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Corps Liberator

Indiana Corps
A Publication of the Indiana Militia Corps - ©2008 - www.IndianaMilitia.Org


short order we found that it is
Contacts & Submissions
difficult to build a militia when
Our Officially "P.C." Disclaimer: patriots are not taking their
This publication and the responsibilities as minutemen
information contained within, seriously. In the course of
including comments, text, and all accepting applications and
hyperlinks, are for educational inducting people, we found that the
purposes only. Any use of the majority of them were simply not
information contained within for engaging their duty in the militia.
other than educational purposes is Of course, there is the opposite.
not the responsibility of the Editor, Some outstanding patriots have
the members or leaders of the IMC. joined us who have demonstrated
their ability to rise to the challenge
All clipart graphics are public of leading the effort to build a truly
domain except for the name and well-regulated militia.
organizational graphics of the Among these individuals, all of
Indiana Militia Corps, and unless whom deserve to be recognized for
otherwise noted by an external their hard work, are the patriots who
source. have become brigade commanders
Copyrighted materials from outside and regimental leaders. A special
sources are used within the context mention to COL Paul Ratcliff and
of the "fair use" clause (Title 17, COL Todd Hakes; they have
USC; sections 501, 506 & 507) and worked very hard to organize
should not be construed as an Revitalizing the Militia southern Indiana. Colonel Jim
infringement upon any rights, Begins With YOU! Wilkinson has also expended
privileges, benefits or immunities. tremendous effort in developing
By MG WILLIAM FLATT northern Indiana.
All rights explicitly reserved, HQ INDMILCORPS We also wish to welcome Jeff
without prejudice, per UCC 1-207 In case anyone hasn’t noticed, Foust, who will assume command
and 1-308. the Indiana Militia Corps has been of 1BDE, and 1LT Robert Cox,
who will be brevetted to command
 operational now for over 6 1/2
16th Regiment under the leadership
years. It has been a long hard
We welcome submissions. Email struggle to build the militia up to of COL Wilkinson.
your editorial or news article to this point. Our growth has come now, and When IMC was founded by only after patriots have wakened
insert LIBERATOR submission in myself and Col. Mike Niese, we from their post–9/11 slumber.
the subject line. hoped that the organization we were Whether one believed and trusted
building would grow quickly. In the current administration because
If you have ideas on how we can they declared support for the
improve this publication, please
contact us. Featured Articles In This Bonus-Sized Issue:
2 NORTHCOM secret martial law plans
Post Office Box 53 4 NAU Military – a trilateral merger
Pendleton, Indiana 46064
HQ Mobile: 765-606-0645 6 Wake Up or Die Homeless & Hungry
HQ Office: 317-219-3228
9 Prisons Dumping Crooks onto Streets to Make Room!
16 Bilderberg Targets Patriots for Assassination
2 Indiana Militia Corps
individual Right to keep and bear We have laid the foundation, their thoughts on the plan, a plan
arms (even though Mr. Bush but it is up to people like you to which they weren’t even aware of.
supported making the Clinton AWB revitalize the militia, as Dr. Edwin “It came as a bit of a surprise to
permanent), or whether you Vieira has put it. me,” said Maine Department of
accepted the official reasons for Defense, Veterans and Emergency
launching our nation into a putative If we are to build a credible and Management Commissioner and
“war on terror” (even though this effective deterrent to tyranny and Adjutant General, Major General
was a tissue of an excuse to engage the illegal enforcement of Bill Libby in an exclusive interview
in empire-building), or even the unconstitutional edicts, the with the Fort Fairfield Journal.
lame excuses given for all the confiscation of firearms by either “I’m a little disappointed that I
freedom-robbing legislation that has police or paramilitary mercenaries had to learn of the (Civil
passed and been signed by Bush. (remember New Orleans!) …then it Assistance) plan from the
Mr. Bush has done more is up to you. editor/publisher of the Fort Fairfield
violence to the Constitution during Journal.”
his tenure than Bill Clinton could You are the militia. According to a NORTHCOM
ever have dreamed of. I’ll get into press release, published on their
the specifics later in this issue. website, the CAP was signed by
Whatever their reasons for
 USAF General Gene Renuart,
remaining passive during this commander of North American
administration’s rapid accumulation Aerospace Defense (NORAD)
of dictatorial police-state powers, Northc
Northcom makes Command and NORTHCOM; and
patriots are FINALLY waking up to secret Deal to put Canadian Air Force Lt.-General
the fact that soon - whether this foreign troops on Marc Dumais on February 14, 2008
nation wishes it or not – political American soil!!! in a ceremony at Fort Sam Houston,
power on Capitol Hill and the Texas.
White House will likely transfer in Deschesne Meets with Alternate news media covered
2009 from the Republicans to the General Libby to Discuss the story on the internet as early as
Democrats. The shoe will be on the Civil Assistance Plan February 21 and the Fort Fairfield
other foot! Journal was made aware of it by its
By: David Deschesne
Patriots are finally coming to nationwide network of independent,
Fort Fairfield Journal,
the realization that I have warned March 26, 2008 edition, p.1 volunteer researchers on Feb. 24.
about for over 5 years; that all these Last month, the United States’ This writer mailed letters to the
police state powers, used relatively Northern Command (NORTHCOM) Aroostook County Sheriff,
sparingly and very quietly by the and Canada Command signed an Aroostook Emergency Management
Bush gang… will be used without agreement that would allow the Agency and Maine Secretary of
any regard to restraint by the military of one country to assist State on February 29 for comment
Democrat leadership. At the civil authorities in the other’s on this plan and followed up with
present time I believe that this could during times of emergency. Emails on March 3.
very well be Hillary Clinton, and The so-called “Civil Assistance As the head of Maine’s
you ought to know how much she Plan” (CAP) allows Canadian Emergency Management system,
hates private gun ownership and the soldiers to function with civil General Libby was then admittedly
people who own guns! authorities in the United States and made aware of the CAP shortly
Not long ago, I said; “Let’s United States soldiers in that after his Maine Emergency
hope that more patriotic Americans capacity in Canada during a Management State Director, Robert
wake up and see this tyranny for declared emergency. McAleer alerted him to it - at least
what it is before the control grid is The CAP was not authorized fourteen days after it had been
fully completed!” by Congressional legislation, or signed.
This is what’s happening now. as a treaty between two countries “Neither the governor, nor I
People are waking up, and seeking were included in the discussions
by the U.S. Senate.
us out. While it is a shame that it of the plan, or even aware of it”
It also seems that the
took so long for people to realize said Libby, who is the highest-
respective State governors and
that the answer to tyranny is the ranking military officer in Maine.
their adjutant generals weren’t
militia, we are thankful that at least “Not that I think NORTHCOM has
apprised of the agreement either.
people are opening their eyes to the to come to us for approval, but it
Recently, the Fort Fairfield
treason going on in our midst. would have been nice to at least
Journal questioned the Maine
been included in the discussion of
Emergency Management agency for
3 Indiana Militia Corps
the plan. It certainly wasn’t by placing the sole determination “Certainly if we were designing an
appreciated at the State level that and use of the U.S. military for Operational Order for use in Iraq
we were left out.” He also indicated law enforcement purposes within we wouldn’t want that made public.
that it was likely most of the other a state with the President alone. But, the CAP is different and we are
State governors and their adjutant Section 1068* of the NDAA (H.R. working on authorizing it for
generals were out of the loop, as 5122) says, “The president, by release to the public as soon as
well. using the militia or the armed possible.”
While left out of the forces, or both, or by any other LTC Cornelio promises a copy
negotiations for the CAP, Libby means, shall take such measures of the CAP will be made available
claims that the use of U.S. or as he considers necessary to to the Fort Fairfield Journal as soon
Canadian troops for assistance to suppress, in a State, any as it’s released.
local authorities in Maine would be insurrection, domestic violence, The NDAA allows the
up to the State, not the Federal unlawful combination or President to use the military to
government. “It is my conspiracy...” enforce the laws of the United
understanding that in the event of an The Canadian military’s States within a State when a State
emergency, the Governor, his agreement with NORTHCOM may “opposes or obstructs the execution
emergency management directors allow them into the State under the of the laws of the United States or
and I would determine if we needed President’s authority in the NDAA impedes the course of justice under
assistance from the federal to “suppress in a State, any those laws.”
government and would then apply insurrection, domestic violence, The State of Maine is currently
for it,” said Libby. As for foreign unlawful combination or refusing to abide by and adopt
troops being used for domestic law conspiracy, if it so hinders the provisions of the REAL ID Act,
enforcement, Libby says, “The execution of the laws of that State, which is a federal law.
Canadian military will not be used and of the United States within the Under section 1068, of the
for law enforcement purposes.” State.” Clearly this portion of the NDAA, Maine could be
[Ed. Note: This is a hollow NDAA is intended to authorize considered in a state of
promise, because several the use of the U.S. military for “insurrection” by refusing to
notable OPLAN documents law enforcement within a State, comply with REAL ID, thus
show an intent to use foreign under the President’s discretion, activating the language and intent
troops and/or private military and allows the Canadian military of the NDAA against them. The
companies as a ‘posse to also be used upon request from deadline for compliance with REAL
comitatus’ (Ref. NDAA 2006)] NORTHCOM under the CAP. ID is May 11, 2008. The State of
Currently, Maine law requires There is no mention in the Maine has indicated it has no
any federal officer who engages in NDAA of a State governor’s input intention of filing for an extension
State law enforcement to have in the determination to use U.S. for compliance.
completed a minimum of required troops within his/her State. [Ed. Note: Hooray for Maine!
training through the Maine Criminal Instead, those measures are Let’s hope that another 36 states do
Justice Academy, or an approved left solely to the U.S. President the same thing!]
course. But, those statutes grant no alone. The language, “or any other There is an old maxim that says
authorization for foreign militaries. means,” in the law seems to imply militaries are formed and trained
Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) John the use of foreign troops in primarily to kill people and break
Cornelio, Public Affairs Officer for addition to, or in lieu of, U.S. troops things. Militaries, by their nature
NORTHCOM/NORAD in Colorado to enforce the laws of the State and are not disaster relief organizations.
