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ESPARZA et al.



A Comprehensive Design Approach of Power

Electronic-Based Distributed Generation
Units Focused on Power-Quality
Miguel Esparza, Student Member, IEEE, Juan Segundo, Member, IEEE, C. Nu´n˜ez, Member,
IEEE, Xiongfei Wang, Member, IEEE, and Frede Blaabjerg, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The undesirable harmonic distortion produced by

distributed generation units (DGUs) based on power-electronic lead even to stability problems [2], [3]. Therefore, the
in- verters presents operating and power-quality challenges in harmonic generation and propagation must be properly
electric systems. The level of distortion depends on the internal reduced within the power-quality limits [4]–[6]. By
elements of the DGUs as well as on the characteristics of the grid, considering the harmonic interaction in the modeling of power
loads, and controls, among others. This paper presents a electronics based systems, better design and analysis can be
comprehen- sive method, focused on power-quality indexes and
efficiency for the design of microgrids with multiple DGUs carried out. Although it is not a generalized practice, it is
interconnected to the ac grid through three-phase multi- common to assume certain ideal operating conditions which
Megawatt medium-voltage pulsewidth-modulated-voltage-source neglect the harmonic interaction, in order to simplify the
inverters (PWM-VSI). The proposed design method is based on a model when performing some specific analysis, designs or
least square solution using the harmonic domain modeling studies.
approach to effectively consider explicitly the harmonic
characteristics of the DGUs and their di- rect and cross-coupling Ideal operating conditions are increasingly difficult to sus-
interaction with the grid, loads, and the other DGUs. Extensive tain as valid, since harmonic generation, interaction of
simulations and analyses against PSCAD are presented in order controls and harmonic components, resonances, harmonic
to show the outstanding performance of the proposed design stability is- sues, etc, are phenomena commonly reported in
approach. systems with high harmonic penetration [7]. In practical
Index Terms—Harmonic analysis, design optimization, power networks with power electronic-based DGUs, this could lead
quality. to erroneous or unfavor- able operating scenarios. This gap has
been recognized and ad- dressed in the open literature,
I. INTRODUCTION although not in a holistic way. For instance, [8] deals with the

I N recent years, there have been an increased number of power transfer capability problem of DGUs including
grid-connected DGUs through power electronic interfaces, harmonic distortion, and considering power- quality
which, in turn, has led to harmonic distortion problems. regulations at a specific point of the network. Reference
Adverse power-quality effects due to harmonic distortions [9] brings out some pitfalls of electric power-quality indexes
are, for in- stance, interfering with communication, control allowed by international regulations showing that being within
and protection systems, reduction of the equipment lifespan, the limits is not enough in order to ensure proper performance
create additional losses in the power system, resonance and of the DGUs electrically close to each other. In more sophisti-
stability problems [1], [2]. The harmonic distortion not only cated approaches, the power quality on the distribution system
depends on the har- monic sources, but also on the interaction is improved by the use of harmonic compensation methods in
with the grid, loads, controls, and the others DGUs. In the control schemes of the interconnected DGUs [10]–[14].
addition, in power networks with closed-loop controlled In this way, one of the best practice to mitigate the adverse
power electronic converters, the har- monic content of the harmonic effects is the proper design of the passive filters
harmonic sources is tied to the harmonics in the signals connected to the end terminals of power electronic converters.
measured for the control schemes; introducing undesirable Several design methods or procedures, specially for the LCL
behavior on the control performance, which can filter, have been proposed. However, most are based on a trial
and error process in which their difficulty and convergence
problems considerably increase for systems with multiple
Manuscript received December 15, 2015; revised April 26, 2016; accepted DGUs based on power electronic converters, specifically from
June 7, 2016. Date of publication June 23, 2016; date of current version
March 22, 2017. Paper no. TPWRD-01785-2015. medium to high power levels [15]–[20].
M. Esparza, J. Segundo, and C. Nu´n˜ez are with the Universidad Auto This paper proposes a comprehensive approach, based on
´noma de San Luis Potos´ı, San Luis Potos´ı 78290, Mexico (e-mail: op- timization and the extended harmonic domain (EHD) [21],
X. Wang and F. Blaabjerg are with the Aalborg University, for the design of multiple grid-connected multi-Megawatt
Aalborg 9200, Denmark. medium- voltage PWM-VSI with LCL filters. This is carried
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available out by means of a Nonlinear Least SQuares formulation
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2584616 (NLSQ), which cal- culates the filter parameters and the
steady state control variables which meet certain proposed

reference operating conditions and

0885-8977 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Simplified layout for design.

