 1.412 1.8 0.1494 1.6 0.86 898 13 885 20 -1.5
#33310, Mnz, Banded gneiss, Ocua Complex
31 866 0.05614 6.9 0.631 7.0 0.0815 1.3 0.19 505 6 458 153 -10.3
35 1215 0.05905 4.9 0.679 5.0 0.0834 1.2 0.24 516 6 569 107 9.2
32 3118 0.05785 1.5 0.666 1.8 0.0835 1.1 0.57 517 5 524 33 1.3
02 11379 0.05879 0.7 0.686 1.2 0.0847 1.0 0.81 524 5 559 16 6.3
37 3163 0.05849 1.8 0.684 2.2 0.0848 1.2 0.55 525 6 548 40 4.3
06 4479 0.05686 1.4 0.666 1.7 0.0850 1.1 0.61 526 5 486 31 -8.2
08 7349 0.05838 0.8 0.685 1.3 0.0851 1.0 0.80 527 5 544 17 3.2
03 6555 0.05815 0.9 0.683 1.4 0.0852 1.0 0.75 527 5 535 20 1.5
34 5478 0.05840 1.3 0.689 1.6 0.0855 0.9 0.58 529 5 545 28 2.9
41 4354 0.05797 1.6 0.685 2.1 0.0857 1.4 0.67 530 7 529 35 -0.2
43 1533 0.05633 3.6 0.668 3.9 0.0860 1.5 0.37 532 7 465 80 -14.3
14 7089 0.05764 0.7 0.684 1.3 0.0861 1.1 0.83 532 5 516 15 -3.1
01 6664 0.05773 0.7 0.693 1.2 0.0870 1.0 0.83 538 5 520 15 -3.5
39 5655 0.05864 1.3 0.707 1.8 0.0874 1.1 0.65 540 6 554 29 2.5
09 11601 0.05856 0.6 0.708 1.2 0.0877 1.1 0.88 542 6 551 13 1.6
11 5711 0.05848 0.7 0.714 1.4 0.0885 1.2 0.87 547 6 548 15 0.2
13 6002 0.05746 0.8 0.705 1.3 0.0890 1.1 0.82 550 6 509 17 -8.0
07 5613 0.05793 0.9 0.712 1.5 0.0891 1.1 0.78 550 6 527 20 -4.4
33 6074 0.05773 1.3 0.711 2.0 0.0893 1.5 0.75 551 8 520 28 -6.1
18 6364 0.05794 0.9 0.717 1.4 0.0898 1.1 0.78 554 6 528 19 -5.0
20 21128 0.05858 0.4 0.732 1.2 0.0906 1.1 0.95 559 6 551 8 -1.4

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33310, Mnz, Banded gneiss, Ocua Complex
16 11405 0.05839 0.6 0.734 1.3 0.0912 1.1 0.87 563 6 544 14 -3.4
44 5593 0.05896 1.1 0.745 1.7 0.0917 1.2 0.73 565 7 566 25 0.0
42 6947 0.05781 1.2 0.734 2.0 0.0921 1.5 0.78 568 8 523 27 -8.6
45 6303 0.05941 1.2 0.756 1.9 0.0923 1.4 0.76 569 8 582 26 2.3
36 3270 0.05893 2.0 0.750 2.4 0.0923 1.3 0.53 569 7 565 44 -0.8
38 4832 0.05817 1.3 0.741 2.0 0.0924 1.5 0.77 570 8 536 28 -6.3
19 7643 0.05885 0.8 0.758 2.0 0.0934 1.8 0.92 576 10 561 17 -2.5
40 4327 0.05673 1.4 0.735 2.0 0.0939 1.4 0.71 579 8 481 32 -20.4
12 9414 0.05862 0.5 0.763 1.5 0.0944 1.4 0.93 582 8 553 12 -5.2
10 11881 0.05831 0.6 0.765 1.5 0.0952 1.4 0.92 586 8 541 13 -8.3
21 19941 0.05826 0.6 0.767 1.7 0.0955 1.6 0.93 588 9 540 14 -8.9
15 9706 0.05798 0.6 0.768 1.3 0.0961 1.2 0.89 592 7 529 13 -11.8
17 9408 0.05797 0.7 0.805 1.6 0.1007 1.4 0.90 618 8 529 15 -16.9
#31978, Zrn, Tonalitic gneiss, M'Sawize Complex
12x 0.06288 12.5 0.798 12.6 0.0920 1.2 0.10 567 7 704 269 19.4
02 0.05106 21.4 0.716 21.5 0.1018 1.6 0.07 625 10 244 337 -156.4
28 76127 0.06296 3.3 0.890 3.5 0.1025 1.1 0.30 629 6 707 71 11.0
27 4591 0.06631 11.9 0.938 12.0 0.1026 1.4 0.12 630 8 816 250 22.8
30 782 0.05199 15.6 0.736 15.7 0.1026 1.5 0.10 630 9 285 304 -120.9
04 0.05946 5.1 0.842 5.2 0.1027 0.8 0.16 630 5 584 110 -8.0
09b 0.05558 17.1 0.790 17.2 0.1031 1.3 0.07 632 8 436 382 -45.1
03 0.05932 30.2 0.845 30.3 0.1034 2.2 0.07 634 13 579 564 -9.5
22 2542 0.05838 7.1 0.835 7.2 0.1037 1.0 0.14 636 6 544 155 -17.0
06b 0.04649 12.9 0.667 12.9 0.1040 1.0 0.08 638 6 27 153 -2255.1
31 596 0.05365 11.4 0.772 11.5 0.1044 1.7 0.15 640 10 356 258 -79.7
34 5128 0.06206 4.8 0.895 4.9 0.1046 0.9 0.19 641 6 676 102 5.2
11 0.06167 13.1 0.889 13.1 0.1046 1.2 0.09 641 7 663 282 3.2
08 0.02358 39.5 0.340 39.5 0.1047 1.3 0.03 642 8
09 0.05281 11.3 0.764 11.3 0.1049 1.0 0.09 643 6 320 257 -100.7
05 0.05471 10.1 0.794 10.1 0.1053 1.0 0.10 645 6 400 227 -61.2
07 0.05131 11.4 0.745 11.5 0.1053 1.0 0.08 645 6 255 248 -153.1
31 4333 0.05973 3.3 0.877 3.4 0.1065 0.8 0.25 653 5 594 71 -9.9
07b 0.04334 29.2 0.640 29.2 0.1071 1.5 0.05 656 10
01 0.06203 2.4 0.916 2.6 0.1071 1.1 0.42 656 7 675 51 2.9
29x 44873 0.06317 3.1 0.947 3.3 0.1087 1.0 0.31 665 6 714 66 6.8
10x 0.05179 24.2 0.778 24.2 0.1089 1.7 0.07 666 11 276 376 -141.2
23x 4608 0.05980 3.6 0.944 3.8 0.1144 1.2 0.32 698 8 596 78 -17.1
#40667, Zrn, Granodioritic gneiss, Lalamo Complex
10 1681 0.06153 1.5 0.683 3.0 0.0805 2.6 0.87 499 13 658 32 24.1
11 3434 0.06435 1.2 0.822 2.5 0.0926 2.2 0.88 571 12 753 25 24.2
01 7279 0.06383 0.9 0.825 2.1 0.0938 1.9 0.90 578 10 736 19 21.5
03 2326 0.06301 2.4 0.841 2.8 0.0968 1.3 0.47 595 7 709 52 16.0
08 6116 0.06208 1.3 0.853 1.6 0.0997 1.0 0.60 613 6 677 28 9.5
12 41457 0.06309 1.1 0.884 1.5 0.1016 0.9 0.63 624 5 711 24 12.3
14x 3316 0.05939 1.8 0.833 2.0 0.1017 0.9 0.46 624 6 581 39 -7.4
05 12063 0.06331 1.5 0.889 1.8 0.1019 0.9 0.51 625 5 719 32 13.0
04 4110 0.06233 1.5 0.893 1.9 0.1038 1.1 0.60 637 7 686 33 7.1
02 10572 0.06321 0.8 0.911 1.3 0.1045 1.0 0.81 641 6 715 16 10.4
25 2794 0.06058 2.1 0.875 2.3 0.1048 1.0 0.44 642 6 624 45 -2.9
13 21194 0.06248 0.9 0.903 1.3 0.1048 1.0 0.73 642 6 691 19 7.0
06 12380 0.06267 1.0 0.906 1.4 0.1049 1.0 0.72 643 6 697 21 7.8
27 2633 0.06357 3.0 0.920 3.2 0.1050 1.1 0.34 644 7 727 64 11.5
31 7862 0.06339 1.4 0.922 1.7 0.1054 1.0 0.57 646 6 721 30 10.4
15 9898 0.06222 1.2 0.912 1.5 0.1063 0.9 0.62 652 6 682 25 4.4
07 9443 0.06310 1.1 0.928 1.5 0.1066 1.0 0.70 653 6 711 23 8.2
09 11541 0.06243 1.0 0.918 1.3 0.1067 0.9 0.65 653 5 689 22 5.2
28 7313 0.06400 1.8 0.969 2.0 0.1098 1.0 0.48 672 6 742 38 9.5

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#40667, Zrn, Granodioritic gneiss, Lalamo Complex
23 1886 0.06082 3.8 0.927 4.0 0.1106 1.0 0.26 676 7 633 83 -6.8
21 7583 0.06151 0.9 0.941 1.4 0.1110 1.1 0.76 678 7 657 20 -3.2
32 5279 0.06084 1.3 0.937 1.6 0.1118 0.8 0.53 683 5 634 29 -7.8
26 4992 0.06287 1.6 0.976 1.9 0.1125 0.9 0.48 688 6 704 35 2.3
34 6217 0.06269 1.7 0.985 1.9 0.1139 0.9 0.48 695 6 698 36 0.3
33 4141 0.06139 1.7 0.967 2.2 0.1142 1.4 0.65 697 9 653 36 -6.8
30 3886 0.06180 2.0 0.980 2.3 0.1150 1.1 0.48 702 7 667 43 -5.2
22 17003 0.06214 0.8 0.988 1.2 0.1153 0.9 0.76 704 6 679 17 -3.6
24 77856 0.06471 2.4 1.035 2.6 0.1160 1.0 0.39 707 7 765 51 7.5
29 14726 0.06428 1.6 1.039 2.1 0.1172 1.4 0.64 714 9 751 35 4.9
35 4856 0.06135 1.4 0.994 1.7 0.1175 1.0 0.55 716 7 651 31 -9.9
36 13148 0.06354 1.2 1.043 1.5 0.1190 0.9 0.63 725 7 726 25 0.2
#33266, Zrn, Foliated granite, Xixano Complex
14 493 0.05179 6.8 0.451 7.5 0.0631 3.2 0.43 395 12 276 155 -43.0
15 404 0.05806 9.4 0.515 10.3 0.0643 4.2 0.41 402 17 532 208 24.5
01 4867 0.05868 1.9 0.699 2.1 0.0864 0.8 0.39 534 4 555 42 3.8
08 4083 0.05906 1.8 0.706 2.0 0.0867 0.8 0.40 536 4 569 40 5.9
03 5869 0.05959 1.7 0.715 1.9 0.0870 0.9 0.46 538 5 589 36 8.7
11 4360 0.05797 1.5 0.696 1.7 0.0871 0.7 0.44 538 4 529 33 -1.8
05 9996 0.06105 1.9 0.734 2.0 0.0872 0.8 0.39 539 4 641 40 15.9
06 18254 0.06036 1.1 0.771 1.4 0.0926 0.8 0.60 571 4 617 23 7.4
12 5628 0.05915 1.3 0.757 1.7 0.0928 1.0 0.59 572 5 573 29 0.1
02 6675 0.05939 1.7 0.768 2.1 0.0938 1.2 0.56 578 6 581 37 0.6
04 14303 0.06015 1.2 0.783 1.4 0.0944 0.8 0.54 582 4 609 26 4.5
09 3031 0.05784 1.8 0.758 2.0 0.0951 0.9 0.43 585 5 524 40 -11.8
07 7813 0.05914 1.2 0.787 1.5 0.0965 0.9 0.59 594 5 572 26 -3.8
10 6947 0.05833 1.2 0.799 1.6 0.0994 1.0 0.66 611 6 542 26 -12.6
13 3509 0.05796 1.5 0.796 1.7 0.0996 0.9 0.51 612 5 528 33 -15.9
#33306, Zrn, Foliated phenocryst granite, Xixano Complex
08 3582 0.06433 1.5 0.888 1.8 0.1001 1.0 0.57 615 6 753 32 18.3
06 4665 0.06350 1.1 0.878 2.0 0.1003 1.7 0.85 616 10 725 23 15.0
11 6745 0.06415 1.0 0.917 1.5 0.1037 1.2 0.78 636 7 747 20 14.8
03 18455 0.06426 0.6 0.977 1.2 0.1103 1.0 0.88 674 7 750 12 10.1
07 4748 0.06292 1.1 0.964 1.5 0.1111 1.0 0.67 679 6 705 23 3.7
13 16554 0.06392 0.5 1.002 1.0 0.1137 0.9 0.86 694 6 739 11 6.1
09 7793 0.06414 0.9 1.011 1.2 0.1143 0.8 0.67 698 5 746 19 6.6
01 15683 0.06448 0.8 1.018 1.1 0.1145 0.8 0.71 699 5 757 17 7.7
12 7114 0.06379 0.8 1.034 1.2 0.1175 0.9 0.73 716 6 735 18 2.5
14 27138 0.06363 0.6 1.068 1.0 0.1218 0.8 0.79 741 6 730 13 -1.5
10 22258 0.06397 0.8 1.074 1.2 0.1218 0.9 0.72 741 6 741 18 0.0
02 8503 0.06346 0.6 1.073 1.1 0.1226 0.9 0.80 746 6 724 14 -3.1
15 18820 0.06460 0.7 1.147 1.1 0.1288 0.9 0.77 781 6 761 15 -2.6
05 24162 0.06337 0.9 1.132 1.3 0.1296 1.0 0.74 785 7 721 19 -9.0
04 57331 0.06443 0.8 1.183 1.2 0.1332 0.9 0.77 806 7 756 16 -6.6
16 8566 0.06339 0.8 1.185 1.2 0.1355 0.9 0.74 819 7 721 17 -13.6
#36053, Zrn, Enderbite, Xixano Complex
03 4940 0.06514 3.1 0.971 3.3 0.1081 1.3 0.39 662 8 779 65 15.0
12 6525 0.06428 3.4 0.979 3.6 0.1105 1.3 0.36 675 8 751 71 10.0
07 658333 0.06643 3.1 1.013 3.3 0.1105 1.3 0.38 676 8 820 64 17.6
14 3581 0.06315 2.8 0.977 3.0 0.1122 1.2 0.41 686 8 713 59 3.9
01 10599 0.06664 2.1 1.037 2.4 0.1128 1.0 0.42 689 7 827 45 16.6
05 2150 0.06468 5.9 1.011 6.1 0.1133 1.2 0.20 692 8 764 125 9.4
10 6420 0.06324 2.0 0.998 2.2 0.1144 1.0 0.47 699 7 716 42 2.5
13 15504 0.06439 0.8 1.016 1.3 0.1145 1.0 0.77 699 7 755 17 7.4
24x 2462 0.06147 2.5 0.989 2.8 0.1167 1.3 0.45 711 8 656 53 -8.5
04 8399 0.06390 1.7 1.055 2.1 0.1197 1.1 0.55 729 8 738 37 1.3
09 7475 0.06271 1.8 1.044 2.1 0.1207 1.1 0.53 735 8 698 38 -5.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#36053, Zrn, Enderbite, Xixano Complex
25 14962 0.06519 0.9 1.097 1.8 0.1220 1.5 0.86 742 11 780 19 4.9
22 7925 0.06421 1.7 1.094 2.2 0.1236 1.3 0.61 751 9 749 36 -0.3
11 12075 0.06317 1.3 1.081 1.8 0.1241 1.2 0.68 754 9 714 28 -5.7
06 4161 0.06341 2.5 1.107 2.8 0.1266 1.2 0.42 769 9 722 54 -6.5
02 5617 0.06356 1.2 1.110 1.7 0.1266 1.1 0.66 769 8 727 26 -5.7
08 5767 0.06219 1.2 1.088 1.6 0.1269 1.1 0.69 770 8 681 25 -13.1
23 4125 0.06541 3.8 1.229 4.0 0.1363 1.1 0.28 824 9 788 80 -4.5
21x 26199 0.06695 1.4 1.267 2.3 0.1372 1.8 0.80 829 14 836 29 0.9
#33420, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Xixano Complex
03 1336 0.06085 2.4 0.633 3.0 0.0755 1.8 0.59 469 8 634 51 26.0
01 144 0.05814 9.5 0.622 9.7 0.0776 2.0 0.20 482 9 535 209 10.0
11 1190 0.06318 2.7 0.951 3.5 0.1092 2.3 0.65 668 14 714 56 6.5
08 2872 0.06477 1.3 1.025 2.1 0.1148 1.7 0.79 701 11 767 27 8.6
12 991 0.06219 4.2 0.990 4.9 0.1155 2.5 0.50 704 16 681 91 -3.5
02x 773 0.05929 3.4 0.954 3.8 0.1167 1.8 0.46 711 12 578 74 -23.1
09 2889 0.06594 1.6 1.123 2.1 0.1236 1.5 0.69 751 10 804 32 6.6
13 1167 0.06803 3.4 1.170 4.0 0.1247 2.1 0.52 758 15 869 70 12.9
10 1822 0.06484 1.8 1.150 2.3 0.1286 1.4 0.62 780 11 769 38 -1.4
14 1197 0.06492 2.3 1.163 3.6 0.1300 2.7 0.77 788 20 772 48 -2.0
04 3994 0.06603 2.6 1.191 3.4 0.1308 2.2 0.65 793 17 807 54 1.8
07 2268 0.06618 1.9 1.213 2.4 0.1330 1.4 0.61 805 11 812 39 0.9
06 1054 0.06569 3.4 1.219 3.6 0.1346 1.2 0.34 814 9 797 71 -2.2
05x 45472 0.06914 1.9 1.342 2.2 0.1408 1.2 0.54 849 10 903 39 6.0
#33410, Zrn, Metarhyolite, Xixano Complex
05 4659 0.06491 2.3 0.907 2.7 0.1014 1.5 0.54 622 9 771 48 19.3
12 3144 0.06555 2.3 0.945 2.7 0.1045 1.5 0.55 641 9 792 47 19.1
15 8311 0.06649 0.8 0.966 1.5 0.1053 1.3 0.85 646 8 822 17 21.4
22x 2802 0.06405 1.1 0.981 1.7 0.1111 1.2 0.75 679 8 743 23 8.6
01 11968 0.06567 0.6 1.051 1.8 0.1161 1.7 0.94 708 12 796 13 11.1
09 4595 0.06755 0.9 1.146 1.6 0.1230 1.3 0.82 748 9 855 18 12.5
06 28463 0.06739 2.0 1.144 2.3 0.1231 1.2 0.52 748 9 850 41 11.9
16 183140 0.06676 0.9 1.179 1.4 0.1281 1.0 0.76 777 8 830 19 6.5
17 11336 0.06596 0.8 1.181 1.4 0.1298 1.1 0.81 787 8 805 17 2.3
23 21636 0.06835 2.1 1.223 2.4 0.1298 1.1 0.46 787 8 879 43 10.5
02 15921 0.06562 0.9 1.180 1.5 0.1304 1.2 0.80 790 9 794 18 0.5
14 8681 0.06564 1.9 1.180 2.2 0.1304 1.1 0.50 790 8 795 40 0.6
13 10083 0.06740 1.8 1.217 2.2 0.1310 1.2 0.57 793 9 850 37 6.7
07 27009 0.06740 0.9 1.223 1.4 0.1316 1.1 0.78 797 9 850 19 6.2
03 28701 0.06655 0.9 1.225 1.5 0.1335 1.2 0.79 808 9 824 19 1.9
20 18109 0.06667 1.1 1.236 1.5 0.1344 1.1 0.68 813 8 827 23 1.7
19 24775 0.06709 1.4 1.246 1.8 0.1346 1.1 0.59 814 8 841 30 3.1
10 40858 0.06673 0.8 1.244 1.3 0.1352 1.0 0.77 818 8 829 18 1.4
11 21436 0.06587 0.7 1.240 1.3 0.1366 1.1 0.85 825 9 802 15 -2.9
04 16807 0.06565 0.9 1.237 1.6 0.1367 1.3 0.81 826 10 795 20 -3.8
08 22264 0.06668 0.8 1.267 1.4 0.1378 1.2 0.84 832 9 828 16 -0.5
21 15930 0.06586 1.2 1.256 1.7 0.1383 1.2 0.72 835 10 802 25 -4.2
#40760, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Meluco Complex
17x r 6647 0.06174 1.7 0.762 1.9 0.0895 0.9 0.47 553 5 665 37 16.9
15 r 8337 0.06145 1.3 0.799 1.6 0.0943 0.9 0.56 581 5 655 28 11.4
01 r 4569 0.05981 1.6 0.778 1.9 0.0943 1.1 0.57 581 6 597 34 2.6
18 r 2960 0.05842 1.9 0.781 2.3 0.0969 1.2 0.55 596 7 546 42 -9.3
16x r/c 10972 0.06105 1.1 0.844 1.4 0.1003 1.0 0.67 616 6 641 23 3.8
02x r/c 5033 0.06439 1.6 1.028 2.3 0.1158 1.6 0.73 707 11 754 33 6.3
03x r/c 847 0.05858 5.5 1.082 5.7 0.1340 1.7 0.29 811 13 552 120 -47.0
10x r/c 1589 0.06666 3.3 1.288 3.5 0.1401 1.2 0.34 845 9 827 69 -2.2
14 c 6529 0.07017 1.3 1.391 1.6 0.1438 0.9 0.58 866 8 933 27 7.2
05 c 1214 0.07260 7.7 1.441 7.9 0.1439 1.5 0.19 867 12 1003 157 13.6

