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Raymond Chang
Williams College
70 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

The chemical properties of these molecules can be predicted based on the reactivity
of the functional groups. Although the nomenclature of the major classes of organic
compounds and their properties in terms of the functional groups will not be discussed
until Chapter 24, we will frequently use organic compounds as examples to illustrate
chemical bonding, acid-base reactions, and other properties throughout the book.

Key Equation
mass number 5 number of protons 1 number of neutrons
5 atomic number 1 number of neutrons (2.1)

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Chapter Summary
Summary of Facts and Concepts
1. Modern chemistry began with Dalton’s atomic theory, the sum of the number of protons and the number of
which states that all matter is composed of tiny, indivis- neutrons in the nucleus.
ible particles called atoms; that all atoms of the same 6. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same
element are identical; that compounds contain atoms of number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
different elements combined in whole-number ratios; 7. Chemical formulas combine the symbols for the con-
and that atoms are neither created nor destroyed in stituent elements with whole-number subscripts to show
chemical reactions (the law of conservation of mass). the type and number of atoms contained in the smallest
2. Atoms of constituent elements in a particular compound unit of a compound.
are always combined in the same proportions by mass 8. The molecular formula conveys the specific number
(law of definite proportions). When two elements can and type of atoms combined in each molecule of a com-
combine to form more than one type of compound, the pound. The empirical formula shows the simplest ratios
masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the atoms combined in a molecule.
of the other element are in a ratio of small whole num-
9. Chemical compounds are either molecular compounds
bers (law of multiple proportions).
(in which the smallest units are discrete, individual mol-
3. An atom consists of a very dense central nucleus con- ecules) or ionic compounds, which are made of cations
taining protons and neutrons, with electrons moving and anions.
about the nucleus at a relatively large distance from it.
10. The names of many inorganic compounds can be de-
4. Protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge, duced from a set of simple rules. The formulas can be
and electrons are negatively charged. Protons and neu- written from the names of the compounds.
trons have roughly the same mass, which is about 1840
11. Organic compounds contain carbon and elements like
times greater than the mass of an electron.
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Hydrocarbon is the
5. The atomic number of an element is the number of pro- simplest type of organic compound.
tons in the nucleus of an atom of the element; it deter-
mines the identity of an element. The mass number is

Key Words
Acid, p. 65 Atom, p. 43 Chemical formula, p. 55 Halogens, p. 53
Alkali metals, p. 53 Atomic number (Z ), p. 49 Diatomic molecule, p. 53 Hydrate, p. 67
Alkaline earth metals, p. 53 Base, p. 67 Electron, p. 44 Inorganic
Allotrope, p. 55 Beta (b) particles, p. 46 Empirical formula, p. 56 compounds, p. 59
Alpha (a) particles, p. 46 Beta (b) rays, p. 46 Families, p. 51 Ion, p. 54
Alpha (a) rays, p. 46 Binary compound, p. 59 Gamma (g) rays, p. 46 Ionic compound, p. 54
Anion, p. 54 Cation, p. 54 Groups, p. 51 Isotope, p. 49
214 Gases

Key Equations
P 1V 1 5 P 2V 2 (5.2) Boyle’s law. For calculating pressure or
volume changes.
V1 V2
5 (5.4) Charles’s law. For calculating temperature
T1 T2 or volume changes.
P1 P2
5 (5.6) Charles’s law. For calculating temperature
T1 T2 or pressure changes.
V 5 k4n (5.7) Avogadro’s law. Constant P and T.
PV 5 nRT (5.8) Ideal gas equation.
P 1V 1 P 2V 2
5 (5.9) For calculating changes in pressure,
n1T 1 n2T 2 temperature, volume, or amount of gas.
P 1V 1 P 2V 2
5 (5.10) For calculating changes in pressure,
T1 T2 temperature, or volume when n is constant.
d5 (5.11) For calculating density or molar mass.
Xi 5 (5.13) Definition of mole fraction.
P i 5 X iP T (5.14) Dalton’s law of partial pressures. For
calculating partial pressures.
KE 5 12 mu2 5 CT (5.15) Relating the average kinetic energy of a gas
to its absolute temperature.
urms 5 (5.16) For calculating the root-mean-square speed
B m
of gas molecules.
r1 m2
5 (5.17) Graham’s law of diffusion and effusion.
r2 B m1
aP 1 b(V 2 nb) 5 nRT (5.18) van der Waals equation. For calculating the
V2 pressure of a nonideal gas.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. At 25°C and 1 atm, a number of elements and molecular 5. Absolute zero (2273.15°C) is the lowest theoretically
compounds exist as gases. Ionic compounds are solids attainable temperature. The Kelvin temperature scale
rather than gases under atmospheric conditions. takes 0 K as absolute zero. In all gas law calculations,
2. Gases exert pressure because their molecules move temperature must be expressed in kelvins.
freely and collide with any surface with which they 6. The amount-volume relationships of ideal gases are de-
make contact. Units of gas pressure include millimeters scribed by Avogadro’s law: Equal volumes of gases
of mercury (mmHg), torr, pascals, and atmospheres. contain equal numbers of molecules (at the same T
One atmosphere equals 760 mmHg, or 760 torr. and P).
3. The pressure-volume relationships of ideal gases are 7. The ideal gas equation, PV 5 nRT, combines the laws
governed by Boyle’s law: Volume is inversely propor- of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro. This equation de-
tional to pressure (at constant T and n). scribes the behavior of an ideal gas.
4. The temperature-volume relationships of ideal gases 8. Dalton’s law of partial pressures states that each gas in
are described by Charles’s and Gay-Lussac’s law: Vol- a mixture of gases exerts the same pressure that it would
ume is directly proportional to temperature (at constant if it were alone and occupied the same volume.
P and n).
Summary of Facts and Concepts 261

2 percent water by mass. Diluting it with water releases considerable amount of Generations of chemistry students have
been reminded of the safe procedure for
heat to the surroundings. This process is so exothermic that you must never attempt diluting acids by the venerable saying,
to dilute the concentrated acid by adding water to it. The heat generated could “Do as you oughter, add acid to water.”

cause the acid solution to boil and splatter. The recommended procedure is to add
the concentrated acid slowly to the water (while constantly stirring).

