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Financial Analysis


Yolanda and Harold Smythe Somya Sharma
February 28, 2023
Table of Contents
Cover Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Financial Snapshot 3

Net Worth Statement - Current Plan 4

Current Year Cash Flow - Current Plan 5

What Are My Retirement Goal Options? 6

What Are My Education Goal Options? - University Education (Auston) 7

Detailed Estate Analysis - Current Plan 8

Asset Allocation Portfolio Comparison - Suggested - Alternative 1 10

Net Worth Timeline Comparison 11

Cash Flow Surplus/(Deficit) - Current Plan 12

Current Year Cash Flow - Alternative 1 14

Retirement Goal Coverage 15

Education Goal Coverage - University Education (Auston) 16

Plan Analysis Synopsis 17

Disclaimer 21

Delivery Acknowledgement 22

Custom Content 23
Financial Snapshot
Current Plan - Yolanda and Harold Smythe

Goal Coverage Your Advisor

Retirement 82% Somya Sharma
University Education (Auston) 0%

Asset Allocation Net Worth $2,074,302

Rate of Return 2.16% Assets $2,074,302
Standard Deviation 3.24% Liabilities $0
Asset Class ($) (%)
Canadian Cash Equivalents $905,062 89.23%
Cash Flow $6,263
US Equity $52,135 5.14%
Canadian Large Cap Equity Inflows $170,802
$52,135 5.14%
Outflows $164,539
Unclassified $4,970 0.49%

Total $1,014,302
© 2022 Morningstar Investment Management LLC. All rights reserved. Assumptions
Morningstar is a registered investment advisor that develops proprietary asset
allocation tools used for educational purposes only. Morningstar has granted Yolanda Harold
Advicent Solutions, LP a license to use these asset allocation tools. Inflation Rate 3.00% 3.00%
Morningstar is not affiliated with Advicent Solutions. Retire At 65 58
Life Expectancy 90 90

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 3 of 24

Net Worth Statement
Current Plan
This report displays a comprehensive list of your assets and liabilities as of Feb 27, 2023. Use this report to better
understand your net worth situation. Note: Term life insurance policies and existing annuities do not appear on this report
as they have no cash value.

Assets Yolanda Harold Joint Total

Non-Registered Investments
Savings Account Harold inheirtane $900,000 $900,000
Chequing account $5,000 $5,000
Savings account $5,000 $5,000
Total $0 $900,000 $10,000 $910,000
Registered Investments
Yolanda RRSP $104,302 $104,302
Total $104,302 $0 $0 $104,302
Lifestyle Assets
Principal Residence $1,050,000 $1,050,000
Automobile $10,000 $10,000
Total $0 $0 $1,060,000 $1,060,000
Liabilities Yolanda Harold Joint Total

Total $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Net Worth $104,302 $900,000 $1,070,000 $2,074,302

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 4 of 24

Current Year Cash Flow
Current Plan

This report displays detailed cash flow information $170,802 $164,539

over a single year for the selected scenario. Cash
inflows and outflows are divided into categories to
explain their source. Use this report to understand
whether a cash flow surplus or deficit exists for the
current year for the selected scenario.

Inflows Outflows Surplus/(Deficit)

Current Year Cash Flow Yolanda Harold Total

Earned Income $84,696 $68,966 $153,662
Non-Registered Proceeds $55 $15,662 $15,718
Other Inflows $1,423 $0 $1,423
Total $86,174 $84,628 $170,802
Lifestyle & Medical Expenses $51,009 $51,009 $102,018
Registered Contributions $4,235 $0 $4,235
Non-Registered Contributions $1,239 $12,347 $13,585
Other Outflows $4,757 $4,757 $9,514
Taxes $15,610 $19,577 $35,187
Total $76,849 $87,689 $164,539
Surplus/(Deficit) $9,324 ($3,061) $6,263

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 5 of 24

What Are My Retirement Goal Options?
The following options can help you achieve RETIREMENT GOAL COVERAGE
your retirement goal. You can use any of
Alternative 1 -
these options, or a combination of several
options to reach 100% goal coverage.
Current - 82% PARTIAL


