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The Quest of the Lost Tokens

A variant for Fortune and Glory

(author: amikezor)

The Lost Tokens variant make use f the tokens provided in the game but that are currently set
aside. It aims at giving more options to the players (and the villains) than simply retrieve to the
closest artifact and cash it to the closest city. Without adding compex rules, it spices up the

During the game, players and villains will search for the Lost Tokens to retrieve their reward.
There are two types of Lost tokens:

The Adventure tokens: small black background tokens numbered from 0 to 6,

as well as few Attack and one X. They have a skull printed on their backside.

The Stranger tokens: larger colored tokens printed with ally or villains faces.
They have “Fortune and Glory” printed on their backside.

During set-up, draw randomnly and place secretly face-down 4 Adventure tokens in random
locations and 4 Encounter Tokens in random cities. At any time, a space can only contain 1
Adventure token or 1 Artifact; draw another random location if needed.

If a player is on Lost token during his Adventure phase, reveal the token. Stranger tokens are
revealed after the city card but before interacting with the city (just after the dock token if any).

Each time a villain is deployed on the board, roll one die. On a 1-2, instead of hunting for an
artifact, the vilain goes to the Lost token that is the closest to one of their major Outpost
(Secret Base, Mob HQ or Nazi Zeppelin). First, roll on the Vile Organization’s Tactics Chart and
then, reveal the token.

Once a token is revealed, apply the following effect and then remove it from the game (lost
tokens are not replaced during the game).

Adventure token
0 to 6: the player must face a single danger and, once passed, get the
printed amount in Fortune. If the player fails the Cliffhanger, the fortune is
lost. Vilains immediatly add the printed amount to their Fortune.
X: place there a new artifact, which fortune value is doubled.
Attack: the player must immediately fight 2 Acolytes from the active Villain faction.
If a villain retrieves it, add 2 to the Villain Track.

Stranger token
Ally: the player takes this ally, if available (if not, draw a random ally). If a villain
reveal the ally, the ally is imprisonned (place it close to the Villain Track. It
can be taken when a secret based is taken) and add 2 to
the Villain Track.
Villain: The villain is placed here (even if he was on an artifact). The player must fight
1D3 rounds with him, then the villain leaves. When revealed by a villain, the printed
villain joins the Active Villain faction for the rest of the game. Place him with the
others already in play.

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