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#40760, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Meluco Complex
21 c 3414 0.07054 2.1 1.400 2.3 0.1440 1.0 0.42 867 8 944 42 8.2
12 c 5593 0.07077 1.1 1.420 1.4 0.1455 1.0 0.67 876 8 951 22 7.9
23 c 5828 0.07051 0.9 1.420 1.3 0.1461 1.0 0.74 879 8 943 18 6.8
08 c 1594 0.07052 4.4 1.438 4.6 0.1479 1.2 0.26 889 10 944 91 5.8
25 c 3167 0.07001 1.6 1.451 1.9 0.1504 1.1 0.55 903 9 929 33 2.8
06 c 1070 0.06766 5.9 1.441 6.1 0.1545 1.5 0.24 926 13 858 123 -7.9
19 c 3655 0.06956 2.8 1.505 3.1 0.1569 1.3 0.42 940 11 915 58 -2.7
24 c 21654 0.07204 0.8 1.579 1.4 0.1590 1.2 0.82 951 10 987 17 3.6
26 c 3874 0.07042 1.5 1.558 2.0 0.1605 1.4 0.68 959 12 941 30 -2.0
07x c 1878 0.06543 3.9 1.482 4.2 0.1643 1.6 0.39 980 15 788 81 -24.4
13 c 11107 0.07064 0.7 1.623 1.3 0.1666 1.1 0.83 994 10 947 14 -4.9
09 c 5708 0.06993 1.6 1.610 2.0 0.1670 1.1 0.56 995 10 926 34 -7.4
22 c 5410 0.06999 1.0 1.623 1.4 0.1682 0.9 0.67 1002 9 928 21 -8.0
11 c 33545 0.07133 0.9 1.667 1.4 0.1695 1.1 0.77 1010 10 967 18 -4.4
04 c 2880 0.06858 2.3 1.638 2.8 0.1732 1.5 0.54 1030 14 886 49 -16.2
20 c 4516 0.06930 1.2 1.680 2.2 0.1758 1.8 0.83 1044 17 908 25 -15.0
#26892, Zrn, Syenitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
09x 1619 0.05557 2.7 0.563 2.9 0.0735 1.0 0.34 457 4 435 61 -5.1
03 15453 0.05785 1.1 0.603 1.5 0.0756 1.1 0.71 470 5 524 23 10.4
05 9229 0.05889 2.7 0.616 2.9 0.0759 1.0 0.34 472 5 563 59 16.2
08 2320 0.05541 5.7 0.584 5.8 0.0764 1.1 0.19 474 5 429 126 -10.6
06 7476 0.05781 1.7 0.618 2.0 0.0775 1.0 0.50 481 5 522 38 7.9
11 3852 0.05696 1.7 0.611 2.1 0.0778 1.2 0.59 483 6 490 37 1.4
07 18480 0.05768 1.2 0.619 1.5 0.0779 1.0 0.65 483 5 518 25 6.6
13 7766 0.05729 1.6 0.621 1.9 0.0787 1.0 0.52 488 5 503 36 2.9
29 700 0.05720 3.1 0.639 3.3 0.0810 0.9 0.29 502 5 499 69 -0.5
34 1724 0.05789 2.1 0.647 2.3 0.0810 0.9 0.38 502 4 526 46 4.4
33x 778 0.05442 3.8 0.612 3.9 0.0815 1.0 0.26 505 5 389 85 -30.0
23bx 2300 0.05469 2.1 0.617 2.5 0.0818 1.4 0.54 507 7 400 47 -26.7
44 8633 0.05751 1.4 0.654 1.8 0.0825 1.1 0.62 511 6 511 31 0.0
49 5359 0.05693 1.5 0.658 1.9 0.0839 1.1 0.61 519 6 489 33 -6.2
26b 7559 0.05640 1.0 0.652 1.5 0.0839 1.2 0.77 519 6 468 22 -11.0
18b 10110 0.05774 2.0 0.669 2.3 0.0841 1.2 0.52 520 6 520 44 -0.1
41 6557 0.05708 1.3 0.663 1.8 0.0843 1.1 0.65 521 6 495 30 -5.4
14 14803 0.05834 1.1 0.683 1.7 0.0849 1.2 0.74 525 6 543 25 3.2
46 7154 0.05739 1.4 0.672 1.7 0.0849 1.0 0.56 526 5 506 32 -3.8
35 2165 0.05620 1.6 0.658 1.8 0.0849 1.0 0.53 526 5 460 35 -14.1
22b 15349 0.05754 1.7 0.678 2.1 0.0855 1.3 0.63 529 7 512 36 -3.2
27 9185 0.05803 1.8 0.685 2.2 0.0857 1.2 0.56 530 6 531 39 0.2
10x 2462 0.05513 1.6 0.652 2.1 0.0857 1.4 0.65 530 7 418 36 -27.0
17b 13196 0.05649 0.8 0.670 1.4 0.0860 1.2 0.84 532 6 472 17 -12.7
32 3028 0.05610 1.3 0.671 1.8 0.0868 1.3 0.72 537 7 456 29 -17.6
45 10550 0.05817 1.2 0.703 1.7 0.0876 1.2 0.70 541 6 536 26 -1.0
16b 5816 0.05697 2.0 0.689 2.4 0.0877 1.2 0.52 542 6 490 44 -10.5
47 6052 0.05699 1.2 0.693 1.6 0.0881 1.1 0.66 544 6 491 26 -10.8
30 1328 0.05713 1.6 0.695 1.8 0.0883 0.9 0.48 545 5 496 35 -9.8
15b 6061 0.05703 1.3 0.698 1.6 0.0888 1.0 0.62 548 5 493 28 -11.3
50 43391 0.05835 1.2 0.718 1.6 0.0893 1.1 0.66 551 6 543 27 -1.5
12 14780 0.05738 1.2 0.706 1.6 0.0893 1.0 0.64 551 5 506 27 -9.0
42 20367 0.05868 1.4 0.725 1.8 0.0896 1.2 0.64 553 6 555 31 0.3
31 2791 0.05865 1.6 0.726 2.0 0.0898 1.1 0.55 554 6 554 36 0.0
25b 3580 0.05732 3.0 0.712 3.2 0.0900 1.2 0.36 556 6 504 66 -10.3
48 5737 0.05661 1.4 0.704 1.9 0.0902 1.2 0.66 557 7 476 31 -16.8
36 2423 0.05624 1.4 0.701 1.7 0.0903 1.1 0.63 558 6 462 30 -20.7
19b 11175 0.05748 1.0 0.718 1.5 0.0906 1.1 0.74 559 6 510 22 -9.6
51 8269 0.05685 1.3 0.715 1.9 0.0912 1.3 0.71 563 7 486 29 -15.9
28 18825 0.05940 1.6 0.748 1.9 0.0913 1.1 0.58 563 6 582 34 3.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#26892, Zrn, Syenitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
43 15228 0.05828 1.3 0.736 2.0 0.0915 1.4 0.74 565 8 540 29 -4.5
21b 7293 0.05723 1.2 0.725 1.6 0.0918 1.1 0.69 566 6 500 26 -13.2
#26802, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
18x 1712 0.05475 3.0 0.544 3.3 0.0720 1.5 0.45 448 6 402 67 -11.6
14x 709 0.05387 4.4 0.539 4.6 0.0726 1.5 0.33 452 7 366 99 -23.6
02x 2497 0.05555 1.9 0.579 2.4 0.0756 1.5 0.62 470 7 434 42 -8.1
16 3336 0.05872 3.4 0.614 3.7 0.0758 1.6 0.43 471 7 557 73 15.4
21 7101 0.05892 1.6 0.621 1.9 0.0765 1.0 0.55 475 5 564 35 15.8
19 2194 0.05555 2.3 0.587 2.7 0.0766 1.6 0.57 476 7 435 50 -9.5
27 25348 0.05821 1.4 0.616 1.7 0.0767 1.0 0.58 476 5 538 31 11.4
24x 2576 0.05450 2.9 0.577 3.0 0.0768 1.0 0.33 477 5 392 64 -21.7
03 2776 0.05691 1.8 0.612 2.5 0.0780 1.7 0.69 484 8 488 40 0.8
36 12137 0.05777 1.6 0.622 1.9 0.0780 1.0 0.54 484 5 521 35 7.1
04 21570 0.06371 4.7 0.688 4.9 0.0783 1.6 0.32 486 7 732 99 33.6
07 7596 0.06131 2.9 0.670 3.3 0.0793 1.5 0.47 492 7 650 62 24.3
30 3528 0.05763 1.6 0.632 1.9 0.0795 1.1 0.56 493 5 516 35 4.4
15 1445 0.05616 2.3 0.626 2.8 0.0809 1.6 0.56 501 8 459 52 -9.2
17 5438 0.05767 1.8 0.644 2.4 0.0810 1.6 0.65 502 8 517 40 3.0
33 2363 0.05925 2.0 0.665 2.3 0.0813 1.1 0.48 504 5 576 43 12.5
34 1692 0.05704 2.0 0.642 2.3 0.0816 1.1 0.48 506 5 493 44 -2.5
31 3806 0.05759 1.7 0.657 2.0 0.0828 1.0 0.51 513 5 514 37 0.3
37 8848 0.05794 1.7 0.669 2.1 0.0838 1.2 0.57 519 6 528 37 1.7
22 5991 0.05737 1.0 0.664 1.5 0.0840 1.2 0.77 520 6 506 22 -2.8
25 3270 0.05793 1.8 0.673 2.1 0.0843 1.1 0.52 522 5 527 39 1.1
35 2069 0.05860 2.5 0.681 2.7 0.0843 1.1 0.42 522 6 552 54 5.5
26 2612 0.05591 1.9 0.652 2.4 0.0846 1.4 0.58 523 7 449 43 -16.6
32 4425 0.05750 1.3 0.681 1.7 0.0859 1.2 0.69 531 6 511 28 -4.0
08 4186 0.05710 1.9 0.677 2.5 0.0860 1.5 0.61 532 8 496 43 -7.3
23 6943 0.05835 1.2 0.703 1.7 0.0873 1.3 0.72 540 6 543 27 0.6
38 5233 0.05845 1.8 0.706 2.1 0.0876 1.1 0.51 541 5 547 39 1.0
05 6303 0.05907 2.4 0.717 2.9 0.0881 1.6 0.56 544 8 570 52 4.5
06 1280 0.05740 4.0 0.698 4.3 0.0882 1.7 0.39 545 9 507 88 -7.4
09 3879 0.05779 2.1 0.737 2.6 0.0925 1.6 0.62 570 9 522 45 -9.3
12 d4 27022 0.06407 1.2 0.904 1.9 0.1023 1.5 0.79 628 9 744 25 15.6
10 d4 21408 0.06363 0.9 0.902 1.8 0.1029 1.5 0.85 631 9 729 20 13.4
13 d4 18193 0.06441 0.8 0.974 1.7 0.1097 1.6 0.89 671 10 755 17 11.1
11 d4 8064 0.06326 0.8 1.033 1.8 0.1185 1.6 0.90 722 11 717 17 -0.7
#33509, Zrn, Quartz mangerite, Marrupa Complex
01x 257 0.04039 29.0 0.476 29.1 0.0854 2.1 0.07 528 11 0 145
05x 465 0.05148 9.9 0.626 10.0 0.0882 1.5 0.15 545 8 262 226 -107.6
04 786 0.05480 5.8 0.678 5.9 0.0897 1.5 0.24 554 8 404 129 -37.1
07 1450 0.05736 3.8 0.717 4.0 0.0906 1.3 0.32 559 7 505 84 -10.7
12 1417 0.05771 3.5 0.725 3.7 0.0911 1.1 0.30 562 6 519 77 -8.3
03 1296 0.05698 5.4 0.716 5.6 0.0912 1.4 0.26 562 8 491 120 -14.5
11 1651 0.06027 3.3 0.765 3.5 0.0920 1.0 0.29 567 6 613 72 7.5
14 927 0.05953 7.0 0.771 7.2 0.0940 1.2 0.17 579 7 586 153 1.3
09 1193 0.05622 3.1 0.739 3.4 0.0953 1.2 0.35 587 7 461 70 -27.3
08 1678 0.05994 2.7 0.789 3.0 0.0954 1.2 0.40 588 7 601 59 2.3
13 1193 0.06379 6.0 0.848 6.1 0.0964 1.2 0.20 593 7 735 127 19.3
06 947 0.05556 4.2 0.746 4.4 0.0974 1.1 0.24 599 6 435 94 -37.7
02 862 0.06726 9.1 0.912 9.2 0.0983 1.4 0.15 604 8 846 190 28.5
10 710 0.05551 5.7 0.779 5.8 0.1018 1.3 0.22 625 8 433 127 -44.4