Current Plan
Alter Spending OR Save Monthly OR Save a Lump Sum OR Retire In

Cover 81% ($69,730) of Increase your monthly savings Save $1,181,349 Yolanda retires in 5/2062
expenses by $4,030 at age 70
Harold retires in 5/2057
at age 63

Alternative 1
Alter Spending OR Retire In

Goal coverage is 100%. You have the ability to fund 128% Yolanda retires in 5/2058 at age 66
of expenses. Harold retires in 5/2053 at age 59

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 6 of 24

What Are My Education Goal Options?
University Education (Auston)

The following options will help you to achieve EDUCATION GOAL COVERAGE
100% success for your education goal. You
Alternative 1 -
can use any of these options, or a
combination of several options to reach
100% goal coverage.


Current - 0%

Current Plan
Alter Spending OR Save Monthly OR Save a Lump Sum

Seek education that costs $0 or less Increase your monthly savings by $732 Save $135,855
per year.

Alternative 1
Alter Spending

Goal Coverage is 100%. You have the ability to fund 100% of expenses.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 7 of 24

Detailed Estate Analysis
Current Plan
This report is designed to show the effects of dying in a given year, and the resulting impact of taxation on the estate.

2023 2038 2053 2068 2083

Non-Registered Investments
Chequing account $5,056 $6,068 $0 $0 $0
Savings account $7,220 $44,578 $79,966 $84,707 $89,930
Savings Account Harold
$896,262 $795,371 $603,884 $0 $0
Subtotal $908,538 $846,018 $683,851 $84,707 $89,930
Registered Investments
Yolanda RRSP $116,118 $411,724 $1,038,228 $206,586 $0
Subtotal $116,118 $411,724 $1,038,228 $206,586 $0
Private Corporations
Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Lifestyle Assets
Principal Residence $1,069,250 $1,439,070 $1,936,798 $2,606,676 $3,508,242
Automobile $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Subtotal $1,079,250 $1,449,070 $1,946,798 $2,616,676 $3,518,242
Real Estate Assets
Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Pro-Forma Net Worth $2,103,906 $2,748,011 $3,668,877 $2,907,968 $3,608,173
Insurance Proceeds
Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Death Benefits
CPP/QPP Death Benefits $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,500
Subtotal $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,500
Estate Before
$2,108,906 $2,753,011 $3,673,877 $2,912,968 $3,610,673
Taxes & Expenses
Additional Income Taxes ($277,307) ($352,647) ($578,335) ($74,695) ($628)
Transfers on Death $0 ($41,200) $0 $0 $0

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 8 of 24

2023 2038 2053 2068 2083

Estate Expenses
Probate Fees ($30,075) ($39,165) ($53,595) ($42,180) ($53,400)
Subtotal ($30,075) ($39,165) ($53,595) ($42,180) ($53,400)
Net Estate $1,801,524 $2,319,999 $3,041,947 $2,796,093 $3,556,645
Net Estate (Today's $) $1,801,524 $1,489,119 $1,253,242 $739,395 $603,680
Estate Shrinkage ($) $302,382 $386,812 $626,930 $111,875 $51,528
Estate Shrinkage (%) 14% 14% 17% 4% 1%

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 9 of 24

Asset Allocation Portfolio Comparison - Suggested
Alternative 1
This report compares your current asset mix to your suggested asset mix for your entire portfolio.

