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Bing ello his is Bing. I can help you with writing aa essay on what does veterinary sustainability look like in India, Here ae some points you can use + Veterinary sustainability is the ability ofthe veterinary profession to provide high-quality animal health and welfare services while ‘minimizing the negative environmental, social and economic impacts ofits activities, «+ Veterinary sustainability is a growing concem among veterinary professionals, as they have a responsibility to the health and welfare ofall snd to address global issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, public health threats, and persistent animal animals, all over the world, welfare challenges «+ Veterinary sustainability is also important for the development ofthe livestock sector in India, which contributes to Food security, livelihoods, rural evelopment and economic growth, + Some ofthe challenges for veterinary sustainability in India include: © The lack of adequate infrastructure, manpower, resources and regulation for veterinary services > The high prevalence of zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, animal cruelty and illegal wildlife trade 2 ‘The high environmental footprint of animal production systems, specially in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, water us, land degradation and waste generation + Some ofthe opportunities for veterinary sustainability in India include: © The adoption of greener veterinary practices, suchas reducing fossil fuel use, optimizing waste management, enhancing on-site green space and biodiversity, and making sustainable choices when purchasing equipment © The promotion of sustainable animal husbandry practices, such as improving animal nutrition, health and welfare, reducing animal stress sand mortally, enhancing animal productivity and efficiency, and adopting low-carbon and climate-resilen! technologies © The integration of sustainability edueation into the veterinary curriculum, to equip veterinary students and professionals with the knowledge, skils and attitudes (o address the environmental and social aspects of their work. ©The collaboration with other stakeholders, such as farmers, consumers, policy makers, researchers, NGOs and industry, to foster a holistic sand multidiseiplinary approach to sustainability in the animal sector [hope this helps you with your essay. You ean find more information from the following sources: he approach of the veterinary profession to sustainability. htps://www.velreport neU!2020/07ivet-sustain-lays- bility ‘Vet Sustain lays out six goals to unify out-six-goals-o-unify-the-approach-oF-the-veterinary-profession-(o-susta Sustainability: A veterinary Perspective, {A Systematic Review of Environmental Sustainability in Veterinary Practice, hips www siencedirctcom/sciencelatcleipivS193897362100043X ‘Veterinary Services in India: An Overview. Veterinary Council of India, htplive. dad gown! ‘One Health Approach for Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Inia, hnups:/iwwwsesearchgate:nev/ublication/344647861_One_Health_Approach_for_Addressing_Zoonotie_Diseases_in_India Sustainable Livestock Production Systems for Improving Livelihoods and Resource Use Efficiency us: zesearchgate-net/publication’326837875, Sustainable Livestock Production_ Systems for_Improving_Livelihoods_and_ Resource Use_ Environmental Impacts of Livestock Production in India, naps: liwwresearchgate:netpublieation/339749841_Fnvironmental_Impacts_of ivestock_Produetion_in_India Animal Biotechnology. hips/ in/scienific-decision-unilsanimal-ivestock-allied-sciences/animal-biotechnology Integrating Sustainability into Veterinary Education: A Case Study from Utrecht University hips/www.mdp.conv2076-2615/10/8/1311 ‘THE VETERINARY SUSTAINABILITY GOALS. hitps:l' VterinarySustainabilityGoals pdf

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