includes power-quality restrictions and efficiency. As an

exam- ple, the design of two DGUs, based on three-phase
PWM-VSIs, which are connected to a microgrid is presented.
Two case stud- ies are presented to show the proposed design
approach, one considering that the interconnections grid is
unknown and the other when is known. The obtained results Fig. 2. Relationship between designable elements (DE), design objectives
show the remarkable good performance of the proposed (DO) and external conditions (EC).
design approach on both cases, along with advantages over
other design methodologies, which rely on the comprehensive
respectively. The pointing arrows between these elements are
consideration of multiple de- sign objectives.
links with the elements that have influence on or relation to
The paper is divided as follows: Section II presents the
the final value of them. Solid and dashed lines represent
design challenges of DGUs, Section III Introduces the EHD,
strong and weak interactions, respectively.
Section IV describes the proposed design approach, Section V
Fig. 2 shows an insight of the challenges in the designing
presents the harmonic model of the microgrid test system,
of DGUs. Some of the most common practices used to tackle
Section VI explains the selection of design objectives and the
them are: (1) settle many of the designable elements based on
designable elements of the case studies, Section VII presents
experience and a priory knowledge, especially those in respect
the design results of two different case studies, and Section
the topology, (2) decouple the relationships by considering
VIII draws the final conclusions.
only the most relevant designable elements for each design
objec- tive, (3) neglect some design objectives focusing only
II. DESIGN CHALLENGES OF DGUS on the most important. However, it is clear that as long as
Three main elements could be identified in the design of a more and better mathematical representations of these
DGU. (1) The Design Objectives (DO) (power quality, oper- relationships are provided, better and more reliable designs
ating conditions, size limitations, cost, etc.), (2) the External will be obtained; this is the basis of the presented design
Conditions (EC) (distributed resource, grid equivalent, proposal, to use the vast amount of information provided by
weather events, faults, generation outages, etc.) and (3) the using the harmonic domain model in order to describe the
Designable Elements (DE) (topology, component values, relationships and formulate the nonlinear problems enabling
control parame- ters, etc). In this context, a proper design can to accurately calculate the des- ignable elements.
be summarized as the selection of certain DE that ensure the
fulfillment of the DO in the presence of some EC. This III. EXTENDED HARMONIC DOMAIN MODELING OF DGUS
requires to understand in detail the relationships and
Electrical systems can be modeled by Linear Time Periodic
interactions among these main elements.
(LTP) systems, even in the presence of power electronics if the
Fig. 1 shows a very basic representation of a typical DGU
switching functions that drive them are periodic. However, the
and some of the above identified main elements are shown
discrete nature of these functions make it difficult dealing
(DO, EC and DE). From Fig. 1 the DO could be established,
with time domain periodic discontinuous models. The EHD
for exam- ple: DC bus voltage, DC voltage ripple, RMS
modeling overrides this limitation and obtains LTI models by
voltage at PCC, active power at PCC, reactive power at
considering the harmonic content of the signals in their
PCC, THD voltage at PCC, current ripple at PCC, among
formulation. In this way, any time domain LTP system, can be
others. Some of the DE are: distributed resource topology,
modeled as an LTI EHD model [21].
power electronic topology, AC and DC filter topologies,
The LTI EHD model of an electric system can be straight-
control unit topology, switching frequency, power switches
forward obtained from the LTP time domain model, if this is
ratings, DC filter component values and AC filter component
expressed in the form
values, control unit gains, among oth- ers. In order to have a
selection of the DE that ensures that the reference design d x(t) = A(t)x(t)+ B(t)u(t) (1)
objectives (DOref ) are met under bounded variation of certain dt
EC, is then required to understand the rela- tionships between
these main elements. by
It is clear that the relationships between the DO and the DE d
are far from linear and decoupled. Fig. 2 shows schematically X(t) = AX(t)+ BU(t) (2)
an insight of the intricate relationships among the DO, DE and
EC; depicted by grey circles, blue ovals and green squares,

Fig. 3. Design algorithm of power converter optimization.

In the EHD model each periodic variable is replaced by

an harmonic vector of size (2h × 1) in which each element Fig. 4. Microgrid test system.
correspond to an harmonic of the time-domain signal. In this
way, the k-th harmonic of periodic time-domain signal x(t) is The flexibility offered by the NLSQ gives the possibility to
represented by the X×k ∗ element of the harmonic vector X obtain many different solutions for the same system, depend-
= [X×−h ∗, . . . , X×−1∗, X×0∗ , X×1∗ , . . . , X×h ∗]T . In this way, the ing on the approach used in the formulation. These approaches
switching functions are included in the time periodic matrix (A) are mainly dictated by the proposed design objectives along
t of time model (1); hence, the equivalent EHD model (2) will with their weight constants. As long as the number of DO is
include their harmonic content in matrix A [22]. equal or greater than the number of DE and a mathematical re-
lationship between them exist, the algorithm is able to be
IV. DESIGN PROPOSAL used. More complex design objectives can be included, such
The design proposal can be used in power electronic as, price, the reliability, size, weight, temperature and
systems able to be modeled in the EHD as in (2). A proper switching losses, etc., if those are calculated from the EHD
implementa- tion considers that the Designable Elements (DE) model steady state solution X ss .
are involved in the matrices A and/or B of the EHD model. The DOref of this paper are based on power-quality indexes,
Hence, the ref- erence design objectives (DOref ) are able to be in order to show the capability of the proposed design
calculated from the EHD model steady state solution given by approach and give an insight of its potential.