Key Equations

¢E 5 q 1 w (6.1) Mathematical statement of the first law of

w 5 2P¢V (6.3) Calculating work done in gas expansion or
gas compression.
H 5 E 1 PV (6.6) Definition of enthalpy.
¢H 5 ¢E 1 P¢V (6.8) Calculating enthalpy (or energy) change for a
constant-pressure process.
C 5 ms (6.11) Definition of heat capacity.
q 5 ms¢t (6.12) Calculating heat change in terms of specific heat.
q 5 C¢t (6.13) Calculating heat change in terms of heat capacity.
¢H °rxn 5 o n¢H °f (products) 2 o m¢H °f (reactants)
      (6.18) Calculating standard enthalpy of reaction.
¢H soln 5 U 1 ¢H hydr (6.20) Lattice energy and hydration contributions to heat
of solution.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Energy is the capacity to do work. There are many 7. The change in enthalpy (DH, usually given in kilo-
forms of energy and they are interconvertible. The law joules) is a measure of the heat of reaction (or any other
of conservation of energy states that the total amount of process) at constant pressure.
energy in the universe is constant. 8. Constant-volume and constant-pressure calorimeters
2. A process that gives off heat to the surroundings is exo- are used to measure heat changes that occur in physical
thermic; a process that absorbs heat from the surround- and chemical processes.
ings is endothermic. 9. Hess’s law states that the overall enthalpy change in a
3. The state of a system is defined by properties such as reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for in-
composition, volume, temperature, and pressure. These dividual steps in the overall reaction.
properties are called state functions. 10. The standard enthalpy of a reaction can be calculated
4. The change in a state function for a system depends from the standard enthalpies of formation of reactants
only on the initial and final states of the system, and not and products.
on the path by which the change is accomplished. En- 11. The heat of solution of an ionic compound in water
ergy is a state function; work and heat are not. is the sum of the lattice energy of the compound and
5. Energy can be converted from one form to another, but it the heat of hydration. The relative magnitudes of
cannot be created or destroyed (first law of thermodynam- these two quantities determine whether the solution
ics). In chemistry we are concerned mainly with thermal process is endothermic or exothermic. The heat of di-
energy, electrical energy, and mechanical energy, which lution is the heat absorbed or evolved when a solution
is usually associated with pressure-volume work. is diluted.
6. Enthalpy is a state function. A change in enthalpy DH is
equal to DE 1 PDV for a constant-pressure process.
Summary of Facts and Concepts 311

Key Equations
u 5 ln (7.1) Relating speed of a wave to its wavelength and frequency.
E 5 hn (7.2) Relating energy of a quantum (and of a photon) to the frequency.
E5h (7.3) Relating energy of a quantum (and of a photon) to the wavelength.
hn 5 KE 1 W (7.4) The photoelectric effect.
En 5 2RH a b (7.5) Energy of an electron in the nth state in a hydrogen atom.
1 1
¢E 5 hn 5 RH a 2 b (7.6) Energy of a photon absorbed or emitted as the electron undergoes a transition
n2i n2f from the ni level to the nf level.
l5 (7.8) Relating wavelength of a particle to its mass m and velocity u.
¢x¢p $ (7.9) Calculating the uncertainty in the position or in the momentum of a particle.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. The quantum theory developed by Planck successfully a moving particle of mass m and velocity u is given by
explains the emission of radiation by heated solids. The the de Broglie equation l 5 h/mu.
quantum theory states that radiant energy is emitted by 6. The Schrödinger equation describes the motions and
atoms and molecules in small discrete amounts (quanta), energies of submicroscopic particles. This equation
rather than over a continuous range. This behavior is launched quantum mechanics and a new era in physics.
governed by the relationship E 5 hn, where E is the
energy of the radiation, h is Planck’s constant, and n is 7. The Schrödinger equation tells us the possible energy
the frequency of the radiation. Energy is always emitted states of the electron in a hydrogen atom and the prob-
in whole-number multiples of hn (1 hn, 2 hn, 3 hn, . . . ). ability of its location in a particular region surrounding
the nucleus. These results can be applied with reason-
2. Using quantum theory, Einstein solved another mys- able accuracy to many-electron atoms.
tery of physics—the photoelectric effect. Einstein pro-
posed that light can behave like a stream of particles 8. An atomic orbital is a function (c) that defines the dis-
(photons). tribution of electron density (c 2) in space. Orbitals are
represented by electron density diagrams or boundary
3. The line spectrum of hydrogen, yet another mystery to
surface diagrams.
nineteenth-century physicists, was also explained by
applying the quantum theory. Bohr developed a 9. Four quantum numbers characterize each electron in an
model of the hydrogen atom in which the energy of atom: the principal quantum number n identifies the
its single electron is quantized—limited to certain main energy level, or shell, of the orbital; the angular
energy values determined by an integer, the principal momentum quantum number / indicates the shape of
quantum number. the orbital; the magnetic quantum number m/ specifies
4. An electron in its most stable energy state is said to be the orientation of the orbital in space; and the electron
in the ground state, and an electron at an energy level spin quantum number ms indicates the direction of the
higher than its most stable state is said to be in an ex- electron’s spin on its own axis.
cited state. In the Bohr model, an electron emits a pho- 10. The single s orbital for each energy level is spherical
ton when it drops from a higher-energy state (an excited and centered on the nucleus. The three p orbitals present
state) to a lower-energy state (the ground state or an- at n 5 2 and higher; each has two lobes, and the pairs of
other, less excited state). The release of specific amounts lobes are arranged at right angles to one another. Start-
of energy in the form of photons accounts for the lines ing with n 5 3, there are five d orbitals, with more com-
in the hydrogen emission spectrum. plex shapes and orientations.
5. De Broglie extended Einstein’s wave-particle descrip- 11. The energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom is
tion of light to all matter in motion. The wavelength of determined solely by its principal quantum number. In
356 Periodic Relationships Among the Elements

Key Equation
Zeff 5 Z 2 s (8.2) Definition of effective nuclear charge.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Nineteenth-century chemists developed the periodic 5. Ionization energy is a measure of the tendency of an
table by arranging elements in the increasing order of atom to resist the loss of an electron. The higher the
their atomic masses. Discrepancies in early versions of ionization energy, the stronger the attraction between
the periodic table were resolved by arranging the ele- the nucleus and an electron. Electron affinity is a mea-
ments in order of their atomic numbers. sure of the tendency of an atom to gain an electron. The
2. Electron configuration determines the properties of an more positive the electron affinity, the greater the ten-
element. The modern periodic table classifies the ele- dency for the atom to gain an electron. Metals usually
ments according to their atomic numbers, and thus also have low ionization energies, and nonmetals usually
by their electron configurations. The configuration of have high electron affinities.
the valence electrons directly affects the properties of 6. Noble gases are very stable because their outer ns and
the atoms of the representative elements. np subshells are completely filled. The metals among
3. Periodic variations in the physical properties of the ele- the representative elements (in Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A)
ments reflect differences in atomic structure. The metal- tend to lose electrons until their cations become isoelec-
lic character of elements decreases across a period from tronic with the noble gases that precede them in the
metals through the metalloids to nonmetals and in- periodic table. The nonmetals in Groups 5A, 6A, and 7A
creases from top to bottom within a particular group of tend to accept electrons until their anions become iso-
representative elements. electronic with the noble gases that follow them in the
4. Atomic radius varies periodically with the arrangement periodic table.
of the elements in the periodic table. It decreases from
left to right and increases from top to bottom.

Key Words
Amphoteric oxide, p. 353 Diagonal relationship, p. 344 Ionic radius, p. 333 Representative elements, p. 326
Atomic radius, p. 331 Effective nuclear charge, p. 330 Ionization energy, p. 337 Valence electrons, p. 327
Core electrons, p. 327 Electron affinity, p. 341 Isoelectronic, p. 330

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 8.5, 8.10, 8.23, 8.25, 8.27, 8.29,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 8.31, 8.38, 8.44, 8.46, 8.51, 8.57, 8.58, 8.61, 8.72, 8.77,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the 8.83, 8.85, 8.91, 8.93, 8.95, 8.98, 8.99, 8.100, 8.102, 8.103,
same site. 8.110, 8.114, 8.120, 8.123, 8.125, 8.131.

