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Numbers (1)
1-100; two hundred, five thousand, a million ...

A Vocabulary one, two, three ...

1 one 6 six 11 eleven 16 sixteen

2 two 7 seven 12 twelve 17 seventeen

3 three 8 eight 13 thirteen 18 eighteen

4 four 9 nine 14 fourteen 19 nineteen

5 five 10 ten 15 fifteen 20 twenty

Write the numbers 1-10 in the crossword. 5 3

1 10

▼ 8>- ▼
0 2W

Write the numbers. The person wants ...

Links a thirteen.sandwiches. d .cold drinks.

cup of..., b .burgers. e ...cakes.
bottle of... C14B
c drinks. f .pizzas.
burger, pizza.... 043A
coffee, tea ... 042A I'd like six Mega burgers, five cheeseburgers,
five Napoli pizzas, nine Mega pizzas, four

sandwiches ten chocolate cakes, nine

lemon cakes, seven cups of coffee, eight
bottles of lemonade, seven bottles of water
and five cups of tea.

kB Vocabulary twenty, thirty, forty ...

20 twenty 60 sixty 21 twenty-one 26 twenty-six

30 thirty 70 seventy 22 twenty-two 27 twenty-seven
40 forty 80 eighty 23 twenty-three 28 twenty-eight
50 fifty 90 ninety 24 twenty-four 29 twenty-nine
100 a hundred 25 twenty-five
3 Write the next two numbers.
a fifty-five, sixty, sixty-five, sev&ntM__^ seyenty-fiye
b forty-five, forty-seven, forty-nine,___
c ninety-two, ninety-one, ninety,__,
d fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight,___
e forty-four, forty-two, forty,_,_

4 Complete the sentences. Write the numbers as words.

Links a I’
b It’s nine__ Berlin 67 km
I’m, it’s, is C58
euros 033A c John’s house is number_
pf PI
d The bus is number__
S:'HS *

e It’s_kilometres to Berlin.
f It’s_euros..
Happy /gk JotnSmih
^ Loidon Road,

Birthday! ftnsioflti

C Vocabulary Large numbers

1800-1950 1 1,000 km $10,000,000
= a hundred and fifty years = a thousand kilometres = ten million dollars

100 a hundred 200 two hundred 1,000 a thousand

110 a hundred and ten 250 two hundred and fifty 10,000 ten thousand

150 a hundred and fifty 500 five hundred 1,000,000 a million

o a hundred and ten, not one hundred ten

two hundred and fifty, not twoTiundred fifty
two hundred, not two hundreds; ten thousand, not ten-thousands

5 Write the numbers as words. London-Bangkok: only€500\

3 huncLred._euros PARKING ^
50,000 PEOPLE AT)
b ___metres FREE CONCERT j 2,000 metres
dollars, euros C33A
c __people
d_ - litres
e _ years
f_ dollars
5,000,000 litres of water
g _ grams

Write in your language

Is he twelve or thirteen?

It’s sixty-six kilometres to London.

It’s twenty thousand dollars.

Numbers (2)
first, second, third ..on the (fifth) fioor; 14th July / the 14th of July

A Vocabulary first, second, third

C1 Numbers (1)

1st first 6th sixth 11th eleventh 16th sixteenth

2nd second 7th seventh 12 th twelfth 17th seventeenth
3rd third 8th eighth 13th thirteenth 18 th eighteenth
4th fourth 9th ninth 14th fourteenth 19th nineteenth
5th fifth 10 th tenth 15th fifteenth 20th twentieth

Word_Number Word_Number
first * 1 St fourth > 4th
second"".» 2nd tenth —■■■■> 10th
third —3rd twentieth > 20th

Complete the sentences. Write the numbers as words.

a Is Sunday the .[1st] day of the week
or the.[7th] day of the week?
b It’s her.[18th] birthday tomorrow.
c This is my.[15th] cup of coffee today.
d The.[1st] prize is a car, the
.[2nd] prize is a holiday, and
the... [3rd] prize is € 100.

B Phrases on the fourth floor

Our flat is on 4th floor

Links the fourth floor.
3rd floor
on-/ C20A MpieI
.. fourth ,, 2 nd floor
floor 7/0350 on the . .. floor
tenth MceeI
CD B>T 1st floor
L [RIB ground floor
Which floor? Complete the sentences. 016 Swimming pool
a The cafe is the- fiTth -floor._ 015 Panorama Restaurant
014 Rooms 140—149
There’s... 061A b Men’s clothes are ...
013 Rooms 130-139
c There’s a restaurant
9 M. Richards
8 J. Smith
d John Smith lives 7 TELEMEX LTD
5 J. Goodman
e Room 135 is____
f The Yoga Centre is__
g There’s a swimming pool..

C Phrases Dates

□ JULY 22 MAY 30
1st December 4th April 22nd July 30th May
December, April 06A OR OR OR OR
the first the fourth the twenty-second the thirtieth
of December of April of July of May

1st = the first 21st the twenty-first 30th = the thirtieth

2nd = the second 22nd 31st = the thirty-first

3rd = the third 23rd

4th = the fourth 24th

Look at the woman’s diary. May—June June

Answer the questions.
21 4 LuMh with Mory
a When is she going to the Music 5
Links 22 —
Festival? 23 MUSIC 6 Ni-cte
on ©5A
On the twenty-seconcL of JVl(cy.
When ...? ©79C
b When is she going on holiday? 25 --—-— 8
is ...-ing ©69, 71
On _ _ 26 9
27 Dr'E-eLL 10 car
c When are her children going to
28 11
zy — 12 Muni's birthday
30 13
d When is her mother’s birthday?
31 H-OLI&AY 14 ChLLdren, to TraMt
e When is she going to the doctor?

f When is she seeing Nick?

! 1 16 Lon-don.
17 Lon-dorv

Write in your language

When is your twenty-fifth birthday?

They live on the fourteenth floor.

I’m coming on the thirty-first of July.

Time (1)
It’s (one) o’clock; half past, quarter to/past; five past, ten past..What’s the time?

A Phrases It’s eight o’clock

What time is it in these places?

a .It’' Los Angeles.
b .in London.
c .in Beirut.
d .in Rio de Janeiro.
e .in Singapore.
f .in Sydney;
Rio de Janeiro Singapore ^ Sydney

B Phrases It’s half past eight

it’s 058C

It's half It’s quarter It’s quarter

past eight. past one. to six.

Put the words in the correct order. Match them with the clocks.
a four it’s past quarter ..quarter post -four. Clock [T]
b it’s past seven half ... Clock Q
c five to quarter it’s . Clock Q
d past quarter it’s ten . Clock Q
e twelve past half it’s Clock Q
C Phrases It’s five past three

5 to (two) ^5 past (one)

10 to (two) 10 past (one)

It’s five It’s twenty It’s ten

20 to (two) 20 past (one)
past three. past six. to four.
25 to (two) 25 past (one)

3 Write the missing times.

a four o’clock, five past four, .po^t four.^ quarter past four
b quarter to six, ten to six,_, six o’clock
c quarter past ten, twenty past ten,_, half past ten
d quarter to nine,_, five to nine, nine o’clock
e half past two, twenty-five to three,_, quarter to three

D Phrases What time is it?

