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Escola Estadual Jerônimo Vinght Rosado Maia(CAIC)

Avaliação de Inglês III
1. Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo to be (am, is, are).
a) She ______ studying maths.
b) They _______having breakfast.
c) I ______ drinking lemonade.
d) It ______ raining at the moment.
e) You _______ sitting in my chair.
f) He _______ listening to music.
g) My sister _______ doing her homework.
h) Her children _______ making dinner.
i) John and I _______ playing football.
j) Helen ________ going to Santa Catarina.
2-Mude as frases abaixo com a forma negativa
a)I  am going now
b)She is Reading a book.
c)It  is eating a cake.
d)He is opening the door.
3º-Dê a forma interrogativa das frases abaixo
a)My sister is fat.
b)We are together.
c)It  is a dog.
d)He  is a doctor.
e)You  are very tal.

4º-Rescreva as frases na forma contraída.

a)You   are short.
b)She is girl.
c)They  are bad.
d)We are at  home.
e)I  am a boy.
5) Ligue os pronomes pessoais ( personal pronouns) ao seu significado em português.
I                           Ele
You                     Você
He   She                      Nós 
It                           Vocês 
We                        Eu
You                       Eles ou elas( pessoas )
They                      Ele ou ela ( para animais e objetos

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