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Direct CO2 Transformation to Aliphatic Polycarbonates

Masazumi Tamura,*[a] Yoshinao Nakagawa,[b] and Keiichi Tomishige*[b, c]

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (1 of 20)

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Abstract: Reduction of CO2 emission is an important issue all engineering plastics and intermediates for polyurethanes.
over the world, and the development of effective trans- There are many reports on the synthesis of polycarbonates
formation methods of CO2 into valuable chemicals is highly from CO2 and cyclic ethers such as epoxides and oxetanes,
desirable. Among various potential products derived from however, the reports on the synthesis from CO2 and diols are
CO2, polymers are one of the promising target chemicals in limited. In this review, we summarize the recent progress of
terms of the production amount and CO2 fixation to solid direct polycarbonate synthesis from CO2 and diols and
materials. Therefore, the direct synthesis of polycarbonates explain the potential and issues for industrialization based on
from CO2 has recently attracted much attention because the characteristics of the reaction systems.
polycarbonates including polycarbonate diols are useful

1. Introduction ethanes and polyureas are promising targets because these

polymers are useful engineering plastics and long-term fixation
CO2 is the main component of greenhouse effect gases, and the as solid plastic materials is expected. Polycarbonates are
concentration in the atmosphere is increasing year by year due thermoplastic resins and are mainly divided into aromatic and
to our economic growth. Therefore, the temperature steadily aliphatic ones. Aromatic polycarbonates are the most prevailing
increased by more than 1 K from 1900,[1] which causes various ones having bisphenol A derivatives as the main frameworks.[6]
issues such as abnormal weather, desertification, increase in On the other hand, aliphatic polycarbonates are biodegradable
seawater temperature and sea level, disruption of ecosystem, polymers and have recently attracted much attention due to
food insecurity and so on. Therefore, the reduction of CO2 their high biodegradability, biocompatibility and low toxicity.[7]
emission is the top priority, and the development of effective Moreover, aliphatic polycarbonate diols are used as intermedi-
methods for CO2 capture and storage (CCS) and/or CO2 capture ates for the synthesis of polyurethanes.[8]
and utilization (CCU) is highly required.[2] Transformation of CO2 Polycarbonates are currently produced by the phosgene
into valuable chemicals is ideal from the viewpoint of a circular method using phosgene as a carbonyl source or transesterifica-
economy but is difficult due to the high stability of CO2. tion of diols and organic carbonates derived from CO or
Therefore, the development of effective catalysts for the phosgene as a carbonyl source.[9] Therefore, the direct synthesis
activation of CO2 and reactants is essential. Recently, many of polycarbonates from CO2 as a carbonyl source is a promising
effective catalyst systems have been developed for the trans- method substitute for these processes. The most studied
formation of CO2 and can be divided mainly into two method is the direct polymerization of CO2 and cyclic ethers
categories,[3] reductive transformation and non-reduction one. such as epoxides and oxetanes. Many effective catalyst systems,
The reductive one of CO2 can provide HCOOH, HCHO, CH3OH, particularly complex catalysts, have been developed, and there
CH4, alcohols, alkanes and so on,[4] which need high energy are many excellent reviews on the process.[10] However, this
and/or reducing agents such as H2, hydrosilanes and so on, that method has some drawbacks such as handling the unstable
are now primarily made from petroleum. On the other hand, cyclic ethers and narrow scopes due to the limited structure of
the non-reductive transformation can provide carbonate deriv- the cyclic ethers (only C2 and C3 ethers). Another method for
atives such as organic carbonates, carbamates and ureas, and the synthesis of polycarbonates from CO2 is the direct polymer-
these polymers.[5] In the non-reductive one, the oxidation state ization of CO2 and diols. The method will be able to supply
of the carbon (+ 4) in CO2 is not changed by the transformation, various polycarbonates by selecting a variety of diols, which are
and these transformations can be carried out by comparatively safe and easy to handle.
low energy input. Among these chemicals by the non-reductive However, the direct polymerization of CO2 and diols is
one of CO2, the polymers such as polycarbonates, polyur- generally difficult, and the biggest problem is the severe
equilibrium (typically equilibrium yields are below 1%). To
overcome the equilibrium limitation various methods have
[a] M. Tamura
been investigated, and the summary of the methods is shown
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering,
School of Engineering, in Scheme 1. One method is the use of dihalides. This method
Osaka Metropolitan University, 3-3-138, Sugimoto, produces metal salts,[11–14] which can decrease the energy level
Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585 (Japan)
of the product side in the overall reaction because of the
[b] Y. Nakagawa, K. Tomishige exothermic reaction, leading to overcoming the equilibrium.
Department of Applied Chemistry, Another method is the usage of Ph3P and a strong base of
School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-07, CyTMG (N-cyclohexyl-N’, N’, N’’, N’’-tetramethylguanidine) as a
Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579 (Japan)
water contractor and a trap of halogen,[15] which can overcome
[c] K. Tomishige
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), the equilibrium. The use of nitriles such as 2-cyanopyridine and
Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 2-furonitrile[16,17] and gas stripping[18] are also useful for the
980-8577 (Japan)
removal of water from the reaction system, which overcomes
This manuscript is part of a special collection on Carbon Dioxide Utilization the equilibrium. Since the reviews on the polymerization of CO2
in Organic Chemistry. and diols are very limited,[19] we introduce these methods and