4 Complete the questions and answers.

is it?

the time?

Write in your language
What time is it?

It’s about half past five.

It’s quarter to two.

Time (2)
two ten, two thirty (six thirty) in the (morning); before (work), after (lunch)

A Vocabulary half past two = two thirty ?t

^2.10^ ten past two or two ten

03 Time (1) (^2.15^ quarter past two or two fifteen

01 Numbers (1)
^2.30^ half past two or two thirty

^2.40 ^ twenty to three or two forty

(^2.45^ quarter to three or two forty-five

1 Match the times with the clocks.

I I half past nine I I four fifteen

I I twenty past nine @ eleven fifty
I I quarter past four I I nine twenty
0 ten to twelve I I five thirty-five
I I twenty-five to six I I nine thirty

B Phrases at eight o’clock

Links Beethoven
open, close 034C
verb + -s 063B O 8.30-10.30 ;©

The shop opens at eight o’clock. The concert starts at eight thirty.
It closes at six o’clock. It finishes at ten thirty.

2 Complete the sentences.

a The swimming pool opens te-t}.fkirfaj.
get up, go to bed It closes.
b The party starts..
It finishes.
c She goes to work.
She comes home.
d He gets up..

18 He goes to bed
at eight o’clock in the morning
The train leaves Paris at eight o’clock in the morning.

Links It arrives in Milan at three thirty in the afternoon ... Paris. 08.00

morning, afternoon ... ... and it arrives in Rome at nine o’clock in the evening. Milan. 15.30
05C 1
leaves, arrives 031C Rome. 21.00

3 Look at the timetable. Complete the sentences.

a The train arrives in Istanbul
at seven o^ck in the evening.
Day 1 Paris 15 40
b It leaves Sinaia___!!_ Frankfurt 07 30
c It arrives in Frankfurt_ Day 2 Budapest 16 50

d It leaves Budapest.. Day 3 Sinaia 06 30

Bucharest 11 30
e It leaves Paris__
Istanbul 19 00
f It arrives in Bucharest_

D Phrases before work, after dinner

Avril does a lot of sport. Look at her day.
breakfast dinner
Links WORK
breakfast, lunch,
1 L
5.00 7.00
dinner 044A 7.00
1 9.00 1.00
go swimming, She goes swimming. She goes for a walk.
play tennis 030
go for..., She goes swimming before work. breakfast
go ...-ing O50C
She goes for a walk after dinner. before lunch
after dinner

Rewrite the words in italics. Use words from the table,

a Avril has a cold shower at 6.30 in the morning. br^-fa^t
b She plays tennis at 5.30 in the afternoon. -
c She goes running at 6.30 in the evening. —
d She goes for a walk at 7.30 in the morning. ——
e She plays table tennis at 1.30 in the afternoon. -
f She does exercises at 6.45 in the morning. -

Write in your language

The shop opens at 8.30.

I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

She goes home after lunch.

on (Friday), at the weekend; every (Monday); in the (morning), at night; on (Friday evening

A Phrases on Monday, at the weekend

... Yes, I’m at home on
Tuesday ... No, I’m at work
on Friday, and then I’m in
London at the weekend ...

1 Some American tourists are going to

Europe for a week. Complete the sentences.

Links a They’re going to London Wedn&sclag.

They’re ....-ing 071A b They’re going to Venice...
goto O50B c They’re going to Athens.
d They’re going to Rome.
e They’re going hack to the USA.
f They’re going to Paris.

B Phrases every day

MON 8.00-8.00 j Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun.
TUE foot ohLL
Links WED 8.00-8.00 j
THU 8.00-8.00 I Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
^ay_ C7A FRI 8.00-8.00
foot oaV
SAT 8.00-6.00
There’s ... 061A
SUN 9.00-2.00 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
foot ball

This shop is open There’s a market He plays foothall

every day. every Friday. every weekend.

Tues 8,00-9.00 8.00

Complete the sentences. Maths
a There’s a boat to Paxos..Tuestjoy.
Wed 8.00-9.00 SUNDAY
b We have English. Thors 8.00-9.00 The Beach
c There’s a film. DiCaprio

d The pool is open. Swimming pooi CONCERTS

opening hours: Fri 8 May:
Beethoven, Bach
e There’s a concert. Mon-Fri Fri 15 May:
3,00-8.00 Corelli, Vivaldi
f They have live music. Sat: Fri 22nd May:
Chopin, Liszt
C Phrases in the morning, at night
These people work for Central Taxis.
Nick works in the morning.
1 Link
work ©29A Bob works in the afternoon.
Lynne works in the evening.
John works at night. 6.00 -:Oc 12.00 -:Oc 6.00 ]) 12.00 D 6.00
the morning at night Nick Bob Lynne John
in the afternoon
the evening

3 Six other people work for Central Taxis. Write their names in the table.
Complete the sentences below.
\ ■ /^ \ • /^
Ali sees Lynne at work.
Links 6.00 -'Qc 12.00 6.00 D 12.00 D 6.00
Bill sees Nick at work.
doesn’t 065A
Nick Bob Lynne John
before, after ©4D Carlos starts work at 12.00.
Steve starts work at 6.00. Al.
Mary doesn’t work at night.
Sue works after Bill, but before
a works In the- d Mary
b Carlos. e Sue
c Steve . f Bill_

D Phrases on Tuesday morning

I’m playing tennis on Tuesday.
► I’m playing tennis on Tuesday morning.
I’m playing tennis in the morning.

MEETINfS; at TrfliA.sco
4 Look at the notes. Complete the sentences
(Mr Thom,ns) ^.SO Frl
— ~ —_
a He’s seeing Olga
b He’s going to a party -
^^9*^ I JohiA-'s pCirty:
c He’s going to a meeting
d He’s going to a concert --—
i 11.00
e He’s seeing the doctor — wed £.00 I MON
f He’s playing tennis -
Sun. 4.30

Write in your language

We’re going to London on Thursday.

There’s a concert every Friday.

There’s a party on Saturday evening.

Months and seasons
January, February, March spring, summer, autumn, winter; in (May), in the (summer)

A Vocabulary Months
1 January 5 May 9 September

2 February 6 June 10 October

3 March 7 July 11 November

4 April 8 August 12 December

1 Write the missing months.

a January, February, . d July, ., September
b September, October,. e . ., February
c April, May,. f . .,July

B Phrases in February

Jiis birthday is in February. They’re getting married in July.

2 Look at this man’s year planner. Complete the sentences.

1 Links a tie’s going to Zurich
in June.
He’s ...-ing ©71
wife, son, sister ^>28A b He’s starting a new job

c His wife is going to Brazil

d His son is going to France

e The family is going on holiday

f His son is having a party

g His sister is staying with him

C Phrases Seasons
® The seasons in the UK: spring
winter May)
■. (December'
• February)
^November) ^

the spring
It’s very cold in the summer
Helsinki in the winter. the autumn
the winter

Rewrite the sentences. Use words from the table.

a The UK is cold in January and February. .. .
b I’m getting married in October or November.--
c They’re going to England in Marc/i or Apn7. ....
d Greece is very hot in July and August. — -
e We go skiing in December or January. - ——
f It’s quite warm here in April and May. —- —

4 Write answers 2-11 in the diagram.

1 The 2nd month ^ F £ B R U A R Y
2 The month after September ^
month, year
3 The season before winter ►
before, after
4 The month before April ^
first, 2nd, 11th, 12th
02A 5 Hot season ^
6 The 12th month of the year ^
7 The first month of the year ^
8 The season after winter ^
9 The 11th month ►
10 Cold season ^
The month before September ^

Now complete the sentence: 12T There are in a year.

