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Current Addiction Reports (2020) 7:125–136


Problematic Internet Use and Loneliness: How Complex Is

the Relationship? A Short Literature Review
Tania Moretta 1 & Giulia Buodo 1

Published online: 7 March 2020

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Purpose The Internet has become embedded into the life of billions of people worldwide. In some individuals, excessive Internet
use impacts negatively on psychological and social functioning. Several studies over the last decades have focused on the
relationship between Problematic Internet Use (PIU) and loneliness. The present review aims to provide an overview of the
recent literature in this field and to suggest some critical questions.
Recent Findings A small-medium positive association between loneliness and PIU has been reported in several cross-sectional
studies. However, the association becomes weaker when other variables are controlled for. Longitudinal studies suggest a
dynamic relationship between PIU and loneliness.
Summary There is ample evidence that PIU and loneliness are positively associated, but care should be taken to control for other
related variables (e.g., depression). Over time, PIU and loneliness seem to be linked in a vicious cycle, with PIU as a possible
starting point.

Keywords Loneliness . Individual differences . Internet addiction . Problematic Internet use . Social isolation

Introduction Problematic Internet Use (PIU) although other terms (e.g.,

Internet addiction) have been used in the literature. One of
In the last two decades, the Internet has become part of our the most recent definition of PIU describes Internet-related
daily life, changing the way we work, communicate, shop, problematic behavior as a condition involving excessive or
and so on. Despite its advantages, many people spend more poorly controlled urges and behaviors relating to Internet use
time than necessary on the Internet and sometimes a psycho- that lead to subjective distress and/or interference in major
pathological condition may result, with psychological, social, areas of life functioning. It is a heterogeneous construct that
school, and/or work difficulties in a person’s life [1, 2]. may include a multitude features relating to sexual, social
Psychological problems related to Internet use were first networking, and gaming behaviors [5]. A consensus regarding
labeled as Internet Addiction Disorder, defined as an the diagnostic criteria for PIU and specific problematic online
impulse-control disorder that does not involve an intoxicant activities (i.e., pornography viewing, social networking sites
[3]. Since then, several different labels have been used in the use) has not been achieved yet. Indeed, many research gaps
scientific literature to capture Internet-related problematic be- still exist, with arguably more gaps and controversies related
havior, including Internet addiction, compulsive Internet use, to the mechanisms underlying the development and mainte-
computer addiction, pathological Internet use, and problemat- nance of Internet-related problematic behaviors.
ic Internet use [4]. In the present review, we will use the term A growing number of studies are reporting some signifi-
cant adverse consequences of PIU, including reduced scholas-
tic achievement, missing work, and mental health sequelae
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Emotion and Addiction
such as mood and anxiety disorders, social isolation, and lone-
* Tania Moretta
liness [6–9, 10••, 11••, 12]. The relationship between loneli-; ness and PIU has attracted a widespread and obvious interest
among researchers over the last two decades. Recent studies
1 have strived to deepen the understanding of the relationship
Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Via
Venezia, 8, 35131 Padova, Italy between loneliness and Problematic Internet use. Across
126 Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136