Current Asset Mix Suggested Asset Mix

Investor Profile: Current - Rebalanced Investor Profile: Moderate Conservative

Rate of Return: 2.16% Rate of Return: 3.87%

Standard Deviation: 3.24% Standard Deviation: 6.76%

Current Suggested

Asset Class Market Value % Market Value % Change

Canadian Large Cap Equity $52,135 5.14% $121,716 12.00% 6.86%

Canadian Small Cap Equity $0 0.00% $30,429 3.00% 3.00%

US Equity $52,135 5.14% $131,859 13.00% 7.86%

International Equity $0 0.00% $91,287 9.00% 9.00%

Emerging Markets Equity $0 0.00% $30,429 3.00% 3.00%

Canadian Bonds $0 0.00% $466,579 46.00% 46.00%

Global Bonds $0 0.00% $91,287 9.00% 9.00%

Canadian Cash Equivalents $905,062 89.23% $50,715 5.00% -84.23%

Unclassified $4,970 0.49% $0 0.00% -0.49%

Total $1,014,302 $1,014,302

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 10 of 24

Net Worth Timeline Comparison
This report displays a comparison of net worth data in all selected scenarios over time. These projections show end-of-year
values beginning with the year of the analysis and are projected until the death of the last surviving client. Use this report
to compare the effects of different scenarios on net worth.

Current Plan
Non-Registered Investments Registered Investments Non-Registered GWBs Registered GWBs
Lifestyle Assets Real Estate Assets Private Corporations Net Worth








2023 2027 2031 2035 2039 2043 2047 2051 2055 2059 2063 2067 2071 2075 2079

Alternative 1
Non-Registered Investments Registered Investments Non-Registered GWBs Registered GWBs
Lifestyle Assets Real Estate Assets Private Corporations Net Worth





2023 2027 2031 2035 2039 2043 2047 2051 2055 2059 2063 2067 2071 2075 2079

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 11 of 24

Cash Flow Surplus/(Deficit)
Current Plan
This report displays the total cash amount remaining after covering all expenses by projecting annual end-of-year cash
flow surplus or deficit through the duration of the analysis.

Year Age Total Inflows Total Outflows Surplus/(Deficit)

2023 31/30 $170,802 $164,539 $6,263

2024 32/31 $175,516 $169,423 $6,093
2025 33/32 $179,609 $221,560 ($41,952)
2026 34/33 $183,848 $178,216 $5,632
2027 35/34 $188,827 $182,756 $6,072
2028 36/35 $193,957 $187,728 $6,229
2029 37/36 $199,249 $192,575 $6,674
2030 38/37 $204,704 $197,574 $7,130
2031 39/38 $210,326 $202,729 $7,597
2032 40/39 $216,120 $208,045 $8,074
2033 41/40 $222,091 $213,527 $8,564
2034 42/41 $228,246 $219,180 $9,065
2035 43/42 $234,588 $289,168 ($54,580)
2036 44/43 $241,124 $231,018 $10,106
2037 45/44 $247,250 $282,403 ($35,153)
2038 46/45 $253,549 $283,782 ($30,233)
2039 47/46 $260,637 $292,426 ($31,790)
2040 48/47 $267,941 $301,377 ($33,437)
2041 49/48 $275,467 $310,646 ($35,178)
2042 50/49 $283,224 $271,183 $12,040
2043 51/50 $291,216 $278,618 $12,598
2044 52/51 $299,452 $286,281 $13,171
2045 53/52 $307,939 $380,404 ($72,465)
2046 54/53 $316,684 $302,320 $14,364
2047 55/54 $325,694 $310,710 $14,985
2048 56/55 $334,979 $319,356 $15,622
2049 57/56 $344,545 $328,268 $16,277
2050 58/57 $354,402 $337,452 $16,950
2051 59/58 $364,558 $346,916 $17,642
* = year of retirement

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 12 of 24

Year Age Total Inflows Total Outflows Surplus/(Deficit)