Write in your language

My birthday is in August.

ytQ'xQ going on holiday in the summer.

They’re getting married in the spring.

Time phrases
day, week, month, year; this/next (Friday): today, tomorrow, this morning ...

A Vocabulary day, week, month, year

This is a week
in March, 2005. -month
Monday, Tuesday
March 06A

1 Complete the sentences. Use words from the box.

Links a There are 365 .in 3^. .
a week days a month
a week, weeks b There are 52 in. months weeks a year
c There are 28, 29, 30 or 31 in..
There are ... 061A
d There are
e There are

Phrases this Friday, next summer

It’s Tuesday 2nd March ...

Links TODAY this Friday Monday, Tuesday,.

this ■ C13
this March, April,...
M W Th F Sa Su next spring, summer,...
summer C6C
this week 1 © 3 4 6 7 week, month, year
next week 8 9 10 11 13 14

next Friday

2 Match the sentences with the times. Write numbers 1-6.

a Tm going to France next summer. d □ Tm going swimming this Friday.
b Q They’re coming to stay this e I I He’s starting a new job next
October. April.
c n We’re playing tennis next f I I We’re staying at home this
Thursday. summer.

ft f \
12 3 4

3 Look at the examples. Write about you.

C Phrases this morning, tomorrow evening ...

j There’s a children’s concert this morning.
You can hear Indian music tomorrow afternoon.
Links You can see the Bill Ryley band tomorrow evening.
morning, There’s a disco tonight.
afternoon ... __ 05C
see, hear 052A J MUSfc FESTIVAL \
You can ... C76A
There’s... 061A
9.00 Children’s concert 9.00 Vienna Strings: \
11.00 Jack Munroe: Waltzes by Strauss J
) Scottish Folk Music 10.30 Jazz in the Park ^
I 2.00 Carmen Ortega: 2.00 Alpaca: Folk music j
^ Spanish Flamenco from Peru '
^ 4.00 The Chicago Sound: 4.00 Osman Harishi:
\ ‘Singing the Blues’ Music from India
] 7.30 City Orchestra: Mozart 8.00 Bill Ryley Band: 1
S Symphony No. 40 50s Big Band Music /
j 11.30 DISCO 12.00 STREET PARTY \
^ ^ 1 - —

Today Tomorrow
this this this tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow
morning afternoon evening morning afternoon evening
(7.00-12.00) (12.00-6.00) (6.00-11.00) (7.00-12.00) (12.00-6.00) (6.00-11.00)
tonight (11.00-. ..) tomorrow night (11.00-...)

4 Complete the sentences.

a You can see Carmen Ortega •
b You can see Alpaca
c You can hear Scottish folk music
d There’s a Mozart concert -
e You can hear The Chicago Sound -
f There’s a street party-
g There’s a jazz concert-

Write in your language

I’m going swimming next Saturday.

We’re getting married next April.

There’s a party tomorrow evening.

He’s ten (years old); She’s nearly/about/over (50); How old ...?

A Phrases He’s ten years old

My son is ten years old,
and my daughter is eight.
01 Numbers (1)

He’s ten. or He’s ten years old.
son, daughter C28A
She’s eight, or She’s eight years old.
he’s, she’s C58C

1 Look at the birthday cards. Complete the sentences.

a She’s..9^-. d She’s
b She’s. e He’s
c He’s. f He’s..

B Vocabulary nearly, about, over

about C33B I’m nearly
Sarah is nearly 30. John is about 50. He’s about
Alice is over 80. 50.
She’s over
(= She’s 28 or 29.) (= He’s 48-52.) (= She’s 80+.)

2 Rewrite the numbers. Use nearly, about or over.

a John is 37-38 ..19..:.. d Her husband is 57-63
b Alec is 28-32.. e Their son is 18-19
c Maria is 100+. f Our teacher is 40+

3 Look at the examples. Write about you and your family and friends.

My.. I’m 3Z years old.

My Mu sister Is nearLu 30.

My.. Mu -father Is over GO.

My -friend Jane Is about 40.
C Phrases _ i He’s five days old
. 1

Link B
day, week, month.
year 07A
He’s ... ... five days ... five weeks ... five months ... five
old. old. old. years old.

4 Complete the sentences. Use words from the box.

three days 100 years
six weeks 500 years /
ten months 4,500 years

a It’s oUi._^

b She’s_
c It’s_
d They’re_
e It’s_
f It’s__

D Phrases How old...?

old are you? Do you have a car? Yes, we do.

How ...? O80B How old is it? About five years old.
How old are Six and four.
C60B ? ^ ^ ,_J
your children?

5 Write questions. Use words from the box.

g How oLcL Is nour son?_ you your house your parents
^j / your son your sister

b d-
My mother’s 62 and my father’s 66. I’m nearly 33.
c . .. e - _
She’s 36. Il’s about 50 years old.

Write in your language

He’s about 30.

Our house is over 100 years old.

How old are you?

often, not often; always, sometimes, never; usually, not usually

A Grammar often, not often

In England, In Egypt, it
it often rains. doesn’t often rain.
064. 65 E
Present simple (2), (3) S

rain, snow C38C Month Month

Manchester, England Alexandria, Egypt

often + verb not+ often + verb

It often rains. It doesn’t often rain.

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a often winter the snows in it Ifc o-fte-n snows.m.ihe..winter ....
b television don’t they watch often .......
c the reads often evening he in .....
d Saturday go out on often we ....
e father often I my see don’t .
f doesn’t jeans she wear often ......

2 Add often or don’t often. Write about you.

a I feel tired ' tirecL. or I don’t o-^n -f^ tired.

b I drink water. .
c I go to the cinema.....
d I wear black clothes.
e I watch television..

Grammar always, sometimes, never

Dr Lee always works at night. VIERTOIM HOSP ITAL
Dr Hamid sometimes works at night. SEPTEMBEF?; Night a uty (10.0 0 p.m.-6. 00 a.m.)
1 Link
Dr Schmidt never works at night.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
at night :■ VC5C
I always Dr Lee / / / /
He/She sometimes + verb Dr Hamid / /
Dr Schmidt


(=100%) (=0%)

3 Complete the questionnaire. Then write

about you. HOW DO YOU SLEEP


a I sometumes re«uL In bed.
Tick (■/) the boxes.
read, listen to C55B b ..
a I read in bed. /
wake up, go to c .. b I listen to music
sleep 055A in bed.
d ..
before, after C4D c I sleep with the
e __ window open.
f_ d I sleep with the
door open.
g - e I woke up in the night.
Y I go to sleep
before 12.00.
g I get up after 8.00.

