Day 5 ADT06

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Day 5

Exercise 1

1. The most important principle is the “makes a product useful” and the least important
is “unobtrusive”.
2. Yes, things like household appliances such as blenders, televisions, telephones,
computers follow these rules.
3. Yes, because we should take a good look at whether something is really useful to us
than just buying it for popularity.

Exercise 2

1. kit
2. Gadget
3. Gimmicky
4. Headsets

Exercise 3

1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F

Exercise 4

1. No, not particularly because I think it is a service that is not going to give me any
advantage in my day to day to spend that amount of money. But if it was cheaper or
someone gave it to me, I would use it from time to time for entertainment.
2. I'm not sure but maybe a world with different things than ours could be a new
3. Visit past places or for example with the help of google maps to be able to go to any
country and walk through it.
Exercise 5

Exercise 6
Exercise 7

Exercise 8
Exercise 9

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