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#26859, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
31 c/r 6200 0.05746 2.1 0.565 2.6 0.0713 1.5 0.58 444 6 509 46 12.8
27 r 3239 0.05583 1.5 0.566 2.1 0.0735 1.5 0.70 457 7 446 34 -2.6
07 c/r 3264 0.05685 2.2 0.593 2.4 0.0757 1.0 0.43 470 5 486 48 3.2
28 r 7861 0.05731 1.0 0.627 1.8 0.0794 1.5 0.82 492 7 503 23 2.2
08 c/r 2557 0.05511 2.1 0.611 2.6 0.0805 1.5 0.57 499 7 417 47 -19.8
32 r 5766 0.05829 2.8 0.651 3.4 0.0810 1.9 0.57 502 9 541 60 7.2
30 c/r 2068 0.05474 3.4 0.666 3.8 0.0883 1.6 0.43 545 8 402 77 -35.8
06 c/r 1405 0.05332 5.3 0.688 5.4 0.0936 1.1 0.19 577 6 343 121 -68.4
29 c 1298 0.05491 8.7 0.573 8.8 0.0757 1.6 0.18 471 7 408 195 -15.2
35 c 4412 0.06614 10.5 0.696 10.6 0.0763 1.9 0.18 474 9 811 220 41.6
05 c 1501 0.05999 7.8 0.638 7.9 0.0771 1.1 0.14 479 5 603 170 20.7
10 c 526 0.04860 20.2 0.518 20.3 0.0774 1.6 0.08 480 7 129 273 -273.1
21 c 947 0.05831 18.6 0.628 18.8 0.0781 2.2 0.12 485 10 541 416 10.5
14 c 396 0.04629 24.2 0.500 24.2 0.0784 1.8 0.07 487 8 20 255 -2373.7
03 c 1786 0.07044 12.0 0.775 12.1 0.0798 1.5 0.12 495 7 941 248 47.4
01 c 1190 0.06519 13.5 0.752 13.7 0.0836 1.9 0.14 518 9 780 287 33.6
36x c 1407 0.05260 3.8 0.619 4.1 0.0853 1.6 0.40 528 8 312 86 -69.4
13x c 690 0.05128 5.9 0.605 6.0 0.0856 1.1 0.18 529 5 254 135 -108.7
26 c 10822 0.05974 4.5 0.710 4.8 0.0861 1.6 0.34 533 8 594 97 10.3
09 c 2012 0.05864 6.3 0.715 6.5 0.0884 1.7 0.27 546 9 554 137 1.4
24 c 512 0.05057 7.4 0.619 7.6 0.0888 1.7 0.23 548 9 221 170 -147.6
34 c 314 0.05275 8.9 0.646 9.0 0.0888 1.9 0.21 548 10 318 202 -72.3
22 c 5633 0.06237 8.7 0.766 8.9 0.0890 1.9 0.22 550 10 687 186 20.0
04 c 1772 0.05776 5.6 0.721 5.7 0.0906 1.1 0.19 559 6 521 123 -7.4
11 c 4085 0.06112 3.4 0.766 3.6 0.0909 1.3 0.35 561 7 644 73 12.9
02x c 13513 0.06461 5.0 0.883 5.2 0.0992 1.4 0.28 610 8 762 106 20.0
#33205, Zrn, Granite, Marrupa Complex
23 3911 0.05749 4.1 0.612 4.4 0.0772 1.5 0.35 480 7 510 90 6.0
28 1866 0.05760 3.8 0.622 4.0 0.0783 1.4 0.35 486 7 515 83 5.6
25 4063 0.05792 1.9 0.629 2.1 0.0788 1.0 0.45 489 5 527 42 7.2
08 2900 0.05789 3.0 0.633 3.3 0.0794 1.4 0.41 492 7 525 67 6.3
01 2280 0.05788 3.5 0.647 3.7 0.0811 1.2 0.33 503 6 525 77 4.2
21 6812 0.06030 2.6 0.675 3.1 0.0812 1.6 0.53 503 8 614 57 18.1
29 7356 0.05810 1.1 0.653 1.5 0.0815 0.9 0.64 505 4 534 24 5.4
32 5833 0.05802 1.2 0.654 1.5 0.0818 0.9 0.60 507 4 530 27 4.5
13 8945 0.05863 1.7 0.667 2.0 0.0826 1.2 0.57 511 6 553 36 7.6
03 3912 0.05765 2.2 0.657 2.5 0.0827 1.2 0.49 512 6 517 48 0.9
24 3364 0.05631 3.1 0.645 3.5 0.0831 1.6 0.47 515 8 465 68 -10.8
30 7958 0.05845 1.3 0.682 1.6 0.0846 0.9 0.57 524 5 547 29 4.2
10 5968 0.05826 1.5 0.683 1.9 0.0850 1.2 0.64 526 6 540 32 2.5
14 9202 0.05813 1.5 0.684 1.9 0.0854 1.2 0.62 528 6 535 32 1.2
02 4514 0.05695 1.6 0.680 2.0 0.0867 1.3 0.62 536 6 489 35 -9.5
09 6015 0.05875 1.6 0.705 2.2 0.0870 1.5 0.67 538 8 558 35 3.6
33 7731 0.05829 1.1 0.700 1.6 0.0871 1.2 0.73 538 6 541 24 0.4
22 27938 0.06011 1.1 0.733 1.9 0.0885 1.6 0.83 547 8 607 23 10.0
07 14092 0.05921 1.4 0.729 1.9 0.0892 1.3 0.66 551 7 575 31 4.2
26 6568 0.05842 1.7 0.721 2.0 0.0895 1.0 0.48 553 5 545 38 -1.3
12 34862 0.05886 1.0 0.727 1.7 0.0896 1.4 0.79 553 7 562 23 1.6
31 25411 0.05848 1.0 0.737 1.6 0.0914 1.3 0.77 564 7 548 23 -2.9
11x 77849 0.06047 1.0 0.768 1.6 0.0921 1.3 0.79 568 7 620 22 8.5
#33406, Zrn, Leucosome, Marrupa Complex
06x 6654 0.06207 3.9 0.685 4.0 0.0800 1.0 0.25 496 5 677 83 26.7
01 26359 0.05842 0.6 0.659 1.0 0.0819 0.8 0.79 507 4 545 13 7.0
09x 2124 0.05389 2.0 0.611 2.2 0.0823 1.0 0.44 510 5 367 44 -39.0
07 7447 0.05862 1.7 0.677 1.9 0.0838 0.8 0.41 519 4 553 38 6.2
03 11073 0.05874 0.8 0.680 1.1 0.0840 0.8 0.74 520 4 558 17 6.8
10 3884 0.05723 1.6 0.664 1.8 0.0842 0.8 0.46 521 4 500 35 -4.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33406, Zrn, Leucosome, Marrupa Complex
23 11800 0.05885 1.2 0.686 1.7 0.0846 1.2 0.72 523 6 562 26 6.8
24 16287 0.05913 1.3 0.699 2.0 0.0857 1.6 0.78 530 8 572 28 7.3
22 6295 0.05672 1.2 0.675 1.6 0.0863 1.1 0.67 534 6 481 26 -11.0
08 5471 0.05713 1.3 0.680 1.6 0.0864 0.9 0.55 534 4 496 29 -7.6
27 5903 0.05816 1.6 0.695 2.0 0.0867 1.1 0.55 536 6 536 36 0.0
02 119086 0.05942 0.6 0.711 1.0 0.0868 0.8 0.82 536 4 582 12 7.9
11 3689 0.05710 2.0 0.685 2.2 0.0870 0.8 0.38 538 4 495 44 -8.6
25 151965 0.06052 1.8 0.728 2.1 0.0873 1.1 0.53 540 6 622 39 13.3
04 16630 0.05843 0.7 0.712 1.1 0.0884 0.9 0.79 546 5 546 15 0.0
05 7217 0.05757 1.3 0.706 1.6 0.0889 0.9 0.58 549 5 513 28 -7.0
13 18081 0.05858 1.1 0.726 1.5 0.0899 1.0 0.68 555 5 552 24 -0.6
26 6839 0.05798 1.3 0.721 1.7 0.0902 1.1 0.63 557 6 529 29 -5.2
12 25491 0.05917 1.2 0.737 1.6 0.0903 1.1 0.67 557 6 574 26 2.8
28 6748 0.05893 1.7 0.741 2.1 0.0912 1.2 0.58 563 7 565 37 0.3
21 34866 0.05855 0.6 0.738 1.3 0.0914 1.2 0.88 564 6 550 14 -2.5
14 4465 0.05732 1.3 0.735 1.8 0.0930 1.2 0.67 573 7 504 29 -13.8
15 10807 0.05821 1.1 0.751 1.4 0.0935 0.8 0.59 576 5 538 25 -7.2
#33503, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
01 10535 0.05952 0.6 0.722 1.2 0.0880 1.0 0.85 544 5 586 14 7.2
05 11589 0.05838 0.5 0.713 1.2 0.0885 1.1 0.89 547 6 544 12 -0.5
11 10214 0.05883 0.7 0.720 1.2 0.0887 1.0 0.81 548 5 561 16 2.3
07 7145 0.05897 0.9 0.730 1.3 0.0898 1.0 0.76 554 5 566 19 2.0
12 17509 0.05882 0.9 0.731 1.5 0.0901 1.1 0.77 556 6 560 20 0.8
09 5727 0.05800 1.2 0.721 1.6 0.0902 1.0 0.66 557 5 530 26 -5.1
13 6714 0.05948 1.1 0.749 1.5 0.0914 1.0 0.68 564 5 585 23 3.6
03 6760 0.05963 1.0 0.755 1.5 0.0918 1.1 0.72 566 6 590 22 4.0
16 8412 0.05769 0.8 0.739 1.7 0.0929 1.5 0.87 572 8 518 18 -10.5
10 5043 0.05808 1.2 0.744 1.8 0.0929 1.4 0.74 573 7 533 27 -7.5
15 8771 0.05905 0.7 0.758 1.4 0.0931 1.2 0.86 574 7 569 15 -0.9
02 13991 0.05909 0.8 0.760 1.5 0.0932 1.3 0.85 575 7 570 17 -0.7
08 11463 0.05895 0.8 0.763 1.6 0.0939 1.4 0.86 579 8 565 18 -2.4
04 5376 0.05766 1.0 0.749 1.8 0.0942 1.5 0.83 580 8 517 22 -12.3
06 22997 0.05871 0.6 0.766 1.4 0.0946 1.3 0.89 583 7 556 14 -4.7
14 11501 0.05889 1.1 0.771 1.9 0.0949 1.6 0.81 585 9 563 25 -3.8
#33498, Zrn, Leucogneiss, Marrupa Complex
21x 9109 0.06133 1.4 0.741 2.0 0.0876 1.4 0.72 541 7 651 29 16.8
22x 4470 0.06250 1.7 0.881 3.0 0.1022 2.5 0.83 627 15 691 36 9.2
23 6883 0.07245 2.1 1.359 2.3 0.1360 1.1 0.47 822 8 999 42 17.7
14 5631 0.07109 2.2 1.408 2.7 0.1437 1.5 0.56 866 12 960 46 9.8
26 8147 0.07184 1.9 1.433 2.2 0.1447 1.1 0.49 871 9 981 40 11.2
01 7925 0.07040 1.3 1.415 1.8 0.1458 1.2 0.68 877 10 940 27 6.7
24x 4076 0.06837 1.5 1.376 2.0 0.1459 1.3 0.63 878 10 880 32 0.2
30x 21275 0.07428 1.5 1.511 1.9 0.1476 1.1 0.60 887 9 1049 30 15.4
28 4540 0.07069 1.5 1.443 1.8 0.1480 1.0 0.56 890 8 948 30 6.2
12 14920 0.07159 1.4 1.474 1.9 0.1493 1.3 0.68 897 11 974 29 7.9
08x 2763 0.06854 2.1 1.421 2.4 0.1504 1.2 0.51 903 10 885 43 -2.1
25 8840 0.07073 1.1 1.469 1.7 0.1506 1.4 0.79 904 12 950 22 4.7
10 23355 0.07292 1.3 1.516 1.8 0.1508 1.2 0.67 905 10 1012 27 10.5
04 5452 0.07018 1.5 1.474 1.9 0.1523 1.3 0.65 914 11 934 30 2.1
02 17991 0.07140 0.9 1.537 1.6 0.1562 1.3 0.83 935 12 969 18 3.5
33 7445 0.07129 1.4 1.544 1.9 0.1571 1.3 0.69 940 12 966 28 2.6
31 6156 0.07075 1.0 1.562 1.6 0.1601 1.2 0.77 957 11 950 21 -0.7
29 4875 0.07137 1.5 1.583 1.9 0.1609 1.2 0.61 962 10 968 31 0.7
27 6705 0.07106 1.0 1.595 1.6 0.1628 1.2 0.76 972 11 959 21 -1.4
07 20354 0.07079 0.8 1.595 1.6 0.1634 1.3 0.84 975 12 951 17 -2.5
32 4668 0.07069 1.6 1.616 2.2 0.1658 1.5 0.68 989 14 949 33 -4.3
09 25639 0.07183 1.1 1.646 1.7 0.1662 1.3 0.76 991 12 981 23 -1.0

