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Name: ……Nguyen Hong Khanh Ngoc………... I.D. …22002463………….........

Class: EAP5-0623-2
Assignment: (please circle) Res. Report Lit. Review Res. Essay

Assignment Question: (write out in full) …………………Which factors do

students take into consideration when shopping online?………………………
Due date: …14..…/…7..…/…2023…. Date submitted: ….13.…/…7..…/…2023……….

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Teachers: Ms. Jeske & Mr. Huy

Student name: Nguyễn Hồng Khánh Ngọc

Student ID: 22002463

Class: EAP5-0623-2

Due date: 11/07/2023

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 5
METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 6
RESULTS .............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 1............................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2............................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3............................................................................................................................... 9
DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................... 11
REFERENCE LIST ................................................................................................................ 13
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 15

In most nations around the world, the coronavirus pandemic in 2019 has had a substantial

impact on consumer shopping habits. Consequently, online shopping is more popular than

shopping in traditional stores. There are various components that affect how the buying

behaviors of customers change, so a survey was undertaken to have a comprehensive

understanding of this. The goal of this research project is to find out what factors have an

influence on the online purchasing preferences of young people. In order to collect data for the

study, 51 individuals in Ho Chi Minh City were given a questionnaire with 15 questions at

random. According to the findings of study, cost, time, and convenience were the three

primary factors that students took into account while making purchases online.

People from all over the globe have quickly increased their purchasing demands as a result of

the rapid expansion of both the economy and society in today's world. There has emerged,

together with the proliferation of the internet, a new mode of purchasing that is distinct from

the more conventional method of shopping. These days, individuals of all ages, and

particularly younger people, are more likely to buy online than they are to go to physical

stores. As a result, online shopping has become an increasingly attractive alternative to

conventional shopping. In this research, we will explore which elements have an influence on

the consideration that students provide when they purchase online.

There are a lot of surveys being conducted nowadays concerning the considerations that

college students take into account while doing their internet shopping. The findings showed

that customer views regarding internet purchasing were impacted by utilitarian orientation,

convenience, price, and a broader variety (Delafrooz, Paim & Khatibi 2010). It was stated that

the research specifically takes into account three critical factors: the ease of the shopping

channels, the features of the product type, and the perceived price of the goods

(Chiang & Dholakia 2003). Khalil (2014) claimed that the top concerns of consumers are

security and privacy. Price, trust, convenience, and recommendations are some of the elements

that influence internet purchases.

However, those investigations failed to conclusively demonstrate whether the variables

affected learners and their cautious purchases via the internet. Therefore, the goal of this study

is to find out the aspects that directly influence the views of customers about internet


Between Tuesday, June 27, 2023 and Friday, July 14, 2023, at ISB campus, research was done

for this study. Within any institution and from any social group, 51 people participated in the

poll. The people were all Vietnamese. They live in Ho Chi Minh City and their ages range

from 16 to 22. A total of 51 individuals took part in the research project, with men making up

35.3% of the participants and women making up 64.7%.

A questionnaire that was made using Google Forms and utilized to survey registrants served as

the study instrument. The survey consisted of 15 questions, including one open-ended question

and 14 closed-ended ones. Three sets of questions were created in order to find out more

detailed information. Information on demographics was covered in the first question group

consisting of the first two questions . The second group comprising the following nine

questions was to research the practices and elements that affect internet shoppers. The last

group including two remaining questions looked at how consumers felt about doing their

purchasing online.

The whole questionnaire was filled out and submitted by each respondent in between 5 and 10

minutes. Google Forms gathered and analyzed the data after receiving all participant replies.

To assess the outcomes, the data was converted into percentages and shown graphically using

different charts and graphs.


Figure 1

The amount of time that individuals choose to purchase online each day is shown in the bar


As we can see from the chart, with a comparable and highest rate of 47.1%, 7 pm to 11 pm and

after 11 pm were the times for which consumers chose to make purchases online. With 17.6%,

the two time periods when customers often purchase online—7 am to 11 am and 11 am. to 3

pm—were responsible for the second-highest rate. 13.7% of purchases made online occurred

between 3 pm and 7 pm, which was the lowest percentage ever.

Figure 2

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who are aware of doing internet shopping.

About 68.6% of users say others heard about the service they use via social media.

Furthermore, there were 21.6% of users who learned about their site via friends. However,

newspapers were the only source of information, no one was aware of the internet buying site.
Figure 3

The offered pie chart highlights the significance of the convenience factor and its impact on

the hesitation of clients when they choose to make an online purchase.