studies, there are major inconsistencies in the way loneliness According to Caplan’s model, individuals with a preference
and PIU have been conceptualized and measured, in the type for online social interactions are more likely to use computer-
and number of constructs that have been considered besides mediated communication for alleviating the affective distress
loneliness and PIU, as well as in the approach to data analysis. associated with face-to-face interactions. Using online inter-
Given this scenario, the present review will try to systemati- actions to regulate mood would be associated with deficient
cally examine and summarize the most recent findings on the self-regulation, manifested as obsessive thought patterns relat-
nature of the association between loneliness and PIU. ed to Internet use and compulsive use of the Internet. In turn,
deficient self-regulation would lead to negative outcomes in
daily life [16].
Current Models and Proposed Mechanisms In 2014, Brand, Young, & Laier [17] proposed a model on
for Problematic Internet Use the development and maintenance of generalized and specific
Internet addiction which combines the cognitive-behavioral
In 2001, Davis [13] introduced a cognitive-behavioral model model of GPIU [13] with a model of healthy Internet usage,
of pathological Internet use and discerned specific—from and a global model of specific types of Internet addiction.
generalized pathological Internet use. Specific pathological Here, control processes and executive functions play a signif-
Internet use refers to the pathological use of the Internet for icant role on the person’s coping style and Internet use expec-
a specific purpose (e.g., online sex, online gambling). This tancies. Specifically, reduced prefrontal control processes
kind of overuse is content-specific and can occur even in the would underlie reduced coping and self-regulation abilities
absence of Internet access. Generalized pathological Internet to deal with daily challenges, thus leading users to turn to
use (GPIU), instead, refers to wasting time online without a the Internet. The experienced reinforcement when using the
specific purpose or spending vast amounts of time in activities Internet (e.g.., reducing feelings of emotional or social loneli-
that are not content-specific [13]. Generalized and specific ness) may increase positive Internet-related expectancies,
pathological Internet use can be viewed as addiction to the making Internet usage the only way to cope with negative
Internet itself and addiction on the Internet, respectively mood [17]. In this way, Internet users may engage in a loop
[14]. The cognitive-behavioral model of pathological where online activities increase the individual’s focus on mal-
Internet use [13] posits that GPIU results from social isolation adaptive general and Internet-related cognitions that, in turn,
or loneliness and low psychosocial well-being (e.g., mood are reinforced by using the Internet.
disorders, substance use disorders). The need for social con- A recently updated version of the Interaction of Person-
tact and the reinforcement obtained online would result in an Affect-Cognition-Execution (I-PACE) model of addictive be-
increased desire to remain in a virtual social life [13]. Existing haviors [18••, 19] considers the interactions among predispos-
psychopathology would act as a distal necessary cause of ing variables, affective and cognitive responses to internal or
symptoms of GPIU, predisposing individuals to develop mal- external stimuli, executive and inhibitory control, decision-
adaptive Internet-related cognitions, such as ruminating about making behavior resulting in the use of certain Internet appli-
one’s overuse of the Internet, low self-efficacy, and negative cations/sites, and consequences of using the Internet
self-appraisal. In turn, maladaptive Internet-related cognitions applications/sites of choice. Specifically, Brand et al. [19]
would act as proximal sufficient causes of behavioral and have proposed that in the early stages of PIU, gratification is
affective symptoms of both specific and generalized patholog- the main driving force that triggers changes in affective and
ical Internet use, leading to difficulties with impulse control, cognitive responses to PIU-related stimuli. With the progres-
that ultimately results in negative outcomes associated with sion of the addiction process, the level of subjective gratifica-
Internet use [13]. tion would decrease, and the level of compensating effects
In 2002, Davis [15] described technology-related psycho- would increase. While losing control over the use of specific
logical problems as a type of behavioral addictions, and re- Internet applications/sites, there may be an increase in nega-
ferred to Internet-related problematic behaviors as Internet tive consequences, e.g., social isolation and loneliness, and
addiction, featuring the core components of addiction. other negative emotions and experiences. These feelings and
Specifically, Internet addicts would be characterized by the losses of social contacts or other problems may be further
attribution of greater salience to online activities, craving feel- exacerbated by repeatedly using the Internet applications/
ings and preoccupations when offline, mood modification, sites of choice, with compensation becoming more important
tolerance, withdrawal when reducing Internet usage, conflict, than gratification [19].
and relapsing back to Internet overuse [15]. Aiming to update While several models of PIU have been proposed, many
Davis’ model, Caplan [16] proposed a model of GPIU that research gaps still exist, with arguably more gaps and contro-
incorporates some cognitive and behavioral variables that versies related to the mechanisms underlying the development
were identified by more recent research as key constructs as- and maintenance of Internet-related problematic behaviors
sociated with the negative outcomes of Internet use. and their relationship with negative affect (e.g., loneliness).
Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136 127