Springs agreed with Libby in a the United States in the event the “NORTHCOM is an operational
telephone interview with the Fort state’s constituted authorities are command center, it has no troops
Fairfield Journal. “The CAP is either unable, or refuse to provide assigned to it,” said LTC Cornelio.
merely an agreement between the said enforcement. “We are in command of both
U.S. and Canada where Canadian The text of the agreement with aspects of the military - the war side
troops will assist the states when the Canadian military is not being and the disaster relief side. We
asked,” said LTC Cornelio. “They made public. “It is marked, ‘For determine which to use based upon
are not intended to be used for law Official Use Only,’” said General our assigned mission.”
enforcement purposes.” Libby. Since the only time Maine
However, the 2008 National “The CAP is an Operational would apply for assistance “out of
Defense Authorization Act Order and all Operational Orders house” is when it is determined that
(NDAA) seems to contradict fall under the category ‘For Official it can’t handle the emergency “in
Libby’s and Cornelio’s position Use Only,” said LTC Cornelio. house” with its own authorities,
4 Indiana Militia Corps
General Libby was asked what “The signing of this plan is an violence” and also when the
would happen if a foreign military important symbol of the already constituted authorities of the
were invited into the State and strong working relationship between State are “unable, or refuse” to
decided to take control of the Canada Command and U.S. uphold the laws of the United
police, legislature or governor. By Northern Command,” Dumais said. States.
inviting in the Canadian military, “Our Commands were created by Since no mention of foreign
we would admittedly not have our respective governments to militaries is extant in the NDAA,
enough people in the State to handle respond to the defense and security the CAP seems to be a "back door"
that type of situation. “The plan challenges of the twenty-first to allow the President to bring in
doesn’t address that question,” he century, and we both realize that those foreign troops by activating
said. these and other challenges are best NORTHCOM and NORTHCOM
The NDAA does not deal with met through cooperation between bringing in those foreign militaries
innocuous events such as water friends.” that are partnered with them.
purification, but instead deals Jerome Corsi, from World Net It is important to note that the
specifically with the use of the U.S., Daily reports, “The agreement, Canadian military’s soldiers have
and now through the CAP, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan, sworn no oath of allegiance to the
Canadian militaries to enforce State was not submitted to Congress for United States, or U.S. Constitution,
and U.S. law within a state under approval, nor did Congress pass any but could potentially be armed and
the President’s direction… A plan law or treaty specifically in-country assisting civilian law
that General Libby admits was authorizing this military agreement enforcement officers in their law
entered into with no input or to combine the operations of the enforcement duties.
foreknowledge of the respective armed forces of the United States By the nature of foreign troops
States’ legislatures, Emergency and Canada…” under quasi-federal control, there is
Management Directors, Adjutant Historically, the U.S. Military, a potential for their usurpation of
Generals or Governors. and even more so a foreign military, the authority of local law
has been prohibited from exercising enforcement. Senator Susan Collins
 civilian policing powers of the U.S. (R-ME), ranking member of the
citizenry by the Posse Comitatus Senate Homeland Security and
Act of 1878. Governmental Affairs Committee
THE PLANNED However, section 1076 of the attempted to downplay the
NORTH AMERICAN John Warner Defense Authorization seriousness of foreign troops
UNION MILITARY Act ( exercising civilian law enforcement
By David Deschesne bin/query/F?c109:6:./temp/%7Ec10 duties inside the U.S.; “It should be
Fort Fairfield Journal 9lgGl2r:e939907:) (H.R. 5122) important to note that this is not a
March 24, 2008 UPDATE granted the President bold new mutual defense plan, but it does
powers to use the (U.S.) military for allow one nation’s military to
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - The domestic law enforcement within provide civil support assistance to
North American Union military the states under his discretion alone, their neighbor in the time of a civil
began shoring up support among without an invitation from the emergency such as during floods,
member nations last month as States’ authorities. forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes
leaders from U.S. and Canadian The 2008 National Defense as well as to help deal with the
Commands signed an agreement Authorization Act (NDAA) (H.R. effects of a terrorist attack in order
( 1585) repeals portions of the former to save lives, prevent human
08/021408.html) to allow each grant of emergency presidential suffering and mitigate damage to
other’s military forces to police the powers from the John Warner property,” said Senator Collins.
citizenry in domestic law Defense Authorization Act. “Many states along the northern
enforcement during emergencies in However, after portions of the border have a number of close knit
each other’s respective countries. former act were repealed, the 2008 communities that exist on both sides
“This document is a unique, NDAA ( of the border.”
bilateral military plan to align our bin/query/F?c110:7:./temp/%7Ec11 Senator Collins refused to
respective national military plans to 0BGsxei:e982221:) still allows the address the concerns of a foreign
respond quickly to the other President to use the militia or the military operating in the U.S.
nation’s requests for military armed forces within the States and without an oath of allegiance to
support of civil authorities,” to take measures he deems protect and defend the Constitution,
Renuart said in a press release from necessary to suppress or appropriate training in the
U.S. Northern Command. “insurrections” and “domestic respective states’ Criminal Justice
5 Indiana Militia Corps
Academy as is required of the local United States and to preserve and an excuse to implement their
law enforcement officers they protect the U.S. Constitution. The militarized police state agenda.”
would be assisting. Canadian soldiers, benevolent As a sort of pre-introduction
Most states in the U.S. have though they may be, have sworn no “soft sell” to the merger of both
provisions in their laws that deal oath of allegiance or sworn to countries’ armed forces, NORAD
with the exercise of police powers protect and defend our Constitution and NORTHCOM provided a joint
by members of federal agencies (but - nor should we expect them to. In color guard for this year’s
not foreign militaries). In Maine the event “extra hands” are Superbowl, with Canadian troops
law, for example, those needed in an emergency, the included in the ceremony.
requirements can be found at 25 Sheriff, County Emergency Last Fall, the U.S., Mexico
MRSA section 1502-A. Specifically Management Director and and Central America entered into
stated therein are requirements for Governor have full power and an agreement to merge police
training in certain aspects of law authority to enlist volunteers or agencies at the Merida Summit, as
before federal officers may exercise paid employees out of their own reported in the Fort Fairfield
state law enforcement powers. citizenry and use them to those Journal, Feb. 27, 2008 (page 1).
However, there is no mention of ends. Then, they at least get to http://null/ffj_02270801b.htm
foreign military troops providing keep control at the local level The North American Union
those same law enforcement without submitting to a foreign was formed by fiat in May, 2005 by
services. military bureaucracy. U.S. President George W. Bush;
The purpose of these types of It is key to note that U.S. Mexican President, Vicente Fox;
laws is to provide some certainty Northern Command is empowered and Canadian Prime Minister, Paul
that anybody with a badge and a to protect U.S. “interests”, but Martin. Later that year, Mexican
gun who sets out to enforce state admittedly not the Constitutional troops were assisting local law
law; a) has at least some idea what rights of the citizenry, since there is enforcement and Emergency
state law says (and strictly Federal no mention of said rights in its Management agencies in Texas
law enforcement training doesn't mission statement. during hurricane Katrina while the
usually go into specifics of this), As the North American Union’s U.S. BATF was exercising law
and b) has sufficient knowledge, Military HQ, USNORTHCOM’s enforcement duties in Mexico via
perhaps at least equal to that Area of Responsibility their “Southern Borders Initiative.”
imparted to local reserve police (
officers, regarding proper dex.html) includes air, land and sea 07/oct/93800.htm
application of force in various approaches and encompasses the To date, no formal treaty has
situations in accordance with the continental United States, Alaska, been ratified by the U.S. Senate to
states’ laws. Canada, Mexico and the allow for U.S. involvement in said
“As I understand it, this is not a surrounding water out to Union, strategic and prosperity
completely new concept,” said Jen approximately 500 nautical miles. It partnership ( or
Burita, a spokesperson for Senator also includes the Gulf of Mexico any other merger of U.S. police and
Collins' D.C. office. “Van Buren and the Straits of Florida. The military units with foreign
Fire Department, for example, commander of USNORTHCOM is countries. But, the U.S. Congress
recently was backup on a fire in responsible for theater security and Senate are moving forward with
Canada.” cooperation with Canada and the necessary funding to implement
The parallel between fire Mexico. said mergers despite that fact.
departments and full-fledged “If the establishment was really While politicians refuse to
militaries providing aid is not supportive of protecting U.S. refer to a “North American
congruent, since firefighters are not national sovereignty, why on earth Union” by name, they are moving
an armed military force with the would they allow USNORTHCOM forward with all of the necessary
potential to use machine guns, tanks to establish an agreement with mergers and bilateral agreements
and armored personnel carriers Canada that allows their military to between police, fire, military,
against the public during civilian support our military during civil industry, and economies that
policing duties. emergencies?” queried independent would be necessary to facilitate
Others have argued that the journalist, Lee Rogers. such a Union in the first place.
