UGCS-21-393-BFC - Approval of Final DEtailed Engineering Design Drawings of Footing, Tie Beam & Pedestal For Common Station Building at Gridline A To D

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REPUBLIC OF THe PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Raunave sector (08 Mach 2021 Ms, LUCILAM. Gomez Auhorzed Representative BF Corporation and Foesight Develooment Surveying Company Gonsoren (BFC) Kem 17 OrigasAvenus Extension ‘Santo Domingo, Canis, Rial Subject! APPROVAL OF FINAL DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAWINGS OF FOOTING. Tie ESTAL F N STATION BUILDING IDLINE A TOD. Common StatontUnifed Grand Central Station (NEP) ear Ms. Gomez: This refers to your quest fr approval regartng the above-mentioned subject wth reference ‘number BEC.CS-TS. 2021-1072, Ploase bo iformed that upon review ofthis office and MLV onsulan! or ho project, DOTriterpeze Code 1 "No Objection’ on your proposal, {FC to proceed with rebar farcation and use these plans on site construction as reference. Please note that these approved plans wil supersede your previous submissions related to the Final DED and Shop Drawings of Footng, Tie Beam and Pedestal @ Gridie Ato D. Mos respect, “icin R. Baran Undersecretary for Rallwaye {TMV in died 09 Wah 20% apa AS Par Final DED ewig Fc, ie eae Paar nen Staton Sung @ Caw AD are a a ll Troms ce Testo MetroLink JV (02 Mareh 2021 ‘TIMOTHY JOHN R. BATAN Undersecretary for Railways Department of Transportation The FIDEL IGMEDIO T, CRUZ Assistant Secretary for Railways, (DOT) Subject FINAL DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN ‘URAL DESIGN OF F IE-BEAI PEDESTAL Fi STATION BUI GLA, BSD Unified Grand Central Station/Common Station (NEP) Dear Asee. Cru: LIV has finished reviewing and evaluating BFC’s submitl inthe above- captioned subject and finds it acceptable with no further comments, tis classified as Code 1 In view ofthe above, we are hereby recommending to DOT the approval ‘ofthe drawings for implementation inthis project, We trust this iin nd. Very aly yours, JAIME F. EANCIO ‘Autorized Representative Jin Ventre € 18 op OE o| i Rid MetroLink JV earn seers Pa Ta (02 March 2021 ‘TIMOTHY JOHN R. BATAN Undersecretary for Railways Department of Transporation Thaw FIDEL IGMEDIOT. CRUZ. Assistant Secretary for Railways, (DOTY) Subject FINAL DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF FOOTING, TIF-BEAM, & PEDESTAL FOR COMMON STATION BUILDING a GL-A, G&D Unified Grand Contal Station/Common Staion (NEP) Dear Asee. Cr MLIV has finshed reviewing and evaluating BEC’s submit in the above- ‘captioned subject and finds it accoptabe with no further comments. tis classified as Code 1. In view ofthe above, we are hereby recommending to DOT the approval ofthe drawings for implementation in this project. We ms this is in onder Very truly yours, JAIME F. CANCIO ‘Autorized Representative Joint Ventre REPUBLIC OF THE PHILPPIES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Raxwavs Sector (01 March 2024 LIAIME F. CANCIO ‘Astrized Representative Neto-Link Joint Venture ‘Administration Bulding, LRTA Compound ‘Aurora Bis. Pasay Cty Subject: FINAL DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN STRUCTURAL DESIGN DRAWINGS OF FOOTING, TIE-BEAM, & PEDESTAL FOR COMIMON STATION BUILDING @ GL-A, B,C, &D, Dear Mr. Cancio: Pe Further to your eter dated 08 February 2020 wth Ref No, UGCS-21-242, we are transmitting hherewity BF Corporation and Foresight Davelopment Surveying Company Consorlurys ‘evision regarding the above-mentioned subject. Kindly review and provide your commas within ve (6) calendar days from the receipt erect. Most respectuly, rivet Ll RUZ, JR. ‘Aasstant Secretary for Railways roms ‘ene | nal Detain’ Engneoin Ons Seta! Design Drvings of Foutng, TeSeam. & Pedi For arm Stan Bung GAB, C&D (n Ree) ‘omen LIV iar te 8 Febuary 200th atc rena f WLI canment ; ; teat! 10; (4 Soir ‘Dorr Compound Ape Court Phatto tc, Oana. Gk Freapu Zone, Panpange “nk (03) 78.00 MetroLink JV (8 Fatwary 2001 “TIMOTHY JOHN R. BATAN Undersecretary for Railay Department of rsp Thm FIDEL IGMEDIOT. CRUZ, IR. Assia Secretary for Ralways (DOTY) Subj: HG . STRACTURAL DI Gs. ESTA iON. UILDINGH GLAD &.C United Grand Conta SatoniCommon Staton (NEP) Dear Asoo, Cri MLL ns finished reviewing and evaluating BFC's submital on the shove-captioned subject which was found 10 be acceptable and has mo finer comments. However. we suggest that BEC revisit the footing location beside the exiting Atrium tht maybe subjec to redesign / Recontiguraton Please rest the Roting locations that wil be affected by the exising ‘Awium. We trust hii in onder Very truly yours Metroink Joint Venture OF T ‘2-708 Suan opers uoulion | pusineuco | oj resopod ple 4 PAEPUETS | swoon “SBROO4 AoW | | 19} 9qepea1 24 Sr | ls1rep 04 ay pourene eas] | YORES YouiOD | feumep oye powpene esl) SC teitopad put Jogo savonsogyun usemen weap | ROG SEO | ‘apa Bunayuog ‘sieqajo az pue Apuend aut Aen Teamanag feu wom | | ‘S001 "weaqot, "S600 |

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