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Fox Hunting

The Art of Dating and Seduction



Men may control the power and the money in this world, but women unquestionably control the
loving. This is nothing earth-shattering, but it sets the tone for everything which follows here. To
understand why, in order to be successful at seduction, men have to plan like a general and
execute their plan to near-perfection, one must first understand the biases in modern American
society, born of tradition and inertia, that rig the game of love so much in favor of Foxes that few
realize just how biased the system has become. The man who takes the time to dissect this bias
and understand what true gender equality would bring in love finds himself suddenly awakening
to reality, much like the wife who didn't know her husband drank until the night he came home
sober. The man who feels oppressed, outsmarted, outwitted, outgunned, and outfoxed by the
opposite sex is usually a man who has been down so long he does not know which way is up.

The sole objective of this book is to lend a helping hand to the man who has raised the white flag
in the gender war, crying out to the entire opposite sex for what he craves: a Fox. When asked
about his craving, he will not answer honestly, reeling off a half-dozen or so requirements that
make him appear a gentleman: My ideal woman is sweet, honest, down-to-earth, intelligent, and
being attractive is of course a plus. Compare this with Man #2, who says the following: I'm looking
to get laid by the hottest chick who will have me. Man #1 will be called nice, while Man #2 will be
branded a scoundrel. When a woman has external requirements, she may be lightly reprimanded
for her selection criteria, but for the most part she will be viewed as prudent, choosy, picky, and
as someone who has every right in the world to be. Let a man say that a woman must look a
certain way and he is immediately branded as shallow; let a woman judge a man on the basis of
his height, income, clothing, behavior, politics, or anything else her whim commands, and she is
given a free ride, even commended for her choosiness and high standards. In our society, the
burden of seduction falls clearly on the male. It is the man who must be worthy, who must behave
properly, who must win the approval of the woman he desires, who must be monogamous,
attentive, never give her any reason to dislike him, and who must pursue, at his expense,
auditioning, laying himself on the line completely, and then, if he's fortunate, she will agree to
marry him and they will live happily ever after. Men who do not follow what I call the John Gray
relationship model are thought of as decadent, deviant, evil men who should be avoided at all

Women have defined the terms of romance so well that anything that does not cater to their
collective whims is actually considered wrong. This is something I have a tremendous problem
with. In a society that encourages freedom of expression, where consensual sexual conduct
between adults is unregulated, the notion that one can behave totally within the law yet still be
wrong is chilling, un-American even. An alien observer on sabbatical from its home planet would
lose interest in the courtship part of the Battle of the Sexes after watching it for a short while, and
report back home to its leaders that the men barely even put up a fight. Women simply wipe the
mat with men in dating. The balance of power reverses only for the lucky men who are chosen,
and this is why you hear women complaining about relationships and marriage problems and
men about pursuit problems. To use a basketball analogy, think of men as half-court defenders
who let women move easily up the court but then stop them cold with their defenses (like the
Boston Celtics of the 1980's), and think of women as full-court-press, fast-breakers who apply
pressure from the outset, a lot like the Lakers of the same era. The battle for a woman who wants
to find a husband is to move past the three-month, six-month, one- year, and three-year
commitment walls that men put up. For a man, the goal is to "break the press" and become part
of the woman's life, either as a friend, a dating partner, or a lover. Once a man is accepted into a
woman's life, only a serious mistake or the appearance of a superior rival will remove him.

Under the "John Gray" model, and in similar advice tomes, the sequence by which this is
supposed to occur is as follows:

Boy meets girl;

Boy talks to girl;

Boy asks girl for her number;

Boy asks girl for a date;

Boy takes girl on date(s), with boy paying;

Boy kisses girl goodnight (usually within 1-2 dates);

Boy and girl take the relationship further, at girl's discretion (usually within 3-5 dates);

Boy and girl see each other exclusively;

Boy proposes, girl accepts, they marry, and live happily ever after.
Steps 1-6 all favor the female. She is the one approached, pursued, and auditioned for. The man,
using gifts, expense-paid evenings on the town, smooth talk, poetry, attention, favors, and
anything else at his disposal, courts the woman, wins her heart, and after he has proven himself
worthy, becomes her King. Divorce laws are such that once they are married the woman has
almost a permanent upper hand. Pursuit is such that the woman also has the upper hand for
steps 1-6. About the only time the man is the one in charge of the relationship is during Step #8,
when they have already had sex but have not yet married. It is no surprise that men are most
troublesome to women at this point, the point where the woman knows she wants to marry the
man, but he resists, often using the same lines that women feed to men when men are pursuing
them for dates. Once a man is in a relationship, he can be reasonably certain that the woman
wants to marry him or is at least strongly considering it, because if she weren't then she would
most likely end the relationship and continue her search for a husband. The man, on the other
hand, is in the driver's seat, getting sex on a regular basis with his freedom intact, and for him to
agree to a marriage is to release a great deal of power.

That each gender becomes patient and picky when it has the upper hand reveals that timetables
are more about control than any need to be certain. There is no simpler proof that this is the case
than the sudden reversals which happen when a woman leaves a man who won't commit to
marriage, or when a man stops pursuing a woman who makes him jump through one too many
hoops to win her over. A function of the gender bias in relationships is the denial game people
play about how and why we select our mates. The man who lists his other requirements ahead of
how a woman looks makes it sound like her body is a mere afterthought, even though you will
rarely see him pursuing women he does not find physically attractive. As I recently told one Fox
who was describing her relationship, her boyfriend may love her personality, but if she did not
meet his looks requirement, he would not be with her any more than she would be with him if he
had not met her height requirement. Moreover, if a woman meets a man's looks requirements,
the other requirements tend to fly out the window. Women do this as well, claiming to put
personality above everything else, while collectively marrying men who earn $12,000 more
annually than unmarried men, and who are six inches taller than their wives on average, a full two
inches more than could be expected if there were no screening for height. The man who
expresses his true desires is punished, so he understates his desire for looks and sex,
emphasizing instead the "right reasons" for wanting a woman. Women, on the other hand, are
expected to be uncompromising in their choice of a mate and are not punished for having high

Further complicating matters for men is a woman's incessant desire for honesty in her mate.
Despite even her own assertions that she is covert and dishonest in her dealings with men, even
the slightest factual infidelity on the man's part is deemed a character flaw and intolerable, while a
woman can justify lying on grounds which range from sparing a man's feelings when rejecting
him, to testing him for honesty. The man who dares to question a woman's honesty with a similar
test is attacked for not trusting her, and the man who lies for other reasons is simply dishonest.
Not helping matters is that with women controlling the sex and the terms under which it occurs,
many men take their side in formal discussions, moving the consensus even further from reality.
That the men say what women want them to say in order to win their approval is never
acknowledged, even if the women are aware of it. A much clearer picture emerges if you take
what I call an oddsmaker's view of dating. If you think a woman's body is an afterthought, ask
yourself what your looks factor would be if you were taking bets on which of two women a man
would prefer sexually. Would you assign the same odds of success to a supermodel and an
unattractive, 250-pound woman? If so, you'd lose a lot of money for the house very quickly. The
sexier the woman, the better-looking, taller, older, and more successful her lover will be. Though
we don't always like to admit it, the cynical view of life is often the correct one. Never is this more
the case than in dating. This cynicism, which fuels the politically incorrect movement, is a
consequence of the difference between what we say publicly and what we do privately.

Chapter One:


If we didn't choose our lovers on the basis of their looks, their brains, and their earning power, we
would be ugly, stupid, and still living in caves. Thank God our ancestors were shallow. -- Me.

Thousands of years of sexual selection, and our obsession with breeding the best to the best, has
left us in a highly uneven state of being. Ever hear someone say she's out of your league, pal?
She probably was. Ever hear a woman say I want the best and I am not going to settle for less?
Obviously, she thinks that there are qualities which make some men romantically superior to
others. Ever hear anyone, male or female, insult a man by calling him a loser who can't get laid?
As we define winning -- procreation of a generation with better looks and more brains than the
previous one -- and losing -- procreation with someone less endowed in these areas, thus
producing inferior offspring, or in some cases not procreating at all -- we turn seduction into a
game. The result of evolution is that the best breed to the best, producing an elite class of
humans, the sub-Elites breed to each other, producing the masses, and the worst breed to the
worst, producing the endless stream of guests for shows like Jerry Springer.

Designed as a method of quantifying Darwinism, the Couples' Ultimate Pairing Information

Device (CUPID) has served me well over the years. The formula is easy to master. The
fundamental premise of CUPID is that human beings can be measured for their intrinsic quality,
or appeal to the opposite sex. The underlying concept, applied to many other sports, is a power
rating. Anyone who follows college basketball or football closely has probably seen or heard of
the Sagarin ratings that are published in USA Today. CUPID works under the same principle, with
those who have higher ratings considered superior. Superiority is measured strictly on the basis
of one's ability to attract the opposite sex. It does not measure intangibles like character, honesty,
and other factors, because few people look for these things until long after they should have.
Calculating a CUPID rating is rather simple: each person is rated on a scale of 1-25 in four
categories, which are weighted to reflect "society's" value system. The four categories are looks,
brains, status, and personality. The value systems for men and women are different for each
category, and as expected, looks are most important for each gender. The number that results
from weighing the scores against the societal value system for each gender is called the CUPID
rating. The societal value system used to calculate a person's CUPID rating is as follows:

Category Men Women

Looks 55 80
Brains 20 10
Money 20 05
Personality 05 05

The values apply to the opposite gender's selection process: i.e., a woman's looks comprise 80
percent of a man's selection process and so forth. When assigning scores for each category,
keep in mind that the average score is supposed to be 12.5. Many people who rate others take
the mean and use it as the bottom. Ever see anyone get a looks score lower than five on the 1-10
scale? It's rare. The 1-25 scale of CUPID lessens the impact of this bias. Some further guidelines
for rating people in each category:

Looks. Unless someone is capable of using their looks to earn a comfortable living, do not assign
them a rating of much higher than 20. Most Hollywood actresses score in the 20-23 range, and
even Miss America contestants rarely get 25. Assume an average of 12.5 and a standard
deviation of 4.5 points, and that would mean that only five percent of the population should score
higher than 21.5, which is consistent with the bell curve assumption that 7 percent of people are
what we would call beautiful. Do not make concessions for age, and for men deduct 1-2 points if
they are shorter than 6'2", 3-4 points if they are shorter than 6', 5-6 points if they are under 5'10",
7-8 points if they are under 5'8", and 10 points if they are 5'6" or shorter. Unfortunately, height
counts a great deal when women judge men. For women, deduct a few points if they are taller
than 5'8" or shorter than 5'2". I should point out that these adjustments vary widely, depending on
the height of the other party and their personal height preference.

Brains. Do not count only raw intellect. Wisdom and our ability to use our intellect count for as
much or more. Do not count formal education, because that would fall under the status category.
The smarter and wiser a person is, the higher their brains rating should be. Remember to make
12.5 your average and 21.5 or higher exceptional. Do not factor in formal education! CUPID
measures raw intellect and the demonstration of its use. Not all who go to college and beyond
develop wisdom. One good barometer is SAT score, which is designed to make this
measurement as accurately as possible. Points for formal education should be placed into the
status category.

Status. Status ratings reflect income, prestige, and potential. The man who is a stockbroker, for
example, might have tons of money, but in the eyes of women he may not measure up to the
career military man who has respect and power that money cannot buy. A corporate middle-
manager might have more money than a third-year law or fourth-year medical student, but the
latter have potential. As with the other categories, remember the averages and percentiles when
constructing your rating, and be very sparing with the high numbers..

Personality. A sham category, used to deflect attention away from our more shallow preferences,
primarily men's for physical beauty and women's for status and money. Psychologists have long
demonstrated the Halo Effect, whereby people ascribe nicer personalities to those who are
better-looking, and this is one reason that analysis of personality is usually highly suspect. When
assigning a personality rating for CUPID, try to assess someone's overall popularity level in
platonic situations, and also try to factor out anything that belongs in the other three categories.

To calculate your CUPID rating, multiply each raw score by four to base it on a scale of 1-100,
then multiply that number by the percentage assigned to each category. For sake of argument,
let's assign scores of 20, 15, 15, and 10 to the four categories, respectively:
Category Men Women

Looks 20 * 4 = 80 * 0.55 = 44 20 * 4 = 80 * 0.80 = 64

Brains 15 * 4 = 60 * 0.20 = 12 15 * 4 = 60 * 0.10 = 06
Status 15 * 4 = 60 * 0.20 = 12 15 * 4 = 60 * 0.05 = 03
Personality 10 * 4 = 40 * 0.05 = 02 10 * 4 = 40 * 0.05 = 02

Total 44 + 12 + 12 + 02 = 70 64 + 06 + 03 + 02 = 75

Notice how the high looks score benefits women more than men. Women tend to be defined
almost exclusively by their physical appearance, and men primarily by their appearance, but also
by their intelligence and their status, and to a lesser extent their personality. Note how the same
raw scores in each category can produce different CUPID ratings for men and women, which
leads to a rather simple observation that you may very well likely have already made by now, and
that is that your value system may not reflect society's. CUPID accounts for this as well, with the
partner rating. The partner rating is the rating assigned to each half of a romantic pairing by the
other half. To calculate the partner rating, substitute your value system for society's when
calculating your partner's rating, and substitute your partner's value system for society's when
calculating your own. With every pairing, each partner will be scored with the universal value
system and by their prospective partner's system.

To illustrate this concept in practice, let's examine four fictional characters: Harry and Sally, and
Ken and Barbie. We'll begin by calculating their raw scores, with their value systems in

Category Harry Sally Ken Barbie

Looks 15 (40%) 18 (25%) 25 (80%) 25 (50%)

Brains 23 (40%) 21 (50%) 05 (00%) 05 (00%)
Status 17 (10%) 15 (10%) 23 (20%) 20 (50%)
Personality 12 (10%) 16 (15%) 10 (00%) 10 (00%)

CUPID Rating 67.4 72.2 81.4 88.0

These numbers are subjective; CUPID is not an exact science. It is the concepts which are
important. It is not practical to survey a large group of people to see what society really thinks of
someone, nor is it necessary to do this to get a rough idea of their proper CUPID rating. The
purpose of this example is to show what happens when you change the value systems. It is what
we value that causes us to have different opinions of the same people. The Harry-Sally/Ken-
Barbie example illustrates this perfectly: Sally values brains, which Harry has. Ken, on the other
hand, wouldn't be able to impress Sally at all. The same applies to Barbie and Harry.

Rating Harry
Following is a breakdown of how society, Barbie, and Sally rate Harry:


Looks (15) 60 * 0.55 = 33.0 60 * 0.25 = 15.0 60 * 0.80 = 48.0

Brains (23) 92 * 0.20 = 18.4 92 * 0.50 = 46.0 92 * 0.00 = 00.0
Status (17) 68 * 0.20 = 13.6 68 * 0.10 = 06.8 68 * 0.20 = 13.6
Personality (12) 48 * 0.05 = 02.4 48 * 0.15 = 07.2 48 * 0.00 = 00.0

Total 67.4 76.0 61.6

Three value systems produce three very different CUPID ratings for Harry. In Sally's eyes, Harry
is almost an 80, the CUPID definition of an Elite. In society's eyes, he is a respectable 67.4, but
Harry's main strong point -- his mind -- scores few points with Barbie. This is why his partner
rating is 14.4 points higher with Sally than with Barbie. You don't have to be Einstein to figure out
that Harry is more attractive to Sally than to Barbie. CUPID shows quantitatively what we know
instinctively: Sally values what Harry has to offer more than Barbie does. The formula holds up in
practice. Following is a chart outlining all the possible pairings and their partner ratings. Each
person's CUPID rating is listed on the right:

Rated by----> Harry Sally Ken Barbie Society

Harry X* 76.0 X 61.6 67.4

Sally 74.8 X 69.6 X 72.2
Ken X 50.2 X 96.0 81.4
Barbie 60.0 X 96.0 X 88.0

*CUPID can be used to rate yourself by your own value system and for same-sex couples, but
that is beyond the scope of this book.

What you would conclude about each pairing is expressed with numerical precision. In each
case, the compatible partner (Harry for Sally or Ken for Barbie and vice versa) has a value
system that emphasizes what the other is strongest in. When matched up against someone who
doesn't value what they have, the partner rating drops below the regular CUPID rating. On the
other hand, when each person is paired up with someone who values what they have, and vice
versa, you have the CUPID ideal for compatibility, which is:

CUPID ratings within range of each other (Ken and Barbie are 7.4 points apart, while Harry and
Sally are 4.8 points apart);

Partner ratings which are within range of each other (1.2 points for Harry and Sally and equal for
Ken and Barbie); and

Partner ratings which are substantially higher than each partner's CUPID rating. You want a
partner who has what you want, where you have what they want, and where both of you see each
other as superior to how society sees each of you. This minimizes the likelihood that either of you
will encounter a better match down the road. It is also why rich men wind up with golddiggers,
why Foxes wind up with looksdiggers, why intelligent men wind up with minddiggers, and so forth.
When someone really wants what you have to offer, it will inspire them to pursue you and be on
their most attractive behavior. Rarely will we wind up with those who want what we do not have
and vice versa, unless we are settling or a timing factor has come into play.

The CUPID Scoring System One rather interesting twist to my research involved giving more
weight to the opinions of those with the highest CUPID ratings. The theory is that Elite opinions
count for more than those of their less attractive counterparts because more people respond to
their whims. The system I use works like the Richter Scale, but with a factor of two instead of ten,
whereby the opinion of a CUPID 20 is twice as important as that of a CUPID 10, and so forth. The
result is that the opinion of a CUPID 10 is worth one vote, all the way up to the opinion of a
CUPID 100, who would get 528 votes. An example of this principle in practice would be the
financial markets, where the investment decisions of the mutual fund managers and big players
control the market, while the decisions made by small investors barely make a dent. Many of the
assumptions we make about men and women make sense only when you weigh their opinions. A
stuck-up Fox will convince the dozens of men she rejects that "all women" are stuck-up, while her
inferior counterparts can be nice, but no one notices. Even though 50 percent of the two women
were nice, less than one percent of the men will approach a nice woman because they are
focused on the Fox who is stuck-up. Conversely, women who complain about men are training
their eyes on the Elites who can afford to be stuck-up, and not properly counting the opinions of
their mere mortal counterparts.

CUPID strikes at a fundamental principle of romance that is overlooked by almost everyone, and
that is that people are not inherently nice or kind in their behavior towards others, but rather that
is a function of their CUPID and partner ratings. Those who are most attractive will be treated the
best, and when someone is most attracted to another that will inspire them to treat that person
like royalty. When someone is not nice to you, or is, it is more a reflection of their level of
attraction to you rather than their intrinsic character. I call this The Personality Myth. Foxes often
have a problem acknowledging their royal status, and are prone to insisting that the special
treatment they receive from others is based on anything but the obvious. Maybe deep down they
do know this and it is why they work so hard to deny it, but to hear a Fox tell me about how her
boyfriend isn't primarily into her looks can be a bit maddening at times. The man who is
confronted with untruths like this by a Fox is checkmated: either he says nothing and passively
accepts the lie, or he challenges her and is put down for insulting her and angering her, even if he
is right. Her admirers and protectors then emerge to challenge and silence the man, creating a
no-win situation. The CUPID formula is simplistic, but in its simplicity lies great beauty. You could
complicate CUPID by expanding it to include things like sexual skill, hair color, and the like, but
the basic principle would not be altered, and that is this: to get the lover you want, you have to be
what they want, not what you think they want or what you hope they want.

I hear men talking about how unfair it is that Foxes go for things like height, money, status, or
looks, but that doesn't change the reality. One also has to wonder why a man would want such a
shallow creature, except for shallow reasons himself. A man seeking only character in a woman
would have no problems with a woman of good character who was overlooked for superficial
reasons, but this is not the case. Accurately calculated CUPID and partner ratings will tell you at a
glance which of two people is more likely to reject or dump the other, and why. For example, if
looks are 80 percent of a man's selection process, any woman who scores low in that department
but high in the brains department is not going to get anywhere with him. The man who values
brains, on the other hand, will appreciate what she has to offer him and he will also have less
competition for the woman. When someone scores high in a category, if you don't value that
category highly, you will find yourself in competition with those who do, and they will usually win
the prize because they want it the most. Take the example of two Foxes and one wealthy man.
Make the two equal in appearance, but let one be a lawyer who doesn't care about his money
and the other a golddigging waitress. Who will get the man? The waitress, because she will knock
herself out to impress him, while the lawyer is not going to care about his money. Even though
the lawyer might like him for other reasons, the man's strong suit -- his money -- will produce an
attraction in the waitress bordering on obsession, with a seduction effort to match. This is also
why it is not wise to pursue tall men or large-chested Foxes strictly for those reasons. Both types
attract shallow attention and are treated as trophies. A Short Fox with dark hair and a small chest
who is in top shape will repel a lot of shallow attention that a statuesque blonde will attract, and
this has many implications.

Foxes attract the lion's share of shallow men. Worse yet, the men a Fox seeks to avoid are the
ones who will pursue her with the greatest vigor, and who will go out of their way to convince her
that they love her personality. The same holds true for rich men. Golddiggers know not to mention
money as their motivation, and to combine their approach with propaganda to that effect. It is
almost as if whatever is said can be considered propaganda, but to call someone a liar is not
polite, and to not trust someone goes against our instincts, with the end result that we wind up
trapped with what we know we should be avoiding to please "society" and its many conventions.
CUPID is not the be-all and end-all of relationship analysis. Factors such as timing, environment,
and temporary changes in needs and desires that alter our value system (like the drunk man in a
bar at 1:30 a.m. who will sleep with anything) can cause severe CUPID mismatches. But over
time, the numbers hold up very well. The man who temporarily lowers his standards will one day
raise them and have to extricate himself or herself from a less-than-ideal relationship. The man
whose CUPID rating is low when he is in college and watches it soar as his career advances
finds himself attracting Foxes all of a sudden and dumps his first wife for a trophy. The Former
Fox who was once a trophy and loses her looks watches her rating plummet and now has to
settle for men she would never have given the time of day to previously.

Chapter Two:


CUPID reveals what people are reluctant to discuss about relationships. Though supposedly
repulsed by the notion that we would make quantitative judgements about each other, and select
those we deem superior, that is exactly what most of us do when searching for a lover. Even
more insidious is the relationship between our CUPID ratings and how much we use the formula
in our selection process, for the higher a person's CUPID rating, the more likely they are to be
what we call shallow, forever in search of an equal, or someone superior they can convince are
their equal. I liken this to poor people who win the lottery vowing to keep their current jobs,
homes, and friends, and then dropping all from their lives a year later when no one is watching.
Most books I have read that attempt to rate people romantically or for compatibility with numerical
methods completely ignore the concept of the partner rating. People are given universal ratings
which represent their desirability, and the person with the higher rating is expected to get the girl
or the guy. This ignores the obvious reality that we have different selection criteria, and the
calculation necessary to take this into account - - the partner rating -- is very easy to make. All
you have to do is substitute your value system and your partner's for "society's." Do not count on
this to help you much unless you work on exploiting your strong points, as the averages are there
for a reason.

Most men indeed are into looks, and most women into looks (especially height), brains, status,
and personality, and in that order of importance. A CUPID rating of 80 or higher for either gender
qualifies them as an Elite. Elites can write their own ticket with most of the opposite sex. The only
thing that will humble an Elite is another Elite, or someone who matches up with a partner who
rates them Elite. At a party, or in a social environment or any large gathering, your CUPID rating -
- which measures your likely appeal to any given person -- is what you will be judged upon, but
once you are talking with a Fox one-on-one, how others perceive you is secondary to how she
perceives you. As Spock might say, obviously. There are several ways you can use CUPID to
improve your Foxhunting. Only the first two are recommended:

Systematically raise your CUPID rating by improving yourself first in the looks category, then by
developing your mind, and then by improving your money or status (money is to status what cubic
zirconia is to diamonds; only an expert can separate the two), and finally your popularity. The only
exception to this rule is to add to your strongest category in order to capitalize with Foxes who
have lopsided value systems.

Improve your partner ratings by pursuing only those Foxes whose value systems are so
imbalanced that they make you an Elite in her eyes. Just as there are golddiggers, there are also
looksdiggers and minddiggers. Approximately ten percent of Foxes will fall into each category,
with value systems that emphasize one category to the extreme of 80 percent or higher. If you
are strong in any one category, Foxes who value that category above all else are almost
guaranteed to like you. For example, if your CUPID breakdown (looks-brains-status-personality)
is 10-25-10-10, your overall rating would be very low, but to a Minddigging Fox, you would
represent perfection. During the four years I played tournament chess, I encountered a half-
dozen or so minddiggers, slept with or dated two, almost lived with another, and came very close
with the remaining three. All were quite attractive. Having a lot of what specific Foxes want will go
along way. Think rock-star and music groupie.

Change your value system (impossible). Your value system reflects what you would seek in a
mate if you knew rejection were not an option. Ponder that scenario for at least a week and get
back to me. If you try to change your value system to de-emphasize what you truly want, you risk
dumping your partner for someone more compatible down the road. This is not recommended.
Better to be alone than with someone you are not compatible with.

Lower your standards. If you select this option, put this book down now. I do not want credit for
what the cat dragged in. Seriously, you can lower your standards a bit to improve your results, but
I recommend against this because the minute you get a woman who is an 75, a 90 will show up
to take you away from her just to prove she can. Then she will dump you and you'll be out a 75
and a 90 (or a 55 and a 70 or whatever your CUPID rating and Foxhunting technique will allow
you to seduce). Improving your CUPID rating takes work. There is more than enough literature
out there on how to become better-looking, wealthy, and an intellectual, so I shouldn't have to
point you anywhere. I can't do everything for you. Let's just say you know where the gym is, you
know where the best universities are, and the labor department publishes an annual guide to how
much people in each profession earn.
Since some guys need everything spelled out for them, I'll do the best I can to provide some
general advice on how to improve your CUPID rating the quickest.

Looks. Two key words here: diet and exercise. A third would be grooming, and a fourth style.
How to get that ideal body? Eat well (don't starve yourself), and work out. Lift weights if at all
possible. Talk to professionals at your local health club for advice on how to work out. Talk to lots
of different bodybuilders; these are the men who make Foxes swoon with their bodies the way
millionaires make them swoon with their bank accounts and expensive gifts and toys. There is no
better way of neutralizing rich men who are your competition than by looking better than they do.
Looks are worth more than money, status, brains, and personality combined, even with Foxes.
You'll also find that when you look good your status improves, people are quicker to hire you,
willing to pay you more, and the strength in the looks category spills over to the other categories.
In other words: looks count. If you have looks, you need not be strong in any other category,
because there are a number of Foxes who will be willing to have sex with you on the basis of your
body alone. To reach this lofty stature, you need a looks rating of 20 points or higher, and
preferably 23 or higher. Even if you can't push your looks score this high, every point you add will
count. Whatever it is a Fox wants, she will demand the very best of.

Brains. The most difficult category to improve upon, but rest assured that if you develop yourself
in this area, you will land the occasional minddigger, and she will probably be more attractive than
you might think. They don't come along often, but they do come along regularly, and usually they
will pursue you very bluntly, directly, and forcefully. Developing your mind will usually improve
your status and earning power, so there are derivative effects. Avoid reducing your level of
physical activity to make time for your intellectual pursuits, unless you want to take a break from
seduction and return down the road with a sharper mind. Brainy men also have a much easier
time acquiring Friendly Foxes because even if they have no romantic interest in you, Foxes love
to surround themselves with intelligent men. With so much attention paid to their bodies, their
minds often wind up starved and grateful to men who focus there instead of on what she has
below the neck.

Status. There are three levels of status which are relevant to seduction: what will get you laid,
what will prevent you from getting laid, and everything in between. Only those at the top and the
bottom of the status ladder will notice it dominating their lives. For the most part, for whatever
your lot in life you will find women to whom you appeal or at least do not repel. If you are looking
to improve yourself, you can do it by earning more money, even planning to earn more money
(ground-floor appeal), or by obtaining some position of power in a Fox-heavy environment. Think
strip-club manager or DJ, bouncer, or even bartender at a singles bar for examples of how to
obtain status (and proximity) without necessarily having a great deal of money. Some of these
professions pay surprisingly well.

Personality. Maybe you aren't the life of the party, or maybe you are. Maybe you could be if you
wanted. If you are the life of the party, you don't need my help. If you aren't, here's a simple piece
of advice: don't screw up. Just be neutral, blend in, be polite to those who approach you,
approach someone every now and then just to make small talk, don't be overt, and don't try to
sprint when your best pace is to run long-distance. Long-term posturing is the best strategy for
someone who is shy or otherwise feels awkward approaching Foxes. Another way around this is
to have a gimmick which serves as an ice-breaker. There are many gimmicks to choose from as
well: music, poetry, interests in female-dominated sports like gymnastics and figure skating, or
other female-dominated arenas like museums and plays (most men will find it easier to get into
gymnastics or figure skating). If your personality is not strong, take the long-term approach, don't
try to hit the home run immediately, and take it slower.

Overall CUPID Rating. For best results, add points to the looks category or the category in which
you are already strongest. Looks points count more than every other category, so if you raise
your looks score your CUPID rating will rise the fastest, but as your score in any category
approaches perfection (25), your partner rating with anyone who has a lopsided value system that
emphasizes your strong category will soar to the point where you become unbeatable. A rating of
25 in any category translates to a perfect partner rating of 100 to any Fox who values only that
category. Your CUPID rating, and your partner ratings to the Foxes with whom you interact, set a
baseline which will determine how hard you will have to work to seduce. The higher your CUPID
rating, the more successful any approach or gesture will be. Seeking out Foxes who value most
what you are strongest in will also help you, although there's no way to control the value systems
of the Foxes you want, other than to factor out those who are less likely to find you appealing.
Foxes who value most what you have the most of to offer will always treat you the best. If you
lower your standards, do it only for the short-term because you will wind up bailing out in the long-

After a year or so of making a conscious effort to adjust supply-and-demand to reality, you'll find
yourself in a pretty steady state CUPIDwise, and hopefully you will learn as you go along and
improve your seduction technique. The overall results should be excellent; if they aren't, either
you aren't being honest with yourself, aren't applying the full method, or you are just so hopeless
that it's time to consider buying Foxes (here or abroad) if you refuse to lower your standards. I
can only help you avoid mistakes and improve your results; miracles I cannot work. Few are truly
hopeless. To apply the CUPID relationship ideal described in the next chapter to your own love
life, you will always be most compatible with the following:

Those with CUPID ratings equal to your own;

Those who are strongest in the area you value most (usually looks); and

Those who value most whichever area you are strongest in.
Seduction should be attempted only when it is likely to succeed. There is no such thing as a
smart strikeout, only a batter who thought he could hit a pitch that fooled him out of his uniform.
Foxes who are out of your league are to be handled differently, and it is almost always wisest to
let them pursue you. By not pursuing them, in fact, you improve your chances, strange as it may
sound, and you can turn the tables on them a bit by being the one who is interested only in
friendship. Take no more than the situation will give you and your results will improve dramatically
while rejection becomes a thing of the past. Foxes are not as picky about friendships as they are
with relationships. If a Fox does not want a relationship with you, she can still be very useful to
you as a friend. Learn to appreciate the small gains as much as the big ones, as long as you
don't try to force a big gain when only a small one is possible. One motto I often use to describe
this is strike silver. Silver is not as valuable as gold, but if you accumulate enough of it, you can
make yourself very wealthy over time. This is not to say that you should avoid the gold that
comes your way while you are panning for silver.

Chapter Three:


Maybe you have heard the phrase they all think alike to explain why you have the same chance
of seducing a Fox as you would a non-Elite. If Foxes appear to be different creatures from non-
Elites, it is because they are. Even though their minds are the same as those in less attractive
containers, how Foxes are treated their entire lives has more than a minor impact on how they
think. Such an impact, in fact, that this treatment results in a self-fulfilling prophecy, with Elites
adopting the traits men ascribe to them. Supply and demand is a much greater influence on
dating than most would like to admit. Every Fox you meet will have two CUPID ratings: her
regular rating, and the partner rating you assign her on the basis of your value system. I am
blessed with a value system that is markedly different from those of most men, so there are a
number of Foxes who go largely unappreciated and find it refreshing to encounter a man who is
not entirely into looks, and who can appreciate her mind, and who is not a male golddigger either.
How much money a Fox has means nothing to me, and how beautiful she is also means nothing
if she is not of comparable intelligence (as in an SAT score of 1400 or higher as a sample

Under my value system, looks and brains count equally (45 percent each), with personality
accounting for the other 10 percent. Most of the Foxes I wind up getting serious with are well
above-average in intellect in addition to being physically attractive. Men who value brains really
need only to restrict their searches to intelligent non-Elites, because they will be most responsive,
if only because you are noticing something about them that they wish other men would notice. It
also helps to score well in the brains category yourself, because they tend to appreciate the mind
in men as much as they enjoy being appreciated for their minds by men. Beware: to stand out
intellectually, you need to develop your mind the way a bodybuilder develops his body. I call this
mindbuilding. The closer your value system mimics society, the less advantage you will have in
wanting what others do not want. When this happens, you will find that your best chances rest
with those who value whatever it is you have the most of to offer. Even the ugliest man with a
brilliant mind or a lot of money will attract a minority of Foxes who just happen to value that trait in
a man. Regardless of your CUPID rating, the more you play to the strengths of both your rating
and Foxes' value systems, the better you can expect your results to be.

When it comes to CUPID ratings, the women you encounter are going to fall into several
categories. I will examine each category, its CUPID range, and how these women are best dealt

Super Elite (90+) These Foxes are the cream of the crop, the ultimate feminine ideal in the eyes
of most men. Being a knockout is not enough to drive a woman's CUPID rating over 90; to be a
super-Elite, she has to have looks, brains, and status, and all in generous amounts. If you have
stopped searching for super-Elites, you should start again, not only because it is indeed possible
to get one, but also because pursuing them will create a ripple effect from which your entire love
life will benefit. The advantages of being a super-Elite extend well beyond dating: they get better
jobs, better treatment, and are walking status symbols, because not only do most men (and many
Foxes) want them, non-Elites want to be like them. If you have ever felt like you are dealing with
royalty when you interact with these women, that is because you are, and you will be for as long
as our society continues to make a woman's body 80 percent her worth. Pursuing these Foxes
can be very frustrating, but not for the reasons most men think. Super-Elites are often the most
polite and the most civilized. The problem is that civility alone is usually the last thing a man
wants from a super-Elite, and he winds up disappointed with any outcome other than becoming
her lover. Super-Elites, by definition, are going to be difficult To Whom It May Concern: find. The
best of anything always is. Even if you find them, the odds are close to 95 percent that they are
going to be off the market (all the good ones are taken). This creates not only the illusion but also
the reality that these Foxes are having sex regularly with men other than yourself, and while you
may have a problem with that, they will not. The super- Elite's ability to get almost any man she
wants makes it so that she will not lament much over any man, so the burden shifts to you to
leave an impression on her that will make her want you. Without a clear plan, this can seem
impossible, although it is definitely far from that. The key to success is to use her own methods,
having so many options that you no longer care about any specific Fox. After years of trial and
many errors, I've settled into an approach for dealing with super-Elites that works well for me, and
that is to approach them primarily as friends unless I know they are available. Most of the time
you won't have to worry about a super-Elite being available, because most of them have not gone
more than a week or two without a boyfriend or the option of one since the age of twelve. Try to
become friends with at least five super-Elites until you venture into pursuing them romantically.
As I will discuss later on, timing is a very critical element of Foxhunting. With super-Elites you will
often have to wait a while after you meet them for them to become available.