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %

#33498, Zrn, Leucogneiss, Marrupa Complex

11 8212 0.07023 0.9 1.613 1.5 0.1666 1.2 0.79 993 11 935 19 -6.2
15 8595 0.07252 1.3 1.666 1.9 0.1667 1.4 0.73 994 13 1001 27 0.7
13 59225 0.07257 0.7 1.668 1.6 0.1667 1.4 0.90 994 13 1002 14 0.8
05 21031 0.07227 1.1 1.679 1.7 0.1685 1.3 0.75 1004 12 994 23 -1.0
#33405, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
28 3382 0.07115 2.8 1.503 3.0 0.1532 1.3 0.43 919 11 962 56 4.4
27 3521 0.07173 1.8 1.519 2.1 0.1536 1.1 0.53 921 10 978 37 5.9
12x 1043 0.06463 4.9 1.375 5.1 0.1543 1.5 0.30 925 13 762 104 -21.3
01x 2164 0.06984 3.6 1.496 3.7 0.1553 1.1 0.30 931 10 924 73 -0.8
02 84606 0.07450 1.2 1.651 1.7 0.1608 1.1 0.67 961 10 1055 25 8.9
23 2998 0.07046 2.7 1.610 3.0 0.1657 1.2 0.39 988 11 942 56 -4.9
25 3633 0.07490 2.6 1.728 2.9 0.1673 1.4 0.47 997 13 1066 51 6.4
14 4284 0.07112 1.0 1.654 1.5 0.1687 1.0 0.72 1005 10 961 21 -4.5
29 2438 0.07256 3.0 1.713 3.2 0.1712 1.0 0.32 1019 10 1002 61 -1.7
13 3295 0.07266 1.7 1.721 2.2 0.1718 1.5 0.66 1022 14 1005 34 -1.7
09 2638 0.07271 2.4 1.731 2.7 0.1727 1.4 0.50 1027 13 1006 48 -2.1
07 5276 0.07271 1.9 1.741 2.2 0.1737 1.2 0.54 1032 12 1006 38 -2.6
04 2097 0.07073 2.3 1.702 2.6 0.1745 1.2 0.46 1037 12 950 48 -9.2
24 2618 0.06924 2.0 1.684 2.3 0.1764 1.2 0.51 1047 12 906 41 -15.6
26 1993 0.07065 2.4 1.753 2.7 0.1799 1.2 0.45 1067 12 947 50 -12.6
30 5671 0.07391 1.8 1.867 2.2 0.1832 1.2 0.54 1084 12 1039 37 -4.4
21 11482 0.07318 1.2 1.889 1.9 0.1872 1.5 0.77 1106 15 1019 24 -8.6
06 13762 0.07408 1.1 1.973 1.6 0.1931 1.1 0.71 1138 12 1044 22 -9.1
11 4459 0.07323 2.3 1.950 2.7 0.1931 1.4 0.53 1138 15 1020 46 -11.6
08 8631 0.07304 1.3 1.945 1.7 0.1931 1.1 0.66 1138 12 1015 26 -12.2
05 2220 0.07190 1.8 1.945 2.2 0.1962 1.3 0.59 1155 14 983 36 -17.5
10 10049 0.07346 1.0 1.993 1.6 0.1968 1.2 0.74 1158 12 1027 21 -12.8
#33253, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
15 3412 0.07173 2.6 1.505 2.9 0.1522 1.3 0.44 913 11 978 53 6.7
19 7169 0.07312 1.2 1.613 1.6 0.1600 1.1 0.67 957 9 1017 24 5.9
05 4749 0.07254 1.2 1.604 1.6 0.1604 1.0 0.67 959 9 1001 23 4.2
13 5544 0.07183 1.3 1.616 1.6 0.1632 1.0 0.62 974 9 981 26 0.7
06 5102 0.07189 0.8 1.630 1.3 0.1645 1.0 0.76 982 9 983 17 0.1
09 15851 0.07389 1.0 1.683 1.4 0.1652 1.0 0.73 986 10 1038 20 5.1
17 5900 0.07347 1.5 1.681 1.8 0.1660 1.0 0.57 990 10 1027 30 3.6
11 11050 0.07338 1.2 1.682 1.6 0.1662 1.0 0.65 991 10 1024 25 3.2
12 9254 0.07314 0.9 1.694 1.3 0.1680 1.0 0.75 1001 9 1018 18 1.6
08 2495 0.07088 3.5 1.643 3.7 0.1681 1.3 0.34 1002 12 954 72 -5.0
14 10969 0.07332 0.9 1.700 1.3 0.1682 1.0 0.72 1002 9 1023 19 2.0
01 3895 0.07107 2.9 1.659 3.2 0.1693 1.2 0.38 1008 11 959 60 -5.1
07 6957 0.07299 1.1 1.714 1.6 0.1703 1.1 0.68 1014 10 1014 23 0.0
04 20637 0.07460 0.9 1.763 1.3 0.1714 1.0 0.73 1020 9 1058 19 3.6
10x 2512 0.06954 1.6 1.644 1.9 0.1714 1.0 0.54 1020 10 915 34 -11.5
20 11807 0.07299 0.8 1.728 1.3 0.1717 1.1 0.80 1021 10 1014 16 -0.7
21 8294 0.07335 1.0 1.754 1.7 0.1734 1.3 0.79 1031 13 1024 21 -0.7
03 4254 0.07254 1.8 1.755 2.2 0.1755 1.2 0.56 1042 12 1001 36 -4.1
22 3257 0.07238 2.7 1.755 3.0 0.1758 1.2 0.39 1044 11 997 55 -4.8
02 2915 0.07216 1.4 1.839 1.8 0.1848 1.1 0.63 1093 11 991 28 -10.4
18 4045 0.07367 1.7 1.920 2.1 0.1890 1.2 0.58 1116 12 1032 35 -8.1
16 4369 0.07462 1.3 1.971 1.7 0.1916 1.1 0.63 1130 11 1058 27 -6.8

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#34284, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
21x 3078 0.05806 2.4 0.653 2.7 0.0816 1.2 0.45 506 6 532 53 4.9
22x 7117 0.06445 1.3 0.998 2.3 0.1123 1.9 0.82 686 13 757 28 9.3
07 1094 0.06760 7.2 1.440 7.4 0.1545 1.4 0.19 926 12 856 151 -8.1
33 3790 0.07445 4.2 1.504 4.4 0.1465 1.1 0.26 881 9 1054 85 16.4
31 3587 0.07333 2.2 1.536 2.5 0.1519 1.0 0.41 912 8 1023 46 10.9
29 3320 0.07308 2.8 1.550 3.0 0.1538 1.0 0.34 922 9 1016 57 9.2
14 14864 0.07397 1.5 1.556 1.9 0.1526 1.2 0.62 915 10 1041 31 12.0
04 6353 0.07206 1.5 1.574 1.9 0.1584 1.3 0.66 948 11 988 30 4.0
35 3335 0.07305 3.6 1.576 3.8 0.1564 1.1 0.28 937 9 1015 74 7.7
25 3441 0.07378 2.3 1.624 2.5 0.1597 1.0 0.40 955 9 1035 46 7.8
09 2482 0.07244 4.6 1.639 4.8 0.1641 1.4 0.28 980 12 998 94 1.9
32 4364 0.07286 1.6 1.700 1.9 0.1692 1.0 0.53 1008 9 1010 33 0.2
28 15481 0.07278 0.8 1.705 1.3 0.1699 1.0 0.76 1011 9 1008 17 -0.4
23 3199 0.07798 5.0 1.730 5.1 0.1609 1.1 0.23 962 10 1146 99 16.1
34 10764 0.07399 1.7 1.737 2.0 0.1703 1.1 0.53 1014 10 1041 34 2.7
15 25672 0.07358 0.8 1.743 1.6 0.1718 1.4 0.87 1022 13 1030 15 0.8
26 6153 0.07312 1.7 1.752 2.0 0.1737 1.1 0.52 1033 10 1017 35 -1.5
05 15765 0.07332 0.9 1.797 1.6 0.1778 1.3 0.83 1055 13 1023 18 -3.1
30 21410 0.07409 1.2 1.806 1.6 0.1768 1.1 0.66 1049 10 1044 24 -0.5
12 8563 0.07368 1.1 1.814 1.7 0.1786 1.3 0.76 1059 13 1033 23 -2.6
24 2962 0.07304 2.3 1.822 2.5 0.1809 1.1 0.44 1072 11 1015 46 -5.6
08 4761 0.07351 2.7 1.827 3.0 0.1802 1.4 0.45 1068 13 1028 55 -3.9
10 17540 0.07467 2.5 1.873 2.9 0.1819 1.4 0.49 1077 14 1060 50 -1.7
06 13343 0.07347 0.6 1.950 1.6 0.1925 1.4 0.91 1135 15 1027 13 -10.5
27x 4834 0.06983 2.0 1.280 2.8 0.1330 2.0 0.70 805 15 923 41 12.8
01x 5507 0.07101 1.2 1.367 1.8 0.1396 1.3 0.74 843 11 958 25 12.0
02x 5412 0.07014 0.9 1.503 1.7 0.1554 1.4 0.84 931 12 932 18 0.1
03x 10339 0.07077 0.9 1.575 1.7 0.1614 1.5 0.86 964 13 951 18 -1.4
36x 2239 0.06944 2.4 1.666 2.8 0.1739 1.3 0.47 1034 12 912 50 -13.4
#33206, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Marrupa Complex
06 5286 0.07261 1.7 1.324 2.4 0.1322 1.7 0.70 800 13 1003 35 20.2
30 2570 0.07132 1.6 1.481 2.1 0.1506 1.3 0.62 904 11 967 33 6.5
25 10319 0.07381 0.6 1.558 1.3 0.1531 1.1 0.87 918 10 1036 13 11.4
01 2781 0.07366 3.0 1.581 3.3 0.1556 1.3 0.40 932 11 1032 61 9.7
02 6429 0.07387 1.5 1.610 1.9 0.1580 1.2 0.63 946 11 1038 30 8.9
21 5929 0.07284 1.1 1.611 1.6 0.1604 1.2 0.74 959 11 1010 22 5.0
14 3480 0.07330 1.9 1.635 2.3 0.1617 1.4 0.60 966 13 1022 38 5.5
24x 2311 0.06926 2.0 1.415 2.9 0.1482 2.0 0.70 891 17 907 42 1.7
04 36528 0.07491 1.3 1.656 1.9 0.1604 1.3 0.69 959 11 1066 27 10.1
27 7256 0.07429 1.4 1.653 1.7 0.1614 1.0 0.59 964 9 1049 28 8.1
10x 2621 0.06987 1.9 1.560 2.3 0.1619 1.4 0.60 967 13 925 38 -4.6
07 8153 0.07505 1.9 1.689 2.4 0.1632 1.4 0.61 975 13 1070 38 8.9
08 23372 0.07319 0.8 1.648 1.5 0.1633 1.3 0.84 975 12 1019 17 4.3
31 9435 0.07503 1.4 1.708 1.8 0.1651 1.2 0.64 985 11 1069 28 7.9
22 13498 0.07413 1.1 1.697 1.6 0.1660 1.2 0.74 990 11 1045 21 5.3
23 11578 0.07390 0.7 1.701 1.5 0.1670 1.3 0.87 995 12 1039 15 4.2
12 3736 0.07215 1.3 1.673 2.0 0.1682 1.5 0.74 1002 14 990 27 -1.2
28 4168 0.07314 1.2 1.699 1.9 0.1684 1.4 0.76 1003 13 1018 25 1.4
26 21660 0.07261 0.6 1.690 1.4 0.1688 1.3 0.89 1005 12 1003 13 -0.2
03 159169 0.07471 1.2 1.767 1.8 0.1715 1.3 0.73 1020 12 1061 24 3.8
09 38982 0.07336 0.6 1.791 1.5 0.1771 1.4 0.91 1051 13 1024 12 -2.6
05 42673 0.07347 0.8 1.794 1.6 0.1771 1.3 0.85 1051 13 1027 17 -2.4
11x 3267 0.07062 1.2 1.775 1.8 0.1823 1.4 0.75 1080 14 947 25 -14.1
29 2594 0.07273 1.3 1.838 1.8 0.1833 1.3 0.72 1085 13 1006 26 -7.8
13x 250034 0.07586 1.6 1.933 2.2 0.1848 1.5 0.69 1093 15 1091 32 -0.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31225, Zrn, Granite, Unango Complex
30x 3716 0.05878 2.6 0.610 2.8 0.0753 1.0 0.37 468 5 559 57 16.3
22 1184 0.05760 3.0 0.635 3.2 0.0799 1.0 0.33 496 5 515 65 3.7
33 21520 0.05839 3.5 0.644 3.6 0.0800 1.0 0.28 496 5 545 76 8.9
27 809 0.05920 5.5 0.664 5.7 0.0814 1.5 0.26 504 7 574 121 12.2
24 1707 0.05919 2.3 0.664 2.6 0.0814 1.1 0.41 505 5 574 51 12.1
09 0.05461 6.9 0.615 7.0 0.0816 1.4 0.19 506 7 396 155 -27.6
29 1234 0.05309 3.5 0.598 3.6 0.0816 0.9 0.24 506 4 333 80 -52.1
05 0.05166 5.8 0.586 5.8 0.0823 0.7 0.11 510 3 270 133 -88.7
31 2586 0.05527 2.0 0.628 2.2 0.0824 0.9 0.39 510 4 423 46 -20.6
07 0.05662 3.5 0.644 3.5 0.0825 0.7 0.21 511 4 477 76 -7.1
32x 6339 0.05896 3.6 0.672 3.7 0.0827 0.8 0.23 512 4 566 78 9.5
34x 6863 0.06743 4.7 0.789 4.8 0.0849 0.9 0.19 525 5 851 98 38.3
28x 2578 0.06322 4.1 0.763 4.2 0.0876 0.9 0.22 541 5 716 88 24.4
26x 1453 0.06089 3.2 0.737 3.4 0.0878 1.1 0.33 543 6 635 69 14.6
06x 0.05941 5.1 0.756 5.3 0.0922 1.5 0.28 569 8 582 110 2.3
23x 2058 0.05926 2.6 0.769 3.0 0.0941 1.6 0.52 580 9 577 56 -0.6
25x 252 0.07133 9.5 1.067 9.7 0.1085 2.1 0.22 664 13 967 195 31.3
21x 1817 0.05947 2.6 0.992 4.0 0.1210 3.1 0.77 736 22 584 55 -26.0
#31260, Zrn, Granite, Unango Complex
09 15100 0.05944 4.4 0.635 4.6 0.0775 1.2 0.26 481 6 583 96 17.5
34 981 0.05426 13.7 0.583 13.7 0.0780 1.6 0.12 484 8 382 310 -26.8
06 6928 0.05775 2.5 0.649 2.7 0.0816 1.1 0.42 505 6 520 54 2.9
07 2330 0.05458 4.6 0.616 4.7 0.0819 1.1 0.23 508 5 395 103 -28.5
13 5243 0.06018 4.9 0.681 5.0 0.0821 0.9 0.19 508 5 610 106 16.7
10 2206 0.05344 4.1 0.607 4.2 0.0824 0.9 0.21 510 4 347 92 -46.8
11 8205 0.05932 4.3 0.678 4.4 0.0829 1.0 0.22 513 5 579 93 11.3
14x 1027 0.04964 5.8 0.569 6.0 0.0831 1.3 0.22 514 6 178 135 -188.8
12 11595 0.05941 5.0 0.683 5.1 0.0834 1.2 0.23 516 6 582 108 11.3
01 1742 0.05483 4.6 0.635 4.8 0.0840 1.2 0.25 520 6 405 103 -28.2
05 10130 0.06017 6.3 0.700 6.4 0.0844 1.1 0.17 522 5 610 137 14.3
04 8332 0.05721 2.2 0.674 2.3 0.0854 0.8 0.36 528 4 500 48 -5.7
31 12418 0.05920 3.2 0.700 3.4 0.0857 1.0 0.31 530 5 574 70 7.7
21 7806 0.05698 3.1 0.686 3.3 0.0873 1.0 0.32 540 5 491 68 -9.9
02 1457 0.05817 4.3 0.700 4.4 0.0873 1.1 0.24 540 6 536 94 -0.6
22 11255 0.05976 4.0 0.731 4.1 0.0887 1.1 0.26 548 6 595 87 7.9
30 1605 0.05442 5.2 0.670 5.3 0.0892 1.1 0.21 551 6 389 117 -41.8
26 355 0.05854 9.5 0.721 9.6 0.0893 1.5 0.15 551 8 550 208 -0.2
03 16826 0.05863 2.0 0.738 2.2 0.0913 0.9 0.41 563 5 553 44 -1.8
29 9277 0.06348 8.7 0.808 8.8 0.0923 1.4 0.16 569 8 725 186 21.4
32 7226 0.06246 6.1 0.796 6.3 0.0924 1.5 0.25 570 8 690 130 17.5
28 911 0.05549 3.5 0.708 4.1 0.0926 2.2 0.53 571 12 432 78 -32.1
27 2249 0.05599 3.8 0.718 4.1 0.0931 1.5 0.37 574 8 452 85 -26.9
33x 4854 0.06394 2.9 0.892 3.4 0.1012 1.7 0.51 621 10 740 62 16.0
#33499, Zrn, Granite, Unango Complex
11 8698 0.05850 1.4 0.611 1.8 0.0757 1.1 0.63 470 5 549 30 14.3
30x 2191 0.05529 2.8 0.578 3.0 0.0758 1.0 0.32 471 4 424 64 -11.1
26 11299 0.05807 1.7 0.616 1.9 0.0769 0.9 0.48 478 4 532 37 10.3
23 6420 0.05871 2.3 0.623 2.5 0.0770 1.0 0.40 478 5 557 50 14.1
01 13847 0.06092 3.7 0.649 3.9 0.0773 1.3 0.34 480 6 636 79 24.6
05 29334 0.05870 1.8 0.627 2.1 0.0775 1.2 0.56 481 6 556 39 13.5
28 9908 0.05876 1.5 0.632 1.8 0.0780 1.0 0.56 484 5 558 32 13.3
21 6966 0.05897 2.6 0.634 2.8 0.0780 1.0 0.37 484 5 566 57 14.4
07 18819 0.05809 1.8 0.625 2.1 0.0780 1.2 0.56 484 6 533 39 9.1
14 2269 0.05690 4.0 0.615 4.1 0.0784 1.2 0.28 487 6 488 88 0.2
09 9097 0.05702 0.8 0.618 1.4 0.0786 1.2 0.84 488 6 492 17 0.9
32 4536 0.05688 1.2 0.617 1.7 0.0787 1.2 0.70 488 6 487 26 -0.3
25 3073 0.05841 1.9 0.646 2.3 0.0802 1.3 0.58 497 6 545 40 8.8

