Week 2 - Cell Transp - Cell Divi

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Cell Transport

Passive transport: Simple diffusion

Non polar molecules: (Oxygen and Carbon dioxide)
Passive transport: Facilitated diffusion
Aquaporins (only H2O)
Active transport
Energy required (ATP)
Cell división: Mitosis
Before mitosis starts, DNA duplicates (all
chromosomes make an exact copy of themselves)

Mitosis begins when DNA condenses and we see

the typical “X” shape.

Then chromosomes align along the center of the

cell. Both chromatids facing opposite sides of the

Later sister chromatids are separated towards

opposite parts of the cell.

Last stage is when a nuclear membrane appears

surrounding the chromosomes at the end of each
The state or process of
being different.
2n Cell
A form of cell division by which the
number of chromosomes is reduced by DNA replicates in
half as sex cells form (from diploid (2n) to Interphase
haploid (n)).
! Homologous
During meiosis a cell divides into two
cells, then each of these cells divides
pair up
again, forming a total of 4 cells. The
chromosomes duplicate only before the ! Homologous
first cell division. chromosomes exchange
parts of the chromosome
All events unique to meiosis occur in (crossing over)
Meoisis I, before the first division. The
second part is like mitosis.
First cell division n cell or
haploid (but with a sister

Second cell division

n cell or haploid
2n Cell

! Homologous
pair up
! Homologous
chromosomes exchange
parts of the chromosome
(crossing over)

First cell division n cell or

haploid (but with a sister

Second cell division

n cell or haploid
2n Cell

! Homologous
Unique of Meiosis chromosomes
pair up
! Homologous
chromosomes exchange
parts of the chromosome
(crossing over)

First cell division n cell or

haploid (but with a sister

Second cell division

n cell or haploid
Homologous chromosomes and Sister chromatids
(in diploid cells)

Homologous Chromosomes:
Have the same length and genes for the
same characteristic in the same

Sister chromatids:
Copies of the same chromosome
They are identical.
Generated before Mitosis
and Meiosis during replication.
The part of a chromosome that
links sister chromatids or a dyad.
During mitosis, spindle fibers
attach to it.

Are structures that form part of
the centrosome, they will form
the spindle fibers that will move
the chromosomes during mitosis.

Spindle fibers
Are the structures that will divide
and organize chromosomes
during mitosis.
Haploid vs diploid cells

Cells with only one set of chromosomes Cells having homologous chromosomes
One gene for each trait Two genes each trait
All gametes (sex cells) are haploid All somatic cells (body cells) are diploid
Haploid cells are the result of meiosis Diploid cells are created through mitosis
New individual has
same genetic
information as parent

New individual has half
information from one
parent and half
information from the
other parent

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