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Operation Weserübung

The Norwegian Campaign April-June 1940.

Along with virtually every other ship in the Kriegsmarine, all available U-boats were
dispatched to support the invasion of Norway. The standard game includes a Norway patrol
option for the April-June 1940 period but this option provides a more detailed take on a
challenging environment for the Uboats: shallow waters, narrow fjords, high concentrations
of RN destroyers, uncharted rocks and sands bars, and short nights that reduced the time
available to recharge batteries. This option assumes the scenario where a Uboat transits
through the North Sea, patrols off the coast then is ordered to push into a fjord to, for
example, assist German destroyers being demolished at Narvik, then back out to patrol the
coast on the way home.

Any U-boat starting a patrol in April or May 1940 must roll a D6. On a 6 you may then
proceed to roll as normal on chart P1 but treat all ‘Norway’ results as ‘British Isles’. On a roll
of 1-5, do not roll on chart P1 but instead the boat ​must​ go to Norway for one patrol using
the rules below. (In June 1940 use the P1 chart as normal but still treat ‘Norway’ as ‘British
Isles’ - by June, Donitz is redirecting U-boats back to normal business).

The U-boat enters a North Sea Transit Box and rolls for an encounter as normal. Then skip
the second Transit Box and move onto the four ‘Norway/Artic’ Travel Boxes. If the U-boat
concerned is Type IX, ignore the (x2) in the travel boxes. The four Norway Travel Boxes now
have their own encounter table and special rules.

First and Fourth Boxes:Norwegian Coast Second and Third Boxes: In the Fjords

Apply the ​Unreliable Fish​ and L

​ ow Batteries Apply the ​Unreliable Fish​, L
​ ow Batteries
special rules. and ​Aggressive Destroyers​ special rules.
‘Exceeding Test Depth’ is not available as
an evasion technique.

Encounter Roll 2D6 Encounter Roll 2D6

2 - 2 Rock
3 Capital Ship 3 Capital Ship
4 Aircraft (Skuas from the carrier Glorious) 4 Destroyers
5- 5 Aircraft (a Swordfish floatplane from the
6 Ship and Escort battleship ‘Warspite’)
7- 6 Warspite
8 Convoy 7-
9 Destroyers 8-
10 Capital Ship 9 Ship and Escort
11 Ship and Escort 10 Destroyers
12 Aircraft (Skuas) 11 Warspite
12 Aircraft (Skuas)

The singleTransit Box home is as per normal rules

Special rules explained

Unreliable Fish:​ Torpedoes were particularly unreliable off Norway. Therefore during an
attack, if any torpedoes fired pass their dud test then you must roll again on the dud torpedo
table for ​one​ of the successful torpedoes.
Low Batteries:​ The short nights and inability to fully charge the batteries means that U-boats
are at an additional +1 to evade detection on chart E3 ie as if their batteries are already

Aggressive Destroyers​: the narrow fjords, large number of well trained RN destroyers
present and good Asdic conditions mean that escorts may detect Uboats before the Uboat
has a chance to act. Therefore in an encounter with a Capital Ship, a Ship and Escort, or
Destroyers, test for detection before firing as if attempting to fire at close range. Then if
you are still attacking proceed as normal (including testing for detection before firing again if
you chose to fire at close range).

New encounters explained

Destroyers:​ a group of destroyers on the prowl in a confined space. A U-boat may attack
using usual procedure but at -2 to the torpedo to hit roll. After firing the U-boats is then auto
spotted except on a natural 2 when the Escort attempts to detect. Any torpedo hit on the
Destroyers ends the encounter and counts as 1000 tons on the Skipper’s score.

Rock:​ the U-boat has hit an uncharted underwater obstacle. Take 1 damage but crew
injuries are ignored. While you blow tables and burn out the bearings getting yourself
unstuck, roll on chart E1 ‘Additional Round of Combat’ table to see if anyone has spotted
your error. (This is based on a real event with U46 which hit a rock, rode up out of the water
and was spotted).

The possible Capital Ships are:

1 Warspite (Battleship)
2 Renown (Battle Cruiser)
3 Repulse (Battle Cruiser)
4 Devonshire (Heavy Cruiser)
5 Berwick (Heavy Cruiser)
6 Glorious (Carrier)

In the second or third Travel Box, if you encounter ‘Warpsite’ do not roll to name the capital

Ignore the requirement to test for ‘Random Events’ on the first roll of a 12 for an encounter
for this patrol.

Phil A
October 2020

Clay Blair ‘The Hunters’
Geirr H Haarr ‘The German Invasion of Norway’
M J Pearce & R Porter ‘Fight for the Fjords: The Battle for Norway 1940’

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