Elite (80-89.99) To most men, there is no difference between an Elite and a super-Elite. To me
there is one major difference: brains, where a Fox has a perfect body but an imperfect mind, or
looks, where an Intelligent Fox has a body which is just beneath perfection. Elites have most of
the major characteristics of super-Elites, just not in the same quantities. The CUPID system is
designed so that even a woman with perfect scores in the other categories must score at least
18.75 out of 25 in the looks category to qualify as Elite. A society that defines women primarily on
the basis of how they look will cull its Elites on the same basis. A woman with a perfect body,
regardless of her scores in other categories, is an Elite. Ask yourself this: if a Fox with an
absolutely perfect body, no intelligence, no status, and no personality to speak of were to offer to
have sex with you, would you accept? I am not sure what percentage of men would refuse this
creature, but I doubt it is anywhere close to the number of men who claim that they would reject
her. If you factor out the men who are capable of seducing other Foxes, the percentage who
would drool out a yes! if approached by a Fox for sex is more like 99.9999999, and that is a
conservative estimate. Foxes still offer a positive risk/reward ratio, and are thus worth pursuing
for both friendship and dating. With Elites and super-Elites, avoid playing to their ego as much as
possible. Once they have won you over, you join the crowd of admirers. It is when they have not
won you over that things get a lot more interesting. Deal respectfully with these Foxes, but make
a rather safe assumption that unless they have expressed explicit romantic interest in you, odds
are pursuit would not be successful. If pursuit is not successful, doing favors or going to great
effort and/or expense for these women is not likely to change that. If anything, the more you hold
out, the less you ask for, and the less effort you make to win them over, the more you are going
to stand out as a man with standards, a man who is reserved, and a man who -- God forbid --
might not be seduced by them. Elites and super-Elites represent royalty. Even if one appears to
be the nicest Fox in the world, and the most honest, she is going to attract men who are
undesirable, after her for only her body, who do not like your presence, and who will often attempt
to sabotage the efforts of their rivals. The presence of even one true jerk in a Fox's life is enough
to drive every nice guy away. This is another reason posturing is so valuable; the Fox who
approaches you has already admitted to wanting to speak with you. There is no way she can
honestly call you rude or impolite if she is asking for your time rather than the other way around.
Elites will usually be friends with any man who is respectful of their romantic barriers, especially if
he is of practical use.

Sub-Elite (60-79.99) Welcome to the Bermuda Triangle of seduction. She looks attractive, seems
intelligent....has a good job, and on the surface a decent life. While there's nothing obviously
wrong with her, Elites put her to shame. Sub-Elites are often mistaken for Foxes by men without
standards and low CUPID ratings, and as a result carry themselves as if they were. You get the
attitude problems without the offsetting body benefits. Sub-Elites carry all of the risks associated
with Foxhunting, without the rewards. In my experience, I have found it amusing that it is much
easier for me to get a date with a 21 year-old stripper or dancer than it is to get one with a 30
year-old attorney, even though the dancer is twice as sexy and ten times as willing. Even if you
want to seduce a sub-Elite, pursuit is still not correct. Posturing is always going to be more
effective, especially since you have a built-in rejection-jealousy mechanism by virtue of your
ignoring the sub- Elites in favor of the Foxes. The sub-Elite who is pursued by many men is going
to notice the men who aren't interested, or who do not appear interested. The blow to her ego
when she finds you focusing your attention on her superiors is going to be huge. Over time, you
will find yourself with many sub-Elites who are your friends and probably wish you would want
more with them. Failure to pursue is rejection by omission and a lot more powerful than men
realize. Even in cases of love at first sight, you can reject anyone by letting the clock tick a bit and
not paying them any mind. This allows them the opportunity to approach you first. Later on I
discuss the strong advantage of first contact to the person not making it. While it is more
humanistic to treat the sub-Elite as an attractive creature with a lot to offer men, it is more
effective from a seduction standpoint to treat them as exactly what they are, which is almost what
any man would want. Just a little lacking in body and mind, this is an attractive woman, but
certainly one not worth pursuing, and one with absolutely no power over you. If you pursue a sub-
Elite, do so to test your methods, be prepared to forget she exists if she says no, and expend as
little energy as possible. Any time you spend with sub-Elites can be better spent Foxhunting. Sub-
Elites are replaceable. Keep this in mind when you talk to them. Tolerate them, but bail out
immediately at the first sign of trouble. Save your risk-taking behavior for Elites and up. Even if
you find yourself flirting with a sub-Elite, appear just a little disinterested, a little distracted, like
they have caught a piece of your fancy, but only a small piece. Having Foxy friends will add to the
image you need to successfully pull off this strategy. It is one thing to seduce a sub-Elite, avoid
begging or even working for it. Your time is limited; put it to the best possible use.

The Rest (0-59.99) Not worth discussing from this book's standpoint. If you want one, you can
have one. But you won't need this book to find one. The methods contained here would represent
overkill; non-Elites have few options, and usually take what they can get...even you. To seduce a
non-Elite, simply treat her as if she were a Fox. Few other men will. Go below 80 on the CUPID
scale, and your options increase dramatically. Refer to the standard Bell Curve and you will see a
distribution that begins to favor men as a woman becomes more mortal. But as I have already
said, non-Elites Are Not Worth Pursuing. Lower your standards enough and they will be met, and
you won't be happy. If you have sex with a non-Elite, it should be in a situation where you are
totally in control. Think of it as you would a minimum-wage job. Getting fired is not a threat
because you know you can always get another job at the same pay. An accomplished Foxhunter
should have absolutely no difficulty seducing a non-Elite. On the other hand, if Foxes are still out
of your league even after you master this book, then the sub-Elites will be Foxes relative to you
and should be treated as Foxes; few men have to take this step if they apply themselves. Don't
settle or lower your standards until all other options have been exhausted. Part of a Foxhunter's
desirability is his high standards.

Sub-Elites are almost what you want, but not quite. "Beats being alone," a man might say. Does
it? I've found I like even nonsexual interaction with Elites and super-Elites more than I like even
having sex with non-Elites. The man who settles for a non-Elite is doing so out of the fear that he
will never be able to seduce a Fox. Depending on his appeal to Foxes and his technique, this fear
may or may not be justified. You can always have sex with a non-Elite and then go back to
pursuing Elites, but the convenience factor often causes men to lower their standards. A true
Foxhunter will have none of this and will hold out for what he wants and deserves. About the only
benefit you will derive from settling for a sub-Elite is to your reputation. Having a lover makes you
more appealing to Foxes, which allows you to trade up more easily. Even if Foxes are all you
consider, non-Elites will occasionally factor into your love life. If you are capable of seducing a
Fox, you should have no difficulty seducing a non-Elite. Absolutely nothing stops a non-Elite from
copping an attitude like a successful Foxhunter. Non- Elites know instinctively that they have no
bargaining power with a man who would reject them for a Fox.

Anyone who has ever seen an openly two-faced Fox in action knows how she can spend one
moment dressing down a man she deems a loser and the next showing her sweet side to a man
she respects. The presence of Foxes in your life, especially if they are lovers but even if they are
just friends, will be your most powerful seduction tool for the sub-Elites and non-Elites you ignore,
inferior women who will want to prove their Foxhood by attracting you. Pitting Foxes against their
less-blessed counterparts is an easier seduction strategy than the reverse, which also works. Tell
a Fox that you find a sub-Elite more attractive than her and you deliver a direct blow to her ego.
At this point it is easy to become a pawn in the Fox's game to prove that she is superior to the
sub-Elite, and she may even seduce you in order to prove her point. To hear the experts tell it,
you should be very happy with a long-term relationship with a sub-Elite. To them, it is socially
acceptable to value looks, but to focus exclusively on Foxes is just shallow and makes you a pig.
Never mind that Foxes want men who have not only looks, but brains and money, and you have
to wonder why things are the way they are. Sub-Elites get much more attention than they
deserve, they demand more relative to what they offer in return, and in no way are they any kind
of a bargain. This category should be your second choice, third choice, last resort, or anything but
your first choice.

Friends Of Foxes
Non-Elites can achieve status by being close friends with Foxes. Foxes often trust their girlfriends
to shield them from the wolves, relying on their judgement and any information provided to them
by their best friend. When the friend has a positive opinion of you, this can be very good. If her
opinion is negative, that can cost you any chance you might have with the Fox, but as long as you
appeal to some FOFs, you'll be able to boost your overall chances and your reputation while
gaining access to the sexual Elite. Of the time you spend with non-Elites, this is the most
productive. One caution: just as you can use a non-Elite to get close to a Fox, she can use the
Fox to get close to you. With a fixed amount of time to Foxhunt, spend that time as productively
as possible. There are minor and major adjustments you can make to every area of your life to
improve your odds of success, and the man who takes advantage of these opportunities is the
man most likely to taste the fruits of victory (among other things!). Interaction with non-Elites
should be kept to a bare minimum, the only major exceptions being those who are not attracted to
you, and whom you would want to be friends with. Even then, be careful. You have little to gain
by spending time with non-Elites if your goal is to have sex with Elites or super-Elites.

A final note on CUPID: looks are not all that determines a woman's value. The minor categories
still count for 20 percent, making it possible for women with relatively lower looks scores to still be
Elites. Considering the number of men who value looks more than 80 percent, you can take
advantage of supply and demand and lower your looks requirement a bit while raising your other
requirements to compensate. Even men who don't value brains, status, or personality will do this
for practical reasons, but decisions made by force of the market are not the same as decisions
made by the will of the Foxhunter.

Chapter Four:

CUPID And Relationships

One of the most common forms of American humor is the sexual putdown. Watch just about any
sitcom for more than five minutes and somewhere you will see one character taunting another,
and usually the taunted person is a man who cannot get a date, or a Fox who cannot find that
dream relationship. The fundamental premise of the humor is that we are just losers who don't
know what we are doing, and "everyone" knows it. Saturday Night Live led this cynical charge a
while back, in its Weekend Update skit of all places. Every time a famous couple divorced
(usually with the Fox breaking it off), they had a running gag. Here's an example:

Christie Brinkley filed for divorce from Billy Joel this week. She said she knew the marriage was in
trouble when she realized that she was Christie Brinkley, and that she was married to Billy Joel.

Ha-ha-ha, right? Underneath those laughs lie some rather crude and negative assumptions,
which are: 1. If you are male, any Fox you would want to date is better than you and will not only
reject you but laugh in your face; and 2. If the Fox in question does go out with you, it is only a
matter of time before she leaves you, with everyone cheering her on for dumping the jerk. The
CUPID formula underscores our common assumptions about relationships. It ranks two people
for intrinsic worth, points out mismatches in relationships, and on a deeper level explains what
two people see in each other. Even if two partners have resolved their CUPID issues and treat
each other as equals, others will often treat them as if they were not equal if their CUPID
numbers do not match up properly. This is why a marriage like Liz Taylor and Larry Fortensky's
attracts so much attention, and why their divorce was met with knowing cynicism. Dare I say it
was also why they divorced.

It is a dark reality about the nature of human thought that we even spend time considering who is
getting the better deal in a relationship. Saying that one person is somehow better than their lover
is quite arrogant. It converts the dating game into just another competitive sport, and may the
best men and women win and have sex with each other. The problem with changing the behavior
patterns documented by Darwin and CUPID, among others, is that no one is willing to step up
and be the first person to consciously seek out someone who is lacking in what they want. Charity
in the game of love is rare, and not recommended. We are bred to be opportunistic, not altruistic.

As mentioned earlier, the ideal CUPID relationship consists of the following:

Equal CUPID ratings;

Equal partner ratings; and

Partner ratings which are substantially higher than each partner's CUPID rating.
You want someone with an equal CUPID rating, who has what you want, and who wants what
you have. When all three conditions are met, you have a pairing that is not likely to break up,
because neither partner is likely to do better. More often than not, people do not wait for anything
resembling this ideal to enter their lives, and instead accept a CUPID mismatch rather than be
alone. The end result -- the superior half of the mismatch dumps the inferior half -- is predictable,
and causes a great deal of pain. Sometimes it can even lead to obsession, as the weaker partner
will find it almost impossible to replace the stronger one.

To understand how CUPID applies to relationships, think of the CUPID rating as a romantic
power rating, a theoretical measure of a person's desirability to the opposite sex. If in fact the
formula is accurate, the following will almost always be true:

The person with the superior CUPID rating will be the one who decides if a relationship occurs;

If a relationship occurs, the person with the higher rating will have control;

At any point in the relationship, the superior partner is more likely to cheat or dump; and

Once the relationship is over, the superior partner will find a replacement more quickly, and that
replacement will have a higher CUPID rating than the replacement found by the inferior partner.
Over time, people become rather adept at making CUPID assessments, knowing who is out of
their league and who is not, and gravitating towards their peers. Because they are with someone
they find tolerable, and who seems to tolerate them, inertia sets in and a relationship develops.
Like the song says, if you cannot be with the one you love, honey, love the one you are with.
Many who declare themselves in love with their partner would be a lot closer to the truth if they
simply said "I got tired of looking and s/he was the best one I could find that would have me." This
might sound very shallow -- because it is very shallow -- but don't think it ends with the two of
you. Even couples have to deal with: CUPID Couple Ratings Couples can be every bit as shallow
as singles. Every couple has a CUPID rating and even partner ratings just as with singles. Just as
there are Elite people, there are also Elite couples. A couple's CUPID rating determines its social

An Elite couple is a force of nature, with massive amounts of sex appeal emanating from both
sides. A low-rated CUPID pairing will often be excluded by Elite couples just as they were when
they were single. The effects are magnified because the scoring range for couples is 0-200
instead of 0-100. A rudimentary understanding of statistics is all it takes to see the impact of
CUPID on relationships and even friendships. If CUPID were not a factor, the odds of two Elites
being lovers would equal the odds of one person being an Elite, and the rating distribution of
those who are lovers of Elites would match the overall distribution as well. It is blatantly obvious
that this is not the case. An overwhelming majority of the time, Elites are going to pair off with
other Elites or strong sub-Elites, and so on down the scale until you get to the bottom, where
people are loathe to pair off with each other and tend to hold out for someone who is more
attractive than they are. In The Rating Of Chessplayers, Past And Present, Arpad Elo explained
this concept perfectly: Chessplayers often make unrealistic appraisals of their own ability, thinking
that they are "in form" only when they are actually playing well above their normal form. Every
man seems to consider himself superior to his true equal. This is the case with CUPID as well:
two true equals will usually assume that they would be settling if they chose the other. The same
dynamic exists in the workforce, with employers wishing they could get more work for the money
they pay their staff, and the staff wishing they could make more money, but with both parties
continuing the arrangement because for each of them it is the best they could do at the moment.

CUPID ratings are not constant. Each person we relate to is going to score us differently, placing
a different value on those scores in calculating your partner rating. Each man has a rating level
which he will approximate most of the time, unless he is given to making drastic changes in his
appearance and behaving differently, or presenting his status in a different light. Though empirical
in nature, CUPID does not easily lend itself to use as an empirical matchmaking tool, at least not
to the extent that the ratings are accurate to the tenth of a point. CUPID's strength lies in its value
as a conceptual tool for understanding how we think and what we value. I'm not here to debate
the fairness of the role CUPID plays in relationships. Since it is a factor I must acknowledge it,
and I do. To fail to understand its impact is to leave oneself open to being blindsided at any time.
While it is true that CUPID considerations diminish as a relationship is built, it is also true that the
beginning of one relationship often causes the end of another, so a factor which is important at
the beginning of Relationship #2 is by definition important at the end of Relationship #1. I keep
CUPID in the back of my mind at all times. Any aspiring Foxhunter would do very well to work
CUPID into his consciousness with the same level of depth.

Chapter Five:

The Goal Of Foxhunting

We are so biased towards the female perspective that Foxhunting is socially unacceptable. Men
need to work past what others might think of them and learn instead to pursue what it is they truly
want. Many successful sitcoms have been built around the machinations men go through to get
sex: how they have to cater to the Fox's every whim, how they have to want what they are
supposed to want, and how if they don't play the game on the Foxes' terms, they will be denied
sex. Who hasn't seen an episode of some show where a husband forgets his anniversary or
commits some similar capital offense, and the wife is justified in punishing him for it. I'm not
advocating forgetting these things, because they are important to women, but why is it considered
amusing when a wife tells her husband she has a headache and he has to go without sex?

One of the more provocative studies on love and sex that I came across revealed something very
simple yet telling: the more attractive a man's lover, the more monogamous he becomes. The
man who is having sex with a Fox on a regular basis is far less likely to look elsewhere, unless he
is capable of attracting other Foxes. Even in that case, if he tops out with a Super Elite, once
again he is less likely to stray because he has everything he wants. This is analogous to how
men approach their careers, being far less likely to change jobs if they are happy and well-paid.
Foxes rarely have this problem, because they seem to be born with CUPID calculators in their
brains, knowing before they commit to a man if they can do better, and even if they meet
someone better down the road, they can usually bail out without anyone looking down on them. In
our female-biased society, men do not have this privilege.

I remember watching an episode of Oprah where on it she had a doctor who had met a sub-Elite
through one of her single-rich-handsome-man-without-a-woman shows. Many had contacted him,
and he began dating one. Immediately an alarm bell went off in my head. Sure enough, on a
followup show, the doctor reported to Oprah that his relationship with the sub-Elite had ended,
and in her place was a Blonde Fox from his own town whose mother had seen him on television
and prompted her to contact him (don't you love the way mothers try to push their daughters onto
good-looking, rich men?). The man gave the perfunctory excuse about how things just didn't work
out with the sub-Elite, and all I could think of was how if you switched the bodies of the two
women in question, he would have stayed with the first. Quarterbacks and cheerleaders do not
hook up by accident. Let me say now that if you are a man who is over 6', earns $100,000 a year
or more, has a high IQ, and is in top physical shape, you do not need to Foxhunt. Foxes will fall
all over you, wanting to marry you, and they will usually be willing to let you sample the goodies in
the hope that you will choose them over the hordes of other Foxes. These alpha-males have
done their foxhunting in the most efficient way possible, by being what Foxes want. What
happens if you are lacking in any of the above categories is that you will find the Fox you want,
the one who tells you she is looking for a nice guy, and who tells you that a man will have to win
her over, is sending R-Rated videos of herself to men she sees on Oprah, maybe even having
her mother do it for her. Of all the sites I have seen in my travels on this planet, none is as
sickening as watching a mother present her daughter's sexuality to a wealthy man.

The Fox thinks she is doing men a favor by not enlightening them. Under the pretext of sparing
feelings (her own, not yours), she tells men the same lies you see in centerfold profiles. I used to
joke that Playboy Playmates were paid $30,000 as follows: $500 for the pictures, $9,500 to say
that having them taken was the most spiritually fulfilling experience of their lives, and $20,000 to
say that any loser reading the magazine has a shot with them. As a man whose cousin managed
to live with two Playmates in succession (one while she was the current month's centerfold), I can
tell you that the type of man these Foxes want is exactly the type of player you have always
thought they wanted, and more. Even if you aren't the cool type, aren't a Jon BonJovi-lookalike,
rock-star wannabe with limited talent like my cousin, it doesn't mean that you cannot become a
successful Foxhunter. Every man has Foxhunting potential. When you talk about men who have
known nothing but rejection their entire lives, there is the potential to stop the bleeding and reach
the point where Foxes are unable to reject or humiliate them. This is easy because all a man has
to do in that case is stop pursuing them. Not pursuing Foxes will not get you laid by itself, it will
stop a lot of pain for men who get rejected regularly, and to a man who gets rejected, that
represents a marked improvement already, to both his ego and his image.

To understand what it takes to be a successful Foxhunter, imagine for a moment that one year
from now you will be moving to a new town. I say a year because if you are overweight or
otherwise unattractive this gives you ample time to correct the problem. If you are already good-
looking you can imagine that you are relocating tomorrow, to a new city, with a new job, your own
apartment or house, and a new life. In this position, how would you go about your Foxhunting? If
you are like most men, you would probably try to find a Fox or two to talk to, ask them out, and if
they said no you would either keep pursuing them or move onto the next, without any long-term
strategy, and without doing everything you possibly could to get laid. This leads to my next
question: how bad do you want it? Professional athletes are paid millions of dollars a year
because they excel at their form of competition. The economic rewards of success motivate them
to devote their entire lives to becoming as skilled as they possibly can, practicing constantly and
developing their technique to the point where it is almost flawless. Foxhunters are no different,
and go beyond just pursuing the random non-Elites who enter their lives, taking proactive steps to
ensure that they will come into extensive contact with Foxes and make the most of the windows
of opportunity created by that contact. They have the advantage at every point: meeting Foxes,
pursuing and dating them, and seducing them. A Foxhunter is to a typical male what Michael
Jordan is to typical a playground basketball player.

Foxhunters are professional seducers. The payment for a job well done is the incredible sex they
have. Payment it is, because Foxes can charge thousands of dollars a night for their sexual
services. Most Foxes a level above what you would find in a brothel, because a true Fox usually
will not have to lower herself to working in that profession. If you want a piece of this action,
detach from the mindset that being yourself and randomly living your life will cause the Fox of
Your Dreams will drop into your lap. That may work in fiction, but real life is another story. If you
want a Fox, do what Mariah Carey sings and make it happen. There is a saying that when you do
not have a job, looking for a job should become a full-time job. Every hour, every minute, every
second of your life can be applied to seduction. Even the most banal of decisions can have far-
reaching impacts on your love life. Once you understand this concept, and how to exploit it, you
are well on the way to successful Foxhunting. Like jobhunting, Foxhunting demands that you
retain your standards even when you haven't found what you wanted. While it may be tempting to
take a Mc-Job just to pay your bills while you are holding out for your dream job, you can often
wind up trapped in a lesser lifestyle because you find yourself with less time to search, and you
can become complacent with less than you deserve from the marketplace.

If you are not currently with the Fox Of Your Dreams, making it your top priority is logical. I wish I
could say that there are shortcuts, but when you play in the big leagues that will never be the
case. I cannot even say you will wind up with a Fox, but I am reasonably sure that the women you
find yourself dealing with on all levels, even beyond sex and romance, will have higher CUPID
ratings than the ones currently in your life. Changing the human scenery of your life from The
Drew Carey Show to Melrose Place is a massive improvement. As someone once observed very
humorously, at least you'll be striking out with a higher class of Fox. Foxhunting eliminates or
reduces rejection risk. Something which has annoyed me about most every seduction guide on
the market is that they minimize rejection, almost dismissing it. While sooner or later you have to
make a move, the odds you will be rejected when you do are much lower, and even if you are
rejected it will be much easier for you to save face. When I became a Foxhunter, my goal was not
only to seduce Foxes, but also to avoid the indignities that come with rejection. I am proud to say
I have accomplished both, and can stomach rejection rather easily, even working it to my
advantage, taking risks only when the reward justifies it.

Why It's Okay To Be A Foxhunter

One of the reasons men refuse to admit to their Foxhunting tendencies is that they think women
will condemn them for it. To an extent they are right, but this only begins to tell the story. Imagine
for a minute that a woman has gotten wind that you are a Foxhunter. Once she is done calling
you a selfish, sexist pig, several interesting things happen, including:

She wants to know if you consider her a Fox. This scores an automatic point for you because it
makes her curious. A Curious Fox is like a horny male, and often has difficulty focusing on
anything else until her curiosity has been satisfied. By not revealing what she wants to know, or
by not pursuing her and giving her the impression that she is not a Fox, she is left wondering
whether or not her body turns you on. Never mind that her body isn't supposed to matter; deep
down she knows it does and is always concerned about what men think of it, even you.

She assumes you are capable of seducing her. She knows that beneath your polite exterior exists
a man who can probably turn her on sexually. This is the main appeal of the player: he knows
what he is doing. She doesn't have to worry about the Foxhunter losing his cool, or not knowing
what to do in any situation, and she can just relax and enjoy being conquered (once she gets past
your being a selfish, sexist pig). Your end of the bargain is to never give the Fox a reason to
doubt this ability.

She knows she has no sexual power over you. This ties into #1. If you behave like a Foxhunter,
Foxes become convinced they cannot impress you with anything less than sex, and that even if
you find them attractive, you have other options. The Fox who values your friendship or whatever
it is that is attracting her to you knows she cannot walk all over you, and will treat you with more
respect. This will work only if you hold your ground when things are not going your way.
Foxes are very covert. Men who ask Foxes for seduction advice fail to realize the death-blow they
are dealing to themselves, because they fail to grasp one simple concept: Foxes do not want a
man who does not know how to seduce them. Would you mention in a job interview that you were
unemployable? Suppose your boxing opponent told you before a fight that he had a glass jaw
and couldn't throw a knockout punch. How would you react? Keep these metaphors in mind the
next time you are contemplating letting a Fox advise you. Turn to a non-Elite for advice, and you
can toss in criticism of your looks preferences to the propaganda mix. It's bad news all around.

To prepare yourself for becoming a successful Foxhunter, keep the following in mind:

Make it your top priority. Any time you spend doing something other than Foxhunting or
something related is a lost opportunity. If that time is spent at work earning money, or at the gym
improving your looks, or developing your mind, those activities increase your CUPID rating and
can be considered relevant. If you are not spending your time directly or indirectly Foxhunting,
you are missing out on opportunities. Intense Foxhunting, at least until you are confident in your
abilities and satisfied with your results, is highly recommended. Avoid chess clubs, comic-book or
Star-Trek conventions, and other places where men outnumber Foxes.

Know the score. Don't delude yourself. If something isn't working, change it! Do so only with a
good reason. Successful Foxhunters have their moves down so well they Foxhunt unconsciously.
This gives them confidence, for confidence is merely one's refusal to second-guess oneself.
Learn to evaluate what is happening, what your chances are, and you will act more confidently
and succeed more.

Give it time. Long-term thinking is the order of the day here. One of the biggest mistakes made by
amateur Foxhunters is that they think only in the short-term. They move from Fox to Fox, putting
all of their eggs in basket after basket, and when one basket breaks they repeat their mistakes.
Go to a singles bar every night for a year and you might get lucky a few times; spend that year
improving yourself and you'll wind up with more Foxes in one week thereafter than you would
have in the entire year.
I see nothing wrong with Foxhunting if a man is honest about what he wants. The Foxes I talk to
know that their bodies are the primary reason I am attracted to them, They also know it is not the
only reason I am attracted. Most find this acceptable. The ones who don't I do not deal with. It is
much easier to seduce a Fox if she believes your interest in her goes beyond the physical. I make
sure that this happens because I use looks only as a rejection criteria and not a selection criteria.
The man who will date any Fox is a lot different from one who rejects non-Elites but also requires
that Foxes be compatible mentally and spiritually. The less a man values looks, the easier it will
be for him to find what he wants. Supply-and- demand is a basic reality of the romantic
Chapter Six:

Understanding Foxes

Know thy prey. Predators of every species understand this rule instinctively. Foxhunting is no
different. If you are going to be seducing Foxes, the first thing you need to do is understand how
they think and act, and what they respond to sexually. Since Foxes generally do not reveal their
true motives to men, you have to step in and figure out how they think by examining how they act.
John Mitchell, Nixon's disgraced attorney general, summed it up perfectly:

Don't listen to what we say; watch what we do

This is a more eloquent way of saying that actions speak louder than words. Much has been
written about Fox behavior, most of it unflattering. In the eyes of the cynical, the following holds
true about Foxes:

They are stuck-up;

They date bad-boy types while ignoring the nice guys;

They get by in life on their looks.

These sweeping-but-accurate generalizations fail to tell the whole story. To wit:

The Fox who is not stuck-up is accused of being a prick-tease. It is almost a no-win situation
because there is no polite way to reject someone. And sometimes the Fox who rejects a man
politely is doing more damage than if she is stuck-up to him because he will incorrectly think he
blew his chance with her, or that he can reverse the rejection. If she is so polite, she must like him
somewhat and need a little more convincing. This is how hustlers of any kind take advantage of
people in games of skill: they let them come close enough to winning to play for money over and
over again, but they never quite clear the hurdle.

Every man is going to pretend to be a nice guy because this is what he thinks the Fox wants. In
this case, I assign most of the blame to the Foxes. You would think that several thousand years
of poor female selection would wise them up, but you could say the same thing about men. Take
a good, long look at the men Foxes date and see how many of them are truly nice.

People tend to take advantage of whatever life deals them. If you are blessed with brains, you
use it. If you are blessed with popularity, you'll use that. It's no different with looks. How many
men out there who are over 6' will reject Foxes who have height requirements? Those who are
over 6' are getting by on their height the way Foxes get by on their bodies. To many Foxes, life is
a drama in which they have been cast as the female lead. As life's sexual celebrities, if all they
know is royal treatment, this is how they are going to see the world. When people are working
constantly to assist you with whatever problems you have, you are either going to assume that
things work the same way for other people, or that you are special and deserving of this
treatment. How often do you see a Fox protest the favors she gets in return for her beauty? Most
will attribute their success to resourcefulness while ignoring the bias altogether, getting agitated
when it is pointed out to them that their helpers and protectors have ulterior motivates for being
so nice. Experiences men do not even think twice about, like getting into an elevator alone, can
be very traumatic for a Fox. Unwanted advances can rear their ugly head in a place like that very
easily. Some men who otherwise have no opportunity will attempt to capitalize on any which
presents itself. To combat this, I speak out against this behavior in my writing, and in my daily life
I go out of my way to respect a Fox's personal space. Knowing that they fear being alone with
men in elevators, I won't even get into one alone with a Fox if I can avoid it. I do not hit on Foxes
where they work, or in any forced environment. The bad apples have spoiled the rest of the male
bunch in the eyes of the Foxes, and I cannot disagree with them. What I can do is refuse to add
to the problem.
Acting on any attraction you may have for a Fox is like navigating an obstacle course. This is
especially true when a Fox carries the default opinion that men are unworthy scum who will hit on
her, or are something to be feared and avoided, at least until they have been checked out. Almost
without exception, I get a very positive reaction from Foxes when I bond with them by
empathizing with what it must be like to have every man want to get them into bed, and for some
odd reason, admitting that I am one of those men regains points for honesty that I lose for being a
pig. I am reminded of a running gag in the Motley's Crew comic strip where a wino named
"Bummy" runs for office on the grounds that instead of being disappointed to find out that you
elected a bum, why not just vote for one in the first place? I've actually heard Foxes justify dating
jerks on the same grounds.

To different degrees, Foxes will either cruise through life blissfully selfish, reaping the advantages
of physical beauty, or they will develop their minds and become super-Elites. Some super-Elites
actually become very stuck-up as a way of striking back against men who try to take advantage of
them. If all a man cares about is her body, why should a she feel compassion? Should a rich man
be compassionate to golddiggers? The stuck-up attitude creates a tit-for-tat, where men claim
righteous anger over the treatment they receive (or don't receive), and Foxes complain that they
are going to be called stuck-up regardless of how they behave. The cycle can only be broken with
two steps: men have to learn to accept rejection, and Foxes have to learn to be polite about
rejecting. This is not likely to happen because what causes us to want someone also causes us
pain if we don't get it. It was this line of reasoning that got me to reassess Foxes and my
approach to dealing with them. In a Fox you are dealing with a celebrity. Foxes are people, but
they are truly different.

A few years back, a major network newsmagazine devoted an entire hour to looks biases in
America, putting people of unequal attractiveness in similar situations (job interviews,
emergencies, even criminal trials). Each time the better-looking person was treated like royalty
while their plain counterparts were given only basic civility. A Fox's a natural desire is to think that
she has succeeded in life because of skill, not how she looks. The Fox who denies the reality of
just how much her looks have helped her in life is going to preach self- reliance, because she has
relied on herself to get where she is, and if she can do it, so can you. The Fox who gets a job
because of how she looks denies that this is the reason, and then concludes that anyone else
who makes the same effort she made will succeed. The upside is that if you display the positive
attitude Foxes have, they will expect good things to happen to you, and will even work to make
them happen for you, because Foxes cannot tolerate proof that they got ahead unfairly, and
because they will like you. Foxes who realize just how much power they have often begin acting
powerful. Some even have difficulty with men who challenge their ideas, and many also have
difficulty with not getting what they want immediately.

The societal conditioning for Foxes is that their thoughts are more important, their time more
valuable, and if they want something, it will be provided. Anything that runs counter to this
programming is a rude awakening. Foxhunting requires you to become aware of the Fox belief
system, how they view you, and how they are likely to react in any given situation. Whenever you
are dealing with a Fox, there will be men in her life who will do anything for her, and because she
is popular, crossing her in any way can have disastrous consequences. It is wise for a man not to
make himself vulnerable. Treat a Fox as you would a celebrity, and one with a bad temper at that.
Not all Foxes are like this, but only one bad apple can cause food poisoning. Avoiding these risks
makes you more likely to succeed. The less you to do win over a Fox, the better. It is wise to
assume the worst about any Fox you deal with until she proves otherwise. Leave yourself open to
the idea that she is honest and kind, but this will rarely be the case. What will be the case more
often than not is that you are dealing with someone who has two faces, one for men she wants
and respects, and another for those she deems inferior.
How you are treated by a Fox is going to depend on how she categorizes you, or what type of
man she decides you are. Read Cosmopolitan every month for seven years like I did if you want
more insight into how Foxes think. Fox magazines, aside from containing pictures which at times
would cause even Hugh Hefner to blush, are like the opposing coach's playbook. Your CUPID
rating and your seduction technique are going to affect how any Fox treats you. Many men who
complain about Foxes being stuck-up do not realize that they are not this way with every man
they meet. The Fox who coldly ignores men under 6' will kiss up to men who meet her height
requirement. The short men will call her a bitch and the tall men will call her nice. Obviously,
she's not nice in that she doesn't treat everyone equally, and few of the tall men will ever take
exception to this, but remember that if you are pursuing her only because of her body that you
were being shallow in the first place, so why should you expect anything different from her? The
Personality Myth persists.

Because there is no way to summarize all behavior specific to Foxes in one chapter, I will
conclude this one with the simple advice to monitor your own interaction with Foxes, and learn
which behavior is specific to them as opposed to non-Elites, although identifying both types of
behavior will help you a great deal in preparing for your Foxhunts. The more patterns you can
identify, and the more correctly you identify them, the more you reduce the uncertainty that befalls
men who never quite learn how to predict Fox behavior. I have found that when I am able to
predict how a Fox is going to react to me, seducing her becomes much easier.

Chapter Seven:

Understanding Your Competition

Everyone wants the top prizes in life. Few take joy in failure. The man who marries a CUPID 75
will dump her in seconds for a 95. That's just the way we are, and few would deny it unless they
are infected with PC disorder. Foxes are in demand; incredible demand, like New York City
parking spaces: in short supply and grabbed up very quickly when available. If you see an open
space, you can be certain that parking there is taboo. You can also be certain that a truly open
space isn't going to remain that way if drive around the block looking for a better space. There is
a point at which a Fox's CUPID rating is high enough to keep any man loyal. The problem we
have with finding what we want from each other is supply and demand. Once we start using
qualitative terms like better to describe one person relative to another, the laws of economics kick
in with more force then Bruce Lee.

