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Need for cognition (NC):

A need for cognition is the desire to engage in and appreciate demanding cognitive processing,
or thinking. One encouraging cognitive personality feature is the need for cognition (NC). It
evaluates a person's desire for or enjoyment of thought. How people use the Internet appears to
be influenced by their desire for cognition. More specifically, NC has been connected to the use
of the Internet for learning and education, news and current events, and product information, all
of which are cognitive tasks.

High NC:

High NC are more receptive to the information or explanation about the goods. The advertising
contains a lot of information about the product. Consumers that have a high NC are more likely
to respond to the portion of an advertisement that has a lot of details or descriptions about the
goods. Websites with a high textual complexity but a low visual complexity tend to be more
highly evaluated. Comparatively, people with high sensation needs tended to choose complicated
visual designs, whereas those with low needs favored straightforward ones. Primarily utilized in
display advertisements, magazines, and newspapers.
In the above advertisement of “Recharge your day with a NESCAFE” is representing High Need
for Cognition. Because in the advertisement we can see that there are a lot of product related
information and description which are:

 It will recharge your day

 Activates the mind
 Gives experience of delicious coffee
 Good quality coffee

Low NC:
Low NC are more look for model and celebrities activities. People with low cognitive needs do
not merely seek for features. They search for colors that are used in advertisements. When given
information about a product and its features, those with low cognitive needs tend to look for a

In the above advertisement of Nescafe is reflecting the low need for cognition. In this
advertisement bollywood actoress Deepika Padukone representing Nescafe. This advertisement
mainly focus on information marketers wants to bring up with a celebrity or a model for the
consumers attention. In this advertisement Nescafe did not use more information of this product
and they mainly focus on the celebrity with the tag line “Switch on the best in you”.

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