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CMTE cd G PIN:110401105276X vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS |. Overview. 11, OOBA (Out-of- Box Aucit) I Safety Operation Criterion IV. Electrical Symbols. V. External Structure V1. Description of LCD Symbols. VI Functions of Keys. Vill Technical indexes 1, General Specification 2. Environmental Limitation... 3, Electrical Specification IX. Measuring Operation Instructions... Measuring of AC Current. Measuring of DC Current Measuring of AC Voltage. Measuring of DC Voltage.. Measuring of Resistance... Measuring of Conductivity Measuring of Diode. Measuring of Capacitance Measuring of Frequency 410. Measuring of Temperature. ‘1. Non-contact AC Voltage Sensing NCV....32 weNageena 12, Power Supply Gear Position (OFF). 33 13. Auto OFF Function 33 X. Maintenance and Rept... soon 38 1, General Maintenance... oe) 2, Battery Installation or Replacement. 33 ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS |. Overview UT213AIC series is @ handheld automatiorange clamp meter in 4,000 counts 3.3/4 digit true virtual value. The circuit design of the complete machine. takes the large scale integrated circuit 2/A analog- digital converter as core, andthe ful-vange over-oad protection circuit and a unique appearance design ‘make ita dedicated electro-technical instrument. I 's applicable to measure ACID voltage, AC current, DC current (only for UT213C), resistance, diode, circuit on-off, capacitance, temperature (only for UT213BIC), frequency and duty ratio, and itis also ‘equipped with such functions as data-hold,maximum minimum data measurement (only for UT213BIC), relative value measurement, flashlight, NCV, under- votage display and auto OFF. The Instuetions indudes relevant safety information, waming, etc. Please read relevant contents carefully and strictly observe all wamings and cautions. A\ Warning Before using the clamp meter, please read relevant “SafeOperation Criterion’ Il. OOBA (Out-of-Box Audit) ‘Open the packing box and take out the instrument. Please carefully check whether or not the following accessories are missing or damaged. 1. Instructions. ‘one copy 2. Probe one pal ‘3. K-lype temperature probe one piece {only for UT2138/C) 4. Cloth bax cone piece Please contact your supplier in case of any missing cor damage. vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS Ill. Safety Operation Criterion lease pay attention othe ‘Warning Signs and Words Warnings moan te sivatons and behaviors that endanger ime user of eause losses to he Instrument or tre equipment to be measured The ieumont i decigned and produced in stict acrutdance vith IEGIEN S1010-TIEGEN 610102082 and IEC/EN 61010-2-033, safety standards, and complies with the safety standard of double insulation, aver-voltage Gar II 800V and pollution level 2. Please observe fhe flowing operation mtruction, otnerwis, the insbument provided protection is ha) fo be dameed. ‘Conforms to UL STD. 61010-1, 610102022, 610102033, Certified to CSA STD. €22.2 NO. 61010-1, IEC STD, 61010-2-032, IEC STD. 61010-2-033, CAT lll: Applicable to test and measuring circuits connactad to the distrioution part of the building's low-voltage MAINS installation, before use and follow all safety instructions. 1.Before using, please check the clamp meter and ‘probe so as to prevent any damage or abnormal phenomenon. If you find thatthe probe and insulating layer of the shell aro damaged obviously, the display screen cannot work, et, or you consider the clamp meter cannot work well, please don't use the clamp meter any more. 2s strictly prohibited to use the clamp meter without the rear cover or battery cover, otherwise, shock hazard may occur. ‘3.When carrying out the measurement, please be sure that your finger should not exceed the shield and riot touch the bare wire and connector, unused input terminal or circuit under measurement, to prevent the electric shock, ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS 4.Before measuring, the function switch must be ‘placed a the correct location and gears of range ‘Switch are not permitted to ‘during measunng, '$ to prevent the clamp meter damage. '5.Do nat apply DCBOOV/AC6OOV or above voltage ‘between the clamp meter terminal and grounding, $0 as {o prevent electric shock and clamp meter damage ‘6.When use the instrument to measure DC voltage of higher than 42V or AC RMS voltage of higher than 30V, itis necessary to operate it carefully, for there may be danger of an electric shook. 