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Question 1

We know that as per the realised yield approach, cost of equity is equal to
the realised rate of return. Therefore, it is important to compute the internal
rate of return by trial and error method. This realised rate of return is the
discount rate which equates the present value of the dividends received in the
past five years plus the present value of sale price of ` 1,128 to the purchase price
of `1,000. The discount rate which equalises these two is 12 percent approximately.
Let us look at the table given for a better understanding:
Year Dividend Sale Proceeds Discount Factor Present Value
(`) (`) @ 12% (`)
1 100 - 0.893 89.3
2 100 - 0.797 79.7
3 100 - 0.712 71.2
4 100 - 0.636 63.6
5 100 - 0.567 56.7
6 Beginning 1,128 0.567 639.576

We find that the purchase price of puppieslimited’s share was ` 1,000 and the
present value of the past five years of dividends plus the present value of the sale
price at the discount rate of 12 per cent is `1,000.076. Therefore, the realised rate of
return may be taken as 12 percent. This 12 percent is the cost of equity.

Question 2

i. Cost of new debt
I1  t
Kd 
16 (1 - 0.5)
=  0.0833

ii. Cost of new preference shares

PD 1.1
Kp    0.12
P0 9.2

iii. Cost of new equity shares

Ke  1  g
  0.10  0.05 + 0.10 = 0.15
Calculation of D1
D1 = 50% of 2013 EPS = 50% of 2.36 = ` 1.18

B. Calculation of marginal cost of capital

Type of Capital Proportion Specific Cost Product
1 2 3 (2) × (3) = 4
Debenture 0.15 0.0833 0.0125
Preference Share 0.05 0.12 0.0060
Equity Share 0.80 0.15 0.1200
Marginal cost of capital 0.1385

C. The company can spend the following amount without increasing

marginal cost of capital and without selling the new shares:
Retained earnings = (0.50) (2.36 × 10,000) = ` 11,800
The ordinary equity (Retained earnings in this case) is 80% of total capital
11,800 = 80% of Total Capital
` 11,800
∴ Capital investment before issuing equity = = ` 14,750

D. If the company spends in excess of ` 14,750 it will have to issue new shares.
` 1.18
∴ Capital investment before issuing equity =  0.10  0.159
The marginal cost of capital will be:
Type of Capital Proportion Specific Cost Product
1 2 3 (2) × (3) = 4
Debenture 0.15 0.0833 0.0125
Preference Share 0.05 0.1200 0.0060
Equity Share (new) 0.80 0.1590 0.1272

Question 3
D1 ` 15
i. Cost of Equity (Ke) = g=  0.06 (refer to working note)
P0  F ` 125  ` 5
Ke = 0.125 + 0.06 = 0.185

Working Note:
Calculation of 'g'
` 10.6(1+g)5 = ` 14.19 Or, (1+g)5=  1.338
Table (FVIF) suggests that `1 compounds to `1.338 in 5 years at the
compound rate of 6 percent. Therefore, g is 6 per cent.

D1 ` 15
iii. Cost of Retained Earnings (Ks) = g   0.06  0.18
P0 ` 125

PD ` 15
iv. Cost of Preference shares (Kp)=   0.1429
P0 ` 105

I 1  t 
 RV  NP 
v. Cost of Debentures (Kd) = n
 RV  NP 
 ` 100  ` 91.75 * 
` 15  1  0.35    
 11 years 
` 100  ` 91.75 *
` 15  0.65  `0.75 `10.5
=   0.1095
` 95.875 `95.875

*Since yield on similar type of debentures is 16 per cent, the company would be
required to offer debentures at discount.
Market price of debentures (approximation method) = Coupon rate ÷ Market
rate of interest= ` 15 ÷ 0.16 = ` 93.75

Sale proceeds from debentures = `93.75 – ` 2 (i.e., floatation cost) = `91.75

Market value (P0) of debentures can also be found out using the present value
P0 = Annual Interest × PVIFA (16%, 11 years) + Redemption value × PVIF (16%, 11
P0 = `15 × 5.029 + `100 × 0.195
P0 = `75.435 + `19.5 = ` 94.935
Net Proceeds = `94.935 – 2% of `100 = ` 92.935
Accordingly, the cost of debt can be calculated

Cost of Capital(amount in lakh of rupees)

[BV weights and MV weights]
Weights Specific Total cost
Source of capita
BV MV Cost (K) (BV × K) (MV × K)
Equity Shares 120 160* 0.1850 22.2 29.6
Retained Earnings 30 40* 0.1800 5.4 7.2
Preference Shares 9 10.4 0.1429 1.29 1.49
Debentures 36 33.75 0.1095 3.94 3.70
Total 195 244.15 32.83 41.99
*Market Value of equity has been apportioned in the ratio of Book Value of
equity and retained earnings

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC):

` 32.83
Using Book Value =  0.1684 or 16.84%
` 195
` 41.99
Using Market Value = = 0.172 or 17.2%
` 244.15

Question 4

i. Calculation of after tax cost of the followings:

a. New 14% Debentures (Kd) =

PD ` 1.20
New 12% Preference Shares (Kp) =   0.1224 or 12.24%
NP ` 9.80

b. Equity Shares (Retained Earnings) (Ke)

Expected dividend(D 1 )
=  Growth rate (G)
Current market price (P0 )
50% of ` 2.773
=  0.12*  0.17 or 17%
` 27.75
* Growth rate (on the basis of EPS) is calculated as below :
EPS in current year - EPS in previous year
EPS in previous year