Pursuit and romance are opposites: one is competitive, the other cooperative. Pursuit is what
attracts Foxes, romance what keeps them. Foxes who report relationship problems tend to omit
how much they enjoyed being pursued by the men they later despise. Many good men get
destroyed because they lack seduction and pursuit skills. Under the laws of supply and demand,
we are going to seek partners who have the most appealing combinations of CUPID and partner
ratings we believe we can keep. Some people do not care if they can keep a partner and reach
for the moon, even if they know they are going to be dumped a week later for a superior. For the
most part, rejection and loneliness condition us to seek out those who are in our league, whom
society says we are supposed to match up well with, where we appear equally desirable and
where our interests appear compatible. There is one major problem with this formula: men and
women are not equal! For CUPID to work out perfectly, the average ratings for men and women
would have to be equal. On average, women outrank men. This is why they claim superiority. The
disparity demolishes any chance that we will collectively find our true equals. This happens in part
because women take care of their bodies - - the primary judgement criteria -- better than men, but
that doesn't tell the whole story.
For the most part, the genders are equally good-looking, equally intelligent, and men have an
advantage in the finance department (though deteriorating) that should offset women's in the
looks department. The source of the imbalance lies in our value systems. There are men who
value looks at 90-100 percent of the selection process. Even at 80 percent, a woman who has a
perfect body automatically qualifies as an Elite. By contrast, a man with a perfect body needs
another 25 points to get to Elite, and those points must come from at least two other categories. A
woman needs strength in only one area to become a Fox, while a man must be strong in three
areas. It is much easier to just be good-looking than it is to be good-looking, intelligent, and
wealthy. Imagine for a moment that the world consisted of 10 men 10 women, and they were
ranked accordingly by CUPID. For simplicity, let's make them Elites and assume societal value
systems for each person. The rankings would look something like this:

Rank Men Women

1. 100.0 100.0
2. 98.8 100.0
3. 96.7 99.8
4. 94.2 99.7
5. 92.1 99.7
6. 90.0 99.6
7. 87.5 99.5
8. 86.1 99.5
9. 85.0 99.4
10. 84.8 99.3

The term equal can be applied to rank or rating. The man who is ranked at #5 can look at the
woman ranked #5 and claim equality, while she could point to his inferior CUPID rating and say
they are not equal. In the real world we pair off by both rank and rating. Foxes will often wait for
their theoretical equal, not realizing how difficult it is to find this if there are ten times the number
of Foxes as Elite men. You will find yourself competing against mortal men and an unrealistic
ideal. Men have complained for eons about Foxes with unrealistic expectations. The Fox who
finally gives into practical pressure and pairs off with her rank equal complains that she has
settled for a rating unequal. It is not likely that the scales are going to balance anytime soon,
either, because Foxes will always be into looks, money, and intelligence, and men, pigs that they
are, will just be into looks. Throw height into the mix and it gets even worse; so bad, in fact, that if
you told every Fox you met that she would never find the man of her dreams, you would be right
almost every time. A Fox who wants a rich man has slim pickings; one who wants a genius has
equally slim pickings; one who wants a man who is not only rich, smart, and good-looking, but
tall, provides four hoops for a man to jump through as opposed to only one for her.

Foxes who expect to marry an Elite male do not understand romantic supply and demand. On
one level they do, and that is why the same Fox who is a stuck-up bitch to you will roll out the red-
carpet for an Elite. You can't even say that the two-faced behavior is bad, because just about
every other man on the planet -- including you -- is doing the same thing. Foxes take go to the
extreme, dividing men into three categories: worthy, suitable for friends, and loser. Foxes have
such unrealistic requirements of men that sometimes only one in 10,000 will qualify, and they will
have hundreds of Foxes to choose from. All is not lost because while you are competing against
an unrealistic ideal, so is every other man on the planet. Never having a man around who meets
her standards is very frustrating to a Fox and something she will take as a sign of her failure to be
sufficiently attractive. More than one man has convinced a Fox to date him by suggesting that she
relax her requirements a bit and give him a chance. A humorous line I have used with success is
Would you like some company while you are waiting for Prince Charming to show up?
Men have problems competing against perfection because they do not know how to handle it.
There is no way you are ever going to convince a Fox that you meet this ideal. This can be used
to your advantage. Imagine for a moment that you are talking to a sub-Elite who knows you are a
Foxhunter and despite your claims to the contrary, says that you will never find what you seek.
You may keep a poker face and laugh it off, but if you are doing poorly her words are going to
sting. If she pointed out your failure as a covert way of getting you to consider her, she will
become more appealing if she is right about Foxes being out of your reach. Since Foxes parade
their romantic conquests (as opposed to men hiding their sexual conquests), there is really
nowhere to hide for the Fox who hasn't found Prince Charming because there would be a Royal
Wedding if she had. No Fox in her right mind would expect you to name your sexual conquests.
Consequently, it is much easier for a man to hide his failures than for a Fox to hide hers.

Your flesh-and-blood competition -- sub-Elites and a few unattainable Elites -- will take many
forms. There will be good-catch types who string them along for a until they get bored or find
someone better, marriage-minded looksdiggers who use the surprisingly successful technique of
telling every Fox they meet that they feel a soulmate connection until someone believes them (an
annoying number of Foxes are removed from the market by this technique), and Speed Seducers
who can break down in 90 minutes the defenses a Fox keeps other men at bay with for weeks,
months, or even years. Which type of competition is worse will depend on what you are seeking
from Foxes, although personally I find the Foxhunters to be the most difficult in that they can
strike out of the blue, even when you are in a relationship. That is why I became one.

Good-catch types are men with high CUPID ratings (or partner ratings) who pursue one Fox
vigorously at a time, and who are relationship-oriented and marriage-minded. The promise of a
happy lifetime pairing is something Foxes always consider, even if the man is not spectacular at
first glance. This is why you will often see men who do not fare well in the dating game one day
show up with a Fox on their arm and a ring on her finger. Their major strength comes in their
willingness to give a Fox what she truly wants. It is the male corollary to the Fox who gives sex to
men with no strings, a romantic slut for lack of a better term. In other words, this is a man who
puts out romantically the way a Promiscuous Fox puts out sexually. Sex from Foxes for romance
from men is the fundamental romantic transaction. The good-catch type divides between men
who are sincere and men who are not. You can always warn a Fox that your rival is just telling
her what she wants to hear to get her into bed. This puts the ball in his court, for you will not be
proven wrong until he marries her. If that happens, you can still point out that perhaps she is
marrying the wrong man out of fear she won't find a good husband. If your rival blunders, or if she
decides he is wrong for her, over time you begin to look good in her eyes. If you are going to use
this tactic, don't overplay your hand. Once or twice is more than enough to get your point across,
and you don't want to appear as if you are forcing the issue. Be prepared to let the clock tick and
Foxhunt in the meantime. A dishonest rival is obviously better for you, because sooner or later,
usually sooner, he will mess up and you can capitalize. Your stock will rise by attrition when the
man you were competing against suddenly crashes and burns. It never ceases to amaze me how
a Fox can one day be talking about spending the rest of her life with a man and the next day be
crying over how everything fell apart. With such volatility, it behooves a man to understand the
importance of timing. A Fox's opinion of you changes constantly relative to other men in her life. If
you feel like a prince one day and a Frog the next, it is probably due to someone else and not
you. The best way to catch a fast-moving insect in a closed environment is to stand still and wait
for it to come to a complete stop rather than waste your time and energy chasing it.

Soulmate types are the worst competition to have, although in a way they are doing you a favor.
The Fox who gets sucked in by this type of man is a goner, and the only chance you have is after
the breakup, if there is one. It is always possible to use this technique yourself, of course. Another
form of romantic slut, and one who is willing to go all the way to the altar, this man is nearly
impossible to compete against, but only if the Fox accepts him as her soulmate. Few Foxes will,
but it only takes one to produce a lifetime of sex. I don't mind losing a Fox to this type of man
because she would have been a lot of trouble (Foxes are very demanding about their soulmates),
and the rebound potential is strong. This is why it is crucial to play the numbers: if you focus on
only one Fox at a time, and get slaughtered by this type of snake, you will be crushed. If you
pursue many Foxes simultaneously, you will not only be able to absorb the loss, but you can
position yourself for the rebound.

Foxhunters are your deadliest competition (of course!). If a Foxhunter is in the life of a Fox you
have designs on, it is only because he has already calculated the odds of a successful seduction
and determined they are worth the risk. A truly skilled Foxhunter is like a professional poker
player who has learned to fold his cards any time he is dealt anything less than three queens. If
the Fox Of Your Dreams has a Foxhunter in her life, heed the alarm. Fortunately, Foxhunters
detest rivalry, avoiding protracted contests whenever possible. Instead, they fight a very intense,
brief battle, and if you win they bail out, waiting for you to leave the picture, and even if they are
not pursuing her directly, the Fox knows of their interest and you will be competing against it,
while the other Foxhunters have already moved on. The Fox will be none too pleased that she
cannot control your rival, and will imagine them getting what they want from other Foxes (and
hearing about it if they stay friends). Every time you make a mistake she will wonder if maybe she
made a mistake. What makes Foxhunters such dangerous rivals is the reason I became one. It is
also the reason that I wrote a book advocating Foxhunting to other men. There really is no good
way to combat a Foxhunter other than to be more appealing to the Fox than he is. It is the most
straightforward rivalry, a true contest of romantic wills. When two Foxhunters pursue a Fox,
neither will allow her to pit him against the other. Foxes cannot stand this because their power is
greatly diminished. Each Foxhunter will demand the same level of commitment, and the Fox will
either have to pick one of the two men or tell each about the other.

Speed Seducers
There is one type of rival that I haven't mentioned yet, and this also represents dangerous
competition. Since the method that these men use has become more and more popular as of
late, it is worth more than a passive mention. Speed Seduction strikes at the heart of what Foxes
and Foxhunters alike are up against in the dating game. Fans of Politically Incorrect may recall
the Friday July 31, 1998 evening show which featured a man named Ross Jeffries, the creator of
Speed Seduction ( The other panelists on the show were Leeza Gibbons,
Gilbert Godfried, and an actress whose name I can't remember. I was a bit distressed to see Bill
Maher and his panel bash Speed Seduction, as Ross and his disciples call it, because the
method is not at all the joke they made it out to be. Ross Jeffries is a man who is trained in the
mind arts, specifically hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming (NLP). For more information on
those art forms, try Ross has chosen to apply his knowledge of these
techniques to the art of seduction, and the results are explosive. What we used to call smooth talk
has been updated with 90's precision, and god help the Fox who encounters a Speed Seducer
without realizing it. Ross really can talk a Fox into bed in an hour or less, and what is worse is
that he can make her think it was her idea!

Foxes who are seduced by SS are often unaware of what has happened to them. Ross's method
takes advantage of a their tendency to be polite when approached. It takes only a brief period of
receptivity and focus for a Speed Seducer to worm his way into a Fox's mind, and if she is
receptive to the technique, she will swoon at a rapid pace to the Speed Seducer's silver tongue. A
few years ago I attended a singles function and thought it would be a perfect place to try Speed
Seduction. Not fifteen minutes after I arrived there, a sub-Elite approached me. I used Speed
Seduction patterns on her and within an hour she was on the dance floor with me, holding me
rather closely for someone I just met, and we definitely had a typical connection. Had I continued,
I probably could have had sex with her that night (her hands were already in the right places on
the dance floor), but she was not quite a Fox, we had just met, and I was caught off-guard by how
well the method was working. I later decided not to use SS because it requires a man to
practically impose himself on a Fox to get her attention, and to lie about his intentions and what
he is doing. The method is losing its surprise value very rapidly as it becomes known. Unless you
want to become a Speed Seducer yourself, the best alternative is to make Foxes aware of the
method so that if another man tries to use it on her she is prepared. You can even express
indignation over other men who use the method and point Foxes to Ross's website as an
example of why you have chosen to be very reserved.

A man who spends a month or more courting a Fox only to have a Speed Seducer conquer her in
an hour has a right to be cautious. Instead of showing anger over any time that this may have
happened to you, simply communicate that you had to take steps to prevent it, like any wise man
would. Foxes will insist that they are not vulnerable to speed seduction, but you can point to
Ross's success and that of his followers as evidence that they are either lying or kidding
themselves. You can also help them become more resistant to the technique. The better-known
Speed Seduction becomes, the less effective it becomes. Speed Seduction relies on the power of
suggestion. Foxes are very imaginative and tap right into the sexual and romantic imagery men
toss at them rapid-fire, imagery that basically just spits their fantasies back to them while they are
the nearest guy they can act upon them with. It can be very powerful and seductive. Foxes are
caught off-guard by a man who has the nerve to approach them and try to get them into bed, and
that is a part of Ross's system that every man can learn from. Ross has a fine understanding of
how Foxes think, and has marshalled his knowledge into a seduction technique that works like a
well-oiled machine for him.

Foxes thrive on men who compete for them. It is a sign of their desirability to have men vying for
their affection, and despite their claims to not reward violence, many such battles have these
nasty overtones. For this reason, I have learned to cautiously approach Foxes who have other
men in their lives on any romantic level, but especially if it is just a jerk they allow to hang around
them. You can compete for the Fox, but you also have the option not to play, not to feed her ego,
and to avoid a nasty war. Better to spend your time Foxhunting than fighting Bluto. The
competition is brutal, but don't despair: once you have made progress with a Fox, she becomes
yours to lose. What makes her so difficult to approach when she has a man in her life is what
makes her loyal to you if you are that man. No one on the right side of the barrier ever complains
about its existence. All complaints about the system will be ignored as sour grapes from the

Chapter Eight:

Mistakes To Avoid

I could easily write a book, or even a five-volume set, devoted to the mistakes men make with
Foxes. Dr. Laura even followed up her book on mistakes Foxes make with men with The Ten
Stupid Things Men Do To Mess Up Their Lives. Men are collectively clueless when it comes to
seduction; if they weren't there wouldn't be such a market for this or similar material. We must be
careful because everyone's definition of a mistake is different. To Dr. Laura or John Gray, men
who do not share the female perspective on love and sex are making a mistake. Under my
system, a mistake is anything that impedes your Foxhunting. As Einstein said, it's all relative.
Foxhunting mistakes come in many forms. Inspired by Dr. Laura (or was it David Letterman?), I
will list what I consider to be the ten worst mistakes a Foxhunter can make:

I. Spending Money To Get Laid

Money is not an efficient seducer. Save yours for the Fox you marry. Men spend mindboggling
amounts of money trying to get Foxes into bed. It's stupid. The $5,000-50,000 or more each year
many men spend on Foxes and non-Elites, if invested in the stock market, would make them
millionaires and help the United States economy in the process. Even when spending works, you
have to keep coming up with cash to keep the Golddigging Fox happy. If you can afford this
expense, go for it, but for most men there are better ways. I have found that golddiggers are not
worth the expense.

Spending money on a Golddigging Fox is going to deplete your resources. You will also waste
time that could have been better spent working and where your money could have been
multiplying instead of disappearing. When you do not spend your money, it retains its power, and
you'll have a lot more of it to use. If you have a spare $1,000 and usee it to take a Fox on a
weekend getaway, that money is gone as soon as the vacation is over. The same $1,000 stashed
away can be used to attract Foxes with the mere hope that you will spend it on them. This is what
Foxes do with sex; do it with money and you will reap similar benefits. Walk into any metropolitan
coffeehouse if you think money is the only way to seduce a Fox. In every coffeehouse I have ever
been to, there are starving-artist types who have Foxes all over them. One of the most successful
players I ever met (in a coffeehouse, of course) worked in an auction house and made less than
$400.00 a week. His job gave him access (lots of Foxes go to auctions), and his knowledge of
antiques and other collectibles, plus his general outgoing nature and awareness of what Foxes
like to do and discuss, made him more a more powerful Foxhunter than even most millionaires.

Money is a lifeblood which should not be parted with easily. I don't mind paying for a dinner here
and there, because I'm just as quick to treat my friends occasionally as I would a Fox, but I avoid
expensive dates. Dating creates an extra hurdle a man must clear before he can get a Fox into
bed. If you could find out on or even before a first date if sex is going to occur, you will be much
better off financially. It is also wiser to save your money for a Fox you know is going to be with
you than to spend money on those who have not even shown a meaningful interest in you and
may just be using you. Contrary to popular belief, dating does not require much money. Many
excellent dates cost little or no money, although you usually will have to be more creative. For
example, you could get a wonderful evening with a Fox for less than $35.00 just by purchasing
some groceries and a bottle of wine, and cooking dinner. You get an evening alone, and the
bedroom isn't exactly a long trip. A setting like this is much more intimate than an expensive
restaurant, a place better suited to taking a Fox after you have slept with her. A date like the one
mentioned above is good because even though it is intimate, the Fox can still put up walls if she
wants, or break them down just as easily if that is what she wants. There is something about
taking a man home with her or going to his place that a Fox is going to become hesitant about. If
you are already there, this barrier does not exist. Seduction is difficult enough without adding
extra roadblocks.

II. Hanging Out With Non-Elites

Foxhunting is not possible without Foxes. Foxes tend to hang out in large concentrations. This is
not random distribution at work. With twenty-four hours in a day, seven days in a week, fifty-two
weeks in a year, and maybe twenty years of prime attractiveness, a Foxhunter has many
opportunities to Foxhunt. This means spending as much of your time as possible Foxhunting. It is
an unfortunate reality that a man's reputation depends in large part on who he is seen with, or
whether or not he is seen with a Fox at all. Time spent with non-Elites is time that could have
been spent with a Fox, either improving your chances with her or your overall reputation.
Downtime should be filled with one of the activities listed in the time management chapter.

III. Overstepping (And Understepping)

A function of not knowing the score: he who rushes is a fool and he who hesitates is lost. Most
men make the mistake of reading too much into a Fox's kindness or civility, mistaking it for
romantic interest, but there are also men who do the opposite and fail to exploit genuine windows
of opportunity. Of the two problems, understepping is the easiest to fix because the Fox is already
interested in you, and in fact you actually can gain points by being distant and not making a
move. It is the overstepping that should be avoided at all costs. The man who oversteps is risking
rejection, humiliation, and even in some cases retaliation. It is the most fatal of all seduction
flaws. Overstepping can occur at any time: when you approach a Fox you thought was receptive,
only to get blown off or ignored; when you ask her on a date or for her number after a pleasant
conversation and she says you had the wrong idea; when you ask for a second date after a first
date you thought went well, but didn't; or even when you are in a relationship where you think
she'll be receptive to a sexual advance and she slams the door in your face. Exacerbating the
problem is that many Foxes enjoy teasing, letting a man think he has a chance until he oversteps
and the Fox laughs at him, knowing full well she can plausibly deny having led him on. Avoiding
overstepping is very simple. Mention to a Fox how you have been burned in the past and how
difficult it is to trust anyone, offering a challenge. Usually she will defend her gender and tell you
that not all Foxes are like that, giving you a window of opportunity to make a move. If she accepts
the move you have made progress, and if she doesn't she has defeated her argument, even
though she'll try to save face by explaining that she wasn't doing the same thing, even though she

IV. Not Holding Your Ground

Setups are something you will have to watch out for, because the first thing a Fox will do when
she sees a man who has self-control is try to get him to lose his cool. Some Foxes will get you to
pursue them just to prove that you like them and then slam the door. It is essential that you not
lose your cool under any circumstances. Consistency is most important. Change your attitude
when things aren't going your way and Foxes will know you are faking it. Appear the true
Foxhunter at all times, even the bad ones. As long as you don't make certain fatal errors, a
certain percentage of Foxes you talk to who show no interest initially will change their tune down
the road. For this to happen, you have to be consistent. A Fox might mistreat you just to see if
you can tolerate it. Pass the test and they gain respect for you. Examples of holding your ground
include not repeatedly calling a Fox who has not called you, not speaking to one who has
rejected you or ignored a move, and rejecting friendship or terminating an existing friendship once
it becomes clear you cannot become lovers. In each case, you can take advantage of what
appears to be an inferior position. The Fox who sees that you are not rattled by her treatment of
you will often reverse her treatment of you. See the next section for an explanation of the
advantage of first contact.

V. Not Knowing How To Close The Deal

Many men who cannot get Foxes to even talk to them might be surprised to find out that even if
they had one naked on their bed they would still mess up. Unless you know how to seduce a Fox
from start to finish you will wind up like a sports team that takes a lead into the fourth quarter but
fails to close out the victory. The underdog covering the pointspread without winning may be nice
in Vegas, but it doesn't fly here. Almost seducing a Fox is a lot more painful than not coming
close at all. When you get blown out, you know you never had a chance. Failing to close out an
apparent victory is crushing. Completing your seduction of a Fox -- i.e., having sex with her þ
requires two basic skills:

The ability to arouse her sexually; and

The ability to stop -- cold turkey -- at the first sign of trouble, even if you are in the middle of sex
when trouble hits. Call this Fox Immunity.
This is not the Letters To Penthouse, so I will not be covering #1 with the depth it deserves. About
a zillion books and other manuals have been written which do this. One tip I would give any man
who is having difficulty with closing the deal is to take formal training in massage, preferably at a
respectable and difficult school (New York has the best). This will solve most or all of your
problems in this department. Beyond that, buy some books and manuals, learn the Kama Sutra,
or do whatever you think is appropriate. If your sexual technique really sucks, use non-Elites for
practice, or just dive right in. Foxes value the emotional closeness of a lover as much or more as
his technique. It is still not wise to ignore this vital skill, especially with so many other men so
eager to please her. The ability to turn off their hormones and walk away from an unfavorable
situation separates Foxhunters from other men. Foxes delight in letting you think you are
seducing them and stopping you cold the moment you attempt to cash in. A typical scenario
involves a Fox who changes her mind after you have been making out and her clothes are off. If
she says something like no, we shouldn't, just take a minute, pause, look at her, say something
like "You know, you are right. We definitely shouldn't." Then walk away. Don't wait for her to say
anything; odds are once you pass her little test she'll want you back. At this point you can either
tell her you aren't in the mood for games and make her do something ridiculous to prove herself,
or further decline the offer and let her up the ante. This is illogical, but Foxes do not think like

VI. Not Playing To Your Strong Suit

Geeks!! Geeks!!!!! Pay attention!! Here's why you mess up with girls, and in the explanation is a
lesson for all men of all ages. Ever hear a Fox tell you to be yourself? That advice is an
oversimplification, because Foxes want you to be yourself not because they will love you for it but
because they want to be able to judge you properly. If they don't like the real you they won't
reward you for being yourself, but the advice is still sound. I'm sure we all have seen a geek or
two try to impersonate a jock or a smooth talker and fail miserably. We assume that this is the
geek's lot in life, that he is doomed to a life of failure, but not necessarily. Rather than being
yourself, be a better version of yourself and you'll do fine, even if you are a geek. One word:
Gates. With the advent of the computer era, geeks have status previously held by handymen,
with the added dimension that they can become filthy rich overnight. Most Foxes need at least
one geek in their lives. Geeks suspend their marvelous intellect and make a fools of themselves
by trying to be smooth when they should be playing to their strong suit -- their minds -- instead.

A geek's logical mind sees athletes and artists getting the girls, and he assumes that if he mimics
their behavior his results will be identical. Many sitcoms (one in particular, which I will not name)
have gotten miles of laughter out of scenarios that have geeks flexing their nonexistent muscles
to impress a Disinterested Fox. What the geek fails to realize -- something his less intelligent but
wiser rivals know instinctively -- is that he is losing because he is trying to be something he is not.
Instead of presenting himself well, waiting patiently to be approached (most Foxes will do this out
of curiosity), avoiding Foxes who do not want them, and using their brilliant minds to attract and
seduce, they instead try to appear tough, sophisticated, fashionable, and wind up looking as
much like a fish-out-of-water as a typical quarterback would look if he tried to impress a Fox with
a lecture on world affairs. Stereotypes aside, the quarterback knows not to try to win over a Fox
with his brain, and often will say something simple like "I'm not book-smart, but I'm people-
smart," knowing full well that the Fox will overlook this one deficiency and focus on his other traits
(until the breakup, when she will ask why she dated such an idiot). Now that the information age
is upon us, geeks can count on Foxes needing them to solve computer problems, giving them
utility to work with.

That a geek is not patient, pursues under unfavorable circumstances, and does not change his
methods even in the face of repeated failure shows that while he may have raw intellect, he lacks
wisdom. My next book may very well be titled Seduction For Geeks, but for now, I'll leave the
geeks with a few tips:

Always go for friendship rather than romance with a Fox no matter how interested you are.
Refusing to allow yourself to be shot down will improve Foxes' opinion of you. If they really are
disappointed that you aren't pursuing them, they can always pursue you or roll out the red carpet
for you. If they aren't disappointed, you have spared yourself a ton of grief. If you aren't winning,
stop playing until you know how to win. No reason to be a masochist.

If you are a young geek, tell Foxes you do not plan to date until you are 25 years old because that
is the age men like you begin to be appreciated. This is a very subtle and very deadly tactic,
because it takes away any Fox's ability to reject you, it shows that you are using your brain, and
makes her seem a bit shallow and immature by not considering you until you are older and more
financially successful. Be convincing, because you might find yourself tested by a Fox who tries
to break down your wall (it's the wall she's interested in, not you). If this happens, express
reluctance. If she bails out on you, show no emotion and act like you knew it was coming. Then
go back to your solitude and the pursuit of tech fame and fortune.

Develop a gimmick. Gimmicks are great because they can do your attracting for you. My favorite
gimmick in the world is tarot card reading. It is almost foolproof, in fact, because "the cards" are
doing the reading and not you. Foxes have an addiction to information which might help their love
lives, along with the most confusing love lives. Use your gimmick to make friends, and to gain
favor, but not to seduce. A Fox who senses that you are just trying to score with your gimmick will
reject it on principle.

Acknowledge your nature. Don't advertise being a geek, but don't hide it either. By poking fun at
yourself you display a trait Foxes love (humor), and that you are in touch with who you are. Once
you do this, strut your strong points, as long as you don't go overboard. Some Foxes will even
see that you have long-term potential and might even help you along the way to romantic
success, especially if you are 17 years old and "not dating until 25." Foxes are much quicker to
be nice to those who do not ask for it or expect it. Self-acceptance and preemptive strikes (being
too intelligent to ask out a Fox you know is going to reject you) are a geek's best bets. Combine
this with a good gimmick and an unwillingness to allow Foxes to humiliate you, and you gain their
respect. Your looks don't matter as much, and you are valued for what you have to offer instead
of being taunted for what you lack. What I never understood about the geeks is how they can be
so intelligent yet miss these basic concepts.

VII. Asking Foxes For Seduction Advice

The problem with asking a Fox for seduction advice is that in doing so you have conveyed to her
a very fatal seduction flaw. Foxes want men who know how to seduce them! They want to be led,
captivated, and unless they are Teaching Foxes, they are going to place you in the loser file the
moment you complain about failure. It is important to convey to Foxes at all times, nonverbally
whenever possible, that you are knowledgeable and in control. Foxes gravitate to men who have
other Foxes around them, even as friends, figuring that if other Foxes want him, there must be a
good reason. The logic is flawed, but it is the flip side of the problem men who are alone have. If
men without Foxes are seen as losers who cannot get laid, men with Foxes are seen as winners
who can. If you convey that you know how to seduce Foxes and act like they aren't worth
seducing, you are three-quarters of the way home. It takes only one moment of weakness for the
entire confidence posture to fail. Should this happen, recover as quickly as possible, but damage
control is very difficult, and usually not worth it. Foxes rarely forgive mistakes.

Over time -- especially as the Foxes you talk about seducing become more real and less a
product of your fantasy -- it will become second nature. You do not have to lie, even in the
beginning. Just knowing you want a Fox is enough to send the non-Elites into a hissy fit because
they lose their power over you, and to have other Foxes respecting your high standards. Foxes
advise men to do what they want them to do, not what men truly want for themselves. What do
you suppose would happen if a man advised a non-Elite who wanted a boyfriend to lose weight,
dress sexier, and be more aggressive? It more acceptable for men to accommodate female
fantasies than the reverse. The feminist groups who decry erotica and adult movies for portraying
Foxes unrealistically are conspicuously silent on female porn, namely romance novels and soap
operas, which portray men doing equally unrealistic things like desiring monogamy, remembering
birthdays, and taking their shirts off for no apparent reason. Substitute the female romantic drive
for the male sex drive, and suddenly you have perfect gender equality in pornography.

VIII. Short-Term Thinking

Most men approach seduction by finding a Fox they like and pursuing her; if she is receptive, they
hook up; if not, they move on to the next one. Even when a man is not succeeding with this
approach, he still won't alter it most of the time. With Foxes advising men to adopt this strategy,
it's no wonder (see mistake VII). The one-and-only approach gives Foxes way too much power.
The man who has a correctable flaw and does not take the trouble to eliminate it pays a price.
Becoming desirable pays off big down the road. By considering only one Fox at a time, you never
create the benefits of competition. Multiple options are a major key to success. Nothing ensures
fair treatment from a Fox more than competition of equal or greater value. When you meet a Fox,
your last instinct should be to pursue her (unless the conditions for pursuit are entirely in your
favor). A Foxhunter does not have to pursue because he appears desirable enough and
unattainable enough for the Foxes to pursue him, and in the event this does not happen, he waits
for an ideal opportunity to pursue.

In Chapter Fourteen, I discuss the importance of letting the clock tick when the odds are not in
one's favor. The lone exception to this rule occurs when I have such a clear shot at a Fox that it is
not likely I will ever have one again. A three-point shot in the NBA is more likely to connect if the
shooter is open, has a clear look at the basket, and doesn't have a swarm of defenders in his
face. For me to pursue a Fox, she has to be available and she must have approached me first, or
she must be so incredible that the rewards justify the risk. Under favorable circumstances, your
odds of success skyrocket. If you do not find yourself being approached by Available Foxes,
either your CUPID rating is too low, you aren't circulating properly, your technique sucks, or all
three. Not surprisingly, Foxes are more receptive to men who do not hit on them; this makes
letting the clock tick even more powerful. Most Foxes are perfectly willing to become just friends
with you so they can use you, and because your attention feeds their ego and reinforces the
image of popularity that they are always projecting. Why not use this to your advantage and
surround yourself with Friendly Foxes that you never pursue?

Being seen with Foxy company will help your reputation immensely. I often laugh at Foxes who
wonder why men cheat in one breath while judging a man on the basis of his appeal to other
Foxes the next. Another reason not to pursue one Fox at a time is that the odds that a Fox is
already taken when you meet her are over 90 percent (my number is 93). This actually puts you
in an incredibly strong position. The first thing to do is not pursue her at all; just become her
friend, don't invest any emotional energy in her, and let the clock tick. While you are doing
nothing, your competition will often mess up. There will come a point at which her lover becomes
her ex-lover (or her husband, but not that often), and where her closer friends than you will make
ill-timed advances and exit her life unceremoniously. Take what nature gives you þ a Friendly Fox
you never allow to reject you. Do this with multiple Foxes and you will one day wake up with
hordes of Foxes in your life who become available at regular intervals. The odds that a Fox who
is not engaged or married when you meet her will become available within a year are 70 percent.

IX. Wanting What Foxes Tell You To Want

Ever hear a man say he's looking for a monogamous relationship? Maybe he is. Is this what he
really wants? Darwin's research says no. Darwin posited that a man's first instinct is to build a
Fox Harem. Obviously, this is not possible for every man to achieve, or for any man to even come
close to. But the reality is the same: if money and rejection were not factors, most men would
have obedient Fox Harems that serve their every whim, sexual and otherwise. Another reality is
that a man who states this desire, unless his CUPID rating is Elite, is going to get flack for it from
everyone, and even be called bad. My question is simple: why is a natural desire in any way bad?
I would think it is worse for a man to be conditioned by rejection into wanting something he really
does not want.

In the book What Men Want, written by authors I will refer to only as the Three Little Pigs, the
central thesis is that if it weren't for sex, most men wouldn't bother marrying. For the most part,
they are correct: men have relationships because they want sex and Foxes have sex because
they want relationships. Most men are just so inept at fulfilling their natural desires that they find it
easier to submit to the collective whims of society and go for a monogamous relationship that de-
emphasizes female looks. Listen to men talk about relationships and you will see just how deep
this conditioning runs:

Do looks count? "Of course, but there has to be more." (She also has to say yes). What do you
want from a relationship? "A lover, a best friend, someone I can talk to, yadda-yadda-yadda." (Of
course he wants a friend and someone he can talk to. If he didn't he wouldn't get sex as often or
even at all).
What do you think of men who use women for sex and then dump them? "I can't stand them.
They give other men a bad name." (Of course they do because they get what most men cannot).
Do nice guys finish last? "No. Women may date bad boys, but they marry nice guys." (After they
are thirty, their looks are gone, and they have three kids and a stalking ex-husband). This fails to
explain why the bad-boy gets the Fox when she's undamaged, better-looking, with more good
years in front of her, or why she would want to reproduce the jerk and let the nice guy raise his
kids, or why a nice-guy should have to endure a decade or more of hell in the dating game to get
the supposed rewards of being a decent man. I have often said that I have no problem with dating
a thirty year-old Fox, on our tenth wedding anniversary. I do have a problem with a Deteriorating
Fox who gave an all-you-can-eat buffet to some loser and tried to stick me with the dinner check.
A Foxhunter will have none of this. Even if it makes you unpopular, even if the Foxes protest,
even if they ostracize you, hold your ground! You may sound like a pig, but you are also being
honest, and because you are not pursuing the Foxes you tell this to, you lose nothing.
Foxes are always telling men to be honest, and even though they will not like what you say,
there's little they can do about it except call you a pig. Beneath their disapproving surface, Foxes
will respect your control of your destiny, that you know what you want and how to get it, and will
resent that you do not consider them a Fox (because you aren't pursuing them). You present the
ultimate challenge for them to tame you into a relationship (the Concession Fox, chapter ten).
Another way of handling this attack is pointing out that other men are no different than you, and
you are just being honest about it. A gentleman is nothing more than a patient wolf. It is annoying
to want a Fox for her body and be punished for it, and then watch her parade her lover around as
an example of a mature, sophisticated man who looks beyond the physical. Watching the man is
even more annoying, because I know that he is only being relaxed and calm because he knows it
is going to get him what he wants. If I complain, the Fox will say I am jealous I cannot have her,
and the man will say I am just a loser who doesn't get it. It's like one of those movies where the
protagonist is not believed until it is too late.

A man who truly did not care about looks would not be dating one Fox after another; his value
system would push him away from Foxes who had something he didn't care about but other men
did. A man can play a denial game where he either convinces a Fox that he is not into her body,
or that he is but there are other factors attracting him (usually a lie), or she knows full well that he
is but wants him for shallow reasons of her own. When confronted with this situation I simply tell
the Fox in question that she is dreaming if she thinks her man is any different than me, and over
time I am usually proven right. She will get mad at first, but later admit that I am right and I will
recover the points I lost and then some because I held my ground, even when it appeared to be
getting me nowhere. Regardless of how much Foxes dislike you for being a Foxhunter, they can't
really do anything about it beyond not dating you (and badmouthing you). Why do you care about
their opinions? The idea that you are getting what you want despite your attitude, without giving
them the chance to reject you themselves, is going to bother them. This process works best when
unforced. Any indication of propaganda and it will backfire. A great bargaining chip is the
Foxhunter's tolerance for being alone, which will almost always exceed that of Foxes. I attribute
this to the rejection men have to deal with early in life, something Foxes are spared. A Fox's
ability to get a man easily makes it look even worse when she picks the wrong ones repeatedly
from such a large selection.

X. Not Knowing The Score

A long time ago, I met a sub-Elite at a spring furniture sale, an annual ritual where I live. As Penn
students make the transition from struggling academes to well-paid pillars of corporate America,
they leave behind the trappings of college life, at deeply discounted prices. It was at one such
sale that I met Lila. I remember thinking at the time that she was pretty, but did not act upon it.
Lila wound up living in my building and we were civil to each other whenever we crossed paths. I
normally don't hit on Neighborly Foxes, but we had met before she moved in so I exempted her.
One evening, Lila and I were in the same elevator, and she looked very worn down and
exhausted. I commented on this and she said "Yes, I am. How do I look?" In a flash of inspiration
I said only this: Pretty. Very pretty. Then I cashed out, did nothing further, and after that we were
still civil whenever we saw each other. I had learned in the meantime that she was taken. About
two years later, I was entering the lobby one evening and Lila was standing there smiling and
making direct eye contact with me. Today I would close the deal without thinking, but at the time I
was so clueless that I did not recognize that the window of opportunity I had created in the
elevator was paying off because I chose to let the clock tick. Consequently, I walked right past
Lila without a second thought, until I had gotten about ten steps past her and realized what was
going on. My mind had been so conditioned to her ignoring my interest that by the time she
reciprocated I didn't even realize what she was doing!! At that point the spell was broken and she
moved onto another guy before we even crossed paths again.