Xss = −A−1 BU (3)

In this way, for a given set of DE arranged in the unknown A. EHD Model of the Case Microgrid Test System
vector x, a set of calculated design objectives (DOcal) can be
obtained from Xss. Hence, an optimization problem based on The proposed microgrid to design is shown in Fig. 4.
the nonlinear least square (NLSQ) methodology is proposed Three nodes are clearly identified in this system, labeled 1,
where the unknown vector x is calculated in order to obtain an 2 and PCC respectively. PC1 and PC2 are power cables of
EHD model performance in which the DOcal meet (as close as different lengths, modeled by a three phase pi equivalent
possible) their corresponding reference values DOref . This is line which con- nect these nodes. Distributed generation
done by proposing the following objective function: units Dtt1 and Dtt2 are connected to nodes 1 and PCC
N respectively. The grid is represented by its Thevenin
equivalent and is connected to node by means of a power
Σ . Σ2 PCC transformer T3. A capacitor bank
minimize F (x) = ρ DO − DO (x) (4) CB is also connected to this node in order to improve the
p ref calp
power factor of the microgrid interconnection. A linear load,
n p

where ρp is the p-th weight constant and N is the number of
by LL and RL, along with a three-phase harmonic load, modeled
DO to meet.
by ih, are connected in node 2.
Fig. 3 depicts the proposed design algorithm. Notice that in
A modular approach, which can easily be automated, is
order to evaluate the objective function F (x), it is required
to calculate the values of DOcaln (x) at the k-th evaluation of used in order to obtain the EHD modeling of the case study.
For this purpose, the test system can be divided into
the iterative numerical solution. This information is obtained
individual subsystems in order to derive their individual EHD
from the steady state solution of the EHD model, which can
matrices, and plug them in into the EHD matrices of the test
be calculated from the k-th unknown vector x of DE.
system model. Under this conditions the EHD model of the

by lowercase bold letters that in general represent vectors

of size (3 × 1) constructed with the phases a, b and c, i.e.,
in1 = [in1 , ain1 , in1b ]T ; cTn is the Y − Δ transformer with
parameters rtn , ltn and an referred to the primary wind- ing;
control variables mna and θn are the modulation in- dex and
phase shift, respectively, of the modulating signal from which
the PWM block generates the switching function
s. For a closed-loop operation, the control variables will be
generated by a control strategy for given reference operating
Fig. 5. Distribution generation unit of test system.
The (4H × 1) EHD state variables vector for this
subsystem is given by X Dtt n = [I n1, Vnf , I n2 T , V ] . The
test system is given by ndc

system ma-
trix and coupling matrices ADttn , BU1Dttn and (BU2Dttn ),
dX =A X of size (4H × 4H), (4H × 5H) and (4H × 4H) respectively,
M M M + B M UM (5)
dt the system matrix is given by
where XM = [X Dtt1 , X Dtt 2 , XttE , XRL , X TS ]T is formed
AD ttn =
with the harmonic state variables of each subsystem in the
microgrid; the subscripts state for the following
⎡ (Rn f + Rn 1 ) 1 R nf [Gna ] ⎤
I d − D − Id Id
subsystems: distributed generation unit 1 subsystem Dtt 1, − Ln Ln 1 Ln 1
Ln 1 ⎥
distributed gen- ⎢ 1 1 1
eration unit 2 subsystem Dtt2, grid equivalent subsystem ttE, I −D − I N ⎥
⎢ d d

M nO 1 M nO f M nO 2 − D N
linear load subsystem RL and interconnection subsystem (9)
TS. Cnf Cnf
UM = [Vs, I o1 , Io2 , Ih] is the input vector which in this case is ⎢