Canadian soldiers would be a good “Clearly the U.S. government
"extra pair of hands." However, is ratcheting up their plans for
martial law and using the phony

even before we give our own
soldiers or police a gun, they have threat of homegrown terrorism as
to swear an oath of allegiance to the
6 Indiana Militia Corps
WAKE UP, OR YOU the CCT and their supporters have political parties is the name, they
WILL DIE HOMELESS been taught from birth that they are are both part of the CCT, hold
AND HUNGRY superior to average Americans who Americans in contempt, and are up
are only ignorant and common to their necks in the blood of
By Andrew C. Wallace people born to be their slaves. No innocent Americans for their profit
February 13, 2008 question, we will be their slaves if and power. Because of government they take away our Sovereignty. failure to obey our Constitution,
Most people are just like those The ultimate objective of the CCT lawlessness is so severe - especially
in Nazi Germany under Hitler; some leadership is Power, wealth and a in ‘sanctuary cities’ - that every
see the evil affecting others, but will One World Government with them citizen who can, should obtain and
ignore it until it's too late, but a as the unelected despots. exercise a Right to Carry Permit.
majority of Americans are as The CCT, unlike average Anyone who does not accept this
uninformed as a box of rocks Americans, is well organized and fact is an uninformed future victim,
because they rely on the controlled directed by the Council on Foreign soon to be added to the growing list.
media propaganda for information. Relations, their think tank and We are still not totally
Our media is really amazing, run by shadow government. As of June 30, dominated, so we are being allowed
Liberals who do not have a clue that 2007 the CFR had annual operating to participate in a sham election
their liberal leaders are communists income of $39,441,800 and net because the CCT fears “We the
and their corporate employers are assets of $336,638,800. As one People” as we are the most heavily
Fascists, with no loyalty to any example, the “Security and armed population in the world, and
country. The constitutional right of Prosperity Plan for North America” have the internet to inform people at
a free press was to insure SPP, that President Bush signed to no cost. The media as part of the
Americans the information they give away our Sovereignty and CCT is as effective at propaganda
must have to remain free, but our combine America with Canada & as Hitler ever was. This election is
media is nothing more than the Mexico was published by the so important, and flawed in so many
propaganda arms of owners in the arrogant CFR. Follow the money. ways that you should read the
“Chain of Command for Treason” When I was in the military we following experts on the subject:
who are in the process of enslaving would have said that the CCT was Devvy Kidd, Frosty Wooldridge,
us and taking our sovereignty. Two awarding Americans the “Royal Alan Stang, and Dave Daubenmire
of our primary defenses against Order of the Purple Shaft with in NewsWithViews, dated 2-7-08.
usurpation are the Right to Keep Barbed Wire Clusters,” younger The CCT owned media does not
and Bear Arms and the Right to people would refer to this as getting perform the constitutional function
Freedom of Speech. Both of these the “Finger,” which I did not think of a free press and is losing
rights are under serious attack right was adequate to describe the consumers to the internet. Because
now and could be instantly denied complete and total destruction and of this, the internet as we know it is
by traitors in government using enslavement of a proud nation and not likely to survive as reported by
existing unconstitutional policy. its people. Brent Jessop in “Pentagon: Internet
Your Enemy is the “Chain of The CCT is absolutely ruthless needs to be dealt with as if it were
Command for Treason” - CCT, by allowing millions of Americans an enemy ‘weapons system’” in
consisting of Elites and their to be murdered, raped, robbed and Global Research, 2-2-08.
foundations, who control the molested by millions of illegal [
invaders so they could make p?context=viewArticle&code=JES2008
corporations and media, who in turn
billions in blood money by 0202&articleId=7980]
control our government with the
exploiting illegal aliens and paying Jessop reviews a Department of
direction of their think tank and
slave wages. Politicians at all levels Defense document released by
shadow government, The Council
of government as part of the CCT freedom of information act titled:
on Foreign Relations, CFR et al.
are guilty of Treason for refusing “Information Operation Roadmap
elites are mostly the progeny of
to obey the constitution and laws Part 3, 30 Oct 2003”, in which they
wealth, a few have earned or stolen
of the United States to protect propose to destroy the internet as
their own money, many of their
Americans. The blood of our we know it, DOD is blunt about
forebears were ruthless and very
people is on the hands of most the fact that an internet, with the
active supporters of Fascism and
politicians and especially President potential for free speech, is in
Communism as are the leaders of direct opposition to their goals. If
both parties today. These statements Bush, Bush the elder, Bill Clinton
and presidential candidates you can’t believe Jessop, read the
are not subject to question, there is damn government document
just too much documented evidence McCain, Obama and Clinton. The
only difference between both yourself. In simple terms we must
to support them. Today’s leaders of
7 Indiana Militia Corps
take back our country using the The CCT has destroyed the illegals taking our jobs while many
rule of law before they take away lives of millions of Americans by Americans live in poverty. Maybe
the internet and our guns, or as exporting two out of every three you can tell me the difference
God is my witness, we will all die well paid manufacturing jobs which between these greedy lying
homeless hungry and in pain as increased corporate profits but politicians who are paid by CCT to
slaves. forced Americans to live in poverty. support illegals at our expense, and
Lynn Stuter said in News With Thirty six percent of our jobs used those who sold their own people
Views on 2-5-08: “The United to be in better paid manufacturing, into slavery in the first place?
States Congress, at the request of now it is only 12%. Both political Obviously, poor white people suffer
the Bush Administration, has parties were responsible for the too, but I did not have a study to
passed laws revoking habeas trade agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA prove the numbers. The U.S. Senate
corpus, Posse Comitatus, and the that did this and they are defeated amnesty last year because
4th Amendment to the Bill of continuing to do it. Our very a few Senators were patriots and the
Rights prohibiting illegal search survival requires that we repudiate rest were in fear of the people for
and seizure.…the United States all trade agreements and treaties their very lives. If you continue to
Congress passed a law that defines because they benefit only the CCT, vote for those who take the food out
anyone speaking out against the take our sovereignty and prosperity of your mouth to give illegals, and
criminal acts of the United States et al. Thank Bush, McCain, Clinton you know the truth, then you
government as a “domestic & Obama. deserve to starve. Thank Bush,
terrorist.” Congress also passed a The CCT cost millions of McCain, Clinton & Obama.
law prohibiting anyone considered Americans their jobs in the service Catholic Bishops support
to have a mental illness from industry. This is because each of the illegals in spite of the harm to their
owning a gun, including men better paid manufacturing jobs that members, so illegals can replace
coming home from war. Through we lost supported 4 to 7 service those who quit the church because
the New Freedom Commission on jobs. We lost about 1,500,000 of massive child molestation cover-
Mental Health, established by Bush, service jobs last year because we ups. I have been assured that there
the push has been to label every lost the 269,000 manufacturing jobs is nothing in the Bible to support
American as mentally defective. that supported them. The more church actions. The leadership of
…This labeling of every American comprehensive way to describe job both political parties want illegals
as somehow mentally defective is loss is to refer to in-sourcing, for votes and cheap labor for
no different than the tactic used in outsourcing and offshoring. corporations.
the U.S.S.R. to label dissidents who Microsoft saved $12,000 a year for The CCT has followed a policy
refused to conform to the social each worker on a visa. We have had of inflation and deflation since they
psychology of oppression practiced a Tsunami of job losses and none of established a private bank called
by the communists to control the them were a benefit to the American the Federal Reserve in 1913,
masses; the same social psychology people or to many living in other which is not owned by our
now being forced on the American countries like Mexico, only the government. This private bank
people.” End of quote. CCT and associated corporations creates money with no backing by
President Bush flip flopped, benefited. For every foreign book-keeping entries alone. Since
and now supports Government born/illegal worker there is an our money has no backing they can
control of firearms in a case before unemployed American. Details at increase the supply of money at any
Supreme court. It should give you Thank Bush, McCain, time which causes inflation and
little confidence to know that all Clinton & Obama. reduces value of the dollar which in
nine justices have degrees from Ivy If you are an unemployed turn increases prices of everything
League schools and eight are from Black man, you should know that reducing your standard of living.