He who hesitates is lost. He who doesn't know the score is clueless. I was guilty on both counts.
Windows of opportunity can appear anywhere at any time, especially if you work to create them.
One reason gimmicks are so powerful is that they create perpetual windows of opportunity. Other
examples include a Fox asking you about your love life, what you seek in a lover, or just engaging
you in conversation. The trick is not to overstep and to take the small advantages along with the
big ones. With Lila, most men would have known what to do instinctively in the lobby, because
they overstep naturally, but how many would have set the table with the remark in the elevator?
Of those who would, how many would have overplayed their hand instead of cashing out after
giving the compliment and letting her make the next move? Games, especially mating games,
must be won from start to finish. Improvisation is essential to Foxhunting.

I once exploited a window of opportunity I could not have foreseen, a window which was open for
only a split-second. The result was a 10- minute flirtation with a Fox. We were crossing the street
and in the middle of the crosswalk we were both trapped. As the cars whizzed by, I surveyed the
landscape, turned to her, and said exactly what was on her mind: Boy that sucks! The tone of my
voice was such that she got the impression I was not trying to hit on her (I wasn't), but when she
laughed I kept talking to her, despite my being dressed almost like a bum and her wearing
incredibly stylish clothes. I even commented on how impressed she must have been with my
wardrobe and she kept laughing. I didn't ask for her number, but if I had the odds of my getting it
would still have been better than if I had tried some lame pickup line. Know the score!!
Foxhunting is going to create opportunity much more effectively than trying to force an
advantage. A Fox behind a retail counter does not qualify as a window of opportunity due to
forced interaction. Men who are inept at recognizing genuine windows fail to understand the
difference between a Fox who wants to talk to you and a Fox who has to talk to you. The same
applies to waitresses, office workers, flight attendants, neighbors, and other Foxes that men
seem to think that they can build their love lives around. With sexual harassment a nationwide
problem, men should not hit on Working Foxes.

Another problem with responding to Foxes at their jobs is that their employers are more likely to
not hire men because Foxes attract more customers, costing men many jobs. Fox Traps I refer
here not to how to trap a Fox, but instead to the traps that Foxes set for you. A book of Foxtraps
would not be difficult to write, and the way every Fox seems to know them and use them, it
wouldn't surprise me if the Secret Society Of Foxes (SSOF) distributed copies to every Fox on
earth, unbeknownst to men. These traps include:
The Clark Kent Trap. For lack of a better term, this trap occurs the first time a Fox treats you in a
manner she would not treat a lover. The name is derived from Lois Lane's two-faced treatment of
Superman/Clark. One such signal should be sufficient for you to assume rejection and implement
the one- and-done rule explained in the next chapter. The signal can be major, like extolling her
boyfriend's good points, or it can be minor, like refusing an opportunity to be alone with you or
become more intimate, or ending a conversation before she has to.
The Utility Trap. So many men let Foxes use them for one favor after another in the hope that it
will result in sex. While it is true that utility will ingratiate you into a Fox's life, it will rarely lead to
sex. For a man to part with his valuable time and labor in return for merely being able to talk to a
Fox makes it difficult for men who don't put out. Men fall into this trap because they lack other
ideas on how to approach Foxes. Foxhunting cures this problem.
The Date Switch. You make a date, she cancels (usually at the last minute) and does not
reschedule. If this happens, treat the date as if it were broken and you were rejected. Even
though the Fox will insist that she is not pulling the Date Switch, rarely will she ever be telling the
truth. The Fox who truly wants to go out with you will not pass up the opportunity without
immediately rescheduling. Foxes have problems rejecting men, and instead of being direct, will
actually agree to a date and then cancel it over the phone rather than face-to-face. You cannot
prevent this, but you can cut your losses by refusing to continue with a Fox after she pulls it on
The Guy Switch. Another favorite trick: the Fox rejects a man when she is taken on the grounds
that she is in a relationship. The trap shuts when she ends that relationship and moves to another
relationship without giving him a chance in between. A Fox who pulls the Guy Switch has sent the
clearest possible rejection signal. Heed it and give up at exactly this point. Teasing. Foxes love to
let men think they are making progress and then slam the door without warning. If this happens to
you even once, you have yourself a Teasing Fox. The antidote is to call her a tease and not take
seriously her advances from that point forward. Her options are to stop teasing or follow through.
Either you get sex or the satisfaction of calling a tease a tease. Teasing Foxes respect men who
can see through them.
The Bluto Trap. Olive just loves watching Popeye and Bluto duke it out. If you are not careful, you
can find yourself playing either role. My advice is to not let this happen. If you sense that a Fox is
using you as her goon, realize you will wind up spending your life like the cartoon characters who
do nothing but fight to win her love. Some Foxes will want you to actually fight for them, while
others will just test you repeatedly by pitting you against other men. I avoid this trap by ceasing
pursuit the first time it is sprung and by communicating that I have no interest in being Popeye or
Bluto. The earlier you put a stop to any problem, the better.
The Expectations Trap. The Utility Fox's bread-and-butter (see chapter ten). You want her to talk
to you, and the "friendship" centers around her needing something from you. Utility Foxes have a
purpose, and as long as you get back from them something of equal value to what you give, you
won't have problems. The mistakes and traps in this chapter can be fixed with simple
adjustments. Once you eliminate these mistakes, however, you will find yourself having to deal
with tactical errors like the one I made with Lila. No two Foxes or situations are identical, and no
matter what any system says, you are still going to have to judge each case individually. To
intellectualize this process or continually second-guess yourself is fatal. Take the example of a
major-league baseball player explaining how to hit a 90 mph fastball. The entire process takes a
half-second, but you could spend hours explaining it. The hitter who has to think about what he is
doing while at bat will strike out every time.
The next section explains the method I designed to avoid Fox Traps and Foxhunting mistakes.
For just about every situation I find myself in with a Fox, I have a plan of action. Foxhunting may
sound cold and impersonal, but it is necessary to be a bit distant in a game where you can be
short-circuited by a Fox, and where forgetting her is the only option. Foxes may love being the
focus of your desire, but when the desire is unwanted, they want you not to act on it. Foxhunting
turns the tables by making them wish you weren't so distant, even though it was they who
required you to keep a distance in the first place. If Foxes didn't want men who were distant, they
would not rig the game so that men had to keep their cards close to the vest in order to succeed.
Just as men lose respect for Foxes who are too easy sexually, Foxes lose respect for men who
are too easy emotionally.
Chapter Nine:

Time Management

In each day there are twenty-four hours, and in each hour there are sixty minutes. In each week
there are seven days, and in each year 52.014285772 weeks, except for leap years. That's a lot
of time for an accomplished Foxhunter to go about his business. What are you doing with that
time? One book I read which left a lasting impression on me (but not through its title, which
escapes me) was about a man who dedicated his life to the seduction of Foxes in New York and
literally built his entire life around the goal. Not surprisingly, he became very successful at his
endeavor. To understand the role of time management in your Foxhunting, think of the advice
given to job hunters. Most will say that when you do not have a job, finding one should become
your full-time job, and they are correct. If you devote as much of your "unemployment" time as
possible to finding a job, you are more likely to find one. You can occasionally lower your
standards if you truly feel the need for female companionship, but you shouldn't deceive the non-
Elites you are temporarily settling for. Even if they whine and complain when you move on, they
cannot accuse you of misleading them.

One effective time-management tool is to establish your priorities. Here are mine:

Sex with a Fox;

Dating a Fox;

Going out as friends with a Fox and building my overall reputation;

Meeting and talking to Foxes;

Improving my CUPID rating, developing a gimmick, or circulating so that I come into contact with
more Foxes and the ones I come into contact with are more likely to want me.

Sex with a sub-Elite. Anything other than the six activities listed above are counterproductive.
How much of your time is spent doing each activity? Note that #5 is possible at any time. There is
always something you can be doing to improve yourself or your chances. The trick is teaching
yourself to think in the long-term and not the short term. With the advent of the internet, it is
possible to Foxhunt at any time of the day or night, in any part of the country or even the world,
online or offline.

What you should not do with your time is the following:

Spend it with loser men. There is no need to let another man's bad reputation ruin yours. Put
Foxhunters in place of the losers, and your Foxhunting will benefit.

Spend it on hobbies that are not gimmicks. You may like chess and star trek conventions, but the
same time spent Foxhunting will yield a much better return. For all the talk about being yourself
and doing what you want, and Foxes accepting you as you are, it won't get you laid so forget that
little fantasy. Would you rather spend 30 hours a week playing chess or giving thirty one-hour
psychic readings to appreciative Foxes? Chessplayers have no sympathy for their defeated
opponents who do not study; why should Foxhunters?

Spend money unnecessarily. The more money you accumulate over time, the more appealing
you are going to be to Foxes, and the more money you will have to attract them with and to
implement your dating ideas. Even if you reject Golddigging Foxes, you can still point out to any
Fox that you want your family to be provided for, and while you may not spend a lot of money
dating (a bad investment), once you marry you will be very generous and provide well for your

Spend it in places that are not Fox-heavy. If you had a choice between spending St. Patrick's Day
in a library or in an Irish tavern with 300 Drunk Foxes, which do you think would yield better
results? The same applies to New Year's Eve, the day after Valentine's Day (rebound day!), and
other times where Foxes come out in droves. It also applies to hobbies that do not appeal to
Foxes. If you spend a year becoming an expert on figure skating or gymnastics you are going to
meet many more Foxes than you will playing chess. I know this from personal experience.

Spend it destroying your CUPID rating. In addition to wasting money, this includes doing things
which destroy your looks or your mind, like drinking and doing drugs or eating too much, or
activities which deplete your bank account. Even if you don't actively damage your CUPID rating
you are harming yourself by not maximizing it.

Spend it pursuing low-percentage Foxes. Only an idiot bangs his head against a brick wall. If a
Fox is not interested in you, or wants to be friends with you, move on. The only exception is the
Fox you use to help build your reputation, but even then limit your interaction with her to times
when she will actually help you. If you do not follow this advice you lose twice, first by getting
rejected, and again by letting your time get eaten alive by a Fox who is more than happy to use it
to satisfy her need for friendship without satisfying your need for sex.
Take stock of what you are doing with your time and see how you can improve yourself and your
chances. For example, if you like the financial markets, you can park in a chat room devoted to
that topic while you are surfing the internet to check your investments, and you might wind up
approached by a Fox interested in investment advice. For the same impact offline, plop yourself
in a coffeehouse with the Wall Street Journal and/or the Financial Times and engross yourself in
your work while ignoring the Foxes around you. More advanced time-management angles include
taking jobs which give you access to Foxes, or living in Fox-heavy environments. Regardless of
your situation, you can improve it. Even if you have a career, taking a job one night a week in a
social environment will improve your circulation. The standard advice to pursue your interests to
meet members of the opposite sex is valid, but not to the extent that people think it is. Joining a
club that has one or two Foxes and fifty men wanting them is not going to help you a lot;
managing a coffeehouse will because it gives you access, complete control over the environment,
and instant status.

CUPID And Time Management

The higher your CUPID rating, the less effort you will have to put into your Foxhunting. Ignoring
Foxes and not pursuing them except under ideal conditions is the correct strategy anyway, but to
get them to approach you, you need something to offer them. Men with low CUPID ratings should
focus their time first on maximizing their rating, and practicing their Foxhunting on the internet
because looks are irrelevant at first. It makes sense for a man who is getting rejected time and
time again to stop playing the game until the odds are more in his favor. The man whose CUPID
rating is 40 would do much better to raise it to the sub-Elite range or beyond than to circulate
among Foxes who reject him. Once your CUPID rating is maximized, I recommend that you focus
your efforts on one step of the process at a time and not try to score immediately, unless rejection
does not bother you. You cannot count on individual Foxes, but you can play the percentages. To
put the odds in your favor, devote your time first to meeting Foxes, then to becoming friends with
a few (so you can build your rep), then among those date the ones who are available and
interested, and from there you can move on to sex and finally a relationship. Until a Fox has
claimed you, you have every right to circulate fully, and by doing so you will often unmask Foxes
who wish you were not looking elsewhere, creating the ideal conditions necessary for pursuit.

Systematically improving your chances is second nature to the skilled Foxhunter. I know how to
meet Foxes, how to get them to approach me, and from there I know how to convince them to
date me and want to go to bed with me. Fall down at any step of the process and your work will
be for nothing. The man who complains that Foxes won't talk to him would not be happy once he
overcomes that hurdle, nor would the man who claimed that all he wanted was dates. Until you
are actually having sex with actual Foxes, your work is not done. Everyone has to start
somewhere, and you will have to overcome one obstacle at a time. This should be no surprise, as
practice makes perfect in most areas of life, and those who are the most successful at whatever
they do tend to be the ones who work the hardest and the smartest

Chapter Ten:

Pursuing Foxes

This section lays the groundwork for becoming a Foxhunter. It covers principles which apply to all
aspects of seduction, from the first meeting to sex. It is necessary to first examine universal
concepts of pursuit, because seduction is anything but linear: the steps of meeting, talking,
dating, and having sex are often combined or skipped. Steps back and forth are taken in a very
complex mating dance. Whether your goal is sex, a good-night-kiss, a date, phone number, or
even a response to your greeting, pursuit principles apply.

Variables Affecting Pursuit

They include:

Your CUPID Rating. The higher your CUPID rating, or the higher your partner rating to the Fox
you are pursuing, the more likely you will succeed. The Personality Myth illustrates our tendency
to believe that people are inherently nice or not-nice. Behavior is a function of attraction! We call
Foxes nice or stuck-up because of how they treat us, without analyzing their overall behavior. A
Fox who is not attracted to you is not going to want you liking her, and will show you her worst
side; one who wants you will show you her best. Your assessment of her personality is going to
be strongly influenced by her fundamental attraction to you.
Her CUPID Rating. The higher her CUPID rating, or the lower your partner rating to her, the lower
your chances. Foxes with high CUPID ratings tend to have high standards and the ability to have
those standards met. The more your value system mimics society's, the more likely you are to
encounter crowds of other men surrounding the Foxes you want. I'm lucky in this respect
because my value system emphasizes brains more than that of other men, and almost without
exception I wind up with Foxes who have brains, because most other men do not value a large
part of who they are, and because these Foxes value my brains more than their less-intelligent
Foxy rivals.
First Contact. If you approach a Fox, the odds of success for whatever you are pursuing her for
are at least four times worse than if she approaches you. Oddly enough, the advantage created
by first contact for the person approached sustains itself throughout the relationship. The person
making first contact is three times more likely to wind up dumped, no matter how deep you go into
the relationship. This should not be surprising, since Foxes avoid making first contact and are the
ones who initiate 90 percent of breakups and 65 percent of divorces. First contact plays a role in
this as much or more as Foxes' fickle behavior. If first contact were not poison, Foxes would not
avoid making it like the plague.
How You Met. In forced-interaction situations (i.e., work, school, or you are neighbors), proceed
with more caution than you would in an unforced environment. Be aggressive with a Fox in direct
proportion to how closely you will have to interact with her in the future. A co-worker you will see
the next day at work is not the same as a Party Fox you met at 11:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve
and hit it off fabulously with.
Your Partner Ratings. These are your CUPID ratings in each other's eyes. If you have what she
wants, and vice versa, the odds of success increase.
Availability. It is assumed you are available if you are considering a Fox for pursuit. Most Foxes,
on the other hand, will be taken when you meet them. For men, being unavailable is a big plus,
and even if you aren't taken, appearing taken and uninterested will help you.
Interest. It is assumed that you are interested if you are concerned with whether or not a Fox
wants you. More often than not, she doesn't. Men need to learn to tell the difference between
civility and desire. Be conservative in your interpretation of signals. All seven factors will be
examined in this chapter.
Your CUPID Rating
If you are an Elite (80+), you do not need this book to help you get laid. For the other 95 percent
of the population, it is wise to use CUPID to exploit your strengths while shoring up your
weaknesses. All the advice in the world will not help you as much as adding points to your CUPID
rating. Looks are rewarded the most, followed by intelligence and money. The only exception
occurs with your highest-scoring category because of the groupie factor. My research clearly
indicates that most men are capable of raising their CUPID rating dramatically. Visit a looks-
neutral environment like the Department of Motor Vehicles, Disneyland, an airport or train station,
and you will find people who are out of shape, dress terribly, and who aren't exactly the sexiest
group in the world. Take 100 of the men at random, give them two years to devote exclusively to
building their CUPID ratings, and most of the time you would wind up with at least this:

Category Score CUPID Pts

Looks 18.0 39.6

Brains 16.0 12.8
Money 12.5 10.0
Personality 25.0 05.0

Total N/A 67.4

That is sub-Elite, a ranking that can be achieved relatively easily by working out, dressing well,
developing your mind, and improving your status or personality. If you are one of those men who
has not had a date in a while, you have fewer distractions and more time to work out, wise up,
and make money. If you spend your idle time polishing your CUPID rating, you will become more
appealing to Foxes. Eventually your rating will be so high that Foxes wind up approaching you.
Until you have made every effort to achieve this, remember that this is the quickest path to better
results, not some novel opening line that will become cliche. If your CUPID rating is higher than
60 (sub-elite), most Foxes will find you acceptable as a friend, as a lover for a friend, and if you
have Foxhunted properly, maybe even as a lover for them. You won't win every race, but rarely
will you be left in the dust. When you factor partner ratings into the equation, you will find yourself
with CUPID Groupies (CUPIES?), Foxes whose value system is tailored to someone with your
distribution; someone who values most what you have to offer.

Her CUPID Rating

Foxes may think alike, but they definitely are not treated alike. In the course of my research, I
noticed one very peculiar trend: Foxes are easy targets for players. I could never quite put my
finger on why until recently. Perseverance paid off when I asked the players themselves about
the Foxes they seduced and got my answer. Foxes are more likely to be lied to by players for the
same reason rich men are more likely to be conned by scam artists. Most players do not
approach non-Elites. If you chase sub-Elites and Brainy Foxes, you will avoid most of the players
as romantic rivals. An argument could also be made that you are no better than they are because
you want Foxes for the same reasons they do. The laws of supply-and-demand give Foxes
amazing bargaining power. The higher a Fox's overall CUPID rating, the greater her leverage, but
this is especially true of her looks score.

First Contact
A Fox who approaches you is four times more likely to go out with you than one you approach.
Men are conditioned to be the aggressors, telegraphing their interest before a conversation has
even begun. The man who has Foxes approaching him has turned the tables. Most men will not
wait for Foxes to approach them because weaknesses in their CUPID ratings and the lack of
gimmicks leaves them with few approaches by Foxes. This is a weakness in the man, not a
problem with the first contact rule. Treat Foxes who approach you as potential lovers, and those
you approach as potential friends. If a Fox approaches you, ask her out. If she rejects you,
implement the one-and-done rule mentioned later and forget her, leaving her without whatever it
was she approached you for, and creating the possibility that she will become a Returning Fox
(see below) in the future. If you approach a Fox, your interest was not solicited, and you have no
way of knowing how she might react. In a forced-interaction situation, she has no means of
escape, and you should proceed with even more caution, not try to exploit a sham opportunity.

Signals. A signal counts as half a first contact. If a Fox smiles at you and makes eye contact, this
will increase your chances a bit, but not as much as if you wait for an actual approach. Ignoring a
signal is seen as rejection by omission, and will improve your chances of them approaching you
even further, while avoiding the Teasing Foxes who like to send signals as a setup for shooting
you down. If you find yourself always making first contact, it is time to consider improving your
CUPID rating, developing a gimmick, or drafting other Foxhunters and building your life around
their leftovers

How You Met

This is a cousin of the first contact rule. If your interaction with a Fox is forced, treat her as
nothing more than a friend. If she has to deal with you, this is forced interaction. On the surface it
appears that these Foxes offer the best opportunity, but that is true only if you do not pursue.
Never make first contact with a Forced Interaction Fox!! If she makes contact with you, pursue
her politely, and use the one-and-done rule at the first stop sign. So often I see men writing about
Foxes they work with and how they would like to ask them out, and it pains me to think of how
much time and energy they are wasting, not to mention (okay, to mention) the damage they are
doing to their reputation. Men use forced interaction to compensate for deficiencies. The Foxes
who would not give men the time of day in a social setting will be civil or friendly in forced
interaction environments, and men mistake this for opportunity. Foxes you meet on even terms, in
neutral environments, and who make first contact are the ideal candidates for seduction. Because
they approached you, there is no damage to your reputation and you cannot even be called rude
for asking them out. Combine this with a solid reputation and the impression is given that you are
someone a Fox would want approaching her, and by not doing so you reject them by omission
and become even more desirable. The result is that they will wind up approaching you, either
overtly or under a pretext, or spare you rejection if uninterested.

CUPID Partner Ratings

Over time, partner ratings mean more than CUPID ratings, but even in the beginning they are
helpful. If you are one of those men who values brains and status more than looks in a female,
you will do much better sacrificing looks points for Foxes who have these traits. You will always
do better with Foxes who want what you have. Looks are the best category to excel in, but brains
and status will attract minddiggers and golddiggers alike. As a rule, there are three looksdigging
Foxes for every minddigging or golddigging Fox, but all it takes to change your life is one.
Combine a high partner rating with Foxhunting, and your seduction problems will solve
themselves rather quickly. Under the partner rating system, your CUPID rating and the
distribution of your raw scores will determine which Foxes are most likely to want you. Developing
your strengths will pay off because those who are groupies of whichever category you are
strongest in will place you well above your rivals. It is better to have a score of 25 in one category
and 10 in the others than a score of 15 in each. Individual value systems account for partner
rating differentials among Foxes, and the difference in how they treat you. The greatest
differentials occur with men who have brains and status because they have niche appeal, as
opposed to the mainstream appeal of looks. If you are one of those brainy types, or are well-off or
have prestige, your appeal to Foxes will be limited, but among those you appeal to you should do
quite well.

Do not waste your time pursuing Taken Foxes. Flirt if you must, but respect the boundary,
comfortable in the knowledge that she can still be a Friendly Fox, and know that within a year she
is very likely to become available if no ring is on her finger. The time to pursue an Available Fox is
immediately, for no reason other than she is likely to be taken within days or weeks and remain
that way for some time. A Taken Fox, or even a Distracted Fox who has her eye on another man,
is a low percentage option. Restrict your pursuit only to Available Foxes and your results will
improve sharply. Few Foxes are available when you meet them. It is worth learning indirect
seduction and how to time your pursuit to coincide with a Fox's availability. If you do pursue a
Taken Fox, expect to be rejected, and unless you want to set up for a Returning Fox scenario
(see below) or the Guy Switch, you really have no reason to ask her out. One reason I prefer the
internet for pursuit is that the status question is answered almost immediately. I will eventually
find out what she looks like, but when I meet a Fox offline I find myself not knowing her status for
a long time unless I ask, which is tantamount to an approach. It is much easier to get a picture
online than to find out a Fox's status offline. If an Available Fox rejects you, remember the one-
and-done rule (see below) and write her off immediately. Taken Foxes may want you when they
become available, but the Available Fox who won't date you is simply not interested. Short of
changing her opinion of you, nothing is going to change your results, and asking her out
repeatedly won't help except in rare cases. By asking out an Available Fox, you have done
nothing to harm your reputation, for you have behaved no differently than other men. More
important than the rejection itself is how you handle it, and you can never go wrong with one-and-
done. Being taken seems to be worth about 15-20 CUPID points for a Foxhunter. Fantasy and
Homewrecking Foxes fixate on taken men because they know how to please a Fox. Through
posturing, you will attract the most Foxes when you are unable to do anything about it, although
many men will still cheat. I do not recommend cheating, but instead not committing to any one
Fox unless you are certain that you will not want another Fox within a year. Even a Fox who
dumps you because you refuse to make a commitment still wants you; your reputation will never
suffer because you chose not to commit to a Fox. Foxes who cannot win you over will usually up
the ante, not balk.

It should go without saying (but it won't) that a Fox should express a clear interest in you before
you pursue her. A smile is a minor signal; a come-on or a sexual advance a major one. Many
approaches by Foxes cloak romantic interest. Most Foxes know that if they approach a man he is
likely to hit on her. This is one of the major reasons Foxes are unapproachable and rarely
approach. If you approach a Fox, she might be civil with you even if she has no interest in you.
Pursuit won't work very often when you make first contact. If a Fox ends conversations with you
before they have a chance to begin, does not go out of her way to spend time with you, does not
call you, and does not "light up" in your presence, odds are she is not interested or taken. Most
studies have revealed that even though men think they are the aggressors in courtship, it is the
Foxes who call the shots. Learning to tell a red carpet from a brick wall is very important. One
way of making this determination is to compare how a Fox treats you with how she treats other
men, or with how she would treat you if her sole mission in life were to seduce you. The ideal
candidate for pursuit is a Fox who approaches you in an unforced environment, whose value
system gives you a high partner rating, and who is available and interested. This will not happen
very often; when it does you should pursue with vigor, but only once. All other instances of pursuit
will be less successful, other factors being equal. The worst that will happen is the occasional dry
spell. Devoting the times when you are coming up empty to long-term solutions will go a much
longer way towards changing your results than forcing pursuit on a Disinterested Fox.

Ray's Rules For Foxhunting

As a 32-year-old bachelor, I have 17 solid years of experience with Foxes to draw upon. The first
ten or so of those years were mostly mistake-filled, but the last five have definitely compensated
for it. Even now, I find myself still learning, still developing, still making mistakes, and hoping that I
will perfect this art sometime before I am too old to do anything about it. This leads to the first of
the many rules I use to make my Foxhunting more simple:

Never stop learning. A golden rule. I don't care if you have a Fox Harem; there is so much out
there to learn that there is always room for improvement. Complacency is the scourge of those
who seek to perfect themselves.
Never Foxhunt without your maximum CUPID rating. Within reason. Don't be numerically
obsessed, although this is the fastest way to succeed, but be mindful of what Foxes respond
positively to: keeping your weight down and your fashion and grooming up to speed are givens.
Appear intelligent and witty (or avoid appearing clueless if this is not a strong suit for you), and if
you do not have money or status, develop a plan for improving your lot in life and appear to be
implementing that plan. Foxes are rather liberal in their judging system; the man who wants to
become successful has potential, which combined with ambition is a substitute for prestige. When
a Fox sees a man on the way up, she pays attention.
One-and-done. A simple rule: if a Fox shuts the door, immediately cease pursuit and forget she
exists. The purpose is to avoid Teasing Foxes and to set the table for Returning Foxes (see
below). One-and-done shifts the ball into the Fox's court, requiring her to not only approach you
in the future, but to be prepared to give you what you want, up front, with no questions asked. It
also frees up your time to spend with Foxes who have not rejected you yet. Violate this rule
rarely. A good time to implement one-and-done is when you get your first Clark Kent signal, the
Guy Switch, or any unmistakable sign that she is not interested in you. Do not even bother
explaining this to her, although if she makes "first contact" and asks you why you suddenly
stopped talking to her, you might want to share. I've yet to meet the Fox who likes one-and-done,
but this is a good thing. Foxes aren't supposed to like effective seduction techniques any more
than a cornerback likes being burned for a 60- yard touchdown pass.
Out of sight, out of mind. A must! Do not even think about Foxes who are not physically present,
or who give no indication that they wish to be in your company as least as much as you wish to
be in theirs. The thought process is flawed: men think they must pursue a Fox for the right
reasons, that she must be special, and that they must be devoted to her, all before she has given
any indication that she shares their feelings. If she does not share his feelings, he is supposed to
forget her immediately! The man must guess whether he is swinging at a fastball or a curve, and
he will either hit a home run or strike out. The only way to counter this is to let the Fox's level of
interest dictate yours, let her make first contact so you know she is interested, and assume no
interest in the absence of a strong indicator to the contrary. It is better to spend one hour each
with twenty Foxes a week than it is to spend twenty hours in one week with a Fox you cannot
have. The less attention you pay a Fox, the more likely she is to value that attention and try to win
you over. It is much more convincing to a Fox that you are worthy of her if you are not always
available and not focused on her. Foxes know from experience that the men who ignore them are
the ones who are worthy.
Goodbye rarely means goodbye. Try this sometime: without warning, in a calm tone of voice, tell
a Fox you never want to talk to her again. Let her think you mean it. After you say goodbye,
forever, pick up the phone and call her the next day (or week or month). This confuses them, and
they will rarely hold you to your goodbye. This is a twist on the Returning Fox scenario (see
below), where you emotionally sever ties, but then reconnect. She will treat the goodbye as if it
were true. Sometimes she will change her attitude towards you without your having to carry out
your ultimatum, and this will accelerate your progress. Without the ultimatum, you will never
create this window of opportunity. This is a clear example of a bad-boy technique paying off. In
the event the Fox does not let you back into her life after goodbye, you are still better off because
your time is still free to Foxhunt.
Let the game come to you. The best athletes in any sport are those who tap into the natural flow
of the game rather than trying to force opportunity. They are more concerned with fitting into a
team structure than their stats. They don't take bad shots, don't make bad decisions, and help
their team win games. Call it the Foxhunter's Touch, the ability to separate reality from fantasy.
Miles, the man from the Foreword, thanked me profusely once because he did just this, resisting
the urge to curse out a Fox who had stood him up and getting his reward months later when she
Take nothing at face value. Foxes are amazingly covert and dishonest. If they are displeased with
you, they will often be civil to your face and then go behind your back to express their
dissatisfaction. This is why men will think they are doing well with a Fox and then hear from a
third party that they are not. Conversely, a Fox who is interested in you and respects you deep
down for saying something which is unpopular but true might show discontent on the surface. If
you react to the initial discontent, you miss out on a later opportunity.
No matter how ridiculous your standards, they will be met. A few years back, I got very tired of
lowering my standards. I found that no matter who I pursued, Fox or not, it was still difficult. I
vowed that my next date was going to be with a Fox. and refused to consider non-Elites. Within
three weeks I got my date with one of the first three Foxes I talked to and the first I asked.
Despite complaints about shallow men, having standards is going to help you because it conveys
that you consider yourself worthy of the best. This attitude helps in other areas of your life, and
Foxes love to tap into the luxury. The rule does not end here, however, as I would soon learn...
The more ridiculous your standards, the sooner they will be met. Foxes cannot stand rejection,
especially for something they cannot compete with or change. Tell her she is too young or old,
too tall or short, her breasts are too small, or that her hair is the wrong color, and watch her try to
prove how special she is to you by winning you over. Foxes who almost meet your standards
make excellent Concession Foxes (see below), despite their being an inch too tall or short, a year
too young or old, or committing the ultimate sin of being born with the wrong hair color. Higher
CUPID ratings and Foxhunting make this process easier, but the principle holds regardless.
Foxes like discriminating men who hold their ground until they get what they want.
The more elaborate your sexual fantasy, the more likely it is to come true. As long as you are not
the one to bring up the topic of sex, you can count on Fantasy Foxes (see below) to become
aroused, and to come on to you if you appear strong and focused on other Foxes. Foxes are
always more likely to have sex with a man they believe will make it an enjoyable experience. This
is without regard to any other factor, including CUPID. Presentation of your fantasies is crucial:
bait her into asking you about them or you risk being considered too forward.
Ask for what you want up front. A Fox has nothing to complain about if she talks to you knowing
what you are about and what you want from her. This works especially well on the internet, where
a Fox might find you interesting, but you can extract a price for her curiosity. I usually put in my
AOL profiles that I will not acknowledge anyone who does not send me a picture of themselves
and a telephone number by E-mail. Very often I get Foxes who instant-message (IM) me and
asked to talk anyway. After ignoring them, they often cave in. Suffice it to say that anything you
ask for up front you will get, but if you wait until down the road to ask for it you will never get it.
Being up-front will remove a ton of nonsense from your life.
Pursue aggressively when approached and conservatively when you approach. The person who
makes first contact is the seller, and the person contacted is the buyer. The buyer always has the
advantage. I usually respond to first contact by a Fox with an immediate approach on the
assumption that she must have found me interesting, and I don't like wasting time dwelling on
whether or not she might like me. By contrast, if I approach a Fox, I assume she is not interested
until she sends a clear signal that she is. Use this rule and you will avoid a lot of rejection without
eliminating any rewards.
Play the numbers!! You cannot predict the behavior of individual Foxes, but you can play the
percentages. Men do not like to risk rejection, and lose many rewards as a result. Even if you are
conservative in approaching, make sure you find enough Foxes to approach. The more Foxes
you approach, the more likely you are to succeed independent of your batting average. If you use
high-percentage techniques often enough, success becomes a near-certainty. Which Foxes will
want you cannot be predicted, but the overall percentage can. In the following four chapters, I will
refer often to these rules, and to the types of Foxes which I am about to describe below:

The Returning Fox

My Favorite Fox! She rejected you brutally in the past, triggered one-and-done, and has
contacted you, either in an attempt to get you to pursue her again, or under the pretext of seeing
how you are doing. In most cases, even if she doesn't admit it, a Returning Fox will contact you
only because she wants something, and since she knows you want her, or did, odds are that
what she wants is you. Foxhunters will rarely find themselves in a more powerful position.
Following are the most common Returning Fox scenarios:

She did not see one-and-done coming. Foxes are used to men pursuing them repeatedly. One-
and-done catches them off-guard. I will often go as far as not even acknowledging a Fox who has
rejected me. I won't greet her, won't respond to her greetings, and if she tries to call me on my
behavior, I ask her politely to leave me alone. If she still tries to talk to me, I consider her a
Returning Fox. Returning Foxes will call you out of the blue, wanting to be friends, or to just say hi
when you cross paths (why this is important is beyond me, but it is). After you have had a One-
And-Done Fox become a Returning Fox, you will probably begin using the rule all the time.
Attrition. When Superman lets her down, Clark Kent becomes more appealing to Lois. Maybe she
thought another guy was interested in her but she couldn't win him over, or she found out
something about him that took him out of the running. Many times I have been rewarded for
letting the clock tick and letting attrition work its magic as I waited for the ideal time to make a
move. If you want to be bold, you can confidently predict that the other man will let her down.
More often than not you will be proven right and score points for your correct prediction.
Her image of you improved. Maybe your CUPID rating went up, or more likely, she saw you with
someone Foxier than her, and now she wants to correct her mistake and treat you like the royalty
she now knows you are. We say we reject social climbers, but in reality we rarely do. An
Opportunistic Fox is still a Fox, and if you have what she wants, you'd be a fool not to do
business. This doesn't mean that you have to let them take advantage of you. One of the secrets
of success as a Foxhunter is to keep the upper hand even when you want a Fox more than
anyone else in the world. This step provides natural immunity against Social-Climbing or
Golddigging Foxes.
She's bored. Foxes who seek you out only for this reason are just trying to kill time. It presents a
window of opportunity, but a limited one. If you encounter a Returning Fox who is just to placating
you while entertaining herself, send her packing again. Why help her kill time when she won't
even go out with you? What the Fox is returning from is another variable. A Fox who refused to
have sex with you during a relationship is not the same as one who turned you down for a date.
The general rule is to ask a Returning Fox, immediately or almost immediately, for whatever it
was she rejected you for in the first place. If she rejects you again, use one-and-done and she
winds up in the same position she was in before she returned.
The Fantasy Fox
This Fox has responded to your indirect seduction by injecting herself into your fantasy. This is
most likely to happen if you let her take the lead and prod you into opening up to her. The ideal
Fantasy Fox scenario is to already have a Fox in your life, and a Friendly Fox (see below) who
becomes increasingly curious about your relationship, and who likes the way you are treating
your Fox. Even if you are not in a relationship, don't despair; merely wanting to make a Fox
swoon is enough to trigger the fantasy response. This is especially true of Foxes who are in bad
relationships, who are currently unable to find a man they like, who haven't had a sexual
experience that matches the fantasy, or who share your fantasy. A good example of a Fantasy
Fox scenario would be the Fox who finds herself alone a day before Valentine's Day and sees
you picking out lingerie for your Fox. Instinctively, she will wish she were that Fox. Suppose you
lived in a rooming house that included a Fox or two. You could return on a Saturday night and
spin a tale of incredible sex with a Fox, while your Foxy roommate was sitting home alone with a
pint of Ben & Jerry's and a cheesy romance novel. This is a safe way for her to explore you
sexually without it being brought to the surface. You can test the waters, with her failure to nibble
on the bait a signal that she is not receptive. This is much more tactful than putting her in the
awkward position of having to reject me.

