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Class8-Name REVIEW 8-1234568bcadbacd orge: quái vật imbue: thấm đẫm

Ex1.1. He ___________(receive) £300 when his uncle died. 2.The day we heard the news we ____________(have)
holidays with our family. 3. Why ________________(you/ not answer) my phone call last night? ~ Oh, sorry,I
___________(take) a shower at that time. 4.She _____________(not see) her father since he _______(start) to
work inMarseille two years ago. 5. My mother________(fly) home from London today. Her flight ________(arrive)
in an hour. 6. We decided not to go because it _____________(rain) very hard. 7.When I ________(be) a child,
my mother ______(read) me bedtime stories every night. 8.________________(you/ ever/ hear) a Vietnamese
folktale before? 9.The hare believed he would win the race, so he stopped _____________(take) a nap.
10. Once upon a time, there was a rich man _____________(live) in a village.
Ex2. 1. It was not a good idea for you to refuse the offer of that job.>You should____________________________
2.My teacher suggested that I spent the summer in England. >My teacher advised____________________________
3.The film is not as interesting as the novel was.>The novel ______________________________________________
4.Could you speak English when you were younger?>When you were younger, ______________________________
5.Could I borrow some change for the telephone?>Could you____________________________________________
6.It’s ages since my sister and I had an argument.>My sister and I haven’t___________________________________
7.While we were going home, we had an accident.>We_________________________________________________
8.I’ve been learning English for three years.>I started___________________________________________________
Ex3 1.a. sticky b. fairy c. story d. reply 2.a. honest b. human c. hero d. historian
3.a. looked b. stopped c. screamed d. missed 4.a. character b. church c. choose d. cheerful
5.a. procession b. confusion c. production d. tradition 6. A. stayed B. stopped C. booked D. polished
Ex4. 1.Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival ____________(hold) every year on the 9th day of the eighth lunar month.
2.Everything is going well. We ____________(not have) any problems so far. 3.Perfume Festival _____ (take) place
at the Perfume Pagoda on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. 4.Little Red Riding Hood_______________(walk)
through the forest when she met a wicked wolf 5._________________(you/ watch) this programme or can I turn
the TV off? 6.My friends and I ____________(not play) football at 3p.m yesterday because it was raining hard at
that time. 7. The Hung King Temple Festival ____________(recognise) as a national holiday in 2007. 8.When I
shouted, they _______(jump) off the roof and ______(run) away. 9.What ______________(you/do) when you’ve
spent all your money? 10.The Chinese custom of binding feet to make them smaller _______________(cease) in
the twentieth century.
Ex5 1.Tet, or Lunar New Year, is the most important f___________ in Vietnam. 2.In the UK, there are a lot of
c___________ for table manners. 3.Most Vietnamese people have family altars to w___________ their ancestors.
4.Saint Giong is a mythical h_____ who helped King Hung to defeat the An. 5.It’s important to p___________ our
culture for future generations. 6.Xoan singing is traditional f_____ singing originating from the northern province
of Phu Tho. 7.The Fox and the Grapes is one of the most popular f______. 8.At the beginning of the festival, they
p__________ a ritual of offering incense. 9.Millions of Japanese visit hometowns for family r________ during
the Obon Festival. 10.The o______ demanded the annual sacrifice of a young village girl to satisfy his blood lust.
Ex6 picturesque rituals goodness among perform spiritual held incense
Together with Bai Dinh and Yen Tu Pagoda Festival, Huong Pagoda Festival is(1)________ the greatest Buddhist
festivals in northern part of Vietnam. Huong Pagodafestival plays an important role in the (2)____________ life of
Vietnamese people in generalVietnamese Buddhists in particular. As other festivals in Vietnam, Huong Pagoda
Festival is divided into two parts: the ceremonies and the entertaining activities. Ceremonial (3)__________ consist
of incense offering procession and Zen ceremony in which Monks and Buddhists offer (4)________, flowers, candles
and fruits. During the ceremony, two monks (5)_________ beautiful and flexible dances. There are also entertaining
activities include enjoying boat cruise along Yen Streamfor watching (6)____________ scenery, climbing mountain
and exploring holy caves. In addition, cultural activities and sporting contests are also (7)____________ on the
occasion of Huong Pagoda Festival: boat racing, climbing, folk song singing, etc. The Huong pagoda festival is
imbued with national identity in which people are oriented towards Truth, Beauty, and (8)_________
Ex7 1. The Giong festival is held ___ the 9th day of the 4th lunar month. a. at b. in c. on d. from
2.Last year, my family _ tradition and travelled abroad during Tet holiday. a. broke with b. passed down c. kept on
3.The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as Moon Festival __ Harvest Moon Festival. a. but b. or c. so d. and
4.You__ eat squid, duck, or shrimp during Tet.They are seen as bad symbols. a. have to b. should d. shouldn’t
5.A _ is a traditional story, usually about animals, that teaches a moral lesson. a. legend b. fable c. folktale d. fairy
6. __ bad luck he had! a. How b. How a c. What d. What a
7.My salary is really low; __ I find the work incredibly rewarding. a. therefore b. moreover c. nevertheless
8.She tried to remain cheerful __ she had failed the test. a. even though b. because c. even if d. despite
9.While Amber _the tale, her friends were talking about another story. a. narrated b.was narrated c. was narrating
Ex8 My friends and I are having a (1)_ time at this year’s Roswell UFO Festival in New Mexico, USA. It’s a four-day
event that takes (2)__ every year in early July. Some people believe that an alien (3)_ – a UFO – crashed in a field
near Roswellin 1947 and the festival (4)__ that event. Not everyone believes this story, of course, but the festival is
still a lot of fun. Everyone dresses up (5)__ aliens for the Alien Costume Competition. The costumes are fabulous
and even family pets take part. There are dogs dyed blue and tortoises (6)__ in aluminium foil! Today we’re
watching the (7)__ down Main Street and tomorrow the firework display starts at 9 pm. They say it’s really amazing.