2052 60/59* $314,803 $314,803 $0

2053 61/60 $268,664 $268,664 $0
2054 62/61 $281,266 $281,266 $0
2055 63/62 $414,406 $414,406 $0
2056 64/63 $297,493 $297,493 $0
2057 *65/64 $264,143 $264,143 $0
2058 66/65 $252,929 $252,929 $0
2059 67/66 $262,741 $262,741 $0
2060 68/67 $280,906 $280,906 $0
2061 69/68 $306,947 $306,947 $0
2062 70/69 $316,067 $316,067 $0
2063 71/70 $325,477 $325,477 $0
2064 72/71 $323,514 $323,514 $0
2065 73/72 $561,489 $561,489 $0
2066 74/73 $343,097 $343,097 $0
2067 75/74 $353,397 $353,397 $0
2068 76/75 $363,953 $363,953 $0
2069 77/76 $374,825 $374,825 $0
2070 78/77 $281,792 $363,780 ($81,987)
2071 79/78 $230,310 $363,925 ($133,615)
2072 80/79 $237,208 $374,786 ($137,578)
2073 81/80 $244,313 $385,974 ($141,661)
2074 82/81 $251,631 $397,497 ($145,866)
2075 83/82 $259,169 $618,655 ($359,486)
2076 84/83 $266,933 $421,590 ($154,657)
2077 85/84 $274,929 $434,182 ($159,252)
2078 86/85 $283,166 $447,151 ($163,985)
2079 87/86 $291,650 $460,509 ($168,859)
2080 88/87 $300,388 $474,268 ($173,880)
2081 89/88 $309,388 $488,439 ($179,051)
2082 90/89 $321,158 $505,536 ($184,378)
2083 -/90 $3,750,885 $4,114,527 ($363,642)
* = year of retirement

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 13 of 24

Current Year Cash Flow
Alternative 1

This report displays detailed cash flow information $1,328,357 $1,328,357

over a single year for the selected scenario. Cash
inflows and outflows are divided into categories to
explain their source. Use this report to understand
whether a cash flow surplus or deficit exists for the
current year for the selected scenario.

Inflows Outflows Surplus/(Deficit)

Current Year Cash Flow Yolanda Harold Total

Earned Income $84,696 $68,966 $153,662
Non-Registered Proceeds $2,620 $1,172,004 $1,174,695
Total $87,316 $1,240,970 $1,328,357
Lifestyle & Medical Expenses $50,532 $50,532 $101,063
Registered Contributions $9,235 $71,000 $80,235
Non-Registered Contributions $3,777 $860,093 $869,141
Other Outflows $4,757 $4,757 $9,514
Taxes $15,622 $239,993 $255,615
Surplus Outflows $6,395 $6,395 $12,789
Total $90,317 $1,232,769 $1,328,357
Surplus/(Deficit) ($3,001) $8,201 $0
Note: The total column includes cash flow associated with dependents and other household members.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 14 of 24

Retirement Goal Coverage
This report shows progress towards the RETIREMENT GOAL COVERAGE
retirement goal. That is, your ability to cover
Alternative 1 -
expenses, pay taxes, and maintain
discretionary spending during your
Current - 82% PARTIAL
retirement. The chart to the right compares
your current situation to the Alternative 1
alternative scenario. INSUFFICIENT

The table below contains a comparison of

assumptions, needs, and other goals in both
the current situation and in all other

Assumptions Current Plan Alternative 1

Retirement Age - Yolanda / Harold 65 (2057) / 58 (2052) 66 (2058) / 59 (2053)

Life Expectancy - Yolanda / Harold 90 (2082) / 90 (2083) 90 (2082) / 90 (2083)
Inflation Rate 3.00% 3.00%
1st Year Retirement Needs* $95,390 $81,443
Assets Funding Retirement $1,009,302 $1,009,302
Current Monthly Savings $706 $706
Non-Reg. Additional Monthly Savings $0 $0
Savings Start Date (Index) 2023/03/01 (0.00%) 2023/03/01 (0.00%)
Additional Lump Sum Savings $0 $0
Savings Date 2023/03/01 2023/03/01
Pre-Retirement Rate of Return 2.16% 3.87%
Retirement Rate of Return 2.16% 3.87%

Plan Overview

Net Worth at Retirement $3,627,355 $4,014,894

Net Worth at Plan End $3,556,645 $3,781,348
Year of First Shortfall 2070 --
* = Today's Dollars

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 15 of 24

Education Goal Coverage
University Education (Auston)

Your ability to cover your education goal is EDUCATION GOAL COVERAGE

determined by comparing your available
Alternative 1 -
resources to the total expected value of the
The following report shows details for your
education goal and the projected goal INSUFFICIENT
coverage amount for each scenario.