Once I went to a lingerie shop to purchase a sexy outfit for a Friendly Fox. The Fox behind the
counter had rejected me long before that, but when she saw the outfit I was buying, she put two
and two together very quickly and lit up like a Christmas Tree. We wound up flirting for a good
half-hour before I left with my purchase, a classic example of the power of indirect seduction. This
is similar to Speed Seduction's use of language patterns to trigger certain feelings. Foxhunters
use behavior patterns to produce the same effect. Speed Seduction takes the additional step of
directing the Fox to the fantasy with words. I have found that this isn't necessary or even
preferable, choosing instead to display the evidence a fantasy than the riskier direct approach.

The Homewrecking Fox

A classic Seinfeld episode tested the theory that men are more attractive when they wear a
wedding ring. Some Foxes love to take men away from other Foxes. Your appeal to this type of
Fox will depend solely on your lover. Even if you do not have a lover, if she thinks you do, and if
she thinks your lover is Foxier than her, she will want you. Homewrecking Foxes are inherently
dishonest and will respond favorably to dishonest methods. One way you can beat the system
with a Homewrecking Fox is to pretend to be taken and let her "steal" you. This gives you the
benefits of cheating without having to actually cheat. There is an ironic justice to lying to a liar to
get them to treat you honestly.

The Friendly Fox (Now Called The PIVOT)

A Friendly Fox is essentially a lover you do not have sex with. She will talk to you, call you, go out
with you, even stay over at your place if she really trusts you, but she refuses to get physical with
you. This can be very frustrating. Men accept Friendly Foxes unconditionally and wind up in some
very one-sided friendships as a result. A true Friendly Fox is a Fox who should be dating you but
is not. This is separate from Utility Foxes and LJBF Foxes (see below) in that this Fox is really
your friend. She just doesn't want to be your lover. The key to surviving having Friendly Foxes in
your life is to detach from your lust and realize that they are an incredibly valuable resource.
Having others hear her sing your praises and see her with you is going to make the rest of your
Foxhunting very easy, as long as you don't overstep. This is what I mean about letting the game
come to you. A Friendly Fox is by no means the solution to your problems, but she is a critical
part of that solution. Given a choice between being alone or spending three hours with a Friendly
Fox, I would rather spend time with the Fox, and as long as I don't overstep, I will not become
obsessed with her and have an enjoyable way of killing time and building my reputation. If you
push the envelope with a Friendly Fox, be prepared to end the friendship. This will give her the
same sense of loss you felt when a relationship did not materialize. There are times when this will
prod her into dating you, although usually she will reject you and occasionally become a
Returning Fox. This behavior is manipulative, but most Friendly Foxes will have manipulated you
first by using your sexual attraction to them to establish a friendship. To this extent you are
merely evening the score.

The Utility Fox

Utility Foxes use you to meet some need. If the utility is being the guy she complains to about the
jerks who mistreat her, she is an LJBF Fox (see below). They will be just friendly enough to keep
you in their lives, and nice to you only when they want something. It might be auto repair,
computer help, legal, medical or accounting advice, or a connection to an attractive or influential
friend of yours. The number of Foxes your utility yields will be determined by the utility and how
you present it. Your utility is going to give you tremendous leverage over the Foxes who need it.
Attempts to cash in directly will not work very well because most Foxes will bolt if they have to do
something for you in return for you doing something for them. Being allowed to interact with them
is supposed to be your reward. I admire Foxes who have men do their bidding, but for the men it
is a raw deal. The only way to deal with this effectively is to detach emotionally and make sure
that she is of some utility to you. She might not have sex with you, unless the utility is a survival
need, but she probably won't mind helping your Foxhunting in return for your assistance, as long
as you do not overstep. The best way to leverage utility is to withdraw it and leave it to her to up
the ante. If she balks, she will have lost the utility and be frustrated, and while game-playing is not
generally recommended, this is defensive in nature and a reaction to her own games. Utility can
be a good adjunct to Foxhunting, but it is not recommended that you make this your primary
technique, for you will find yourself doing a lot of favors for Foxes and getting very little in return.
Foxes actually respond more positively to men who do not do favors for them because they
respect them for having the good sense not to be conned. The Fox figures correctly that if she
can't take advantage of him, no one will be able to take advantage them.

The Let's-Just-Be-Friends (LJBF) Fox

This is a Utility Fox who wants to make you her flunky: a man she can rely on to service her
without her having to do anything in return. Enter this friendship for utility only (i.e., your rep).
LJBF Foxes can become Friendly Foxes over time, but rarely will this happen. They are
vulnerable to leverage and indirect pursuit, but not like a Friendly Fox. The best way to get an
LJBF Fox to want you is to raise your CUPID rating and/or attempt to trigger the
fantasy/homewrecking response. The more you detach from LJBF Foxes, the less you allow them
to take advantage of you, and the more utility you derive from them, the better off you will be.
LJBF Foxes are great Practice Foxes because they offer a high degree of difficulty. As long as
you don't become obsessed with the challenge, you will do fine. The absence of a move on your
part will often cause the LJBF Fox to overstep and give you the edge when you turn the tables
and destroy her illusion of power.

The Forced Interaction Fox

Forced Interaction Foxes are those you meet in situations where the interaction has nothing to do
with you. Although it is very tempting to hit on these Foxes, especially if you work together, or if
she works somewhere you patronize, or if she is your neighbor, I strongly recommend letting her
make first contact. If she does make first contact, pursue her conservatively still and move to an
unforced environment as quickly as possible, because then you know she wants to be with you
since she can bail out anytime. In a forced environment she is a captive audience, and even if
she is friendly with you, it could be because she feels she has to be, not because she wants to
be. Dealing with Foxes who appear to be more interested than they are creates an illusion which
will be painfully shattered down the line and which is best avoided. Rely on personal strength, not
situational strength, to seduce. Never making first contact with a Forced Interaction Fox will set
you apart from other men. It will improve your image because you will appear picky or taken, and
it will let Foxes check you out and/or pursue you at their own pace. The co-worker who resists
your initial advances because she has a lover might wind up coming on to you down the road
because she respected your behavior. Forced interaction is a copout, a way of having the ice
broken for you. It is a catalyst for sexual harassment, and encourages a man to attempt to trap a
Fox into a relationship instead of working on his CUPID rating and his technique until he no
longer needs this crutch. Be friendly, but let her make the major moves. If she wants you, she's
going to let you know.
The Teasing Fox
A Teasing Fox will take full advantage of your attraction to her, with no apologies. After she has
successfully manipulated you, she will say that you are to blame for allowing her to get the better
of you. The only way to neutralize this creature is to call her what she is, despite her protests to
the contrary, and put the burden of proof on her to put up or shut up. If she shuts up, she
becomes a potential Returning Fox, and if she puts up (some will just to prove you wrong), you've
won the game.

The next four chapters outline the three stages of Foxhunting: meeting, dating, and seduction.
Each chapter will examine these stages in the context of Foxhunting principles. I will then
conclude with a chapter on how to put the entire Foxhunting system into practice and improve
your results, followed by a free-form Epilogue that bridges the method that was once my secret
and the world that will one day assimilate the material.

Chapter Eleven:

Seducing Foxes

This section has been written backwards: if at any point you do not know how to move to the next
level you will be stopped cold. Think of this section as a movie script where the big ending is
written first and the movie is built around it. Working forward, as most experts espouse, will very
quickly mushroom dozens of approaches into thousands of possibilities. Working backwards, you
can identify the four or five most common paths to the bedroom, and the four or five most
common paths to those paths, and so on, resulting a much more digestible body of material.
Another argument in favor of backwards study is that it teaches the most important skills first.
Championship teams know how to finish off beaten opponents late in the game. It does no good
to spend all evening on a date with a Fox, go back to her place, and after an awkward pause at
the door, be sent packing with a kiss on the cheek. Compare this to what happens when a man is
so accomplished that a Fox he has never made a move on makes a move on him. The worlds are
totally different, with one man having to walk a minefield while the other wins the lottery every day
of his life.

The Foxhunter has tapped into the thought processes specific to Foxes and maximized his
market share. It is the same principle that drove me to write a book on seduction before I would
write one on an arcane topic such as gambling or chess. Popularity with the lion's-share
demographic will always ensure success. As a chess coach, I found it impossible to teach players
who did not understand how to deliver a checkmate. No matter how strong their position, they
would never move matters toward the conclusion. To checkmate an opponent, one must first
build a mating net that removes the enemy king's flight squares, effectively freezing it on its
current square, and then the mate is delivered. In seduction, checkmate is sex. A Foxhunter who
has trouble getting started can do what I used to advise my chess students: act as if you already
know all of the answers you seek. An aspiring brain surgeon must be able to envision himself
performing brain surgery. An aspiring chess champion must be able to picture himself defeating
the world's best grandmasters. The aspiring professional athlete must be comfortable with the
idea of hitting 90-mph fastballs, running the 40-yard dash in 4.5 seconds or less, or being able to
block the lane against Shaq. Convince yourself that you are capable of achieving this. You will
never move far from Point A if you have no concept of Point B.

Working backwards, we begin by examining what to do once you have gotten physical with a Fox,
or if things are threatening to. In the seduction phase, some spark has already ignited. Once the
spark occurs, things change dramatically, and a window of opportunity is created. The window
will not last long. Sexual windows of opportunity work differently than those involving dating or
meeting. Foxes will talk to many men, they will date many men, but sex is something they do not
easily. This is why I am loathe to think I have made progress with a Fox I have not at least
French-kissed. Once a Fox has gotten sexual with you, or made it clear that she wants to, you
have to ask yourself a few questions:

Is she teasing me? A Teasing Fox will let you think you are making progress and slam the door in
your face once you think you are home-free. One-and-done is the best damage control, though it
is difficult to implement once your desires have been aroused. It shows the tease that you are not
vulnerable to her games, which will cause her to stop playing them and to actually respect you for
seeing through her. The more cynical you are, and the less seriously you treat a Fox's nonsexual
moves, the less likely you are to wind up teased.

Who else is in her life? Foxes have multiple suitors, and will usually be ending or starting other
relationships while fitting you into her life. Most men think Foxes do not do this, but when asked
for evidence to support their claim, about all they can come up with is that Foxes are nice people
who wouldn't do that. Observe her actions, not her words. Look for Superman and Clark Kent

Is she a prude? A kiss is just a kiss, but it means more to some Foxes than others. A porn star
could make out with you for two hours and not bat an eye; an 18 year-old virgin would consider
this a major step. A Fox's sexual behavior (or the lack of it) must be evaluated in light of her
sexual ethics and treatment of other men.

Is she using me for sex? God bless her if she is. Just avoid falling in love.
A Fox getting physical presents an opportunity to prove yourself sexually. The focus becomes
satisfying her enough so that she will not stray. The one-and-done rule is there if I need it, and I
proceed normally until I meet resistance. To avoid teasing problems, be prepared to use one-and-
done at the drop of a hat. Many Foxes get off on teasing; Foxhunters must be prepared. An in-
depth discussion of sexual technique is beyond the scope of this book. Suffice it to say that
knowing what you are doing is very important. Watching love scenes, reading romance novels,
and books and other materials devoted to lovemaking are highly recommended. Remember that
our instincts carry us pretty well, but if you really want to arouse a Fox, advanced methods will set
you apart from your rivals. It is essential to be at least a competent lover. I find men complaining
that the sexpots they pursue do not take an interest in them, but why would a Fox want a man
who cannot turn her on? Regardless of what should happen, what does happen is that men who
take the time to become good in bed have the edge.

A Fox who is overloaded with opportunity will definitely screen for signs of bedroom talent. Which
base you happen to be circling with a Fox is not as important as keeping your confidence level
intact. Once you are a skilled lover this will come very naturally to you. If you are inexperienced,
remember that all men start out that way, and as long as you appear confident, this will help you
a lot. If she stops your moves, heed the warning and use one-and-done. Begging her to
reconsider will make you appear the overeager male; if you pull back and respect her, she will
often switch course and return, sometimes within seconds or minutes, and other times days,
weeks, or even months or years. If she doesn't return, she frees up your time. Either way, you
win. Most men have too narrow a definition of seduction. They see the process as linear, with the
following steps:

Meet the Fox;

Talk to the Fox;

Get her number/ask her out;

Date the Fox;

Kiss her goodnight;

Make out with her; and, if everything goes right

Have sex with the Fox.

That's seven hurdles. No wonder Foxes enjoy dating more than men! If I were a Fox, I'd enjoy it
too. The Fox who takes the Foxhunter's approach would logically allow as many men as possible
to pursue her, make them do as much as possible to win her over, and select the men who have
the most of what she wants. This is what they do, in fact. Men who do this are called selfish,
shallow, and insensitive. Courtship is a social tradition, a carryover from an era when marriage
was essential to a Fox's station in life. With gender equality a reality, it should be updated. In real
life, seduction occurs much differently than the way it is usually discussed. The lines between
meeting, approaching, pursuing, dating, and having sex are blurred, taken out of order, or occur
simultaneously. Scrap traditional notions of what constitutes seduction and instead work on
getting to Point B as quickly as you can with as few hurdles as possible. You do not have to
proposition every Fox you meet, but instead should realize that sparks can fly anywhere at
anytime. Do not limit yourself to thinking that the only time it is okay to be seductive with a Fox is
on a date.

Foxes make sexual decisions long before dating, with dating used to implement their timetable,
and to enjoy the upper hand rather than making up their minds immediately. The only antidote for
this is one-and-done. It is also why Foxes sometimes return very quickly after you use one-and-
done. The Fox who is surprised with one-and-done and who is serious about you will come clean
very quickly. Foxhunting combines all seduction steps. An introduction or chance meeting can
lead to a quick flirtation, even an impromptu date, or in rare cases a sexual encounter. The
Foxhunter is adept at creating and exploiting windows of opportunity, and frustrates the other 90-
95 percent of the male population at every turn, obtaining effortlessly what other men have to
work hard for. He deals in reality, adjusts his methods according to his results, and over time
learns what works and what does not. You will never hear a Foxhunter complain about how
Foxes should act, but instead he will analyze how they do act the way a student of nature would
analyze plant and insect behavior. It is difficult not to hear the chorus of nice guys who complain
that they are outfoxed by Foxhunters. They complain to Foxes and get the run-around in the form
of platitudes like you've just been meeting the wrong women (as in out of your league), or be
patient and the woman of your dreams will appear (after your CUPID rating shoots up). It does
not help that the Foxes who say this tend to run off and play porn-star for the bad-boys while
telling the nice guys to wait patiently.

The nice-guy who complains is dismissed as bitter and negative. The unspoken message is

Look, I can't tell you what Foxes want because one of the things we want is a guy we don't have
to tell! Once you figure that out you will own us! We tell you lies to see if you are smart enough to
catch them, and we give you crap to see if you are man enough to give it back. Once you pass
our tests we will respect you and treat you right, but until then we will continue to think of you as
unworthy, use you, and laugh at your stupidity behind your back to my girlfriends while we go find
some REAL men!

Foxes dream of being tamed. They want their crap thrown back at them when they give it to you
to test you, and they want a man who knows how to seduce them without having to ask.
Communicating this is worth more than a thousand dozen roses and a million candlelight dinners.
Courtship is not how you win over a Fox, but what you do to show you care. Court her when she
thinks you are worthless and your energy will be wasted; be nice to her after she realizes that you
are only this way when inspired, that you won't hesitate to replace her if she steps out of line with
you, and she will become very docile and compliant. The logic to the lies and crap Foxes toss at
men (now known more commonly as shit tests) is simple:

If he can't take my shit, he can't protect me from others' shit; and

If he can't figure out my lies, he won't be able to figure out others' lies.
The Foxes don't realize that these tests weed out the truly decent men who can pass the test but
refuse to take it. It is essential that you learn this lesson because otherwise you will never have
the confidence necessary to Foxhunt. Certainly you have heard Foxes say they love confident
men, and if you don't feel confident, don't despair. It is much easier to become confident than
people realize. The basic elements of confidence add up to only one thing: A confident man is
one who acts like he knows what he is doing, and who does not second-guess himself. Run the
race without worrying about your final time. When you are in action you will do better if you
execute your game plan without being self-conscious of whether or not you will succeed.
Worrying about results will set you back. You need all of your energy focused on the task of
seduction. Save your Monday- morning quarterbacking for when you are alone.

Knowing how Foxes think will project confidence and convince them of your desirability. The Fox
who knows you have other options loses her power over you. She feels rejected because you
aren't like the scores of other men who fall over themselves to impress her, and you become a
challenge to her. Remember the two golden rules of confidence:

Convince yourself that given a fair chance, you can seduce any Fox at any time; and

Convince the Foxes of the same thing. Most men can handle #1, but #2 is difficult, especially if
you have never before seduced a Fox.
Think of it as you would employment, and realize that everyone has to start somewhere. If you
want Foxes to become convinced that you can seduce them, you need to start adopting the right
behavior patterns. Look and act the part!! To do this successfully requires that you not allow
Foxes to trick or tease you, and that you know how to react to their behavior in any situation. This
is not something you are going to learn overnight, but learn it you must, and the sooner you get
started, the better. I will now examine several scenarios under which sex with a Fox is likely to
occur, listing the highest- percentage situations first:

The Returning Fox

The Returning Fox is the payoff for your discipline in using the one-and-done rule. She is the best
seduction option because she approached you, again, after rejecting you, knowing you want to
sleep with her. This gives you every right to take her back only as a lover, or as a date with the
idea of becoming lovers. If she balks, send her packing, and in many cases she will return again,
to get you to weaken. Each time she returns she will become more hooked, to the point where
she must either give up or give in. Paradoxically, the less you do to win over a Returning Fox, the
more likely you are to succeed. The best way to explain this phenomenon is to think of a Fox's
ego as if it were a monster. By not feeding the monster, it cannot drain you, the monster becomes
hungrier and increases its desire for the dish it cannot have. The most common Returning Fox
scenario has you rejected for a date by a Fox who still wants to be friends. Even if you say that
friendship is not possible she will not be deterred in her drive to socially engineer. Hold your
ground and send her packing each time she returns, until she ups the ante. If she refuses to, at
least you won't have the hassle, and if she agrees to take it to the next level, you have what you

If you want to try being dominant with a Fox, a Returning Fox is the best place to start. Rather
than act grateful that she has given you another chance, take the opposite approach and tell her
not to waste your time. This applies equally to Foxes who have rejected you for dates or sex. Let
her know you will accept her back only on your terms. If she leaves, there is always the chance
that she will return yet again and replay the drama; if she doesn't, you are home-free. Each time
this happens, your position strengthens. You will lose many Foxes this way, but the ones you
keep will compensate. Rejection also becomes much easier to deal with. No Fox is going to think
poorly of you because you made one move. You will be respected if you handle rejection like a
gentleman, and while she will not like being forgotten, she will prefer it to being pestered by a
man she has no interest in.

She Has Made A Pass At You

More likely to lead to sex than any other situation, but not as likely to occur as the above. The
following men tend to get passes made at them:

Men with high CUPID ratings; and

Men who are already in relationships.

The high CUPID rating is obvious; factor #2 less so. Foxes make passes at taken men because
they have to. Unlike the unattached man who is courting her, a Fox knows that a man who is
going home to another Fox every night is not going to consider her until she can top what he gets
at home. Instead of saying she has to know him, and making him beg for sex, the Homewrecking
Fox makes a bold move at an opportune time. This is the primary reason men cheat. It is
amusing that having a Fox will make you more attractive to other Foxes, especially since this
increases their chances of winding up with a cheater. You would think that a Fox in search of an
honest lover would shy away from the smooth-talking types or the ones who are taken, but they
don't. Instead, they see a man who is in demand with Foxes as worthy of their company, figuring
that if he weren't worthy other Foxes wouldn't be around him. Using a Friendly Fox (pivot) to build
your reputation exploits this thinking. Reputation shouldn't matter, but the Foxes are the ones
who set the game up this way, and if they are going to reward game-playing with sex, they
shouldn't be surprised if men play.

As mentioned earlier, you can invent a lover for the Homewrecking Fox to steal you from, and
while that is dishonest, at least you aren't cheating on anyone for real. This is a good way to get
your First Fox, though it will only be necessary in the very beginning. You don't have to lie if you
don't want to. Telling Foxes about designs you have on another will make you "hers" in their eyes
and reject them by omission. Talking about her as a man in control of his emotions and the
situation makes others want to be in her place. This works especially well with Foxes whose love
lives have been struggling. The last thing any Fox needs to hear is how well you are treating
another Fox while you show absolutely no interest in her. Before I conclude this category, I
should add the third most common pass scenario, and that occurs when the Fox is drunk. It is not
my style to take advantage of Inebriated Foxes, but failure to note their existence would make this
work incomplete. If a Drunk Fox makes a pass at me, I get her number and call her when she is
sober to see if she's still interested. In some states, they have argued that having sex with a Fox
who is too drunk constitutes date rape; err on the side of caution. At this point, we get into the
lower-percentage situations, where proceeding with caution is wise. In the preceding examples,
the Fox has made a clear advance, and in another case approached a man after she has rejected
him. Things will rarely be this easy, although there are still a few instances where you can find
yourself one step away from the bedroom by surprise:

The Fantasy Fox (And The Homewrecking Fox)

Foxes love to talk about romance and fantasies. What they don't love is being asked to fulfill
them, unless they already want the man doing the asking. To get to this one-step-away position,
you have to apply indirect seduction. As long as you aren't hitting on them, most Foxes love to
discuss their love lives. They are used to being the center of attention. There is no law saying that
the man can't inject a fantasy or two of his own. If the fantasy is good enough, the Fox on the
receiving end just might inject herself into it, just as you might get a tad envious about the men
Foxes worship when you hear about their looks, money, cars, houses, and lifestyles that the Fox
wants so badly instead of you. Subtlety is a key to indirect seduction. A general discussion about
relationships will often lead a Fox to ask me about my own love life. At this point I use indirect
seduction and be specific about what I am doing with other Foxes, or what I would like to do with
them. Catch a Friendly Fox in the right mood and she can easily become aroused by such
conversations. Be creative enough with your fantasies and she might surprise you by flirting with
you or injecting herself into the picture. The Homewrecking Fox demonstrates the power of
indirect seduction. When you are in a relationship, focusing all of your attention on one Fox, you
ignore other Foxes, but they don't ignore you. The Fox you are with talks you up to her friends
and acquaintances, calling you perfect even, and when the friends hear about how wonderful a
man you are they can't help but think that maybe they should have you for themselves.

When describing your fantasies and/or experiences, you aren't pursuing but just moving the
conversation along. The more you let her lead the conversation, the less it will appear like
propaganda. Following is a sample dialog that shows how you can move from a general sexual
conversation to a sexual experience with a Fox in one bold leap:

Fox: Hi!!

Me: Hi, how are you?

Fox: Pretty good, and yourself?

Me: Not bad. What are you doing this fine Saturday afternoon?

Fox: Getting ready to go out later.

Me: Hot date?

Fox: Nah, just a few girlfriends. What about you. Do you have a hot date?

Me: Don't know how hot you'd call it, but yes.

Fox: Do tell!

Me: Nah, not worth getting into.

Fox: Aw, come on! Who is she!?

Me: Just someone I met. I don't really know what will happen.

Fox: Keep me posted!

The Fox Trap has been set. She will check with me in a few days to see how the date went. Since
there is no way to verify what is said, Dishonest Foxhunters don't even have to go on the date.
Once you are skilled you'll have many such dates to fill your schedule, so that's only a stopgap
measure and an unnecessary one at that. Compared to the lies Foxes tell, this one is minor. To
further impress upon the Friendly Fox that your love life is better than hers, stop calling her at this
point, at least for a few weeks. This will pique her curiosity. Sooner or later she'll catch up to you,
usually within a few weeks. If more than 3-4 weeks go by you can contact her, but the best thing
to do is wait until you get the upper hand that comes from having her make contact. A week later
my phone rings:

Me: Hello.
Fox: Hi!!!! (There's that damn greeting again).

Me: How are you?

Fox: Great!! What about you?

Me: Not bad.

Fox: Where have you been all week?

Me: Just keeping busy.

Fox: So you're Mr. Popularity now! Speaking of that, how was your date last week?

Me: Better than expected.

Fox: Do tell!

Me: Now that wouldn't be very nice, would it? (Foxes love men who do not kiss and tell).

Fox: Aw, come on, I'm your friend!

Me: Well, let's just say it was a good date. I wound up living out one of my long-held fantasies, if
you must know. The details would probably be too graphic for you (this is a classic negative
selling technique. Most of the time the Fox will ignore the warning and dive right into your

Fox: Aw, come on! I'm a big girl!!

Me: You always struck me as the kid-sister type. Don't know how well you'd handle something
really hot...

Say it with a straight face, like she really is nothing more than a kid sister to you, a worldly man.
This is another upside of not approaching a Fox: she might think you want her, but if you deliver
this line convincingly enough you have gone on record as saying she is incapable of turning you
on. This is not something Foxes are used to hearing and they will snap into battle mode in

Fox: Aw, come on! I could seduce you if I wanted and you know it!

Me: Maybe some desperate guy, but not me. Hey, how was your evening last weekend?

Fox: Lousy!! So you really think I couldn't turn you on?

Me: Never thought of you that way, honest.

Call this the kid-sister approach. You ignore her sexuality completely, giving her the impression
she has none and is beneath you. Instinctively, she is going to respond to this attack on her
Foxhood. The Foxier she is, the more you will catch her off-guard. Despite the incredible
transparency of this approach, it works like a charm:

Fox: You've got a girlfriend! Who's the lucky girl? And tell me about the fantasy!

Me: You really want to know about my sex life? God, I feel like such a slut now...

Fox: Aw, come on!!

Me: Why should I tell you?

Fox: Ya never know. I'll try anything once, twice if I like it!!

Me: Get real! Like you'd really do this...

Fox: I don't have a burning desire to but I would like to hear it!

Me: Ah, the truth comes out! You don't even find me attractive!

Fox: I never said that! Stop twisting my words!

Me: Fine, but you just said you wouldn't be living out the fantasy. Why should I tell you then?
What am I gaining? You might laugh at me.

She wound up fulfilling the fantasy, but to make sure she followed through I conveyed at each
step along the way that I was assuming that she was teasing. I also had her act out the first parts
before she knew the entire fantasy. A basic principle of seduction is this: never satisfy a Fox's
curiosity without getting something in return. A Curious Fox is like a horny male, and often she
will not leave you alone until that curiosity has been satisfied. Advanced Foxhunters learn this
and also learn how to work curiosity into their seduction very smoothly. One line I have used
many times after driving a Fox crazy with curiosity is the price of your curiosity is my desire.
Seduction works best when it is indirect, unsolicited, and in response to a Fox's piqued curiosity.
If she stops nibbling at the bait, use one-and-done and await her return. If your return ratio is low,
consider using a better fantasy. The more natural the conversation, the more effective an indirect
seduction will be. A successful Foxhunter does not have to beg or sell himself. The less he does
to win over any specific Fox, the more convincing his attitude and the more successful his

The Fifth Date (Or Thereabouts)

The next time a Fox tells you she needs to get to know you better before sleeping with you, ask
yourself if she'd give the same line to Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson, some other dreamboat, or even
a taken man. Timetables are a function of the upper hand, not some desire to be patient. Men
use timetables late in a relationship, when they are already getting what they want, and Foxes
complain that it is unfair for a man to string them along for several years with the false hope of
marriage. If this is the case, it is equally unfair for a Fox to string a man along for several dates
with the false hope of sex, or even to string him along for several hours in conversation or extract
utility with the false hope of a date. I am against traditional dating until after a couple has had sex.
Hang out as much as you like with a Fox, but once you agree to date her, or ask her out, you are
giving her the power to audition you, make you jump through hoops, and cast you off as unworthy
while the spectators cheer her on.

You have the same power to cast her aside, but Foxes know from experience that few men will
ever use it. Those who do are the ones Foxes spend their time trying to win over, because they
see men who do not respect them as more worthy than those who do. If you decide to go the
courtship route, make sure you audition her as much as she is auditioning you, so she focuses
more on meeting your standards than on whether or not you meet hers. Some of your dates will
want you to try to have sex with them, and some won't. Knowing which ones will say yes and
which will say no is often very difficult to determine early on. Your behavior and the image you
project on your dates will also influence this decision. Restraint and even disinterest can pay
huge dividends. Some basic rules:

Put the date first. Schedule an interesting activity for your date, something you would do by
yourself, where the presence of a Fox is just icing on the cake. On the date you can ask her
about her interests and hobbies and then plan an evening to her liking for your second date. The
three main advantages of this type of date are as follows: a. You will be seen with a Fox, thus
improving your reputation; b. Even if the date doesn't go well, at least you did something you
enjoy; and c. By seeing you doing something you like, she will see you in a more positive light
than in a neutral environment.

Do not feed her ego. The only exception is if you want to go all the way and poetically declare
your undying love for her, which will occasionally net you a wife but more often than not will fail.
Personally, I prefer to just enjoy the date and keep my cards close to the vest. The best way to
separate yourself from the crowd is to treat her as if she were merely average. She might even
begin to doubt herself and try to win you over sexually. If that happens, be strong. Bring a
condom too.

Do not expect sex Haven't you heard? Wanting sex is bad! If you want sex you are a pervert!
Never mind that Foxes dress and act in a manner designed to get you to want sex, you are
supposed to take it off your mind completely! Once you show her that sex (with her) is the furthest
thing from your mind, she will reward you! This is not logical, but it will get you laid, so
who is to argue? 4. Remember that you are being auditioned.
Everything you say and do will be monitored by the Fox for hidden meanings and indications
about everything from what her friends will think of you to what her family will think of you to
whether or not you will be good in bed. She might think "Oh my God, a man who plays with his
food like that could never give me good head" or something equally irrational. The best way to
deal with the audition is to not try to win her over. Courtship is a ritual that has worked for
thousands of years and which will probably be around for thousands more, but to think that it is
the only way to get a Fox into bed, or even the best way, is simply wrong. Dating is a great way to
interact with Foxes, to build your reputation, and to have a good time if it's done right, but as a
path to sex it is nothing but an added hurdle. The bottom line is this: if a Fox truly desires you
sexually, you will not have to date her to close the deal. Considering the time and expense
involved in courtship, this is hardly insignificant.

The Counter-Timetable
Another trick to use when a relationship has not progressed as far as you would like. She begins
taking preemptive strikes, letting you know that an advance would still be unwelcome. You
recognize the window and pounce, but not directly, following her lead, letting her fall into the trap,
and then springing it shut:

Fox: I get so tired of guys who just want to get me into bed on the first date.

Me: Well, you can't blame a man for wanting a beautiful creature like yourself (Editor's Note:
gag!!), but I agree that men are way too forward about sex. It's like they are using sex to replace
some emotional void in their lives.

Fox: Tell me about it!!! My last boyfriend did that. I hate that! Stop! She is sending you a signal to
slow down. This is never a great thing, but it doesn't mean she doesn't want to have sex with you.
If she didn't want sex at all she'd be giving you the I-hate-it-when-friends-make- passes-at-me-
speech. This is the Timetable Speech, and requires different handling. The correct maneuver in
this situation is to use her own tactic, and to make sure your timetable is slower than hers. To wit:

Me: I know what you mean. I've had the same thing done to me. I'm old- fashioned and would
rather wait for marriage to have sex, but even if I don't wait that long I like to wait a year or
eighteen months. I like to make sure I love her before hopping in bed. People are so sexually
irresponsible these days. Well, would you like a quick bite to eat?

Make the hit, score the points, change the subject. She now knows that you will not be making a
move on her until the cows come home, and this is going to bother her because she cannot
torture you sexually. She will be surprised by a man who is more prudent than herself, and your
stock will rise. Once you make this viewpoint known, she knows that she is going to have to be
the one to initiate things if she doesn't want to wait forever. All these advantages have sprung
from your communicating to her that you are not sexually aggressive, something Foxes usually
have to prevent men from being, not the other way around. What can she do? All roads lead to

Dump you. For what? A guy who wants her in bed on the first date? Even if she dumps you, you
can take the sexual high ground and call her promiscuous. This sets the table for the Returning

Wait. If she wants you, she's not likely to tolerate your ridiculously extended timetable, but what
choice does she have? If she likes the relationship, as she does, she can't punish you for having
the attitude she claims to want men to have.

Cheat. A possibility, but this goes against her grain. You haven't given her a reason to cheat. If
anything, you have given her reason to think you might be husband material. Since you have
proven yourself, and since she really doesn't want to wait for sex in the first place, that leaves the
only logical option...

Seduce You. With your extended timetable, you become a challenge. As long as you can
remember that it's the challenge and not you they want, you'll do fine, assuming you can handle
being used by a Fox for cheap sex. Be brave!
Role reversal works wonders with Foxes. In some conversations I will suddenly start talking like a
stuck-up Fox, deriding non-Elites who can't take a hint, won't leave me alone, and want me
primarily for my body. I act indignant, sending out just enough signals to let her know I might be
kidding. Between their laughing at the novelty of the approach, and trying to figure out if I'm being
serious, a solid connection is established. The Counter-Timetable is believable because there are
many men out there who are sexually cautious, especially with all the emotional and medical risks
associated with sex. Nothing relaxes a Fox more than a man who doesn't want sex. This is so
appealing to her, that very often her instinctive reaction will be to have sex with you!

At Work
Be careful with this one. The moment you get involved with someone at work, act as if you no
longer have your job or any loyalty to the company. If you really want to push the envelope, throw
your workplace into a quandary by walking into the human resources department and saying
"Sorry, I have to resign because I'm dating a co-worker -- I mean a former co-worker!" If you don't
tell them who you are dating, it works even better! With all the concerns about sexual
harassment, the correct thing to do when a relationship begins at work is for one person to leave
their job, but with a labor shortage the company is not going to be pleased to lose a valuable
worker. Legal and ethical considerations aside, a Fox who makes a move on you at work is
usually pretty serious. She's been scoping you out, and without even realizing it you have passed
all of her tests. A few rules:

Never pursue. It's just not worth it. If she wants you, she will make a move. You don't need a
lawsuit, to get fired, and/or have your work history tarnished by being a pig. Pursuit is a low-
percentage play no matter what.