Harvard. Too many judges do not according to a prestigious NBER Value of the dollar has lost 50%
follow the Constitution in their study 40% of Black male just since Bush has been in office
rulings. As an example, according unemployment is due to and overseas retirees have already
to our Constitution, jurors have illegals/foreign born. Worse yet, lost 50% of their purchasing power.
absolute power in deciding validity your politicians know how strongly Except for hyper inflation, it takes a
of the law in a trial, and guilt or you object and how you are harmed, little longer to feel the effects in the
innocence of the accused, but most but they still support amnesty and country of origin. Since I left the
judges will not allow the jury to be benefits for illegals in return for service a car costs 16 times as much
told this important fact because it support from corporations and the and wives must now work. That is a
reduces their power. CCT. It makes my blood boil to serious reduction in the standard of
know that our politicians support living. Since 1913 the value of the
8 Indiana Militia Corps
dollar has declined 98%. But the this mess, will be unemployed Billions of dollars a year and
real disaster is the ongoing and without a pension or anything else seriously reducing our standard of
expanding mortgage and credit just like the rest of us. This is the living to pay for their welfare, food
scandal where the Federal Reserve CCT at work…and you can thank stamps, school lunches, Medicaid,
Bank has reduced interest rates and Bush, McCain, Clinton, Obama and education, 27% of convicts are
poured hundreds of Billions of so- their ilk. illegals, suppressed wages, lost
called dollars into the system to bail Some do not understand the jobs, drugs, crime, billions (of
out banks and financial institutions. “Sovereign Wealth Funds” owned dollars) sent out of the country,
This action was inflationary and by foreign governments that are additional costs of insurance.
reduced value of the dollar which buying stock in so called American Money we spend on illegals is
increased your cost for gas, food companies. President Bush and the reducing promised benefits to our
and everything else. It also reduced CCT have no objection, because own poor, elderly, veterans. The
the value of your pensions and all their plan is a One-World damn government is even giving
financial assets except gold. In Government dictatorship that would illegals our Social Security.
simple terms these actions by the control everything and everybody. What can individuals do to
CCT transferred much of their Destruction of our currency would protect themselves and their
losses to the American people. Our also expedite this plan. families during the meltdown?
dollar is in a freefall. Our I don’t think there is anything Having lived during the Great
government is bankrupt and that can be done to stop this Depression, I think it is almost
therefore so will be the rest of the economic meltdown, it has gone too impossible for those who have not
world. I can’t forecast when the far because the CCT controlled lived through something like that to
bottom is to drop out, no one can, I media has kept most people in the even accept the possibility of it.
can only tell you it can happen in a dark; Hitler would be proud, He There is a strong consensus on the
day, any day. Thank Bush, McCain, took over Germany the same way. If following minimum courses of
Clinton & Obama for a good part of we elect officials at all levels who action for survival: Obtain legal
this disaster. support “We the People”, we can firearms (pistol and rifle) with
Our upcoming economic destroy the CCT and prosecute plenty of ammunition. Keep cash on
meltdown, like the Great them for Treason and other crimes. hand with a minimum in the bank.
Depression of the thirties will cause There is no question - none at all- Buy newly minted U.S. gold coins.
massive unemployment, hunger, that top elected officials are guilty Try to reduce your debt. Have food
deprivation, crime and the transfer of treason; but of course, their on hand to last a year if possible.
of remaining assets to the wealthy in employees, the prosecutors refuse to Have a supply of medications and
the CCT by inflation and deflation. charge them. Honest officials can other necessities. Expect failure of
But this disaster, unlike the great prosecute them and impeach judges just about everything you now take
depression will also result in the at all levels who refuse to obey our for granted. Try to partner with
loss of our sovereignty and our constitution. We can end the likeminded neighbors.
country as we are combined with privately owned Federal Reserve The “Chain of Command for
Mexico and Canada into the North and establish a constitutional Treason,” CCT has created the
American Union as agreed to by currency. We must deport the conditions that will organize and
President Bush in writing; our illegals for the same reasons that unleash the forces of their own
currency will have no value; there Presidents Hoover and Eisenhower destruction. These people in the
will be no Social Security, did it, and use whatever military arrogance of their ignorance have
Medicare, Veterans or any other force is required to keep them out. not learned that Americans will
benefits. Many unions will continue There is nothing racist about telling only tolerate so much before they
to support illegals rather than the truth, illegals are profitable react in a fury. They are such
Americans for the few remaining slaves for corporations, but the most students of Hitler they do not
jobs. During the great depression, deadly and costly enemy “We The realize people today have access to
unions fought to protect American People” have ever faced in loss of information not available in Nazi
workers. Unlike the thirties, almost life, pain, suffering, property, living Germany. But they should have
no one has relatives with a farm to standards and almost everything known that like a cornered animal,
feed them. There will be some else of value. The terrorists are a when people have nothing to lose
satisfaction in knowing that those second class enemy when compared they will fight with determination
communist professors and to illegal aliens and the CCT who and ruthlessness for survival. Of
government bureaucrats, who are are destroying our country. course there will be some PC fools
now paid more than comparable Subsidizing illegals for benefit of and wimps who do nothing, waiting
jobs in private sector, and promoted the CCT is costing us hundreds of for others to defend them, which
9 Indiana Militia Corps
will not happen since it will be we prevail in our fight for America. Prison release idea
survival of the fittest. We would not be the first nor the ‘An outrage’, says
My prayer and my efforts are last. CCRKBA; advises
directed at reducing this catastrophe [Andrew C. Wallace is a former citizens to arm
the only possible way I know by Kentucky State Trooper, Kentucky themselves
electing patriotic government Native, Korean War Veteran,
officials at all levels dedicated to Commercial Pilot in Alaska, BELLEVUE, WA – Reports that
our constitution and serving “We University of Kentucky state lawmakers are considering the
the People” while dismantling the Undergraduate in Business, Four release of thousands of prison
“Chain of Command for Treason” years of Graduate School in inmates across the country to save
and prosecuting every last one of Economics and Marketing at money amount to a public outrage,
the scumbags. I think the University of Kentucky and the Citizens Committee for the
Presidential Election is a lost cause University of Iowa., Assistant Right to Keep and Bear Arms said
and we should concentrate on Professor, Thirty years as Director today.
electing people to Congress of both of Marketing Firm developing and The Associated Press reported
parties who owe their allegiance to implementing national Marketing Friday morning that legislators in
“We the People” and will impeach programs for manufacturers and several states are considering the
executive and judicial officers as now retired & doing research & move to prop up state budgets. One
required. We must terminate the writing.] report said those released might
private Federal Reserve and attempt include “drug addicts, thieves and
recovery of the stolen Trillions of  even violent criminals.”
Dollars. If we defeat the CCT with “Before we waste time
the rule of law before too many wondering what raving lunatics are
Americans had suffered badly we Nixon-
Nixon-Era Judiciary behind this idea,” said CCRKBA
could hope to rebuild our country Chief of Staff Jerry Chairman Alan Gottlieb, so-author
within the lifetimes of our great Zeifman: Hillary of America Fights Back: Armed
great grandchildren; otherwise, after Clinton Fired For Self-Defense in a Violent Age,
a protracted struggle we would have Lies, Unethical published by Merril Press, “it seems
a pyrrhic victory with much Behavior more prudent to advise the citizens
bloodshed like the French who are faced with this ominous
Revolution and we might never Dan Calabrese
North Star Writers Group proposal that now would be a good
recover. Our argument is not with time to start exercising their
our constitutional form of March 31, 2008
As Hillary Clinton came under constitutional right to keep and bear
government, it is with the traitors arms. After all, the message that this
within who are attempting to usurp increasing scrutiny for her story
about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, sends to the public seems pretty
and overthrow it with a coup d’etat. simple: If you don’t own a gun, get
Our Declaration of Independence one question that arose was whether
she has engaged in a pattern of one. If you’re not licensed to carry,
and Constitution are the greatest you better apply now because cash-
documents ever written, second lying.
The now-retired general strapped state lawmakers obviously
only to the Holy Bible. don’t care about the crime wave
What is outlined in this article counsel and chief of staff of the
House Judiciary Committee, who they’re about to unleash.”
is only a small part of a complex At least eight states, according
Treason. If you find my writing supervised Hillary when she worked
on the Watergate investigation, says to the report, are considering early
difficult to accept based on media inmate releases to save money. The
propaganda, then you should read Hillary’s history of lies and
unethical behavior goes back farther list includes Kentucky, California,
some of the other expert writers on Mississippi and Rhode Island; all
the subject at – and goes much deeper – than
anyone realizes. states with serious budget crises on
The messenger with bad news their hands.
gets no kudos. But, you should “This idea is beyond crazy,”
expect the premature demise of Full story at Gottlieb observed. “It borders on
some of the many writers and criminal malfeasance. With all the
fighters for America who are billions of dollars that Americans
successful, because of proven  pay in taxes, it is both alarming and
ruthlessness of the “Chain of pathetic that legislatures find
Command for Treason,” and the themselves without the funds to
Trillions of Dollars they will lose if provide basic public safety, and that
10 Indiana Militia Corps
includes funding prisons to keep enemies and an ever-increasing
criminals where they belong, annual federal budget of about $3
instead of turning them loose to America’s
America’s Top trillion, and one can only conclude
prey on the public. Maybe instead Accountant Is that a nightmare scenario is in our
of releasing hardened criminals, Worried: US Facing future if nothing is done.
state governments should release a That nightmare is a totally
an economic Tsunami
lot of bureaucrats to the bankrupt United States of America.
unemployment lines. Lawmakers Most members of Congress are
whose wasteful spending practices in denial that this will happen,
put their budgets in this mess ought Comptroller General David Walker because they never do anything to
to be held accountable in speaks with CNN's Glenn Beck stop the spending, stop the raiding
November. about the dangerous levels of of FICA taxes for other purposes or
“This is a wake-up call for all federal spending. stop the spending on pet pork barrel
taxpayers – gun owners and non- projects. In fact, many members of
gun owners alike – to start asking [Ed. Note: The one thing that Congress even use the perverted
some very tough questions about globalists fear above all else, and logic that a reduction in an annual
how lawmakers are spending their have tried to get you to fear as well, increase is a cut in spending.