Loneliness Is Linked Differently to Internet β coefficients were small. As reported in Table 1, similar ef-
Use and to Problematic Internet Use fects were also obtained by Blachnio et al. [32] on Polish
participants. Here, greater Facebook use (i.e., standard
Loneliness has been defined as the unpleasant subjective feel- Facebook use and Facebook entertainment) and Facebook
ing of the lack or loss of companionship, of missing certain addiction were associated with higher loneliness, with the ef-
relationships as well as a certain level of quality in one’s rela- fect of loneliness on Facebook addiction being greater than
tionships (see [20]). Two types of loneliness have been theo- that on Facebook use. Also similarly, in a study on Chinese
rized: social loneliness, i.e., the feeling of boredom and mar- students, the association between loneliness and preference
ginality due to the lack of meaningful friendships or a sense of for online social interaction was positive and small-medium
belonging to a community, and emotional loneliness, i.e., a when included in a path model with subjective well-being and
feeling of emptiness and restlessness due to the lack of a external locus of control [47].
network of social relationships [21]. These results seem to suggest that engaging in Internet use
Loneliness appears to be a hallmark of modern society. may lead to higher loneliness levels. However, the cross-
Surveys conducted in Europe, the USA, and Asia highlight sectional nature of most of the studies does not allow to infer
that loneliness is common not only in the adult population, cause-effect associations here. Indeed, some findings rather
with higher prevalence (around 20–30%) among people seem to lend support to the stimulation hypothesis.
60 years and older (e.g. [22, 23],), but also in youth under Specifically, a study on social network site use in young
25 years (5–10%; see [24, 25]). American adults [48] and a study on Internet use on older
The relationship between loneliness and social Internet use adults in Israel [49•] found small and negative associations
has attracted a widespread and obvious interest among re- between loneliness and social network site use, and Internet
searchers over the last two decades. It has been suggested that users to be less lonely than non-Internet users. Of note, in a
new social technologies may contribute to increasing loneli- study on young Americans, higher Instagram use for interac-
ness in modern society by replacing face-to-face interactions tion and browsing was associated with lower loneliness [50].
with superficial online communication, that lacks the intimacy In contrast, higher Instagram broadcasting was associated
and quality of human relationships [26]. Specifically, the dis- with higher loneliness, with overall medium effects [50].
placement hypothesis suggests that people who engage in so- These findings could be viewed as supporting a dynamic
cial Internet use experience higher loneliness levels because nature of the relationship between loneliness and Internet use
they displace offline relationships and activities with online [30•], where loneliness could be increased or decreased based
ones [27]. In contrast, the stimulation hypothesis suggests that on whether one uses the Internet in a way that replaces offline
social Internet use works as a negative reinforcement, reduc- social interactions with online ones, or to build up new friend-
ing loneliness by enhancing existing relationships and pro- ships and enhance existing ones.
moting new ones [28, 29]. More recently, a theoretical model
has been proposed, where the relationship between loneliness Loneliness and Problematic Internet Use
and social Internet use would be bidirectional and dynamic,
i.e., when social Internet use is a way to escape the offline Most of aforementioned studies focused on the use of the
social world, loneliness levels would increase; whereas when Internet without including a measure of problematic Internet
social Internet use is a way to expand one’s social use. In this condition, the relationship between problematic
connections/strengthen existing ones, loneliness levels would Internet/social network site use and loneliness is expected to
decrease [30•]. be consistently positive. Indeed, this expected positive asso-
ciation emerged in the study by Blachnio et al. [32].
Loneliness and Internet Use Moreover, it has been observed in young Turkish participants
[35], in Indian post-graduate students [36•], in Chinese ado-
In accordance with the displacement hypothesis, in a study on lescents [37•], in Chiang Mai medical students [38•], in
Belgian adolescents, emotional loneliness was positively re- Chinese adolescents [40], in Iranian adolescents [41•], in
lated to both active Facebook use (using Facebook in a man- Portuguese adolescents and young adults [42•], and in more
ner that facilitates interactions with other Facebook users, e.g., than 1000 Americans, South Koreans, and Finnish [45••]. The
directed communication, broadcasting) and passive Facebook same positive relationship has also been found in Chinese left-
use (monitoring other users’ content on Facebook, without behind middle-school students [43•] and in individuals with
communicating with the content owners about it). Moreover, and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [44]. A
greater passive Facebook use predicted lower perception of study on American older adults reported that problematic so-
friend support. Lastly, emotional loneliness had an effect on cial media use is associated with higher perceived social iso-
depressed mood through passive Facebook use, public lation [39•]. In contrast with these findings, a study on Turkish
Facebook use, and other factors [31]. Notably, however, the adolescents did not report a statistically significant association
128 Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136

Table 1 Journal articles that have examined the relationship between Problematic Internet Use (PIU) and loneliness in the last 5 years (an article
published in 2014 has been also included because of its relevance for addressing this topic)

Authors Sample characteristics Study design Measure of PIU Measure of loneliness Relationship between PIU
and loneliness

