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• Met – meet = bertemu

• Roommate = teman satu kamar

• Introduce = memperkenalkan
• Cool! = setuju
• Nice = baik
• Age = umur
• Coffe shop = kedai kopi
• Great idea! = ide yg bagus
Asking and giving directions
• Straight = lurus • Sidewalk = trotoar
• Left = kiri • Highway = jalan raya
• Right =kanan • Crossroad = perempatan
• Cross = menyebrang • Intersection = persimpangan
• Between = diantara • T-junction = pertigaan
• Behind = dibelakang • Walkway = jalan setapak
• Front = depan • Freeway = jalan bebas hambatan
• Beside = samping • Overpass = jembatan penyebrangan
• Across = seberang • Country road = jalanan pedesaan
• Roundabout = bundaran
Asking and giving directions
• Turn left = belok kiri • Go up = naiki
• Turn right = belok kanan
• Go straight = lurus terus • First = pertama
• Go past = lewati • After that = setelah itu
• Go along = telusuri • Then = kemudian
• Turn/go back = balik arah • Next = selanjutnya
• Go down = turun • Finally = akhirnya
• In front of = didepan
• Go over =lewati (atas)
• School = sekolah • Corner = pojok/
• Hospital = rs • City hall = balai kota
• Railway/train station = stasiun ka • Bus stop = halte bus
• Gas station = pombensin • Mall
• Building = gedung • Museum
• Park = taman • Hotel
• Market = pasar • Shop = toko
• Hill = gunung • Office = kantor
• Entrance = pintu masuk • Police office = kantor polisi
• Library = perpustakan
• Supermarket = supermarket
• Go down the hill, next there is my school
• Belok kanan di simpang 3 = turn right on the T-junction
• Pertama, jalan lurus sampai kantor polisi
• First, go straight to the police office
• Selanjutnya, belok kiri
• And then turn left
• Kemudian, belok kanan di persimpangan
• Then, turn right at the intersection
• Akhirnya, kamu akan melihat tokonya di sebelah kanan jalan
• Finally, you will see the shop on the right side of the road
• Belok kiri, kemudian lurus terus sampai di simpang empat
• Selanjutnya belok kanan
• Setelah itu, lurus terus, rumah sakitnya ada di kiri jalan

• Turn left, then go straight until the crossroad

• Next turn right
• After that, go straight, the hospital is on the left side of the road
• Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital?
• Excuse me, can you show me the way to the campus please?
• Excuse me, do you know the best way to go to AWS hospital?

• First, go straight, and then turn right, go straight, until the crossroad.
Then turn left, finally you will see the big building is on the left side of
the road.
• The nearest mall from the gymnasium?
• First, go straight until u-turn and then you turn right. Finally you will
see the robinson mall is on the left side of the road.

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