Take it outside. As quickly as possible. If someone from work truly is interested in you, she will
have no objection to meeting away from work. This way, if a relationship develops, it will be on
personal time. Keep your working relationships as friendly as possible and do not gossip. The
best posturing technique for accomplishing this is to hang out at a place near work after your day
is finished and to let people know where you can be found.
Foxes who don't make explicit moves on you at work are not worth bothering with. Keep them as
friends, use them to build your reputation on your lunch hour or after work, practice indirect
seduction on them if you want, but mixing business with pleasure can backfire. One advantage of
a restrained approach at work gives you is that you can see firsthand how much posturing pays
off. You have a wonderful network of Friendly Foxes at your disposal, and often they have friends
and relatives. Tap into these powerful networks. To truly understand how to behave around
Foxes at work, imagine for a moment that you are a centerfold photographer. In the television
show Just Shoot Me, one of the lead characters is the magazine's photographer, a successful
Foxhunter. Make an unwanted move on a centerfold and your career is burnt toast; on the other
hand, be respectful and occasionally the centerfold will wind up making a move on you. The
same can be said for men who work in bars and clubs, coffeehouses, stores, or any job that puts
them in close proximity to Foxes.

In Chapter 13 I will discuss the role of jobs in Foxhunting in greater depth. For now, just
remember the Golden Rule of Foxhunting on the job or at her job: Assume she is not interested in
you in the slightest, that she is being nice to you only because she has to, unless she gives you a
very clear reason to believe otherwise. The common thread in this chapter is closing the deal
from one step away. This is the point where a Fox will decide you are worthy of sex. As long as
you do not give her reason to halt your progress, she usually won't. Sometimes, however, she will
test or tease you to see if you lose your cool; when this happens it is essential to respond like a
mature Foxhunter would and pull back, point out that she is a tease, and regroup. Sometimes she
will come back and sometimes she will not. Of the times Foxes have wanted to have sex with me,
more often than not it was a Returning Fox or Fantasy Fox.

The best attitude to take with every Fox you meet is as follows:

You are a man with many sexual options;

You are very capable of bringing a Fox to sexual ecstasy; and

The Fox you are talking to (her) simply does not interest you or is not your only option.
A man can make himself as unapproachable as a Fox just by being civil and putting up a brick

The Necessary Attitude For Seduction

Every man starts out a virgin. Unless you are young, you might not want to admit to being one to
a Fox, although this can be appealing if she is sexually restrained. If you are inexperienced, this
is going to hinder you because you won't be fully aware of what you are trying to accomplish. It
helps to repeatedly envision yourself having sex with a Fox, preferably in a scenario where you
take the lead. The less you worry about your inexperience, the less it will be an issue, but sexual
technique is a large part of seduction. I urge you strongly to develop your sexual technique if you
find yourself running into brick walls late in the game. Work your way up slowly if you have to, but
work your way up. If you aren't confident of your ability to please a Fox, she won't be either.
Sadly, men have to be indirect and covert to succeed, because this is the behavior that Foxes
reward. Except for men with high CUPID ratings, who can do just about anything and get laid,
courtship is biased in favor of Foxes.

The notion that a man can turn the tables and get the upper hand with Foxhunting is unsettling to
them. Even though you may wind up pursuing on occasion, if you have viable alternatives you will
pursue less often, in higher-percentage situations, and this alone will make you appear to be
more discriminating, which will help your reputation and your Foxhunting. Your ability to remain
calm in a sexual situation with a Fox, and knowing what to do with an opportunity, are going to
influence your success rate. I know men who are so preoccupied with getting Foxes to talk to
them or date them that they don't even dare think ahead to the bedroom. Sexual technique is
beyond the scope of this book, but that doesn't mean that it is not essential. If you are lacking in
this area, I suggest you begin devoting as much time as possible to its study, perhaps practicing
on a few non-Elites until you are completely comfortable sexually and relatively skilled. There is
no substitute for experience, but even Don Juan had to start somewhere.

Chapter Twelve:

Dating Foxes

My first real date occurred when I was fifteen years old. I was unaware it was a date until, in a fit
of attraction, I kissed her goodbye on the lips. I didn't even realize until recently that throughout
high-school I had regularly dated the same Fox, when I tabulated my life experience and noticed
that from the middle of tenth grade, through the moment I graduated, that she was the only Fox I
had dated more than once. I then tallied up the number of dates we went on and found that it was
close to thirty or forty. At the time it didn't seem impressive, but when I hear about what other
young men go through, my results were much better than I had realized. I never had sex with my
"girlfriend," since she had an older man for that, but by no means were we just friends. You don't
kiss your friends goodbye on the lips every time you go out with them. I knew of my First Fox's
boyfriend while we were going out, and it never really occurred to me that by kissing her goodbye
I was probably over the boundaries of their relationship, but he never hunted me down and she
was having sex with him, so I doubt he cared much or even knew. His presence put restrictions
on our physical activity, but did not stop it completely.

In retrospect, it was a very positive experience to be able to take a Young Fox out on a regular
basis without the sexual pressure that often results. When that relationship fizzled, I found myself
a freshman in college, free of romantic entanglements, and with a solid amount of dating
experience under my belt. Fast-forward to today: I date rarely, always with a purpose, and only
advantageously. I know how to conduct a date from start to finish, and usually the sexual issues
with the Fox I am dating are resolved long before we go out. I have come full-circle, making sure I
enjoy my dates now as much as I did when I took my First Fox to lunch at a nice NYC restaurant
(a sit-down one with waiter service, price range $15-20 at the time), and then to see the premier
of the movie Poltergeist. Of all the time I have spent with Foxes, that movie still is in the top five,
and nothing happened beyond a goodbye kiss. I was just enjoying the moment of having picked a
surprisingly good movie, and the combination of a fine meal, a fine film, and an even Finer Fox
made the afternoon of Friday, June 4, 1982 a memorable one. Thank you, Christine.

Dating is not about sexual pressure, but the date itself: where to go and what to do. Why you are
dating is not an issue for the date, and distracts from your enjoyment of the date. Once you have
agreed to date a Fox, accept the date for what it is: a date! If you have any expectations that the
date will lead to sex, forget them. The time to talk about the "more" is before a date, not during it,
and especially not at the end of it. Forget what you have read about dating being the most
common path to the bedroom; it is not. The quickest path to seduction is to make a Fox want to
have sex with you; dating her is no guarantee whatsoever that you have accomplished this. If you
are scared to discuss sex with a Fox, that is a sign that you don't know how to seduce her, or that
you fear rejection and want to keep hope alive. Foxhunting totally separates dating and sex. If all
a Fox wants from me is a date, I assume that the relationship is not going any further. I do this
because making this distinction puts the ball squarely in her court. By not pursuing her, not giving
her a chance to reject me, and by being an interesting date, she becomes the rejected one. Even
if she has not made a move, she sees this act of omission as an attack on her femininity.
Ever hear the phrases women love a challenge or women want what they can't have? They are
spoken for a reason. The man who is reserved on a date and is obviously a man who can get laid
whenever he wants is in a very powerful position with the woman he is "ignoring." Dating factors
include the level and nature of the interaction you have had with a Fox prior to The Date, and this
will dictate your actions both in planning the date and on the date. Also important is the type of
Fox you will be dating: The Returning Fox It is admittedly bold to get a Returning Fox to agree to
sex, but getting her to date you is child's play. If she has rejected you in the past, and is now
approaching you for any reason, treat it like a green light to ask her out. But remember the one-
and-done rule. The only reason you suspended it in this situation is that she cleaned the slate by
returning. In fact, she approached you knowing that you wanted her. Once I noticed the trend that
is the Returning Fox, my fear of rejection disappeared totally. When a Fox rejects me for a date
now, I think of the day she will return and the wonderful position that will put me in.

What do you do when a Returning Fox calls you out of the blue "just to say hi?" You know there's
more to it than this, and this knowledge gives you bargaining power, more than you ever might
have at any other point if you play your cards properly. Think of an ex-boss who asks you back to
work after firing you. Even if the Returning Fox rejects your offer, that still doesn't change the fact
that she returned, and as long as you don't chase her if she leaves, she can return yet again to
replay the scenario with your position even stronger next time around. If you want a simple, direct
approach for a Returning Fox, try the following:

Fox: Hi!!!!

Me: Who's this?

Fox: Aw come on!

Me: Why are you bothering me now?

Fox: I wasn't bothering you! I was just saying hi!!

Warning: A Fox never contacts someone "just to say hi." Not when there are unresolved sexual
issues from the past. Remember how Foxes who tell you never to contact them again treat you if
you call them "just to say hi." Sauce for the goose...

Me: Sure, and if I had contacted you when you didn't want me to, you'd be filing for a restraining
order. Please get lost.

Fox: Aw come on!! I wouldn't do that! If I'm bothering you, I'll go.

Me: Don't let the phone hit you on the way out.

Fox: Arrrrghhh!! Men!! Slam!!

Don't worry, she'll call back. If she doesn't, I have lost nothing. She will likely call me back for
whatever she was going to contact me for (probably to give me another opportunity to beg for a
date), and now because I represent a challenge to her. The phone rings again:

Me: Hello?

Fox: Why are you so mean to me? [She would like to thank...]

Me: I'm not. You rejected me! Remember that?

Fox: That was then and this is now. Aren't you happy to hear from me?
Me: Sure!! Nothing like being rejected and having her return to twist the knife!

Fox: Aw come on!! I'm not rejecting you!

Me: Are you saying you'd like to go out on a date?

Fox: I didn't say that.

Me: Exactly. Click! Next time she calls, securing the date is easy:

Me: Hello?

Fox: Will you please be nice to me? [...her producer, her co-stars...]

Me: You had your chance and blew it. Scram!

Fox: Are you saying you wouldn't go out with me again?

Me: What do you mean again? We never went out!

Fox: Oh yeah, that's right. Silly me!!(giggles)

Me: Exactly. We're done. I've moved on. You sound like a mindless bimbo, by the way.

Fox: Thanks!!! (giggles) Even if you knew I'd say yes you wouldn't ask me out?

Me: No. You'll have to ask me out and pay for the date. I'll be holding my breath until you say yes
(I say this with sarcasm).

Milk the upper hand! You don't have to be hard-nosed, and can just ask her out normally, or you
can tell her that you won't talk to her because you have a policy of not talking to Foxes who have
rejected you, or whatever you feel comfortable with. No matter how you slice it, you have the
upper hand with a Returning Fox. How you choose to play it is entirely up to you.

The Fantasy Fox

In the last chapter I talked about indirect seduction as a way of getting a Fox to imagine herself
having sex with you. It works even better if all you are trying for is a date. The downside is that a
date is less of a reward than sex, but with that reduced reward also comes a reduced risk. Even if
your posturing is successful and makes the Fantasy Fox want to date you, there is still the sexual
hurdle to clear. Using indirect methods to get the Fantasy Fox to want to go out with you requires
that you:

Don't be obvious. Indirect seduction only works well if you keep it indirect. For this to happen, you
can't expect results from any one Fox, or at any one time, but know internally that your words are
having their desired effect. Foxes are mistresses of keeping a poker face even when their
emotions run deep. The Fox who very coolly asks you for the details of your date may run home
and gush to her friends about what a great date you'd be after you have conveyed this impression
with your smooth words.
Make the date you describe interesting. The more creative, the better. Your goal in describing
your date to a potential Fantasy Fox is to get her to inject herself into the date as the female lead.
Don't be afraid to be a little more provocative than usual when describing the date.

Don't repeat yourself. Concerned the Fox didn't get the message first time? She did. Remember
the one-and-done rule and don't worry about her reaction.
You cannot tell immediately what her cards are if she chooses not to show them. If you harp on
your message, she will see it as propaganda. A man who is having sex with a Fox isn't going to
be too concerned with what other Foxes think of him. Convey the attitude that the Fox you are
talking to means nothing to you, while the Fox you are describing means the world. If you have
ever heard a Fox you wanted describe the perfect man to you, you'll know the feeling. Sauce for
the goose... Reputation is everything. Most Foxes deny it, but your perceived popularity will frame
their initial opinion of you. Men are terrible when it comes to maintaining their reputations. They
think as long as no one dislikes them that this is going to mean that Foxes will want them, when
in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

A sexual reputation is not the same as a general reputation. Developed properly, it is all you will
need to Foxhunt. A Fox who already believes you are successful will pay very close attention to
what you do with other Foxes, and if she likes what she hears she will begin to want to be the one
you treat this way. To reinforce this opinion, avoid propaganda and mention only that you are
dating someone. Leave it to the Foxes to prod the details out of you. Following is a sample dialog
of how this might work out in practice:

Fox: Tell me about your date!!

Me: Not sure if I should.

Fox: Aw come on!!! (Foxes may not all be alike, but they sure sound it sometimes).

Me: What if you don't like it? I wouldn't want you to think I was a lousy date.

Fox: Aw come on!!! I'm sure I'll like it.

Me: You can't say that until I tell you, and by then it will be too late. Since you are so curious I'll
tell you, but I take no responsibility for your reaction.

Fox: Okay.

Me: I made her greet me at the door with a French kiss while wearing the sexiest outfit she owns.
I brought groceries, made dinner, we drank a bottle of wine, listened to some jazz, and then I
gave her a massage. Want to know what happened after that?

Fox: Yes!!

Me: I bet you do!

Then I smile and end the conversation, temporarily cashing out to avoid overstepping and do not
describe the date further. I let the information sink into her mind. If she presses for more info, I
rebuff her. If she shows an interest in me, I call her on it and ask her why she's so curious. If she
admits her interest, I might pursue her; if she says nothing, the conversation moves on, but her
opinion of me will have changed. A more conservative conversation along these lines might go
like this:

Fox: Tell me about your date!!

Me: What's there to tell? It was just a date.

Fox: Not too good, huh?

Me: Oh, it went well. But it was just a date.

Fox: Where'd you take her?

Me: We went to a coffeehouse, and then to dinner. After that we went for a walk in the park and

Fox: So what happened? Are you going to see her again?

Me: Not sure. She's nice and all but kinda boring. I like sharp minds.

Fox: I have a sharp mind!! (A mind with an SAT score of 720 combined...)

Me: Yes, but I wasn't dating you, was I?

Fox: Not this time!!

In most cases she won't inject herself immediately. With indirect seduction, you can't count on
anything except your reputation improving if you do it right. The less intense you are about
discussing the Foxes in your life, the more believable you will be. A successful Foxhunter takes
the ability to get dates for granted, as do Foxes. By adopting what is essentially their attitude to
dating, Foxes will see you as worthy. This is similar to the difference between trying to get your
first job in an industry as opposed to having been successful in that industry for several years.

The Available And Interested Fox

About the only time it is wise to pursue a Fox for a date is when she is available and interested.
Otherwise, make her a Friendly Fox and use her to build your reputation, let the clock tick until
she becomes available and pursue her then, and use indirect methods in the meantime. It's one
thing to pursue a Fox out of the blue; they tend to find this offensive if they are taken. On the
other hand, if an available Fox makes first contact, this is an "open three." A positive response to
an approach by you is not like a green light, because she could just be civil rather than interested,
but even then it is still acceptable to ask if she is available. Some Foxes like to flirt and back down
only when the guy calls them on it. This is especially true of Utility Foxes, although some will
resort to dating and even consider dating a utility for getting free evenings out. This is the main
reason I am loathe to put expectations into my dates -- too many added hurdles.

The most common sequence of events that leads me to ask out an Available and Interested Fox
is as follows:

She has approached me for conversation, or in response to a gimmick (like if I am sitting in a

coffeehouse with a tarot-card deck and she wants a reading);

I find out she is available (easy on the internet).

At this point I ask for the date, and do not care if she says yes or no. If she accepts, I plan the
date cautiously because I made first contact, and if she declines, I forget she exists and move on,
knowing there is a chance that she will become a Returning Fox. By doing this I maximize the
rewards while minimizing risk. Ask a Fox out without knowing if she is taken, and most of the time
you will be shot down with the excuse. There's no point in putting yourself at risk like this
unnecessarily. No Fox will punish you for pursuing her once. If she does, call her a tease and
forget her. If she is a tease, she will respect you for seeing through her, and is more likely to
become a Returning Fox. If she says she didn't realize she was coming across as a tease, call
her a liar or tell her to be more careful in the future, act indignant, like your time was wasted, and
then forget her instantly! Foxes may complain about persistent men but they can't stand being
forgotten. Put yourself in the Fox's position for a moment. If she's having a good conversation
with you, she will see it as a sign of confidence if you ask her out without appearing desperate or
eager. She will be flattered by the invitation, and if you handle any rejection properly you have
nothing to worry about. It gets complicated when she accepts the date, because you have taken
things to the next level without reaching the bedroom. The only solution to the complications is to
reach the point where you can conduct an entire seduction flawlessly. This will not happen
overnight and requires skilled effort.

Romantic Conversations With Foxes

If you have a general discussion about relationships with a Fox, don't be surprised if things take a
sudden turn for the personal. A good roundabout way to test the dating waters with a Fox is to
talk about dating her without actually asking her out. I've had many conversations where I've
secured dates this way. Once you get the hang of it you have a useful tactic:

Me: I know where I would take you on a first date.

Fox: But I don't want to go out with you!

Me: I know that. But I still know where I'd take you. Technically, I never asked her out. At the
same time, I put the thought in her mind, letting her know I had an evening planned. By not telling
her my plans, I piqued her curiosity. Closing the deal can be surprisingly easy from this point:

Fox: Oh, and where's that?

Me: Why should I tell you? You just told me you don't want to go out with me!

Fox: Aw come on!!

Me: Come on what?

Fox: Tell me!!

Me: Please, you said we weren't going out.

Fox: Maybe I was lying!

Me: Oh, like I want a liar raising my children....

Fox: Children!? I don't want to marry you!

Me: Guess there's no need to date then...

Fox: Aw come on!!!

Me: Why should I? You called off our wedding! Why date?

Fox: I might change my mind!

Me: Let me know when you do. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. If she presses further, try this:

Fox: Aw come on, tell me!

Me: I told you, if you change your mind, I'll show you, not tell you. Better yet, if you are that
curious, meet me at Winston's on Friday at 8:00 p.m. sharp and don't be late.

This is a derivative of the Fantasy Fox technique. You never actually ask her out, saying only that
you'd know where to take her on a date. She takes that as an offer to go out with you, but one
that she prodded from you. That flow from a general conversation to a personal one in this
fashion is common. The window of opportunity is created by the first remark ("I know where I
would take you on a first date"), and even the request for a date is presented as a rhetorical
statement which dares the Fox to reject you. If she accepts the dare, use one-and-done, await
her return, and continue Foxhunting. A roundabout method similar to this one is to ask the Fox
about what she likes to do on dates, where she likes to go, who should make the plans, and so
forth. Many Foxes like to leave everything up to the man as a test. The better your planning, the
better your results.

The Flirting Fox

A gray area which occurs when a Fox is flirting with you but leaves it to you to make the next
move. Sometimes she wants you to make the first move, if only to shoot you down. On the other
hand, her flirting with you puts you one step away from dating her. How I deal with a Flirting Fox
depends on everything from who she is, to how I met her, to who made first contact, to my whim.
Once you have enough Foxes, New Foxes become expendable and flirting becomes easy. The
most effective response to flirting is to ignore it. This rejection-by-omission will cause the Fox to
move on or up the ante to win you over. In either case, she will feel as if she were sexually
inferior to you because she couldn't make you respond to her, and by ignoring her you have
avoided risk. Another clever way of dealing with a Flirting Fox is to act like she's a tease, and a
good one. If she's a tease, she will respect you for seeing through her, and if she's not, she'll
have to up the ante. A status quo of flirting is not good for a Foxhunter, because it is not his
primary goal (sex is). It behooves the Foxhunter to take steps to move the flirtation along to the
point where it stops or converts into something real.

After I have ignored a Flirting Fox, if she presses the issue I make one aggressive move to test

Fox: That's just another of your many fine qualities.

Me: Would you like to go out on a date sometime? (Find out first if they are available).

Fox: Sure!! If she doesn't say yes, the flirtation ends, and she is forgotten until she returns. My
time is not wasted, and she is not able to string me along. I have seen men hem, haw, and tap-
dance around a direct overture for months, when they could have gotten their answer in seconds
or minutes.

The Concession Fox

Some Foxes feel threatened or are offended by Foxhunters. They are used to having the upper
hand with men, and their lack of power over a Foxhunter makes them uneasy. Even if I am totally
in lust with a Fox, I refuse to let her take advantage of me. If I lose her because I didn't do what
she wanted, so be it. It's okay to lose a Fox, but it is not okay to lose your dignity. If you have to
beg for what you want, odds are you never had a chance of getting it. A Concession Fox has
taken direct issue with your Foxhunting, and thinks that you should seek a deeper relationship.
No longer a desperate loser who has to beg for a date, you become a player in need of taming.
Concession Foxes usually have designs on you, except they don't want to meet your standards.
They like the challenge of proving how special they are by taming you.

The Foxhunter who wants to get married or be monogamous can enter from this point on
favorable terms, for it is the Fox who is trying to win him over. Ironically, Foxhunters became so
difficult only after being rejected for what the Foxes later try to get them to concede! Foxes will
make you beg if they think you have no alternatives, but they wind up begging you if they think
you can do better. Those are the rules, and I didn't write them. I just know how to exploit them.
One sample dialog is all it takes to illustrate how to court a Concession Fox:

Fox: Doesn't it bother you to use women the way you do?

Me: I make them very happy!!

Fox: Wouldn't you rather just make one happy instead of using many for sex?

Me: Since when is sex meaningless? Look, if I found someone I wanted to marry, I'd consider it,
but I'm not going to jerk off in a closet until it happens.

Fox: Aw come on!!! There are many nice women out there!

Me: I know there are. But either they don't want to marry me, or I don't want to marry them. Sex
without love just seems to work for me. Why fix what isn't broke?

Fox: Think of what you are missing out on!!

Me: You mean paying for dates and constantly having to prove myself? No thanks. I can't stand
dating unless it's with someone I'm already having sex with.

Fox: Can't you just date without having sex for a change?

Me: I'm sure there are a few I'd consider it with, but I don't see them beating a path to my door.

Fox: Silly! You have to ask them!

Me: I do not have to ask them. What's the matter? Mad I'm not begging you for a date?

Fox: Okay, truth be told, I would go out with you if I didn't think you would use me and dump me.
But you're a player! (Much better than being called "too nice").

Me: So you are saying if I acted like a gentleman with you, you'd date me?

Fox: Yes.

Me: Here's your chance: I'll pick you up Friday at 7. Dress elegantly.

Fox: Ummm.... If she tries to weasel out, just say this:

Me: Thanks anyway, would have been fun. Bye.

Fox: Okay okay!!

Checkmate! I have conceded what I used to beg for. All I have to do on the date is act like a
gentleman and not turn her on too much, not make a move, and just show her a good time. If I
respect her timetable, she is likely to shorten it. Having convinced her that I can handle myself in
bed, and that I can be a gentleman, more often than not she is going to want me. From that point
it becomes a matter of closing the deal. If a Concession Fox suggests you try normal dating, the
burden is on her to produce someone for you or date you herself. Remind her that you are
content with Foxhunting, which puts the burden on her to offer a better alternative or stop
complaining. You will score points, either by refuting her argument or by taking her on a date and
showing her your more civilized side. Many men I have taught Foxhunting to wind up cashing out
favorable terms such as these.

The Friendly Fox (Now The PIVOT)

You may know it's not a date, and she may know it, but others will assume you are a couple. The
Foxier your friend, the greater the boon to your reputation. Friendly Foxes are easy to
accumulate, and work wonders for your reputation. Avoid overstepping and you have a vital
resource. The rules for interacting with a Friendly Fox are relatively simple:

No sex. Not even the hint of sexual interest. What will separate you from the other men in your
Friendly Fox's life is that she feels comfortable with you, knowing that you would not make an
advance at her. The more interesting she finds you, the more likely she will have sex with you.

Go Dutch. My only exception to this rule is when the Friendly Fox knows I am dating her to build
my reputation, in which case I offer her my company and a free evening out in return for her help.

Be visible. You want people to see you with your Friendly Foxes so that your reputation is
enhanced. Regular hangouts are good, though that crowd will figure out more quickly that your
Fox is just a friend. Take her instead somewhere you go only with her, so that the people who
see you there assume you are a couple. Down the road, when you visit the place again, your
reputation will precede you.
Friendly Foxes provide quality access to other Foxes, and you come Fox-approved. Compare this
with professing your love for a Friendly Fox and her seeing you as a desperate loser who cannot
take a hint. Foxes spend a disturbing amount of time humiliating men they deem unworthy. It
reveals a side of their behavior that is psychologically abusive and something which men should
keep in mind when they think of Foxes as nice creatures. The preceding examples represent
ways you can wind up dating a Fox, and how dates can materialize from what appears to be an
innocent conversation. Instead of a date with a Fox being something you obsess over, it is a
natural part of your life. Foxes will assume that you have dates whenever you want them, see you
as desirable, and treat you as a winner who can get laid anytime he wants instead of a loser who

Notice in the examples I give that the Foxes often function very poorly when you move beyond
their scripting. Foxes are not very good at improvising. A man who can get a Fox to converse can
often persuade her to do something she swore she wouldn't. By no means have I covered every
possible situation. This was not my intent. My goal is to explain Foxhunting and give the reader
something he can use to improve his love life. One thing you should keep in mind is that partial
application of those principles will almost always fail. Progress can set you up for a bigger
disaster down the road if you don't follow through properly. This is why it is crucial to never let up,
to hold your ground, and to continue Foxhunting even after you think you no longer have to. The
moment you stop doing what got you ahead, you fall behind

Chapter Thirteen:

Meeting Foxes

Seduction begins with a meeting. Successful Foxhunters go from meeting a Fox to having sex
with her quickly and with minimal effort. Even if they choose to take their time, it is the ability to
capitalize on the window of opportunity created by a meeting that defines a Foxhunter. Your first
impression sets the tone for the entire game. Get off to a good start, and you have it made; mess
up early and your chances suffer. For Foxhunters, the game begins long before meeting; how
well you prepare yourself for the Foxhunt greatly influences your results. The problem of meeting
Foxes is a sham one. The real problem is not meeting Foxes, for we do this all the time, but
getting the Foxes to respond. Their decision to respond or not is influenced by the meeting and
how you present and conduct yourself; in other words, who you are and how you behave.

Here are some factors which will influence the number of Foxes you cross paths with:

Where You Live

The ideal place for a Foxhunter to live is in a big-city apartment building where Foxes outnumber
men. Look for slightly expensive, secure apartment buildings, the kind Foxes seek out when they
live in big cities, especially if these buildings are near universities or other areas with large
concentrations of young singles. I happen to have lived in such a building for over a decade, but
not because of Foxhunting. Since I live near three universities, anywhere I reside will put me in
Fox-heavy territory. You cannot walk outside where I live without encountering scores of Foxes.
Upper-class neighborhoods make poor Foxhunting grounds, as most of the Foxes are either
Golddigging or Taken Foxes. Stick to the hip areas and areas popular with young people, and
then go for the best apartment buildings or houses in those neighborhoods. The more Foxes who
live in close proximity, the better. Some apartment buildings have up to 1,000 residents, and this
will improve your chances over a rural area where your next-door neighbor is a mile away. Living
near Fox-heavy hangouts is recommended, especially if you patronize them regularly and get to
know the Regular Foxes. Meet enough of them and you will have no problems stacking a party in
your favor. Choose where you live very carefully, considering the impact on your Foxhunting. If
you are in a big-city and take a two-bedroom apartment, you have a guest room that can be used
at any time. This is a good way for a wealthy Foxhunter to convert his wealth into opportunity
without having to spend money on individual Foxes.

Example: a two-bedroom apartment in New York City costs about $500-1,000 a month more than
a one-bedroom. Spend that money and you have the ability to throw parties, a place for Foxes to
stay with you rent-free (if you are going to be giving them material goods in return for their
company you might as well work it to your advantage), and if you can make your apartment Fox-
Friendly (i.e., clean, well- furnished, and appealing), you will be way ahead of your competition. If
you build it, they will come. An example of creative Foxhunting would be to use the extra
bedroom mentioned in the previous paragraph as a massage room, and you can get a good
massage table for less than $500.00. A course in massage will cost you anywhere from $500-
5,000 depending on the school, and after you have completed it you can put your skills into
practice. The mere presence of the massage room would lend itself to indirect pursuit, and a Fox
who sees the room and is not asked to visit it may just propose the idea on her own, especially if
she believes another Fox already visits there. This is another example of how you can often skip
the dating and pursuit hurdles with the right preparation. Your home is your lair, your domain.

You can count on being judged on the basis of it. Find an Honest Fox to give you feedback. If you
want to use free housing to lure Foxes, I'm not going to tell you not to, but I have to say it is a
very good utility angle if you can afford it. It's also nice to have more space than your rivals. More
important than the quality of your home is its location, and its access to Foxes. I would rather
have an average home in a great location than a great home in an average location. How you
furnish a home is more important than where it is or what it is made of.

Where You Work

All jobs are not created equal. When we think of how a man's job affects his love life, we focus on
prestige and income. A strong argument can be made that income and prestige are secondary to
the access to Foxes your job provides. I know many waiters who are not wealthy but have little
trouble Foxhunting because their work gives them premium access. Other men have work
schedules which allow them to hook up more easily due to flexible or off-hours. Status is
important, but the man who already has status should work on giving himself greater access,
perhaps even taking a job exclusively for this purpose. Some jobs, like those in retail, put you in
constant contact with Foxes. Others, like centerfold photographer, put you in one-on-one, intimate
contact with super-Elites. Still other jobs, especially party or club-oriented ones like bartender or
DJ, will put you in Foxland with a degree of power and status. The Wall Street Journal once did a
piece on how Foxes across America have the hots for UPS couriers, citing their reliability and
uniforms as major turn-ons. One Athletic Fox had it written into her contract with a sneaker
company that she was to receive a new pair every two weeks, delivered via UPS, and later
married the driver.

Though not for everyone, there are a number of female-dominated professions where men are
beginning to make inroads. Take a job in one of them, where looks are often the primary hiring
consideration, and you will find yourself surrounded by Foxes. Bank tellers, secretaries
(especially in law, accounting, finance, and the executive level) and others who wear pink collars
will find themselves surrounded by Foxes at work. Having been a secretary myself, I noticed that
wherever I worked, I found myself outnumbered by Foxes, and it was the same almost
everywhere. It was like the beer commercials, with loser guys surrounded by Foxes, and the
Foxes had subservient relationships to their male superiors. I lost my taste for what I now call
office whores because dating one usually means having to deal with too much rival attention from
her workplace. Also, who wants a woman whose primary purpose in life is to be an ornament for
the men she works with?

Where You Hang Out

Foxhunting time is precious: do not waste it. Imagine for a moment that you are at a party with
five other men and fifty Drunk Foxes. Now imagine that you are at a Star Trek convention where
the population is ninety percent male and there is nary a Fox in sight. Fox-heavy environments
are essential to success. Men of means can create these environments at will. In fact, it doesn't
even take that much money to throw a decent party. Your own Fox Nest, a few hundred or
thousand dollars to blow, and some Friendly Foxes will go a long way. Use your money
strategically, not tactically, i.e., to improve your overall chances without wasting it on any one
Fox. A Successful Foxhunter makes note of Fox-Heavy and Fox-Friendly hangouts. Conscious of
the importance of hangouts, he gravitates over time to the most lucrative Foxhunting grounds.
Once he has crossed the barrier to where he is always in the company of Foxes, his popularity
begins to feed on itself.

Hangouts fall into two primary categories:

Short-term. Any place that you will not be frequenting regularly can be considered a short-term
hangout. It takes a high CUPID rating and good technique to succeed in a short-term
environment. It helps to take an aggressive approach. I am much more likely to approach a Fox in
a short-term hangout than a long-term hangout, where I would rely on posturing instead. Take a
well-bred, well-groomed pet to a park, play a guitar in a coffeehouse, or sit with a tarot deck and
you can become the center of attention anywhere. If you don't have a gimmick, get one or miss
out on short-term opportunity. Foxhunters need to take their business seriously.
Long-term. Long-term hangouts include anywhere you park yourself on a regular basis for an
extended period of time. You will get to know most of the other regulars, the owner, and your
reputation will develop and spread like wildfire. Build the right reputation and you have it made;
build the wrong one and you can easily wind up doomed. Since first impressions are important, it
helps to be seen with a Fox the first few times you frequent a long-term hangout. Gimmicks and
utility also go a long way towards getting the ball rolling.
Who You Hang Out With (Now Called WINGMEN)
So obvious, yet so overlooked. If your sole mission in life is to Foxhunt, who you associate with
will impact your results. I realized this when in 1991 I began spending time with a Foxhunter. I
literally did not spend a day without running into one or more of his groupies. I even wound up
having to keep them occupied while he was busy, usually off chasing more Foxes. This man kept
several Foxes off the market simultaneously. Because of this friendship, my stock rose and my
access increased tremendously. I found this coattail effect to be surprising and amusing, but also
very real. Hanging out with Foxhunters is easy to do. A Foxhunter is not usually going to brush
you off or be stuck up if you don't interfere. The rules of utility and gimmicks apply. Although in
later years I was able to replace these men with Friendly Foxes and reputation-building platonic
dates (I have few male friends and always Foxhunt alone now), I can say that any man who is
stuck should consider becoming close friends with a successful Foxhunter and observe. The
research will be insightful, enjoyable, and you will meet many Foxes along the way. Ultra-serious
Foxhunters can take this concept to the extreme and do things like become a roadie for
successful bands, like one of my friends once did. He reaped enormous benefits from that

What You Drive

A very important factor, but having grown up in the heart of Manhattan, and having lived in large
cities for all but one of my three-plus decades, I have never needed a car. For what it costs to
keep a car standing still in Philadelphia (close to $5,000 a year), I could hire a limousine once a
week, or take a thousand taxi rides. A car is not worth it for a big-city dweller, especially those
with limited funds. Few big-ticket items depreciate faster than a car, and few are more expensive
to maintain. If you find yourself with an automobile, Foxes will be judging you on it. My primary
transportation -- a $350.00 pair of Rocer inline skates -- serves me very well, especially in the
summer, where on a typical weekend skate I might cross paths with several hundred Foxes. Men
who drive expensive cars have a wonderful gimmick at their disposal...for attracting Golddigging
Foxes, who correctly assume that any man who would piss away $50,000 or more on a car is a
spender. Golddigging Foxes are merciless when it comes to money, not caring if they bankrupt
one man, because they can just move on to the next, and the next, and so on. Keep your car in
good condition, with a clean and comfortable interior and a nice exterior. If I had to choose a car
for myself, I would opt for a well-preserved, used car like a Buick, but I'm not that fond of cars
beyond their ability to get me from Point A to Point B. One thing I can say is that if you live
anywhere that requires a car, you are in an area that is not Fox- heavy.

Your CUPID Rating

The higher your CUPID rating, the easier it will be to break the ice or have it broken for you by
Foxes. If your approaches are not successful, this leaves plenty of time to improve your CUPID
rating. The long-term benefits of are worth the effort. Your prospects will improve the most if you
improve in the following categories: looks, money, brains, and personality. For groupie appeal,
pile as many points as possible onto your strongest category. I have no sympathy for men who
leave gaping holes in their CUPID rating and then complain about poor results. It's one thing to
be born with something you cannot change, but any obstacle you can remove with effort is worth
the time and energy. To not make this effort is to say that you are happy with your results, have
no further room for improvement, or that you just don't want to succeed badly enough. None of
these attitudes are tolerable.

Your Attitude
Foxhunting uses maximum effort at maximum efficiency to obtain maximum results with minimal
risk. Deviate from this principle and your batting average will decline. It is impossible to eliminate
failure, but it is possible to minimize risk. Avoid desperation, giving Foxes the upper hand, be
patient and disciplined, and walk away whenever your instincts tell you to. Project confidence, but
try not to assume that any Fox is a sure thing. If she senses you are expecting too much she will
reject you on principle. Foxhunters are desirable men with superior options to any Fox they are
talking to. Do not feed their massive egos!! Lose your cool when things aren't going your way and
you lose everything. Foxes love to test men for resolve. When all seems lost, keep your cool and
hold your ground, and the tide will turn in your favor. Do not display anything inconsistent with you
being a Foxhunter: wait out the dry spells, and do not panic. No one is going to believe you are
well-fed if you act like you are starving.