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33499, Zrn, Granite, Unango Complex
12 13756 0.05750 1.0 0.640 1.6 0.0807 1.2 0.76 500 6 511 23 2.0
34 11981 0.05772 1.1 0.645 1.6 0.0811 1.1 0.71 502 5 519 24 3.2
31x 3024 0.05476 2.1 0.615 2.3 0.0815 1.0 0.41 505 5 402 47 -25.5
35 5540 0.05654 1.3 0.642 1.8 0.0824 1.3 0.71 510 6 474 29 -7.8
27 39444 0.05826 1.3 0.662 1.6 0.0824 1.0 0.59 511 5 540 29 5.4
33 18931 0.05952 1.3 0.678 1.7 0.0827 1.1 0.66 512 5 586 27 12.7
36 6130 0.05683 1.1 0.654 1.6 0.0834 1.2 0.74 517 6 485 24 -6.5
13 14766 0.05773 1.1 0.667 1.7 0.0838 1.3 0.75 519 6 519 25 0.1
22 3632 0.05716 2.1 0.661 2.5 0.0839 1.3 0.55 520 7 498 45 -4.3
04x 2857 0.05532 1.6 0.641 2.1 0.0841 1.4 0.66 521 7 425 35 -22.4
24 6660 0.05735 1.5 0.666 2.0 0.0842 1.3 0.64 521 6 505 34 -3.3
10 12882 0.05789 1.4 0.674 2.2 0.0844 1.6 0.74 522 8 526 32 0.6
29 6884 0.05715 1.2 0.676 1.6 0.0857 1.0 0.67 530 5 497 25 -6.6
08 19348 0.05799 1.2 0.692 1.7 0.0865 1.2 0.71 535 6 529 27 -1.1
15 11020 0.05863 2.3 0.703 2.6 0.0869 1.3 0.50 537 7 553 50 2.9
06 11452 0.05722 1.1 0.697 1.7 0.0883 1.3 0.75 546 7 500 25 -9.1
02 6679 0.05803 2.2 0.737 2.6 0.0921 1.3 0.52 568 7 531 48 -6.9
#31965, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Unango Complex
37x 358 0.05613 4.4 0.613 4.6 0.0791 1.4 0.30 491 7 458 98 -7.3
38x 295 0.06125 5.2 0.684 5.3 0.0809 1.1 0.21 502 5 648 112 22.6
35 767 0.05530 2.5 0.635 2.8 0.0833 1.3 0.45 516 6 424 57 -21.6
36 451 0.05496 5.0 0.641 5.3 0.0846 1.8 0.34 524 9 411 111 -27.5
26 1521 0.05820 1.3 0.694 1.7 0.0865 1.1 0.65 535 6 537 29 0.4
02x 796 0.06360 3.9 0.766 4.6 0.0873 2.4 0.52 540 12 728 82 25.9
30 3839 0.07104 2.1 1.361 2.4 0.1389 1.1 0.45 838 8 958 44 12.5
07 289 0.06838 5.3 1.326 5.4 0.1406 1.1 0.21 848 9 880 110 3.6
33 1254 0.07214 2.2 1.440 2.8 0.1448 1.7 0.61 872 14 990 44 12.0
29 2323 0.07015 1.9 1.424 2.2 0.1472 1.0 0.48 885 9 933 39 5.1
31 444 0.07193 2.9 1.465 3.0 0.1477 0.8 0.27 888 7 984 58 9.8
01 2360 0.07311 1.9 1.535 2.3 0.1522 1.3 0.55 913 11 1017 39 10.2
04 185 0.06819 6.1 1.448 6.3 0.1540 1.3 0.21 923 11 874 127 -5.6
08 512 0.07168 3.2 1.548 3.4 0.1566 1.1 0.33 938 10 977 66 4.0
22 877 0.06820 4.7 1.477 4.9 0.1571 1.2 0.24 941 10 875 98 -7.5
32 444 0.07297 2.9 1.583 3.1 0.1574 0.9 0.30 942 8 1013 59 7.0
25 146 0.07102 7.4 1.547 7.5 0.1580 1.3 0.17 946 11 958 152 1.3
24x 177 0.06526 7.7 1.499 7.8 0.1666 1.1 0.14 993 10 783 163 -26.9
23x 236 0.05983 7.7 1.377 7.8 0.1669 1.3 0.17 995 12 598 166 -66.5
05 435 0.07598 3.7 1.766 4.1 0.1686 1.6 0.40 1004 15 1095 75 8.2
28x 1361 0.08506 4.4 2.127 5.3 0.1814 3.1 0.58 1074 31 1317 84 18.4
#31965, Mnz, Granitic gneiss, Unango Complex
01 1110 0.05863 2.8 0.655 3.0 0.0810 1.2 0.41 502 6 554 60 9.3
05 2892 0.05915 2.1 0.666 2.6 0.0816 1.5 0.57 506 7 573 45 11.7
03 2295 0.05970 1.5 0.673 2.0 0.0817 1.3 0.64 506 6 593 33 14.6
08 2758 0.05814 1.5 0.660 1.8 0.0824 1.1 0.62 510 6 535 32 4.6
09x 4340 0.05944 1.1 0.682 1.6 0.0832 1.2 0.74 515 6 583 24 11.7
02x 1421 0.06041 2.2 0.703 2.6 0.0844 1.4 0.53 522 7 618 48 15.6
04 2830 0.05790 1.4 0.674 2.0 0.0844 1.4 0.69 522 7 526 32 0.7
10 5936 0.05708 1.0 0.680 1.6 0.0864 1.3 0.80 534 7 495 21 -8.0

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31259, Zrn, Dolerite, Unango Complex
34 3668 0.07125 1.4 1.331 2.2 0.1355 1.6 0.75 819 12 964 29 15.1
07 1587 0.07081 1.8 1.414 2.1 0.1448 0.9 0.46 872 8 952 37 8.4
26x 875 0.06725 2.6 1.388 3.0 0.1497 1.5 0.49 899 12 846 54 -6.3
04 2452 0.07237 2.7 1.533 2.8 0.1536 0.9 0.30 921 7 996 55 7.5
10 650 0.06867 3.0 1.465 3.2 0.1547 1.0 0.32 927 9 889 63 -4.3
09 697 0.07057 4.8 1.509 4.9 0.1551 1.0 0.21 929 9 945 98 1.7
06x 1621 0.06798 2.1 1.462 2.5 0.1560 1.4 0.55 935 12 868 43 -7.7
25 1793 0.07116 1.8 1.531 2.0 0.1560 0.9 0.43 935 7 962 37 2.8
03 2609 0.07195 2.0 1.553 2.2 0.1565 1.0 0.43 938 8 984 41 4.8
29x 16820 0.07725 3.4 1.671 3.5 0.1568 1.0 0.29 939 9 1128 67 16.7
21 612 0.07054 5.6 1.526 5.7 0.1569 1.0 0.18 940 9 944 115 0.5
08 881 0.07080 3.0 1.552 3.2 0.1590 1.1 0.36 951 10 952 61 0.1
05 1112 0.07308 2.3 1.627 2.5 0.1615 1.0 0.39 965 9 1016 46 5.0
24 6572 0.07362 1.4 1.654 1.6 0.1629 0.9 0.52 973 8 1031 28 5.6
01 1978 0.07172 2.1 1.615 2.4 0.1633 1.2 0.51 975 11 978 42 0.3
32 1579 0.07153 2.2 1.625 2.4 0.1648 0.9 0.40 983 9 973 44 -1.1
30 4038 0.07516 2.3 1.725 2.5 0.1665 1.0 0.41 993 9 1073 45 7.5
27 2581 0.07255 1.8 1.675 2.0 0.1674 1.0 0.49 998 9 1001 36 0.4
22 4312 0.07378 3.3 1.714 3.6 0.1684 1.4 0.38 1004 13 1036 67 3.1
02 2111 0.07357 2.3 1.729 2.5 0.1705 0.9 0.34 1015 8 1030 47 1.5
33 1935 0.07261 1.8 1.712 2.1 0.1710 1.2 0.56 1018 11 1003 36 -1.5
23x 3688 0.07614 2.3 1.865 2.6 0.1777 1.2 0.47 1054 12 1099 47 4.0
31 1245 0.07066 2.2 1.733 2.5 0.1779 1.1 0.46 1056 11 948 46 -11.4
28x 5384 0.08950 0.7 2.445 1.5 0.1981 1.3 0.88 1165 14 1415 13 17.6
#22782, Zrn, Charnockite, Unango Complex
06 2523 0.07114 1.8 1.318 2.2 0.1344 1.3 0.57 813 10 961 38 15.5
12 2731 0.07288 2.1 1.585 2.5 0.1578 1.3 0.54 944 12 1011 42 6.5
07 677 0.08069 6.9 1.788 7.2 0.1607 1.8 0.25 960 16 1214 137 20.9
03 776 0.06968 3.4 1.593 3.7 0.1658 1.4 0.39 989 13 919 71 -7.6
08 820 0.07781 5.6 1.894 5.9 0.1765 1.8 0.30 1048 17 1142 112 8.2
02 2386 0.07271 1.8 1.793 2.3 0.1788 1.3 0.57 1061 13 1006 38 -5.4
11 2614 0.07171 1.8 1.807 2.3 0.1828 1.5 0.62 1082 14 978 37 -10.7
09 1360 0.07180 2.9 1.840 3.2 0.1859 1.4 0.44 1099 14 980 59 -12.1
05 3413 0.07451 1.8 1.933 2.4 0.1881 1.5 0.64 1111 16 1055 37 -5.3
14 6064 0.07125 1.0 1.871 1.7 0.1904 1.4 0.83 1124 14 965 19 -16.5
10 1803 0.07219 2.1 1.906 2.5 0.1914 1.3 0.51 1129 13 991 43 -13.9
01 2517 0.07376 1.5 2.026 2.0 0.1992 1.3 0.65 1171 14 1035 31 -13.2
13 1138 0.07172 4.0 1.979 4.2 0.2002 1.3 0.31 1176 14 978 82 -20.2
04 2002 0.07360 1.8 2.251 2.6 0.2218 1.8 0.71 1291 21 1031 37 -25.3
#33507, Zrn, Quartz mangerite, Unango Complex
2 1574 0.05988 3.1 0.740 3.4 0.0896 1.3 0.37 553 7 599 68 7.6
5 1998 0.07134 3.7 1.158 3.9 0.1178 1.2 0.31 718 8 967 76 25.8
13 3655 0.07087 1.7 1.467 2.2 0.1501 1.4 0.64 901 12 954 34 5.5
12 4197 0.07303 1.1 1.559 1.5 0.1549 1.0 0.68 928 9 1015 22 8.5
3 1392 0.07677 3.8 1.667 4.1 0.1575 1.4 0.35 943 13 1115 76 15.5
11 971 0.06955 3.7 1.533 3.9 0.1599 1.3 0.32 956 11 915 76 -4.5
1 1601 0.07028 2.6 1.563 2.9 0.1612 1.3 0.43 964 11 937 54 -2.9
4 5327 0.07506 1.9 1.673 2.3 0.1617 1.2 0.54 966 11 1070 38 9.7
10 1639 0.07447 3.9 1.683 4.1 0.1639 1.2 0.30 978 11 1054 79 7.2
9 1511 0.06961 2.5 1.580 2.7 0.1646 1.0 0.39 982 9 917 51 -7.1
8 1514 0.07154 2.5 1.802 2.7 0.1826 1.1 0.41 1081 11 973 51 -11.1
7 2066 0.07360 2.3 1.949 2.6 0.1920 1.3 0.49 1132 13 1031 46 -9.9
14 2548 0.07433 2.1 1.987 2.4 0.1939 1.1 0.45 1142 11 1050 43 -8.8
6 4965 0.07651 1.5 2.162 2.0 0.2050 1.3 0.65 1202 14 1109 30 -8.4