C Grammar usually, not usually

What do you I usually wear a dress ALWAYS 100%

Links wear at work? or a skirt. I don’t
dress, skirt... 027A
usually wear trousers,
and I never wear jeans. NOT USUALLY
wear, wears 063
don’t (wear), NEVER 0%
doesn’t (wear)064,65

I usually (wear)... I don’t

He/She usually (wears)... He/She doesn’t ^ (wear)

4 Read the conversation. Complete the sentences. Use always,

(not) usually or never.

‘What do you wear at work?’

‘Trousers, usually grey trousers, and

a jacket. In the summer, I often
wear a shirt and tie, but no jacket.’ a The man doesn’t usuoUy wear
‘Do you always wear a tie?’ a jumper.

‘Well, in very hot weather, I wear a b He _

shirt, but no tie.’ trousers.
c He _ grey
‘Do you ever wear a jumper?’
‘Yes - in very cold weather.’
d He jeans.
‘Do you sometimes wear jeans?’ e He _ ..a tie.
‘Jeans at work? No!’ f He a shirt

Write in your language

They often go out in the evening.

He never goes to sleep before 12.00.

I don’t usually wear jeans at work.

Singular and plural
car, cars; -s, -es, -ies, -ves; men, women, children, people

A Grammar a table, tables

1 Link
on a, an, some

1 Choose the right form.

For the children’s party, we need a large
(a) (tabl^l -tables-, and some (h) chair / chairs.
We need one large (c) plate / plates for the cake,
12 small (d) plate / plates, and some small
(e) bowl / bowls and (f) spoon / spoons for the
ice cream. We need six (g) bottle / bottles of
lemonade and some (h) flower / flowers for the
table. And we need a (i) CD player / CD players ...

B Grammar cars, boxes, lorries, shelves

dictionaries photos lorries buses
bus, car, taxi 031A
brush, comb O40A

brushes cars




2 Complete the tables.

+ -s -s, -ch, -X, -sh + -es -y^ -ies
car . box boxes dictionary cUchonorles
fork . bus lorry .
photo . glass
comb . brush -f, -fe -i/es
plate . match
shelf sHetves
taxi .
3 Write the plurals of these words.
nurse, secretary C29A a park parks p sprrptarv
fax, letter 032A b beach I’&acHes f rhiirrh -- J1 fov
c dress g wife k shop
d nurse b letter 1 baby

C Grammar People
Singular Plural
1 Link boy boys
people 025 girl girls

Singular Plural
man men
woman women
child children
person people

4 Complete the sentences.

In the picture, there are ...
a three _
b four___
c five_
d six.
e eleven_
f eighteen_

5 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

C/* a There are five^orrys in the car park. e The books are on the shelfs in the
living room.
b Those aren't taxies - they’re cars. f There aren’t any knifes or forks.

c I have two English dictionary’s. g There are three boxs of knives.

d They have three childrens: two hoys b Who are the peoples in these
and a girl. photoes?

Write in your language

There aren’t any buses after 10.00.
He reads a lot of books.

I can see four people: two men and two women.

a, an, some
a (banana), an (apple); a black dress, black shoes; some (apples)

A Grammar a girl, an ice cream

In this picture, there’s a girl, a hat, In this picture, there’s a man, an egg,
an ice cream, an umbrella and a tree. a banana, an apple and an orange.

a + consonant sounds /b, m, t.../ a an

an + vowel sounds /e, i, o .../
CL qlrt ay\ ice crecun

1 Complete the table.

2 Look at these animals. Write a or an.

^ elephant .dog antelope octopus .horse iguema

B Grammar a young man, an old man

a young man a cheap meal a German car a French restaurant
an old man an expensive meal an American car an Italian restaurant |
young, old.. ■ 045A'
with C25C: 3 What’s in the pictures? Put the words in the correct order.

/ -\
a Ionian man umbrella book Japanese
expensive an a old an newspaper a
car in young black with an and English
V )
C Grammar a black dress, black shoes

010 Singular and

My sister is a doctor. She’s wearing a black dress. He has a large nose.
nose, eyes, ears. My brothers are students. She’s wearing black shoes. He has small eyes.
mouth C26A
dress, shoes ... C27A
4 Complete the sentences. Write a/an or — (= nothing).
a John is ^ student. His parents are teachers,
b I usually wear old T-shirt and jeans,
c My father has large ears and small mouth,
d The house has white walls and blue door.

D Grammar I’d like some bananas

I’d like some bananas, I’d like a pen and

please, and a some tissues,
pineapple. please.
C15 some and any
CIO Singular and

j pen, tissues C40A
Singular (= 1) Plural (= 2, 3,4,...)
I’d like... 077C,34B
some bananas.
I'd like ’d like
some tissues.
a pen.

5 Look at this man’s shopping list. Complete

the sentences. Use some or a/an.
5hCPPiN6- LI5'
a He needs _
1 Link “ apples
need C54D b He needs -— “ T-sbirt
c He needs - - -jeans
d He needs - ^

~ iTCu-spapcr
e He needs
- potatoes
f He needs
- umbrella
g He needs

Write in your language

My brother is a doctor.

She has an expensive car.

I’d like some apples, please.

the, a/some; the River Nile, the Central Hotel,,England, Germany

A Grammar a melon, the melon

1 Link
C11 a, an, some

I’d like a melon, please, Put the melon and the

and some oranges. oranges in the fridge.

a melon = one melon the melon = the melon on the table

some oranges = two, three, four... oranges the oranges = the oranges on the table

1 Match the sentences with the pictures.

Link a Look - there’s a cat. d O Drive into the car park,

Let’s, Shall I, Would b \Z\ Where’s the cat? e Q Let’s huy some flowers,
you like...? 078
c O Is there a car park near here? f []] Shall I put the flowers hy the window?

2 Choose the right word.

a Excuse me. Is there (^l-tke' good restaurant near here?
b Would you like some / the sandwiches and a / the cup of coffee?
c Where are some / the car keys? Are they in a / the living room?
d ‘Where shall I put some / the eggs?’
‘Put them in a / the fridge.’
e Let’s go onto a / the balcony and sit down.

B Grammar a man ... the man

The picture shows a room with two people, a man

I Link and a woman.lThe maiMs sitting in an armchair.

is sitting 049A

1st time 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... time

a man the man
a woman the woman Room in New York, by
a ... the ... Edward Hopper (1932)
3 Fill the gaps with a or the.

I’m staying with (a) very nice family in Florida. They have two children,
(b) girl and (c) boy. (d).. girl is ten, and (e) boy is six.
They also have (f) .. dog and (g) cat. (h)_cat is 16 years old!

living room, VJ<2Ve staying in (i) . small flat in R.omc. Tbo'C ar^ 1Tir(2£ rooms:
bedroom ... C41 (j) . living room, (k) Ixdroom and (1) kitolnan.
In (m) living room, tbzriz’s (n) big sofa and tioo armcbars.

