Modern Algebra Short

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Meduu Alazbam Pao eenkien ' 1) Ceswe it a#b eb Ns abeb 2) Assoctaivily avec) = Geb)¥e 2) Frishave of tily + Lee 3 = en =O Rit: aee =o J 4) Enislence 4 Tuvrre Idt: a'sa=e Bish 1 ore 5) Dwisililly » VY aib € G doy such Hal : Aaorn=b wd you al 6) Commu lafiity — arb = bea Vt rrr 6h hLSlUm UU | eee ee eee ee eh P Wag ws = Crtoupelsl Es Beak ide Conmpbdinity | = — Areca: ily SS davolibilily Abelim Group un Divisbile hy Theos. Grd) t Ibeusi 2) Datque wens of _Luvesire 3) ¢ alton laws L Big hel Bon Lt] wn) Cadbt = evosa, . | ee . 5) y (oe) tee Semi group flab Sakis eo divisibi hy then 2 ik hy co Gpouf> od 0) Y (be) ts a Seni -qeous auch ComerMat ou lowes bole dhe tt ty a Group _|2)_ YG.» 5a Ghoupotl dmc rt saltsfios cusectolvtly Cwack : > pdt tyvew 1) Wipe Right tuvese | on Cae 2) Right weubi abs Jd 7 ewe Then tis a gpoup. # | Coml position Table : , : f Co)*) att Linite : 5 th L I | —) Commudahive i 9 Fplcs niche ee ouly then tf fs a GeuP 2) x table in symmetnt oronad Aitgoudl = Gurmudative — ™ a ee pz! Ep in_paee d 2) ia ae In peat - ifs) = fm) 5 Cpdtenl* anf) = hfyp-ty = f= L} Pa eel t Tiowetry ah bigecKion blo ‘eups tot pacsenven dist b/s wo _peb+ Sesuselry : AK Joo me Lay Hoot beeps the Ligure tase hanced j bi Rh 1 hc | Oerdes, a a Group No« 6 elem tha seu PAE ef, the Saou » Ob). Order At chew such Hak Lom Some AEG arse Ente smallest suk vo ) Propestien : ) O68 = OC"), | 2) O@ =n Me’ faze > nlm 4 3 Ofad=n 2 fa, ~ —-a™otze ane dishuct § hk) P= > Ole) = nw a . ged Cu w) Primitive elewic: — elem = "le q pup Yaorenticn : 0» Eta, Oytlte group ip Malin [ean Labe J 2) yy, Priuibve elem» ah i _Aedup ta cult 3) bs» thes at abo A. geuerates __ + 4) ¥, Gitp fivile dheu__0(G) = O@) =n. 5) % nwo at ancl yeh O(GI=% aud b= £4? a ee aX, #eN Ip ale « generaten pea excl aed (ajwd= de 6) Ne. pats a uw) [0G.>% 3) y Gee they LaF PAA Zaty only generabars fal gape hee (he) tal | aceup aud ac Gene) 1) Both gpcup and Subgroup heave Some techy eee. D_Y (6,4 Vir 6 group and Welr then if aeh, beh => (athb)en ) py and nek a a then (Ww) fs ubggeup el (Gu) at [ 3) Y Core) od hE such tnt koh Meus if ag Yabeh =» arb! &h Ch, +) fe subgsoup of Lor +) 4) Wak 6 4) tra baltgh ist Chiao) UR ATE Also 5 (Wvkit) Subgsoup i Wenios ke 6) by a tuclic fs ‘ | Cyclic wboroups : DY b has Paine. coder amd 1h gyclte thew tf ho» Holl pene ivial Subgioups oy) A eye te gpeup of Orden ma hor one and i ue tve_dliviboa, oa. H)Y_b har pace. iit Pew jt hes only oo sulspoup “LY i eyelte ] 2 g vy) ed Ky sea ialvear they” Ku By “Subgseup te i kk_[ hey lel 3) Y tris alton Bovinnt then + al leant ne Vpoup ieee Calis oud Coubaline 1 Coulte > 2 (0) = fret [reg> gon vaeeF “Centnalizer Cla) = freq [ Reasasn ] Both Zale Cla) one ngeup Zin ; =G Fi if G Patio. 