Questions and Problems

Development of the Periodic Table 8.2 What is Moseley’s contribution to the modern peri-
Review Questions odic table?
8.3 Describe the general layout of a modern periodic
8.1 Briefly describe the significance of Mendeleev’s peri- table.
odic table.
Electronic Homework Problems 399

Key Equation
DHº 5 ©BE(reactants) 2 ©BE(products) (9.3) Calculating enthalpy change of a
reaction from bond enthalpies.
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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. A Lewis dot symbol shows the number of valence elec- The arrangement of bonding electrons and lone pairs in
trons possessed by an atom of a given element. Lewis a molecule is represented by a Lewis structure.
dot symbols are useful mainly for the representative 6. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom’s ability to
elements. attract electrons in a chemical bond.
2. The elements most likely to form ionic compounds have 7. The octet rule predicts that atoms form enough covalent
low ionization energies (such as the alkali metals and bonds to surround themselves with eight electrons each.
the alkaline earth metals, which form cations) or high When one atom in a covalently bonded pair donates two
electron affinities (such as the halogens and oxygen, electrons to the bond, the Lewis structure can include
which form anions). the formal charge on each atom as a means of keeping
3. An ionic bond is the product of the electrostatic forces track of the valence electrons. There are exceptions to
of attraction between positive and negative ions. An the octet rule, particularly for covalent beryllium com-
ionic compound consists of a large network of ions in pounds, elements in Group 3A, odd-electron molecules,
which positive and negative charges are balanced. The and elements in the third period and beyond in the peri-
structure of a solid ionic compound maximizes the net odic table.
attractive forces among the ions. 8. For some molecules or polyatomic ions, two or more
4. Lattice energy is a measure of the stability of an ionic Lewis structures based on the same skeletal structure
solid. It can be calculated by means of the Born-Haber satisfy the octet rule and appear chemically reasonable.
cycle, which is based on Hess’s law. Taken together, such resonance structures represent the
5. In a covalent bond, two electrons (one pair) are shared molecule or ion more accurately than any single Lewis
by two atoms. In multiple covalent bonds, two or three structure does.
pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms. Some cova- 9. The strength of a covalent bond is measured in terms of
lently bonded atoms also have lone pairs, that is, pairs its bond enthalpy. Bond enthalpies can be used to esti-
of valence electrons that are not involved in bonding. mate the enthalpy of reactions.

Key Words
Bond enthalpy, p. 394 Covalent bond, p. 374 Lewis dot symbol, p. 366 Polar covalent bond, p. 377
Bond length, p. 376 Covalent compound, p. 374 Lewis structure, p. 375 Resonance, p. 387
Born-Haber cycle, p. 369 Double bond, p. 375 Lone pair, p. 374 Resonance structure, p. 387
Coordinate covalent Electronegativity, p. 377 Multiple bond, p. 375 Single bond, p. 375
bond, p. 390 Formal charge, p. 384 Octet rule, p. 375 Triple bond, p. 375
Coulomb’s law, p. 369 Ionic bond, p. 367

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at Quantum Tutor Problems: 9.16, 9.20, 9.39, 9.40,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 9.43, 9.44, 9.45, 9.46, 9.48, 9.51, 9.52, 9.53, 9.54,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the same site. 9.55, 9.56, 9.61, 9.62, 9.63, 9.64, 9.65, 9.66, 9.73,
9.74, 9.76, 9.78, 9.80, 9.83, 9.85, 9.93, 9.95, 9.98,
ARIS Problems: 9.13, 9.14, 9.15, 9.16, 9.18,
9.99, 9.101, 9.102, 9.103, 9.105, 9.106, 9.109, 9.115,
9.19, 9.26, 9.36, 9.37, 9.39, 9.40, 9.43, 9.44, 9.45, 9.46,
9.117, 9.121, 9.122, 9.125.
9.47, 9.52, 9.54, 9.55, 9.63, 9.65, 9.66, 9.69, 9.71, 9.73,
9.77, 9.79, 9.85, 9.90, 9.105, 9.107, 9.109, 9.111, 9.117,
9.118, 9.120, 9.123, 9.125.
Summary of Facts and Concepts 503

Key Equations
2d sin u 5 nl (11.1) Bragg equation for calculating the distance
between planes of atoms in a crystal lattice.
¢H vap
ln P 5 2 1C (11.2) Clausius-Clapeyron equation for determining
RT DHvap of a liquid.
P1 ¢H vap T1 2 T2
ln 5 a b (11.5) For calculating DHvap, vapor pressure, or
P2 R T 1T 2 boiling point of a liquid.
¢H sub 5 ¢H fus 1 ¢H vap (11.6) Application of Hess’s law.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. All substances exist in one of three states: gas, liquid, absorbing substantial amounts of heat with only small
or solid. The major difference between the condensed changes in the water temperature.
state and the gaseous state is the distance separating 10. All solids are either crystalline (with a regular structure
molecules. of atoms, ions, or molecules) or amorphous (without a
2. Intermolecular forces act between molecules or be- regular structure). Glass is an example of an amorphous
tween molecules and ions. Generally, these attractive solid.
forces are much weaker than bonding forces. 11. The basic structural unit of a crystalline solid is the unit
3. Dipole-dipole forces and ion-dipole forces attract mol- cell, which is repeated to form a three-dimensional
ecules with dipole moments to other polar molecules crystal lattice. X-ray diffraction has provided much of
or ions. our knowledge about crystal structure.
4. Dispersion forces are the result of temporary dipole mo- 12. The four types of crystals and the forces that hold
ments induced in ordinarily nonpolar molecules. The their particles together are ionic crystals, held to-
extent to which a dipole moment can be induced in a gether by ionic bonding; covalent crystals, covalent
molecule is called its polarizability. The term “van der bonding; molecular crystals, van der Waals forces
Waals forces” refers to dipole-dipole, dipole-induced and/or hydrogen bonding; and metallic crystals, me-
dipole, and dispersion forces. tallic bonding.
5. Hydrogen bonding is a relatively strong dipole-dipole 13. A liquid in a closed vessel eventually establishes a dy-
interaction between a polar bond containing a hydro- namic equilibrium between evaporation and condensa-
gen atom and an electronegative O, N, or F atom. Hy- tion. The vapor pressure over the liquid under these
drogen bonds between water molecules are particularly conditions is the equilibrium vapor pressure, which is
strong. often referred to simply as “vapor pressure.”
6. Liquids tend to assume a geometry that minimizes sur- 14. At the boiling point, the vapor pressure of a liquid
face area. Surface tension is the energy needed to ex- equals the external pressure. The molar heat of vapor-
pand a liquid surface area; strong intermolecular forces ization of a liquid is the energy required to vaporize one
lead to greater surface tension. mole of the liquid. It can be determined by measuring
7. Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a liquid to the vapor pressure of the liquid as a function of tem-
flow; it decreases with increasing temperature. perature and using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
8. Water molecules in the solid state form a three- [Equation (11.2)]. The molar heat of fusion of a solid is
dimensional network in which each oxygen atom is the energy required to melt one mole of the solid.
covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms and is 15. For every substance there is a temperature, called the
hydrogen-bonded to two hydrogen atoms. This unique critical temperature, above which its gas phase cannot
structure accounts for the fact that ice is less dense than be made to liquefy.
liquid water, a property that enables life to survive under 16. The relationships among the phases of a single sub-
the ice in ponds and lakes in cold climates. stance are illustrated by a phase diagram, in which each
9. Water is also ideally suited for its ecological role by its region represents a pure phase and the boundaries be-
high specific heat, another property imparted by its tween the regions show the temperatures and pressures
strong hydrogen bonding. Large bodies of water are at which the two phases are in equilibrium. At the triple
able to moderate Earth’s climate by giving off and point, all three phases are in equilibrium.
Key Words 545