money,” he concluded. “In the is a total economic collapse in Maybe the Mule Museum in
meantime, realizing that local police America. While this is not the sort Bishop, California, which is slated
are already outmanned and of thing that we want to see happen, to receive $50,000 of our money,
stretched to the limit, citizens will they fear it for different reasons. should be renamed the jackass
have to take a greater responsibility While we wish to avoid it for the museum. We will need a place to
for their own safety, and that disruptions to our domestic remember all of the elected officials
includes being armed. The same tranquility, they fear it for the loss past and present who will have
lawmakers who typically support of control that it would threaten.] allowed this to happen.
laws to take our guns are now The Republicans in Congress
leaving the public with no had six years with a Republican
alternative but to arm themselves.” The Coming Tsunami of president to do something about
a Bankrupt America this, and they failed us. The
Email CCRKBA at:
By Herman Cain Democrats who now control
North Star Writers Group Congress don’t even talk about the
[Ed. Note: The Special Forces March 31, 2008 problem. They talk about more
Underground newsletter, The The former comptroller general spending and more taxes on the evil
Resister, identified one of the “red of the United States, David Walker, rich.
flags” that indicated that martial law said in a recent interview that the The mainstream media does not
would be enacted and dissidents unfunded liability for Social talk about this problem, because
arrested: the emptying of prisons to Security and Medicare was $20 many of them would rather report
“make room”. We believe that the trillion in 1990. The Social Security on the race, lies and sex scandals in
following news item is an indication and Medicare trustees issued their politics, the ongoing civil war of
of why the push for North American annual report last week indicating words between Barack Obama and
integration is desperately wanted by that the unfunded liability for those Hillary Clinton, the racially
the globalist elites, and why the two programs is now $53 trillion. incendiary sermons of Reverend
U.S. military is secretly making Congress has done absolutely Jeremiah Wright, John McCain’s
arrangements with other nations’ nothing to curtail this national conservative deficiencies, the
militaries to assist in suppressing an financial tidal wave. For decades, recession obsession or the failures
anticipated domestic, widespread some members have talked – only of the Bush Administration.
state of unrest. talked – about the problem. But all As a result, most of the public
We believe that a declared state of them have allowed the unfunded is fiscally clueless.
of emergency such as a natural liabilities to explode, and the Our $14 trillion economy is
disaster, or a false-flag terrorist national debt to grow to almost $10 fragile but not in a recession, and it
attack, will be used as a pretext for trillion. is certainly not in shambles like our
the deployment of paramilitary Add to those numbers the spending addiction.
forces (i.e., Blackwater in NOLA) nearly $500 billion a year in interest We cannot tax our way out of
with police to disarm all citizens. payments on the debt, the cost of this financial tsunami. We cannot
the war in Iraq, the rising costs of borrow our way out and we cannot
 oil controlled by many of our
11 Indiana Militia Corps
close our eyes and hope it goes Financial crises are rarely ever that trying to find a cancer that is
away. short. And the sheer size and scope moving around all the time.
That’s what the ancient Roman of the subprime crisis makes this The Fed may have found some of
Empire did, and now it is just an larger than any crisis seen since the the malignancy with Bear Stearns
episode in the history books. Great Depression, almost and cut it out. But who knows if,
The solutions are simple with guaranteeing that it's not even when, and where the cancer will
the usual complex political barriers remotely over. appear next.
and lack of leadership. Namely, #2: Banking experts put the losses Personally, I think the crisis is much
pass a balanced budget amendment, at more than $600 billion. But deeper than most are willing to
restructure existing federal only $180 billion has been written admit at this time...
assistance programs and stop calling off so far. Otherwise, the Fed would not have
them entitlement programs. The Even if the bankers are wrong, and opened its lending to investment
only entitlement is to be able to there is only a total of $300 billion bankers, effectively throwing out
keep more of our own money. in losses, then we're still just the rule book on central banking
We cannot wait for the next slightly more than halfway through and becoming the true lender of last
great leader to just show up. The the crisis, with more losses and resort for virtually all financial
public has got to start banging on surprises surely to come. institutions, not just commercial
the doors of Congress and the #3: The Federal Reserve has banks!
White House until they wake up. pumped at least $800 billion of Second, Is the Commodity Boom
Unlike the unexpected and new money and credit into the Over?
sudden tsunami that devastated the economy. I don't think so! In fact, I believe
countries bordered by the Indian This rush to artificially stimulate the commodity prices are just beginning
Ocean in 2004, we know this economy indicates the Fed fears to move into position for an
financial devastation is coming. that the crisis is even bigger than unprecedented spike to the upside.
What part of “Do Something!” the $600 billion loss estimated by Here are five reasons why...
don’t our so-called leaders the banking industry. #1: Commodity prices have not
understand? #4: The big surge in home yet caught up to their inflation- foreclosures is yet to come. adjusted prices, and remain
There are 1.5 million loans, cheap.
representing 40% of the outstanding Gold, as I've pointed out many
 subprime adjustable mortgages, times, would have to trade over
scheduled to reset this year. $2,200 an ounce just to equal the
Already, more than one in every 20 1980 high of $875 in terms of
home mortgages and one in every today's devalued greenbacks.
Money & Markets:
Markets: five subprime mortgages are At $900, it's not even half way
delinquent, while foreclosures are at there!
Is it over?
record highs. Sugar would have to more than
by Larry Edelson #5: No one knows the extent of QUINTUPLE from its current the damage in the derivatives $.1179 per pound to $.5895 to
With the current action in the markets. reach its inflation-adjusted high.
markets, there are two main There could be $100 billion or one Wheat would have to soar almost
questions that every investor is TRILLION in losses. Bear Stearns 400% to more than $48 a bushel,
asking: Has the subprime crisis could be the only investment banker from its current $10 level. Corn
passed? And is the commodity to collapse, or there could be more would have to increase almost
boom over? casualties and more Fed bailouts. 600% to $34 a bushel, from its
In this issue, I'll give you my Therein lies the problem: No one current $5.07. Tin would have to
answers, plain and simple, to both really knows for sure how much bad jump more than 400%.
questions — via the fundamental debt there is, nor is anyone entirely Nearly every natural resource under
forces behind each and some old- sure where it is. the sun would have to gain
fashioned common sense. So let's Today's complex derivatives anywhere from 200% to as much as
get started... markets involve tens of thousands 600% just to catch-up with
First, Has the Subprime Crisis of players, hundreds of thousands of inflation- And those gains do not
Passed? No. I think it's far from transactions, and all sorts of factor in that...
over. Here are five reasons why ... loopholes that have taken the losses #2: The Fed is pumping in money
#1: We're only nine months into off of balance sheets. So it's like like there's no tomorrow, which
the crisis.
12 Indiana Militia Corps
will continue to devalue the dollar years. 3. Diversified natural resources
as far as the eye can see. Historically, most commodity bull through a fund like U.S. Global
As I mentioned earlier, the Fed has markets tend to span 11 years, with Investors Global Resources
already pumped some $800 billion super cycles stretching out as many (PSPFX).
of new money and credit into the as 21 years. That means the current
economy, with more money boom in commodities should not
pumping surely ahead. peak until at least 2012, indicating ssues.aspx?NewsletterEntryId=1595
Even considering that the economy four more years of prices rising
is in a credit contraction in the MUCH higher. 
private sector, this new fiat money But odds are high that we are in
is sure to expand the money supply, another super cycle commodity
by as much as 5 to 1 in my estimate boom, which would mean we USA 2008: The
(in a normal economy, each $1 the wouldn't see the top in commodities Great Depression
Fed prints creates on average $10 of until 2022!
new money via lending and So as you can see, the commodity
Food stamps are the symbol of
relending). boom is far from over, in my
poverty in the US. In the era of the
That's at least four trillion new opinion.
credit crunch, a record 28 million
dollars that will eventually work its Right now we're merely witnessing
Americans are now relying on them
way through the economy... a pause in the uptrend, and being
to survive – a sure sign the world's
depressing the value of those given an opportunity to add to
richest country faces economic
dollars. positions.
That's not to say there won't be Indeed, if there's one chart that says
short-term rallies in the dollar, like it all about the commodity boom,
By David Usborne in New York
we're seeing now. Of course there it's gold. Notice on this monthly
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
will be. But the long-term trend for chart how gold remains well above
The Independent | London, England
the dollar is clearly DOWN. That, breakout levels. Gold's chart action
in turn, will push commodity prices is exceptionally bullish for the long-
We knew things were bad on
even higher. term.
Wall Street, but on Main Street it
#3: Demand remains at record What Should You Do Now?
may be worse. Startling official
highs for almost all commodities. A rudimentary understanding of
There's not one shred of evidence statistics show that as a new
historical precedents and common-
that demand is slowing for any of economic recession stalks the
sense analysis dictates that you
the world's major natural resources United States, a record number of
should ...
and commodities, even as the U.S. Americans will shortly be
A. Assume the subprime crisis is
economy sinks. depending on food stamps just to
not over. That means you should
To the contrary, demand for oil, feed themselves and their families.
continue to steer clear of U.S. real
copper, grains, and base metals Dismal projections by the
estate, and almost all stocks (with
remain at record highs, with no let Congressional Budget Office in
the exception of natural resource
up in sight. Washington suggest that in the
plays). Also continue to steer clear
fiscal year starting in October, 28
#4: Supplies remain tight as a of corporate bonds and U.S.
million people in the US will be
drum. Treasuries, which I believe are
Not just in oil, but also in copper, using government food stamps to
disasters waiting to happen.
where there's only three days worth buy essential groceries, the highest
B. Use pullbacks in commodities
of global supplies on the shelves ... level since the food assistance
to buy. That's especially true if
in gold ... and in grains, where programme was introduced in the
you're not already in these markets.
supplies are at 30-year lows. 1960s.