7.Do not measure the voltage or current higher than the allowable input, and the function range switch must be placed at the maximum range position When the range of the value to be measured is not determined. Before measuring the resistance, diode or circuit on-off, itis a must to cut ofall the power supplies in the circuit and discharge all capacitors, otherwise it may lead to incorrect measurement results. ‘8.When the symbol of * "is displayed on the LCD, itis necessary to timely replace the battery, so as to assure the measuring precision. Battery must be removed when the clamp meter was not used for ‘a long time, ‘Please do not change the intemal wring of the clamp meter at random, to prevent instrument damage and insecurity. 10.Do not keep oF use the damp meter in an iiammable ‘and explosive environment with high-temperature, high-humidity, of strong electromagnetic field. 111.During maintenance, please clean the shell of the ‘lamp meter withthe soft cloth soaked with neutral detergent, and do not use the abradant and solvent, 50 as to prevent the shell corrosion, instrument damage and insecurity 3 vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS 12. the documentation shall indicate that probe assemblies to be used for MAINS measurements ‘shal be RATED as appropriate for MEASUREMENT ‘CATEGORY Ill or IV according to IEC 61010-031 and shall have a voltage RATING of at least the voltage of the circuit to be measured, IV. Electrical Symbols Double insulation Grounding Warning AC (alternating current) DG (Girect current) Buzzer onvoft Pt | Diode Ae | Capacitance F [AC or DC faterating curent or drect caren) Danger: high voltage ‘CE | Meet EU (European Union) standards “| This symbol signify the product comply with ‘Se [both USA and Canada requirement ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS V. External Structure (See Figure 1) 4.Clamp head Its the sensing device for ACIDC measurement, which convert the current into voltage. 2.Clamp body Itis @ kind of safety design to protect the operators’ hands from dangerous zone. 3.Clamp head trip handle 'Pross the trigger to open the clamp head and release the trigger to allow automatic closing of it 4.Knob switch For selection of measurement function tap positions. 5.Function keys For selection of basic functions. 6.LCD display aroa For display of measurement data and functional symbols. 7.Measurement input terminal For input of measurement signal. vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS VI. Description of LCD Symbols SIN] Symbol Description Prompt of relative value 1 |A | measurementiaset status "Ac De |Prompls of alternating current and 2 direct current 3 [= [Negative readings 4 [>t __ [Prompt of diode measurement 5 | -a)__|[ Prompt of circuit on-off measurement 6 Prompt of data-hold Units of resistance: ohm, Klohm 7 | k0 WO and megaohm & thn vis wn) Units of frequency: hertz, Klohertz and megahertz O [mV_V [Units of votager milivelt and volt Units of current: miliampare and ampere Units of capacitance: nanofarad, 11 [AF HF OF microfarad and milifarad Prompt of non-contact AC voltage 12 | EPNCV) sensing 73 [Auto __[Prompt of automatic range 14 | max an) Prop of maxima and minimum Prompt of under-voltage of 18 | [builtin battery 16 [@__ [Prompt of auto OFF 17 [Ax [Prompt of high votage input anger) Prompt of over-range and 18 [OL [instrument overfiow’ 78 [% [Prompt of duty ratio measurement 6 ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS VIL. Functions of Keys 1. SELECT Click once to select the tap postions, 2. HOLD Giiok once to enter reading-hold measuring mode; click once again to exit. Hold the key to open backlight. For UT213A/BIC, hold again within 15s to close backlight or wat for 18s for automatic closing (MAXIMIN (Only for UT213B/C) Click once to enter maximum measuring mode (LCD displays “MAX " symbol), and cick once again to enter minimum measuring mode (LCD displays "MIN * symbol), which is operated as a