The data shows that 20 participants (or 39% of the sample) considered convenience to be an

absolute need when making an online purchase. The proportion of people who chose that

convenience factor was important; to witness the same data as the previous rate. Meanwhile,

11 people (or 22%) said that internet purchasing convenience was at least somewhat

significant to them.
Figure 4

The graph demonstrates how product pricing affects individual decisions about making

purchases online.

During online purchasing, the majority of participants (63%) believed that the product prices

is either expensive or cheap, which was moderately important to them. Contrarily, 2% of

customers said that the price of the product had no importance on their buying decision.

The purpose of this study was to determine which variables influence the decisions that

customers make when purchasing online. Cost, availability of time, and ease of use were

hypothesized to be the three most important determinants of whether or not customers made

purchases through the Internet.

The third chart supported the hypothesis. Online shopping offers a higher level of ease

compared to conventional shopping methods, which encourages customers to do their

shopping there (Chiang & Dholakia 2003). The majority of respondents agree that purchasing

online is convenient (Khalil 2014). The third research finding, which identified the most

prevalent reason why customers preferred it, was concurred upon. Convenience aspects

unquestionably play a significant influence when individuals purchase online. This saved a lot

of time for those who were busy or who were too exhausted from mall shopping since

consumers could only purchase products they wanted on online shopping platforms without

going to the store.

The fourth chart demonstrated the hypothesis that the price of products is one of the most

crucial factors that clients consider when purchasing online. The price factor encourages

customers because it is frequently less expensive to make purchases online than in person

(Khalil 2014). Customers believe that the prices of products on e-commerce platforms are

frequently less expensive than those of retail stores in the market. Additionally, customers can

easily compare prices between stores for the same product, which makes it possible for them

to purchase products that are within their price range.

There are certain restrictions on this survey. Time is the first constraint (the survey was

completed in 2 weeks). The large number of respondents (51) next compromises the

objectivity of the survey. Additionally, the creators of the survey had a maximum number of

participants, which made it necessary to ask more varied questions concerning the topic under
study. Surveys will need to be done over longer periods of time in the future, coupled with an

increase in the number of participants and those participating in survey creation.


Chiang, KP & Dholakia, RR 2003, ‘Factors driving consumer intention to shop online: an

empirical investigation’, Journal of Consumer psychology, vol. 13, no.1-2, pp.177-183,

viewed 11 July 2023,












Delafrooz, N, Paim, LH, & Khatibi, A 2010, ‘Students’ online shopping behavior: An

empirical study’, Journal of American Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.137-147, viewed 11 July 2023,



Khalil, N 2014, ‘Factors affecting the consumer’s attitudes on online shopping in Saudi

Arabia’, International journal of scientific and research publications, vol. 4, no. 11, pp.1-8,

viewed 11 July 2023,











1. What is your gender?

• Male

• Female

• Prefer not to mention

2. How old are you?

• < 18

• 18 - 22

3. How much time per day do you spend on online shopping?

• Less than 1 hour

• 1-3 hours

• 3-6 hours

• More than 6 hours

4. At what time of day do you shop online? (can choose more than one option)

• 7a.m - 11a.m

• 11a.m - 3p.m

• 3p.m - 7p.m

• 7p.m -11p.m

• after 11p.m
5. How did you find out about the online shopping platform that you use?

• Friends

• Advertisement

• Social Media ( Facebook, Tiktok,..)

• Newspaper

6. Which platforms do you prefer for online shopping? (can choose more than one option)

• TikTok shop

• Shopee

• Tiki

• Lazada

• Amazon

7.Which aspect influences your consideration for online shopping platforms?

• Reputation

• Friend/Family recommendation

• Convenience

On a scale of one to five ( Not Important -> Very Important)

8. Which factors do you pay attention to when online shopping?

• Diversity of products

• Discount online

• Various payment method

On a scale of one to five ( Not Important -> Very Important)

9. What motivates your decision to purchase an online product?

• Price

• Location

• Location

• Quality

On a scale of one to five ( Not Important -> Very Important)

10. What kinds of products do you prefer to purchase from online shops? ( can choose more

than one option)

• Fashion

• Cosmetic

• Stationery

• Technology

• Furniture

11. How much money do you spend on online shopping per month?

• Under 1.000.000

• 1.000.000 - 3.000.000

• 3.000.000 - 5.000.000

• More than 5.000.000

12. Which payment methods do you prefer to use?

• Credit Cards

• Digital Wallets

• Cash on delivery

13. The advent of online purchasing has made life better.

On a scale of one to five ( Completely disagree-> Completely agree)

14. Can online shopping replace physical stores?

On a scale of one to five ( Completely disagree-> Completely agree)

15.What do you think about the role of online shopping nowadays ?

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