Essay Outline

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Essay Outline Name : Donavan Ratnasingam Section: S9 Topic : Is the increasing dependence on technology a good thing or should we be more

suspicious of their benefits. Stand : Against Thesis Statement: In my opinion, we should be wary of their benefits because it affects our health negatively, society relies too much on technology and the effect of technology dependence on our privacy.

TS1: Dependence on technology affects our health negatively. SD1: Dr. Cash says that people who abuse technology such as the internet usually struggle with other problems such as depression and anxiety. Over dependency can cause Internet addiction disorder (Kershaw 1) SD2: BlackBerry wireless e-mail devices, sometimes called CrackBerries because they are considered so addictive... said Rick Zehr (Kershaw 1) SD3: Cyber-bullying online can cause traumatic experiences for teens. CS1: we should be wary on the benefits of technology because it affects our mental health and physical health in a dangerous way.


As our fast paced world develops, technology in all type of forms becomes a necessity with keeping up with the demands. But, as society depends more and more on technology, they are affected slowly in negative ways

SD1: The growth of information technology has already surpassed our judicial system, leaving us unsure of how to regulate the Internet preserving basic human rights such as the freedom of expression and speech (Saidam 6). SD2: ...they have seen a social and ethical threat to human values (Joy 5) SD3: Biological species almost never survive encounters with superior competitors... Robotic industries would compete vigorously among themselves... (Joy 3) CS2: As much as technology is helping our society cope up with the modernization that is rapidly growing, it also affects our society in way that might threaten mankind.


The rise of technology gives us the power to gain any type of knowledge so fast that books become insignificant. However, with this huge database, our privacy becomes questionable.

SD1: In China...human search involves people connecting via the Internet to track down information for one another, often to search for someone perceived as having done something wrong (Greenmeier 1) SD2: Social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, even though they have privacy settings, can be hacked to view personal information on someone. - employee of a firm called Skull Security compiled and released personal data on more than 100 million Facebook users... (Figueroa 1) SD3: Another privacy issue is phishing and RFIDs. These are e-mails that pretend to be from a legitimate source. ...The Japanese are also concerned with the loss (either through theft or carelessness) of personal
information that they have entrusted to companies.(Greeenmeier 1)

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