cycle, Hold the key to exit [tis only vai to measure AC voltage ‘curren, resistance and temperature, 4, H2% (Only for UT213A) Giick at voltage gear pasion for vltage-frequency ‘switching; Click at frequency gear position for frequency-duty ratio switching, 5.REL Click once to enter relative value measuring mode, with measured value-basic value displayed (appicable to measurement of AC/DC voltage, AC current, resistance and temperature, excluding DC current. Click again to exit. Under DC current measuring mode, hold once to enter resetting mode, and LCD will display * A* symbol; hold it again to exit. 6. FLIGHT UT213A: click to tun the flashlight on or off [UT2138/C: hold to turn the flashlight on and click again to tur it of. vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS VII. Technical Indexes 1. General Specification 1: General Specification Liquid crystal display: Maximum display up to 4000; Polarity display: Automatic positive and negative poiarty display; Over-ioad display: Display in “OL* or *-OL"; Battery voltage display: When the battery voltage is lower than the working voltage, " @]" symbol will be displayed and new battery will be required: ‘Sampling rate:Approximately 3 timesisecond; ‘Sensor type:Coil induction (UT213AVB) or Hal effect sensor (UT213C); “Measured postion error When measuring the current, +£1.0% additional error may occur if fails to put the source to be measured into the central position of the probe; Impact-resistant strength:1m height impact can be borne; ‘Maximum opening dimension of camp head: Diameter of 30mm; Predicted maximum dimension of the current wire: Diameter of 30mm; Electromagnetic field effect When the electromagnetic, field interference exiss, it probably displays unstable or incorrect readings; Power requirements: Three AAA 1.5V batteries; Auto OFF function:UT213A: 30min for automatic switch off UT213B/C: 15min for automatic switch off This function can be closed as necessary. Dimension:226mmx77mmx41mm: Weight Approximately 265g (battery included); 8 ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS 2. Environmental Limitation Working environment: Indoor use; ‘Maximum altitude: 2,000m; Safety regulations:IECIEN 61010-1; IECIEN 61010-2-082; ‘Operating temperature and hum (not larger than 80%RH), 30°C-40°C (not larger than 75%RH), 40°C-50'C (not larger than 45% RH); ‘Storage temperature and humidity : -20°C-+60°C (not larger than 80%RH); 3. Electrical Specification ‘Accuracy: + (% reading + word coun}, calibration period is a year Ambiont tomporature: 23°C35°C; Ambient humidity: <75%RH; Temperature coefficient: 0.1*(accuracy)/'C: 1, AC current (x) MeasuremenfResotio acouaay | OveWoad |Range [Ratio °Y [Protection |4.000A (only lor ura anay] O.001A | #(2.5%+90) 40.008 0.01A | #(2.5%+5) 2(1.8%28) | 400A 4oooa | 0.1 |(UTZ13v8) ++(2.5%+5) (ut2130) Display: UT213A-average value; UT2138/C-rue Virtual value; applicable to 10% to 100% of the measurement range vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS UT213A/B frequeney response: SOHz-60H2; UT213C frequency response: 40H2-400Hz; 2, DC current (%) (Only for UT213C) [MeasurementResolutio accuracy [overload Range [Ratio Protection 40.00A_| 0.018 FO00A OTA] 202.0%+3) | 4008 (DOI base number shall be cleared by pressing ZERO key, 3. AC voltage (7) iMeasurementfResoluto accaraqy [Ovetoad [Range [Ratio Accuracy | protection| 4.0007 | 0.00 40.00V 0.01V ++(1.2%+5) | 600V 400.0v__| 0.1V. Dciac eooy | tv HA 5%) value; applicable to 10% to 100% of the ‘measurementrange. Voltage input impedance =10MQ; Frequency response: 40H2-400H2; 4.DC voltage (7) [Measurement Resolution Accu Range [Ratio | APoraey 400.0mV_| 0. 