OC90A Datasheet

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Oil Dielectric Test Sets Hiipotronics WER Saseri esis @ AUTOMATIC TURN-OFF AT BREAKDOWN, PROTECTIVE LUCITE COVER PANEL—TEST CELLINTERLOCK I_ MEMORY KILOVOLTMETER (INDICATES BREAK. DOWN VOLTAGE UNTIL RESET) INPUT & FAILURE LIGHTS: UNITS ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED Portable AC Testers for determining the dielectric break- down voltage of all insulating oils now in use. Three types of testers are available: ‘Manual—a 80 kV unit (Model OC-5iM) with manual adjustment of the output voltage and automatic HV turn- off upon dielectric breakdown. ‘Automatic—available in 60 kV (Model OC-60A) and 90 kV (Mode! OC-90A) each with three motorized rates of voltage rise, manual dwell at any voltage before break down and automatic HV turn-off upon breakdown. Combination Liquid Dielecttic-Glove Tester—(Model 0C-5 IMG) operates through one set of controls. 0-40 kV available for oil esting, 0-30 KV for glove testing. All the above units test the breakdown voltage of insulat- ing and cooling medium in cables, transformers, oil cir cuit breakers, and similar apparatus. Models meet all the requirements to perform tests as described in ASTM D149, D877, D1816 and IEC156. ACCUTECH 1D Motor-driven variac raises voltage automatically re- quired by: ASTM D1816—500 volts per second IEC 156 —2000 volts per second ASTM D877 —3000 volts per second (1 At moments of arcover (breakdown voltage of the overload circuit instantaneously shuts off the voltage. 11 The breakdown voltage is retained on the memory meter until manually reset. (I Manual override is provided as a safety factor if it becomes necessary to stop test before breakdown occurs. | younmeren wrt stemony,reatune ‘enon octtn ons oboe Coat TER ADS Tomo “Sprom Prove (ihihreaams eto osane Ly ‘Soe VoTasersnincten nese aurron veo 10 ‘Tun oFe FAURE NONCATOR, ser vouTMerenTOsenO 8 efi Wen er Got evince (TERRIER wrornawies. inc w noUTe 22 AENCTER NEN YORK RID m PHONE: 1) 270 0001 m TW 75742620 }PO BREN as) Hiipotronics 1 EXTENDED VOLTAGE RANGES TO ACCOMMODATE THE DIELECTRICS BEING USED IN TRANSFORMERS, BUSHINGS, SWITCHGEAR, CAPACITORS, ETC. l§ MEMORY KV METER PROVIDES AN ACCURACY OF + 2% READING UPON DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN ‘SOLID STATE MOTOR DRIVE CIRCUIT PRECISE AUTOMATIC RATE OF RISE EVEN WITH AN INPUT LINE VARIATION OF PLUS OR, MINUS 10% @ FAST RETURN TO ZERO AFTER RESET COMPLETELY SELF-CONTAINED WITH NO. EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED 1 INTERLOCKED SAFETY LUCITE COVER PROTECTS OPERATOR FROM HIGH VOLTAGE @ CUP OPTIONS: TAKES STANDARD DISC TEST CELL OR VDE TEST CELL | RUGGED CONSTRUCTION @ IDEAL FOR FIELD & LABORATORY USE § GENEROUSLY RATED 2 KVA HV ‘TRANSFORMER PROMOTES LONG LIFE & ‘TROUBLE FREE OPERATION Oil Dielectric Test Sets The models OC-G0A and OC-90A are portable liquid dielectric testers designed to fest the breakdown voltage Of liquid diolectrics. They are fully automatic and are provided with KV memory meter, automatic rate of rise of 500, 2000 and 3000 volts per second in addition to man- ual dwell at any voltage. See Technical Data and Test Cell chart for types of Test Cells (Oil Cups) which can be provided with each unit. variable output transformer adjusts test voltage from zero to set maximum. Overload circuit breaker shuts off voltage instantly at breakdown point. interlocked test cell and sliding lucite cover panel provide for operators safety. This fully instrumented, portable rubber glove and liquid dielectric insulation tester performs test in accordance with IEC and ASTM standards. Dual high voltage sec- tions provideinoreased reliability while utilizing one set, of controls with markings for each tester clearly coded, OTROS NG. m ROUTE 2 BREWSTER NEW YOREIION w ONE 1927081 THK TOSCO DO BRWSNY | Hlipetronics ; Oil Dielectric Test Sets NCTE TRE ae ‘RuTOWATIC WODELNO._|__ Oc. ces [ oc 0a input cS a 20760 Hes ABO, Oe ODOR ‘OUTPUT vllage WA [B-sinermea WA | 0-60Kvems,28vA | _0-90KV rms, 260A ‘METER Range “oso 1-60 KY ‘ecuresy ee mar [RATE OF VOLTAGE RISE siwowiezovis TESTCELLS —_ASIM877 Standard OPTIONAL* ASTM OT8T6 Standard [EC 198 Stender TEMPERATURE RANGE Store Operting i “For Model OGSIMG tot calis a provide slandare with unit ye iWooEt wo ‘oc on HEIGHT i wr ae es OTH i 2 nr & DEFT i, ase my 8 WaGRT Bs irs * cr) 63) Durable ac voltmeter for calibrating alloil testers. Calibration of OC-90A at 60 KV or less with accessory adapter (included). Rae ANGE aw: SCALE ‘Soawision ACCURACY SRS, DIMENSIONAL DATA TETHER we eine rome THOTRONGS New ROUTE 2, BREWSTER NEW TORK 109m PONE G27 BD TW TO ST4 20 HPO BANS WY | Hipotronies Oil Dielectric Test Sets Prevorrestce The TCIVDE Test Cell (oil cup) determines the dielec- tric strength of insulating liquids in conjunction with HIPOTRONICS portable Liquid Dielectric Testers. This cell is equipped with a motor-driven circulator 0.080 inch and 0.040 inch gap gauges, and two VDE electrodes, ‘one of which is adjustable and may be fixed to provide the desired gap via a set screw. An Allen wrench is supplied for the set screw. The TCIVDE Test Cell testsat 500 volts per second in accordance with ASTM Standard D1816-74, Similar to TCIVDE less motor. ‘The TCIDE Test Cell is equipped with two one-inch diam- eter disc electrodes, one of which is adjustable and may be fixed to provide the desired gap via a set screw. ‘A standard 0.100-inch gap gauge is supplied with the test cell ‘The TCIDE Test Cell tests at 3,000 volts per second in accordance with ASTM Standard 0877-67. ‘TCICE90 Test Cell with VDE electrodes and motor driven circulating system for testing to ASTM specification D116; convertible to disc electrodes (electrodes in- cluded) with 0.100 inch gap gauge for testing to ASTM ‘specification D877. This combination test cell is specifi cally for Model OC-90A. 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