Key Equations
moles of solute
molality (m) 5 (12.2) Calculating the molality of a solution.
mass of solvent (kg)
c 5 kP (12.3) Henry’s law for calculating solubility of gases.
P1 5 X1P°1 (12.4) Raoult’s law relating the vapor pressure of
a liquid to its vapor pressure in a solution.
¢P 5 X2P°1 (12.5) Vapor pressure lowering in terms of the
concentration of solution.
¢T b 5 K b m (12.6) Boiling-point elevation.
¢T f 5 K f m (12.7) Freezing-point depression.
p 5 MRT (12.8) Osmotic pressure of a solution.
actual number of particles in soln after dissociation
i5 (12.9) Calculating the van’t Hoff factor for an
number of formula units initially dissolved in soln electrolyte solution.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more ideal solution obeys Raoult’s law over the entire range
substances, which may be solids, liquids, or gases. of concentration. In practice, very few solutions exhibit
2. The ease of dissolving a solute in a solvent is governed by ideal behavior.
intermolecular forces. Energy and the disorder that results 7. Vapor-pressure lowering, boiling-point elevation, freezing-
when molecules of the solute and solvent mix to form a point depression, and osmotic pressure are colligative
solution are the forces driving the solution process. properties of solutions; that is, they depend only on the
3. The concentration of a solution can be expressed as per- number of solute particles that are present and not on
cent by mass, mole fraction, molarity, and molality. The their nature.
choice of units depends on the circumstances. 8. In electrolyte solutions, the interaction between ions
4. Increasing temperature usually increases the solubility leads to the formation of ion pairs. The van’t Hoff fac-
of solid and liquid substances and usually decreases the tor provides a measure of the extent of dissociation of
solubility of gases in water. electrolytes in solution.
5. According to Henry’s law, the solubility of a gas in a 9. A colloid is a dispersion of particles (about 1 3 103 pm
liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of to 1 3 106 pm) of one substance in another substance.
the gas over the solution. A colloid is distinguished from a regular solution by the
6. Raoult’s law states that the partial pressure of a sub- Tyndall effect, which is the scattering of visible light by
stance A over a solution is equal to the mole fraction colloidal particles. Colloids in water are classified as
(XA) of A times the vapor pressure (P°A) of pure A. An hydrophilic colloids and hydrophobic colloids.

Key Words
Boiling-point elevation Freezing-point depression Molality, p. 518 Semipermeable
(DTb), p. 531 (DTf), p. 532 Nonvolatile, p. 527 membrane, p. 534
Colligative properties, p. 526 Henry’s law, p. 524 Osmosis, p. 534 Solvation, p. 516
Colloid, p. 541 Hydrophilic, p. 541 Osmotic pressure Supersaturated
Crystallization, p. 514 Hydrophobic, p. 541 (p), p. 534 solution, p. 514
Fractional Ideal solution, p. 529 Percent by mass, p. 517 Unsaturated solution, p. 514
crystallization, p. 522 Ion pair, p. 539 Raoult’s law, p. 527 van’t Hoff factor (i), p. 539
Fractional distillation, p. 529 Miscible, p. 516 Saturated solution, p. 514 Volatile, p. 528
Key Equations 601

The mathematical treatment of enzyme kinetics is quite complex, even when we

All active sites
know the basic steps involved in the reaction. A simplified scheme is given by the

Rate of product formation

are occupied
following elementary steps: at and beyond
this substrate
ES concentration

ES ¡ E  P

where E, S, and P represent enzyme, substrate, and product, and ES is the enzyme-
substrate intermediate. It is often assumed that the formation of ES and its decom-
position back to enzyme and substrate molecules occur rapidly and that the rate- [S]
determining step is the formation of product. (This is similar to the formation of HI Figure 13.30 Plot of the rate
discussed on p. 591.) of product formation versus
In general, the rate of such a reaction is given by the equation substrate concentration in an
enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
rate 5
5 k2[ES]

The concentration of the ES intermediate is itself proportional to the amount of the

substrate present, and a plot of the rate versus the concentration of substrate typically
yields a curve like that shown in Figure 13.30. Initially the rate rises rapidly with
increasing substrate concentration. However, above a certain concentration all the
active sites are occupied, and the reaction becomes zero order in the substrate. In
other words, the rate remains the same even though the substrate concentration
increases. At and beyond this point, the rate of formation of product depends only
on how fast the ES intermediate breaks down, not on the number of substrate mol-
ecules present.

Key Equations
rate 5 k[A]x[B]y (13.1) Rate law expressions. The sum (x 1 y) gives
the overall order of the reaction.
ln 5 2kt (13.3) Relationship between concentration and time
[A]0 for a first-order reaction.
ln [A]t 5 2kt 1 ln [A]0 (13.4) Equation for the graphical determination of k
for a first-order reaction.
t12  (13.6) Half-life for a first order reaction.
1 1
5 kt 1 (13.7) Relationship between concentration and time
[A]t [A]0 for a second-order reaction.
k 5 Ae 2 Ea/RT (13.11) The Arrhenius equation expressing the
dependence of the rate constant on activation
energy and temperature.
Ea 1
ln k 5 a2 ba b 1 ln A (13.13) Equation for the graphical determination of
R T activation energy.
k1 Ea T1 2 T2
ln 5 a b (13.14) Relationships of rate constants at two
k2 R T 1T 2 different temperatures.
602 Chemical Kinetics

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. The rate of a chemical reaction is the change in the con- 5. In terms of collision theory, a reaction occurs when
centration of reactants or products over time. The rate is molecules collide with sufficient energy, called the ac-
not constant, but varies continuously as concentrations tivation energy, to break the bonds and initiate the reac-
change. tion. The rate constant and the activation energy are
2. The rate law expresses the relationship of the rate of a related by the Arrhenius equation.
reaction to the rate constant and the concentrations of the 6. The overall balanced equation for a reaction may be the
reactants raised to appropriate powers. The rate constant sum of a series of simple reactions, called elementary
k for a given reaction changes only with temperature. steps. The complete series of elementary steps for a re-
3. Reaction order is the power to which the concentration action is the reaction mechanism.
of a given reactant is raised in the rate law. Overall reac- 7. If one step in a reaction mechanism is much slower than
tion order is the sum of the powers to which reactant all other steps, it is the rate-determining step.
concentrations are raised in the rate law. The rate law 8. A catalyst speeds up a reaction usually by lowering the
and the reaction order cannot be determined from the value of Ea. A catalyst can be recovered unchanged at
stoichiometry of the overall equation for a reaction; they the end of a reaction.
must be determined by experiment. For a zero-order re- 9. In heterogeneous catalysis, which is of great industrial
action, the reaction rate is equal to the rate constant. importance, the catalyst is a solid and the reactants are
4. The half-life of a reaction (the time it takes for the gases or liquids. In homogeneous catalysis, the catalyst
concentration of a reactant to decrease by one-half) can and the reactants are in the same phase. Enzymes are
be used to determine the rate constant of a first-order catalysts in living systems.