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#35228, Zrn, Mylonite, Unango Complex
49 963 0.05726 4.0 0.539 4.3 0.0683 1.4 0.34 426 6 502 88 15.1
12 0.05527 9.1 0.538 9.2 0.0706 1.4 0.15 440 6 423 205 -4.0
04x 0.06335 8.1 1.289 8.4 0.1476 2.0 0.24 888 17 720 173 -23.3
45 3091 0.07254 1.3 1.496 1.6 0.1496 1.0 0.60 898 8 1001 26 10.3
41x 878 0.06728 3.3 1.389 3.8 0.1497 1.7 0.46 899 15 847 70 -6.2
11 0.07184 6.8 1.494 7.0 0.1509 1.9 0.27 906 16 982 138 7.7
42 539 0.06992 7.2 1.483 7.3 0.1539 1.3 0.17 923 11 926 149 0.4
50 530 0.07430 4.9 1.617 5.0 0.1578 1.0 0.20 945 9 1050 99 10.0
07 0.07377 4.6 1.632 4.7 0.1604 1.1 0.23 959 10 1035 93 7.4
05x 0.06583 4.1 1.460 4.3 0.1609 1.2 0.28 962 11 801 86 -20.0
43 284428 0.07559 1.8 1.690 1.9 0.1621 0.8 0.43 968 8 1084 35 10.7
10 0.07140 4.4 1.609 4.5 0.1634 1.0 0.23 976 9 969 90 -0.7
06 0.06743 6.0 1.538 6.1 0.1654 1.5 0.25 987 14 851 124 -15.9
08 0.07241 6.8 1.653 6.9 0.1655 1.2 0.18 988 11 997 139 1.0
09 0.07106 1.7 1.634 2.0 0.1667 1.0 0.51 994 10 959 35 -3.6
47 5788 0.07410 3.1 1.725 3.3 0.1689 1.2 0.35 1006 11 1044 63 3.7
01 0.06727 5.3 1.567 5.4 0.1689 1.1 0.20 1006 10 846 111 -18.9
46 3276 0.07192 2.0 1.677 2.2 0.1691 0.8 0.38 1007 8 984 42 -2.4
21 1119 0.07053 4.2 1.648 4.4 0.1695 1.3 0.29 1009 12 944 86 -6.9
02 0.07086 3.8 1.679 4.1 0.1718 1.5 0.38 1022 15 954 78 -7.2
44 4386 0.07336 1.2 1.769 1.4 0.1749 0.8 0.55 1039 8 1024 25 -1.5
23 413 0.07208 8.1 1.780 8.4 0.1791 2.2 0.27 1062 22 988 166 -7.5
#31863, Zrn,Leucogneiss, Unango Complex
34 851 0.07317 1.5 1.106 2.7 0.1096 2.3 0.84 671 14 1019 30 34.2
05 0.07418 2.9 1.233 3.8 0.1205 2.5 0.65 734 17 1046 58 29.9
07x 1828 0.06739 1.3 1.174 2.5 0.1263 2.1 0.85 767 15 850 27 9.8
05b 0.07117 2.0 1.303 2.6 0.1328 1.7 0.65 804 13 962 41 16.4
03c 0.07087 1.5 1.320 1.9 0.1351 1.2 0.63 817 9 954 31 14.3
06bx 0.06916 1.7 1.291 2.1 0.1354 1.3 0.61 819 10 904 34 9.4
06x 0.06704 2.8 1.358 3.4 0.1469 1.9 0.55 883 15 839 59 -5.3
06x 5454 0.07116 0.8 1.456 1.6 0.1484 1.4 0.86 892 11 962 17 7.3
28 2373 0.07190 1.3 1.514 1.9 0.1527 1.4 0.72 916 12 983 27 6.8
32 7812 0.07247 0.5 1.552 1.3 0.1554 1.2 0.91 931 10 999 11 6.8
33 5764 0.07142 0.7 1.553 1.7 0.1577 1.6 0.92 944 14 969 14 2.6
04 0.07302 2.5 1.602 2.8 0.1591 1.3 0.47 952 12 1015 51 6.2
12 0.07197 1.5 1.587 1.9 0.1599 1.2 0.62 956 11 985 31 2.9
31 3574 0.07167 0.8 1.582 2.0 0.1601 1.8 0.91 957 16 977 17 2.0
07b 0.07130 0.9 1.583 1.7 0.1610 1.4 0.84 962 13 966 19 0.4
09b 0.07352 0.9 1.640 1.8 0.1618 1.5 0.84 967 13 1028 19 6.0
30 3934 0.07282 0.7 1.630 1.6 0.1624 1.4 0.90 970 13 1009 14 3.9
02c 0.07278 0.5 1.645 1.0 0.1639 0.8 0.84 979 8 1008 11 2.9
29 1257 0.07340 1.1 1.664 1.7 0.1644 1.2 0.73 981 11 1025 23 4.3
03b 0.07234 0.8 1.650 1.8 0.1654 1.6 0.88 987 14 996 17 0.9
03 0.07321 0.8 1.679 1.8 0.1663 1.6 0.89 992 15 1020 17 2.8
01 0.07380 1.7 1.722 2.3 0.1693 1.6 0.68 1008 15 1036 35 2.7
11 0.07396 1.1 1.735 1.6 0.1702 1.1 0.72 1013 11 1041 22 2.6
10x 0.07053 1.4 1.659 1.9 0.1706 1.3 0.69 1016 12 944 28 -7.6
24 4582 0.07358 0.6 1.735 1.2 0.1710 1.0 0.86 1017 10 1030 12 1.2
25 6560 0.07301 0.5 1.726 1.2 0.1714 1.1 0.91 1020 10 1014 10 -0.6
23 1495 0.07138 1.2 1.707 1.7 0.1734 1.2 0.69 1031 11 968 25 -6.4
07x 0.07538 2.3 1.812 2.7 0.1743 1.4 0.50 1036 13 1079 46 4.0
21 2314 0.07350 0.8 1.786 1.4 0.1762 1.2 0.83 1046 11 1028 16 -1.8
02 0.07302 0.9 1.778 1.4 0.1766 1.0 0.76 1048 10 1015 18 -3.3
22 2382 0.07289 0.7 1.838 1.4 0.1829 1.2 0.85 1083 12 1011 15 -7.1
09x 0.07055 1.3 1.782 2.0 0.1832 1.5 0.77 1084 15 944 26 -14.8
02b 0.07250 2.9 1.846 3.3 0.1846 1.5 0.47 1092 15 1000 59 -9.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31229, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Unango Complex
21 4792 0.07713 4.8 1.561 4.9 0.1468 1.0 0.20 883 8 1125 95 21.5
22 5840 0.07234 3.5 1.543 3.7 0.1547 0.9 0.26 927 8 996 72 6.9
11 0.07268 0.8 1.599 1.2 0.1595 0.9 0.73 954 8 1005 16 5.1
10 0.07245 0.9 1.652 1.1 0.1654 0.7 0.64 987 7 999 18 1.2
07 0.07300 1.0 1.681 1.2 0.1670 0.7 0.57 996 7 1014 21 1.8
02 0.07328 0.9 1.689 1.2 0.1671 0.8 0.64 996 7 1022 19 2.5
32 9543 0.07338 1.5 1.697 1.8 0.1677 1.0 0.53 999 9 1024 31 2.4
24 4901 0.07418 1.7 1.733 1.9 0.1694 1.0 0.52 1009 9 1046 33 3.6
09 0.07230 1.1 1.690 1.3 0.1695 0.8 0.59 1009 7 994 22 -1.5
26 9463 0.07365 1.0 1.722 1.4 0.1696 1.0 0.70 1010 9 1032 21 2.2
01 0.07237 1.1 1.693 1.4 0.1696 0.8 0.57 1010 7 997 23 -1.4
04 0.07253 2.3 1.702 2.4 0.1702 0.7 0.30 1013 7 1001 46 -1.2
05 0.07335 1.2 1.724 1.4 0.1704 0.7 0.52 1015 7 1024 24 0.9
34 9453 0.07178 1.1 1.700 1.5 0.1718 1.0 0.66 1022 9 980 22 -4.3
31 989881 0.07490 1.6 1.778 1.9 0.1722 1.1 0.56 1024 10 1066 32 3.9
12 0.07356 0.8 1.747 1.1 0.1723 0.7 0.66 1025 7 1029 16 0.5
33 11311 0.07313 1.2 1.757 1.6 0.1743 1.1 0.67 1036 10 1018 24 -1.8
08 0.07297 0.7 1.760 1.0 0.1749 0.7 0.69 1039 6 1013 14 -2.6
06 0.07330 2.6 1.774 2.7 0.1755 0.8 0.28 1042 7 1022 52 -1.9
03 0.07300 1.0 1.787 1.3 0.1775 0.7 0.56 1053 7 1014 21 -3.9
30 10219 0.07304 1.1 1.813 1.5 0.1800 1.0 0.69 1067 10 1015 22 -5.1
29x 4850 0.07049 1.2 1.757 1.6 0.1807 1.0 0.66 1071 10 943 25 -13.6
27x 3517 0.07065 1.3 1.770 1.6 0.1817 0.9 0.59 1076 9 947 26 -13.6
23x 28531 0.07553 1.1 1.903 1.3 0.1828 0.8 0.61 1082 8 1083 21 0.1
28 4309 0.07142 1.3 1.860 1.7 0.1888 1.1 0.63 1115 11 970 27 -15.0
25x 68064 0.07568 1.0 2.053 1.5 0.1968 1.1 0.73 1158 12 1087 21 -6.6
#31870, Zrn, Granodiorite, Unango Complex
03 0.07604 6.7 0.460 7.6 0.0439 3.6 0.47 277 10 1096 135 74.7
04 0.06988 3.3 0.909 4.5 0.0943 3.1 0.68 581 17 925 67 37.2
23 1071 0.07322 2.0 1.139 5.3 0.1128 4.9 0.93 689 32 1020 40 32.5
08 0.07027 4.4 1.152 4.7 0.1189 1.6 0.35 724 11 936 91 22.6
06 0.06957 4.0 1.159 4.8 0.1208 2.7 0.56 735 19 916 82 19.7
29 825 0.07397 2.1 1.318 2.9 0.1292 2.0 0.70 784 15 1041 42 24.7
04bx 0.06709 2.7 1.315 3.4 0.1422 2.1 0.61 857 17 841 56 -1.9
24 2022 0.07436 1.2 1.511 2.7 0.1473 2.5 0.90 886 20 1051 23 15.7
28 1643 0.07356 1.6 1.504 2.8 0.1483 2.3 0.82 891 19 1029 32 13.4
33 8105 0.07441 1.0 1.587 2.6 0.1547 2.4 0.92 927 20 1053 21 11.9
09b 0.07116 4.6 1.552 4.8 0.1582 1.3 0.27 947 11 962 95 1.6
05b 0.07070 3.4 1.584 3.6 0.1625 1.4 0.39 971 13 949 69 -2.3
10 0.07546 2.2 1.730 2.4 0.1663 1.1 0.45 992 10 1081 44 8.3
30 4579 0.07373 1.2 1.693 1.9 0.1665 1.4 0.75 993 13 1034 25 4.0
12 0.07303 1.3 1.706 1.6 0.1694 0.9 0.57 1009 8 1015 26 0.6
05 0.07311 4.1 1.708 4.2 0.1694 0.9 0.23 1009 9 1017 82 0.8
11 0.07116 1.9 1.665 2.6 0.1697 1.8 0.70 1010 17 962 38 -5.0
01 0.07265 1.2 1.704 1.6 0.1701 1.0 0.65 1013 9 1004 24 -0.9
07 0.07246 1.7 1.709 1.9 0.1710 0.8 0.43 1018 8 999 35 -1.9
34 5691 0.07336 1.1 1.734 1.7 0.1715 1.2 0.74 1020 12 1024 23 0.4
02 0.07055 2.3 1.684 2.5 0.1731 1.1 0.43 1029 10 945 46 -9.0
25 4584 0.07372 0.6 1.763 1.6 0.1735 1.5 0.93 1031 14 1034 12 0.3
09x 0.06360 6.7 1.532 6.8 0.1747 1.4 0.20 1038 13 728 142 -42.5
32 5553 0.07371 1.4 1.803 1.9 0.1774 1.4 0.72 1053 14 1034 27 -1.9
27x 17341 0.07681 1.5 1.942 2.1 0.1834 1.5 0.71 1085 15 1116 29 2.8
26 11620 0.07392 0.6 1.876 1.2 0.1841 1.1 0.88 1089 11 1039 12 -4.8
21 8344 0.07372 0.7 1.940 1.4 0.1908 1.2 0.88 1126 13 1034 13 -8.9
22 9816 0.07370 0.8 2.022 1.4 0.1990 1.2 0.84 1170 13 1033 15 -13.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31261, Zrn, Banded granulite, Unango Complex
34 5979 0.07371 1.2 1.536 1.7 0.1511 1.2 0.72 907 10 1034 24 12.2
30 13591 0.07324 1.1 1.532 1.9 0.1517 1.5 0.81 910 13 1020 22 10.8
31x 13218 0.07117 1.3 1.504 1.6 0.1533 0.9 0.59 919 8 962 26 4.5
28 65676 0.07291 1.4 1.556 1.8 0.1548 1.2 0.65 928 10 1011 28 8.3
29 38052 0.07521 1.1 1.626 1.4 0.1568 0.9 0.61 939 7 1074 23 12.6
24x 5833 0.07659 2.0 1.666 2.3 0.1578 1.3 0.53 945 11 1111 39 15.0
01 0.07251 1.4 1.583 1.6 0.1583 0.8 0.48 948 7 1000 29 5.3
08 0.07459 0.9 1.630 1.6 0.1584 1.3 0.81 948 11 1058 19 10.4
33x 3263 0.07051 1.6 1.546 1.8 0.1590 0.9 0.50 951 8 943 32 -0.9
22 4450 0.07312 1.3 1.618 1.9 0.1604 1.4 0.72 959 12 1017 27 5.7
05 0.07236 2.4 1.614 2.6 0.1617 1.1 0.44 966 10 996 48 3.0
32 8929 0.07333 1.0 1.644 1.6 0.1626 1.3 0.81 971 12 1023 19 5.1
21 5736 0.07416 1.5 1.695 2.0 0.1658 1.3 0.65 989 12 1046 31 5.4
35 12507 0.07416 0.6 1.743 1.6 0.1705 1.5 0.92 1015 14 1046 13 3.0
04 0.07208 1.4 1.698 1.6 0.1708 0.8 0.52 1017 8 988 28 -2.9
26 4697 0.07413 1.2 1.750 1.7 0.1712 1.2 0.70 1019 11 1045 24 2.5
07 0.07430 1.0 1.759 1.1 0.1717 0.6 0.53 1022 6 1050 19 2.7
06 0.07458 1.2 1.784 1.4 0.1735 0.6 0.45 1031 6 1057 24 2.5
33 26825 0.07322 0.6 1.756 1.3 0.1740 1.1 0.88 1034 11 1020 12 -1.4
25 4380 0.07520 1.4 1.821 1.7 0.1757 0.9 0.53 1043 9 1074 29 2.8
02 0.07258 2.2 1.793 2.5 0.1792 1.2 0.47 1063 11 1002 44 -6.0
03x 0.07097 1.7 1.788 1.8 0.1827 0.5 0.29 1082 5 957 35 -13.1
27 9913 0.07442 1.1 2.114 1.6 0.2061 1.2 0.74 1208 13 1053 22 -14.7
#31971, Zrn, Leucogranite, Unango Complex
45 2613 0.07409 1.2 1.239 2.1 0.1213 1.8 0.84 738 13 1044 23 29.3
21 282 0.07161 6.7 1.375 7.3 0.1393 2.9 0.40 840 23 975 137 13.8
09 0.07387 1.1 1.482 1.4 0.1455 0.8 0.62 876 7 1038 22 15.6
06 0.07327 2.6 1.483 3.0 0.1468 1.5 0.50 883 12 1021 53 13.6
46 1511 0.07391 1.1 1.497 1.4 0.1469 0.7 0.53 883 6 1039 23 15.0
31 520 0.07178 3.1 1.478 3.6 0.1493 1.9 0.52 897 16 980 63 8.5
08x 0.07071 2.5 1.458 2.6 0.1496 0.8 0.30 899 7 949 51 5.3
11 0.07270 2.0 1.518 2.2 0.1514 0.8 0.35 909 6 1006 41 9.6
51 3371 0.07355 1.2 1.560 1.5 0.1538 1.0 0.64 922 8 1029 24 10.4
02 0.07369 1.8 1.578 2.0 0.1553 0.9 0.47 931 8 1033 36 9.9
04 0.07316 1.7 1.575 2.0 0.1561 1.0 0.50 935 9 1018 35 8.2
50 1438 0.07355 1.1 1.593 1.4 0.1571 0.8 0.59 940 7 1029 22 8.6
41 8725 0.07393 0.7 1.623 0.9 0.1592 0.6 0.68 952 5 1040 14 8.4
43 4634 0.07494 0.8 1.674 1.0 0.1620 0.6 0.62 968 6 1067 17 9.3
53 4641 0.07459 0.8 1.672 1.0 0.1626 0.6 0.56 971 5 1058 17 8.2
22x 1159 0.08076 2.9 1.811 3.8 0.1626 2.5 0.65 971 22 1216 57 20.1
07x 0.07009 2.8 1.574 2.9 0.1629 0.9 0.31 973 8 931 57 -4.5
04b 0.07457 1.7 1.678 2.0 0.1632 1.1 0.54 974 10 1057 34 7.8
03 0.07434 2.0 1.677 2.3 0.1636 1.2 0.49 977 11 1051 41 7.0
52 4757 0.07452 0.7 1.682 0.9 0.1637 0.5 0.64 977 5 1056 13 7.4
54 2969 0.07401 1.3 1.672 1.6 0.1638 0.9 0.58 978 8 1042 26 6.1
47 183635 0.07514 0.7 1.697 0.9 0.1638 0.7 0.71 978 6 1072 13 8.8
49 2039 0.07363 1.7 1.694 1.8 0.1669 0.7 0.41 995 7 1031 34 3.5
32 1170 0.07518 1.9 1.733 2.5 0.1672 1.7 0.68 997 16 1073 37 7.1
48 3199 0.07427 0.8 1.731 1.0 0.1690 0.6 0.61 1007 6 1049 16 4.0
01b 0.07272 2.8 1.702 3.0 0.1698 1.0 0.35 1011 10 1006 56 -0.5
12 0.07528 1.3 1.807 1.6 0.1741 0.9 0.59 1035 9 1076 25 3.8
05x 0.07063 1.3 1.721 1.5 0.1767 0.7 0.49 1049 7 947 27 -10.8
44 4754 0.07426 0.8 1.811 1.1 0.1769 0.8 0.74 1050 8 1049 15 -0.1
29 12080 0.07451 0.6 1.821 1.2 0.1772 1.1 0.87 1052 10 1055 12 0.3
25 1209 0.07395 1.4 1.826 1.9 0.1791 1.2 0.63 1062 11 1040 29 -2.1
01x 0.07243 1.3 1.797 1.5 0.1799 0.8 0.51 1066 7 998 26 -6.8
42 16889 0.07420 0.6 1.847 1.2 0.1805 1.1 0.89 1070 11 1047 11 -2.2

