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3.Based on the story, Grandma lets Tony know that
_______________________________________________ –

A. she’s good at taking care of sick people

1. Drawing Conclusions. Choose the correct option. B. she knows he isn´t really sick
C. she´s afraid of catching his chicken pox
A Special Kind of Chicken Pox D. she gets sick often

Tony’s mom stood in the doorway, pulling on

her coat. She had a worried look on her face. 4.Grandma’s grin shows that –

“Don’t be late for your meeting, Amy”, said A. she’s not mad at Tony for pretending to be sick
Grandma. “I’ll take good care of Tony. B. she´s going to tell his mother
C. Tony looks really funny
Tony was glad to hear the door bang shut D. She isn’t feeling well either
behind his mother, Now all he had to do was keep his
grandmother from coming too close. He wasn’t sure --------------------------
how real the pink marks on his face looked.

“Better stay away, Grandma”, he said. “You Baby Dee woke up and started crying loudly. Scott
might catch it”. ran to her from the kitchen. He held Dee and talked to
her. Scott didn’t know why she was crying. He had fed
“Don´t worry, Tony,” said Grandma. Dee earlier.
“I’ve already had that kind of chicken pox before. I still He checked to see if the baby’s clothes were wet.
get it now and then”. She grinned and left the room. They were dry. Then Scott noticed a hard toy block
lying where Dee had been sleeping.

1.Based on the story, Tony’s mother is – Based on this paragraph, why do you think Dee
was crying?
A. has just come indoors
B. is worried about leaving Tony A. Dee was very hungry
C. is going to find a doctor B. The block made Dee uncomfortable in bed
D. doesn’t think Tony is sick C. Scott had to take care of only one baby
D. Scott was not a good father
2.Tony doesn’t want Grandma to –

A. stay in the house

B. leave the room
C. catch the chicken pox from him
D. find out that his chicken pox is not real

2. Vocabulary words # 6
Complete the sentence with the correct word from the box.




A. You make the ______________ for something when it´s worth it.

B. She admitted to herself that she didn´t know how to ____________ her feelings.

C. My sister was asking for _____________, there are times when we really help each other.

D. Working with new team members means that you need to use your _____________ skills.

E. I don’t want to become a __________ to my children when I’m old.

F. We must find a way to ____________ the problem before it´s too late.

G. Patience and __________________ will be the most important abilities when doing a project.

H. Look around, there are many reasons to be _______________ about the future.

I. Everything is almost ready for me to make another ______________ on the competition.

J. You have to be strong and ________________ and know that you can achieve your goal.

3. Vocabulary words # 8
Complete the sentence with the correct word from the box.




A. The footballer will receive a suspension because of the _____________ yesterday’s game.

B. Getting this difficult job finished on time is a very important ______________.

C. The company constantly ____________ to improve the quality of the service.

D. She only bought that sports to prove she could afford one, she’s a ______________.

E. The meeting was a complete ______________ nobody gave ideas or opinions.

F. My brother is _______________ he patiently recovers from the difficult situation.

G. ____________ women don’t doubt about their abilities and knowledge.

H. He sounded nervous but he didn´t ________________ in the middle of his sentences.

I. She’s working hard fulfill her _____________ to become a doctor.

J. One ______________ of living in the city is the heavy traffic on roads.

4. Underline with red the dependent and with blue the independent clauses.

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