Key Words
Activated complex, p. 583 Enzyme, p. 599 Rate constant (k), p. 561 Second-order
Activation energy (Ea), p. 583 First-order reaction, p. 570 Rate-determining step, p. 589 reaction, p. 577
Bimolecular reaction, p. 588 Half-life (t12 ), p. 575 Rate law, p. 565 Termolecular reaction, p. 588
Catalyst, p. 594 Intermediate, p. 588 Reaction mechanism, p. 588 Transition state, p. 583
Chemical kinetics, p. 558 Molecularity of a Reaction order, p. 566 Unimolecular
Elementary step, p. 588 reaction, p. 588 Reaction rate, p. 558 reaction, p. 588

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.15, 13.16,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 13.18, 13.19, 13.25, 13.26, 13.27, 13.37, 13.40, 13.42, 13.47,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the 13.51, 13.53, 13.62, 13.65, 13.68, 13.70, 13.74, 13.76, 13.80,
same site. 13.88, 13.90, 13.94, 13.97, 13.105, 13.111, 13.115, 13.122.

Questions and Problems

The Rate of a Reaction 13.2 Distinguish between average rate and instantaneous
Review Questions rate. Which of the two rates gives us an unambigu-
ous measurement of reaction rate? Why?
13.1 What is meant by the rate of a chemical reaction?
What are the units of the rate of a reaction?
in Action
The Haber Process

K nowing the factors that affect chemical equilibrium has great

practical value for industrial applications, such as the synthe-
sis of ammonia. The Haber process for synthesizing ammonia


Mole percent of NH3

from molecular hydrogen and nitrogen uses a heterogeneous cat-
alyst to speed up the reaction (see p. 596). Let us look at the
equilibrium reaction for ammonia synthesis to determine whether 60
there are factors that could be manipulated to enhance the yield.
Suppose, as a prominent industrial chemist at the turn of the 40
twentieth century, you are asked to design an efficient procedure
for synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. Your 20
main objective is to obtain a high yield of the product while keep-
ing the production costs down. Your first step is to take a careful 0
look at the balanced equation for the production of ammonia: 1000 2000 3000 4000
Pressure (atm)
N2 (g) 1 3H2 (g) Δ 2NH3 (g) ¢H° 5 292.6 kJ/mol
Mole percent of NH3 as a function of the total pressures of the gases at 425°C.
Two ideas strike you: First, because 1 mole of N2 reacts with
3 moles of H2 to produce 2 moles of NH3, a higher yield of NH3 The graph on p. 647 shows that the yield of ammonia increases
can be obtained at equilibrium if the reaction is carried out un- with decreasing temperature. A low-temperature operation (say,
der high pressures. This is indeed the case, as shown by the plot 220 K or 253°C) is desirable in other respects too. The boiling
of mole percent of NH3 versus the total pressure of the reacting point of NH3 is 233.5°C, so as it formed it would quickly con-
system. Second, the exothermic nature of the forward reaction dense to a liquid, which could be conveniently removed from the
tells you that the equilibrium constant for the reaction will de- reacting system. (Both H2 and N2 are still gases at this tempera-
crease with increasing temperature. Thus, for maximum yield of ture.) Consequently, the net reaction would shift from left to right,
NH3, the reaction should be run at the lowest possible temperature. just as desired.

Key Equations
K5 (14.2) Law of mass action. General expression of
[A]a[B]b equilibrium constant.
K P 5 K c (0.0821T) ¢n (14.5) Relationship between KP and Kc.
K c 5 K¿cK–c (14.9) The equilibrium constant for the overall reaction is
given by the product of the equilibrium constants
for the individual reactions.

Media Player
Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Dynamic equilibria between phases are called physical the concentrations of reactants and products at equilib-
equilibria. Chemical equilibrium is a reversible process rium (in moles per liter) are related by the equilibrium
in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions constant expression [Equation (14.2)].
are equal and the concentrations of reactants and prod- 3. The equilibrium constant for gases, KP, expresses the
ucts do not change with time. relationship of the equilibrium partial pressures (in atm)
2. For the general chemical reaction of reactants and products.
4. A chemical equilibrium process in which all reactants
aA 1 bB Δ cC 1 dD and products are in the same phase is homogeneous. If
100 H2 + N2 Reaction
Compressor chamber
NH3 N2 + H2 (catalysts)
Mole percent

NH3 + H2 + N2

Unreacted Ammonia
40 condenser
H2 + N2

20 Liquid NH3

200 300 400 500 Storage
Temperature (°C) tanks
The composition (mole percent) of H2 1 N2 and NH3 at equilibrium (for a
certain starting mixture) as a function of temperature.
Schematic diagram of the Haber process for ammonia synthesis. The heat
generated from the reaction is used to heat the incoming gases.
On paper, then, these are your conclusions. Let us com-
pare your recommendations with the actual conditions in an 500°C. This high-temperature operation is costly and the yield
industrial plant. Typically, the operating pressures are between of NH3 is low. The justification for this choice is that the rate
500 atm and 1000 atm, so you are right to advocate high pres- of NH3 production increases with increasing temperature.
sure. Furthermore, in the industrial process the NH3 never Commercially, faster production of NH3 is preferable even if it
reaches its equilibrium value but is constantly removed from means a lower yield and higher operating cost. For this reason,
the reaction mixture in a continuous process operation. This the combination of high-pressure, high-temperature conditions
design makes sense, too, as you had anticipated. The only dis- and the proper catalyst is the most efficient way to produce am-
crepancy is that the operation is usually carried out at about monia on a large scale.

the reactants and products are not all in the same phase, 8. The reaction quotient Q has the same form as the equilib-
the equilibrium is heterogeneous. The concentrations of rium constant, but it applies to a reaction that may not be
pure solids, pure liquids, and solvents are constant and at equilibrium. If Q . K, the reaction will proceed from
do not appear in the equilibrium constant expression of right to left to achieve equilibrium. If Q , K, the reaction
a reaction. will proceed from left to right to achieve equilibrium.
5. If a reaction can be expressed as the sum of two or more 9. Le Châtelier’s principle states that if an external stress
reactions, the equilibrium constant for the overall reaction is applied to a system at chemical equilibrium, the sys-
is given by the product of the equilibrium constants of the tem will adjust to partially offset the stress.
individual reactions. 10. Only a change in temperature changes the value of the
6. The value of K depends on how the chemical equation equilibrium constant for a particular reaction. Changes
is balanced, and the equilibrium constant for the reverse in concentration, pressure, or volume may change the
of a particular reaction is the reciprocal of the equilib- equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products.
rium constant of that reaction. The addition of a catalyst hastens the attainment of
7. The equilibrium constant is the ratio of the rate constant equilibrium but does not affect the equilibrium concen-
for the forward reaction to that for the reverse reaction. trations of reactants and products.