Błachnio 551 individuals; age Cross-sectional The Facebook Usage The Polish version of the Association between
et al. [32] range = 15–29 years; Questionnaire. It Loneliness Scale (11 Facebook addiction and
29% males included three factors items). The items are loneliness net of gender,
labeled Standard rated on a five-point age, self-presentation
Facebook Use (19 Likert scale. Cronbach’s style (self-promotion and
items); Facebook α was .86 self-depreciation), and
Addiction (12 items); the need for privacy:
Facebook Entertainment β = .24, p < .001
(7 items). Cronbach’s
alpha was .88 for the first
factor, .85 for the second
one, and .69 for the third
Karakose 712 individuals; age Cross-sectional The Turkish version of the The Turkish version of the Association between [33]. range = 14–18 years; Bergen Facebook shortened form of the Facebook addiction and
41.6% males Addiction Scale (BFAS; UCLA (University of loneliness r = .13,
6 items). The items are California, Los Angeles) p = .083
rated on a five-point Loneliness Scale (7
Likert scale (very rare, items). The items are
rarely, sometimes, often, rated on a four-point
very often). Cronbach’s Likert scale (never,
α was .84 rarely, sometimes,
always). Cronbach’s α
was .73
Ostovar 1052 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The Persian version of the The Persian version of the Association between
et al. [34] age = 32.3 ± 3.30 Internet Addiction Test Loneliness Scale (LS; 38 Internet addiction and
years; 59% males; (IAT; 20 items). The items). The items are loneliness r = .67, p < .01
Internet addicted = 632 items are rated on a rated on a five-point Internet addicted showed
(68% males); five-point Likert scale Likert scale (from higher loneliness levels
Controls = 420 (37% (from 1 = rarely to 1 = very strongly to than controls (F = [5,
males) 5 = always). Cronbach’s 5 = not at all). 1047] = 58.83, p < .001)
α was .92 Cronbach’s α was .98 net of stress, depression,
and anxiety
Ozsaker 459 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The Problematic Internet The UCLA Loneliness Association between PIU
et al. [35] age = 20.92 ± 2.15 Use Scale (PIUS; 33 Scale (Version 3, 20 and loneliness r = .31,
years; 41% males items). Cronbach’s α items). The items are p < .01
was .95 rated on a four-point
Likert scale (never,
seldom, sometimes,
often). Cronbach’s α was
not reported
Shettar et al. 100 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The BFAS (six items). The The UCLA Loneliness Association between
[36•] age = 27.55 ± 2.88 items are rated on a Scale (Version 3, 20 severity of Facebook
years; 54% males five-point Likert scale items). The items are addiction and loneliness
(very rare, rarely, rated on a four-point r = .24, p < .05
sometimes, often, very Likert scale (never,
often). Cronbach’s α was seldom, sometimes,
not reported often). Cronbach’s α was
not reported
Shi et al. 3289 individuals; age Cross-sectional The Chinese version of the The Loneliness in Children Association between
[37•] range = 10.9–18 years; Internet Addiction Scale (20 items). The Internet addiction and
41% males Diagnostic items are rated on a loneliness r = .22,
Internet addicted = 679 Questionnaire (IADQ; four-point Likert scale p < .001
individuals 10 items). The (from 1 = very strongly Association between
participants answered disagree to 4 = very Internet addiction and
either “Yes” (recorded as strongly agree). loneliness β = .15,
1) or “No” (recorded as Cronbach’s α was .94 p < .001 net of gender,
0) to each item. age, family functioning,
Cronbach’s α was .79 and self-esteem
Simcharoen 330 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The Thai version of the IAT The Thai short version of Association between
et al. age = 20.88 ± 1.81 (20 items). The items are the UCLA (seven items). Internet addiction and
[38•] years; 43% males rated on a five-point The items are rated on a loneliness β = .27,
Likert scale (from four-point Likert scale p < .001 net of amount of
Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136 129

Table 1 (continued)

Authors Sample characteristics Study design Measure of PIU Measure of loneliness Relationship between PIU
and loneliness

1 = rarely to 5 = always). (never, rarely, time daily spent using the

Cronbach’s α was .90 sometimes, always). Internet, objectives of
Cronbach’s α was .82 negative coping, being
accepted, curiosity,
activities of work,
entertainment, social
connection, studying,
and indulgence;
association between
Internet addiction and
loneliness β = .05,
p < .001 net of amount of
time daily spent using the
Internet, objectives of
negative coping, being
accepted, curiosity,
activities of work,
entertainment, social
connection, studying,
indulgence, and
interpersonal problems
Meshi et al. 213 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The Bergen Social Media The Patient-Reported Association between
[39•] age = 62.6 ± 8.3 years; Addiction Scale Outcomes Measurement Problematic Social
20.2% males (BSMAS; 6 items). The Information System Media Use and perceived
items are rated on a (PROMIS) social social isolation β = .16,
five-point Likert scale isolation scale (four OR = 1.17 net of
(from 1 = very rarely to items). The items are demographic variables,
5 = very often). rated on a five-point depressive symptoms,
Cronbach’s α was .70 Likert scale (from and estimated daily
1 = never to 5 = always). minutes on social media
Cronbach’s α was .87
Zeng et al. 624 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The Chinese version of the The Chinese version of the Association between
[40] age = 16.19 ± 2.05 IAT (20 items). The UCLA Loneliness Scale Pathological Internet use
years; 49.7% males items are rated on a (Version 3, 20 items). and loneliness r = .29,
five-point Likert scale The items are rated on a p < .01
(from 1 = rarely to four-point Likert scale Association between
5 = always). Cronbach’s (from 1 = never to Pathological Internet use
α was .90 4 = often). Cronbach’s α and loneliness β = .29,
was .85 p < .001 net of explicit
Parashkouh 581 individuals; mean Cross-sectional The IAT (20 items). The The UCLA Loneliness Association between
et al. age = 16.2 ± 1.2 years; items are rated on a Scale (Version 3, 20 Internet addiction and
[41•] 47% males five-point Likert scale items). The items are loneliness r = .20,
(from 1 = rarely to rated on a four-point p = .0001,
5 = always) Likert scale (never, OR = 1.005–1.034
seldom, sometimes,
Costa et al. 548 individuals; age Cross-sectional The Generalized The UCLA Loneliness Association between
[42•] range = 16–26 years; Pathological Internet Use Scale (Version 3, 20 Internet addiction and
57.3% males Scale-2 (GPIU-2, 15 items). The items are loneliness in females
items). The items are rated on a four-point r = .28, p < .001
rated on a five-point Likert scale (never, Association between
Likert scale (from seldom, sometimes, Internet addiction and
1 = never to 5 = always) often) loneliness in males
r = .35, p < .001
Association between
Internet addiction and
loneliness in females
β = .17, p < .01 net of
indices of face-to-face
social support
Association between
Internet addiction and
loneliness in males
130 Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136