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (2 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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compare the methods with the conventional ones in this
Masazumi Tamura received his B.S. at
School of Science from Kyoto University
with Prof. K. Maruoka in 2003 and M.S.
at Graduate School of Engineering from
The University of Tokyo with Prof. M. 2. Polycondensation of CO2, diols and dihalides
Fujita in 2005. From 2005 to 2012 he with alkaline carbonates into polycarbonates
was a researcher working at Kao Corpo-
ration, and during that period he
The first example of the synthesis of polycarbonates derived
obtained Ph.D. at Graduate School of
Engineering from Nagoya University from CO2 and diols is the reaction of CO2 and α,ω-dibromo
with Prof. A. Satsuma in 2012. Since compounds and diolates of diols, which was reported by Soga
2012 he has been an assistant professor and co-workers in 1977[11] (Scheme 2). In this reaction, potas-
at School of Engineering at Tohoku sium diolates were produced in advance from the correspond-
University. Since 2020 he has been an ing diols and potassium, and hence, the method is not a direct
associate professor at Research Center
for Artificial Photosynthesis at Osaka
synthesis process of polycarbonates from CO2 and diols. The
City University. Since 2022 he is an reaction requires 18-crown-6-ether as a catalyst for the progress
associate professor at School of Engi- of the desired reaction. In the absence of the crown ether, the
neering at Osaka Metropolitan Univer- target polycarbonate was not obtained, and in the absence of
sity. His current research interests focus CO2 and crown ether, the corresponding polyethers of the
on the development of heterogeneous
diolate and dibromo compounds were formed.
catalysts for organic reactions including
biomass, CO2 and plastics conversions. High yields were obtained by the reactions conducted at
the optimum conditions such as 353 K, 1–4 L CO2 and more
Yoshinao Nakagawa obtained his Ph.D.
than 100 mg 18-crown-6. The maximum yield of the polycar-
in 2005 from Graduate School of Engi-
neering, The University of Tokyo under bonate was 78% in the case of a large amount of CO2 (4 L). In
the guidance of Prof. N. Mizuno. After this case, the ratio of the converted diolate amount to 18-
4years of postdoctoral research at the crown-6 amount is estimated to be 4 (mol/mol), confirming that
University of Tokyo, he joined the 18-crown-6 is the catalyst. The scope of the dihalides and
research group of Keiichi Tomishige at diolates is shown in Table 1. The dichloro compound instead of
University of Tsukuba. He moved to
the dibromo compound was not effective for the reaction, and
Tohoku University and became an
assistant professor in 2010. Since 2013, the product yield was low. This result indicates that the
he has been an associate professor. His dibromo compounds are suitable for the reaction. Sodium
current research interests are catalytic diolate showed a lower yield than potassium diolate, indicating
oxidations and reductions of bio-related that potassium diolate is preferable for the reaction. Dipotas-
chemicals. sium 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenolate also reacted with CO2 and
Keiichi Tomishige received his B.S., M.S. the dibromo compound to provide the corresponding polycar-
and Ph.D. from Graduate School of bonate.
Science, Department of Chemistry, The The possible route of the reaction of dipotassium 1,4-
University of Tokyo with Prof. Y. Iwasa-
cyclohexanediolate and 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene as a
wa. During his Ph.D. course in 1994, he
moved to Graduate School of Engineer- model reaction was proposed as follows (Scheme 3): At first,
ing, The University of Tokyo as a dipotassium 1,4-cyclohexanediolate can easily react with CO2
research associate and worked with with/without 18-crown-6 to produce 1,4-cyclohexylene dipotas-
Prof. K. Fujimoto. In 1998, he became a sium dicarbonate, and the reaction is relatively fast. And then,
lecturer, and then he moved to Institute the produced 1,4-cyclohexylene dipotassium dicarbonate and
of Materials Science, University of Tsu-
kuba as a lecturer in 2001. Since 2004
4-bromomethylbenzyl bromide react to form the corresponding
he has been an associate professor, polycarbonate in the presence of 18-crown-6 as a catalyst. The
Graduate School of Pure and Applied reaction is relatively slow, and the step is the rate-determining
Sciences, University of Tsukuba. Since one.
2010, he is a professor, School of After the finding, Inoue, Oi and co-workers reported the
Engineering, Tohoku University. He is
direct synthesis of polycarbonates from CO2, diols and dihalides
also an adjunct professor, Advanced
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku with K2CO3 (Scheme 4).[12] In this reaction, an excess amount of
University since 2022. His research inter- K2CO3 was necessary (~ 4-fold against that of diol). It is unclear if
ests are the development of heteroge- K2CO3 is directly used as a carbonyl source or not. However, in
neous catalysts for 1) production of their previous work on the synthesis of asymmetric dialkyl
biomass-derived chemicals, 2) non-re- carbonates from CO2, alcohols and halides, the high yields of
ductive conversion of CO2 to useful
the dialkyl carbonates were obtained by using K3PO4 instead of
chemicals, 3) reforming of biomass tar
and natural gas, and so on. K2CO3, while K2CO3 was also an effective base additive.[20]
Therefore, CO2 may not be used as a carbonyl source in the

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (3 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Scheme 1. The synthesis of polycarbonates and polycarbonate diols from CO2 and diols (or diolates).

Scheme 2. The formation of polycarbonates from dibromo compounds, potassium diolates and CO2 with 18-crown-6.

Scheme 3. Possible reaction route for the formation of the polycarbonate from CO2, dipotassium 1,4-cyclohexanediolate and 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene.

Scheme 4. The formation of polycarbonates from diols, CO2 and dihalides with K2CO3.

polymerization reaction. Similar reaction systems using strong Table 2 shows the scope of the diols and dihalides. The
bases such as K2CO3 and Cs2CO3 were already reported to be obtained polymers are the alternating copolymer of CO2 with
effective for the synthesis of organic carbonates from CO2, diols and dihalides. The primary and secondary diols with 1,4-
alcohols and alkyl halides,[21] however, the system was ineffi- bis(chloromethyl)benzene as a dihalide provided the corre-
cient for the synthesis of diphenyl carbonate from CO2 and sponding polycarbonates with moderate to high yields, how-
phenol even by using a large amount of ZnCl2 (about a half ever, the tertiary diol showed a low yield of the polycarbonate.
amount of phenol).[22] When 1,4-dibromobutane and 1,4-diiodobutane reacted with
1,6-hexanediol, the corresponding aliphatic polycarbonates

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (4 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Table 1. Scope of substrates in the reaction of dihalo compounds, diolates and CO2 with 18-crown-6 as a catalyst.
Dihalo Diolate/mg 18-Crown- Polycarbonate Yield/ Halogen m.p./K Viscosity
compounds/ 6/mg mg content/%

100 413 2.24 (Br) 0.13

500 365

100 50 8.79 (Cl) – –

430 400

200 62 12.53 (Br) 0.06

500 345

100 292 8.55 (Br) 0.11

500 406

250 330 2.69 (Br) –


Reaction conditions: dihalo compound, diolate, CO2 2 L, 18-crown-6, dioxane 6 ml, 353 K, 48 h. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [11b]. Copyright 1978
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

were obtained in low yields (26 and 36%, respectively). It seems corresponding polycarbonates. The key to the reaction is the
that phenols were not suitable substrates and phenyl ether was usage of the moderate basicity of K2CO3, which can form the
formed from dihalides and phenols. The method gave a higher potassium carbonic acid and cannot form the alkoxide of
yield of the polycarbonate from 1,4-bis(chloromethyl)benzene alcohols. Therefore, the formation of the ethers by the
and 1,4-cyclohexanediol than the above one using 1,4- alkylation of alcohols with halides is suppressed.
bis(bromomethyl)benzene and diolates despite that the di- After about 20 years, Y. Gnanou and co-workers also
chloro compound was used at the same reaction temperature investigated the same method of polycarbonate synthesis from
(353 K) and reaction time (48 h). diols, CO2 and dihalides with K2CO3. They optimized the reaction
The reaction route was proposed in the following conditions with various metal carbonates in the polycondensa-
(Scheme 5). At first, diol and CO2 react to form carbonic acid tion of 1,4-benzenedimethanol, 1,4-dibromobutane and CO2 as
monoester in equilibrium, which is transformed to potassium a model reaction.[13] Among K2CO3, DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]-
carbonic acid in the presence of K2CO3. The potassium carbonic undec-7-ene), Li2CO3 and Cs2CO3 used as base additives, Cs2CO3
acid reacts with dihalides to afford the corresponding carbo- was most suitable, showing higher conversion and Mn of the
nates. The reaction sequentially proceeds to provide the target polycarbonate. Based on the studies of various reaction

Scheme 5. The formation of polycarbonates from diols, CO2 and dihalides with K2CO3. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [12]. Copyright 1994 WILEY-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