Key Words
Chemical equilibrium, p. 616 Heterogeneous Law of mass action, p. 618 Physical equilibrium, p. 616
Equilibrium constant equilibrium, p. 624 Le Châtelier’s Reaction quotient
(K ), p. 618 Homogeneous principle, p. 638 (Q), p. 632
equilibrium, p. 619
Summary of Facts and Concepts 701

to gain two electrons to complete its octet. This property makes AlCl3 a Lewis acid.
On the other hand, the lone pairs on the oxygen atom in C2H5OC2H5 make the
compound a Lewis base:

What are the formal charges on Al and O in

the product?

(b) Here the Hg21 ion accepts four pairs of electrons from the CN2 ions. Therefore,
Hg21 is the Lewis acid and CN2 is the Lewis base. Similar Problem: 15.92.

Practice Exercise Identify the Lewis acid and Lewis base in the reaction

Co31 (aq) 1 6NH3 (aq) Δ Co(NH3 ) 31

6 (aq)

Key Equations
K w 5 [H 1 ][OH 2] (15.3) Ion-product constant of water.
pH 5 2log [H ] (15.4) Definition of pH of a solution.
[H 1 ] 5 102pH (15.5) Calculating H1 ion concentration from pH.
pOH 5 2log [OH 2] (15.7) Definition of pOH of a solution.
2 2pOH
[OH ] 5 10 (15.8) Calculating OH2 ion concentration from pOH.
pH 1 pOH 5 14.00 (15.9) Another form of Equation (15.3).
ionized acid concentration at equilibrium
percent ionization 5 3 100% (15.11)
initial concentration of acid
K aK b 5 K w (15.12) Relationship between the acid and base ionization
constants of a conjugate acid-base pair.

Media Player
Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Brønsted acids donate protons, and Brønsted bases ac- 6. Percent ionization is another measure of the strength of
cept protons. These are the definitions that normally acids. The more dilute a solution of a weak acid, the
underlie the use of the terms “acid” and “base.” greater the percent ionization of the acid.
2. The acidity of an aqueous solution is expressed as its 7. The product of the ionization constant of an acid and
pH, which is defined as the negative logarithm of the the ionization constant of its conjugate base is equal to
hydrogen ion concentration (in mol/L). the ion-product constant of water.
3. At 25°C, an acidic solution has pH , 7, a basic solu- 8. The relative strengths of acids can be explained qualita-
tion has pH . 7, and a neutral solution has pH 5 7. tively in terms of their molecular structures.
4. In aqueous solution, the following are classified as 9. Most salts are strong electrolytes that dissociate com-
strong acids: HClO4, HI, HBr, HCl, H2SO4 (first stage pletely into ions in solution. The reaction of these
of ionization), and HNO3. Strong bases in aqueous solu- ions with water, called salt hydrolysis, can produce
tion include hydroxides of alkali metals and of alkaline acidic or basic solutions. In salt hydrolysis, the
earth metals (except beryllium). conjugate bases of weak acids yield basic solutions,
5. The acid ionization constant Ka increases with acid and the conjugate acids of weak bases yield acidic
strength. Kb similarly expresses the strengths of bases. solutions.
702 Acids and Bases

10. Small, highly charged metal ions, such as Al31 and Fe31, 12. Lewis acids accept pairs of electrons and Lewis bases
hydrolyze to yield acidic solutions. donate pairs of electrons. The term “Lewis acid” is gen-
11. Most oxides can be classified as acidic, basic, or ampho- erally reserved for substances that can accept electron
teric. Metal hydroxides are either basic or amphoteric. pairs but do not contain ionizable hydrogen atoms.

Key Words
Acid ionization constant Conjugate acid-base Lewis base, p. 697 Strong acid, p. 666
(Ka), p. 671 pair, p. 660 Percent ionization, p. 677 Strong base, p. 667
Base ionization constant Ion-product constant, p. 662 pH, p. 663 Weak acid, p. 667
(Kb), p. 678 Lewis acid, p. 697 Salt hydrolysis, p. 689 Weak base, p. 668

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.15, 15.17,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 15.18, 15.19, 15.23, 15.24, 15.33, 15.35, 15.43, 15.45, 15.47,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the 15.53, 15.55, 15.63, 15.74, 15.75, 15.76, 15.79, 15.91, 15.116,
same site. 15.118, 15.123, 15.125, 15.132.

Questions and Problems†

Brønsted Acids and Bases (d) H2PO2 22 32 2 22
4 , (e) HPO4 , (f) PO4 , (g) HSO4 , (h) SO4 ,
Review Questions 22
(i) SO3 .
15.1 Define Brønsted acids and bases. Give an example of 15.7 Oxalic acid (H2C2O4) has the following structure:
a conjugate pair in an acid-base reaction.
15.2 In order for a species to act as a Brønsted base, an A
atom in the species must possess a lone pair of elec- OPCOOH
trons. Explain why this is so.
An oxalic acid solution contains the following spe-
cies in varying concentrations: H2C2O4, HC2O42,
C2O422, and H1. (a) Draw Lewis structures of HC2O2 4,
15.3 Classify each of the following species as a Brønsted and C2O422. (b) Which of the above four species can
acid or base, or both: (a) H2O, (b) OH2, (c) H3O1, act only as acids, which can act only as bases, and
(d) NH3, (e) NH1 2 2
4 , (f ) NH2 , (g) NO3 , (h) CO3 ,
which can act as both acids and bases?
(i) HBr, ( j) HCN. 15.8 Write the formula for the conjugate base of each
15.4 Write the formulas of the conjugate bases of the of the following acids: (a) CH2ClCOOH, (b) HIO4,
following acids: (a) HNO2, (b) H2SO4, (c) H2S, (c) H3PO4, (d) H 2PO 2 22
4 , (e) HPO 4 , (f) H 2 SO 4 ,
(d) HCN, (e) HCOOH (formic acid).
(g) HSO4 , (h) HIO3, (i) HSO 3 , ( j) NH 1
4 , (k) H2S,
15.5 Identify the acid-base conjugate pairs in each of the (l) HS2, (m) HClO.
following reactions:
(a) CH 3COO2 1 HCN Δ CH 3COOH 1 CN2
The Acid-Base Properties of Water
(b) HCO 2 2 Review Questions
3 1 HCO 3 Δ H 2 CO 3 1 CO 3

2 1
(c) H 2PO 4 1 NH 3 Δ HPO 4 1 NH 4 22
15.9 What is the ion-product constant for water?
(d) HClO 1 CH 3NH 2 Δ CH 3NH 1 3 1 ClO
15.10 Write an equation relating [H1] and [OH2] in solu-
(e) CO 23 2 1 H 2O Δ HCO 2 3 1 OH
2 tion at 25°C.
15.6 Write the formula for the conjugate acid of each of 15.11 The ion-product constant for water is 1.0 3 10214 at
the following bases: (a) HS2, (b) HCO2 22
3 , (c) CO3 ,
25°C and 3.8 3 10214 at 40°C. Is the forward process
H2O(l) Δ H1 (aq) 1 OH2 (aq)

Unless otherwise stated, the temperature is assumed to be 258C. endothermic or exothermic?
756 Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria

Figure 16.13 Left to right: Flame colors of lithium, sodium, potassium, and copper.