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31971, Zrn, Leucogranite, Unango Complex
27 63200 0.07491 1.2 1.882 1.7 0.1822 1.1 0.68 1079 11 1066 25 -1.2
26 1531 0.07399 0.9 1.863 1.5 0.1826 1.2 0.80 1081 12 1041 18 -3.8
30 44671 0.07428 0.6 1.900 1.4 0.1855 1.3 0.91 1097 13 1049 11 -4.6
23 3707 0.07449 1.2 1.959 2.0 0.1907 1.6 0.80 1125 16 1055 24 -6.7
24 6956 0.07240 1.0 2.145 1.9 0.2149 1.6 0.85 1255 19 997 21 -25.8
#40403, Zrn, Quartz monzonite, Unango Complex
08 3324 0.07565 1.9 1.874 2.2 0.1797 1.1 0.51 1065 11 1086 38 1.9
07 1246 0.07379 2.1 1.833 2.4 0.1802 1.0 0.44 1068 10 1036 43 -3.1
09 2477 0.07311 1.4 1.853 2.0 0.1839 1.4 0.69 1088 14 1017 29 -7.0
04 2217 0.07376 1.8 1.870 2.1 0.1839 1.1 0.54 1088 11 1035 35 -5.2
06 5004 0.07653 1.3 1.959 1.7 0.1856 1.1 0.65 1098 11 1109 26 1.0
11 2794 0.07380 1.2 1.906 1.6 0.1873 1.1 0.65 1107 11 1036 25 -6.8
10 1902 0.07308 1.6 1.899 2.0 0.1885 1.2 0.59 1113 12 1016 33 -9.5
14 3368 0.07587 1.7 1.976 2.0 0.1889 1.1 0.56 1116 11 1092 33 -2.2
05 4732 0.07636 1.5 2.021 1.8 0.1919 1.0 0.56 1132 10 1105 30 -2.5
03 4692 0.07594 1.5 2.019 1.8 0.1928 0.9 0.53 1137 10 1094 30 -3.9
02 5697 0.07519 1.1 2.031 1.6 0.1959 1.1 0.69 1153 11 1074 23 -7.4
13 3824 0.07549 1.3 2.050 2.0 0.1969 1.5 0.75 1159 16 1082 26 -7.1
12 3377 0.07514 1.2 2.077 1.7 0.2005 1.2 0.72 1178 13 1072 24 -9.9
01 2634 0.07349 1.5 2.036 1.9 0.2009 1.1 0.59 1180 12 1028 31 -14.9
#22780, Mnz, Metapelitic gneiss, Unango Complex
25 4567 0.05766 1.4 0.650 1.9 0.0818 1.3 0.67 507 6 517 31 1.9
30x 2724 0.05654 1.8 0.639 2.3 0.0820 1.5 0.65 508 7 474 40 -7.2
16 11089 0.05773 0.6 0.667 1.2 0.0838 1.1 0.88 519 5 520 13 0.2
01 20244 0.05789 0.6 0.670 1.2 0.0839 1.0 0.87 519 5 526 12 1.2
05 6779 0.05825 0.6 0.676 1.2 0.0842 1.0 0.85 521 5 539 14 3.4
09 4841 0.05757 0.9 0.682 1.4 0.0860 1.1 0.80 532 6 513 19 -3.6
13 8012 0.05855 0.7 0.698 1.3 0.0865 1.1 0.85 535 6 550 15 2.9
11 6067 0.05759 0.8 0.688 1.4 0.0866 1.1 0.80 535 6 514 19 -4.1
02 14278 0.05741 0.5 0.686 1.5 0.0866 1.4 0.94 536 7 507 12 -5.6
24b 3194 0.05956 1.5 0.714 2.1 0.0870 1.4 0.67 538 7 588 34 8.5
10 7439 0.05760 0.8 0.696 1.4 0.0876 1.1 0.81 542 6 515 18 -5.2
21b 4874 0.05901 1.3 0.721 2.2 0.0887 1.7 0.81 548 9 568 28 3.5
29b 2430 0.05659 1.8 0.699 2.2 0.0896 1.3 0.56 553 7 476 41 -16.4
15 7199 0.05844 0.8 0.727 1.4 0.0902 1.1 0.80 557 6 546 18 -1.9
06 7979 0.05734 0.8 0.715 1.8 0.0904 1.6 0.90 558 8 505 17 -10.6
14 9450 0.05887 0.6 0.741 1.4 0.0913 1.2 0.89 564 7 562 14 -0.2
03 9811 0.06065 0.8 0.778 1.5 0.0931 1.3 0.86 574 7 627 17 8.5
12 12722 0.05913 0.8 0.761 1.4 0.0933 1.1 0.83 575 6 572 17 -0.6
22b 5276 0.06267 1.4 0.833 2.9 0.0965 2.5 0.87 594 14 697 30 14.8
04 14649 0.06048 0.7 0.805 1.4 0.0965 1.2 0.86 594 7 621 16 4.3
23bx 6983 0.06669 1.5 0.956 3.1 0.1040 2.7 0.88 638 17 828 31 23.0
26b 7070 0.06376 1.1 0.936 2.1 0.1065 1.8 0.85 652 11 734 24 11.1
32x 4452 0.06201 1.4 0.925 2.2 0.1082 1.7 0.76 662 10 674 30 1.8
27b 7340 0.06420 1.1 0.994 2.2 0.1123 2.0 0.87 686 13 748 23 8.3
31b 4507 0.06629 1.3 1.070 3.2 0.1170 3.0 0.91 713 20 816 28 12.5
28b 5397 0.06593 1.4 1.084 2.6 0.1192 2.2 0.85 726 15 804 29 9.7
07 10601 0.06745 0.7 1.129 2.0 0.1214 1.9 0.94 739 13 852 14 13.3
08 15861 0.07017 0.7 1.363 2.1 0.1408 2.0 0.95 849 16 933 14 9.0

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33512, Mnz, Banded granulite, Unango Complex
26 5730 0.05899 1.1 0.661 1.8 0.0813 1.4 0.77 504 7 567 25 11.1
23x 1190 0.06152 2.8 0.701 3.0 0.0827 1.1 0.35 512 5 657 61 22.1
30x 14548 0.05924 0.8 0.676 1.4 0.0827 1.1 0.80 512 5 576 18 11.0
25 2396 0.05831 1.7 0.679 2.2 0.0844 1.3 0.60 523 7 541 38 3.5
24 1449 0.05921 2.6 0.690 2.9 0.0845 1.2 0.43 523 6 575 58 9.0
27 6097 0.05777 1.1 0.674 1.8 0.0847 1.4 0.80 524 7 521 23 -0.6
05 4883 0.05876 1.1 0.687 1.5 0.0848 1.1 0.72 525 6 558 23 6.0
21 4339 0.05879 1.3 0.688 1.8 0.0849 1.3 0.71 525 7 559 28 6.1
31 17500 0.05713 0.8 0.672 1.7 0.0853 1.5 0.89 528 8 497 17 -6.2
01 11938 0.05762 0.6 0.679 1.3 0.0854 1.2 0.88 529 6 515 14 -2.6
08 7282 0.05722 1.0 0.681 1.7 0.0863 1.4 0.82 534 7 500 22 -6.7
03 10993 0.05772 0.7 0.694 1.4 0.0871 1.2 0.87 539 6 519 15 -3.7
32 15511 0.05872 0.8 0.707 1.7 0.0873 1.5 0.89 540 8 557 17 3.1
09 10282 0.05765 0.5 0.694 1.2 0.0873 1.1 0.90 540 6 516 12 -4.5
29 8776 0.05773 0.9 0.699 1.7 0.0878 1.5 0.87 542 8 520 19 -4.4
06 5040 0.05750 0.9 0.697 1.8 0.0879 1.5 0.87 543 8 511 19 -6.3
10 13260 0.05747 0.6 0.699 1.6 0.0882 1.5 0.92 545 8 510 13 -7.0
07 5955 0.05819 0.8 0.711 1.4 0.0886 1.2 0.82 547 6 537 18 -1.9
02 19987 0.05822 0.6 0.713 1.3 0.0888 1.1 0.87 548 6 538 14 -1.9
04 16542 0.05799 0.5 0.712 1.7 0.0890 1.6 0.95 550 8 529 11 -3.8
33 13014 0.05807 0.9 0.716 1.7 0.0895 1.5 0.86 552 8 533 19 -3.7
22 4900 0.05876 1.1 0.733 1.8 0.0904 1.4 0.77 558 7 558 25 0.0
28 12219 0.05866 0.9 0.741 1.7 0.0916 1.4 0.83 565 7 555 20 -1.8
#40710, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Nampula Complex
03 7906 0.05860 2.2 0.580 2.6 0.0718 1.5 0.56 447 6 552 48 19.0
23 17353 0.05706 1.1 0.575 1.5 0.0730 1.0 0.67 454 4 494 24 8.0
01x 3331 0.05544 1.9 0.560 2.4 0.0732 1.4 0.61 455 6 430 42 -5.9
04 7891 0.05777 1.7 0.587 2.2 0.0737 1.5 0.67 458 7 521 37 12.0
08 8224 0.05707 0.9 0.588 1.7 0.0747 1.5 0.87 464 7 494 19 6.0
06 8957 0.05698 1.2 0.588 1.9 0.0748 1.5 0.79 465 7 491 26 5.3
26 5806 0.05708 1.5 0.591 1.9 0.0751 1.2 0.64 467 6 494 32 5.6
24 22466 0.05797 1.4 0.605 1.8 0.0757 1.0 0.58 471 5 529 32 11.0
10 10468 0.05791 0.9 0.616 1.8 0.0772 1.5 0.86 479 7 526 20 8.9
21 4959 0.05640 1.4 0.602 2.0 0.0775 1.3 0.68 481 6 468 32 -2.7
09 11399 0.05765 0.9 0.617 1.8 0.0776 1.5 0.86 482 7 517 20 6.8
05 6475 0.05653 1.4 0.606 2.1 0.0777 1.5 0.73 483 7 473 32 -1.9
02 8374 0.05726 1.3 0.614 2.0 0.0778 1.5 0.77 483 7 501 28 3.7
12 5574 0.05997 3.7 0.644 4.1 0.0779 1.6 0.40 483 8 603 80 19.8
22 21532 0.05832 1.4 0.637 1.7 0.0792 1.0 0.59 491 5 542 30 9.3
13 20110 0.05778 0.7 0.632 1.6 0.0794 1.5 0.91 492 7 521 15 5.6
14 8987 0.05854 1.5 0.642 2.2 0.0795 1.7 0.75 493 8 550 32 10.4
07 10306 0.05759 1.1 0.632 2.0 0.0796 1.6 0.81 494 8 514 25 4.0
25 6888 0.05685 1.4 0.626 1.8 0.0798 1.1 0.61 495 5 486 32 -2.0
28 7573 0.05605 1.2 0.621 1.6 0.0803 1.0 0.64 498 5 454 28 -9.6
27 23943 0.05789 0.9 0.642 1.4 0.0805 1.1 0.76 499 5 526 20 5.1
15 84258 0.05901 1.2 0.669 2.1 0.0822 1.7 0.80 509 8 568 27 10.3
11 2342 0.05691 3.1 0.659 3.6 0.0839 1.8 0.50 519 9 488 69 -6.4
#33373, Zrn, Phenocryst granite, Nampula Complex
08x 2067 0.05454 2.4 0.554 2.6 0.0736 1.0 0.38 458 4 393 55 -16.4
03 10832 0.05773 1.2 0.592 1.5 0.0743 0.9 0.62 462 4 520 26 11.1
12 15514 0.05819 1.3 0.597 1.5 0.0744 0.9 0.58 462 4 537 28 13.9
10 2637 0.06248 7.8 0.641 7.9 0.0744 1.2 0.15 463 5 691 167 33.0
14x 5360 0.05659 1.4 0.584 1.6 0.0748 0.9 0.56 465 4 475 30 2.2
01 7115 0.06033 3.5 0.630 3.7 0.0757 1.1 0.30 470 5 615 76 23.6
05 4208 0.05758 2.3 0.603 2.5 0.0759 1.1 0.44 472 5 514 50 8.2
06 7514 0.05681 1.1 0.614 1.5 0.0784 0.9 0.63 486 4 484 25 -0.4
09x 1896 0.05369 3.3 0.593 3.6 0.0802 1.4 0.39 497 7 358 74 -38.9

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#33373, Zrn, Phenocryst granite, Nampula Complex
15 10209 0.05912 2.1 0.658 2.5 0.0808 1.2 0.49 501 6 571 47 12.4
04 17183 0.05832 1.0 0.674 1.6 0.0839 1.2 0.75 519 6 542 23 4.2
11 2019 0.05419 5.4 0.630 5.6 0.0844 1.2 0.22 522 6 379 122 -37.8
07 11072 0.05682 1.0 0.667 1.5 0.0851 1.1 0.74 527 6 484 22 -8.7
13 14137 0.05765 1.2 0.678 1.6 0.0853 1.1 0.68 528 6 516 26 -2.2
02 5651 0.05784 2.1 0.697 2.4 0.0874 1.2 0.48 540 6 524 46 -3.1
16 c 4278 0.07044 2.8 1.247 3.2 0.1284 1.6 0.50 779 12 941 57 17.3
17 c 8169 0.07022 1.5 1.448 2.2 0.1496 1.6 0.74 899 14 935 30 3.9
#40781, Zrn, Granitic gneiss, Nampula Complex
04 12015 0.07361 1.0 1.480 1.6 0.1458 1.3 0.79 877 11 1031 20 14.9
05 46592 0.07339 0.9 1.596 1.6 0.1577 1.4 0.84 944 12 1025 18 7.9
08 14770 0.07398 0.7 1.623 1.7 0.1591 1.6 0.92 952 14 1041 14 8.6
11 35202 0.07470 0.7 1.643 1.6 0.1595 1.5 0.92 954 13 1060 13 10.0
06 18973 0.07392 0.9 1.628 1.5 0.1597 1.3 0.81 955 11 1039 18 8.1
01 16684 0.07442 1.6 1.643 2.0 0.1601 1.2 0.61 957 11 1053 32 9.1
03 23695 0.07494 0.8 1.659 1.5 0.1605 1.3 0.86 960 11 1067 15 10.0
14 18161 0.07537 0.8 1.676 1.7 0.1613 1.5 0.89 964 13 1078 16 10.6
02 14497 0.07487 1.2 1.697 1.9 0.1644 1.4 0.74 981 13 1065 25 7.9
12 17150 0.07414 0.6 1.725 1.7 0.1688 1.6 0.94 1005 15 1045 12 3.8
13 11330 0.07311 0.7 1.713 1.9 0.1700 1.7 0.94 1012 16 1017 13 0.5
09 12235 0.07359 0.7 1.734 1.9 0.1709 1.8 0.93 1017 17 1030 14 1.3
07 7143 0.07332 1.3 1.744 2.1 0.1726 1.7 0.79 1026 16 1023 26 -0.3
15 8197 0.07392 0.8 1.773 1.7 0.1739 1.5 0.89 1034 15 1039 16 0.6
10 12489 0.07326 0.8 1.763 1.8 0.1745 1.6 0.90 1037 15 1021 16 -1.5
16 10848 0.07423 0.7 1.808 1.6 0.1767 1.5 0.90 1049 14 1048 14 -0.1
#33296, Zrn, Augen gneiss, Nampula Complex
09x 8175 0.07236 0.7 1.636 1.4 0.1640 1.3 0.88 979 11 996 14 1.7
13x 13178 0.07318 0.6 1.691 1.2 0.1676 1.1 0.89 999 10 1019 11 2.0
14x 3903 0.07295 0.9 1.715 1.4 0.1705 1.1 0.75 1015 10 1013 19 -0.2
05 2827 0.07360 1.4 1.637 1.7 0.1613 1.0 0.59 964 9 1031 28 6.5
08 11335 0.07499 0.7 1.748 1.4 0.1690 1.2 0.85 1007 11 1068 14 5.8
06 2109 0.07382 1.8 1.721 2.1 0.1691 1.2 0.54 1007 11 1036 36 2.8
03 8119 0.07401 0.8 1.740 1.3 0.1705 1.1 0.81 1015 10 1042 15 2.6
02 10503 0.07512 0.7 1.768 1.3 0.1707 1.1 0.86 1016 11 1072 13 5.2
12 9352 0.07493 0.8 1.777 1.3 0.1720 1.0 0.75 1023 9 1067 17 4.1
01 11019 0.07438 0.8 1.766 1.4 0.1722 1.1 0.83 1024 11 1052 15 2.6
07 2328 0.07468 2.1 1.864 2.3 0.1810 1.0 0.43 1073 10 1060 41 -1.2
10 18406 0.07434 0.6 1.903 1.3 0.1856 1.1 0.87 1098 12 1051 13 -4.5
04 10851 0.07450 0.6 1.970 1.3 0.1918 1.1 0.90 1131 12 1055 11 -7.2
11 12614 0.07505 0.7 2.038 1.6 0.1969 1.4 0.89 1159 15 1070 15 -8.3