formed with the harmonic content of the equivalent grid ⎢
⎣ [Γn ] ⎦
− ⎥
source Vs; the dc current source of each DGU, i 1o and ; and Cndc N N −D
i 2o
the harmonic load ih. System matrix (AM ) and input matrix
and the coupling matrices defined by their non null elements are
(BM ) are given by
given by
⎡ ⎤
ADtt 1 0 0 0 BU1 Dtt 1 BU1 Dtt1( 3 , 3) = BU1 Dtt2( 3 , 4) = TnO (10)
⎢ 0 A Dtt 2 0 0 BU1 Dtt 2 ⎥
A = ⎢⎣
M 0 0 A ttE 0 BU 1 ttE 1
0 0 0 ARL BU1 RL ⎦ ⎥ BU2 Dtt2( 4 , 2) = BU2 Dtt2( 4 , 3) = Cndc Id (11)
where Id is the identity matrix of size (H × H); N is null
ma- trix of size (H × H); D = diag(D) is the EHD
differential matrix whit D = [−jhω0 , . . . , −jω0 , 0, jω0 , . . . ,
jhω0 ]. Ma-
T trices MO 1 = diag(MnO 1), MnO f = diag(MnO f ), MO 2 =
BM = [BU2 Dtt , 1BU2 Dtt , BU 2 2 ttE , BU2 RL , BU5 TS ]
(7) diag(MnO 2 ) and TnO = diag(TnO ) are diagonal matrix of
where A sub and BUn sub are the system matrix and the n- th size (H H), in which the i-th element of their diagonal
coupling matrices of formed with the input vector Usub and vectors, × MnO 1 , MnO f , MnO 2 and TnO respectively, are
input matrix B sub , respectively, when each subsystem is defined by the index number (i). These diagonal vectors
modeled by are given by
MnO 1(h + 1 + m)
d ⎧
Rn f
Xsub = Asub X sub + Bsub Usub (8) ⎪⎪ ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,...
dt ⎨ + nt
L 2


with sub = (Dtt1, Dtt2, ttE, RL,TS). Rn f 2 +L
By defining h as the maximum harmonic considered in the columns
⎩ of harmonic
n vectors as n2
EHD model, every EHD vector variable is of size (H 1) M f (h + 1 + m)
× L nO
with H = 2h + 1. Hence the size of EHD subsytem matrices n ⎧
in (5) can be stated by the r rows of harmonic vectors and c ⎨ Ln 2 + lnt

+ lnt ∀ m = 0, ±3, ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,...
±6,... (13)

matrix element of an EHD subsystem matrix is denoted by the ⎪

subscript |· |(r,c). The EHD subsystem matrices of this case ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,...
⎩ Ln 3 an + Ln 2 + lnt

study are defined in the following subsections. MnO 2(h + 1 + m)

Rn 2 + Rn f +
B. Distributed Generation Unit Subsystem Model ⎪ − L +l ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,...
n2 nt
rn t (14)
Fig. 5 shows the topology for Dtt ⎨
= 2

n ⎪⎩ (14)
subsystem with n Rn 3 an n nf + nt
∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,...
{1, 2}. The time-domain three-phase variables are denoted 2 3L
n3 a 2+ L
n2 + lntr

Fig. 7. Interconnection subsystem circuit.

Fig. 6. Grid equivalent circuit.

TOg (h +1+ m)
TnO (h + 1 + m) ⎧
⎪0 ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6, . . .

⎧ ⎨
⎪⎨ 0 ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6, . . . = √
a( 3i − (20)


= √ (15) ⎪⎩
an ( 3i − − ∀ m ƒ= 0, ±3, ±6, . . .

⎩− ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,... 2(3L a2 + l )
3) Ln 3 a2 + + )
2(3 n
Ln 2
Ln 2 lnt
The switching information explicitly depends on the
control variables mna and θn and modulating frequency D. RL Load Subsystem Model
mnf . From these parameters, elements of vectors Sn ×a , b , c ∗ can The EHD state variable vector of size (H × 1) is given
be calculated from analytical relationships [22]. [Gna ] is a by XRL = I rl . Hence, system matrix of size (H × H) is
Toeplitz matrix constructed with the elements of vector given by ARL L=L − R L Id − D. The coupling matrices of size
Ga given by (H × ×

Ga = Sa − S + S + S 5H) and (H 4H) are sparse matrix BU1 RL and null matrix
a b c
(16) BU2 RL , respectively. The non null EHD element of BU1 R L
For matrix [Γn ], let Γm be the m–th row of [Γna ] and Smna is given by BU1 RL(1 , 5) = 1LIL d.
be the m–th row of [Sna ]. Then [Γn] is defined by
. E. Interconnection Subsystem Model
∀ m = 0, ±6,... , ±h (17)
Γh+1+m = S h+1+mna
0 ∀ m = 0, ±6,... , ±h Consider the equivalent interconnection system depicted in
Fig. 7. In this figure, the power cables CP1 and CP2 are
C. Grid Equivalent Subsystem Model replaced by their pi model parameters, given by Rtlp , Ltlp , Ca tlp
Fig. 6 shows the grid equivalent where T3 is the Y − Δ and Cb tlp , with p = 1, 2. In this way, the equivalent
capacitor is
transformer with parameters rt , lt and a3 are referred to the given by Ce = CB + Cbtl1 + Catl2
primary winding; and ×
3 3
Ls and Rs are grid Thevenin The EHD state variable vector is a (5H 1) vector given
equivalent by X = [I ,I ,V ,V , V ]. The system ma-
parameters. The EHD state variable vector is a (H × 1) vector TS TL 1 a TL 2 a 1a pcca 2a

given by XttE = Ip. Hence, the system matrix of size (H × trix vector is given by
H) is given by A TS = Mg − D. Coupling matrices of size
(H × 5H) and (H × 4H) are given by sparse matrices AT S
BU1 ttE and