Current - 0%

Cost Details Current Plan Alternative 1

Estimated Cost per Year (Today's $) $19,818 $19,818

Annual Cost Index Rate 5.00% 5.00%
Start Year of Education 2038 2038
Duration of Goal 4 4
Expense % Coverage 100% 100%
Estimated Total Cost $177,578 $177,578
Assets Available Today $0 $0
Return Rate on Assets 0.00% 3.87%
Year of First Shortfall 2038 --
Current Monthly Savings $0 $937
Additional Monthly Savings $0 $0
Savings Start Date 2023/03/01 2023/03/01
Savings Indexed At 0.00% 0.00%
Additional Lump Sum Savings $0 $0
Savings Date 2023/03/01 2023/03/01
Capital at Start of Goal $0 $172,883

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 16 of 24

Plan Analysis Synopsis
Client Information
Yolanda Smythe Harold Smythe

Birth Date 1992/05/10 1993/10/20

59 Woodward Ave 59 Woodward Ave
Address London, Ontario N6H 2G8 London, Ontario N6H 2G8
Canada Canada
Citizenship Canada Canada

Family Member Information

Name Birth Date Age as of Plan Date Relationship Dependant of

Auston Smythe 2019/06/13 3 Son Both

Advisor Information
Name Advisor Type Business Phone Cell Phone

Somya Sharma Advisor (437) 263-7584

Plan Assumptions
Individual Assumptions Yolanda Smythe Harold Smythe

Retirement Date 2057/05/01 2052/05/01

Life Expectancy 90 90

Shared Assumptions

Marital Status Common Law

Income Tax Method Detailed Tax
Inflation Rate 3.00%
Elect to Split Pension Income Yes

Estate Assumptions
Detail Yolanda Harold

Is there a will? No No
Last revised? n/a n/a
Where are the wills kept? n/a n/a

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 17 of 24

Income Information
Regular Income Source Member Applicable Current Amount Indexed By

2023/01/01 to
Salary Yolanda $7,058/mo 3.00%
2023/01/01 to
Salary Harold $5,747/mo 3.00%

Lump Sum Income Source Member Applicable Current Amount Indexed By

*Accrued Income - Interest Yolanda 2023/02/27 $1 0.00%

*Accrued Income - Interest Harold 2023/02/27 $1,316 0.00%

CPP/QPP & OAS Information

Description Yolanda Smythe Harold Smythe

CPP/QPP Benefits Start On 2057/06/01 2053/11/01

OAS Benefits Start On 2057/06/01 2058/11/01
OAS Deferred Benefit Bonus 0.0% 0.0%
Qualify for % of Max CPP/QPP Benefits 100% 100%
Qualify for % of OAS Benefits 100% 100%

Expense Information
Regular Expenses
Expense Member Period Applicable Current Amount Frequency Indexed By Fixed?

Housing (e.g. 2023/01/01 to

Joint $2,184 Monthly 3.00% Yes
utilities, repairs) 2052/04/30
2023/01/01 to
Food Joint $1,538 Monthly 3.00% Yes
2023/01/01 to
(e.g. gas, Joint $1,314 Monthly 3.00% Yes
2023/01/01 to
(e.g. restaurants, Joint $1,152 Monthly 3.00% Yes
Personal (e.g. 2023/01/01 to
Joint $407 Monthly 3.00% Yes
clothing, hobbies) 2052/04/30
2023/01/01 to
Property Taxes Joint $6,915 Annual 3.00% Yes
2023/01/01 to
Travel Expense Joint $8,955 Annual 3.00% Yes
(Cable TV, 2023/01/01 to
Joint $584 Monthly 3.00% Yes
internet, and cell 2052/04/30
phones) ex

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 18 of 24

Regular Expenses
Expense Member Period Applicable Current Amount Frequency Indexed By Fixed?

