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Stacy and Pierce were best friends who lived in a small town at the
time. Since their first encounter in elementary school, they had been unable
to remain apart. Everyone in the community admired their friendship, which
was the interest of the town. They had been close friends for a long time
and supported each other no matter what. They had a special connection
that allowed them to communicate without words. However, as they
became older, Stacy began to feel more than just friendship for Pierce.
Although she loved spending time with him, she was burdened by
unspoken emotions.
Pierce was not the one who took advantage of Stacy's confession of
love. She was worried that she could put at risk their friendship and end up
without him. She was held back by her own unspoken affection since she
was afraid of rejection and unsure of how he would respond. She wanted
for confirmation that her feelings were shared, but Pierce didn't seem to
notice how she was feeling.
On a certain occasion, the class went on a field trip to a popular
space. Pierce and Stacy appreciated the lively scene while exploring the
shops. Stacy hoped that in the midst of the excitement, the ideal chance
would arise for her to express her emotions. But each time she tried to
speak up, her words fell short, and the opportunity passed. She was further
burdened by the weight of unspoken words, which cast a shadow over their
wonderful day.
As the sun began to set, Stacy and Pierce found a quiet bench in a
serene corner of the plaza. The sky painted shades of orange and pink,
creating a picturesque backdrop. Stacy's heart raced, knowing that this
might be her last chance. Gathering all her courage, she turned to Pierce,
her voice quivering, and started to speak. She poured out her heart,
revealing the depth of her feelings and the struggles she had kept hidden
for so long.
Pierce's eyes widened in shock as he listened carefully. He was
taken off guard by Stacy's revelation and was at a loss for words. He
genuinely cherished their friendship, but he had never given the idea of
something more any thought. He thanked Stacy for being so open-minded
and promised to give his response some thought.
Days went into weeks as Stacy waited impatiently for Pierce's
response. Because of the tension between them caused by unsaid
feelings, their friendship had grown somewhat distant. Finally, with a soft
smile on his face, Pierce walked up to Stacy. He admitted that while he had
always admired Stacy as a friend, he had never given her a romantic
thought. He didn't want to lose her since their relationship was too valuable
to risk.
While Stacy's heart was aching from unfulfilled desire, she saw
Pierce's meaning. They experienced a bittersweet moment of acceptance
in which they realized the depth of their platonic bond. Despite their
unfulfilled love, they made the decision to treasure their relationship and
stand by one another as they followed their separate paths.
In the end, Stacy and Pierce remained close friends, connected by
feelings that could both break and deepen their friendship.


•STACEY- The main character of the story, who has a
feelings for his best friend
•PIERCE- The best friend of Stacey that


• Town
• Plaza
• Man vs. Himself
• Untold Feelings: A Platonic Relationship Between Two Bestfriend


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