(8)_________ are some of the aliens you meet.
1.a. terrible b. fantastic c. leisure d. difficult 2. a. break b. part c. place d. time
3.a. spaceship b. race c. custom d. planet 4. a. symbolizes b. performs c. organizes d. celebrates
5.a. of b. as c. with d. by 6. a. covered b. filled c. included d. carved
7.a. companion b. scenery c. parade d. heritage 8.a. Such b. Much c. Neither d. So
Ex9 adj-comparative cheap expensive small hot intelligent bad big hard good important
1.An elephant is ____________ a mouse. 2. The weather today is ______________ it was yesterday.
3.A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is ________________ a ruby .4. A lake is _______________an ocean.
5.A person can think logically. A person is ________________ an animal. 6. The last question is _______________
the others.. 7.I can buy a bicycle, but not a motorbike. A bicycle is ________________________ a motorbike.
8. Good health is __________________ money 9.I think my second essay is ________________ the first. There
were many mistakes in the first essay. 10.The food in a street market is ________________ than in a supermarket.
Ex10.adverbs 1.It usually rains _________ in Central Viet Nam than in other regions. (heavy) 2.I will have to
try a bit ______. (hard) 3.The hall was lighted __________(bright) 4.Times goes by _______ when we are
busy. (quick) 5. Our family has lived _________ in the country. (happy) 6.The boys were playing the game ___
(noisy) 7.This task can be completed __________. (easy) 8.A tractor can plough ____________ (good)
Ex11.adv-cmparative generous optimistic healthy bad traditional quick sound good
1.A baby can sleep _____________ than an adult. 2.People in the country eat _______________ than people in
the city. 3.Our grandparents got dressed __________________ than we do nowadays. 4. Nick speaks English
_____________ than I do. 5.That old lady donates ___________________ than her family members. 6.City
people seem to apply modern techniques _____________ than country people. 7.The scientist talked _________
_________ about the future of young people in the country than local people. 8. The paddy fields in my village
were __________________ affected by the floods than the next village
Ex12. Adj/adv 1. I am a faster worker than Tom is. (fast)>I work ____________________________________ .
2.Mai’s singing is more beautiful than Mi’s. (beautifully)>Mai sings ____________________________________
3.We were earlier at the party than the Smiths last night. (early)>We arrived ______________________________
4.Phong’s voice is louder than Nick’s. (loudly)>Phong speaks ___________________________________________
5.My English is more fluent than my sister’s. (fluently)>I speak English ____________________________________
6.Nick is a careful writer than Phuc. (carefully)>Nick writes essays _______________________________________
7. A snail is slower than a crab. (slowly)>A snail moves __________________________________________
8. My father’s explanation about the subject was clearer than my brother’s. (clearly)>My father explained the
subject. ____________________________________ ________________________________________________
9. My cousin is a better singer than I am. (well)>My cousin sings _______________________________________
10.Phong is a faster swimmer than Phuc. (fast)>Phong swims _________________________________________
Ex13.“have to” positive or negative. open talk stop take decide get up send explain
1.We ______________early at the weekends. 2.I ________________ which job I want before the end of the week.
3.We _______________ the bus into the city center. We can walk. 4.You ________________ quietly in the library.
4.She _______________ the shop at 9 o’clock every morning. 5.We _____________ talking when the lesson starts.
6.You ________________________ the letter to him by post. I will see him tomorrow and I will give it to him then.
7.You _____________________________ it to me. I understand the problem.
Ex14“have to” and “should”.positive/negative 1.Your hair’s too long. I think you __________ get it cut.
2.Your clothes are dirty. You _________ wash them. 3.I’m going to bed. I ______________ get up early tomorrow.
4.I’d like to meet your best friend. You ________ invite him/ her round. 5.I ________ tell my parents where I am,
then they don’t worry. 6.You ___________ come with me if you don’t want to. I’ll go on my own. 7.If you need
some helps with your homework, you _______ go to the library. 8.If you have a ticket, you ________ queue. You
can go straight in. 9.You ________ tell lies. It’s wrong. 10.Nick works too much. I think he ________ relax.
11.When having a meal, you ________ pass all dishes using both hands. 12.You ________ stick your chopsticks
vertically in the middle of the rice bowl. 13.You ____________ eat directly from the serving dish. 14. You
____________ finish the food put on your plate because this shows respect for the cook and is not wasteful.

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