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Nombre del alumno: __________________________________

Materia: Inglés ___

Tema: Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking (Círculo de lectura)

Objetivo: Desarrollar las cuatro habilidades para facilitar la

comprensión de un idioma y mejorar las destrezas comunicativas
y cognitivas del estudiante a través de ejercicios similares a una

Aprendizaje esperado: Reconocer la importancia del desarrollo

de las 4 habilidades en el idioma inglés para fines académicos.

Tipo de evidencia: Progreso de habilidades

Grado y grupo: ____________________

Fecha de entrega: ____________________

Puntuación obtenida en el instrumento: Ev. 1_____ Ev. 2


Calificación obtenida: Ev. 1_____ Ev. 2 _____

Evidence 1. Listening, Reading & Writing
Listening . You are going to listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about learning
and using English.

Task 1
Task 2
For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–H) the
For questions 6–10, choose from the list (A–H)
reason each speaker gives for starting to learn
how each speaker uses English nowadays.
A talking to people during their journeys
A It was culturally expected.
B working on TV programmes
B My best friend was from the USA.
C discussing programming language
C I watched TV in English.
D teaching English
D I watched videos online.
E translating for holidaymakers
E It was a normal part of the school timetable.
F working in the medical profession
F My father’s job involved travelling a lot.
G touring
G I played online video games in English.
H working as an airline pilot
H To communicate with other children.
Speaker 1 6
Speaker 1 1
Speaker 2 7
Speaker 2 2
Speaker 3 8
Speaker 3 3
Speaker 4 9
Speaker 4 4
Speaker 5 10
Speaker 5 5

Task 1

You are going to read four extracts from reviews of a book about cheating in education tests and exams. For
questions 11–14, choose from the reviewers A–D. The reviewers may be chosen more than once.

Which reviewer(s):

11 has a different view from the other reviewers about how good the book is?
12 has a similar opinion to Reviewer A regarding the style of the book?
13 shares Reviewer B’s opinion that the book lacks certain information?
14 has a different view to Reviewer D about giving away educational secrets?
Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

15 Why does Reviewer A suggest its ‘about time a book like this was published’?

16 What point is Reviewer B making in comparing the professor with a magician?

17 What do you understand by Reviewer C’s remark that ‘students are willing to risk everything to try to get a pass

18 In your own words, explain what Reviewer D means by ‘a declaration of war on honesty’.

Why cheating matters
Four reviewers comment on Professor Carolyn Wrexham’s book

In her latest book on education, Professor Carolyn Carolyn Wrexham is an experienced teacher, exam
Wrexham explains clearly and directly how the writer and professor of education with a rare talent for
education system works, how it doesn’t and where its taking highly complex and technical issues and writing
faults are. Depending on which area of education you about them in a language that the ordinary person can
are involved in, you might find this book insightful, understand. In her new book, she explains the history
helpful, scary or depressing. Its style is very open and of examinations, translating complex theories into a set
it’s a surprisingly easy book for non-academics to read, of clear explanations for how exams are constructed
although at times it feels a little too simplistic and a that are not too challenging to understand. She goes
little more theory would have given the book more on to explain how we got to the point where tests are
balance. The author’s explanation of how exams work so important that people are willing to cheat and risk
and disclosure of the tricks for passing them make her being caught cheating. She explains how some exams
one of the first to discuss the issue, but maybe it’s are so badly designed that it’s easy for students to
about time a book like this was published. We all know cheat, and expresses no surprise that students are
that cheating happens everywhere, and perhaps a willing to risk everything to try to get a pass mark. The
book like this is just what is needed to force change on contents may be a little too honest at times, but overall,
education systems that refuse to accept there are the book is a valuable insight into the workings of
problems. modern education.

B Why cheating matters by Carolyn Wrexham is a
Should a highly respected university professor be rulebook for cheating. You could suggest that what she
explaining to the general public how to cheat in aims to do is give an overview of modern education,
exams? Would it be acceptable for a magician to and the first half of the book does indeed do that. At no
explain how all of the magic tricks work? That’s a point could you argue with the brilliance of her
major issue in Professor Carolyn Wrexham’s new book intellectual skills in explaining the complicated and
Why cheating matters. Professor Wrexham is saying complex theories of testing. However, we need to see
out loud what we pretend not to know: life is full of what this book is trying to achieve here. The second
cheats and cheating is everywhere. Her approach is to half of the book is a declaration of war on honesty in
reveal everything there is to know about cheating and education. What Wrexham gives is a simple, step-by-
pretty much how to do it. Probably the biggest issue in step guide on how to cheat in exams without being
her book is that there is no discussion about what can caught. I read this with utter disbelief at how someone
be done to solve the problem of cheating, or at least in such a responsible position can be so open with the
how to reduce it. But the book itself makes an truth. It’s hard to think how she sleeps at night, having
interesting read. disclosed so man y educational secrets.


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