C Grammar Places
the the
the.of... Countries
the centre of; the north/south/east/west of... England, Germany, Japan (but the USA)
north, south .. . 037C
Rivers, seas Cities, towns
river, sea 037A the River Nile, the Amazon, the Mediterranean London, New York, Jakarta, St Petersburg
England, Germany . Hotels Streets
the Hilton Hotel, the Embassy Hotel New Street, 126 Kings Road, Times Square

4 Complete the sentences. Write the or — (= nothing).

north of (c) England, about Mosley Street, near (i) centre of

420 km from (d)_ London. It’s (j) Newcastle. It is about 100m

on (e)__ River Tyne and near from (k) River Tyne.

(f)_North Sea.

Write in your language

There’s a dog in the garden.

Put the oranges in the fridge.

The Sun Hotel is in the centre of Tokyo.

this, that, these, those
this/that is these/those are this/that (radio), these/those (radios); That’s (nice)

A Grammar That’s the swimming pool

This is the ... and these are That’s the ... and those are
Link changing the lockers for swimming the tennis courts.
Singular and room ... your clothes. pool...
swimming, tennis 030 ; (f
is, are C58B

1• . •••
£^5sports club

Singular this (is) that (is)

/\/\A ITS 6000 FOR YOU!

Plural these (are) those (are)

1 Write this is, that’s, these are or those are.

B Grammar

1 like ... 063C
Can 1...? 076C
How much . ..? 033C

2 Complete the sentences. Use this, that, these or those.

C Phrases That’s a good idea

interesting ... 046

3 Write responses. Use words from the table.

a I’m reading a book about the Antarctic.
Oh, really^ Thaiis ir\tere,5tmq._
a good idea,
b We’re getting married next year. interesting. /
c I’m sorry I’m late. terrible.
Come in.
d John’s very ill. He’s in hospital.
e Shall we go skiing at the weekend? f Are you a student at the university?
Yes _ ___—. Yes.....

Write in your language

That’s the gym ... and this is the sauna.

How much are those pictures?

Countable and
uncountable nouns
a book, books; money, water; a cup/bowl/glass/bottle of (water)

A Grammar a bottle, bananas, coffee ... ' ■■ - •

Links bananas a plate glasses

coffee ■ paper
011 a, an, some
O10 Singular and

bananas, apples, a pen

bread, milk... ©42


a bottle water money

Countable nouns

a banana

a glass

a pen

a bottle

a plate

1 Countable or uncountable? Complete the table.

a clock sugar milk

Countable Uncountable
a. dock swqor



dogs music trees grass

2 Choose the right word.

a They have two 2 and a cat. „ . n milk .

e Do you have ^ m your coffee?
[Z1 dogs in a milk
I I music. n grass.
b Listen! I can hear f They’re sitting on the
□ a music. I I grasses.

c There s^
> EH clock . ,
in the bedroom.
, ,
g Can I have ^ ^PP^c, pjg^gg?
I_I a clock I_I an apple,
I I hair. I I money.
d She has long, black h Give me the
I I hairs. I I moneys.

Phrases a glass of water

water a glass of water tea a cup of tea

p.! A
rice a bowl of rice ketchup a bottle of ketchup

3 Rewrite the sentences. Use words from the table.

a Would you like some soupl „ cup
WowLcL you like a. bowL of soup? bowl
b Would you like some coffeel

c There’s some lemonade in the fridge.

d Would you like some orange juicel

e There’s some olive oil in the cupboard.

f There’s some sugar on the table.

Write in your language

The money is on the table.

He has red hair.

Would you like a glass of water?

some and any
a (lake), some (trees); some sugar, milk some (books, milk), not any (books, milk)

A Grammar a lake, some trees

In the picture, you can see
a lake, some trees, a mountain
Links and some houses.
011 a, an, some
a + singular
O10 Singular and
plural , a lake.
(You can see . .
' a mountain.

some + plural
some trees,
(You can see)
some houses.

1 Write phrases with a or some, bridge

bridge, tree, river... horses


In the picture, you can see /( river, /( trees, boat, people, /( horses and
/( bridge.
a . b .. c ..
d . e . f _

B Grammar some milk, some sugar

I’d like a cup of Can I have some I'd like some Can I have a
coffee, please. milk, please? sugar, please. spoon, please?
014 Countable and
uncountable nouns

Can I have ...?,

I’d like... 077B,C
spoon, cup, knife ...

a + countable nouns some + uncountable nouns

a cup of coffee, some milk,
(I’d like) (I’d like)
a spoon. some sugar.

2 Choose a or some.

a Can I have ^ ^ cigarette? d Can I have 5 ^ bread?
I_I some some

b I’d like ^ ^ water, please. e I’d like ^

□a newspaper, please.
I_I some I I some

c Can I have ^ ^ money, please? f I’d like ^ ^ knife, please.

I_I some Q some

C Grammar some, not any

Picture B

In Picture A... In Picture B ...

... there’s a clock. ... there isn't a clock.
... there’s some bread. ... there isn’t any bread.
... there are some glasses. ... there aren’t any glasses.

3 Here are more sentences about Picture B. Are they correct?

Write / or correct them.
a There are some books, There ore-n’fc ay\u, books..

b There isn’t a bottle, /

c There are some flowers,

d There’s some coffee,
e There are some cushions,
f There aren’t any curtains,
g There’s a lamp,
h There are some magazines.

Write in your language
I’d like some flowers, please.

Can I have some water?

Sorry. There isn’t any coffee.

a lot, much, many
a lot, not much; a lot of / not much / not many + noun-, How much/many ...?

A Grammar He eats a lot

New York-London New York-London

$6,000 return $275 return
verb+-s, 063B, C 1st Class LATE OFFER!
doesn’t + verb 065
costs 033 B He eats a lot. She doesn’t eat much. It costs a lot. It doesn’t cost much.
a lot not... much
He eats , . She doesn’t eat .
u * a lot. . much.
It costs It doesn t cost


1 Complete the sentences.

a lot not... much
a He eats a lot. He. (ioesn’t eai mwch.

b She travels a lot.

c He.- He doesn’t read much.
d He works a lot. He.
e She sleeps a lot. She..
f . It doesn’t cost much.

2 Write about these people. Choose sentences from Exercise 1.

Links a John works ten hours every day. He l^iorks a. iob.

every 05B b David has no breakfast, and just a sandwich
Jay, week 07A for lunch. ..
c Paula sleeps five hours every night. ..
d A room at the Plaza Hotel is only $10. ..
e Anna often goes to LA, London, Paris and Tokyo. ......
f Peter reads three books every week. ...

B Phrases

butter fruit ^
A HEALTHY DIET - not much ... cheese vegetables
Link meat fish X
014 Countable and I have a very healthy diet. I eat sweets
uncountable nouns
a lot of fruit and vegetables, biscuits
and I eat a lot of fish. I don’t
eat much butter or cheese,
and I don’t eat many sweets.
Links fruit. 1 fruit
fruit, vegetables, fish.
1 eat a lot of , ,, 11 UL/I
1 1 oaf
fish, butter... 042 vegetables. vegetables.
snacks, sweets. sweets. 1 sweets.
biscuits 043C

3 Fill the gaps with a lot of, much or many.

C Grammar How much ...? How many ...?