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Table 2. Scope of substrates in the reaction of dihalo compounds, diols and CO2 with K2CO3.
Dihalides Diols Polycarbonates Yield/% Mn Mw/Mn

87 7,900 2.12

90 6,400 1.98

62 7,300 1.66

~2 – –

97 15,800 2.36

26 5,600 1.46

36 6,500 1.35

Reaction conditions: diol 10 mmol, dihalide 10 mmol, K2CO3 40 mmol, atmospheric CO2, NMP 20 ml, 353 K, 48 h. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [12].
Copyright 1994 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

factors, they concluded that the optimal reaction conditions are polycarbonates with high yields. Moreover, diethylene glycol
373 K, 48 h, 1 MPa CO2 and the feeding ratio of diol: dihalide: and isosorbide were also transformed with 1,4-dibromobutane
Cs2CO3 = 1 : 1.05 : 4. A little larger amount of dihalides than that to the target polycarbonates in high yields with adequate
of diols enabled higher conversion and molecular weight. molecular weights. Therefore, the method is also applicable to
0.1 MPa CO2 is also applicable to the reaction system, however, the reaction of diols with ether bonds and secondary alcohols.
the Mn was decreased (8,000 to 2,600), while the conversions The proposed reaction route for the polycondensation of
were similar. Similar to the previous case, an excess amount of diols, halides and CO2 with Cs2CO3 is shown in Scheme 6. The
Cs2CO3 was also required for the reaction, although CO2 was carbonate bond can be formed by two routes: (i) the
necessary for the reaction progress. It should be noted that nucleophilic attack of diols to CO2 in the presence of Cs2CO3 to
under the optimal reaction conditions the produced polycar- form the cesium carbonic acid, and then the nucleophilic attack
bonates include self-polycondensation of dibromo compounds of the formed carbonic acid anion to dihalides to provide the
in addition to the alternating copolymers of diols and dihalides, corresponding carbonates (first row). (ii) the direct substitution
which may be due to the high reaction temperature, use of of dihalides by Cs2CO3 to form the corresponding cesium
dibromo compounds and a little stronger base of Cs2CO3 than carbonic acid, and then the nucleophilic attack of the formed
K2CO3. cesium carbonic acid to dihalides to provide the corresponding
They investigated the scope of diols and dihalides (Table 3). carbonates (second row). Like these reactions, the produced
1,4-Bis(chloromethyl)benzene and 1,4-dibromobutane reacted carbonates can react with CO2 with the aid of Cs2CO3, and such
with 1,6-hexanediol to give the corresponding polycarbonates reactions successively occur to form the polycarbonates (third
in high yields (96 and 98%, respectively) with high average and fourth rows).
molecular weights. The yields and molecular weights are higher At about the same time, Du, Artemyeva and co-workers
than those of the previous case (Table 2),[12] although the reported the synthesis of polycarbonates and poly(ether
reaction temperature is a little higher (373 K vs 353 K) and CO2 carbonate)s by a combination system of Cs2CO3 and
pressure is also higher (1 MPa vs 0.1 MPa). These results indicate dichloromethane,[14a] which is based on the finding of the
that the optimized method is preferable from the industrial synthesis of dialkyl carbonates from CO2 and alcohols using a
viewpoint. The reaction of 1,4-dibromobutane with 1,4-, 1,3- combination of Cs2CO3 and dichloromethane by Saito and co-
and 1,2-benzenedimethanol proceeded to provide the target workers.[23] The reaction system is so similar to the previously

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Table 3. Selected scope of substrates in the reaction of dihalides, diols and CO2 with Cs2CO3.
Dihalo compounds Diol Polycarbonate Yield/% Mn Mw/Mn (n + m)/n

96 43,200 2.31 1.05

98 27,600 1.81 –

97 22,000 3.63 1.2

96 24,400 3.22 1.09

94 11,100 1.90 1.07

95 10,000 2.32 –

92 18,100 2.26

Reaction conditions: diol:dihalide:K2CO3 = 1:1.05:4 (mmol), 1 MPa CO2, NMP 2 ml, 373 K, 48 h. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [13]. Copyright 2016
Royal Society of Chemistry.

Scheme 6. Proposed reaction route for the formation of polycarbonates from diols, CO2 and dihalides with Cs2CO3. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [13].
Copyright 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry.

reported one except for the type of dihalides (previous reports: The scope of the diols is shown in Table 4. Various diols
alkyl dihalides (C � 2),[12,13] this work: CH2Cl2). The high molar were converted to the corresponding polycarbonates in moder-
ratio of Cs2CO3 to 1,4-benzenedimethanol is necessary, and a ate yields (30–70%), and the molecular weight (Mn) was also
lower molar ratio of Cs2CO3 to 1,4-benzenedimethanol than 2 moderate (1,000–7,000). In the cases of benzylic diols of 1,4-
was not effective for the reaction (Conversion: > 99% (molar benzenedimethanol and 1,3-benzenedimethanol, the produced
ratio 4)! < 25% (molar ratio 2)) with 6.2 equivalent dichloro- polymers mainly had carbonate linkages with no methylene
methane. units, namely simple polycarbonates of CO2 and diols. On the

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (7 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Table 4. Scope of diols in polycondensation of diols and CO2 with Cs2CO3 and CH2Cl2.
Dihalo compounds Diol Polymers or oligomers Conv./% Yield/% Mn Mw/Mn

CH2Cl2 > 99 64 1,800 1.23

CH2Cl2 > 99 53 5,000 1.84

CH2Cl2 > 99 57 3,400 1.22

CH2Cl2 86 36 6,600 1.41

CH2Cl2 > 99 63 5,100 1.62

CH2Cl2 94 8 780 1.13

Reaction conditions: CH2Cl2 X mmol, diol 1 mmol, Cs2CO3 4 mmol, 1 atm CO2 NMP, 373 K, 12 h. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [14a]. Copyright 2016
American Chemical Society.

other hand, the reaction with aliphatic diols produced polycar- The authors explain the reactivity difference by the difference
bonates with methylene units derived from CH2Cl2. In the case of pKa (~ 14.0 for benzylic diols, 14.8 ~ 14.9 for aliphatic diols).
of hydroquinone, the polymer yield was very low, and The same group studied the effect of the types of dihalides
carbonate bonds were not formed, although the conversion in the condensation reaction of diols and CO2 with Cs2CO3,
was high (94%). The produced polymers are the alternating where various types of linkages were formed such as
polyether from hydroquinone and dichloromethane. carbonates and ethers from diols and dihalides and the types of
The proposed reaction route of polycondensation of diols the linkages depended on the dihalides.[14b] The proposed
and CO2 with Cs2CO3 and CH2Cl2 is shown in Scheme 7. At first, formation routes depending on the dihalides are shown in
the alkoxide of diols is formed from diols and Cs2CO3, and the Scheme 8. The reaction route in the case of dichloromethane is
reaction of the alkoxide and CO2 produces the cesium the same as shown in Scheme 7. As same as the previous case
carboxylate. The formed carboxylate reacts with CH2Cl2 to afford (Scheme 7), the alkoxide and carbonate can be firstly produced
the intermediate carbonate (Y) as shown in Scheme 7. In the from diols and CO2 by Cs2CO3, which is the main route in the
case of benzylic alcohols, the alkoxide mainly attacked the presence of excess CO2, and also the alkoxide can react with
carbonate carbon to provide the corresponding carbonate dihalides to form the ether (upper two routes). In the case of
bond. In the case of aliphatic diols, the alkoxide mainly attacked diiodomethane, the ether can be easily formed because iodide
the α-carbon of the Cl group to give the ether carbonate bond. is a good leaving group, and the ether bonds will be mainly
formed in the produced polymers (third route). In the case of

Scheme 7. Proposed reaction routes for condensation of diols and CO2 with Cs2CO3 and CH2Cl2. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [14a]. Copyright 2016
American Chemical Society.