1mv_| #(1.0%+8) 4o0ov | o.001v [x0.8%1) | ony 40.,00v___[0.01V . SOON BT s(0.8%+3) | DciAC ‘600V. av | 0%) Voltage input impedance =10M ‘Overload Protection] 10 5, Resistance (2) ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS [Measurement}Resotuto ‘Overload [Range [Ratio | APY | protection 4o00n | o.1a | #(1.2%"2) 4.000K8 | 0.001Ka 40.00k0 | 0.0K | +(1.0%+2) | s00v 400.09 | 0.1K0 Devac ~4.000Ma_| 0.001ma| 211.2%6"3) 4o.0oma | orm | #275) 6. Conductivity test (-m)) [MeasurementResolitio] accuracy [Overoad [Range [Ratio | Protection [UT213A (ON) =300, he buzzer wil | OFF) =700) so0v goon | 0.10 |W ede | ovac hw not ring [Oper-cret votage is about 1.2 vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS 7. Diode test (oH) [Measurement Range: | 4.000V [Resolution Ratio: | 0.001V [Overioad Protection] 600V DCIAC For UT213A,open-circuit voltage is about 1.5V, and ‘measurable PN junction = forward voltage drop value of 1.5V. For UT21BVC, open " | Accuracy: Circuit voltage is about 3.3V, and measurable PN junction forward voltage drop value of 3V. Normal voltage value ‘of siicon PN junction is about 05-0.8V. 8. Capacitance (4¢) ur213A [Measurement fResoluton ‘Overioad [Range (Ratio | APY | protection [50.00nF _Jo.oinr | #(4.07%*25) [500.0nF —_|0.1nF- [5.000uF [O.0010F | 444 99,45) | 600VIms [50.00uF __[0.01uF [100.0uF ___[0.1uF 12 ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS viene [Measurement]Resolution] ‘Overload [Range [Ratio "2°¥ | Protection 40.00nF _[0.01nF | +(4.0%+25) 0% [ose FOU OBTTIE] gy, 40.00uF | 0.01uF a0%6) pciac soo 0ur [osu 4.000mF | 0.001mF{_#(10%) 700, the buzzer will not ring, 3) Read the resistance value ofthe tested circuit load directly from the display. Acaution: © Before checking the ondine circult conductivity all ower supply in the tested circuit must be switched ‘ff, and residual charges in all capacitors may be discharged. ‘© Do not input voltage of higher than DC or AC 30V, in order to ensure personal safety. © The probe shall be disconnected from the tested circuit after all measuring operations. 25 vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS 26 ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS 7. Measuring of Diode (See Figure 8) 1) Insert the red probe (polarity: +") into “Q” jack, and black one (polarity: *) into "COM" jack. 2) Switch to "+" gear position, press SELECT key to select diode measurement, and read the approximate forward PN junction voltage of the tested diode directly from the display. As for silicon PN junction, the normal range is generally considered ‘as 500mV-800mV. A.ccaution: © In case of open circuit or reverse polarity of the tested diode, it will display "OL" © Before measurement of on-line diode, all power supply in the tested circuit must be switched off, and residual charges in all capacitors may be discharged. © For UT213A, the open circuit voltage for diode testis about 1.5V, For UT213BIC, the open circuit voltage for diode testis about 3.3V, ‘© Do not input voltage of higher than DC or AC 30V, ‘order to ensure personal safety. © The probe shall be disconnected from the tested circuit afterall measuring operations. ar vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS 8, Measuring of Capacitance (See Figure 9) 41) Insert the red probe into “A” jack, and black one into "COM" jack 2) Switch to "4¢"gear position, and connect in parallel the probe to the two ends of capacitance tobe tested. 3) Read the capacitance value of the tested circuit load directly from the display Itis suggested to use testing stub for capacitance measurement, which ‘can reduce the influence of distributed capacitance. Acastion @ In case of short circult of the tested capacitance cr the capacitance value exceeds the maximum ‘measurement range ofthe mete, it wll display "OL". (© Under capacitance measuring mode, the simulation boar pointer is inhibited. It may take longer time for ‘measurement of capacitance of greater than 400uE, in order to obtain correct readings. @ In order to ensure measurement precision, itis. ‘suggested to discharge the residual charge in all ‘capacitance before inputting the clamp meter, ‘especially for measurement of HV capacitance, to ayoid meter damage and personal injury @ The probe shall be disconnected from the tested capacitance after all measuring operations. 29 vraisiv8/¢ INSTRUCTIONS ura13iv8/C INSTRUCTIONS 9, Measuring of Frequency (See Figure 10) 1) Insert the red probe into "Hz" jack, and black one into "COM" jack. 2) Switch to "Hz" gear position, and connect in parallel the probe to the signal source to be tested. 3) Read the measured frequency value directly from the display. Caution: © The measurement shall meet the conditions of input amplitude a: UT21GA: 10Hz-1MHz, 200mVims

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