Californian Apple Pancakes
How much flour
How many eggs 200 g flour
Links do we need?
do we need?
How ...? O80A 4 eggs
... do ...? 066 2 apples
200 grams.
need C54D
500 ml milk

How much do we need? How many do we need?

milk apples

4 Look at the cheesecake recipe. Write questions with How much ...? or
How many ...?
a How many blscuiis do.I need,?.

b .. ORy^hGE & LE/lOh CHEE5EC/1KE
serves 6 people
c _
12 biscuits
400 grams, 75 g butter
100 g sugar
d _
3 lemons
75 grams. 4 oranges
400 g cheese
e ...
2 eggs
f __
100 grams.

Write in your language

They eat a lot of vegetables ...

...but they don’t eat much fruit.

How much cheese do we need?

Pronouns (1)
I, we, you; he, she, it, they

A Grammar I, you, we

Hi. How f I’m fine. I’m in Are you No. We’re

V . _ J
1 Link are you? a cafe. English? American.
I’m, we’re 058A VI \ ^ /\v

Singular (= 1) Plural (= 2,3,4,...)

' 0 we

you 0 you f5 -►Cv ^

1 Complete the conversations. Use I, you or we.

Gary Kasparov Isabel Allende Roger Federer and Angkor Wat The Urals
Lleyton Hewitt
^ he ^ she they -> it -> they

Singular (= 1) Plural (= 2,3,4,...)

he ^ they

she ^ they

I it G" they e’ en

2 Match the questions with the answers. Complete the answers, using
words from the box.
a Who is J. K. Rowling? - mountains,
b Where is the Colosseum? \ a film star,
c Where is Bogota? He’s
a writer,
d Who is Serena Williams? football teams,
e Who is Russell Crowe? in Colombia,
f What are Juventus and Galatasaray? in Rome,
g What are Fuji and Kilimanjaro? a tennis player.

3 Look at these sentences from a letter. Make changes, using he, she,
it or they.

a I like Bologna. .Bologna is a big city, bat Bologna is very beaati-ful.
live, teach, have,
study 063A
parents, brother b hy parents are teachers. My parents teach at the university,

c I have a brother. My brother is 15, and my brother e still at school,

d My Wife’s name is Lucia. Luca te a student. Luca studies French.

e I have a motorbike. The motorbike is very old.

f I have two sisters. My sisters live in Kome.

Write in your language

I’m fine. Ho\w are you?

It’s a beautiful city.

They’re from Bologna.

Pronouns (2)
me, us, you; him, her, them; it

A Grammar me, us, you

I’m at home. Call OK. I’ll call Come and see us OK. I’ll see you
me this evening. you at 8.00. at the weekend. on Saturday.

Subject Object
1 I’m at home. me Call me.
we We’re at home. us Call us.
you You’re at home. you I’ll call you.

1 Complete these notes. Use me, us or you.

a Anne -1 love ...8?!^!:. har^ - De^’re. at th&.

b all. Rotja! t^ote^t. Call .

Jack XXX th'i3 e^ve^n'iD^.

Je.nn^ ( Mark.
Pete - Thanks
WeVe- ih. tiJ'Wh.. Please,
and goodbye-! I II Please caJ^ .. c^n
g ♦xeet . at the
See. __ al my m<^bk.Ie. The number
^ati<9h. at &.
fUe Weekend. ks OdBf SM 81023.
K aM ^

B Grammar him, her, them

My son is a student My sister is a teacher. My parents are very old.
He lives at home. I She lives in Paris. I see They live in Australia. I
see him every day. her every weekend. see them every summer.

Subject Object
he He lives ... him 1 see him ...
she She lives ... her 1 see her...
they They live ... them 1 see them ...

2 Rewrite the sentence in brackets [ ]. Use him, her or them.

a Maria works in London.... [I see Maria every day.]
b Vlado is a nice boy.... [i like Vlado.]
c Where are the children?. [I can’t see the children.]
d Jo and Ian are in town. [I’m seeing/o and/an tonight.]
e Mr Jones lives in our street. [I know Mr/ones.]
f There s your mother.. [Can you see your mother^]
C Grammar it, them

What shall I do Put it in the What shall I do 1 Put them

Links with your coat? cupboard. with these shirts? by the door.
put C51B
j^ket, shirt.. . C27A
cupboard, shelf 041B Subject Object
it it
they them

3 Complete the sentences. Use it or them.

What shall I do with ...
a your glasses? d this shirt?
Put on the shelf, Put in the cupboard,
b these shoes? e your umbrella?
Put. by the door. Put on the chair,
c your jacket? f your trousers?
Put.. on the chair. Put in the cupboard.

4 Complete the sentences. Use words from the box.

Link them her he it she him me they

every 05B

Writer Julia Peterson talks about

. things she likes ... ... AND PEOPLE SHE LIKES

My car._!!:..'s an old The singer Maria loao. I like

Volvo. I go to work in _ a lot. 's a

every day._ beautiful singer.

about 35 years old.

Mv earrings. I wear Mv father. lives in

every day._ Ve quite England, but I call

cheap, but I like ! ^ every night. And often

visits in New York.

Write in your language

I Come and see me on Saturday.

' I visit them every weekend.

Paul’s nice - I like him a lot.

my, your, his, their...
my, our, your; his, her, their; Kimiko’s, my brother’s ...

1 Link I ^ my : my wife we our: our son you your: your car

1, we, you 017A

1 Add my, our or your.

a Give me^phone number - I’ll phone you tomorrow,
phone number,
address... 032C b Hello, name’s Peter. What’s name?

c Here’s address. Come and visit us!

d ‘I’ll email you. What’s email address?’

‘It’s 7\nd mobile number is 07896 493009.’

e We have two children, son is 18 and daughter is 16.

f ‘Excuse me - is this phone?’ ‘Oh, yes. Thank you.’

Grammar his, her, their


husband, children ...
he, she, they OHB

Lucia Stevenson with her

husband, Jon, and their children,
George and Ally. George loves
his little sister!

he his : his brother she ^ her: her husband they their: their children

2 Write his, her or their.

On other pages
Michael Schumacher and his new Ferrari page 14
b Bill and Hillary Clinton in Californian villa 19
Mariah Carey talks about new song 23
d David Beckham at home 25
e SPECIAL! Catherine and Michael with baby daughter 28
f Mick Jagger on 60th birthday 33

C Grammar Kimiko’s family

Kimiko’s husband is French.
Her husband’s name is Michel. AN INTERNATIONAL FAMILY

Japanese, French,
Michel’s father is a film star. K imiko is Japanese, but her
husband Michel is French.
the USA... C39A Michel is the son of film star Paul
Leblanc. They live in a large house
in Nice.

3 Complete the sentences.

T have a sister. Ami, and a brother, Izo,' says
Use words from the box,
Kimiko. 'My sister is married to a German doctor.
and add’s. They live in Frankfurt.
'My brother lives in the USA. He has a house in
Kimiko Her brother Chicago. He isn't married, but he has a girlfriend
Nina Ami called Nina. Her father is Italian, but her mother
is Brazihan.'

a _sister is married.
b . husband is German.
c .brother lives in the USA.
d .name is Izo.
e house is in Chicago,
f mother is Brazilian.

Write in your language

Here’s my mobile number.

