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Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition Practice Series

King of Nāga Lords1

Holy Name Mantra
Chom dän dä de zhin sheg pa dra chom pa yang dag par dzog
päi sang gyä rin chhen ö kyi gyäl po me ö rab tu säl wa la
chhag tshäl lo
To Bhagavān, Tathāgata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha,
King of Jewel Light, Thoroughly Illuminating Fire Light, I prostrate.


As you recite the mantra, visualize that you are being purified of these four:
sickness, spirit harm, negative karma, and disease; and especially think that
any nāga harm is purified.

May the nāga kings, Joy2 and Nearly Joy;3 the devas with devotion
to holy objects; and also the kings and the benefactors, as well
as other sentient beings who are in poverty, all have long life
without sickness and achieve everlasting happiness.

May all the people of every country be guided by a Dharma King

according to the Dharma, and may everyone enjoy the happiness
of Dharma by generating love and compassion.

Dedicate for the long life of His Holiness and all other virtuous friends—may
they have long lives and may all their holy wishes be successful.

I will dedicate all my merits in the best way, as the three times
buddhas and bodhisattvas do, to quickly attain enlightenment.

Composed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in March 1994.
Revised by Ven. Tenzin Tsomo and edited by Doris Low, FPMT Education
Services, July 2022.

1 Tib. klu'i dbang gi rgyal po, Skt. Nāgeśvararāja.
2 Tib. dga' bo, Skt. Nanda.
3 Tib. nyer dga' bo, Skt. Upananda.

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