Table 1 (continued)

Authors Sample characteristics Study design Measure of PIU Measure of loneliness Relationship between PIU
and loneliness

β = .25, p < .001 net of

indices of face-to-face
social support
Ren et al. 416 left-behind middle Cross-sectional The Internet Addiction The ULS-8 Loneliness Association between
[43•] school students; 50.7 Disorder Diagnostic Scale (eight items; an Internet addiction and
males Scale for Middle School adaptation from the loneliness r = .32, p < .01
Students (IADDS, 13 UCLA-20 scale). The Association between
items). Two-level items are rated on a Internet addiction and
scoring is used, with four-point Likert scale loneliness β = .13,
“yes” scored 1 point and (never, rarely, p = .035 net of social
“no” scored 0 points. sometimes, always). anxiety
Cronbach’s α was .71 Cronbach’s α was .80
Li et al. [44] 1021 individuals Cross-sectional The Revised Chen Internet The UCLA Loneliness Association between
73 individuals with Addiction Scale Scale (version 3; 20 Internet addiction and
ADHD; age range (CIAS-R; 26 items). The items). The items are loneliness in individuals
19–33 years; 53.4% items are rated on a rated on a four-point with ADHD r = .54,
males four-point Likert scale. Likert scale (never, p < .01
73 controls matched by The items assess five rarely, sometimes, Association between
gender and age dimensions of always) Internet addiction and
Internet-related loneliness in controls
problems: tolerance, r = .52, p < .01
compulsive use, Association between
withdrawal, the negative Internet addiction
impact on social symptoms and loneliness
activities, interpersonal in individuals with
relationships and ADHD β = .33, p = .006
physical conditions, and net of gender, Internet
time management use-related
impulsiveness, novelty
seeking, and behavioral
Association between
Internet addiction
symptoms and loneliness
in controls β = .06, p = .6
net of gender, Internet
impulsiveness, novelty
seeking, and behavioral
Savolainen 1212 individuals from Cross-sectional The Compulsive Internet The three-item Loneliness Association between
et al. American; 49.8% Use Scale (CIUS; 14 Scale (adapted from the compulsive internet use
[45••] males items). The items are standard Loneliness and perceived loneliness
1192 individuals from rated on a five-point Scale, three items). The β = .41, p < .001 in
South Korean; 49.6% Likert scale (from items are rated on a United States; β = .30,
males; 1200 individuals 0 = never to 4 = very three-point Likert scale p < .001 in South Korea;
from Finland; 50% often). Cronbach’s α was (1 = hardly ever, β = .28, p < .001 in
males .95 in the United States, 2 = some of the time, and Finland net of gender,
Age range 15–25 years .95 in South Korea, and 3 = often) age, and living situation
.93 in Finland (i.e., living alone)
Association between
compulsive internet use
and perceived loneliness
β = .30, p < .001 in
United States; β = .21,
p < .001 in South Korea;
β = .23, p < .001 in
Finland net of gender,
age, living situation (i.e.,
living alone), belonging
to friends, belonging to
an online community,
Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136 131

Table 1 (continued)