The singlemost powerful Foxhunting tool is the gimmick. A gimmick is anything that causes Foxes
to approach you. Another term for a gimmick is chick magnet. A successful gimmick yields a
bottomless pit of Foxes, an endless supply that can be replenished at will. Despite claims to the
contrary, Foxes tend to think and act alike, and you can be reasonably certain that a gimmick
which works with ten Foxes will work with ten thousand. I have already mentioned a few
gimmicks, but those are suited to my personality and style. Without knowing you, I cannot tell you
which gimmick to use, but it is absolutely essential to have one. A gimmick is a resource to draw
upon whenever your Fox supply is dwindling. When I am approached by a Fox interested in my
gimmick, I hold the upper hand. I do not make a habit of pursuing every Fox who responds to my
gimmick, but when a Special Fox comes along, and she is available, I will always take the open
three-point shot and make a move.

My two current favorite gimmicks are giving psychic readings over the internet, and
choreography. They also work beautifully in concert, as many women who seek out psychic
guidance are sexy young dancers. The former is easy to master and yields more windows of
opportunity; the latter yields a small number of high- quality options. I would recommend
choreography only to men who know what they are doing. Once you are taken seriously by
dancers and given the power to control their movement, you are way ahead of the game. Men,
however, want immediate results, and the psychic gimmick is a more practical solution. Tarot and
astrology are excellent gimmicks because you are not responsible for the reading and serve only
as a conduit. You'll be very popular at parties and sought-after by Foxes who will usually want to
know what the future holds for their love lives. If you know of a better way to break the ice with a
Fox, please send it to me. Better yet, keep it to yourself and don't kill the goose.

The psychic gimmick is especially strong on the internet because you can use it anytime. Foxes
scan the AOL member directory day and night in search of free psychic readings. If you set up a
psychic screen name, and a free psychic reading room, and then ignore everyone except the
Foxes you want to pick up, give a few free readings to make it look like you aren't Foxhunting,
you'll make out like a bandit if you are any good. You create instant Utility Foxes, which you can
tease by saying they are too beautiful to read objectively, delivering a compliment while denying
their utility. You can also say that they have complex love lives because everyone wants to have
sex with them. Mention that you are a professional who charges for the service and they will have
to up the ante to get you to work for free. Even if I am wrong some of the time, the times I am
correct I leave the impression I have special powers, even though I explain to any Fox I read for
that there is no magic to giving a spiritual reading. If you are good intuitively, psychic readings
can be very powerful. If you don't want to risk being wrong, you can always let the stars or the
cards do your work for you and take the credit for the good results while shifting the blame for the
bad. I will end this mini-lovefest with my pet gimmick with a walk on the bolder side, the side
where the Returning Fox walks. This variation of the gimmick works very simply:

Give a psychic reading to a Fox who has a very messed-up love life (make sure she approaches
you for the reading and warn her that she can't handle the truth);

Tell her that she chooses the wrong men for the wrong reasons and needs to look for more
meaningful qualities in her mates if she is to be happy; or

If she has a new man in her life and wants you to tell her that he's her soulmate, tell her instead
that she will break up with him within 3-6 months. Tell her she will have to develop herself
spiritually before she finds the right man.
Usually she will get angry with you call you a fake. If you are proven right, she will respect your
insight and become a Returning Fox. Be nice to her for a little bit and then flirt very aggressively.
A Fox who reaches this juncture with you will trust you in matters of the heart. Even if she rejects
you, you can "read" her actions as wrong, say she hasn't learned her lesson, that you see
another mistake in her future, and wait for her to return again. Until she finds her dream
relationship, which she probably won't, your position will become stronger and stronger. The
more you learn how to work your gimmick, the more powerful it will become. Men who waste their
time with geek pursuits are going to find themselves Foxless. After wasting years in these awful
places (take it from someone who played tournament chess for four years), the men act
genuinely surprised that the opposite sex ignores them. Even more appalling is how these men
insist that despite dismal results, they are not doing anything wrong. There are chick magnets
and chick repellents.

Remember The Microscope

Of all the reasons not to pursue, the most compelling would have to be The Microscope. Foxes
have an amazing ability to summarily judge every man they cross paths with. If you ignore them
and let them observe you without realizing that you are aware of the Microscope, they are more
likely to have a favorable impression of you. Let a Fox know she has caught your eye and she will
consider you conquered; ignore her and getting you to notice her becomes a challenge. If her
impression of you is positive, ignoring her will reinforce it. If the preceding did not make sense,
fear not. What is logical is not as important as what works. The Microscope is most important
when you are dealing with Forced Interaction Foxes. You can be sure that these Foxes have
thoroughly checked you out, and if one has not approached you, consider it rejection by omission.
In most cases, it will be because the Fox is taken, but even then keep in mind that if your CUPID
rating is high enough, she might make herself available. If you build your reputation properly,
posture correctly, and she hears good things about you, sooner or later she will approach you.
The higher your CUPID rating, and the better your reputation, the more likely it will be sooner.

The Importance Of Presentation

At least half the Foxhunting battle can be won with proper presentation. Peruse any Fox
magazine and you will find many quotes like I knew I had to have him the moment I saw him! A
statement like this has implications: any man she does not react to this way she rejects by
omission. This is where relative treatment comes into play. Men need to let rejection-by-omission
trigger one-and-done. The Fox who does not roll out the red carpet for you, but does so for even
one other man, has rejected you. It is not enough to make a good impression on a Fox when you
meet her if seduction is your goal. The burden falls on the man to present himself in a manner
she finds appealing, and which will cause her to remove the brick wall she normally has up and
roll out the red carpet. Gimmicks are excellent tools for accomplishing this, but other factors come
into play as well, including timing, how you meet, and reputation. Friendly Foxes provide a double
boost to the Foxhunter because they improve his reputation and access. Foxes you are
introduced to through a Friendly Fox feel more comfortable with someone a friend of theirs has
already given her seal of approval to.

Presentation affects a Fox's perception of your status rating the most. Buy her a drink and she
might be responsive. Be the owner of the bar and ask her if she's enjoying her visit and you have
smashed the ice. Advanced long-term approaches like building a Fox Nest are so efficient that
they serve as a bottomless pit for the Foxhunter. I have seen wealthy men spend $25,000 or
more in a short period of time on one Fox and wonder why they wind up fleeced. A creative
Foxhunter would take the same money and throw parties where he controlled the setting, the
activities, and the guest list, or he might open a coffeehouse as his gimmick. Men who make this
effort will have no sympathy for their defeated rivals. The man who opens the coffeehouse or
throws the party is Michael Jordan, and the man who sits around hoping a Fox will drop into his
lap is a playground hacker. Which would you rather be? Think of Foxhunting as a basketball
game, with men playing half-court and the Foxes playing full-court. Most of a Fox's resistance is
initial: from the moment you inbound the ball, you will be swarmed by the defense and judged.
Men, on the other hand, will let a Fox even get to bed with them before he puts up a wall.

This difference in playing style results in men not realizing that once they break the pressure they
have a clear path to the basket, while Foxes fail to realize that having sex with a man will not
make him fall in love with her, and that when they cross the half-court line, they are not home-
free. A simpler way of explaining this would be to examine each gender's most common
complaints in dating:

Men: "She won't go out with me."

Foxes: "He won't commit," or "he cheated!"
Foxes have an abundance of men to choose from, but not the men they want. Fox value systems
are so similar that a man who can attract one Fox usually attracts dozens. The situation is similar
to job hunting in that the applicant who can land a job with one company can usually land the
same job with many other companies, with similar compensation. Foxes confuse their ability to
attract a man any time they want with the ability to attract any man they want. No one can seduce
everyone; what they achieve is the ability to always have a lover, but those who have the most
choices often make the worst ones. Foxes attract liars and con artists because they have what
these charlatans want. With Elite men in short supply, they consider a cheating man a lesser evil
to being alone or settling for someone they are not attracted to.

If you make Foxhunting your top priority, and devote most of your time to it until you have what
you want, within 3-4 months you should find most of your problems solved. If you stick to the one-
and-done rule, pursue only under ideal conditions, and use posturing and indirect seduction the
rest of the time, the worst that will happen to you is that you get rejected by Foxes that any sane
man would pursue, and in most cases your results will improve substantially, especially when it
comes to negative outcomes, which are naturally avoided by the Foxhunter.

Chapter Fourteen:

Welcome To The Chessboard

Seduction is a game of chess, not chance. The goal is even the same: to mate your opponent!
This book was written much like many chess books in that it won't tell you which moves to make
during your games, but it lays the foundation for becoming a better player. In a chess book, I
could advise you to develop your pieces in the opening, put your rooks on open files, keep your
king safe, your pawn structure intact, to post pieces and control squares in enemy territory, and
about a thousand other tips, tricks, traps, and general principles, but once you sit down at the
board you are still going to be a long way from duplicating the brilliance of a Bobby Fischer due to
the enormous complexity of the task at hand. Do not let this intimidate you; the puzzle can be
solved. Practice and study are the keys to improvement at chess or seduction. As you play and
study over time, you will continue to improve.

At first, you will implement some of the principles, and it will be frustrating because just as you
eliminate simple mistakes, you find them replaced by advanced mistakes. If you persevere, there
will come the time when you are able to integrate the material and your game will flourish.
Situations where dozens of factors overlap and even contradict will be analyzed correctly. After a
while you will move without thinking. Bobby Fischer can usually take one glance at a chessboard
and find the correct move, even against a player like Spassky. For this to happen, you will have to
start at the bottom and work your way up. This book, for all its complexity, represents that starting
point. The best way to minimize the inevitable problem of information overlap that confuses
beginning Foxhunters is to keep it simple at first with minor improvements, eliminate mistakes
one at a time, and add strong techniques to your repertoire. One day the skies will part, and you
will find yourself with a deep understanding of Foxhunting, but only if you do the work.

Chess champions spend years slaving away at the board, poring through book after book, playing
game after game, and if they are lucky, they win major tournaments and play in the world
championship cycle, or even for the title itself. You will not be able to integrate Foxhunting
principles until you understand each principle. Your results should begin improving immediately,
but success will rarely come immediately. Recently, the man quoted in the Foreword ("Miles") told
me that he had explained Foxhunting to a friend of his, and that the friend was almost
immediately able to snag a date with a Fox through a chance meeting. They were talking, and
without warning he began walking away (a sign of control), and said "I'm going to the coffeeshop
to grab a bite to eat. Come along if you'd like." The Fox followed him instinctively. Because he
didn't put any energy into the request, and appeared as if he didn't care if she took him up on it,
she accepted. Had he begged, she probably wouldn't have. Foxes complain about distant men
who don't open up and are incommunicative, but the root of the problem is the way Foxes
assume that men who beg for them are unworthy. This bait-and-switch is typical, with the classic
example being the Teasing Fox who dresses provocatively, flirts, and then acts like she is
harassed by the men she deliberately attracted. This is childish.

Men have to break free from their programming that Foxes are inherently nice, and realize that
they are as ruthless in love as men are in business. This is not an accident: throughout time,
employment has been the primary social-climbing tool for men, while marriage has served this
purpose for Foxes. This is why What does he do? and What does she look like? are the two most
common questions asked about blind dates. To counter Ruthless and Difficult Foxes, a man has
to take control of the situation. Each Fox wants you to believe she is your best hope, your only
hope, and uses this lie to control you, getting you to jump through hoop after hoop to keep her in
your life. A Fox who treats you this way does not truly like you. This is the treatment bad bosses
give their employees, acting as if they are doing all the favors. Men who tolerate this treatment
are making a huge mistake. It is Foxes who crave the attention of men and panic when they are
alone. Like a man whose career has stalled, a Fox who is not with her soulmate (more often than
not an Elite male who is supposed to love her exclusively and unconditionally) will work to climb
social ladders the way men climb corporate ladders. Foxes are rarely special inside.

What a man will find special about a Fox -- beyond her looks -- boils down to her acceptance of
him. The rejection men usually receive from Foxes instills a crippling fear of losing opportunity
with a Fox. In my youth, when I lamented over a Fox after a breakup rejection, it was not her I
missed as much as the comfort of not having to Foxhunt. Eliminating this fear is as simple as
realizing that when a Fox leaves, your time frees up to replace her. Once I realized that the word
yes was what I desired more than the Fox, I detached from the pain and focused instead on
replacing her. It was at this point I began implementing one-and-done without a second thought.
Foxes feed off of the double-edged sword of male obsession. Which edge of the sword a man
feels will be determined by the Fox's fundamental level of attraction to him. The obsession will be
encouraged or deemed wrong on the sole basis of her whim. When a man is encouraged to focus
his attention on a Fox and then convinces himself he cannot live without her, only to have her
slam the door in his face, he is supposed to turn his emotions around 180 degrees and forget
her...unless she changes her mind again. This is enough to drive any sane man completely crazy.

The only thing a man can do to prevent problems of this nature is to withdraw from the process.
He must cater to reality and not his wishes. The transformation rarely occurs overnight, and only
after several comparisons between a man's results with his old methods and Foxhunting does
one realize that deviating from Foxhunting principles constitutes an open invitation to difficulty he
can easily avoid. Wilhelm Steinitz, the first official world chess champion, said that the key to
winning a chessgame was through the gradual accumulation of small advantages, culminating in
a position so strong checkmate was easy to force. A more aggressive strategy -- the rapid
accumulation of large advantages - - is sometimes possible. A simple example of this is using a
lie to impress a Fox knowing that she cannot or will not bother to verify it. Another is a Drunk Fox
at a New Year's Eve party. Regardless of your approach, as a Foxhunter you will be treating your
love life as a singular entity and not worry about individual skirmishes, but winning the war.
Without the pressure to go all the way with any one Fox, you can to take your time, building small
advantages, or at times large ones, until checkmate arrives. When this will happen is a variable,
as is the quality and quantity of the Foxes you attempt to checkmate, but rest assured that long-
term positional improvement pays off.
As for the absolutely hopeless men who fail regardless of what they do, establishing a baseline of
neutrality eliminates the downside. Doing nothing is always preferable to failure. The baseline
concept is important because a man who has no minimum standards will have them met. Nothing
turns a Fox off quicker than a man who will take her psychological abuse without complaint. The
man who refuses to tolerate failure and is willing to walk away will find what he seeks or be no
worse for the wear. Foxes who realize he is not an easy mark will treat him favorably. The
chessplayer who does not know how to resign a lost position is thought a fool for playing on when
all hope of victory is dashed. For the Foxhunter, this flaw is even more damaging because it
destroys his confidence, creates severe emotional strain, harms his reputation, and wastes
precious Foxhunting time. The man who obsesses over a Fox he cannot have could have used
that time to Foxhunt. Once your baseline is established you are ready to Foxhunt with confidence.
Each situation you are confronted with is compared to the baseline. Anything which fails to meet
your baseline is abandoned immediately in favor of greener pastures.

As you gain practice in combining Foxhunting principles the way chessmasters combine chess
principles, your results will improve, along with your confidence in the system, and this will lead to
a stronger commitment to Foxhunting. Seduction should be treated as an olympic event. Men
who let their time slip away, who focus their attention on other goals, and who do not make every
effort to succeed are going to wind up with lackluster results. Even if you aren't an "olympic"
Foxhunter, partial use of the system will help. My evolution as a Foxhunter began slowly, with a
single date with an 18 year-old Fox back in 1995. I made my first conscious effort to date that
Fox, a catalyst for the future which has culminated in the publication of this book. Three-and-a-
half years later, Foxhunting has become second nature to me, its principles integrated, and I have
been able to put my love life almost on auto-pilot. I know how to get Foxes to make first contact,
how to pursue them when favorable or ignore them when required, and what to do at every step
of the mating dance, from the first to the last step. My goal with this chapter and this book is to
point men along the same path I have traveled during that time.

I will now outline the sequence of steps I consider correct for any man who wishes to become a

Step One: Raise Your CUPID Rating

A must! An absolute must. Most of us severely overestimate our appeal to the opposite sex.
Unless you are an Elite, there is room for improvement. The CUPID rating reflects the romantic
caste system in America. The higher your rating, the more significant you become on every level,
not just romantic. You'll get better jobs, higher salaries, better treatment in all walks of life, and
attain celebrity status. Study after study has confirmed this phenomenon, which raises a very
simple question: if we know the benefits of a high CUPID rating, the smart thing to do is
capitalize. A man with a CUPID rating that is below his potential is going to find pursuit highly
unproductive. The good news is that if you are truly dedicated, within a year you should have little
difficulty raising your rating substantially. In addition to raising your CUPID rating, paying the most
attention to Foxes who assign you higher partner ratings is also a must. Musicians are always
going to make better impressions on audiences which prefer their type of music. We gravitate
naturally towards those who appreciate us the most, and it pays to keep the partner rating
concept in mind when dealing with Foxes. The less direct you are about this process, the better,
because people are not always honest when they know they are being studied. Most will severely
understate their more shallow preferences, even anonymously. The popularity of shows like
Politically Incorrect stem from their unapologetic cynicism. The more natural your interrogation,
the better. Make sure not to be complacent; few men are aware of just how much improvement is
possible, or how powerful the effect.
Step Two: Housecleaning
Familiarity breeds contempt. The quickest way to rebuild your social life is from scratch. This will
flush out people who enjoy your company the most. It will free up your time for work on your
CUPID rating and Foxhunting. Psychologically, this is very important because the people who
remain in your life will be those who enjoy your company the most. The vacuum created by those
who are no longer in your life can be filled by Foxes who meet your new high standards. As the
proverb says, there are many fish in the sea. Learning to spend your time alone productively is
essential, because you internalize the option not to play. Solitary activities include the gym,
making money, developing your mind, and redesigning every aspect of your life. It helps a lot to
start fresh with new people if you have improved because they will not be tied to their previous
impressions of you and will treat you like a Foxhunter more quickly. If a Fox you have known for
years suddenly sees you acting like a ladies' man, she might find it amusing. Over time you might
win her over, but a New Fox will not have seen you before you got stronger, and will assume you
were always strong. Ignoring the Old Foxes will let them return after you have cleaned them out
of your life. It is not uncommon for a Fox who previously rejected you to suddenly show an
interest when she realizes you are no longer into her, especially if her new impression of you is
more favorable. Listen to the song Under My Thumb by the Rolling Stones for an example of this;
for a brutal example, listen to Positively Fourth Street by Bob Dylan.

Step Three: Positional Improvement

Reevaluate the permanent factors in your life: where you live and work, and how you spend your
leisure time. Develop some short-term and long-term hangouts, add a part-time job in a social
environment, or consider a switch into Fox-Friendly career if you think that is called for. Examine
your car, your clothes, your furniture, and anything else which you think is important to your
Foxhunting. A dedicated Foxhunter is going to have his bases covered, expending maximum
effort to reach his goal. I would venture that fewer than ten percent of men devote more than ten
hours per week to seduction. Those who do are rewarded. Examples of positional improvement
include a move to an apartment complex populated by a large number of Foxes, joining a gym
where lots of Foxes work out, taking a job at a trendy hangout, or if your finances are plentiful,
opening your own. A coffeehouse may not be very profitable, but the access it provides would be
worth it. The key here is to combine as many positive steps as you can, just as Fischer combined
multiple chess principles to create his most memorable moves, some of which struck his
opponents like lightning from a clear sky. Hard-core Foxhunters alter every detail of their life,
including their wardrobe, job, car, house or apartment, friends, hangouts, and anything else
relevant to Foxhunting -- until the ideal base of operations has been established. Few men do
this, just like few athletes train for the olympics. This commitment excellence will pay off
enormous dividends. One minor alteration in your routine can make a huge difference. Say you
have your morning coffee in the same coffeehouse, a place where Foxes are almost never found,
but two blocks away is another Fox-heavy coffeehouse. Changes like this are typical of the small
advantages Steinitz spoke of.

Step Four: Develop A Gimmick

A gimmick is a romantic calling card. Measuring the value of your gimmick is as easy as counting
the number of Foxes who respond to it, and the frequency and intensity of the responses.
Depending on who you are, certain gimmicks will work better than others. Be creative in
designing your gimmick, results-oriented in its implementation, and persistent enough to continue
developing new gimmicks or tinker with your existing ones until you learn how to work them
properly. Gimmicks give you the first-contact advantage, transcending the ice-breaking obstacle.
For Elite men gimmicks are overkill, but for the rest of the population they are essential for
provoking first contact from a Fox. Any time I want to get the ball rolling, all I have to do is whip
out a gimmick and progress will begin almost immediately. With either a tarot deck at a
coffeehouse or party, or a psychic reading room on the internet, or any proven gimmick, I know
that the Foxes will come calling. A gimmick can be anything. If you know how to play the guitar, a
gig in a coffeehouse or bar will make you the center of attention for several hours and yield
several Foxes. If it is an exotic breed of dog, all you have to do is pick up the leash and take it to
a Fox-heavy park, and you can be sure that they will take notice. Long- term gimmicks, like
owning a bar or coffeehouse, are even better, because they can be worked constantly and inject
status into your life. Another popular gimmick which will keep the Foxes coming back is comedy.
My father used to say that if you could make a Fox laugh you could make her do anything. Just
make sure you are actually funny.

Step Five: Accumulate Friendly Foxes (Pivots)

The Friendly Fox is the best building block for the beginning Foxhunter. Whatever you do, do not
hit on her under any circumstances! This is your safety zone, someone to keep your reputation
intact, to confide in, to be your friend, and turn to. Utility Foxes are acceptable substitutes if they
are committed to helping your Foxhunting, but Friendly Foxes are better. It should not be difficult
to find a Friendly Fox since you won't be pressuring her for sex like everyone else. If you cannot
accomplish this on your own, focus your attention instead on other Foxhunters, and you'll wind up
with instant access to his Fox pool, and a lot more than one Friendly Fox. If you have difficulty
finding one, you can always go the drafting route and feed off the leftovers of other Foxhunters,
who break a dozen hearts for every one they satisfy. I have hung out with several Foxhunters
during my life, and the spillover effect was tremendous. As I became more proficient in my
Foxhunting, I lost my need for this, but it is definitely the best shortcut. The Utility Fox can
function as a Friendly Fox. As long as you are playful about your request for help, and she enjoys
your company, she'll make a great ally. Because you aren't pursuing her, this will give her even
more reason to assist you. The drawback is that the bond which exists with a Friendly Fox will not
be there. This can be good and bad: Friendly Foxes do not fake their interest in you, but Utility
Foxes are better at manipulation. Just make sure not to trust the Utility Fox the way you would a
Friendly Fox. The more you detach emotionally from a Utility Fox, the better she will treat you.
After your first Friendly Fox, accumulating more should be easy. Hard-core Foxhunters will want
more than one, and beginning Foxhunters would be wise to get their feet wet by focusing on
platonic relationships at first. If you retain total sexual detachment, don't expect anything to
materialize, and continue to Foxhunt, you avoid the pining trap. Friendly Foxes are replaceable,
and the longer you get to know one, the more you will have the upper hand with her, because you
will be able to replace her much more easily than she can replace you. A Fox will have to go
through many men with ulterior motives and hidden agendas who wind up hitting on her out of the
blue, even deep into the friendship. You, on the other hand, can find a new Friendly Fox much
more easily.

Step Six: Circulate!

Stake your territory in a long-term hangout. Find a few short-term hangouts to visit for variety, to
test your pursuit skills (if you fail it won't matter because you aren't returning), and to take your
Friendly Foxes. Don't worry about your results as much as your presentation. Be confident that if
you have a high CUPID rating or a gimmick, you make a good presentation, and you don't make
any serious mistakes, the Foxes who observe you under The Microscope will come to you over
time. Initial attempts to improve your circulation should be low-risk, starting perhaps with drafting
another Foxhunter. If you do not force matters, do not appear desperate, and appear to be a man
worth getting to know, you have created the ideal impression and the ideal environment for
indirect seduction and pursuit, and the occasional direct approach, for when you have an open
three.yFox-heavy environments during prime time. Parties, popular bars, trendy coffeehouses,
and other highly social environments are best for this purpose. The best times to circulate are on
the weekends, especially in the evening. Other times of the week are better spent working, going
to the gym, surfing the internet, or preparing for the weekends. Don't be afraid to move on if you
don't find any opportunities which suit you. If all else fails, or during times when social activity is
minimal (like 3:00 a.m. on a Wednesday), try the internet. Do not resort to forced-interaction
environments because your CUPID rating or technique are too weak to carry you. A Fox in a bar
is worth ten in the office. Following is an example of how a Foxhunter might circulate for a year:
Daily circulation. Have coffee every morning at the same Fox-heavy coffeehouse, and over the
long term you will get to know the Regular Foxes. If one coffeehouse isn't performing, try another.
Or hang out somewhere else that Foxes frequent. Prior to work or school, you can usually find an
hour to kill that can be put to productive use. Bookstores are also excellent places. For lunch, try
the business district, a park or mall, or a campus center, and after work maybe a happy hour or
another hangout. Evenings should be spent either raising your CUPID rating, Foxhunting, building
your reputation, or anything else that will improve your results.
Weekly circulation. Clubs and activity groups tend to meet on a weekly basis. Friendly Foxes also
are good to hang out with once a week, for a few hours at a time. Having several Friendly Foxes
in your life to choose from is vital, because you wind up spending less energy on each one.
Overload your life with Friendly Foxes and then downsize. The Excluded Foxes will take issue
with being blown off and up the ante. If this happens, spend more time with them, do nothing and
let them stew, or ask them out with slightly better odds than normal.
Monthly circulation. Once-a-month circulation can include getaways to the same destination, part-
time hangouts, and so forth. The same rules apply: stick to Fox- heavy environments and if you
don't like the results you are getting, change your hunting grounds. When auditing your
Foxhunting (if you are truly serious you will analyze it), you can see which events recur on a
monthly basis. If you stockpile Friendly Foxes, you'll also have some that you talk to about this
Yearly circulation. Yearly considerations include vacation time, but also some very lucrative
Foxhunting times like New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day (and February 15, which I call Dennis
Rodman Day because of the rebound potential), St. Patrick's Day (tons of Drunk Foxes), and
other holidays. Yearly pilgrimages to various resorts are also common, especially in summer or
winter. Most yearly circulation issues occur naturally, but in the interest of not missing a trick, they
are worth paying attention to.
Weekend circulation. Weekends are prime time for Foxhunting. I prefer to free-form on
weekends, unless I am in a relationship. The reason is that Taken Foxes tend to spend this time
with their lovers. The odds you will be dealing with an Available Fox increase dramatically if you
meet them during prime time, especially if you restrict your pursuit to weekends, and you see a
Fox on several weekends in a row without a man in tow. If you really want to tap into prime time,
the internet is also great, because it saves a lot of money (dating economics are Fox-friendly) and
you can talk to dozens of Foxes at a time who happen to be alone on Friday or Saturday night.
On Saturday afternoon you catch Foxes who haven't gone out yet, and on Sunday you will find an
uptick of rebound and disappointment potential. Remember also the essential role played by
Friendly Foxes in circulation, as well as integrating as many Foxhunting principles as possible
(i.e., indirect seduction, posturing, gimmicks, etc.), and you will maximize the benefits of
circulation like any good grandmaster.
Step Seven: Begin Making Your Moves
Moves can be anything from approaching to asking for a number or a date, to even being more
bold or more blatant. An example of a minor move: Fox: Hi!!! Me: Hey Sexy! If she accepts the
greeting, she has given a green light for future moves; if she is offended, it's time for one- and-
done. It is up to each Foxhunter to decide which moves are appropriate and when. See the other
chapters in this section for more examples of how to make a move. Every Foxhunter is going to
have his own moves and his own style. If the moves you make aren't working for you, keep
changing them until you find something you are comfortable with.

Step Eight: Play The Numbers

Even if you are having sex with the Fox Of Your Dreams, and even if you have a black book that
would make Fonzie jealous, don't let up. Do not stop doing what made you successful. The
consequences of complacency are reversible -- all you'll find is that you are back at square one
unexpectedly from time to time -- but they are also avoidable. Foxes go out of their way to reduce
your replacement options by requiring commitments, and complain about men who do not
commit. It is fine to commit to a Fox, but only if she is giving you everything you would seek
elsewhere. The out-of-sight/out-of-mind rule is the key to playing the numbers. Men get
themselves into trouble by pining, and this energy converts itself to baggage that poisons their
interaction. If you meet a Neighborly Fox in the elevator, become smitten with her, and think
about her day and night for two weeks, the next time you see her you will hope and dream that
she wants you, while she has forgotten you in the meantime and if you are lucky she will say "Oh,
hi" when you cross paths. This plays right into her hands, with you spending two weeks on her,
and her only seconds on you. I call this the Attraction Gap. A Fox's attraction to you is based on
her desires, not yours. Foxes are more responsive to men who are not impressed with them; men
who pine project an air of desperation. The Fox who knows she must win you over with a real
effort, not just by entering a room once, is more likely to put forth that effort. Foxes do not respect
pushovers and use them. When a Fox asks you if you have been thinking of her, if you tell her
about the out-of-sight/out-of-mind rule and this will perturb her while instilling respect. Foxes love
it when a man cannot get them out of his mind, because when this happens they know they have
achieved control. This control serves as a trough for their massive egos and an endless source of

Step Nine: Put Your Best Face Forward At All Times

Foxes avoid problems like the plague, except to ridicule those who have them as weak. If they
have a problem, it becomes yours to solve. If you have a problem, you become someone to
avoid. Suppressing adversity will help your seduction immensely. Despite Foxes who claim to
value honesty, it is best for a man to put the best possible spin on any description of his life.
Foxes want honesty only so they can judge you accurately; that judgment will be harsh more
often than not. Foxes see honesty as a good thing because it saves them time getting key
information. The reason so many men lie is simple: Foxes reward lies with sex. One of those lies
they reward is that everything is fine with a man's life when it isn't. I would hear endless catcalls if
I advocated lying as a seduction technique, but it is clear that no other method is more effective.
Tell a Fox what she wants to hear, at the right time and in the right place, and she's yours. It is
frustrating for a man to be punished for his honesty while a liar swoops down and wins the Fox
over effortlessly with manipulation and dishonesty.

Few men, even those who claim to be nice, are truly honest with Foxes. Honest men would admit
that looks are 80 percent of their value system. If they did that, they would lose their chance of
getting laid. I find this dance of denial fascinating. A Fox who thinks her lover does not want her
primarily for her body is deluding herself. Foxes justify their dishonesty on the grounds that it is a
test of a man's ability to detect it. From the lies they tell to the men they reject, to the lies they tell
in relationships, to the lies men tell to get laid, for Foxes to expect men to be any different than
they are is unrealistic. Quantifying the positive attitude that Foxes respond to is difficult. Some
basic guidelines:

Assume that everything will work out in life. Foxes have this view of the world primarily because
things almost always do work out for them. This should not be a surprise, because Foxes have a
cavalry of men waiting to help at the slightest sign of distress. If you point out to her that the
reason things work out for her is her sexuality, she will become agitated. It is best to have the
same attitude they do. In doing so, you help them to deny the role played by their sexuality. To
make the right impression, convey that things are going well for you and can only get better.

Do not brag. The first-contact rule takes care of this issue very nicely. Blow your horn only when
you have been prodded, and even then use understatement. The same Fox who will worship a
man with money will be repelled by a man who thinks he can buy her with it. Presentation is
never more crucial than with self-praise.

Be self-deprecating. Foxes are extremely picky. They require men with high CUPID ratings who
also have good seduction technique. Paradoxically, they also require these men to be humble. I
have another name for it: mock humility. An example is the GQ-type millionaire who says he's just
a regular guy deep down and nothing special, and who does so because he knows it is going to
score points with the Fox he feeds this garbage to. Foxes want to sit beside the King, but they
want to make sure the Royal Couple is seen as gracious by the subjects of its kingdom. Few
things make me want to vomit more than mock humility.
Be amiable. You don't have to be a brownnoser, but blending into a social setting will make it
much easier for you to gain acceptance among the Foxes in that circle. Make sure you combine
this trait with indirect seduction and pursuit techniques, because if you are amiable and pursuing
a Fox she will reject you as a nice guy who isn't worthy of her. In her eyes, the Foxhunter who
ignores a Fox is discriminating and has standards, while the nice guy who pursues her is a patsy.
Step Ten: Know When To Let The Clock Tick
Remember the Foxes I Told you to write off after they rejected you or were taken? Like that
movie monster, they will come baaaaaack, and at the most unexpected times. The trick to making
this happen is to ignore them completely once you have written them off. It will take a year or
more to realize the benefits of this part of your Foxhunting, because you must first write off a Fox
for her to return. When she returns, make sure you pick up wherever you left off. Take the
following example: Me: Hello? Fox: Long time no see!! Me: I thought I told you not to contact me
anymore. Fox: Aw come on! I just wanted to see how you were!! Don't be like that!! We have a
Returning Fox! Me: Excuse me, but I meant it when I said that I wouldn't talk to you again unless
we went on a date. Fox: Get real! Me: Fine. Goodbye. Again I ignore her completely. Sometimes
she will relent, while others she will walk away only to return again, and still others nothing will
happen. Being willing to walk away shows backbone and puts me in control of the situation.
Either I get my date with no obstacles or I refuse to let her make me a prisoner of my desires. I
completely avoid one-sided pursuit.

Letting the clock tick gives a Fox the chance to make the first move. Failure to pursue is rejection-
by-omission and you should proceed with caution. You can also use the clock to your advantage
as Foxes who were taken when you met them become available, plus you can use long-term
reputation-building and indirect seduction much better when you are not operating under time-
pressure. As just about every relationship guru on the planet has pointed out, Foxes smell
desperation or eagerness a mile away, and consider it a turnoff. Let the clock tick when
circumstances don't favor you. Few Foxhunters are willing to take the Bobby Fischer approach
and implement the entire system. Even I don't come close to this. If I did I wouldn't have found the
time to write this book! I have put what I can of the system into practice, and had excellent
results. Those results take time and effort. Along the way you will make many mistakes, but learn
from them, don't repeat them, use trial and error (there will be many errors), and persevere, with
an open and focused mind, a determination to succeed, and -- finally -- if you give the system a
full year to work (necessary to get your act together and to let the Returning Fox scenarios begin
to play out), I cannot imagine you not improving your results on some level, if nothing more than
avoiding negative outcomes.

Improving your results is not always all it is cracked up to be. It could mean that instead of being
rejected all the time, you no longer have to take risks, or that you spend less money and time for
the same results. There will always be a shortage of Foxes relative to the number of men who
want them. If Foxhunting is indeed superior, its use will result in improvement. This is a lot like
saying that if you sacrifice your youth to spend 6-8 hours a day preparing to become an olympic
athlete, you are more likely to become one. Knowing what you have to do to succeed is only half
the battle; this is the half that I can help you win. Doing what has to be done for you to succeed is
the other half, and that is where you come in. Who you are and how hard you are willing to work
will determine your ultimate level of success. Good luck in finding what you seek.

Beyond Foxhunting

In the last chapter, I outlined the steps every Foxhunter needs to take to get the best results. I
know that not all or even most of the steps will in fact be taken. Men who could be Elites will let
their CUPID ratings languish in sub-Elite territory and below; they will surrender large chunks of
prime Foxhunting time to loser friends and geeky hobbies; they will pursue low-percentage Foxes
in low-percentage situations, and will not reach their full potential. There is nothing I can do to
change this. What I can do -- what I believe I have done through my writing and advice to men --
is present, as concisely and inexpensively as possible, a method for seducing Foxes that any
man can put to use in just about any situation. When I contemplate what is beyond Foxhunting, I
think of the entire concept of treating seduction as a game, with a clear objective, and with
winners and losers. The winners are the men who most quickly seduce the Foxiest women, and
among those men the biggest winners are those who gain the most control over their
relationships. These standards are applied not because they are necessarily ideal, but because
they represent the greatest degree of difficulty in seduction.