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (8 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Scheme 8. Proposed reaction routes for condensation of diols and CO2 with Cs2CO3 and CH2X2 (X=Cl, Br, I). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [14b].
Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

dibromomethane, the intermediate (Z), which is the intermedi- ene polymerization was demonstrated[24] (Scheme 9). High
ate Y with Cl replaced by Br in Scheme 7, is produced from the yields of the corresponding polycarbonates were obtained
carbonate and dibromomethane. The intermediate (Z) can (polycarbonates by acyclic diene metathesis: 60–87%,
mainly react with the carbonate at the α-position of Br group in poly(thioether carbonates): 85–98% yields). The synthesis of
Z to give the polymers with methylene units between polycarbonates with two units was also demonstrated with two
carbonate bonds (Second row from the bottom in Scheme 8) diols such as bisphenol A propoxide (adduct of bisphenol A and
because the concentration of the carbonate is higher than that propylene oxide) and hexadecamethylene glycol[25]
of the alkoxide from diols. (Scheme 10).
As examples of the application of the reaction system of
CO2, diols and dihalides as explained above, the stepwise
synthesis of polycarbonates from CO2, diols and allyl bromide
via acyclic diene metathesis and poly(thioether carbonates)
from CO2, diols, allyl bromide and dithiol via metal-free thiol-

Scheme 9. The synthesis of polycarbonate and poly(thioether carbonates) from CO2, diols and allyl halide and/or dithiols. Reproduced with permission from
Ref. [24]. Copyright 2020 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (9 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Scheme 10. Polymerization of CO2, 1,4-bis(chloromethyl)benzene, bisphenol A propoxide and hexadecamethylene glycol with K2CO3. Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [25]. Copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

3. Polymerization of CO2 and diols into phosphonium intermediate (A) and the (A) is transformed to (B)
polycarbonates with R3P/CX4/base system in equilibrium. The nucleophilic attack of the OH group in diols
to the intermediate (B) gives the corresponding dimers via
Kadokawa and co-workers reported the direct polycondensation Arbuzov-type reaction, which is proposed to be the rate-
of CO2 and 1,4-benzenedimethanol with R3P/CX4/base system in determining step. In this reaction system, the reaction of halides
1998[15] (Scheme 11). This finding is shortly after the study on and alcohols will not take place because of the low reaction
polycarbonate synthesis from CO2, diols and dihalides with temperature (room temperature).
K2CO3 by Oi, Inoue and co-workers as introduced above.[12]
This method is the first report on the synthesis of
polycarbonates from CO2 and diols and provides polycarbon-
ates without ether bonds derived from halides (Table 5). 1,4-
4. Polymerization of CO2 and diols into
Benzenedimethanol and 1,3-benzenedimethanol were con- polycarbonates with CeO2 catalyst and nitriles
verted to the corresponding polycarbonates with n-Bu3P/CBr4/ as dehydrating agents
CyTMG system in DMF solvent, although the reactivity of 1,3-
benzenedimethanol seems to be lower than that of 1,4- Catalytic direct polymerization of CO2 and α,ω-diols was firstly
benzenedimethanol. However, the polycondensation of CO2 demonstrated by Tomishige, Tamura and co-workers in 2016
and diethylene glycol did not occur under the same reaction with the combination catalyst system of CeO2 and 2-
conditions. The reaction proceeded with Ph3P/CBrCl3/CyTMG cyanopyridine.[16] The work is based on the finding in their
system in CHCl3 solvent. In the case of linear polyethers such as studies on the synthesis of organic carbonates (dialkyl carbo-
di-, tri-, poly-ethylene glycols, the polymerization degree nates and cyclic carbonates) from CO2 and alcohols with CeO2
decreased with increasing molecular weights, indicating that catalyst and organic dehydration agents of nitriles.[26] As
the reactivity of diols decreased with larger molecular weights. discussed in the introduction, the biggest problem of the
In the case of 1,6-hexanediol, the yield was low (8.8%) due to reaction is the equilibrium limitation, and the removal of the
the low solubility of the produced polymers, while the produced water is a key for the catalyst system. They found that
conversion was about 60%. the combination catalyst system of CeO2 catalyst and nitriles as
The proposed reaction mechanism is shown in Scheme 12. dehydrating agents, particularly 2-cyanopyridine, was effective
At first, carbonate anion is formed from CO2 and diol by CyTMG, for the direct synthesis of dialkyl carbonates from CO2 and
and trisubstituted phosphine reacts with tetrahalomethane to alcohols with high yields (up to 99%) (Scheme 13), where the
provide phosphonium halide. Anion exchange between the produced water was removed by the hydration of 2-cyanopyr-
carbonate anion and phosphonium halide occurs to form a

Scheme 11. The polycondensation of CO2 and diols with R3P/CX4/base system. CyTMG: N-cyclohexyl-N’, N’, N’’, N’’-tetramethylguanidine.

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Table 5. Scope of diols in polycondensation of diols and CO2 with R3P/CX4/base system.
Diol Polymers or oligomers Time/h Yield/% Mn DP

3 81 1,200 7

3 40 3,800 23

Reaction conditions: diol 1 mmol, CyTMG 2 mmol, tributylphosphine 1.5 mmol, DMF 1 ml, CBr4 2 mmol, CO2 1atm, r.t.

Diol Polymers or oligomers Time /h Yield /% Mn DP

1 59 4700 36

5 48 4900 28

15 8.8 5500 38

Polyethylene glycol (Mn = 400) 15 75 6600 16

Polyethylene glycol (Mn = 1000) 15 72 6300 6

Reaction conditions: diol 1 mmol, CyTMG 2 mmol, Ph3P 1.5 mmol, CHCl3 0.5 ml, CBrCl3 4 mmol, CO2 1 atm, r.t.