Authors Sample characteristics Study design Measure of PIU Measure of loneliness Relationship between PIU
and loneliness

and psychological
Hou et al. 64 individuals; age Cross-sectional Internet Addiction Test for The Chinese version of Internet addicts showed
[46] range = 18–24 years Chinese (YIAT-C; 20 UCLA Loneliness Scale higher loneliness levels
32 addicts; mean age items). The items are (20 items). The items are than controls (t = − 3.72,
20.34 ± 1.47 years rated on a five-point rated on a four-point p < .001, Cohen’s
32 non-addicts; mean age Likert scale (from Likert scale (from d = .94)
20.45 ± 1.34 years 1 = never to 5 = always). 1 = never to 4 = all the
Cronbach’s α was .94 time). The Cronbach’s α
was .86
Yao et al. 361 individuals; mean age Two-wave panel survey The IAT (20 items). The The UCLA Loneliness Associations between
[12] 21.63 ± 2.60 years; items are rated on a Scale (20 items). The Internet addiction and
51.7% males five-point Likert scale items are rated on a loneliness at T1 r = .47,
(from 1 = rarely to seven-point Likert scale p < .01; at T2 r = .35,
5 = always) p < .01
Internet addiction at T1
positively predicted
loneliness at T2 β = .18,
p < .001
Zhang et al. 169 individuals; 47.9% Longitudinal—the The Chinese Internet The Chinese version of Associations between
[10••] males; mean age at the beginning of the school addiction scale (CIAS-R; UCLA Loneliness Scale loneliness at T2 and CIU
beginning of the year (T1, measures: 19 items). The items are (20 items). The items are & WIA r = .32, p < .01;
study = 18.31 ± 0.77 social support and rated on a four-point rated on a four-point TIA r = .25, p < .01;
years Internet addiction), Likert scale (from Likert scale (from TMP r = .31, p < .01;
6 months later (T2, 1 = strongly disagree to 1 = never to 4 = often). IHP r = .30, p < .01 at T1
measure: loneliness), and 4 = strongly agree). The The Cronbach’s α at T2 Associations between
1 year later (T3, scale includes four was 0.91. loneliness at T2 and CIU
measures: social support dimensions: compulsive & WIA r = .27, p < .01;
and Internet addiction) Internet use and TIA r = .25, p < .01;
withdrawal from Internet TMP r = .32, p < .01;
addiction (CIU & WIA), IHP r = .29, p < .01 at T1
tolerance of Internet Loneliness at T2 was
addiction (TIA), time positively predicted by
management problem CIU & WIA (β = .20,
(TMP), and interpersonal p < .05) and TMP
and health problem (β = .19, p < .05) at T1
(IHP). The Cronbach’s α Loneliness at T2 positively
for the total CIAS-R predicted CIU & WIA
scale at T1 was .90, and (β = .21, p < .01), TIA
the values for the four (β = .19, p < .05), TMP
subscales were .75 (CIU (β = .30, p < .001), and
& WIA), .73 (TIA), .82 IHP (β = .36, p < .001) at
(TMP), and .66 (IHP). T3
The Cronbach’s α for the
total CIAS-R scale at T3
was .94, and the values
for the four subscales
were .83 (CIU & WIA),
0.79 (TIA), .85 (TMP),
and .74 (IHP).
Tian et al. 291 individuals; mean age Longitudinal—the The Chinese version of the The Chinese version of the Associations between
[11••] at the end of the beginning of the Internet Addiction Scale Cheek and Russell generalized pathological
study = 19.07 ± 0.78; university year (T1, (20 items). The items are Loneliness Scale (ten Internet use (GPIU) and
49% males measures: shyness, rated on a six-point items). The items are loneliness at T1 r = .34,
loneliness, and Internet Likert scale (from rated on a four-point p < .01; at T2 r = .24,
addiction), 6 months 1 = never to 6 = always). Likert scale (from p < .01; and at T3 r = .45,
later (T2, measures: The Cronbach’s αs were 1 = never to 4 = often). p < .01
shyness, loneliness, and .82, .84, and .87 at T1, The Cronbach’s αs were GPIU at T1 positively
Internet addiction), and T2, and T3, respectively .87, .84, and .86 at T1, predicted loneliness at
12 months later (T3, T2, and T3, respectively T2 β = .21, p < .01
measures: shyness, GPIU at T2 positively
loneliness, and Internet predicted loneliness at
addiction) T3 β = .21, p < .01
132 Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136

Table 1 (continued)

Authors Sample characteristics Study design Measure of PIU Measure of loneliness Relationship between PIU
and loneliness