In my opinion, everyone should
Almost every commodity on the The increase – from 26.5
planet is experiencing severe supply million in 2007 – is due partly to
1. Gold through the streetTRACKS
constraints for a variety of reasons. recent efforts to increase public
Gold Trust (GLD and gold stocks
From soaring demand... to awareness of the programme and
via mutual funds like the
underinvestment in infrastructure... also a switch from paper coupons to
Tocqueville Gold Fund (TGLDX).
to disruptions due to terrorism and electronic debit cards. But above all
2. Oil via the United States Oil Fund
geo-politics. it is the pressures being exerted on
ETF (USO), which tracks the price
#5: Major commodity booms tend ordinary Americans by an economy
of oil, and a solid oil fund like the
to last at least 11 years, with that is suddenly beset by troubles.
Fidelity Select Energy Fund
super booms lasting as long as 21 Housing foreclosures, accelerating
13 Indiana Militia Corps
jobs losses and fast-rising prices all Americans do not have to be exactly finding they aren't able to purchase
add to the squeeze. on the breadline. The programme is food like they used to."
Emblematic of the downturn available to people whose earnings And the next monthly job
until now has been the parades of are just above the official poverty numbers, to be released this Friday,
houses seized in foreclosure all line. For Hubert Liepnieks, the card are likely to show 50,000 more jobs
across the country, and myriad is a lifeline he could never afford to were lost nationwide in March, and
families separated from their homes. lose. Just out of prison, he sleeps in the unemployment rate is up to
But now the crisis is starting to hit overnight shelters in Manhattan and perhaps 5 per cent.
the country in its gut. Getting food uses the card at a Morgan Williams
on the table is a challenge many supermarket on East 23rd Street.
Americans are finding harder to Yesterday, he and his fiancée,
meet. As a barometer of the Christine Schultz, who is in a 
country's economic health, food wheelchair, shared one banana and U.S. Legal System Is
stamp usage may not be perfect, but a cup of coffee bought with the 82 Corrupt Beyond
can certainly tell a story. cents left on it. Recognition, Judge
Michigan has been in its own "They should be refilling it in Tells Harvard Law
mini-recession for years as its the next three or four days," School
collapsing industrial base, Liepnieks says. At times, he admits,
particularly in the car industry, has he and friends bargain with owners By Geraldine Hawkins
cast more and more out of work. of the smaller grocery shops to March 7, 2003
Now, one in eight residents of the trade the value of their cards for
state is on food stamps, double the cash, although it is illegal. "It can
level in 2000. "We have seen a be done. I get $7 back on $10."
dramatic increase in recent years, Richard Enright, the manager at
but we have also seen it climbing this Morgan Williams, says the
more in recent months," Maureen numbers of customers on food
Sorbet, a spokeswoman for stamps has been steady but he
Michigan's programme, said. "It's expects that to rise soon. "In this
been increasing steadily. Without location, it's still mostly old people
the programme, some families and and people who have retired from
Judge Edith H. Jones of the U.S. Court of
kids would be going without." city jobs on stamps," he says. Food Appeals for the Fifth Circuit talks to
But the trend is not restricted to stamp money was designed to members of Harvard Law School's Fed-
eralist Society. Jones said that the
the rust-belt regions. Forty states are supplement what people could buy question of what is mor-ally right is
reporting increases in applications rather than covering all the costs of routinely sacrificed to what is politically
for the stamps, actually electronic a family's groceries. But the expedient.
cards that are filled automatically problem now, Mr Enright says, is
once a month by the government that soaring prices are squeezing the The American legal system has
and are swiped by shoppers at the value of the benefits. been corrupted almost beyond
till, in the 12 months from "Last St Patrick's Day, we were recognition, Judge Edith Jones of
December 2006. At least six states, selling Irish soda bread for $1.99. the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
including Florida, Arizona and This year it was $2.99. Prices are Fifth Circuit, told the Federalist
Maryland, have had a 10 per cent just spiralling up, because of the Society of Harvard Law School on
increase in the past year. cost of gas trucking the food into February 28. She said that the
In Rhode Island, the segment of the city and because of commodity question of what is morally right is
the population on food stamps has prices. People complain, but I tell routinely sacrificed to what is
risen by 18 per cent in two years. them it's not my fault everything is politically expedient. The change
The food programme started 40 more expensive." has come because legal philosophy
years ago when hunger was still a The US Department of has descended to nihilism.
daily fact of life for many Agriculture says the cost of feeding "The integrity of law, its
Americans. The recent switch from a low-income family of four has religious roots, its transcendent
paper coupons to the plastic card risen 6 per cent in 12 months. "The quality are disappearing. I saw the
system has helped remove some of amount of food stamps per movie 'Chicago' with Richard Gere
the stigma associated with the food household hasn't gone up with the the other day. That's the way the
stamp programme. The card can be food costs," says Dayna Ballantyne, public thinks about lawyers," she
swiped as easily as a bank debit who runs a food bank in Des told the students.
card. To qualify for the cards, Moines, Iowa. "Our clients are
14 Indiana Militia Corps
"The first 100 years of formalities and predictability." As Farewell Address, "Where is the
American lawyers were trained on Tocqueville saw it, "These qualities security for property, for reputation,
Blackstone, who wrote that: 'The enabled attorneys to stand apart for life, if the sense of religious
law of nature - dictated by God from the passions of the majority. obligation desert the oaths in courts
himself – is binding in all counties Lawyers were respected by the of justice?"
and at all times; no human laws are citizens and able to guide them and Similarly, asked Jones, how can
of any validity if contrary to this; moderate the public's whims. a system founded on law survive if
and such of them as are valid derive Lawyers were essential to tempering the administrators of the law daily
all force and all their authority from the potential tyranny of the display their contempt for it?
this original.' The Framers created a majority. "Lawyers' private morality has
government of limited power with "Some lawyers may still definite public consequences," she
this understanding of the rule of law perceive our profession in this said. "Their misbehavior feeds on
- that it was dependent on flattering light, but to judge from itself, encouraging disrespect and
transcendent religious obligation," polls and the tenor of lawyer jokes, debasement of the rule of law as the
said Jones. I doubt the public shares public become encouraged to press
She said that the business about Tocqueville's view anymore, and it their own advantage in a system
all of the Founding Fathers being is hard for us to do so. they perceive as manipulatable."
deists is "just wrong," or "way "The legal aristocracy has shed The second threat to the rule of
overblown." She says they believed its professional independence for law comes from government, which
in "faith and reason," and this did the temptations and materialism is encumbered with agencies that
not lead to intolerance. associated with becoming have made the law so complicated
"This is not a prescription for businessmen. Because law has that it is difficult to decipher and
intolerance or narrow sectarianism," become a self-avowed business, often contradicts itself.
she continued, "for unalienable pressure mounts to give clients the "Agencies have an inherent
rights were given by God to all our advice they want to hear, to pander tendency to expand their mandate,"
fellow citizens. Having lost sight of to the clients' goal through deft says Jones. "At the same time, their
the moral and religious foundations manipulation of the law. . While the decision-making often becomes
of the rule of law, we are vulnerable business mentality produces certain parochial and short-sighted. They
to the destruction of our freedom, benefits, like occasional may be captured by the entities that
our equality before the law and our competition to charge clients lower are ostensibly being regulated, or
self-respect. It is my fervent hope fees, other adverse effects include they may pursue agency self-interest
that this new century will advertising and shameless self- at the expense of the public welfare.
experience a revival of the original promotion. The legal system has Citizens left at the mercy of
understanding of the rule of law and also been wounded by lawyers who selective and unpredictable agency
its roots.” themselves no longer respect the action have little recourse."
"The answer is a recovery of rule of law," The third and most
moral principle, the sine qua non of The judge quoted Kenneth comprehensive threat to the rule of
an orderly society. Post 9/11, many Starr as saying, "It is decidedly law arises from contemporary legal
events have been clarified. It is hard unchristian to win at any cost," and philosophy.
to remain a moral relativist when added that most lawyers agree with "Throughout my professional
your own people are being killed." him. life, American legal education has
According to the judge, the first However, "An increasingly been ruled by theories like
contemporary threat to the rule of visible and vocal number apparently positivism, the residue of legal
law comes from within the legal believe that the strategic use of realism, critical legal studies, post-
system itself. anger and incivility will achieve modernism and other philosophical
Alexis de Tocqueville, author of their aims. Others seem uninhibited fashions," said Jones. "Each of
Democracy in America and one of about making misstatements to the these theories has a lot to say about
the first writers to observe the court or their opponents or the 'is' of law, but none of them
United States from the outside destroying or falsifying evidence," addresses the 'ought,' the moral
looking-in, "described lawyers as a she claimed. "When lawyers cannot foundation or direction of law."
natural aristocracy in America," be trusted to observe the fair "The problem with legal
Jones told the students. "The processes essential to maintaining philosophy today is that it reflects
intellectual basis of their profession the rule of law, how can we expect all too well the broader post-
and the study of law based on the public to respect the process?" Enlightenment problem of
venerable precedents bred in them The judge quoted George philosophy," Jones said. She quoted
habits of order and a taste for Washington who asked in his Ernest Fortin, who wrote in Crisis
15 Indiana Militia Corps
magazine: "The whole of modern criminal justice system is so flawed
thought has been a series of heroic Madame Speaker, I regret that I and weak as to be incapable of
attempts to reconstruct a world of was unavoidably out of town on trying and punishing those who
human meaning and value on the October 23, 2007, when a vote was perpetrate violent acts.
