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I observed three restaurants, cafes such as McDonald Dominos and chipotle
Mexican grill restaurants. 
The volume of demand is higher for these three industries, but McDonald's
demand is higher than the dominos and chipotle Mexican grill restaurants. 
The variety of menu items they service is wider because McDonald's offers
fast food such as French fries, a wide range of burgers, and many kinds of
soft drinks on their menu.  
Dominos offers a broader range of pizza, burgers, and other fast food items
and soft drinks on its menu. 
Chipotle Mexican Grill offers a full meal and a wide range of meat food.
The variation in demand as that in weekends, the demand of these
restaurants are increased rapidly and during midweeks, the McDonald and
dominos still higher compared to chipotle grills restaurants.
At the year last, winter season and Christmas, their demands are higher in the
The visibility of preparation of the food is limited in all three restaurants and
cafes, and the main reasons behind this limitation are their patents of food
processing and ingredients use. 
The impact of volume, variety, variation, and visibility on the day to day
management is higher because the employees feel stress and heavy
workload during the higher demand period in the evening and night, they have
to cook and deliver higher quality food and diverse range of food products for
their customers. 
Each operation attempts to cope with its volume, variety, variation, and
visibility by providing high-end training for its employees and appointing them
on the stores as per the demand at that location and work experience of the
employees to accomplish each operation more effectively and variety of food
making processes are distributed between the employees to motivate the
higher workload and management problems.

508443 Volume of demand Ritz restaurant has the volume demand of 200people during the day and
the weekends cater to greater volume due to the corporate customers visiting it from vicinity.
McDonanlds has a seating capacity of 50 people and is visited by close to 500 people in a day. The
consumers and the visitors are of all age groups here. The Maldives is a restaurant serving coastal
food and there are close to 150 visitors it caters in a day. the weekends are heavy for the restaurant.
Variety of Menu While Ritz serves Ala
3. Did the service meet your expectations? If so, what did the management of the service
have to do well in order to satisfy your expectations? If not, where did they fail? Why might
they have failed?

 NO. Since the pandemic started, safety protocols are implemented in every
establishment. With this, long lines and long waiting times are expected.
Management of each establishment can do nothing with long waiting lines because
they are following a protocol.
 It's not possible for management to control long
waiting lines because safety protocols are being
implemented in all establishments since the
pandemic started.
 Having implemented safety protocols in every establishment since the pandemic started, long
waiting times and long lines are expected

The Offering
The challenge of service-business management begins with design. As with product
companies, a service business can’t last long if the offering itself is fatally flawed. It must
effectively meet the needs and desires of an attractive group of customers. In thinking
about the design of a service,

The Funding Mechanism

All managers, and even most customers, agree that there is no such thing as a free
lunch. Excellence comes at a cost, and the cost must ultimately be covered. With a
tangible product, a company’s mechanism for funding superior performance is usually
relatively simple: the price tag. 

Charge the customer in a palatable way.

Create a win-win between operational savings and value-added services.

 Spend now to save later.

Have the customer do the work.

The Employee Management System

Companies often live or die on the quality of their workforces, but because service
businesses are typically people intensive, a relative advantage in employee management
has all the more impact there.
The Customer Management System
In a service environment, employees aren’t the only people affecting the cost and quality
of service delivered. The customers themselves can be involved in operational processes,
sometimes to a very large extent, and their input influences their experiences (and often
other customers’ too).
● If you were in charge of managing the delivery of these services, what would you do to
improve the service?

 Assisting a customer for their wants and needs can be an advantage. Offering a
good quality service and fast transaction can add value to their customer experience.
Such as providing chairs for the long lines especially for the elderly.
 • It may be advantageous to help a customer with their demands and needs. Offering
a swift transaction and high-quality service can enhance their customers'
experiences. such as offering seats to the elderly people waiting in the huge lineups.

 Err on the Side of Communication

 Err on the Side of Communication
Automate When Possible
 Track Employee Availability
Do Market Research
1. Route efficiency. Route efficiency is the process of determining the most cost-efficient
and productive route. ...
2. Fleet productivity. ...
3. SLA and on-time in-full adherence. ...
4. Identifying delayed deliveries. ...
5. 3PL performance. ...
6. Estimated Time of Arrivals (ETAs)
● If they wanted to, how could the service be delivered at a lower cost so that the service
could reduce its prices?

 Offering online system that can cater all he customer's needs. From purchasing to
buying and delivering the products. Also for offering services, having an appointment
which can be done also at online, means much greater to a customer. Investing on a
system can result to reduced cost but high profit.
 Investing in a system that can cater to all customers' needs, including purchase and
delivery. Having an appointment, which can be done online, means much greater to a
customer. This can lead to a reduction of costs

● How do you think that the service copes when something goes wrong (such as a piece of
technology breaking down)?

 The management should offer countermeasure immediately to avoid queuing lines.

For example is if the system goes offline, manual transaction can be done. Although
it may take a while, but still service is provided. Maintenance work should done
regularly to avoid such problems.
 •• To prevent long lineups, management needs to propose a solution right away. For
instance, manual transactions can be carried out if the system goes offline. Even
though it can take some time, service is still offered. Regular maintenance should be
carried out to prevent such issues.

● How do you think the service copes with fluctuation of demand over the day, week, month
or year?
These questions are just some of the issues which the operations managers in these
services have to deal with. Think about the other issues they will have to manage in order to
deliver the service effectively

 Accurate forecast can help an operation with their demand. Forecasting the demand
will dictate the volume of production and also the stock on the inventory. If the
inventory stock is in line with the production, there will be no problem on delivery the
product on the target lead time. Good quality products is also a must. We must
ensure that the products and services we offer is in good quality because the first
thing the customer has ever to see and check is the quality. Good quality means
good investment foe the customers.
 • An operation's demand can be helped by an accurate forecast. Demand
forecasting will determine the level of production and inventory inventories. There
won't be an issue getting the goods delivered within the intended lead time if the
inventory supply is in line with the production. Having high-quality goods is also
essential. We must make sure that the goods and services we provide are of high
quality because this is the first thing a consumer will ever notice and evaluate. For
the consumer, high quality represents a worthwhile investment.
Cross-training of staff

Flexible hiring solutions

Strategic use of part-time and temporary staff

Multi-channel support

Real-time monitoring


Being proactive in identifying customer needs and concerns and

addressing them before they become issues can help your company
avoid negative customer experiences, maintain customer loyalty during
volatile times, and avoid unnecessary backlogs in customer service
complaints or queries.
8. Knowledge management



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