Loneliness at T2 positively
predicted GPIU at T3
β = .17, p < .01

between loneliness and Facebook addiction. However, the [38•]; lack of a committed relationship, poorer family
authors argued that the lack of high scorers on the measure functioning, age, lack of time to spend with family due
of Facebook addiction may account for the null findings. In to time online, and lack of interference of time online on
other words, the results may be representative of Facebook time spent socializing face-to-face with friends [42•]; psy-
users rather than Facebook addicts [33]. chological distress; belonging to a friendship group; and
Interestingly, loneliness was found to be higher in indi- belonging to an online community [45••].
viduals with than those without Internet addiction.
Specifically, Ostovar et al. [34] found that Internet addiction The Role of Sex and Age in the Relationship
was positively associated with loneliness by a medium ef- Between Loneliness and PIU
fect size (home Internet users selected randomly from sub-
scribers of Iranian Internet provider companies) and To the best of our knowledge, only few studies have recently
Internet addicts showed higher loneliness levels than non- investigated whether the association between loneliness and
addicts. Hou et al. [46] also found that Internet addicts had PIU differs across males and females. Specifically, it has been
higher loneliness score than controls. shown that the association between loneliness and generalized
All the aforementioned studies are cross-sectional and in- pathological Internet use was similar across males and fe-
cluded different self-report measures to assess both problem- males; however, the strength of this association was margin-
atic Internet use and loneliness (see Table 1). This makes ally stronger for males [11••]. Similar results have been found
comparison of the results difficult. Moreover, most of them by Costa et al. [42•], investigating the relationship between
have relied on correlation or regression approaches to data loneliness and PIU in males and females separately (see
analysis, and the obtained results show that the strength of Table 1). However, more studies on this topic are needed in
the relationship between loneliness and Internet use is indeed order to further understand a possible role of sex in mediating
modest. A more critical analysis of the results is necessary, the relationship between loneliness and PIU.
including the examination of the role of some confounding Studies that contrast the relationship between loneliness and
variables that may affect this relationship. PIU across different age groups are also limited. By examining
the literature separately by age groups, higher loneliness has
been associated to more severe PIU similarly across not only
Problematic Internet Use, Loneliness, adolescents and young adults [32, 35, 36•, 37•, 38•, 40, 41•,
and Possible Confounding Variables 42•, 43•, 44, 45••] but also older adults [39•]. These findings
seem to be in contrast with those on the relationship between
Loneliness has been found to be strongly related with loneliness and Internet use, where age moderates the relation-
increased depressive symptoms [51], shyness [52•], and ship between loneliness and social Internet use [30•]. Although
anxiety [53], and decreased self-esteem [54], social the most recent literature does not seem to highlight any age
skills, social network size, and social support [55] and difference, further research should examine more closely the
to be affected by gender and age [56, 57]. Such pattern relationship between loneliness and PIU at different ages.
of associations makes it of primary importance to partial
out the unique contribution of loneliness to problematic
Internet use and may be one important determinant of Loneliness and Problematic Internet Use:
several inconsistencies across studies. the Chicken-Egg Question
Indeed, when the association between PIU and loneli-
ness has been investigated without controlling for other Although several studies so far have evidenced an often com-
variables in the analyses, most studies reported medium plex association between loneliness and PIU, the cause-effect
positive associations. However, as reported in Table 1, the relationship has remained elusive. Indeed, cross-sectional de-
effects seem to be much smaller after controlling for per- signs, which dominate this research field, do not allow for the
ceived social support and depression [35]; family func- exploration of longitudinal and possibly bidirectional relation-
tioning and self-esteem [37•]; interpersonal problems ships between the two variables of interest.
Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136 133