Scheme 12. Proposed reaction mechanism of polycarbonate formation from CO2 and diols with Ph3P/CX4/CyTMG system.

idine to picolinamide over CeO2 catalyst, leading to overcoming carbonates synthesis from CO2 and alcohols.[26d] The produced
of the equilibrium limitation. polymers are the polycarbonates from CO2 and 1,4-butanediols,
The same catalyst system composed of CeO2 and 2- which were checked by MALDI-TOF/MS (Examples for MALDI-
cyanopyridine was applied to the direct polymerization of CO2 TOF/MS are shown later). Some OH group-capped polymers
and 1,4-butanediol, and it showed activity for the reaction were also detected, which will be derived from the reaction
(Scheme 14). Other metal oxides showed no activity for the with 2-picolinamide from 2-cyanopyridine hydration. Figure 1
polymerization, which tendency is similar to the case of dialkyl shows the time course of the reaction with CeO2 and 2-

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secondary OH groups, also provided high conversion and high
selectivity to the polymer, however, the polymerization degree
was a little low (3.7). 2,5-Hexanediol, a diol with two secondary
OH groups, and 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-hexanediol, a diol with two
tertiary OH groups, showed low or no conversion, which will be
due to the steric hindrance around the OH group. The tendency
that the reactivities of the secondary and tertiary alcohols are
Scheme 13. The direct synthesis of dialkyl carbonates from CO2 and alcohols low is similar to the case in the synthesis of dialkyl carbonates
by the combination catalyst system of CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine. from CO2 and alcohols[26e] and arylcarbamates from CO2, anilines
and alcohols[27] with CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system.
The reactivity of 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and 1,4-benzenedi-
methanol was lower than that of α,ω-linear diols and the
cyanopyridine. The conversion smoothly increased to > 99% polymerization degree was also low, which was also related to
with high selectivity of 97%, and the yield reached 97% at 8 h. the steric hindrance of the cyclic structure.
At the same time, the Mn reached the maximum of 1,070, but The polymerization degree is limited in the catalyst system
did not increase at a longer reaction time. Low CO2 pressure, of CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine, and one possible cause is the end
even 0.5 MPa is also applicable to the reaction system, while OH group capping of the produced polymers by 2-cyanopyr-
the conversion and Mn were a little decreased (90% conversion idine-derived picolinamide. The authors investigated the effect
and Mn = 630 at 8 h) under the same reaction conditions. A of nitriles in the polymerization of CO2 and 1,6-hexanediol, and
stoichiometric amount of 2-cyanopyridine is enough for the the results are shown in Table 7. 2-Furonitirle, 2-cyanopyridine
reaction, and similar conversion and Mn were obtained (93% derivatives and cyanopyrazine were effective, and moderate to
conversion and Mn = 910 at 8 h) under the same reaction high conversions were obtained.[17] However, the Mn of 2-
conditions. cyanopyridine derivatives and cyanopyrazine was not higher
The scope of diols with CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine catalyst than that of 2-cyanopyridine, while 2-furonitrile showed higher
system is shown in Table 6. α,ω-Linear diols showed high Mn. 2-Pyridinylacetonitrile, 3-cyanopyridine, benzonitrile and
conversions (93– > 99%), providing the corresponding polymers CH3CN were not effective as nitrile additives. Therefore,
in high selectivities (97–99%). The polymerization degrees were heteroaromatic nitriles with a CN group at the second position
between 7 and 9. 1,5-Hexanediol, a diol with primary and are effective nitrile additives for the reaction. The tendency of

Scheme 14. Direct polymerization of CO2 and 1,4-butanediol with the catalyst system of CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine.

Figure 1. Time-course of polymerization of CO2 and 1,4-butanediol with the catalyst system of CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine. (A) Conversion and selectivity, (B)
number average molecular weight (Mn) and dispersity (Mw/Mn). White circle: conversion, black circle: selectivity to polycarbonate, diamond: selectivity to
esters, square: Mn, triangle: Mw/Mn. Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.17 g, 1,4-butanediol 10 mmol, 2-cyanopyridine 100 mmol, CO2 5 MPa, 403 K.

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Table 6. Scope of diols in the direct polymerization of diol and CO2.

Diol t /h Conv./% Polymer Ester† Others Mn Mw/Mn PD

CeO2 + 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system

8 > 99 97 3 <1 980 1.38 9.2
24 99 99 1 <1 930 1.34 7.1
24 99 99 1 <1 1080 1.31 7.5
24 99 99 1 <1 1200 1.33 7.0
24 94 97 3 <1 1650 1.26 8.3

24 93 99 1 <1 530 1.10 3.7

24 6 60 2 38 450 1.01 3.1

24 <1 – – – – – –

24 41 98 2 <1 510 1.04 3.0

24 56 82 11 7 590 1.10 3.6

CeO2 + 2-furonitrile catalyst system

24 > 99 99 1 <1 2,300 1.33 20
24 99 > 99 <1 <1 2,600 1.38 18
24 97 99 1 <1 2,600 1.33 13

24 90 > 99 <1 <1 1,700 1.32 10

24 17 97 <1 3 500 1.02 3.4

Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.17 g, diol 10 mmol, 2-cyanopyridine 100 mmol, CO2 5 MPa (at r.t.), 403 K. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [17]. Copyright
2019 American Chemical Society.

the reactivity is similar to the case of dialkyl carbonate synthesis The scope of diols in the catalyst system of CeO2 and 2-
from CO2 and 2-cyanopyridine with CeO2[26c–e] and hydration of furonitrile is also shown in Table 6. α,ω-Linear diols showed
nitriles with CeO2 catalyst.[28] At longer reaction times than 30 h, high conversion and high selectivity, and the Mn was higher
Mn reached a maximum of about 2,800 with the dispersity of than the case of CeO2 + 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system. 1,4-
around 1.4. Cyclohexanedimethanol also reacted in high conversion and
The Mn of the produced polymers can be controlled by the selectivity, which reactivity is different from the case of CeO2 +
amount of 2-furonitrile and 1,6-hexanediol. As for the effect of 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system. The polymerization degree
the 2-furonitrile amount, more than the stoichiometric amount reached 10, which was three times higher than that of CeO2 + 2-
of 2-furonitrile was necessary for the reaction. Mn increased cyanopyridine catalyst system. The reactivity of 2,5-hexanediol,
with increasing 2-furonitrile amount and reached 3,500 at the a diol with two secondary OH groups, was low, which tendency
amount of 50 mmol 2-furonitrile under the reaction conditions is similar to the case of CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine catalyst
(Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.17 g, 1,6-hexanediol 10 mmol, 2- system. By using CeO2 + 2-furonitrile catalyst system, most of
furonitrile 5–50 mmol, CO2 5 MPa (at r.t.), 403 K, 24 h). As for the the selectivities were higher than those in CeO2 + 2-cyanopyr-
effect of the 1,6-hexanediol amount, Mn increased with idine catalyst system, and the polymerization degree was about
decreasing the 1,6-hexanediol amount and reached 5,000 two-three times higher than that with CeO2 + 2-cyanopyridine
(recorded maximum Mn) at the amount of 1.25 mmol 1,6- catalyst system.
hexanediol under similar reaction conditions (CeO2 0.09 g, 1,6- The difference in the performance between nitriles was
hexanediol 1.25–25 mmol, 2-furonitrile 25 mmol, CO2 5 MPa (at further investigated. The authors compared the MALDI-TOF/MS
r.t.), 403 K, 24 h), which temperature was a little higher than the spectra of the produced polymers with similar Mn with CeO2 +
previous case with dihalides. 2-cyanopyridine and CeO2 + 2-furonitrile catalyst systems (Fig-
ure 2). CeO2 + 2-furonitrile catalyst system showed less forma-

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Table 7. The effect of nitriles with CeO2 in the polymerization of CO2 and 1,6-hexanediol.