BU2 ttE , respectively, which non null elements are given by Rtl1 1 I −1 ⎤
− I −D N
BU1 ttE(1 , 4) = Mvg and BU2 ttE(1 , 1) = T Og , respectively. tl 1
Ltl1 Ltl1
= ⎢ ⎥
Matrices M = ), M Rtl
diag(M diag(M
), and L
T = diag( g ) ⎢ 2
Og vp ( Ovg ), in N − I
−D N
− 1 I 1
T Og ⎥
Og are diagonal matrix of size H×H ⎢ L tl2
L tl2
d d ⎥
which the i-nth element of their diagonal vectors, MOg , MOvg
=⎢ 1 ⎥

this context these diagonal vectors are given tl1

by 1
1 ⎥
and TOg respectively, are defined by the index number (i). In ⎢− Id N −D N N ⎥
this context these diagonal vectors are given ⎢
by Ca 1

M Og (h + 1 + m) ⎢ Id − Id N −D N
Ce C

Cbtl 2
⎧ ⎣ ⎦
⎪ rt ∀ m = 0, ±3, ±6,... N 1
Id N N −D


⎪− 3Rs a2 + R L2 + t
∀ m ƒ= 0, ±3,
⎩ 3Lsa2 + lt r ±6,... The coupling matrices BU1 T S , BU2 T S , BU3 T S ( 1 , 5) ,
M Ovg (h + 1 + m) BU4 T S and BU5 T S of size (5H × 4H), (5H × 4H), (5H ×
⎧ H), (5H × H) and (5H × 4H), respectively are sparse
∀ m = 0, ±3, matrices defined by their non null EHD elements given
⎪l1 ±6,...
=⎨ t (19) by BU1 T S (3 , 3) = TiO 1 , BU2 T S ( 5 , 2) = TiO 2 , BU3 T S (4 , 1) =

⎪⎩ 1 − CI1e d and BU4 TS = (5BU

, 1) 5 TS
= − 1 I(5d., 4)
∀ m = 0, ±3, Ca 4
s a2 t ±6,...

Matrix TiOn = diag(Tion ) is given by the diagonal vector The calculation of these proposed design objectives from (3)
defined by
are given by

Vn dc×0∗ = Re (V ndc (h + 1)) (23)
⎨ ⎪0 ∀ m = 0, ±3,
±6, . . .
(h +1+ m) =
TiO n
an m =0
3 6

⎪⎩ − ∀ , ± , ± ,... .
2Ctl p vnA RM S = VnA ×n ∗ Vn A ×−n ∗ (24)
(22) ,n
and Σ=−h


For the test system of Fig. 4, the main intention is to de- where
sign Dtt1 and Dtt2 LCL filter parameters, which offer the h
best power-quality signals, for certain desired DO and Σ
Pno = 3 VnA ×n ∗ In 2a ×−n (26)
considering some given fixed parameters (switching ∗
frequency, transformer =−h
parameters, grid impedance, interconnected loads, etc.). Sno = 3v nA R M S i n2 RM S (27)
on each DGU, the DE have to include the LCL filter
2) Power-Quality Indexes Riin 1 , THDin 2 and Riv n d : The
parameters. c
char- these DE are highly related with many other behavior
acteristics of the system (such operating condition and in1 current ripple (Riin 1 ), the in2 THD (THDin 2 ) and the v ndc
power transfer capability), DO (and DE) non directly voltage ripple (Rivn d c ) are selected as power-quality indexes.
related with the power quality of the signals have to be Many benefits are obtained if those power-quality indexes are
included in the proposed design approach. The following maintained as close as possible to zero. Among the most
subsections give more detail on the established DE and DO impor- tant are the fulfillment of power-quality international
for design Dtt1 and Dtt2 on the proposed test system of Fig. standards
4. [5] for interconnected DGU units. Moreover, from low values
of Riin 1 and Rivn d c , switching devices with lower voltage and
current ratings could be selected, which impacts on the size,
A. Designable Elements price and many other characteristics.
1) Steady State Control Variables mna and θn: By con- The calculation of the ripple of a signal is mainly a time
sidering the control variables as DE, the closed-loop per- domain calculation. Hence a time domain transformation from
formance of each DGU is considered in the design. In this the EHD steady state is required and this is represented by
way, the control references can be included as DO, al-
X → x(t) (28)
lowing to consider the nominal operating conditions in the
design. The ripple of the time-domain variable x(t), defined as Rix,
2) Input dc Current Source ino and dc Side Capacitor C ndc : is given by
By designing these parameters, the power quality of the dc ∗ ∗
Rix = max (X → x (t)) − min (X → x (t)) × 100 %
∗ ∗

