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By Sam Walhof

(Blackout. No lights up. Man emerges stage right, crawling on stomach, wearing a head lamp. Occasional
grunts as he approaches center stage, possibly maneuvering around obstacles. Important that the light
should not be pointed at the audience. Tape may be placed over the lens to dim the light.)

(Pauses. Heavy breathing.)

Almost there.
Been too long since I’ve been here. Almost took a wrong turn back there. What a great cave.

(Emerges from tunnel, first getting to knees)

Oh…wow. Just as beautiful as I remember it. (looking at the ceiling)

Wait, are those new stalactites?


I don’t remember those.

I mean its been a few years, but I don’t know if it’s that fast. Did I? (mentally retracing)

No, no, I definitely went the right way. Come on, John, you’re freaking yourself out cuz you haven’t been
here for a while.

(Pulls out phone. Hums something.)

I should get back. Out of shape. Turn around. It’s getting late.

(Begins crawling out same direction.)

(Grunts. Shimmies. Grunts again. Shuffles feet. Kicks. Kicks over box or something.)

(Grunts again louder)



Foot’s stuck.


No, NO, NO. Can’t be stuck.

(More squirming)

Ok, ok, calm down. Calm down John. Just gotta push out.

(Headlamp shuts off.)

Oh crap.
(Breathing intensifies, struggling, squirming. Cracks a glow stick)

No, no, No. Can’t be stuck.

Come on, come on.

Ok. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. (deep breathing)

I told Cass I was going here today, said I should be back before midnight. That’s 6 hours. He’ll come get

They’ll pull me out.

(still breathing heavily)

They’ll get me out.

I’ve got 4 more glowsticks, each lasts a half hour. Then I’ve got my phone battery. I can’t reach my
flashlight, but I’ve got enough light for 6 hours and food for a day. Two protein bars and a banana. I’ll
just have to conserve it. Got water too. Not expected to rain so shouldn’t have to worry about flooding.

They’ll get me out.

I’m gonna be good. Better not yell, John, you’ll tire yourself out.

(Pause. Breathing.)

(Humming, the same song as before, though weaker.)

(Lays on the glowstick so it is covered up.)


(Phone light turns on, then turns off.)

2% battery.

Why did I come here?

I shouldn’t have come here. I shouldn’t have come alone. I shouldn’t be stuck! How could I be so stupid?

This was not made for me! I was not meant to be here! I was not meant to die here!

(Pulls out phone, turns on.) Please don’t die on me.

Please don’t die.

Please don’t die.

(Phone’s light turns off)

(It is dropped)

(The man sobs)

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