It could be hypothesized that lonely individuals may end up increases loneliness as a consequence of withdrawal from
engaging excessively in online activities because of the in- face-to-face interactions. Further, increased loneliness would
creased potential for social interactions, and as a way to relieve potentiate Internet use to compensate for poor offline social
negative affect associated with loneliness. In this perspective, interactions, and thus trigger a “snowball effect.” However,
loneliness would predate PIU and may be a cause of PIU. On more longitudinal research is needed to verify the strength of
the other hand, PIU may lead to withdrawal from offline social this assumption.
contact and thus may cause increased loneliness. If so, loneli-
ness may be a consequence of PIU. Only few studies to our
knowledge have directly addressed the cause-effect relationship Conclusion
between loneliness and PIU by using longitudinal designs (see
Table 1). A cross-lagged panel survey of college students in Over the last decade, PIU has had an exponential growth
Hong Kong [12] showed that Internet addiction measured at worldwide, with the most problematic users among adoles-
Time 1 significantly predicted loneliness at Time 2 (4 months cents and young adults [58]. Despite the growing interest of
later), thus suggesting that Internet addiction would cause in- researchers in PIU, its underlying mechanisms and negative
creased feelings of loneliness over time. consequences on a person’s life remain under debate. Among
Partially similar findings were obtained by Zhang et al. the psychological factors that are believed to represent risk
[10••] on post-secondary school students in China. In this lon- factors/negative consequences of PIU, loneliness has received
gitudinal study, questionnaire measurements were taken at the considerable attention over the years. In the present work, we
beginning of the school year (T1), 6 months later (T2), and highlighted three critical questions regarding the relationship
1 year later (T3). Two dimensions of Internet addiction mea- between loneliness and PIU: (i) Whether PIU and loneliness
sured at T1, i.e., Compulsive Internet Use & Withdrawal from are positively related. Overall, the findings seem to suggest
Internet addiction and Time Management Problems, were that whereas for Internet use, the relationship with loneliness
found to predict loneliness at T2. However, because loneliness may be positive or negative depending on one’s motives of
at T2 positively predicted all four dimensions of Internet addic- Internet use [30•]; in the case of PIU, the relationship with
tion (Compulsive Internet Use & Withdrawal from Internet loneliness looks definitely positive but moderate. (ii)
addiction, Tolerance for Internet Addiction, Time Whether there are confounding variables that may affect the
Management Problems, and Interpersonal and Health relationship between PIU and loneliness. An examination of
Problems) at T3, the authors concluded that loneliness has a recent studies that investigated the relationship between lone-
stronger and more extensive effect on Internet addiction than liness and PIU by considering the effect of confounding var-
Internet addiction has on loneliness. A methodological limita- iables seems to suggest that the strength of the relationship
tion of this study, i.e., the fact that loneliness was measured only decreases when one or more variables related to loneliness and
at T2, makes the interpretation of the results somewhat difficult. PIU are considered, e.g., perceived social support, depression,
However, the pattern of findings suggests that there may be a self-esteem, interpersonal problems, lack of a committed rela-
vicious circle linking loneliness and Internet addiction. tionship, and psychological distress. Of note, the association
The findings of a third longitudinal study on Chinese university of PIU with loneliness does not seem to differ across gender
students, where GPIU, shyness, and loneliness were measured at and age. (iii) Whether it is possible to establish the direction of
three time points separated by 6-month intervals, again suggest the the relationship between PIU and loneliness. Because only
existence of bidirectional relationships between GPIU, shyness, few studies have directly addressed this issue through longi-
and loneliness [11••]. Indeed, GPIU at T1 positively predicted tudinal designs, it is not yet possible to surely claim the direc-
increased loneliness at T2, GPIU at T2 positively predicted in- tion of this relationship. However, it seems that any potential
creased loneliness at T3, and loneliness at T2 positively predicted vicious cycle linking PIU and loneliness starts with excessive
increased GPIU at T3. Furthermore, loneliness was found to play a Internet use, which then increases loneliness because of with-
bidirectional mediating role in the association between shyness drawal from face-to-face interactions. In turn, increased lone-
and GPIU, i.e., shyness at T1 and GPIU at T3 were mediated liness would potentiate Internet use to compensate for poor
through increased loneliness at T2, and GPIU at T1 and shyness offline social interactions, and thus trigger a “snowball effect.”
at T3 were mediated through increased loneliness at T2. This assumption seems to be in accordance with the model
Although the findings obtained by both Tian et al. [11••] proposed by Brand et al. [19], where in the early stages of PIU,
and Zhang et al. [10••] suggest a bidirectional link between one would mainly use the Internet to achieve gratification
loneliness and PIU, one point is noteworthy. In all the three provided by Internet use itself. With the progression of the
longitudinal studies mentioned above, PIU at T1 predicts addiction process, it might be possible that using the internet
loneliness at T2, and not the other way around. This may cause the lack of offline social interactions and increase the
indicate that any potential vicious cycle linking PIU and lone- subjective feeling to be lonely, that, in turn, would trigger
liness indeed starts with excessive Internet use, which then compensating motives to keep using the Internet. As a result,
134 Curr Addict Rep (2020) 7:125–136

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lidity and to allow study comparisons, an agreement about
longitudinal study that examined the associations among social
PIU criteria and loneliness assessment would be advisable. support, loneliness, and Internet addiction at three time points
Moreover, the lack of diagnostic criteria for PIU makes it (T1, T2, and T3). The results indicated that Internet addiction
difficult to understand whether the study assessed PIU or ex- at T1 positively predicted loneliness at T2, and increased lone-
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Compliance with Ethical Standards and generalized pathological Internet use (GPIU) were exam-
ined at three time points (T1, T2, and T3). The results showed
that GPIU at T1 positively predicted increased loneliness at T2,
Conflict of Interest Tania Moretta and Giulia Buodo declare that they
GPIU at T2 positively predicted increased loneliness at T3, and
have no conflicts of interest.
loneliness at T2 positively predicted increased GPIU at T3.
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