voltage bus along with power rating related to the operating

conditions (such efficiency and transfered power) are able to 2|X×r ∗ |
be (29)
introduced as DO. where the asterisk (∗) represents the EHD and time-domain
3) LCL Filter Passive Components Ln1 , Ln2 , Rnf and Cnf : signals, X∗ and x∗ (t), respectively, with the reference r
The LCL filter parameter are mainly related with the power element (r = 1 for fundamental component and r = 0 for dc
quality of ac signals. However, their design impacts not component) cleared.
only power-quality DO but also on the overall closed-loop The THDx is calculated by
perfor- mance of the DGU. One example is to increase the .
damping 2
|X×n ∗ |
resistance Rf in order to reduce the resonance peak, n =2
a large value will affect the DGU overall efficiency. Hence, THDx = × 100 % (30)
the proper design of these parameters consider power quality, |X×1∗ |
operating conditions and transfer power DO.
B. Design Objectives 3) Power Transfer Capability (Po) and Efficiency (η): Fi-
1) Operating Conditions Vn dc×0∗, vn A R M S and PFn A : The nally, two designs for different power transfer objectives are
dc component of vn dc voltage (Vn dc×0∗), the line to line ef- conducted in this example: the active output power at bus A
fective voltage at output bus A (v nA RM S ) an the power fac- (Po) and the overall efficiency of the DGU (η), which
tor at bus nA (PFnA) are selected as the desired operative includes the converter and the filter losses. These two design
conditions. objectives ensure that the required amount of power (if
available) is within the transfer capability of the LCL filter
including the feed- ers, transformer and network impedance
with highest possible efficiency.


Design objective Dtt1 Dtt2 θn in o Ln 1 Cn d c Ln 2 Cn f Rn f

mna (rad) (A) (mH) (mF) (μH) (mF) (m Ω)
DO r e f 1 V n d c ×0 ∗ (V ) 1000 1200
DO re f 2 v n A RM S (V l −l ) 440 440
Dtt 1 0.77461 2.50551 1046.8 0.435 2.1 1.33 5.3 6.3
DO r e f 3 P n o (MW ) 1 1.5 Dtt 2 0.90722 3.03772 1315.9 0.5135 4.9 0.6012 8.7 0.2484
DO r e f 4 Ri i n 1 (%) 0 0
DO r e f 5 THD i n 2 (%) 0 0 Recalculated values, individual m 1 a = 0.7131 and θ1 = 2.648 rads
DOre f 6 Riv n d c (%) 10 7 Recalculated values, individual m 2 a = 0.9500 and θ2 = 2.8089 rads
DO re f 7 PF n A 1 1
DO r e f 8 η (%) 100 100 TABLE IV

DESIGN CASE STUDIES V n d c ×0 ∗v n A R M S P n o Ri i n 1 THD i n 2 Ri v n d c PF n A η
(V) (V) (MW ) (%) (%) (%) (Dimensionless) (%)

Parameter Dtt1 Dtt2 Dtt 1 1000 440 1 0 0 10 1 100

EHD 1000.2 441.7 1.004 7.95 1.52 9.73 0.99 95.9

SB (MVA) 3 3 (h = 500)
Tn (%) 0.5 + j 4 1 + j 4.5 PSCAD 994.5 440.6 0.998 8.01 1.61 9.91 0.99 95.8
Rn 1 (%) 1 1.5 (ts = 1 μs)
Rn 2 (%) 0.5 1.1 Dtt 2 1200 440 1.5 0 0 7 1 100
Rn 3 (Ω) 0.11 0.22 EHD 1200.87 440.2 1.47 7.69 1.94 7.87 0.985 93.62

Ln 3 (m H) 1 2 (h = 500)
vn s (kVRM S L −L ) 13.8 13.8 PSCAD 1200.11 438.42 1.47 7.53 1.92 7.91 0.985 92.22
Modulation SPWM SPWM (t s = 1 μs)
mnf 27 21