Table continued
206Pb 207Pb 1V 207Pb 1V 206Pb 1V Co 206Pb 207Pb
Id 204Pb 206Pb % 235U % 238U % 238U 1V 206Pb 1V Di
Ma Ma %
#31779, Zrn, Granite, Ponta Messuli Complex
09 4955 0.07426 2.0 1.634 2.2 0.1596 1.0 0.45 955 9 1048 40 8.9
03 28816 0.07610 1.9 1.706 2.2 0.1626 1.2 0.54 971 11 1098 37 11.5
07 7581 0.07255 1.7 1.638 2.0 0.1638 1.0 0.52 978 9 1001 34 2.4
05 4028 0.07323 2.3 1.654 2.6 0.1638 1.1 0.42 978 10 1020 47 4.1
01 4635 0.07481 1.7 1.690 1.9 0.1638 1.0 0.51 978 9 1064 33 8.0
21 7321 0.07443 1.3 1.696 1.6 0.1653 1.0 0.64 986 9 1053 25 6.4
13 4283 0.07466 2.2 1.714 2.4 0.1665 1.1 0.45 993 10 1060 44 6.3
29 2700 0.07268 1.8 1.670 2.2 0.1666 1.3 0.58 994 12 1005 36 1.1
28 6839 0.07525 1.6 1.740 2.0 0.1677 1.0 0.53 1000 10 1075 33 7.0
11 7113 0.07514 1.7 1.740 2.1 0.1680 1.1 0.54 1001 10 1072 35 6.6
26 5687 0.07481 1.7 1.784 2.2 0.1729 1.3 0.61 1028 12 1063 35 3.3
30 1121 0.07236 2.1 1.802 2.4 0.1806 1.1 0.48 1070 11 996 43 -7.5
27x 3133 0.07150 1.3 1.788 1.7 0.1813 1.1 0.65 1074 11 972 27 -10.5
02 2071 0.07281 1.6 1.825 2.0 0.1818 1.1 0.55 1077 11 1009 33 -6.7
24x 6423 0.07667 1.5 1.952 1.9 0.1846 1.2 0.61 1092 12 1113 31 1.8
08 10345 0.07354 1.2 1.880 1.5 0.1854 1.0 0.66 1096 10 1029 23 -6.6
06 41078 0.07511 1.0 1.927 1.4 0.1861 1.0 0.71 1100 10 1071 20 -2.7
22 42269 0.07512 0.8 1.938 1.5 0.1871 1.3 0.86 1106 13 1072 15 -3.2
23 10113 0.07448 0.8 1.929 1.4 0.1879 1.2 0.82 1110 12 1054 16 -5.3
04 5427 0.07496 1.2 1.959 1.7 0.1895 1.3 0.73 1119 13 1067 24 -4.8
25 3981 0.07484 1.3 1.982 1.9 0.1920 1.4 0.73 1132 15 1064 26 -6.4
10 7911 0.07539 1.0 2.022 1.4 0.1945 1.1 0.74 1146 11 1079 19 -6.2
12 6768 0.07410 1.0 2.039 1.5 0.1996 1.1 0.76 1173 12 1044 20 -12.4
14 10906 0.07479 0.7 2.170 1.3 0.2104 1.0 0.82 1231 12 1063 15 -15.8
#31874, Mnz, Metapelitic gneiss, Ponta Messuli Complex
04 12559 0.12063 0.9 5.873 1.9 0.3531 1.6 0.87 1949 27 1966 17 0.8
08 4666 0.12054 1.0 5.880 1.8 0.3538 1.4 0.81 1953 24 1964 19 0.6
10 4916 0.11880 1.3 5.873 2.7 0.3585 2.3 0.87 1975 40 1938 24 -1.9
01 3520 0.11783 1.0 5.877 1.9 0.3617 1.7 0.86 1990 29 1924 18 -3.5
03 8074 0.11950 0.9 6.004 1.5 0.3644 1.2 0.80 2003 21 1949 16 -2.8
07 2551 0.11948 1.3 6.055 2.0 0.3675 1.5 0.75 2018 26 1949 23 -3.6
06 4568 0.12006 0.9 6.088 1.8 0.3678 1.5 0.85 2019 26 1957 16 -3.2
09 4775 0.11786 1.1 5.990 2.1 0.3686 1.8 0.86 2023 31 1924 19 -5.1
05 2518 0.12101 1.2 6.196 2.1 0.3714 1.7 0.82 2036 30 1971 22 -3.3
02 4598 0.11811 1.0 6.102 1.8 0.3747 1.5 0.83 2052 26 1928 18 -6.4
11 1458 0.11960 1.8 6.453 2.8 0.3913 2.2 0.78 2129 40 1950 32 -9.2
12 5729 0.11868 0.9 6.469 2.3 0.3953 2.1 0.92 2147 39 1937 17 -10.9

APPENDIX 5: Table of Mineral deposits
Ref. No Name Zone East North Verified Map Commodity Size
Palma 37 664002 8807576 1040 Ti, Zr, REE Unknown
Olumbi 37 662071 8785464 1040 Ti, Zr, REE Unknown
Palma 37 662155 8809605 Yes 1040 Salt Small
Quionga 37 664000 8829000 Yes 1040 Salt Small
Long Bay 36 719940 8719700 Yes 1135 Au Small
Miazini 36 719200 8715800 Yes 1135 Au Small
Rio Luanguele 36 723000 8719400 Yes 1135 Au Small
0A (Zero A) 36 728323 8715258 Yes 1135 Au Small
M'Papa 36 723745 8713625 Yes 1135 Au Small
0D (Zero D/M'Popo) 36 729894 8709752 Yes 1135 Au Small
Cagurue 36 739550 8714130 Yes 1135 Au Small
Nacabuato 36 730129 8696621 Yes 1135 Au Small
Tulo 36 728217 8689145 Yes 1135 Au Small
5 Makaa-Itule 37 437000 8691700 1138 Coal Small
3 Nanhili 37 586000 8721000 1139 Clay Small
Mt. Chinalu 37 578268 8676478 1139 Tourmaline Unknown
4 N'Guri 37 618009 8691647 1140 Clay Medium
Maculo 37 656474 8757839 1140 Ti, Zr, REE Unknown
Mocimboa da Praia 37 650300 8747700 1140 Ti, Zr, REE Unknown
10 Rio Lifutiche (Lunho) 36 713349 8610202 Yes 1234 Coal Medium
12 Rio Fobue (Messumba) 36 693000 8619000 1234 Garnet Unknown
Mazogo 36 699170 8573690 Yes 1234 Fe, Ti Small
Meluluca 36 693948 8578886 Yes 1234 Quartz Small
Ponta Ngoo 36 689002 8631642 Yes 1234 Soapstone Small
Ponta Ngoo II 36 686396 8619672 Yes 1234 Soapstone Small
Sem-nome 36 696335 8582336 Yes 1234 Mica Small
7 Chissindo 36 731700 8625100 Yes 1235 Ne, Nb, Ta, U Medium
8 Monte Chissindo 36 731300 8623300 1235 Corundum Occurrence
13 Malulo 36 736600 8576700 Yes 1235 Limestone Medium
TX3 (Maniamba Basin) 36 719537 8610862 Yes 1235 Kimberlite Small
Rio Lulimbo 36 789495 8666328 Yes 1235 Au Occurrence
Rio Chimulicamuli 36 769141 8644626 Yes 1235 Au Small
14 Rio Lucuisse 37 207210 8583830 Yes 1236 U, Nb, REE Small
Rio Levele 37 228840 8572186 Yes 1236 Quartz, kyanite Medium
Rio Lugenda 37 353700 8623370 Yes 1237 Au Occurrence
18 Rio Lureco-Rereco 37 297700 8564250 1237 Au Occurrence
Rio Lureco 37 300654 8571601 Yes 1237 Cu Occurrence
6 Chipuputa 37 429500 8660600 1238 Coal Small
Nanlicha 37 395503 8610686 Yes 1238 Corundum Occurrence
Lusaka 37 441630 8572733 Yes 1238 Graphite Occurrence
Chumbaindo (Rio 37 595090 8669122 Yes 1239 Aquamarine Small
Rio Muedi 37 588446 8671780 Yes 1239 Tourmaline
Lagoa Shuvi 37 589226 8669658 Yes 1239 Tourmaline Unknown
Rio Messalo 37 594740 8670716 Yes 1239 Aquamarine Occurrence
Rio Opa 37 565914 8669754 Yes 1239 Tourmaline Occurrence
Rio Maulo 37 574059 8654400 Yes 1239 Quartz Small
19 Pemba 37 665828 8564096 1240 Clay
Ponta Maunhane 37 671100 8564700 1240 Ti, Zr Medium
Mucojo 37 663276 8667471 1240 Ti, Zr Unknown
Pemba 37 666741 8565686 tes 1241 Ti, Zr Small

Quissinga 37 662675 8624418 Yes 1242 Ti, Zr Small
37 Naumale 36 705300 8515900 1334 Nb, Ta, U Small
39 Mt. Chande (Tchonde) 36 710600 8517200 Yes 1334 Granite Large
47 Mancha de Juzante 36 810000 8472500 1335 Coal Occurrence
47 Mancha de Montante 36 800000 8462500 1335 Coal Occurrence
33 Lichinga 36 742285 8531354 Yes 1335 Clay Small
28 Rio Lotcheze 37 222100 8535200 1336 Coal Small
28 Rio Luambala 37 208300 8515000 1336 Coal Small
Lugenda SE 37 212000 8484500 1336 Nb, Ta, U Occurrence
Marrupa (Meperia) 37 344101 8549056 Yes 1337 Aquamarine Small
Marrupa (Nambaica) 37 340640 8546100 Yes 1337 Aquamarine Small
Maua 37 307000 8464000 Yes 1337 Tourmaline Unknown
23 Montepuez 37 497498 8551917 Yes 1338 Marble Large
32 Mt. Ricolo (Balama- 37 478217 8543012 Yes 1338 Graphite Small
32 Mt. Machilala 37 464144 8527556 Yes 1338 Graphite Small
24 Morrola 37 444146 8543073 Yes 1338 Graphite Occurrence
24 Rio Nampaua (Morrola N) 37 434201 8549406 Yes 1338 Graphite Occurrence
Reteta 37 442310 8494605 Yes 1338 Graphite Occurrence
41 Namuno 37 481962 8509407 1338 Fe Small
40 Namuno-Napico 37 483757 8524154 1338 Au Small
Mt. Maco 37 454702 8505166 1338 Cu Occurrence
Mualo 37 489161 8549960 1338 Au Occurrence
Mt. Cambir 37 440079 8545636 Yes 1338 Quartz Occurrence
Rio Nampuquia 37 496595 8539366 Yes 1338 Quartz Small
Mt. Balama 37 450131 8523288 Yes 1338 Quartz Medium
21 Ancuabe 37 608377 8561868 Yes 1339 Graphite Large
42 Chiure (Mucacata) 37 585277 8506126 Yes 1339 Cu Small
45 Namapa 37 583269 8482288 Yes 1339 Graphite Small
46 Uante (Walima) 37 560601 8478026 Yes 1339 Tourmaline Small
Mirrote I 37 560968 8474420 Yes 1339 Tourmaline Small
Mirrote II 37 562339 8472012 Yes 1339 Aquamarine Occurrence
Mirrote III 37 557947 8474322 Yes 1339 Be Small
Mirrote/Miravone 37 561031 8460622 Yes 1339 Fe Small
Meloco 37 514107 8522004 1339 Beryll Occurrence
22 Plantacao Pinto 37 664430 8554992 Yes 1340 Calcite Small
25 Mazeze 37 619423 8527248 Yes 1340 Marble Small
26 Chicapa (Metava Grande) 37 668882 8542066 1340 Ti, Zr Unknown

Murrebue 37 667000 8547000 Yes 1340 Ti, Zr Medium

Rio Uanapula 37 614200 8537850 1340 Graphite Medium
29 Rio Megaruma 37 631030 8532580 Yes 1340 Graphite Medium
31 Taquinha 37 610336 8529262 1340 Graphite Medium
34 Natuca (Ponto Uifundo) 37 667078 8515968 Yes 1340 Ti, Zr Unknown
35 Mazeze (Mecufi) 37 645465 8516670 Yes 1340 Graphite Small
36 Rio Monote 37 626616 8517869 1340 Graphite Unknown
Monte Nipacue 37 640500 8521250 Yes 1340 Graphite Occurrence
43 Ponta Metacaua (Lurio S) 37 669517 8499654 Yes 1340 Ti, Zr Small
49 Ponta Mituasi 37 671299 8471497 Yes 1340 Ti, Zr Small
50 Mazua 37 623831 8454538 Yes 1340 Ti, Fe Small
Mazeze (North) 37 621254 8528310 Yes 1340 Cu Occurrence
Rio Nicuburi 37 615643 8516004 Yes 1340 Cu Occurrence
Monte Nicuculo 37 630695 8548839 Yes 1340 Cr, talc Occurrence
Tenda 37 631871 8546941 1340 Cr, talc Occurrence

Namaruha 37 631781 8541742 Yes 1340 Talc Occurrence
Sem-nome 37 633488 8532738 1340 Cr Occurrence
Chiure Velho East 37 614846 8519218 Yes 1340 Fe Small
Taquinha 37 617811 8526604 1340 REE Occurrence
Nicuculo N 37 640152 8528100 1340 Be Occurrence
Sem-nome 37 630965 8546423 Yes 1340 Tourmaline Occurrence
Rio Monote 37 628090 8517170 1340 Au Occurrence
Chiure Velho 37 609581 8518780 Yes 1340 Fe Occurrence
Rio Muthicana (Odinepa) 37 610302 8494988 Yes 1340 Corundum Small
Mecufi 37 665743 8528090 Yes 1340 Salt Small
Pemba 37 660000 8555000 Yes 1340 Salt Small
91 M'Pacurra 37 230072 8360671 Yes 1436 Garnet Large
92 Cuamba 37 230206 8358258 Yes 1436 Garnet Small
Rio Mutagine 37 281034 8358250 Yes 1436 Aquamarine Small
Monte Maulo 37 197587 8422157 1436 Zr Occurrence
Lamas 37 194227 8424608 1436 Corundum Occurrence
Entre Montes 37 255367 8397903 Yes 1436 Garnet Unknown

Ref. No: Number on: Carta de jazigos e ocorrências minerais, escala 1:1,000,000. DNG. (Marques et
al. 2000).
Verified: Field-checked or reliably documented.


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