1 2G)h alwous abelian Ch) my @ subopeup of (G0) Lal Jack Inen Pole Cok: Na Ghea | hen§ Corsets: F Faopeniion )_¥ ben then ok =k ad Bye K 2) Y ge Gk Hon. aha kK=d atti = 2H “hoo Se i aa : Mealieah of h) Ja |= [bx] seid vans 5) If ara eee Dan 2h eee i) beat iff otbek - ih - eT _W be ka sluoet We li | Le eT =r aden of Hin tr =? O06) OM) Thm! Evy gneup ol Prime poder i fuse bw ote, <6 > Abelran mt “Lageouge The 3 yf (CTE EN s6oup wel Ol =n then Onder ol. ous elenti a_= Ola) seaki>| fen ola) | OG) Con tugale Of om. Chena: i - — dust be noaon! bis the corhunate Aa ‘auch svite vesnm Olay = Olb) abo Olo+b) =O (b¥a) G= [inile ee Piru -Y, ploto) Hew eens fat, Ola) = P 3 Ole) 26 io Cucli zi [> $e owl G ane taiviad (unptopa ) sSubssenpe 16 # [Bovponeat of a Group: Jest porible Ola) fer an elem: ie Gr 3 Git> Melim then Ola) =m (b= =O) = ‘Lom (mn) [eran J aE Yo Normal Subgoups : Ch as) — if, hozah Yaeb {nh a Sues oup of bn ome PothJe2 Hen “al Mae | 2) ZC) AG §)_KsG [Viek Fre Unter] rrr on ond fe) S noup * b_h ho hormal subago ofhes Single _guoup cath! Saupe Muokent Group / Factor Ghaup ‘ WAG amd Sts set oh al. losels ol M tala | | abo ake bu = abK Hen | | Gin = Cs 4) — duohent Grreup Yaopen Hes * Chiron) | »d yf kip Subopeup of Ge aud Gifs abelian ten GLU _ ty commutative 2) IK i> cyclic. i G Te cuclic dg Jd $pe tah Gives 3 a Git) * Square malice ra prden uw _ such fat ech all thet eutates hed - b (B= GiGye) 2) Sil RY: detonsiatuact =f for GLCny IR) Sy me dave Goours 0S)) : ars a wl posite ious — [ths A pormnlatiows tam be enpaeneel ad 2-aler . fot Aaawoperi hows : ———— r | Y___wo. &| tacwrpesilions = ever =? vey prednulations _|cothenvire old permutation =e E ss A Sef v ahi ! — af alh_even prow fun_{ul } a Commutative «= 3 Non= ommutatine 2 4 Codes el om acle fs 6 Or bes, do Peimnlahion ona finile set ts he Loom af legtas of ibs dindeint cycles Law Vihednal Gaeyp (D,_): “ “Thxe ake Sroaup fo tolate / © aa oS 2g fo aellect Bo) Coy) These com be Ge presciledl by ponuuta tions eg. f+ Lui = 126° polation. 3) V = fab Lateot= (a= e ea (ier a | = : ae | R=6 Tatd geoup | — ‘ = nna OLD, ) = 010, )=8 Heflechtaus € folatiows , . OCS, ) = 2h ald | el : Top) = 2x] i : ea Lows Shoup 2X 7 Ttis wot Caclte (A148) fs Abeltenn aad Cyelte 2} (7, = ira) te Aoelitem 9 OO) =¢l) 4) No « Zye=QCn) = Unit_@ Z%, + fuT mre wittel 2, if Wer eor= [vit =[1] BME a wart = Te DO) _ ae Ts Dhabily: Cesmalired ) J y Cy pO = = Oy cod gpl (2 eS, Sis! Wie eb oy te te - tha eu Lnbpa mtae aD hed JuveZ ee Oned. y gel (aby A h) wZ oe f Optm, t2m 2) 5) fy Cvsit dudtouien gtoup T OO.) = 8 amch ik ty Wor- abelien Q, = Veiik [ee cei = br etyk ze f Qs - 2 abl ak=e, at=b*, bap ath} Psi, et sg thd . idldsicig i » Taepatio 4 An sb sil bilgi : i 4). Y_ fo. pnellens cnacly. Late it — particular cadiea Coy m). cM i 1) 6/2 Cin st gyelie_ Ola st abelin a 3) 6) 20a) Cant be bons auial cyclic LW) ne bee ben | bik & G/M (ins) 5) 4 KEECH on VAG Hen WAL AO) yah te bette deh eho Gn eet VK hilplere HAG) 3h such Hat “Kk =H aud He pee he Did 7 AeK a ae Ts ed. Legange's th “ a. eal aal bel ow! ads $$$, Peed] pa _ PPS eee if fetus Bo ak] IGL = te 1660] [Rod | 4) CG) contatwr 9 onl 2 (Gr) 2) C@) = & ce Zh) © Cle) =$03 2) ([Ut@) =[G!:c@)] = on) al a lel cel) oCcilar) & Clad Clann Eg" 2 Ole) = Oe) +1 Gd} +1 C1@>) ~~ + [Cllo, >) Ee eee v hon -cevlaand lem. &/ 2 —T Tne ene ere al aoe Cie — ane calle er u mz) Grroup of. pedis 9* In either curlic os ytedluet Tega ani SL SEES ti ote as ff heel il ou hich, Geidpinc eS eet @=C*) 4] 4 ae Y_p deem t divide OCs) 7 ___| Hee eae TERCIERT: (Ig amoreneetes | Pooper tien ‘ | 1 | 4) Conthe 4, P= Group i vous faryvi< 1 | | voy faue el eater gio abeliour : 4 8 F > i che Shuph WW NAG: i) PR yew ten OGDEN Wh) Ne ho) Hel “new = 2 02) “pban| i] al mi ad Pi: & —+G,* o.9 ie (a26) = ta) ¥ Ws) a AO) Feed ce ee Moxowospliow i__on¢ one. sepia: Lin wotyphi sn a Ou? —one ornol orto CBee hve ) - Auto mone his. 2 be + & =G* 2 Esdomsiplivn + G=G Hemowenp in # Fasoes oan 1) GG then?! 4828 fi b)_o (ar) = - Q g(a") = L4ra) J “ oe (a)] 2) oe (play) [Om acG acl O(a) taf inile f \ bk = 7 bla) | cca? X\ 3) b sub G i iy I hiswe t <_< || - ia : { as | sited Do br ablion FS O abelian 2) bn Cyc [re = 6 exyebic. v ain ASR te Mie, SACRE MS its hoarse sich Ke Hey fi) £G, LEYS A cia ICH ata ae fA Stes Bl OSE AC I srs | tn f= faeG [b@) eek Barnchs 2 2) ken G6 AG 8) Zh th one -oue beng =e, 4 [Of aa oplatnphtons flew , Ip (se iucepow 2 best Sean 1 toy Kb th om {nowcpl ie: ai }) DG) =o (dm) oem wy Iefe taet | | it uae ties sal SG Cabin Lgl] ¥U | i ~ J ae F . : = ie ia Bing eee 6 PL j » | ‘ 4 (By*) ip om aleliius chile Aiea , en ' pid 35 3 - (arb)e care thee Fawesiice tayo ask B: (bee) s& webtare Comulative Big lel Reee) ec. | Eee owl, elo + CB) bos ons isetil, im eG. (2+ +) = Commutative aia DI telenls (27,41) > Cowmmlabive A wl out (uC), +,* ) =» Bing sf Sileadily ie [Palassonial Bigs CPt) od eR pO) = gt = Ag x" o) (a. a, eR Rind = 7 Sef dll pind { (Ror, OG) > Moa Bag ee Divison fh Zeho * x O-620 ond b-a =O ewenwhey 270, 0. Taligal dealin Liheryplt- oe a. | A Semel aay a a. ‘vison A 2610. Atte. 20 then @=0 o4b= | Rs Bake Mecchive snverre Hin an tn tegpal demain o/ vaubip ie. Pah oD gee Abello jpaup Legs Bt) Cea) eae 4. Subsings anal _Sublinthy > +4) S76, S¢R few, a Subdina, i: ie Gy 644) (Re) | (iy (3+) is clorvcl under wad bip faxhton 1 2) OO» to =. 2S West sap equivalent | Gite Seen Cockition e & e é f ' 4 J ie ! Tare suber Couson ga Bing : ZR) 2(R = 3 AER aa can VaeR | \ CR \ Ks i Kk aonel iD. a-b ek | v) ablek SE eS oT han a | ees mr as BANE Legal es Att Or Division Bing ee 43 .