To use the chess analogy yet again, while few of us ever train to become world champion,
players all over the world at all levels study the games of each world championship intensely
because they can see the best in action against each other. As one of my former chess teachers
said about Karpov and Kasparov during their heyday of the late 1980's, the only time they look
weak is when they play each other. It pays to study those who are successful. No man on the
planet can say he fully understands chess or Foxes. Foxhunting goes beyond individual
seduction attempts. It is a lifestyle, an overall approach that needs to be followed in its entirety for
a full year before anyone can properly judge it. My first year as a Foxhunter was very mild
compared to now. It always takes time to master a new technique. If you think a year is a long
time, keep in mind that it took me fifteen years to design the method, so I have done most of the
work for you. In fact, your payment for my work (assuming you are the purchaser of this book)
comes out to about $0.00015 per hour. Even after several years, I find myself faced with a
lifelong study, and the knowledge that once I am done, others who want to continue my work will
have an equally full in-box. What took Charles Darwin decades of research to uncover, his life's
work, merits four chapters in this book. One generation's brilliant discoveries are axiomatic to the
next. Today's junior-high-school science students learn more in a year than Newton learned in his
entire life, but no one would call them better scientists.

Seduction theory is in its infancy. I am reminded of the chess theory of the 1800's, which
overlooked entire aspects of chess that are now considered basic. I have also seen modern
theory pay homage to and update classical approaches. The old line What's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this? still gets more mileage than one would expect. I've been tempted to use
it myself at times. Because something is considered obsolete or outdated, that doesn't mean that
it is. The method just might be in need of a little polish. Fashion and science do not mix;
something is not going to be true in 1900 and false in 2000 because it went out of fashion, but
rather because new information was uncovered. This would mean that the previous information
was incomplete, or circumstances changed. I am sure that by the year 2100 many flaws will be
found in this book, but by then many men will have gotten laid and Foxhunting will have evolved.
When I began trying to figure out how to get laid I found myself agreeing much more with Darwin
than modern-day behavioralists like John Gray. I suspect that in the year 5,000, Darwin's theories
will be universally accepted. While we are in the Great Beyond, let me add a few more reflections:

Beyond CUPID
CUPID is second-nature to me at this point. Having used the system for close to eight years now,
I couldn't imagine life without it. CUPID forces me to undergo rigorous self-examination, and to
properly evaluate Foxes and my rivals. I do not make complex calculations with CUPID, but I do
not have to. Precise CUPID ratings are not practical to compile for every Fox, but you can assist
your progress a great deal by filtering your experiences through its prism. In this freest of nations,
we have the liberty to select anyone we want for any reason we want, and to change our minds
without notice. The person with the higher CUPID rating is more likely to exercise this freedom,
less likely to have to, and the people they exercise these freedoms with are more likely to react
negatively. Further study revealed a dark side of human nature that tells me that the proper
reaction to rejection or dumping is use of the one-and-done rule and moving on. Emotional
expressions of righteous indignation from the jilted are merely sour grapes.

If true emotions were involved, the CUPID 90 who rejects or dumps the CUPID 60 would feel an
amount of pain equal to their partner, and in fact the 60's would reject the 90's just as often. This
rarely (if ever) happens. Stalking behavior illustrates this concept brutally. The stalker almost
always has the lower CUPID rating. Were CUPID not a factor, this pattern would not exist. Rather
than obsession or true love playing a role, when you analyze the ratings of people involved in
stalking incidents, you are left with what amounts to a child throwing a tantrum after not getting
what s/he wanted. I have no sympathy for anyone who reacts this way to rejection. It is one thing
to curse out a partner who has wronged you; everyone does that. To carry on any kind of
obsession for someone for an extended period of time, however, and to do so in a society biased
heavily towards Foxes, borders on insanity. Even if no Fox on the planet will have you (this will
not happen in the current global economic climate), keeping your dignity intact is more important
than a futile attempt to reverse a rejection. Stalkers remind me of the Unabomber.

Theodore Kaczynski was a brilliant man with some very complex positions on the issue of
technology who made those positions moot with his means of expressing them. Stalkers are very
much the same: they take legitimate anger at romantic injustice, and instead of raising their
CUPID rating and learning better seduction techniques, they engage in destructive pursuits. Even
men who improve their seduction technique and aren't given to extreme behavior often wind up
wasting time wishing a CUPID superior would give them a chance, a chance they refuse to give
non-Elites themselves. I know a wealthy man who has several female stalkers. Obsessive
romantic behavior is not gender-specific, but CUPID-specific, and thus very selfish. Your options
for protest when rejected are quite limited. Reversing the rejection is always the ideal
countermeasure, but making that happen is only likely if you raise your CUPID rating or her
CUPID rating goes down (this is why Former Foxes seek out men they had previously ignored). It
is interesting to watch when a man's CUPID rating rises. Foxes see arrogance and stuck-up
behavior as their privilege. By contrast, men listen to non-Elites who tell them to be nice and not
shallow. A wonderful game they have going, isn't it? If Foxes win, you are supposed to take your
loss like a man; if you win, you are supposed to return the prize.

Under this system, your wins never count while Foxes' do. Don't know about you, but I gave up
on three-card-monte a long time ago. Any time you find yourself becoming obsessed with a Fox,
remember that most of your obsession is with having a Fox in the first place, and that most of
your anger has to do not with losing the Fox, but returning to square one. It is much easier to
have a reserve of Foxes to call upon at your whim than to have to Foxhunt, and this is why
Foxhunting is based on circulating and accumulating Foxes, especially in the beginning. The old
saying nothing replaces an old love like a new one should be taken to heart. Foxes are anything
but irreplaceable. Once we have replaced a Rejecting Fox with a Fox of equal or greater value,
she is forgotten. Recently I had another conversation with "Miles" (the guy from the Foreword),
and asked him about his relationship. He said he was still happy with his Fox, and answered
another important question by saying that if his relationship were to end tomorrow, he would be
completely confident starting over. I have found that square one is a perfect place to begin a
housecleaning and a CUPID upgrade.

Breaking The Rules

Someone on USENET called Foxhunting the male answer to The Rules. If indeed this book is
received that way, let me call it an unqualified success. My opinion of The Rules is that it is one of
the smartest books ever written. Two sub-Elites set out to capture Mr. Right the way a Foxhunter
sets out to build a Fox Harem. Some of the Rules are contradictory or even oxymoronic -- such
as be honest and be mysterious -- but let's not get technical. What the Rules Girls did should be
the goal of every writer: they saw a demand for their information, published it, and in doing so
changed American society while making millions of dollars for themselves and becoming famous
in the process. Though diminished by publication, The Rules are still a very effective way for
Foxes to make sure that a man does not take advantage of you. I would argue that for practical
results, The Rules is one of the most effective books of this generation. Had I been the author of
such a book, I probably would have called it Mantrapping For Dummies. The final compliment that
I can pay to The Rules is that if a Rules Girl encounters a Foxhunter, the dating game will
automatically end in a draw. Victory is possible only if one side caves in and violates its system.
Bending The Rules
One-and-done could easily be changed to two-and-done or three strikes and you're out. You don't
have to ignore your co-workers or neighbors (lord knows few other men do), although you would
be better off if you did. You don't have to require a sexual rendezvous from a Returning Fox, but
knowing you could should give you a bit more confidence whatever your rules. You can be nice to
a sub-Elite and call her a Fox even if she isn't, and so forth. You can use one-and-done long
enough to let a situation cool off and then reestablish contact a few months down the road. I do
this myself, and it reduces my percentage of successes while increasing the number of attempts.
If you can stomach rejection, this is preferable. The man who asks 100 Foxes out and gets two to
say yes has more dates than the man who asks out five and gets one, but pays a price of 95
rejections for that extra date. For any risk, there is an equal and opposite reward. Another way
you can bend the rules without bending them is to take the reverse approach to Foxhunting, and
integrate it slowly into your life. You could do everything now as you have been doing, with the
only change being that you now use one-and-done or another rule, and so forth. Once you are
comfortable you can move on to finding Friendly Foxes, developing a gimmick, and making other

The system is flexible, and a critical component is to analyze your results and make adjustments
accordingly. If you are not succeeding, for whatever reason, change will be a good thing. With
every recommendation, think of what you do instead, and compare your results with both
methods. If you have a good reason for bending or breaking a rule, by all means do it. I have
found personally that when I do not Foxhunt, my results worsen. This may not be the case with
you. Dealing With Success Strange as it sounds, success is a lot more difficult to deal with than
failure. Few men have ever had to choose between multiple Foxes, but once you have the ball
rolling this becomes commonplace. If you are a truly dedicated Foxhunter, you will systematically
accumulate Foxes as friends, acquaintances, and flirtations until you are overbooked. You'll wind
up having to ignore some Foxes, and each Fox you deal with will respect you because she will
know that you aren't obsessing over her and have replacement options. The sooner you act like a
man who is already overbooked, the sooner this will happen.

Dealing With Failure

Foxhunting is inflexible in its recommendation for dealing with failure. As most successful
seducers who post to USENET seem to agree, there is no such thing as damage control with a
Fox. That is why one-and-done is so crucial. If you make a mistake, odds are you will not be able
to undo it without making major concessions. Furthermore, if you use one-and-done and don't
engage in futile damage control, the Fox is more likely to forgive you, because she will take one-
and-done as an acknowledgement from you that you made a mistake. John Wayne once said
never apologize; it makes you appear weak. Unfortunately, he was right. Once you have offended
or otherwise lost favor with a Fox, she will become agitated at you and punish you beyond what
the mistake justifies. The only way to avoid this problem is with one-and-done.

If your Foxhunting is lagging, evaluate what you are doing and see if there is not room for
improvement. Make sure that you are following the system as best you can. For example, you
may have chosen guitar-playing as your gimmick, but you just aren't a good guitar player. In that
case you should find a new gimmick. Or maybe your CUPID rating isn't as high as you think it is.
In that case, try to see if it's your body, your mind, or your status that is suffering. Audit your
schedule periodically to see how you are spending your weeks. Are you getting the most out of
them? I know that on nights where I decide that I am going to pick up a Fox, I usually do, if only
on the internet, but it is only when I make this decision that I pull out all the stops and do
everything possible. The game is not sympathetic to those who refuse to play it as best they can.
Astrological Compatibility Chart A fun exercise for those inclined, you can use the following chart
to dictate your Foxhunting. Many Foxes are into astrology, and the chart itself is a conversation
piece. The chart is simplistic: moon signs and other planetary alignments also come into play.
Higher ratings indicate a greater level of compatibility:

With Pis Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu

Pis 10 30 30 70 50 70 50 10 90 70 70 50
Ari 30 10 50 70 50 30 90 50 90 50 10 70
Tau 30 50 50 10 30 50 90 70 70 10 90 50
Gem 70 70 10 50 70 90 50 70 10 30 30 50
Can 50 50 30 70 50 70 10 90 50 70 30 30
Leo 70 30 50 90 70 30 70 50 30 70 10 30
Vir 50 90 90 50 10 70 10 30 50 30 70 50
Lib 10 50 70 70 90 50 30 50 30 70 50 30
Sco 90 90 70 10 50 30 50 30 10 70 50 50
Sag 70 50 10 30 70 70 30 70 70 30 30 70
Cap 70 10 90 30 30 10 70 50 50 30 70 90
Aqu 50 70 50 50 30 30 50 30 50 70 90 30

Foxes who are into astrology will be fascinated by this chart, and have their own opinions of each
pairing. It is a natural ice-breaker and way to start a long conversation about a romance-related
topic. I have never done any research into astrology and compatibility but I have seen enough
evidence to keep the jury out. Considering the Foxhunting potential of the astrology gimmick, it is
something which is definitely worth learning, and worth including.

Seducing Foxes On The Internet

The internet is useful for everyone in finding their ideal partners. Men don't have to dress up and
spend a lot of money and time going out Foxhunting. They can use the internet as a springboard
for dating or reputation- building, meeting a Friendly Fox offline for a drink, and even if nothing
happens with her, your reputation will be solid. Beyond friendship, many Foxes fall in love online
because they are less concerned with looks and more likely to become attached to a man's
personality, falling in love with a man they have never even seen. Even though more men than
Foxes surf the internet, the online dating game favors men, especially when you compare what
happens online to what happens offline.

A Smart Fox can use the internet to her advantage, but many wind up being taken. Three factors
come into play:

Men who lie to get sex;

Foxes who believe the lies and reward them with sex;

The ease with which a man can lie online.

The much-touted advantages for Foxes looking for love online exist, but they are neutralized by
the above. If I were a Fox, I would be very suspicious of any man I met online, and if I were
searching for my soulmate, the last thing I would do is advertise it. I would probably go online as
a man and see how other men treated me before I ever contacted them as a Fox. I would also
scout their views on Foxes.

What I would be trying to avoid is the method I recommend for men who are willing to be
dishonest to get sex:

Design an AOL profile that doesn't lie about your body (raise your CUPID rating if you have to),
and which puts the most positive spin possible on your life. Put in your profile that you are a
professional psychic and you will be constantly bombarded with IMs, mostly from females.
Scan the AOL member directory (keyword: profile) for Foxes or Potential Foxes. Obvious
keywords include: dancer (plus type of dancer) secretary, flight attendant, executive assistant,
aerobics instructor, gymnast, ballerina, figure skater, or just about anything that indicates looks
and fitness.

Act like you are seeking your soulmate and are not into looks or sex. Express disdain for men
who are primarily into looks.

In conversation, look for signs that they are Foxes but do not ask outright. See how men treat
them, what type of job they have, and let them volunteer information about themselves. Over
time, especially if a Fox becomes attracted to you, she won't hesitate to use her sexuality to
attract you.

Prior to getting their picture, make sure you tell them that you adore their personality. You want to
convince them that you aren't into looks. Odds are if you talk long enough they'll send a picture.
Treat the looks as if they were a bonus, an afterthought, not a compulsory.

If the picture measures up to your standards, proceed as if her looks didn't matter. If it does not
measure up, bail out and go back to Step #1.

Once you are convinced you want the Fox, tell her you would like to meet sometime, but leave
yourself an out in case she doesn't measure up in person. Also tell her you think you might be
"soulmates." Men who do this successfully usually get sex in their first offline date.

Arrange to meet for 1-2 hours in a public place, but try to set it up so you can extend the date if it
goes well, or bail out if it doesn't (i.e., if her body doesn't measure up).

When you meet, if the body measures up, proceed as if her looks didn't matter. If it doesn't, be
civil, and after the date, bail out.

When Foxes tell me about meeting their soulmates online, I laugh. People use the internet as a
CUPID screening tool online more than offline. Both genders can use it as a tool of duplicity, but
men are generally more prone to this. Online, it is possible to string many Foxes along at the
same time with no one being the wiser. I know of one writer who had over 100 Foxes lusting after
him simultaneously, and will report to you here his secrets:

The key to making a Fox fall in love with you online is to let her talk about herself as much as
possible while you say as little as possible. Let her create the fantasy. Interject every so often
with comments like "I understand" and her mind will do the rest. The person who talks the most to
the other is always the one more likely to fall in love.

This man truly did not want the Foxes he was getting. He is wealthy and well-known, and an
example of what a high CUPID rating can do. Between his method and the method I outlined
above, you should find your internet results improving a great deal. Beyond this advice, general
Foxhunting rules apply.

Pickup Lines
Breaking the ice is very important, obviously. I have come down heavily in favor of gimmicks and
other means of getting Foxes to approach you, but in their absence you might occasionally want
to take a chance and approach a Fox. I do this myself many times, although usually very
conservatively. I am aware, however, that many Foxhunters are impatient types who may want to
try the old-fashioned pickup. For these men, I have a few pieces of advice for executing a proper

Be immediate. On USENET, there is much talk about the three-second rule. This rule states that
you have three seconds from your first eye contact with a Fox to approach her. Having studied
this myself in practice recently, I concluded that three seconds is actually too long, and that any
approach should be made within one second. This way, saying hi seems natural, like you did it
without thinking.

Do not ask for permission to approach. Asking a question that demands an answer is a good way
to engage a Fox in conversation. If she ignores you, one- and-done is always there, or you can
use a clever comeback if you have one. For example, to strike up a conversation with a Fox at a
bus stop, immediately upon arriving if she is waiting there I might ask "Have you been waiting
long?" If she is seeking an opening talk to me, this gives her one. If she doesn't take advantage,
then I know I have a brick wall or a difficult sell. In a bar, you can make a comment, but I've found
that just saying hi works pretty well.

Be a good conversationalist. If you cannot pique or keep a Fox's interest with your words and wit,
odds are your pickups aren't going to work very well and you should be conservative. On the
other hand, if you are a smooth talker, by all means run for a touchdown if you can. A lot will
depend on the Foxhunter here.

Be funny. Almost a must. Foxes in social environments are there to have a good time, and a man
who can make them laugh can make them do almost anything. In fact, if I have succeeded in
making a Fox laugh, I will often use the following line on her: My father said if you can make a
woman laugh you can make her do anything. Now I'm not sure if my late father actually said that,
but since he was married five times I'm sure he would have backed me up to assist me in my
Foxhunting. Regardless, it sounds great and that's all that matters to most Foxes. A line like this
is also great bait for a Submissive Fox, who will become aroused by the idea of you controlling

Focus your attention elsewhere. It's best not to look like a predator. It helps to have multiple
options, and for the Foxes to see this with their own eyes. You cannot count on any individual
Fox, and by diverting your attention from them you leave them room to up the ante, while
responding only to those Foxes who have first displayed interest.

Know which MEN to approach. Bond with a man who has six Foxes wanting him and you have
five leftovers at your disposal. Think of this as if you were a bike racer drafting during a race by
riding directly behind another racer.

Remember one-and-done. One-and-done can be triggered by anything you decide is

unacceptable: failure to flirt enough, distractions on her part, failure to give you her phone
number, failure to kiss you (if you are some brazen men I know of), or whatever it is that is your
baseline for tolerance. If a Fox truly wants you, she will make the most of every opportunity to talk
to you, and do what she has to in order to make you happy.
Men are simple creatures. Most don't like digesting large amounts of material, even if doing so
will get them laid. The following chart attempts to answer them in the simplest possible format.
Many of the solutions and problems overlap and are interchangeable.

The Problem(s) The Cause(s) The Solution(s)

She just wants to be friends (LJBF).

She rejected your attempt to kiss her goodnight on your first date.

1. She's a prude.
2. She's using you for free evenings out.

3. She does not wish to appear a slut.

1. Counter timetable.
2. Offer to cook for her at her place and buy the groceries (good rendezvous potential).

3. Counter timetable.

She wants to wait to have sex and rejects your attempt to.

1. She's waiting to see how things go wit h another guy.

2. She's being prudish.

3. She's using you for dates.

1. One-and-done.

2. Counter timetable.

3. One-and-done. Sexual resistance is rarely a good sign. Correct action is therefore a counter-
timetable followed by one-and- done.

She works with you and you want to date her, but you can't get the opportunity to talk to her.

1. She is attracted to you and has a policy not to date anyone from work;
2. She is not attracted to you and is putting up a brick wall under the pretext of not dating anyone
from work;

3. She really doesn't have time to talk but would not mind it if you approached her once.
1. Do not pursue. If she likes you enough, she will violate her rule eventually and pursue you.

2. Ignore her completely and posture. The more you ignore her, and the more desirable you
appear to her, the more likely she is to reverse her mental rejection of you.

3. Stop by and say hi once, and see how that goes. But use one-and-done immediately.

Forced Interaction is a low-percentage option.

Foxes are not approaching you.

1. Your CUPID rating is too low.

2. Your gimmick isn't working or you do not have one.

3. You are not circulating properly.

1. Raise your CUPID rating.

2. Get a (better) gimmick.

3. Refer to the chapters on time management and meeting Foxes.

You have difficulty approaching Foxes or wind up rejected when you approach them. 1. You are
2. Your CUPID rating is too low.

3. You don't create or recognize windows of opportunity and are working in low-percentage
1. Develop a gimmick.
2. Raise your CUPID rating and develop a gimmick.

3. Develop a gimmick. Also become more conservative in your approaching.

She is turning you down for bad-boy types and you are a nice guy.

1. She likes bad boys.

2. She is willing to overlook the negative aspects of the bad-boy so that she can enjoy his positive

3. She is trying to tame him.

1. Become a bad-boy or forget her.

2. Develop enough positive nice-guy aspects for her to find you equally attractive to him.

3. Pretend you are a bad-boy and let her tame you.

She uses external obstacles to block your progress.

1. She's lying and doesn't want to reject you or hurt your feelings
2. She's not lying and the obstacles really exist.

3. She's playing the field and keeping the jury out.

1. Watch how she treats others relative to you. Confirm that these obstacles really exist.
Contact her during prime dating hours to see if she really can't go out.
2. If she is not lying, she will go out of her way to compensate you for the difficulty she is putting
you through. She will also find ways to overcome the obstacle whenever possible.

3. Let the clock tick and wait for the other guy to falter; more often than not, he will.

She stands you up for a date, or cancels at the last minute.

1. She was standing you up.
2. She has a legitimate excuse.
1. One-and-done. If she returns, be very aggressive, although at first be civil and silent and let
her think you have forgotten. Then pick the right moment to bring up the slight. Being angry over
a stand-up is more effective if you express your anger with actions and not words.
2. Ask her to reschedule. If she does not do this, she is lying to you and didn't really want to go
out with you. One-and-done is thus called for.

She tells you she is bisexual with a boyfriend or lesbian. 1. She is giving you a creative excuse
for rejecting you.
2. She is telling the truth.

Offer to hook her up with a Fox. If she's telling you the truth, she'll jump at the chance. You
might wind up with a threesome as a result. If she rejects this idea, use one-and-done. If you are
on the internet, you can take matters into your own hands by creating a female identity and hitting
on her yourself.

You have rejected her for friendship but she is begging you to reconsider, while still rejecting the
idea of dating you. 1. You are of strong utility to her and she doesn't want to lose that.
2. She likes having her ego fed and wants to keep you as her flunky.

3. She is taking pity on you and is guilty over hurting you.

Be firm. Tell her you would rather be her lover than her friend. Then use one-and-done. If she
returns, repeat the process until she agrees to go out with you or have sex with you (if you're
bold). Use indirect seduction liberally.

She is unapproachable. 1. She is taken.

2. She is not interested in you, and/or

3. She prefers to approach men herself.

1. Let the clock tick and do nothing.
2. Let the clock tick and do nothing.

3. Develop a gimmick.

She ends every conversation with you at the beginning.

1. She is rich and/or famous, and truly busy.

2. She doesn't want to interact with you.

1. Let the clock tick. Sooner or later she will have time to talk with you. The best way to catch a
fast-moving insect in a closed environment is to stand still and wait for it to come to a complete
stop. All living creatures have time to kill sooner or later.
2. Come back with a sound bite. My favorite is "Popularity is a bitch, isn't it?" Foxes almost
always laugh at that one and some bonding often occurs. Then let the clock tick.
One thing I also do in this situation is ask the Fox at the beginning of the conversation how much
time she has (preemption). If I don't like the answer, I tell her to come back when she has more
time. By holding my ground, Foxes respect me for having standards and not taking crap.

Conversations seem to be going fine and then suddenly they end at the same point over and over
again for no reason. .

1. You have a fatal flaw.

2. You do not know how to close the deal
1. You reveal something personal about yourself that causes the Fox to reject you. As nice as
Foxes are when they are scouting you, once they remove you from consideration they dispose of
you like a week-old fish. Just learn to absorb the shock and use one-and-done. Also locate and
fix the flaw or work around revealing it

2. Learn how to close the deal. Sounds difficult, but sooner or later you are going to have to make
a pass at a Fox or learn how to get her to make a pass at you. If you don't know what to do to
make a pass, try a simple kiss on the lips or hand-holding at an opportune moment.

She is taken when you meet her. 1. The rest of the male population wants what you want.

2. She is man-dependent and always taken.

1. Let the clock tick, and use her to build your reputation. Indirect seduction is also useful here.
Be prepared to fight for a rebound like Rodman when she dumps who she is with, and use one-
and-done if she pulls The Guy Switch.
2. If she is always taken, it means she is always looking. High CUPID ratings are especially
effective. The Guy Switch is the critical rejection point to watch for.

Her actions say she wants you but her words say she doesn't (or vice versa). 1. She is shy.

2. She is teasing you.

3. She hasn't made up her mind yet.

1. Make a move; if she accepts, fine, and if not, use one-and- done.
2. Call her a tease and ask her politely to stop teasing you. Then use one-and-done.

3. Call her a tease and use one-and-done. Use your head, figure out what the Fox stands to gain
from her behavior, and block her attempts to take advantage of you.

I am a bit reluctant to write about troubleshooting extensively because the number of Foxhunters
is still very small. As more people use the system and report their results back to me, I can better
analyze the data and draw firmer conclusions.
Rules You Can Use To Get Laid
Never underestimate the value of rules. Put a bunch of s illy rules together into a book and you
can strike it rich yourself! I have higher standards for my writing than to make a book out of a
bunch of rules, but a mention in the Epilogue is by all means appropriate. In that spirit, I will now
list some of the many rules I have either implemented, plan to implement, or wish I had
implemented when things wound up going awry instead. Some examples of how this works out in

The Rule The Reason The Desired Result

End a first date with a Fox after exactly 90 minutes if she has not kissed you on the lips.

Why throw good money and time after bad? Knowing the rule will make her angry, which will
cause her to challenge you, to see if she can get you to break the rule for her, which would mean
she is special. Expect drama if the date happens, and be prepared to think on your feet. Also
expect her to balk at the rule at first, which is why it is better to state it in a general conversation
about dating, not when you are asking her out. This is strictly a posturing move, and a highly
effective one if executed properly.

Refuse to ask a Fox on a date unless you have kissed her on the lips at least once.

Foxes who use you for dates will not agree to this; Foxes who want you will. Expect a bit of
resistance, but if you hold your ground, and the Fox caves in, you have very smooth sailing
physically. Very good user repellent as well. Be prepared to hold your ground and let the clock
tick after the initial negative reaction. Require any Fox you date to dress to your exact
specifications. The purpose here is to demonstrate control and creativity, thus piquing her
curiosity. She'll also be wearing exactly what you want. She asks you what you would have her
wear, and you tell her that if she hears it she has to wear it, and is she willing to take that
chance? She will love that flirtation, and if she agrees, you can specify something sexy and
elegant and set the tone for a fine evening. Many Foxes actually find this a turn-on. If she bails
out after you tell her, call her a coward or a liar. Refuse to be "just friends" with a Fox unless she
hooks you up with a Fox of equal or greater quality.
To get a hassle-free date, of course. A Taken Fox has an interest in diverting your attention so
she is ideal. A hookup. Nothing beats a recommendation from a Fox to convince another Fox to
give you a chance. The Taken Fox or Utility Fox can become a reputation-building Friendly Fox
who may not be the one for you, but she can often serve as a catalyst. Since she wants your
friendship, she will be highly motivated to work with you, especially if utility is involved. Rebound
Fox potential exists should her relationship sour. Never be friends with more than two Foxes at a
time. Avoiding the nice-guy trap. Creating a rejection scenario for the Foxes you exclude.
Excluded Foxes will be very frustrated and not have anything with which to attack you. Utility
Foxes will be even more annoyed. You can tell them that you are willing to overlook the rule --
maybe -- if they hooked you up with someone, or ask for anything else you want, because you
don't want to talk to them! Another example of how Foxes reward negative behavior, and how
they will up the ante only when they have to.

Require any Fox you date to be born under a certain astrological sign. Arbitrary, indirect
rejection. A Fox who would otherwise never think of going out with you will sometimes try to win
you over if she learns that she does not meet some silly requirement of yours. I first noticed this
pattern when in one of my AOL profiles I required Foxes to be 18-22 years old and got hit on
incessantly by those who were 23-24. I would not recommending using a rule which is published
here (unless you want her knowing you are doing so), but you can come up with just about
anything. The pickier the requirement, the better. The Fox who does not love you might love the
challenge you present with the rule. In this example, I would add to the effect by singing the
praises of the sign, and so forth. If you want to be really sneaky, find out her sign first and then
say you don't date women born under that sign, even if they are Foxes, due to a previous bad
experience. Foxes who love a challenge will want to be the exception.

If you don't have sex with a Fox by the fifth date, you break up.

To communicate a definitive sexual timetable. Mention this rule before you date her. Indirect
seduction will often have you speaking generally about dating and sex. In the course of doing
this, you can mention that you wait up to five dates to have sex, and if the Fox has not made a
pass at you by then, you just stop dating her. Don't mention the rule again, because the Fox will
remember it. If you start dating, she will know what you are expecting, she won't want to
discuss it with you, and avoiding the question is not possible. If she likes you, this will help her
along in showing it to you.

One lie and she is history. Keeps the Fox honest. An impressive display of ethics and principle
that ensures respect and presents a challenge to a Lying Fox to outfox you into bed.
The inevitable moment where she is caught in a lie, you stop speaking to her, she wants to
make things right, you don't let her, and she is a begging Returning Fox. It's amazing how much
progress you can make from this position!!
No sex until marriage. Seduction through celibacy. Contrarian approach: by removing sex from
the table entirely, she can relate to you without sexual tension. Usually she will become unnerved
by this, and if you are appealing to her in other ways, she will want you to make a move on her,
and she might want to be the one who gets you to break your vow.
If you can convince Foxes you are truly celibate by choice, you have a great posturing angle.
Every time their relationships fall apart, you can talk about the dangers of confusing sex with love
and appear to be more sexually responsible. Beats looking desperate by a mile.

Make a Fox wait one day for every day she makes you wait.

Timetable antidote. Most common applications are online, when you ask to talk offline, or when
you ask her out and she says she needs more time. For example, if on July 1 I ask out a Fox and
she says she has to take her time to get to know me first, and she decides on July 15 that she
wants to go out with me, she has to wait until July 29.
Most of the time she won't want to date me (the reason for the excuse), but the idea that if she
did she would have to wait an increasing amount of time will fascinate her. Good curiosity angle,
plus if she asks you to not wait once she has made up her mind, you can ask for something in
return, like having her dress to your liking.

Invasion Of The Foxhunters

As occurred with The Rules, once this book is published and Foxes become aware of its
methods, that will cause a few changes. Any tactics mentioned in the book will become known
and thus lose value, and that is the main reason I have focused more on strategy. If you try a
pickup line you read in a book, the Fox might have heard it before, but it is much more difficult for
a Fox to attack a man for not hitting on her, since this is what she wants to begin with. Foxes are
not going to gang up on you at a party and expose you as a Foxhunter, and neither will your cute
co-worker or neighbor whom you ignore while you live the life that they will want to become a part
of as they observe you silently under The Microscope, without realizing you are fully aware of
what they are doing and even posturing for them. Some Foxes might even thank me if a man they
fancy has read this book and learns how to tell if they are interested or not, and how to make
himself more appealing to them.

No writer can predict the effect his work will have on society. Some books change the dating
game, others influence it somewhat, and still many others do not impact it at all. My limited
sample of Foxhunters have done exceptionally well, and they did not even come close to using
the entire system. If the method proves equally successful for the masses, its influence will be
profound and unpredictable. Some of the material will wind up obsolete. This is unavoidable. An
analogy exists in the financial markets, where a successful system that is published loses its
profitability as the market digests the system, but strong general advice such as finding
companies in emerging industries would prove timeless. I consider Foxhunting a timeless
endeavor, and expect that a lot of what I write here will hold just as true hundreds or even
thousands of years into the future as it does now, if for no reason other than it has held true for
tens of thousands of years already, from a time that predates modern society and which caused
the societal jungle we call these modern times to exist in the first place. One rule that the two
authors of wrote The Rules forgot is not to publish them!

Maybe they didn't forget this rule and instead focused on the value created for them as authors,
as the book sold several million copies. Those who criticize The Rules now should imagine the
time when men did not have access to the book, and no reason to suspect that the system was
being used on them. With Foxhunting, I have tried to avoid this publish-and-perish problem
through a focus on strategy and away from tactics. To examine the phenomenon surrounding The
Rules, there is an odd appeal about someone who is willing to take control over their love life,
because so few of us ever do this. People of either gender who use systems or methods are the
opposite of those who choose to rely on fate. The idea that we are an active player in determining
our fate drives people to read books like this and rely on technique rather than fate to find their

Cashing Out
Surprising as it sounds, most Foxhunters I have personally taught have cashed out by using their
new skills to enter into long-term relationships. The only difference is that they are the one in
control of the process now, and when they give the Fox the privilege of a commitment, the Fox
gives them a great deal back and is a lot Foxier than their previous partners. I'm sure a few hard-
core Foxhunters might spend their lives Foxhunting, but sooner or later -- a lot sooner than most
would think -- the successful Foxhunter will scale back his love life to a level that satisfies him.
What makes it better for a Foxhunter to enter into a long-term relationship is that he is doing so
from a position of strength rather than desperation, choosing one Special Fox over many others,
instead of settling for whatever he can get. Each man has a different cashing-out point. Mine
came when I realized that even if every Fox in my life suddenly disappeared, within weeks I
would have them replaced with Foxes of equal quality and number.

The man who can successfully hunt for his food is never hungry, and will usually have
accumulated a store of food that allows him to hunt at his leisure. If he is a truly skilled hunter, he
will never let his food supply deplete to the point where he becomes desperate. Foxhunting works
very similarly: the more you apply yourself, and the more windows of opportunity you create,
recognize, and exploit, the more likely you are to reach the point of overbooking and cash out. It
is a much finer experience than the hand most men allow themselves to be dealt, that's for sure.

Parting Shot
The Star Trek: Next Generation series presented an enemy to the Federation tougher than any
before it: The Borg. The Borg is a collective consciousness controlled by a single being that was
part life-form and part machine. It had the power to assimilate people into its consciousness,
growing and incorporating each person's individuality into its collective. In a perfect world, men
would have their own Borg for Foxhunting, with every man refusing to weaken the collective and
keeping the upper hand at all times. As each man learns new Foxhunting techniques, that
information would be relayed back to the Borg and assimilated. The result would be all men
behaving as perfect Foxhunters, and Foxes finding that they can no longer win the gender war
they started. Men cannibalize themselves when they attempt to seduce a Fox with utility or by
doing favors. They confront other men as Bluto does Popeye, not realizing that both should go
out for a drink and forget Olive. They give jobs to Foxes because of how they look, strengthening
them economically. They offer conversation without seeking anything in return, and utility in return
for nothing more than interaction. They bow down, surrender, and hope that they will be rewarded
for this. If men treated their careers the way they do their love lives they would never get past the
mail room. My last piece of advice here to men is this: do not betray your brothers in pursuit of a

If every man on the planet were a Foxhunter I would become rich, but beyond that, we would stop
cannibalizing each other. If all men were to suddenly withdraw the utility they provide Foxes in the
hope of getting laid, the Foxes would be in dire straits and have to seriously up the ante. No
longer would they be able to fix their problems overnight, or if they did they'd have to have sex
up-front to do so, they would not be able to tease, and both Popeye and Bluto would learn to
ignore Olive. All of Mankind would benefit as the result and we would all have an easier time
getting laid.

The Last Word

Is there an ultimate Foxhunting strategy? After reviewing this book prior to publication, here's
mine: go online as a tall, handsome, wealthy gay man. Foxes will think you are the perfect man,
one they cannot have, and will become obsessed with winning you over. You can then let them
"convert" you without having to look or act gay in your daily life. Men who have used this
masquerading posture relay tales of incredibly successful results. Who am I to argue?

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