Figure 16.14 A flow chart for

the separation of cations in Solution containing ions
qualitative analysis. of all cation groups

+HCl Group 1 precipitates

Filtration AgCl, Hg2Cl2, PbCl2

Solution containing ions

of remaining groups

+H2S Group 2 precipitates

Filtration CuS, CdS, HgS, SnS, Bi2S3

Solution containing ions

of remaining groups

+NaOH Group 3 precipitates

CoS, FeS, MnS, NiS
Filtration ZnS, Al(OH)3, Cr(OH)3

Solution containing ions

of remaining groups

+Na2CO3 Group 4 precipitates

Filtration BaCO3, CaCO3, SrCO3

Solution contains
Na+, K+, NH +4 ions

Key Equations
pKa 5 2log Ka (16.3) Definition of pKa.
[conjugate base]
pH 5 pK a 1 log (16.4) Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.
Questions and Problems 757

Media Player
Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. The common ion effect tends to suppress the ionization 5. The solubility product Ksp expresses the equilibrium be-
of a weak acid or a weak base. This action can be ex- tween a solid and its ions in solution. Solubility can be
plained by Le Châtelier’s principle. found from Ksp and vice versa.
2. A buffer solution is a combination of either a weak acid 6. The presence of a common ion decreases the solubility
and its weak conjugate base (supplied by a salt) or a of a slightly soluble salt.
weak base and its weak conjugate acid (supplied by a 7. The solubility of slightly soluble salts containing basic
salt); the solution reacts with small amounts of added anions increases as the hydrogen ion concentration in-
acid or base in such a way that the pH of the solution creases. The solubility of salts with anions derived from
remains nearly constant. Buffer systems play a vital strong acids is unaffected by pH.
role in maintaining the pH of body fluids. 8. Complex ions are formed in solution by the combina-
3. The pH at the equivalence point of an acid-base titration tion of a metal cation with a Lewis base. The formation
depends on hydrolysis of the salt formed in the neutral- constant Kf measures the tendency toward the forma-
ization reaction. For strong acid–strong base titrations, tion of a specific complex ion. Complex ion formation
the pH at the equivalence point is 7; for weak acid– can increase the solubility of an insoluble substance.
strong base titrations, the pH at the equivalence point is 9. Qualitative analysis is the identification of cations and
greater than 7; for strong acid–weak base titrations, the anions in solution.
pH at the equivalence point is less than 7.
4. Acid-base indicators are weak organic acids or bases
that change color near the equivalence point in an acid-
base neutralization reaction.

Key Words
Buffer solution, p. 717 End point, p. 732 Molar solubility, p. 737 Solubility product
Common ion effect, p. 714 Formation constant (Kf), Qualitative analysis, p. 754 (Ksp), p. 735
Complex ion, p. 749 p. 749 Solubility, p. 737

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 16.2, 16.5, 16.6, 16.10, 16.17,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 16.18, 16.25, 16.28, 16.29, 16.31, 16.42, 16.45, 16.46, 16.50,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the same site. 16.55, 16.57, 16.59, 16.62, 16.66, 16.67, 16.70, 16.78, 16.83.

Questions and Problems†

The Common Ion Effect (c) sodium formate (HCOONa) to a formic acid
Review Questions (HCOOH) solution; (d) potassium chloride to a hy-
16.1 Use Le Châtelier’s principle to explain how the com- drochloric acid solution; (e) barium iodide to a hy-
mon ion effect affects the pH of a solution. droiodic acid solution.
16.2 Describe the effect on pH (increase, decrease, or no 16.3 Define pKa for a weak acid. What is the relationship
change) that results from each of the following addi- between the value of the pKa and the strength of the
tions: (a) potassium acetate to an acetic acid solu- acid? Do the same for a weak base.
tion; (b) ammonium nitrate to an ammonia solution; 16.4 The pKas of two monoprotic acids HA and HB are
5.9 and 8.1, respectively. Which of the two is the

The temperature is assumed to be 258C for all the problems. stronger acid?
828 Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium

Key Equations
S 5 k ln W (18.1) Relating entropy to number of microstates.
¢Suniv 5 ¢Ssys 1 ¢Ssurr . 0 (18.4) The second law of thermodynamics
(spontaneous process).
¢Suniv 5 ¢Ssys 1 ¢Ssurr 5 0 (18.5) The second law of thermodynamics
(equilibrium process).
¢S°rxn 5 ©nS°(products)
2 ©mS°(reactants) (18.7) Standard entropy change of a reaction.
G 5 H 2 TS (18.9) Definition of Gibbs free energy.
¢G 5 ¢H 2 T¢S (18.10) Free-energy change at constant temperature.
¢G°rxn 5 ©n¢G°f (products) (18.12) Standard free-energy change of
2 ©m¢G°f (reactants) a reaction.
¢G 5 ¢G° 1 RT ln Q (18.13) Relationship between free-energy
change and standard free-energy change
and reaction quotient.
¢G° 5 2RT ln K (18.14) Relationship between standard free-energy
change and the equilibrium constant.

Media Player
Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Entropy is described as a measure of the different ways a 5. For a chemical or physical process at constant
system can disperse its energy. Any spontaneous process temperature and pressure, DG 5 DH 2 TDS. This
must lead to a net increase in entropy in the universe equation can be used to predict the spontaneity of a
(second law of thermodynamics). process.
2. The standard entropy of a chemical reaction can be calcu- 6. The standard free-energy change for a reaction, DG°,
lated from the absolute entropies of reactants and products. can be calculated from the standard free energies of for-
3. The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of mation of reactants and products.
a perfect crystalline substance is zero at 0 K. This law en- 7. The equilibrium constant of a reaction and the standard
ables us to measure the absolute entropies of substances. free-energy change of the reaction are related by the
4. Under conditions of constant temperature and pressure, equation DG° 5 2RT ln K.
the free-energy change DG is less than zero for a spon- 8. Many biological reactions are nonspontaneous. They
taneous process and greater than zero for a nonsponta- are driven by the hydrolysis of ATP, for which DG° is
neous process. For an equilibrium process, DG 5 0. negative.

Key Words
Entropy (S), p. 803 Second law of Standard free-energy of Third law of
Free energy (G), p. 815 thermodynamics, p. 808 formation (DG°f ), p. 816 thermodynamics, p. 812
Gibbs free energy Standard entropy of reaction Standard free-energy of
(G), p. 815 (DS°rxn ), p. 809 reaction (DG°rxn ), p. 816

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 18.9, 18.11, 18.12, 18.16, 18.18,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 18.19, 18.23, 18.24, 18.28, 18.30, 18.38, 18.45, 18.48, 18.52,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the same site. 18.54, 18.56, 18.59, 18.60, 18.62, 18.64, 18.73, 18.80.
872 Electrochemistry

From the oxidation half-reaction we see that 1 mol O2 ∞ 4 mol e2. Therefore, the
number of moles of O2 generated is

1 mol O2
0.349 mol e2 3 5 0.0873 mol O2
4 mol e2

The volume of 0.0873 mol O2 at STP is given by

(0.0873 mol) (0.0821 L ? atmyK ? mol) (273 K)
5 5 1.96 L
1 atm

The procedure for hydrogen is similar. To simplify, we combine the first two steps
to calculate the number of moles of H2 generated:

1 mol e2 1 mol H2
3.37 3 104 C 3 3 5 0.175 mol H2
96,500 C 2 mol e2

The volume of 0.175 mol H2 at STP is given by

(0.175 mol) (0.0821 L? atmyK ? mol) (273 K)
1 atm
5 3.92 L

Check Note that the volume of H2 is twice that of O2 (see Figure 19.18), which is
what we would expect based on Avogadro’s law (at the same temperature and pressure,
Similar problem: 19.49. volume is directly proportional to the number of moles of gases).
Practice Exercise A constant current is passed through an electrolytic cell containing
molten MgCl2 for 18 h. If 4.8 3 105 g of Cl2 are obtained, what is the current in amperes?

