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S/N Description Projected Amount Actual Amount Remarks
Please fill in this Please fill in this
column at the column only at the
application stage. end of your
project, upon
submitting your
evaluation report.

Amount based on ticket price of $8.90, with 220 pax per

1 Ticket Sales at SHOWCO STUDIO $5,874.00 viewing.

Seek sponsorships from National Council on Problem

Gambling, in exchange for branding and messaging to be
2 Sponsorships $1,750.00 implemented into the short film

KPI includes the involvement of 2 Singaporean media

3 Grants $1,000.00 talents in a short film that does not exceed 40 minutes.
TOTAL INCOME (I) $7,624.00 $0.00

Event Management and Production Equipment Rental
S/N Description Projected Amount Actual Amount Remarks
Please fill in this Please fill in this
column at the column only at the
application stage. end of your
Rental of Camera, Tripods, Portable Lighting, Sound Mixer,
project, upon
and Microphone for 5 Filming Days. Refer to rate card for
submitting your
1 Technical equipment rental (Camera, Lighting, Audio Equipment) $2,125.00 individual rates.
evaluation report.

Based on providing a crew of 4 people, and 8-9 cast

2 Food & Beverage (for talents and assistants) $350.00 members lunch daily for 5 days.

Budget for additional clothing items such as hospital gowns,

T Shirts, pants, etc. Make up such as concealer, foundation,
3 Wardrobe and Makeup $150.00 etc to be bought as well.

Based on providing a crew of 4 people, and 8-9 cast

4 Transportation for Equipment and Personnel $300.00 members transport to necessary set locations
Location Rental

Rental of photo studio for Hospital Scene. Rate taken from

1 Photo Studio Rental $150.00

Rental of rental home for flat scenes. Rate taken from

2 Residental Rental $350.00
Conference Room rental for Gambling Den scene. Rates
3 Conference Space Rental $350.00 taken from
Professional Fees

Rate for Studio rental at NOONTALK X SHOWCO STUDIO for

1 Display Venue Rental $1,875.00 3 days, 2 hours each day. Rate taken from

2 Main Cast $500.00 $100/day

3 Supporting & Extra Cast $250.00 $50/day

4 Makeup Artist $250.00 $50/hr

Publicity and Marketing

Budget set aside for a short campaign to promote

1 Instagram and Titok Marketing Fees $100.00 awareness of the film on social media platforms
Others (please specify)
e.g. include any other spending for your project such as miscellaneous cost, licencing, copyrights, etc.
1 Music licensing $190.00
2 Film Festival Submission Fee $36 Singapore Film Festival Registration Fee (If Submitted)
TOTAL EXPENDITURE (II) $6,940.00 $0.00

NET DEFICIT (II) - (I) -$684.00 $0.00

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