The calculation of the design objective Pno was already de- harmonic load is Ih ×1∗ = 6.6150/ −26.56◦ A, with a harmonic
fined in (26). The efficiency η is calculated by component of 50% and 20% of the fundamental for the fifth
and seventh harmonic, respectively.
η= (31)
In o×0∗ Vn dc×0∗ A. Isolated Design Case Study
In this case, each DGU is designed individually, considering
VII. MICROGRID DESIGN CASE STUDIES their interconnection buses as ideal voltage sources (infinite
In order to show the flexibility of the proposed design The RL load subsystem has the parameters LL = 0.1212 H and
ap- proach, two design cases studies are presented in this RL = 45.7 Ω. The fundamental frequency current phasor of the
Section for the microgrid test system proposed in Fig. 4.
The first case considers that no information of the microgrid
test system where Dtt1 and Dtt2 will be connected is
available, named as isolated design. The second case
considers that the microgrid test system where Dtt1 and Dtt2
will be connected is known, named as comprehensive
design. The main objective in both cases is to find the
designable elements proposed in Section VI-A for Dtt1 and
Dtt2 which meet as close as possible the reference design
objectives of Table I over an steady state operation of the
case study system.
The considered fixed parameters for each DGU are given
in Table II. Notice how the design proposed for Dtt2 is more
exigent since the modulation frequency mf is smaller and the
output power is 50% greater as compared with Dtt1.
The fixed parameters for the microgrid test system (Fig. 4)
are the following. The interconnection subsystem has power
cables P C1 and P C2 which parameters are Ca tl1 = Cb tl1 =
5.6 μF, Ltl1 = 1.1 mH, Ca tl 2 = Cb tl 2 = 9 μF, Ltl2 = 1.9 mH
with a capacitor bank CB = 3 μF. The grid equivalent sub-
system is conformed by Ls = 12.6 mH and Rs = 0.2142 Ω.
bus), please refer to Fig. 5. Two individual designs are
performed using the EHD subsystem models Dtt1 and Dtt2
given by (7). The results are used to compute the periodic
steady-state solution of the microgrid presented in Fig. 4
through PSCAD and the EHD model (5) in order to
evaluate the performance and validate the obtained design
once the designed DGUs are interconnected to this
Table III shows the Case Study design results for Dtt1 and
Dtt2. Notice that DE mna and θn for both DGUs are valid
only for isolated operation. When interconnected the control
strate- gies will find the correct values that reach the DOref
of each DGU. Hence these have to be recalculated in a
simpler design by considering as DE only the control related
designable ele- ments (m1a, m2a, θ1, θ2) in order to validate
the obtained DE for the results of this case study when
DGUs are interconnected to the test system. Notice that,
depending on the interconnection system, the isolated design
results could result in undesirable op- erating conditions (ma
close to one or over-modulation). These recalculated values
are also indicated in Table III.
Table IV shows the reference design objective values and
their simulated values for both DGUs. The simulation
results given in Table IV show a very good agreement
between PSCAD and EHD solutions. The PSCAD
simulation is introduced to verify the DE results due to
the high detail level used in


DO 1 DO 2 DO 3 DO 4 DO 5 DO 6 DO 7 DO 8
V n d c ×0 ∗ v n A R M S P n o Ri i n 1 TH D i n 2 Ri v n d c PF n A η
(V) (V) (MW ) (%) (%) (%) (dimensionless) (%)

Dtt 1 1000 440 1 0 0 10 1 1

EHD 999.79 443.8 1 7.82 1.6 10.08 0.99 96.5
(h = 500)
PSCAD 996.4 441.3 0.995 8.005 1.64 10.8 0.995 96.5
(ts = 1 μs)
Dtt 2 1200 440 1.5 0 0 7 1 1
EHD 1199.3 442.5 1.5 7.62 1.86 7.04 0.99 93
(h = 500)
PSCAD 1199.4 439.6 1.495 7.75 1.89 7.17 0.99 92.59
(ts = 1 μs)

Fig. 8. PSCAD and EHD simulated waveforms for isolated design Case Study.
(a) Dtt1 i11 converter current. (b) Dtt2 i21 converter current. (c) Dtt1 v1dc
voltage. (d) Dtt2 v2dc voltage. (e) Dtt1 node 1A voltage. (f) Dtt2 node 2A


θn in o Ln 1 Cn d c Ln 2 Cf Rn f
mn a (rad) (A) (mH) (mF) (μH) (mF) (m Ω)