Entry Nitrile Conv./% Sel./% Mn Mw/Mn PD

Polymer Monoester Others

1 None <1 – – – – – –

2 97 > 99 <1 <1 2300 1.26 16


3 93 99 1 <1 1400 1.24 9.7


4 96 99 1 <1 1100 1.25 7.6


5 50 46 19 35 600 1.05 4.2


6 > 99 99 1 <1 1100 1.22 7.6


7 20 82 18 <1 500 1.14 3.5


8 <1 <1 <1 > 99 – – –


9 3 <1 <1 > 99 – – –


10 1 <1 <1 > 99 – – –

11 CH3CN <1 – – – – – –

Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.09 g, 1,6-hexanediol 5 mmol, nitrile 10 mmol, CO2 5 MPa (at r.t.), 403 K, 24 h. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [17].
Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.

tion of the end OH capping polymers by 2-furamide, while the of the nitriles on CeO2, which is related to the area of the
capped polymers increased at a longer reaction time.[17] There- reaction field. In these catalyst systems, the nitriles are adsorbed
fore, one of the causes of the high Mn in CeO2 + 2-furonitrile on the surface of CeO2 via both the coordination of the
catalyst system is the lower capping rate of the end OH groups heteroatoms (N or O) on the Ce atom and the covalent bonding
in the produced polycarbonates. The difference in the capping between the carbon atom of CN groups in nitriles and the
is derived from the difference in the reactivity of the OH group lattice O atom of the surface of CeO2, forming a strong base
with the produced amides. The difference in the reactivity catalyst. The adsorption strength of 2-cyanopyridine is esti-
between the OH group and amides was confirmed by the mated by DFT calculations to be much stronger (Eads =
comparison of the reactivity of amides with 1-hexanol as a 0.56 eV) than that of 2-furonitrile (Eads = 0.13 eV), meaning
model reaction, showing that the reactivity of picolinamide that 2-furonitrile comparatively easily desorbed from CeO2 and
with 1-hexanol is 2.4-fold higher than that of 2-furamide. the wide reaction field for polycarbonate diols and CO2 is
Considering the usage of polycarbonates as a monomer for retained. The higher reactivity of polycarbonate diols in CeO2 +
polyurethanes, polycarbonate diols, namely polycarbonates 2-furonitrile catalyst system was confirmed by the higher Mn of
without capping of the end OH groups, are necessary. There- polycarbonates in CeO2 + 2-furonitrile catalyst system than that
fore, the method which does not produce the end-capped in CeO2 + 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system at the same con-
polycarbonates is preferable. version level.[17]
Another cause for the difference in the catalytic perform- The reaction mechanism of polymerization of CO2 and 1,4-
ance is proposed to be the difference in the adsorption strength butanediol with CeO2 + nitrile catalyst systems is shown in

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Figure 2. MALDI-TOF/MS spectra of the polymers produced by polymerization of CO2 and 1,6-hexanediol with CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine (A, Mn = 1,200) and
CeO2 and 2-furonitrile (B, Mn = 1,500) catalyst systems. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [17]. Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.

Scheme 15, which is based on the studies on the synthesis of obtained polymer amount is about three times higher than that
dialkyl carbonates from CO2 and diols[26d] and the adsorption in the case of CeO2 nanoparticles under the reaction conditions
structure of CeO2 and nitriles.[29] The active species of the strong (CeO2 0.17 g, 1,6-hexanediol 20 mmol, 2-cyanopyridine
base site of N in the CN group is formed by the adsorption of 100 mmol, CO2 455 mmol, 423 K, 8 h). They concluded that the
nitriles (2-cyanopyridine and 2-furonitrile) on CeO2. Diols are high activity for CeO2 nanorods was due to the ability of high
dissociatively adsorbed on CeO2 to form alkoxide adspecies and CO2 uptake and strong interaction with CeO2. Based on the in-
an OH group and are activated by the strong base site. CO2 is situ FTIR analyses of the reaction of CO2 and 1,4-butanediol, the
easily inserted into the alkoxide adspecies to give the carbonate oxygen vacancy of CeO2 is proposed to be involved in the
adspecies. The activated diol by the strong base site attacks the reaction mechanism. Moreover, the same group simulated the
carbonate adspecies to form the corresponding dimer and H2O. process of the CeO2 and 2-cyanopyridine catalyst system to
The produced H2O is consumed by the hydration of the nitriles assess the CO2 emission ratio and cost.[31] From the simulation
to the amides, resulting in overcoming the equilibrium. The of the solvent amounts (THF, H2O, methanol) for separation and
produced dimer also reacts in the same way, finally forming the heat integration by vapor recompression cycle, the CO2
polycarbonate. emission ratio is reduced by 82.0% (from 30.06 to 5.42 kg-CO2/
The effect of the morphologies of CeO2 such as nanorod, kg-PBC) when the solvent amount is reduced to 10%, and
nanocube and CeO2 nanoparticles was investigated by Yu and another 19.9% reduction in CO2-e (to 4.34 kg-CO2/kg-PBC) by
co-workers, showing that among these CeO2 samples, the CeO2 the heat integration. The manufacturing cost of products is
nanorod was the most effective for the reaction;[30] The

Scheme 15. Proposed reaction mechanism of polymerization of CO2 and 1,4-butanediol with the catalyst systems of CeO2 and nitriles.