basis of our purely mechanistic taken on HR 1955, the Violent This legislation will set up a
understanding of the universe." Radicalization & Homegrown new government bureaucracy to
Jones said that all of these Terrorism Prevention Act. Had I monitor and further study the as-yet
threats to the rule of law have a been able to vote, I would have undemonstrated pressing problem
common thread running through voted against this misguided and of homegrown terrorism and
them, and she quoted Professor dangerous piece of legislation. This radicalization. It will no doubt
Harold Berman to identify it: "The legislation focuses the weight of the prove to be another bureaucracy
traditional Western beliefs in the US government inward toward its that artificially inflates problems so
structural integrity of law, its own citizens under the guise of as to guarantee its future existence
ongoing-ness, its religious roots, its protecting us against “violent and funding. But it may do so at
transcendent qualities, are radicalization.” great further expense to our civil
disappearing not only from the I would like to note that this liberties. What disturbs me most
minds of law teachers and law legislation was brought to the floor about this legislation is that it leaves
students but also from the for a vote under suspension of the door wide open for the broadest
consciousness of the vast majority regular order. These so-called definition of what constitutes
of citizens, the people as a whole; “suspension” bills are meant to be “radicalization.” Could otherwise
and more than that, they are non-controversial, thereby negating non-violent anti-tax, antiwar, or
disappearing from the law itself. the need for the more complete and anti-abortion groups fall under the
The law itself is becoming more open debate allowed under regular watchful eye of this new
fragmented, more subjective, geared order. It is difficult for me to government commission?
more to expediency and less to believe that none of my colleagues Assurances otherwise in this
morality. . The historical soil of the in Congress view HR 1955, with its legislation are unconvincing.
Western legal tradition is being troubling civil liberties implications, In addition, this legislation will
washed away, and the tradition as “non-controversial.” create a Department of Homeland
itself is threatened with collapse." There are many causes for Security-established, university-
Judge Jones concluded with concern in HR 1955. The legislation based body to further study
another thought from George specifically singles out the Internet radicalization and to “contribute to
Washington: for “facilitating violent the establishment of training,
"Of all the dispositions and habits radicalization, ideologically based written materials, information,
which lead to prosperity, religion violence, and the homegrown analytical assistance and
and morality are indispensable terrorism process” in the United professional resources to aid in
supports. In vain would that man States. Such language may well be combating violent radicalization
claim the tribute of patriotism who the first step toward US government and homegrown terrorism.” I
should labor to subvert these great regulation of what we are allowed wonder whether this is really a
pillars of human happiness - these to access on the Internet. Are we, legitimate role for institutes of
firmest props of the duties of men for our own good, to be subjected to higher learning in a free society.
and citizens." the kind of governmental control of Legislation such as this
the Internet that we see in un-free demands heavy-handed
 societies? This bill certainly sets us governmental action against
on that course. American citizens where no crime
This seems to be an unwise and has been committed. It is yet
The terrorism dangerous solution in search of a another attack on our
Prevention Act of real problem. Previous acts of Constitutionally-protected civil
ideologically-motivated violence, liberties. It is my sincere hope that
2008: Bush’s
though rare, have been resolved we will reject such approaches to
Thought-Crime Bill successfully using law enforcement security, which will fail at their
techniques, existing laws against stated goal at a great cost to our
This bill – S.1959 – was signed by violence, and our court system. way of life.
der Füehrer, George Bush, in Even if there were a surge of
January. What follows are “violent radicalization” -- a claim
Congressman Ron Paul’s 
for which there is no evidence --
comments immediately prior to there is no reason to believe that our
16 Indiana Militia Corps
Intel Sources
Sources Say Bilderberg members postulated Texas Prison Camp
Bilderberg Plan the necessity of wiping out American May Be Future
Targets Patriots patriots who oppose the New World Gulag
for Assassination Order.
Some Bilderberg members Detention facility currently holds expressed a wish to essentially 200 children taken in midnight raids
Daniel Estulin is the award- invade the U.S. with U.N.
peacekeeping troops and confront Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
winning investigative journalist who
has been researching the Patriots. Bilderberg can't use the
Bilderbergers for over 13 years. U.S. military to carry out their dirty A detention camp in Taylor
Estulin was one of only two work because they are worried it Texas that currently holds hundreds
journalists in the world who would backfire, as US troops would of rebuffed asylum seekers who
witnessed and reported (from refuse to fire on their own citizens. legally entered the country, half of
beyond the heavily guarded Many in the Patriot movement which are children swept up in
perimeter) the super secret meeting have been saying that this would midnight raids, is a potential prime
at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel in take place for a long time and have location for the enforced transfer of
Rottach-Egern, Munich, Bavaria, been ridiculed for doing so. American citizens during a time of
Germany, on May 5–8, 2005. However, this information lends national emergency.
Estulin also reported on a credibility to an age-old warning The privatized Hutto jail,
Bilderberg contingency plan to handed down the generations, that which is also administered by
assassinate presidential candidate one day the blue helmeted forces of Homeland Security and (ICE)
Ron Paul in the event that his world government would engage Immigration & Customs
popularity carries him past the patriotic Americans sworn on Enforcement, currently interns
Republican primary race. defending their country. political asylum seekers who came
Estulin appeared on the Alex The fact that we are causing to the United States on legal visas.
Jones Show to discuss Bilderberg's Bilderberg so much annoyance in Most of them are families, including
agenda for the coming year and the first place should bring joy to us pregnant women and children
their discussions on Iran and all! It only emphasizes the fact that [
population control. we are having a significant effect s12192006.html] who have never
The attack on Iran seems to and should only redouble our been accused of any wrongdoing
have been delayed but the goal of efforts. but are forced to endure squalid
population reduction is back on the Estulin added that the security conditions inside literal
table for the Globalists, according crackdown for Bilderberg this year concentration camps.
to insiders who leaked information was worse than ever. He almost In 2004 the facility was on the
to Estulin. didn't make it into the country after verge of being shutdown due to lack
Estulin has built up a reliable police and Interpol agents boarded of occupancy but new immigration
network of CIA, MI5 and Mossad his plane and lead him away for policies, allied to the burgeoning
insiders who are just as horrified as questioning. Estulin was able to growth of the prison industry and
the rest of us about what the elite shake them off by enlisting the help future plans to detain American
have in store for us. of his media contacts, who citizens on masse, have revived the
Each year they are able to leak pressured the German government potential scope of the camp, and a
him information discussed both in into letting him enter the country. new contract to intern 600
the Bilderberg conference rooms [Ed. Note: The credibility of this individuals
and more informal chats during report is unimpeachable. For many [||
coffee and cocktail breaks. height=,width=,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no]
years now, patriots have been
This year Estulin dropped a discussing and documenting the was finalized with immigration
bombshell that shocked even us. effort to build a ‘Gulag Amerika’ authorities in December 2005.
According to Estulin's sources, for the detention of Americans. For The facility is euphemistically
Bilderberg are very angry at the more information, visit Alex Jones’ called a "Residential Center," yet
alternative truth movement and its website, charges of overcrowding and poor
opposition and exposure of and access the archives section for conditions are rife, with an
Bilderberg's agenda. More the documents and media that prove estimated 645 people filling a
specifically, the Christian Patriot this plan. facility that has only 512 beds.
movement in America was "Innocent children should not
highlighted as a nuisance that will  be jailed and forced to live under
have to be dealt with. traumatizing and dehumanizing
17 Indiana Militia Corps
conditions," said a statement from discussed the plan to round up website put together an alarming
Texans United for Families, an immigrants and detain them in report that collated all the latest
organization that recently held a internment camps in the context of information on plans to initiate
vigil protest at the facility. "It is bad uncontrolled population movements internment of political subversives
policy and an impractical and across the Mexican border. and Muslims after the next major
inhumane response to a growing The real agenda was to use the terror attack in the U.S.
refugee crisis. The U.S. should seek cover of rounding up immigrants
alternatives to detention while and illegal aliens as a smokescreen
making sure that it legislates for targeting political dissidents and
policies that support families and American citizens. From 1967 to
keep them together and out of jail." 1971 the FBI kept a list of persons
The Infowars team recently to be rounded up as subversive,
visited the facility and were dubbed the "ADEX" list.
promptly told to leave the premises Since 9/11 shadow government
before having their names taken, but and CoG programs that were
not before they were able to get outlined in Rex-84 have been
footage of the camp "playground" activated, including warrantless
where some of the children were wiretapping of all American The article highlighted the
playing behind giant mesh barbed citizens. The internment camp disturbing comments of Sen.
wire. The children were kept program is being readied for Lindsey Graham, who encouraged
indoors throughout the taping and implementation following an torture supporting Attorney General
were only allowed out when the announcement on January 24, 2006 Alberto Gonzales to target "Fifth
film crew left to eat lunch. that Halliburton subsidiary KBR Columnist" Americans who show
[See the video at: (formerly Brown and Root) had disloyalty and sympathize with "the been awarded a $385 million enemy," whoever that enemy may
ary2007/080107americangulag.htm] contingency contract by the be.