(Students may verify the growth trend by applying the above formula to last
three or four years)
ii. Calculation of marginal cost of capital (on the basis of existing capital
After tax cost of
Weights WACC (%)
Source of Capital capital (%)
(a) (a)(b)
14% Debenture 0.15 7.14 1.071
12%- Preference shares 0.05 12.24 0.612
Equity shares 0.80 17.00 13.600
Marginal cost of capital 15.283

iii. The company can spent for capital investment before issuing new equity
shares and without increasing its marginal cost of capital:
Retained earnings can be available for capital investment
= 50% of 2015 EPS × equity shares outstanding

= 50% of ` 2.773 × 2,00,000 shares = `2,77,300
Since, marginal cost of capital is to be maintained at the current level i.e. 15.28%,
the retained earnings should be equal to 80% of total additional capital for
` 2,77,300
Thus investment before issuing equity=  100  ` 3,46,625
The remaining capital of ` 69,325 i.e. ` 3,46,625 – ` 2,77,300 shall be financed by
issuing 14% Debenture and 12% preference shares in the ratio of 3 : 1

iv. If the company spends more than ` 3,46,625 as calculated in part (iii) above, it
will have to issue new shares at ` 20 per share.
The cost of new issue of equity shares will be:

Calculation of marginal cost of capital (assuming the existing capital structure

will be maintained):
Weights Cost (%) WACC (%)
Source of Capital
(a) (b) (a)(b)
14% Debenture 0.15 7.14 1.071
12% Preference shares 0.05 12.24 0.612
Equity shares 0.80 18.93 15.144
Marginal cost of capital 16.827

Question 5

i. Beta of snowflakes Computers

= 1.10  2/8 + 1.502/8 + 21/8 + 13/8 = 1.275
Beta coefficient is a measure of volatility of securities return relative to the
returns of a broad based market portfolio. Hence beta measures volatility
of snowflakes Computers stock return against broad based market
portfolio. In this case we are considering four business groups in computer
segment and not a broad based market portfolio , therefore beta calculations
will not be the same.

ii. Cost of equity

= rf + av mkt risk premium β
= 7.5% + 1.275  8.5% = 18.34%
Main frame KE = 7.5% + 1.10  8.5% = 16.85%
Personal KE = 7.5% + 1.5  8.5% = 20.25%
Software KE = 7.5% + 2  8.5% = 24.5%
Printers KE = 7.5% + 1  8.5% = 16%

Advise: To value printer division, the use of 16% KE is recommended.

Question 6

i. Cost of Equity Share Capital (Ke)

ii. Cost of Debt (Kd)

Interest on first ` 2,00,000 @ 10% = `20,000

Interest on next ` 2,00,000 @ 15% = ` 30,000

iii. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Cost of
Source of capital Amount (`) Weights WACC (%)
Capital (%)
Equity shares 6,00,000 0.60 12.20 7.32
Debt 4,00,000 0.40 8.75 3.50
Total 10,00,000 1.00 10.82

Alternatively Cost of Equity Share Capital (Ke) can be calculated as

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
Source of Amount Weights Cost of WACC
capital (`) Capital (%) (%)
Equity shares 6,00,000 0.60 12.00 7.20
Debt 4,00,000 0.40 8.75 3.50
Total 10,00,000 1.00 10.70

Question 7

From the given data, funds expected to be available to the company

= Rs.25 lakh + 30= Rs.55 lakh.
While the amount of funds expected to be used by the company = Rs.75 lakh
So, the amount of external funds required = 75 – 55 = Rs.20 lakh

Question 8

The required rate of return from that stock is

ke = Rf + (Rm – Rf) = 6 + 1.50 ´ (12 – 6)= 15 percent

The growth rate of dividend is 5%

So, the price of the share can be calculated as:

Ke  g

D1 = 2 + 5% = 2.1

15%   5%

Therefore Pnet = 21

Question 9

a. Determination of the amount of equity and debt for raising additional

Pattern of raising additional finance
Equity 3/4 of ` 5 Crore = ` 3.75 Crore
Debt 1/4 of ` 5 Crore = ` 1.25 Crore
The capital structure after raising additional finance:

Particulars (` In crore)
Shareholders’ Funds
EquityCapital (3.75 –1.00) 2.75
Retained earnings 1.00
Debt (Interest at 10% p.a.) 0.75
(Interest at12%p.a.) (1.25-0.75) 0.50
Total Funds 5.00

b. Determination of post-tax average cost of additional debt

Kd= I (1 – t)
I = Interest Rate
t = Corporate tax-rate
On ` 75,00,000 = 10% (1 – 0.25) = 7.5% or 0.075
On ` 50,00,000 = 12% (1 – 0.25) = 9% or 0.09
Average Cost of Debt

c. Determination of cost of retained earnings and cost of equity (Applying
Dividend growth model):

Ke = Cost of equity
D1 = DO (1+ g)
D0 = Dividend paid (i.e = ` 2)
g = Growth rate
P0 = Current market price per share


Cost of retained earnings equals to cost of Equity i.e. 13.4%

d. Computation of overall weighted average after tax cost of additional finance

Cost of Weighted
Particular (`) Weights
funds Cost (%)
Equity 3,75,00,000 3/4 13.4% 10.05
(including retained earnings)
Debt 1,25,00,000 1/4 8.1% 2.025
WACC 5,00,00,000 12.075


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