This is our daughter, Joanna.

George’s wife is Brazilian.


Place prepositions (1)
in, on, under, over, by

A Phrases in, on, under, over

I Link
door, wall 041C
It’s in the It’s in It’s on It’s on It’s under It’s over
drawer. the door. the table, the wall, the mat. the door.

HE on Jl I* under over

1 Where are the cats? Write in, on, under or over.

1 1
C ^^1

There’s a cat...
table, cupboard, a the steps. d .the tree. g .the bed.
bed 041B
b .the steps. e .the box. h .the bed.
c .the table. f .the cupboard.

The dictionary is on the shelf.

The shelf is by the window.

2 Answer the questions. Use the table.

!_J L_l
jacket, bag, glasses
027A, B
keys, money,
newspaper 040

a Where’s my bag? d Where are my keys? on
b Where’s my jacket? e Where’s my newspaper? in . by...

c Where are my glasses? under

f Where’s my money?
Link a It’s the, table bn the wtneloiM. jj xhey’re

It’s, they’re C17B bit’s.... e It’s

c They’re.. f it’s

C Phrases in the centre, on a river

|in the north of Liverpool It's easy to get to ...

; on the coast 037
Liverpool is in the north of England, on
the River Mersey.
It's on the railway line from London, and
it's on the M62 motorway.

Where to stay ...

1 Adelphi Hotel ****
In the city centre.
2 Moat House Hotel ****
In a quiet suburb.
3 Thistle Hotel ***
On the edge of the city.
4 Village Hotel, Whiston ***
In the country, 30 km from Liverpool.
5 Spa Hotel, Southport ****
On the coast, 25 km from Liverpool.


a river
the centre a road
in in a suburb on a motorway on the edge of
the country a railway line
the coast

3 Complete the sentences with in or on. Match them with the places.

a 0 It’s the edge of Cairo,.iT Egypt. 1 New Orleans

b □ It’s.. Russia, the Trans-Siberian Railway. 2 Calcutta

c □ It’s Brazil, .—. the coast. 3 The Acropolis

d □ It’s the River Ganges, India. 4 The Great Pyramid

5 Omsk
e □ It’s . Greece, .the centre of Athens.
6 Rio de Janeiro
f □ It’s.. the Mississippi River,..the USA.

Write in your language

Your bag’s on the chair by the window.

Is your village on the railway line?

They live on the edge of the city.

Place prepositions (2)
next to, beside, in front of, behind, between; near, opposite; above, below

A Phrases next to, between ...

Look at this photo of the Smith family in 2002.
John Leon Clara
Links John is standing next to (or beside) Leon.
stand, sit 049A Leon is standing between John and Clara.
is ...-ing 069A John is standing behind Emma.
Emma is standing in front of John.


1 Look at this photo of the Smith family in 1920 and the text below.
Write the names of the people.
a .
b .
c .
d .
e .
f .
g .-.
h .
i John
j .-.

Daniel is sitting on the table beside John. George is standing behind John.
Lily is standing between Nat and George. Victoria is sitting in front of Lily.
Frieda is holding John’s hand. Victoria is sitting between Daniel
William is standing next to Frieda. and Albert.
David is sitting in front of William.

2 Complete the sentences,

a Albert. L5 siWnq next to Victoria.
b Lily. Daniel.
c Nat.. Lily.
d John. Daniel and Frieda.
e William. .David.
B Phrases next to, near, opposite
The bank is next to the supermeu'ket.
There’s a bookshop opposite the
The clothes shop is near the supermarket.
There’s a cafe near the supermarket.

3 Look at the map and answer

the questions. Use next to, shoe shop
near or opposite.
a Where’s the supermarket? CINEMA 1 : ; bookshop

It’s next to bus statlon. Metro Cafe

b Where’s the bank?

Astor i
Hotel gyg supermarket
c Where’s the Metro Cafe?
STATION : : bank

d Where’s the bookshop?

e Where’s the shoe shop? f Where’s the Astor Hotel?

The plane is flying above the clouds. The plane is flying below the clouds.

4 Complete the sentences. Use above or below. j 1 Real Madrid 9 points

a Manchester United are _Real Madrid in I 2 Man United 7 points
the table. j 3 Inter Milan 6 points
b The temperature in Munich is 3°-zero.
l^e Eyrie 540m
c Manchester United are_Inter Milan.
Lake Ontario 450m
d Lake Ontario is 90 metres-Lake Eyrie.
e Lake Eyrie is 90 metres-Lake Ontario.
3 John Smith Moscow -5°C[
f The temperature in Moscow is 5°-zen ).
2 TEXCO Inc. Munich 3°C [
g Mr Smith’s flat is -an office. 1 TEXCO Inc. Nairobi 12°c\

Write in your language

There’s a cafe opposite the bookshop.

They’re standing in front of the cafe.

My flat’s near the station.

at and to
at (the airport), to (the airport); at home/work/school; go home, go to work/school

A Phrases at the station

station, cinema ...


1 Where are these people? Use phrases from the box above.

Phrases at the airport, to the airport

go to ... C50C
(I’m) ...-ing 068, 70

She’s going to the airport. She’s at the airport.

2 Add at or to.
a What time are you going^the party? d Are you going the football match?

b They’re staying the Astor Hotel, e There’s a cafe the station,

c I’m standing the bus stop. f I’m going the airport now.
C Phrases at work, to work

Max Green works for a radio station.

He goes to work at 12.00 and goes
works for C29B
home at 10.00 in the evening.
at 12.00 ©4B
in the evening,
afternoon ... ©5C

His daughter, Teresa, goes to school at

8.00 and goes home at 2.00.
Max doesn't see Teresa much. When
she's at home, he's at work; and when
he's at home, she's at school.

... is at school. ... goes to school.
... is at work. ... goes to work.
... is at home. ... goes home.

3 Are these sentences correct? Write / or correct them.

Max goes to work aJb 1Z.00.
a Max goes to work at 8.00.
b Teresa goes to school at 8.00.
c Teresa is at home in the afternoon,
d Max is at home in the afternoon,
e Teresa is at home in the morning,
f Teresa goes home at 2.00.
g Max goes to school at 12.00.

4 Answer the questions. Write sentences with at or to.

a What time do you go to work or school? ' M.

b What time do you go home?
Where? What time?
C79A, B c Where are you at 8.00 in the evening? '
d Where are you at 10.00 in the morning? -

Write in your language

We’re staying at a hotel.

He’s not at home - he’s at work.

What time are you going home?

Di rect io n pire positions
in(to), out of, on(to), off; along, across, up, down, through, over, under

Complete the sentences, using in, out of, on or off

Match the two parts of each sentence.
a Take the pizza 9f the box , and put it...the shelf.
b Take your clothes the bed and put it IT.. the oven.
c Take the milk the car ... and put them a plate.
d Take that book.the chair .. and put them the
e Take the plates the cupboard ... and put it the fridge,
f Take the potatoes the oven ... and put them the table.

2 Where does the cat go?

Write into, onto, out of or off.
a irf?.the room e the bed
b the cupboard f the table
c the cupboard g the house
d the bed h the garden

B Phrases along the road, under the bridge

To get to the park, you go ...