Key Equations
E°cell 5 E°cathode 2 E°anode (19.1) Calculating the standard emf of a galvanic cell.
¢G 5 2nFEcell (19.2) Relating free-energy change to the emf of the cell.
¢G° 5 2nFE°cell (19.3) Relating the standard free-energy change to the
standard emf of the cell.
0.0257 V
E°cell 5 ln K (19.5) Relating the standard emf of the cell to the
n equilibrium constant.
0.0592 V
E°cell 5 log K (19.6) Relating the standard emf of the cell to the
n equilibrium constant.
0.0257 V
E 5 E° 2 ln Q (19.8) Relating the emf of the cell to the concentrations
n under nonstandard state conditions.
0.0592 V
E 5 E° 2 log Q (19.9) Relating the emf of the cell to the concentrations
n under nonstandard state conditions.
Questions and Problems 873

Media Player
Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons. Equa- 8. The decrease in free energy of the system in a spontane-
tions representing redox processes can be balanced ous redox reaction is equal to the electrical work done
using the ion-electron method. by the system on the surroundings, or DG 5 2nFE.
2. All electrochemical reactions involve the transfer of 9. The equilibrium constant for a redox reaction can be
electrons and therefore are redox reactions. found from the standard electromotive force of a cell.
3. In a galvanic cell, electricity is produced by a spontane- 10. The Nernst equation gives the relationship between the
ous chemical reaction. Oxidation and reduction take cell emf and the concentrations of the reactants and
place separately at the anode and cathode, respectively, products under non-standard-state conditions.
and the electrons flow through an external circuit. 11. Batteries, which consist of one or more galvanic cells,
4. The two parts of a galvanic cell are the half-cells, and the are used widely as self-contained power sources.
reactions at the electrodes are the half-cell reactions. A Some of the better-known batteries are the dry cell,
salt bridge allows ions to flow between the half-cells. such as the Leclanché cell, the mercury battery, and
5. The electromotive force (emf) of a cell is the voltage the lead storage battery used in automobiles. Fuel
difference between the two electrodes. In the external cells produce electrical energy from a continuous
circuit, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode in supply of reactants.
a galvanic cell. In solution, the anions move toward the 12. The corrosion of metals, such as the rusting of iron, is
anode and the cations move toward the cathode. an electrochemical phenomenon.
6. The quantity of electricity carried by 1 mole of elec- 13. Electric current from an external source is used to drive
trons is equal to 96,500 C. a nonspontaneous chemical reaction in an electrolytic
7. Standard reduction potentials show the relative likeli- cell. The amount of product formed or reactant con-
hood of half-cell reduction reactions and can be used to sumed depends on the quantity of electricity transferred
predict the products, direction, and spontaneity of redox at the electrodes.
reactions between various substances.

Key Words
Anode, p. 842 Electrochemistry, p. 838 Faraday constant (F), p. 849 Overvoltage, p. 868
Battery, p. 857 Electrolysis, p. 866 Fuel cell, p. 860 Standard emf (E°cell), p. 844
Cathode, p. 842 Electrolytic cell, p. 866 Galvanic cell, p. 841 Standard reduction
Cell voltage, p. 843 Electromotive force (emf) Half-cell reaction, p. 842 potential, p. 843
Corrosion, p. 862 (E), p. 843 Nernst equation, p. 853

Electronic Homework Problems

The following problems are available at ARIS Problems: 19.11, 19.15, 19.17, 19.21,
if assigned by your instructor as electronic homework. 19.23, 19.24, 19.29, 19.32, 19.37, 19.45, 19.49, 19.55,
Quantum Tutor problems are also available at the 19.60, 19.61, 19.73, 19.74, 19.81, 19.86, 19.96.
same site.

Questions and Problems

Balancing Redox Equations
(a) H 2O 2 1 Fe21 ¡ Fe31 1 H 2O (in acidic
Problems solution)
19.1 Balance the following redox equations by the ion- (b) Cu 1 HNO 3 ¡ Cu21 1 NO 1 H 2O (in
electron method: acidic solution)
946 Nonmetallic Elements and Their Compounds

Figure 21.20 Cloud seeding

using AgI particles.

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Summary of Facts and Concepts Chapter Summary

1. Hydrogen atoms contain one proton and one electron. The phosphates are the most important phosphorus
They are the simplest atoms. Hydrogen combines with compounds.
many metals and nonmetals to form hydrides; some hy- 6. Elemental oxygen, O2, is paramagnetic and contains two
drides are ionic and some are covalent. unpaired electrons. Oxygen forms ozone (O3), oxides
2. There are three isotopes of hydrogen: 11H, 21H (deuterium), (O22), peroxides (O22
2 ), and superoxides (O2 ). The most
and 31H (tritium). Heavy water contains deuterium. abundant element in Earth’s crust, oxygen is essential
3. The important inorganic compounds of carbon are the for life on Earth.
carbides; the cyanides, most of which are extremely 7. Sulfur is taken from Earth’s crust by the Frasch process
toxic; carbon monoxide, also toxic and a major air as a molten liquid. Sulfur exists in a number of allo-
pollutant; the carbonates and bicarbonates; and carbon tropic forms and has a variety of oxidation numbers in
dioxide, an end product of metabolism and a compo- its compounds.
nent of the global carbon cycle. 8. Sulfuric acid is the cornerstone of the chemical indus-
4. Elemental nitrogen, N2, contains a triple bond and is try. It is produced from sulfur via sulfur dioxide and
very stable. Compounds in which nitrogen has oxida- sulfur trioxide by means of the contact process.
tion numbers from 23 to 15 are formed between nitro- 9. The halogens are toxic and reactive elements that are
gen and hydrogen and/or oxygen atoms. Ammonia, found only in compounds with other elements. Fluorine
NH3, is widely used in fertilizers. and chlorine are strong oxidizing agents and are pre-
5. White phosphorus, P4, is highly toxic, very reactive, pared by electrolysis.
and flammable; the polymeric red phosphorus, (P4)n, is 10. The reactivity, toxicity, and oxidizing ability of the
more stable. Phosphorus forms oxides and halides with halogens decrease from fluorine to iodine. The halogens
oxidation numbers of 13 and 15 and several oxoacids. all form binary acids (HX) and a series of oxoacids.

Key Words
Carbide, p. 921
Catenation, p. 920
process, p. 941
Cyanide, p. 921
Hydrogenation, p. 918

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