One local said that other Department of Homeland Security Respected author Peter Dale
residents of the town were to build detention camps. Scott speculated that the "detention
completely oblivious to the fact that A much discussed and centers could be used to detain
the camp even existed, never mind circulated report, the Pentagon's American citizens if the Bush
its function and purpose. Civilian Inmate Labor Program, administration were to declare
Suspicions will undoubtedly be has recently been updated and
martial law."
cast as to whether the facility in the revision details a "template
Daniel Ellsberg, former Special
Tyler is part of a wider agenda to for developing agreements"
Assistant to Assistant Secretary of
set up a network of internment between the Army and
Defense, called the plan,
camps that will be used to forcibly corrections facilities for the use of
"preparation for a roundup after the
detain American citizens under civilian inmate labor on Army
next 9/11 for Mid-Easterners,
emergency provisions. The pretext installations."
Muslims and possibly dissenters.
for this was set in the summer of The pretext given for which
They've already done this on a
2004, when thousands of protesters the camps would be used as
smaller scale, with the 'special
in New York for the Republican reported by the New York Times
registration' detentions of immigrant
National Convention were forcibly was stated as, "an unexpected
men from Muslim countries, and
detained, some for over 24 hours, influx of immigrants, to house
with Guantanamo."
without charge in an asbestos people in the event of a natural
One of the last acts of Congress
infested disused bus facility known disaster or for new programs
before Christmas was to send
as Pier 57, or "Guantanamo on the that require additional President Bush a bill that
Hudson" as others labeled it. detention space." establishes a $38 million program
During the Iran Contra hearings Following the news first given of National Park Service grants to
in the 80's, previously classified wide attention by this website preserve Japanese POW internment
information came to light about (, that Halliburton camps in Hawaii, California,
Continuity of Government (CoG) subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado,
procedures in times of national Root had been awarded a $385 Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Is this
crisis. The masterminds behind million dollar contract by Homeland really in the name of historical
these programs were Oliver North, Security to construct detention and interest, or does it dovetail with
Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney processing facilities in the event of programs on the books to intern
and the Rex-84 'readiness exercise' a national emergency, the Alternet
18 Indiana Militia Corps
hundreds of thousands of dissidents agenda, and the federal government released document that references
in a time of crisis? implements it as policy. Secretary of Defense Donald
In other ways, this adoption as Rumsfeld’s remarks about
[HQ Note: Documents relating to
policy also is informed by other controlling the information
the government’s growing program
events, such as “Plamegate”, when superhighway – the Internet. In the
to detain dissident Americans in
Ambassador Wilson’s wife, Valerie IO Road Map (hereafter IOmap),
concentration camps are posted on
Plame, was outed by Fox News at the DoD emphasizes the need to
our website at the ‘militia intel’
the behest of the White House in fight the internet as if it were “an
page, under the heading “Gulag
retaliation for the disclosure of enemy weapons system”.
information that helped confirm that Apparently, they regard the
the administration had defrauded greatest freedom Americans
 the American people regarding the currently enjoy – the ability to
reasons why the nation invaded communicate via the Internet – as
Iraq. too large a threat to leave
If You Are Reading Expose the criminals running unscathed.
This, You’re A this country, and they want to The establishment understands
Terrorist Too imprison you for uncovering their that there is a huge gulf of
crimes. This isn’t America, is it? difference between the candidates
The Bush White House is Or is it?!?? they support and the ones “We The
considering what to do with What the globalists really want People” support. The difference is
Americans they deem is to put an end to the free press, presented plainly on the Internet.
insufficiently loyal or who which is another “red flag” warning When the people have a pro-liberty
disseminate news that contradicts that the time to fight is near, candidate for any office running
the dictates of the administration. according to the Special Forces against an establishment-endorsed
“Resister”. The Resister indicated candidate, only on the internet will
that overt suppression of the you see truthful straw polls showing
freedom of thought & expression the reality of popular support for the reports
would be the final insult to our pro-liberty candidate. Conversely,
that: “The Bush administration’s
liberty that would force Americans the pro-liberty candidate gets little
obsession with controlling the flow
to resort to arms to defend liberty. or no coverage from the
of information also carries a
The militia understands that it mainstream, controlled media. One
foreboding sense of doom to
is this “red flag”, along with others notable instance is at the start of the
anyone”… that believes in a free
such as the emptying of prisons, a year when FAUX (fox) NEWS ran
press; “It now appears that Bush’s
large-scale disaster or attack, the a disinformation story on Ron Paul
concept of a terrorist ‘affiliate’ is
general deployment of Blackwater- dropping out of the presidential
sliding inexorably toward covering
type paramilitary forces, and even race; HE DID NOT DROP OUT
people who present facts that
possibly the general confiscation of NOR WILL HE!
undermine Bush’s ‘information
firearms; that together these events They HATE the Internet
warfare’ goals.”
would require a response. Only the because it exposes the full scope of
In other words, every patriot’s
proper assessment of these events their tyranny and empowers We The
website, every militia newsletter,
will help us determine when the People! That’s why they wish to
every political dissident’s blog is
proverbial balloon goes up. destroy it!
now a ‘terrorist communication’ or
For anyone reading this
an activity that ‘gives support’ to
On That Note, Lets newsletter in its electronic form,
the enemies of whatever
administration is in power.
Look At The Ongoing consider this: Imagine not being
InfoWar Against A allowed to read this newsletter
On Feb. 17, 2006, in a speech online. Imagine not being able to
to the Council on Foreign Relations, Free Internet
share this newsletter with your
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld friends by email. Imagine every
declared that the battle over A declassified document gives
a fascinating glimpse into the US source of uncensored
information will be a decisive front information, 99% of which is
in the ‘War on Terror’. military's plans for "information
operations" - from psychological online, being shut down or
Once again we see how the filtered so you can’t get to read it.
connections operate in the “Chain operations, to attacks on hostile
computer networks. The Pentagon apparently wants
of Command for Tyranny”. The to pick and choose what will be
CFR and their supporters set the The “Information Operations
Roadmap” is a redacted, FOIA- allowed on the internet, what can be
19 Indiana Militia Corps
searched, or downloaded. Imagine A Special Word To refuse any orders that are contrary
wanting to look up the websites of Our Readers About to the Law (the Constitution).
any of the nation’s Constitutional Opposing the Police We recommend to our readers
volunteer citizen militias, and not State, and Members
Members Jack McLamb’s Police & Military
even being able to complete the of the Militia website at
search, let alone open a militia Serving as Public where you can become familiar with
website in your browser. With the policeman’s responsibilities to
Safety Officers
Communist-Chinese filtering, our the Constitution. Most officers used
own government could selectively to be sworn, as members of our
By MG William A. Flatt
shut down this nation’s online military still are, to uphold the
In the pages of the
resistance community. Constitution.
LIBERATOR, we routinely talk
Type into If you know someone who is
about opposing the police state even
your URL window, and get a actively serving their community as
though a few of us are dedicated
message that reads like this: a police officer or sheriff’s deputy,
public safety professionals who are
whose views are similar to ours, and
THIS WEBSITE BLOCKED committed to protecting our
who wishes to make a difference in
IN ACCORDANCE WITH communities and all of Indiana from
preserving our Republic, we would
THE PROVISIONS OF violent, career criminals.
like to meet them and discuss these
PATRIOT ACT 4 These members see no conflict
between opposing a police state,
Finally, let us share with you
Sites like could which is lawlessness disguised
the website of the nation’s premier
become inaccessible, and the ones behind a badge, and their duty to
“Constitutional Cop”, who
left standing would likely be uphold the law.
successfully sued the federal
monitored, false-flag websites In America, at least, our Law of
government over the Brady gun
designed to sucker information- the Land is the Constitution. Any
law, Sheriff Richard Mack.
hungry patriots. statute that is in conflict with it is
Americans would be thrown Null and Void, according to the
back to the days of the “Big 3” unanimous opinion of the very first
As Jack McLamb would say,
mainstream media (ABCNBCCBS) supreme Court of the united States.
‘Tyranny cannot come to your
when everything that our parents It is also a matter of principle in
doorstep unless it comes in uniform’
saw & heard on the news was (and America that a judicial opinion only
remains) carefully censored. carries the weight of law when it is
Even with the broad range of a unanimous decision of that
cable and satellite based selfsame Court.
mainstream, establishment-media In that decision, the Court held
outlets… they are all owned and/or that any statute contrary to the
controlled by members of the CFR Constitution a Nullity as though it
and the Bilderbergers. Americans never existed. The precedent set by
are not given the truly free and this opinion has been extended to
independent news that we currently include the principles laid forth in
enjoy on the internet; the very the Declaration of Independence, Jack McLamb
freedom to know that the elites and which made the Constitution
their jackbooted thugs are working possible. By extension, one could
to deprive you of! argue that any thing contrary to the
So when you hear the words principles in the Declaration is also
“Information Operations” and “the unconstitutional and therefore void.
internet” spoken in the same Public officials can also act
sentence, what they’re talking about unconstitutionally, not just pass
is abolishing the 1st Amendment in unconstitutional laws. This may
the name of suppressing “domestic apply to a legislator, but it mainly
radicalization”. They don’t want applies to the Judiciary and the
you – or anyone else – to stand up Executive. In these instances,
to the growing police state! Richard Mack
police officers are not merely
empowered to arrest elected
 officials for criminal behavior, but
are morally and legally bound to 

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