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reduced by ca. 68% by the combination of the above reach 95% conversion at 96 h, and the selectivity of the polymer
simulations (from 5.62 to ca. 1.8 USD/kg). is 97% (Figure 3). At the same time, a maximum Mn of 3,500 was
As above, the combination catalyst of CeO2 and nitriles such obtained (Mw/Mn = 2.38). The produced polymer was the
as 2-cyanopyridine and 2-furonitrile directly provides polycar- polycarbonate diols that contain few ether bonds, and the end
bonates from CO2 and diols at a comparatively low reaction OH groups are in a free form. CeO2 was the only active metal
temperature of 403 K, however, the nitrile additives, which are oxide among various metal oxides tested, and the reusability of
dehydration agents, are essential for the reaction, leading to the CeO2 catalyst was confirmed.
the formation of at least stoichiometric amount of the The scope of the diols is shown in Table 8. Various aliphatic
corresponding amides by the hydration of the nitriles. The α,ω-diols could be transformed into the corresponding polycar-
treatment of the formed amides is necessary, and the methods bonate diols in high selectivity (polymer +dimer, >99%). Mono-
for the regeneration of the nitriles from the amides are very alcohols such as 1-dodecanol, primary alcohol, and 2-octanol,
important from the industrial, economical and environmental secondary alcohol, reacted to give the corresponding dialkyl
viewpoints, although the effective heterogeneous catalysts for carbonates in high selectivity (>99%). 1,2-Propanediol, a vicinal
the dehydration of amides such as picolinamide (Na2O/SiO2[26c]) diol, was also transformed into the corresponding cyclic carbonate
and 2-furamide (MoOx/SiO2[32]) to the corresponding nitriles in high selectivity (> 99%).
have been developed. Moreover, the capping of the end OH
groups in the produced polycarbonates is not desirable and
suppresses the elongation of the produced polycarbonate diols.
6. Comparison with conventional reaction
systems based on scope, reaction conditions
and atom efficiency
5. Polymerization of CO2 and diols into
polycarbonates with CeO2 catalyst and CO2 As mentioned above, the phosgene method is mainly used for the
flow reaction system synthesis of polycarbonates. It is generally conducted by the
interfacial polycondensation method using CH2Cl2 and water, and
Direct polymerization from CO2 and diols without using tertiary amines or quaternary ammonium salts are used as a
dehydrating agents was demonstrated by Tomishige, Tamura catalyst for the reaction.[9] The reaction is typically carried out at
and co-workers, and the equilibrium limitation was overcome atmospheric pressure and room temperature due to the high
by using a CO2 flow reaction system with the CeO2 catalyst.[18] reactivity of phosgene. However, the method has many drawbacks
The image of the reactor, which is composed of a pear-shaped such as the use of highly toxic phosgene, formation of inorganic
flask and a condenser, is shown in Figure 3. The water produced salts, use of a large amount of organic solvent (mainly CH2Cl2) and
by the reaction is stripped by CO2 flow to the outside of the so on. As an alternative method without using phosgene, the
reactor, leading to overcoming the severe equilibrium limita- transesterification of disubstituted carbonates and diols is also
tion. Moreover, the evaporation of substrate and solvent is applied to the synthesis of polycarbonates in industry. Trans-
suppressed by the condenser, which enables the selective esterification of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and diols are com-
removal of water from the reaction mixture. The reaction monly conducted by two-step synthesis (Scheme 16): The first
smoothly proceeded under the optimal reaction conditions to step is the transesterification of DMC and diols, and the second

Figure 3. CO2 flow semi-batch reactor and time-course of direct polymerization from CO2 and 1,6-hexanediol with CeO2 catalyst and CO2 flow semi-batch
reactor. Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.10 g, 1,6-hexanediol 2.0 g (17 mmol), diphenyl ether 3 g, triglyme 2 g, CO2 flow rate 200 mL min 1, 483 K. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [18]. Copyright 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Table 8. Scope of alcohols in the direct polymerization or carboxylation with CeO2 catalyst and CO2 flow semi-batch reactor.

Diol or mono-alcohol T/K Conv./% Sel./%

Polymer Dimer Others

453 30 27 73 <1
483 85 75 25 <1
473 58 48 52 <1

473 55 29 71 <1

483 53 - > 99 <1

433 8 - > 99 <1
Diol T/K Conv./% Sel./%
Polymer Cyclic carbonate Others
393 13 <1 > 99 <1

Reaction conditions: CeO2 0.1 g, alcohol 17 mmol, triglyme 2 g, diphenyl ether 3 g, CO2 flow rate 200 ml min 1, 48 h. Reproduced with permission from
Ref [18]. Copyright 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry.

Scheme 16. Two-step synthesis of polycarbonates by transesterification of dimethyl carbonate and diols.

step is polycondensation. Typical reaction temperatures for the To compare the reactivity of the reaction systems, we
transesterification of dimethyl carbonate and aliphatic diols are summarize the typical reaction conditions for the above conven-
363–443 K and those for the polycondensation are 413–483 K. tional and new methods in Table 9. It is difficult to compare the
Various homogeneous organic and inorganic catalysts such as reaction systems precisely because the reaction conditions and
Zn(OAc)2, NaH, 1,3-diphenoxytetra-n-butyldistannoxane, 1-n-butyl- processes are quite different and sometimes complicated. There-
3-methylimidazolium-2-carboxylate, 4-dimethylaminopyridine fore, in this manuscript, we focus on the reaction temperature and
(DMAP), CH3COONa, CH3ONa,[33] and heterogeneous catalysts such pressure, which are the most important factors for the reaction.
as TiO2-SiO2, MgAl hydrotalcite, Mg–Fe/Ti layered double hydrox- The phosgene process is highly reactive compared with other
ides, KNO3/γ-Al2O3[34] have been developed. As for the trans- processes, and it can be carried out at low reaction temperature
esterification of DPC and bisphenol A used for AsahiKASEI process, (r.t.) and low pressure (atmospheric pressure), which is strongly
a higher reaction temperature (~ 533 K) seems to be required due dependent on the high reactivity of phosgene. In the processes
to the high viscosity of bisphenol A-derived polycarbonates. Ring- without phosgene, the transesterification was conducted at
opening polymerization of cyclic carbonates is also an effective comparatively high reaction temperatures (up to 483 K for
method for the synthesis of polycarbonates, and effective aliphatic polycarbonates, ~ 533 K for aromatic polycarbonates) and
homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts have been developed atmospheric and reduced pressure, and high yields and polymers
such as Lipase-immobilized on SiO2, H3PW12O40/CeO2, CeO2 and so with various Mn can be achieved. Ring-opening polymerization of
on.[35] However, the scope of the substrates is very limited, and the cyclic carbonates can be conducted at comparatively low reaction
substrates of cyclic carbonates are generally produced by using temperature (293–393 K) at atmospheric pressure, and high yield
phosgene and CO as carbonyl sources. Although not discussed in and high Mn can be obtained. Therefore, the method has a high
detail in this paper, CO2/epoxide copolymerization is a promising potential for industrialization at the present technical level,
method for the synthesis of polycarbonates from CO2, and various although the scope of substrates is very limited. CO2/epoxide
effective complex catalysts have been developed.[10] The reaction copolymerization is also performed at comparatively low reaction
conditions are comparatively mild (reaction temperatures below temperature (295–373 K) at low-high CO2 pressures (0.1–4.8 MPa).
373 K and CO2 pressures between 0.1–5 MPa), and the activity is The method was industrialized, although the scope of substrates is
also high. The scope of substrates is limited and the handling of very limited. Direct polymerization of CO2, diols and dihalides by
explosive epoxides will be also problematic. alkaline carbonates was performed at moderate reaction temper-

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (17 of 20) © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH
Table 9. Typical reaction conditions of the reaction systems for polycarbonate synthesis.
Reaction system Carbonyl Substrate (I)/(II) Catalyst (C) and reagent (R) Step P/MPa T/K t/h Yield/% Mn Reactivity
source (II) molar /Reaction ratea
(I) ratio

Phosgene process COCl2 Bisphenol A Excess (C) Tertiary amine, – 0.1 r.t. – High Controllable High
quaternary ammonium salts
Transesterification of DPC Bisphenol A 1.05 (C) Alkaline metal hydroxide 1 0.1-1 433 – 70 ~ 90 Max Moderate
dialkyl carbonates and diols or amines 2 0.067 538 – > 17,000 ~ low
DPC Aliphatic diols 1–1.2 (C) Zn(OAc)2, – 0.1– 473–483 3 Up to 93 Max
Zn4O[CO2-C6H4-CO2]3 0.0002 ~ 160,000
DMC Aliphatic diols 1–10 (C) Base catalyst 1 0.1 N2 363–443 4–7 Up to 93 Max
(CH3COONa, EtONa, etc.) 2 0.05– 413 ~ 483 2–8 ~ 150,000
Ring-opening polymerization Cyclic carbonates – (C) Lipase, Zn(C6F5)2, CeO2, – 0.1 293–393 24 Up to 99 Max 31 h 1 (CeO2)