Link 1 along the road

C24 Giving 2 under the bridge

directions 3 up the steps
4 over the bridge
5 down the steps
6 across the main road
7 through the gates
/A r .# A"

1 up down along across through over under

3 Choose the right word.

Go (a) ^^
[/] across , ^ ^ Ell across a gate,
the street, (b) zr
I_I along Q through
LJ up j , EE under
(c) _ some steps and (d) — a door.
I_I down EE through

Go (e) ^ □ across a river,

□ along

1_I down

□ “'“S a road and (h) □ across the field.

□ over □ along
I I down , , I I down
Go (i) the car park, (j) some
I I across I I across

I I under I I under
steps, (k) a road and (1) a bridge.
I I along I I along

4 Match the signs with the sentences. Complete the sentences.

a [5] You can go out .this door.

b I I Go_the stairs to the office.
2 1500m

c I I It costs 75(t to drive_the bridge.
d I I Go___the stairs to the toilet.
e I I You can’t ride your bike this path.
f I I Turn on your lights when you go_the tunnel.
g I I The bus can’t go__that bridge.

EXIT Toll Bridge

Bikes 25<t:
-It Cars 75<t
Buses €2.00

Take the pizza out of the oven ...

... and put it on a plate.

Go along this road and over the bridge.

Giving directions
go down/along this road; go straight on; turn left/right (at); go past

A Phrases Go along this road and turn left

®\ Excuse me. How do

I get to the station?
V__^ ^-—-
Excuse me. Can you tell
me the way to the station?

J)72 Imperatives
Go along this .
Can you ...? C77A
road and turn left,
How ...? O80A
get to C31C '.T^UKi,

station, bank,
cinema... 035A
along 023B

( - ! ^
Go down this road
and turn right.
_ j
Go straight on
along this road.

How do I get to
the station?
Can you tell me the way to

-this foacE i-Gestf^hton - thl8^#©8€lj=f^- :>

down j

1 Read the directions. Complete the questions.

a How do I get to .pooL.?
Go along this road, then turn right and Station Hospital

go straight on.
b Can you tell me. ?
Go down this road and turn left. Then
turn right and go straight on.
c How do I. ?
Go along this road and turn right. Then
turn right again and go straight on.
d Can.?
Go down this road and turn left. Then
turn left again and go straight on.
e How.?
Go along this road and turn right. Then
turn left and go straight on.
2 Complete the answers.
How do I get to the bank?
Go (a) .this road and turn (b) c
How do I get to the station? t-';

Go (c)-this road. Then turn

(d)-and go (e)..on.

How do I get to the cinema?

Hos pital
(f) --this road and (g).. You are
Then (h)...again and (i)_ here

Turn left at the cafe

Link ■
cafe cinema

at 022A
Turn left Turn right Go past
at the cafe. at the traffic lights. the cinema.

bank | I restaurant
Go past the bank and turn left. Go past the restaurant and turn right.

left left 1
Turn at (the cafe). Go past (the bank) and turn j

3 Give directions.


super¬ bank

a ...the supermarket.
b ___the hospital.
c the bank.
d and
f -

Write in your language

Can you tell me the way to the bank?

Go straight along this road.

Go past the hotel and turn right.

man, woman, baby tall/short; short, brown hair, blue eyes (a boy) with (glasses,

A Vocabulary man, woman...



1 Complete the table. s

man 20+

Phrases She’s very short

\ Look at the identity cards.
very, quite ©45B
Height: Height: 7 ^ Height:
has 056A Im 50 Im 74 Im 65
green, blue .. . C47A Hair: Hair:
brown black

Anna Lomax is John Dunn is very Elena Rossi is quite Juan Perez is quite
very short. She has tall. He has fair hair tall. She has long, short. He has grey
short, brown hair and blue eyes. black hair and hair and brown
and green eyes. brown eyes. eyes.

2 Complete the tables.

f 3 Write about these people.
a Amy McLeod is quite tall
She has and

b Jon Dean

Now write about you.

I’tYl Have

C Phrases a iboy with glasses

a woman a boy a man
+ + +
long hair glasses ^ a beard

= a woman with long hair = a boy with glasses = a man with a beard

a woman long hair

a boy with glasses
a man a beard

4 Put the words in the correct order. Find the six people in the picture,
a man long with a hair fair
9I ^ mem wttlh -fair
a, an
b dog with a a girl

c black with woman hair long a

d a with beard man a long

e umbrella with an man a

f old glasses an with woman


Write in your language

; Is your baby a boy or a girl?

I He has dark hair and blue eyes.

He’s a tall man with glasses.

The body
face, eyes, nose, mouth large/small (ears), a long/round face; arms, legs, feet, tail...

1 Complete the instructions.

a long, thin face

Ed Brown has a long, thin
face. He has small eyes, a
small nose, small ears and a
small mouth.

Rita Brown has a round face.

She has large eyes, a large
nose, large ears and a large

round small mouth small eyes

a , ... face
long, thin large nose large ears

2 Write about the two children.
a Sam Brown has ^ round, -face.
,. and
b Sara Brown has . She has
, and

3 Write the parts of the body.

a taii_f

b - g
c _ b
d __ i
e - j

4 Match the sentences with the

a 0 It has four legs and a tail,

two, four, six, eight b Q It has a tail, but no legs or feet,

01A c Q It has eight legs, but no wings,
d Q It has wings and six legs,
e Q It has wings, two legs and a tail.
f Q It has two arms, two legs and
two feet, but no tail.

Write in your language

I He has long hair and large eyes.
j It has a long tail.

[ They have six legs and four wings.

dress, shirt, trousers wear, carry; put on, take off; get dressed/undressed

A Vocabulary They’re wearing

She’s wearing ...

He's/She’s ...-ing

a dress a skirt a top a coat jeans a hat

He’s wearing

a suit a shirt a jacket trousers

O jeans, trousers,

1 What are they wearing?

He’s wearinp ^ ..
She’s wearing ..
She’s wearing. .and
He’s wearing and
He’s wearing and..
She’s wearing and
He’s wearing and

2 Write sentences with wearing or carrying. Use words from the box.
g He’s wearing cl suit.
bag coat dress glasses
/suit suitcase umbrella

C Phrases put on, take off...

put, take 051B

take off a coat get undressed

You’re cold ^ you You’re hot you get dressed = get undressed =
put on your coat take off your coat put on your clothes take off your

3 Choose the right verb.

Links 0 Put on
a It’s cold today.,—, some warm clothes.
cold, warm. 1_I Takeojj
It’s raining C38
I I Put on
I’m hot, ill C48D b I—I . your shoes. They’re dirty.
1_J Take off
I I get dressed
c It’s 8 o’clock. Let’s ,—, , ^ and have breakfast.
I_I get undressed

I I put on
d I’m hot. I think I’ll,—, , my jacket.
1_J take off
I I get dressed
e I feel tired. 1 think I’ll,—, , and go to bed.
I_I get undressed

I I Put on
f It’s raining.,—, ^ „ your coat.
® U Take off

Write in your language

: He’s wearing a jacket and trousers.

; Put on some warm clothes.

Take off your coat.


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