Dtt 1 0.7998 2.49010 1035.7 0.4489 1.91 2.48 4.83 0.0003

Dtt 2 0.9305 2.99607 1346.5 0.5134 5.47 0.5993 8.6 7.5

their electric and electronic component models. Fig. 8,

shows some PSCAD and EHD steady state (EHD-SS)
simulated waveforms of Dtt1 and Dtt2 when connected to Fig. 9. PSCAD and EHD simulated waveforms for comprehensive design
the test system, considering the DE results of Table III. Case Study. (a) Dtt1 i11 converter current. (b) Dtt2 i21 converter current.
From the simulations shown in Fig. 8 it can be seen that (c) Dtt1 v1dc voltage. (d) Dtt2 v2dc voltage. (e) Dtt1 node 1A voltage.
(f) Dtt2 node 2A voltage.
both waveforms are practically overlapped. This validates the
EHD model used to obtain the designable elements and the
design approach proposed. The achieved power-quality in order to validate the design. The resulting design objectives
indexes are ex- cellent considering the high power capability are shown in Table VI.
and low switching frequency considered in the design. When Fig. 9 shows some PSCAD and EHD-SS simulated
interconnected to the microgrid, each DGU behaves very wave- forms of Dtt1 and Dtt2 when connected to the test
close to an ideal harmonic free voltage source and their system, considering the DE results of Table V.
overall harmonic distortion im- pact over the microgrid is As in the previous case study, the PSCAD simulation
practically negligible. However, since each DGU was validates the obtained results and the proposed design
designed without considering all the elements interconnected approach. A brief discussion of the obtained results for both
to them, the obtained design is decoupled and the isolated case studies is carried out in the following subsection.
operating conditions have to be verified when in-
terconnected. From this point of view, a better design could C. Results Discussion
be obtained if the complete system model is considered in the The results of both case studies show a remarkable perfor-
proposed design approach. mance of the proposed design approach. Multiple and diverse
DOref are closely met, while the grid side power-quality stan-
B. Comprehensive Design Case Study dards are easily fulfilled with a very reduced converter current
ripple; even in the presence of low switching frequencies and
In this case study, the design of both DGUs is performed
harmonic loads, with the best efficiency possible. In both de-
simultaneously, considering all the elements interconnected in
sign Case Studies, the performance of each DGU is seen by
the microgrid, using the overall model derived in (5) for the
the network almost as an ideal harmonic free voltage source
system of Fig. 4. The design results for this case are shown in
and prevents any harmonic related issue in the network caused
Table V.
by the operation of th DGUs. For this reason, the overall per-
As in the previous case, these DE results of Table V are
formance of the system and the obtained DE are very close
used to perform PSCAD and EHD-SS simulations of the test

in both case studies. However important differences should be Power Electron., vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 6421–6432, Dec. 2014.
[4] I. Standards, “IEC61000-X-X-Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC),”
pointed out. 1994.
Regarding the performance of Dtt1, an improvement of
around 0.7% in the efficiency for comprehensive case
could be noticed. Despite the relatively small
improvement, notice that there are significant differences
among both DE, specially in the damping resistance. An
interpretation is that in the comprehen- sive design, the
damping is obtained from the grid resistances. This allows
to improve the efficiency by decreasing Rnf while all the
other DE are adjusted to meet the other DOref .
For Dtt2, the isolated design presents a difference in the
out- put power Pno of around 30 kW respect to the
reference value, which results from non consideration of
the interconnection grid. This difference is significantly
improved in the compre- hensive design. Additionally,
most of the simulated design ob- jectives in the
comprehensive design are slightly better than in the
isolated design. However a small decrease in the efficiency
can be noticed, resulting from an increased Rnf value. In
short, comprehensive design provides an improvement in
the overall performance of Dtt2. This is because the overall
microgrid el- ements have much more impact on Dtt2 since
it is connected to the PCC node, which concentrates most
of the relationships among all the connected subsystems to
the microgrid.

This paper has introduced a novel design methodology
based on optimization and the extended harmonic domain
(EHD) for interconnected distributed generation units (DGUs)
in which the harmonic distortion and its effects over multiple
design ob- jectives are explicitly considered. The design
results of the pre- sented case studies have shown a
remarkable performance when both, the grid parameters are
available and not available, offer- ing an excellent power
quality with the best efficiency possible in the presence of low
switching frequencies. Compared with other design
methodologies, this proposal offers an advanced performance,
which rely on the comprehensive consideration of multiple
design objectives.

The authors want to thank to the Universidad Auto´noma
de San Luis Potos´ı (UASLP) through the Facultad de Ingenier
´ıa and the projects FORDECYT 190966 and FAI 2015 C15-
FAI- 04-106.106 for the facilities granted to carry-out this
research. Miguel Esparza acknowledges the financial support
granted by CONACYT to finance this research.

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Miguel Esparza (S’12), photograph and biography not available at the time
of publication

Juan Segundo (M’10), photograph and biography not available at the time of

C. Nu´ n˜ ez (M’94), photograph and biography not available at the time of

publi- cation.

Xiongfei Wang (S’10–M’13), photograph and biography not available at the

time of publication.

Frede Blaabjerg (S’86–M’88–SM’97–F’03), photograph and biography not

available at the time of publication.

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