Asian J. Org. Chem. 2022, 11, e202200445 (18 of 20)

etc. 48,000 (70% Conv.)b
CO2/epoxide copolymerization CO2 Epoxide Excess (C) Complex catalysts – 0.1–4.8 295–373 – Up to Max 15,000 h 1
> 99 ~ 300,000 (CoX2Y2)c
Direct polymerization of CO2, CO2 Aliphatic diols + diha- Excess (R) K2CO3, Cs2CO3 – 0.1–1 353–373 12– Up to 98 Max 0.02 h 1 (Cs2CO3)
diols and dihalides by alkaline lides 48 43,200 (> 99% Conv.)d
Direct polymerization of CO2 CO2 Aliphatic diols Excess (R) CyTMG (N-cyclohexyl-N’, – 0.1 r.t. 3–15 Up to 81 Max 0.14 h 1 (CyTMG)
and diols by R3P/CX4/base N’, N’’, N’’-tetrameth- 6,600 (~ 80% Conv.)e
system ylguanidine)
(R) Ph3P
Direct polymerization of CO2 and CO2 Aliphatic diols Excess (C) CeO2 – 5 403 8–24 Up to 99 Max 57 h 1 (CeO2)
diols by CeO2 catalyst and ni- (R) Nitriles 5,000 (99% Conv.)f
Direct polymerization of CO2 and CO2 Aliphatic diols Excess (C) CeO2 – 0.1 483 96 Up to 93 Max 3.4 h 1 (CeO2)
diols by CeO2 catalyst and CO2 3,500 (~ 80% Conv.)g
flow reaction system

[a] The reaction rate was determined by the following equation; Reaction rate (h 1) = Converted substrate (mmol)/Reaction time (h)/Catalyst amount (mmol).
[b] Taken from the Reference [35a]. The reaction rate (h 1) is estimated by the surface Ce amount.
[c] Taken from the Reference [36].
[d] Table 4.
[e] Table 5.
[f] Table 6, the reaction rate (h 1) is estimated by the surface Ce amount.
[g] Figure 3, the reaction rate (h 1) is estimated by the surface Ce amount.

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atures (353–373 K) and atmospheric CO2 pressure, however, the cyanopyridine, the applicability to a flow reaction system was
reaction rate of Cs2CO3 is much lower (0.02 h 1) than that of other confirmed in the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO2 and
catalyst systems. Therefore, if effective catalysts are developed, this methanol at moderate to high CO2 pressures.[37] Moreover, LCA for
method could be effective, although the formation of salts is the synthesis of dialkyl carbonates[38] from CO2 and alcohols and
inevitable. Direct polymerization of CO2 and diols by R3P/CX4/base polycarbonate[31] from CO2 and 1,4-butanediol with CeO2 and 2-
catalyst system may be a very useful method because the reaction cyanopyridine catalyst system was carried out, showing the
can be conducted at room temperature and atmospheric CO2 possibility that the catalyst system is superior to the conventional
pressure. However, the yield seems to be a little lower than that in ones based on energy and greenhouse gas emission. On the other
the other cases, and the sacrificial reagent of R3P and CyTMG must hand, in terms of a simple reaction system, method (v), direct
be recovered and regenerated. Direct polymerization of CO2 and polymerization of CO2 and diols by CeO2 catalyst and CO2 flow
diols by CeO2 catalyst and nitriles is conducted at a moderate reaction system, also has a high potential, however, the reaction
temperature of 403 K and a high CO2 pressure of 5 MPa, and high rate is low, and the development of effective catalysts and
yield and comparatively high activity were achieved. However, the processes is essential as well as recovery and recycling of unreacted
dehydrating agents of nitriles should be recovered and regen- CO2. Moreover, if aliphatic diols can be obtained from biomass or
erated, and the produced polycarbonates are capped by the biomass-derived chemicals, the produced polycarbonates are ones
produced amides derived from nitriles as described above. For derived from only renewable resources (CO2 and biomass) and
industrialization, the development of active catalysts at low CO2 these processes become more useful in terms of carbon neutrality.
pressure and the selection of nitriles whose amides are less At present, there is no effective method for the direct synthesis
reactive for the produced polycarbonates are necessary. Direct of aromatic polycarbonates from CO2 and bisphenol-A derivatives
polymerization of CO2 and diols by CeO2 catalyst and flow reaction because the formation of carbonate bonds from CO2 and phenol
system is performed at a comparatively high temperature of 483 K derivatives is difficult due to severe equilibrium and low reactivity of
and atmospheric CO2 pressure. The catalyst system is very simple phenol derivatives. However, considering the produced amount of
without using additives. However, the reactivity is not so high aromatic polycarbonates is much larger than that of aliphatic ones,
(3.4 h 1), and therefore, the development of effective catalyst the development of effective catalyst systems for the synthesis of
systems which can be conducted at lower reaction temperatures aromatic polycarbonates is highly required in the future. On one
(< 473 K) is necessary for industrialization. Moreover, the recovery hand, it is difficult to convert a large amount of CO2 by the
and recycling of unreacted CO2 will be essential. production of polycarbonates from CO2. Therefore, it will be
necessary to combine the method for conversion of CO2 to various
useful chemicals including other polymers and chemicals obtained
7. Summary and Outlook by the reductive conversion, to reduce CO2 emissions in total.
Further innovation and development of new methods for CO2
Recent progress in the reaction systems for the synthesis of transformation will be required in the future.
polycarbonate from CO2 and diols (diolates) was introduced, and
the potential and issues for industrialization were also explained
based on the performance and reaction conditions of conventional Acknowledgements
and new reaction systems. Polymerization of CO2 and diols is limited
by the severe equilibrium, and mainly five reaction systems have This paper was financially supported by a “NEDO Feasibility Study
been reported as effective methods, (i) polymerization of CO2, Program” commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology
diolates (from diols) and dihalides by 18-crown-6 (ii) direct polymer- Development Organization (NEDO).
ization of CO2, diols and dihalides by alkaline carbonates, (iii) direct
polymerization of CO2 and diols by R3P/CX4/base system, (iv) direct
polymerization of CO2 and diols by CeO2 catalyst and nitriles, (v) Conflict of Interest
direct polymerization of CO2 and diols by CeO2 catalyst and CO2
flow reaction system. All reaction systems have some drawbacks, The authors declare no conflict of interest.
and there are still many challenges for practical application. If the
produced polymer is soluble in some solvents, heterogeneous Keywords: Carbon dioxide · Polycarbonate · Diol · Cerium
catalysts are superior to homogeneous ones due to the high oxide · Heterogeneous catalyst
stability, reusability and separability from the reaction mixture and
so on, and therefore, the latter two methods which use heteroge-
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