University 2038/01/01 to
Auston $19,818 Annual 5.00% No
Education 2041/12/31
Retirement 2052/05/01 to
Joint $7,174 Monthly 3.00% Yes
Expense 2083/12/31
2025/09/01 to
New car Joint $45,000 Every 10 Years 3.00% Yes

Lump-Sum Expenses
Expense Description Member Date to be Amount in Current Amount to be Incurred
Incurred $

*Income already represented

in valuation date market Yolanda 2023/02/27 $1 $1
*Income already represented
in valuation date market Harold 2023/02/27 $1,316 $1,316
Trip for Auston Joint 2037/06/13 $29,876 $45,190

Lifestyle Asset Information

Asset Asset Type Owner Purchase Date Purchase Market Value Value as of Current
Amount Pre-Tax

Automobile Use Joint 2015/09/01 $30,000 $10,000 2023/02/27 0.00%
Principal Principal
Joint 2022/12/31 $1,050,000 $1,050,000 2023/02/27 2.00%
Residence Residence

Portfolio Assets
Market Market Cost Base Int. Div. Cap. Def. Total Std. Annual Reinvest
Value Date Value Gains Growth Return Dev. Account Income?

Account Name: Yolanda RRSP (Group RRSP) Goal: Retirement

2023/02/27 $104,302 $0 0.00% 2.09% 1.50% 2.19% 5.78% 14.19% 2.00% Yes

Account Name: Chequing account (Joint/Non-Registered) Goal: Retirement

2023/02/27 $5,000 $5,000 1.75% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.75% 1.99% 0.00% Yes

Account Name: Savings account (Joint/Non-Registered) Goal: Emergency Fund

2023/02/27 $5,000 $5,000 0.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.50% 2.00% 0.00% Yes

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 19 of 24

Market Market Cost Base Int. Div. Cap. Def. Total Std. Annual Reinvest
Value Date Value Gains Growth Return Dev. Account Income?

Account Name: Savings Account Harold inheirtane (Non-Registered) Goal: Retirement

2023/02/27 $900,000 $0 1.75% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.75% 1.99% 2.00% Yes
Note: The Portfolio Assets table includes a breakdown of the return rates by return type for your investment accounts. Interest returns are taxed as ordinary income at
the marginal tax rate. Dividends receive preferential tax treatment, while one-half the capital gains are taxed at the marginal tax rate. Income from the deferred
growth component is not subject to tax until the asset is sold and is usually taxed as a capital gain. The actual total return rates that you will receive will depend on
many factors, including inflation, type of investment, market conditions and investment performance.

Education Goals
University Education: Expenses
Member Start Year End Year Annual Amount (at Present) Total Projected Cost

Auston 2038 2041 $19,818 $177,578

*There are no assets allocated to this goal.

Savings Strategies
Account Saved To Applicable Amount Indexed By

Yolanda RRSP - Employer Contribution 2023/01/01 to 2057/04/30 5.00% /mo n/a

Yolanda RRSP - Employee
2023/01/01 to 2057/04/30 5.00% /mo n/a
Savings account 2023/01/01 to 2052/04/30 $200 /mo 0.00%
Note: A percentage value in the Amount column indicates the portion of salary that is being saved. These income percentages use the salary's index rate.

Liquidation Order During Retirement

Account Account Type Owner

Chequing account Non-Registered Joint

Savings Account Harold inheirtane Non-Registered Harold
Yolanda RRSP Group RRSP Yolanda
Note: The assets listed above are available and will be redeemed in the order they appear to meet cash flow needs during the retirement period.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 20 of 24

This analysis is hypothetical in nature and is intended to help you in making decisions on your financial future
based on information that you have provided and reviewed.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan regarding the likelihood of various investment
outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.

Criteria, Assumptions, Methodology, and Limitations of the Analysis

The assumptions used in this analysis are based on information provided and reviewed by you. Those assumptions must
be reconsidered on a frequent basis to ensure the results are adjusted accordingly. The smallest of changes in assumptions
can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of this analysis. Any inaccurate representation by you of any facts or
assumptions used in this analysis invalidates the results.