™ Bes 6) ge | ee re ae Te <)> ep sing i Ya beh a:6=O Z(e) = fa+ bie labezy vi Ly Subsiug of BR > TH fy Om judegral donee ee Zl) = brawarowr lege QT] Sbrawsliue manberr aE ee a ull ee ee r ~ Sata bsack tdl lable me ae ; ws _) Sp “Ven 2s Commutative of elt 1 ees hPa Sold) Bw 5 ban 40 Livi, as a oe.) See by a 2) = ivel Phe Aig is ho biveson ; kes field is #1 et phe Cubes : bye ane | lads 276720 We poe ee 4 14 | | Be choose aye Zp. ; p ee = Ay) tha a iE) oe | Now 15¢ need to coud volte ph i i a a | ke dl He value fm me oOo. ti is ae Aer PS JOP ahaa (og 2, yon ys Fs nat | : : : | | OR. = al 2t=x ,2€% { ae ’ | | On = * OOO eer! fe) sees | | — =4 wod8 7 AQP ag =F poy fT} aa ph ane Min Coren , ap) Ww L {. fo nya fy Pa® =R* cides YL. Ets li KF PQ ond Ue on |... gate he Same _Lwe Saeeerns o a = be) Se a eae oe a a BL, ss perce sie) -~ wigs CD ee za _ ae S$ | + 0 ROR H Sh ere = 72> wo (i) 2am =6 wad I FAVE oP Rew Plas) 3 an? canrh 2y ye = Bn tay = = Bra | = Ratt ah ia Also & pas he Wen E hy ce | il, CN Ay aan pen ge So Galois Field Gowrtauehion eee Polynomial sing Tp we went te wake Galeis Held q endenp where 7 is Aina € jets eb lp a [5B ae pe = a 2 ep ooh sad a oe er ade ae ne a MES le ps ee 1 ee co © AU Quan ga be e | 4A 4 nia uae 7 | e 4 tpg te 7 Pel, apie ; Overall _& pal, wor als ; | gol, mourele Bl -Reywan Elion & ® OTe E ) co | E | x oto : Atl eC a I ' we [eo ’ mA\ (eat j Rr Leo aa AX Petal ; t a a ead Se a a — we oll wake the me Loe Ld ; 2 = 1 cs 1 aria a z = prea ite toon tak eae ae alle a Ral ele eee Deas iets il ag" a stebapoup dve otf _t fs loomorphic 4 ate ss sax ep § (6 § jh eial x oss ——— ee Yea eal, “40. ays Jeu —_——— e 1a) be = G—9G (a) = gtr tpn G , easutde Howat So G7 SC) stud Cech clont 12) flen __e_map q& a fy Oa mono neh Phi aw i Coverabdition) = Avaleg H a_coxt jones Cina, | T et > eR then ase L = Pel” C12) > Cored ade bead ip cm ideal sae Soiacipal ted dg buldiples of im Lak =Pa = Tim [eR Y Tainclpal Nl = Neaval slope —/—/—— pee [ es steal teal aod. oul ee and P thas Fel, a 4] deo Chede — F ees laa a [tien steal Wes ab et | Queliewt Bing = Chalo Cupkinnt gion) - | (aeI).*(b47) = (ath ed | Cas) (bed) = (ath (| bey pone 6 Lemoaphie to Gr if gis Suniel Cremeral Gilkey in (nowenp htc: fo tay) Eis: tn 35 free imp fs From osphreto® E Ikra zd deal ola [yf gE Peed 3 oud _g fa oll priece Fw leat Geo 1) al A et. We ered fos won fy, dee a ® a eabiianee wre Aiton all elon ¢ ‘slo ) lok aud & © ied ql zh 3B Leddy tule +4 = 3 (wed) | Eg Fey t= 9 a ac, wax Soy AEC ) =G 41 ’ : = Ji us nee a Ay Faolent iws ue Feaong hi toe +t ee # a Ts Fa oe Me Tel « Pp - 2 = ¥ EM ) gl | Let Ke : ; ar | =p fen E/h in supree shuqul : 4 i Sifts hauls | E : pelt #2 (My )= Gal | Ely is Super shrgulus tlh {20 t Schoe) f yp Pat ig 24 1 %4 fheve EUr ) is cyclic yr yi > Ele) =2, 87, (a) if to and ge ae EUR ) ip tucliz Ts Ye teo od 4 = Shodh) if The apn E reat; gol : Focalcule — aipiirey sel pe Oven x te. 0e Pe to Jed Ain “such Meat: j= arg i Then 4 zt a 8 por) = = 90) - QO) FRO —_| —r | L Btn) saat IO +t) ff a a 5 f ® —§ « 5 ee | _ & —— z e [(=1yoa1) Dn) ae +, = [+ (nti) (ane1) conte ee as (One = | _wo (rS<2na! )

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