We have made no attempt to review your property and liability insurance policies (auto and homeowners, for example).
We strongly recommend that in conjunction with this analysis, you consult with your property and liability agent to review
your current coverage to ensure it continues to be appropriate. In doing so, you may wish to review the dollar amount of
your coverage, the deductibles, the liability coverage (including an umbrella policy), and the premium amounts.

This analysis does not constitute advice in the areas of legal, accounting or tax. It is your responsibility to consult with the
appropriate professionals in those areas either independently or in conjunction with this planning process.

Results May Vary With Each Use and Over Time

The results presented in this analysis are not predictions of actual results. Actual results may vary to a material degree due
to external factors beyond the scope and control of this analysis. Historical data is used to produce future assumptions
used in the analysis, such as rates of return. Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future performance.

The results are based on your representation of risk and include information that is current as of 2/27/2023. You are
responsible for confirming that the answers you provided to determine your individual risk tolerance used in this analysis
are accurately represented. The Alternative Plan asset allocation presented in this analysis is based on your answers to a
risk tolerance questionnaire and may represent a more aggressive-and therefore more risky-investment strategy than your
current asset allocation mix. Actual return rates and performance may vary to a significant degree from that represented in
this analysis.

Investments Considered*

This analysis does not consider the selection of individual securities; the analysis provides model portfolios. The results
contained herein do not constitute an actual offer to buy, sell or recommend a particular investment or product. All
investments are inherently risky. The asset classes and return rates used in the analysis are broad in nature. The illustrations
are not indicative of the future performance of actual investments, which will fluctuate over time and may lose value. Refer
to the Asset Allocation section of this report for details on return rate assumptions used throughout this analysis.

There are risks associated with investing, including the risk of losing a portion or all of your initial investment.

* Asset classes and Asset Allocation may not apply to the Forecaster Assessments.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 21 of 24

Delivery Acknowledgement
We, Yolanda Smythe and Harold Smythe, have reviewed and accept the information contained within this analysis and
understand the assumptions associated with it. We believe that all information provided by us is complete and accurate to
the best of our knowledge. We recognize that performance is not guaranteed and that all future calculations are included
simply as a tool for decision-making and do not represent a forecast of our financial future. This analysis should be
reviewed periodically to ensure that decisions made continue to be appropriate, particularly if there are changes in family
circumstances, such as an inheritance, birth of a child, death of a family member, or material change in incomes or

Yolanda Smythe

Harold Smythe


This analysis has been prepared based on the information provided. There has been no attempt to verify the accuracy or
completeness of this information. As the future cannot be forecast with certainty, actual results will vary from these
calculations. It is possible that these variations may be material. The degree of uncertainty normally increases with the length
of the future period covered.

Important: The calculations or other information generated by NaviPlan® version 23.1 regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect
actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. These calculations are shown for illustrative purposes only because they utilize return data that may not include fees or
operating expenses, and are not available for investment. If included, fees and other operating expenses would materially reduce these calculations.

Prepared by Somya Sharma Page 22 of 24

Recommendations for Yolanda and Harold Smythe

Asset Alloation

Class Name (%) ($)

Canadian Large Cap Equity 5.14%

Canadian Small Cap Equity 0.00%

US Equity 5.14%

International Equity 0.00%

Emerging Markets Equity 0.00%

Canadian Bonds 0.00%

Global Bonds 0.00%

Canadian Cash Equivalents 89.23% $

Unclassified 0.49%

Total 100.00% $1,0

Net Worth Recommendation

the new accounts are as follows

1. A TFSA to accumulate tax free retirement wealth
2. An additional Non-Registered savings account
3. An Resp to accumulate Austons Education fund
4. An additional savings account for Harold’s heritance
Cash Flow Recommendation
All the surplus cash flows are recommended to be utilised
for retirement and Auston’s education savings.

Tax Details Recommendations

1. Open up Tax Free savings account (TFSA)
2. Maximize your RRSP Contribution

Retirement Goal
1. Retire when Yolanda turns 66
2. Cut down monthly travel expenses to 6000

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