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School Of Management Studies & Research

KLE Technological University


A Report on
“Organisation Culture in Swasti Nissan”

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Guided By: Dr G S Hiremath

Submitted By:
Aravind B Rajput (01FM21MBA009)
Sayed Murtuza Quadri (01FM21MBA034)

It’s a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer, founded in 1933 by Masahiro

Hashimoto, Nissan has a partnership with Renault and Mitsubishi hence their products
can also be sold by common dealership, Nissan have various dealership all over the
world and it has strong presence across India.


 Adhocracy culture – the dynamic, entrepreneurial Create Culture.

 Clan culture – the people-oriented, friendly Collaborate Culture.

 Hierarchy culture – the process-oriented, structured Control Culture.

 Market culture – the results-oriented, competitive Compete Culture.


Nissan finds strength in diversity
At Swasti Nissan the core message is the power comes from the inside this means that
professional power comes from personal strength creativity and dedication of every
employee regardless of their functional area or expertise. Nissan is driven by the
accomplishment of employees and find pride continued commitment to diversity and
exiting line of vehicles and environment which keeps forefront of innovation.

Diversity of background and perspective team work motivating each other and having
willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve its goals.

There is a good balance between established processes that every must follow and
personal initiative and freedom in Swasti Nissan everything is very transparent very
open that makes process very stable.

Swasti Nissan is very social label environment people are willing to help listen and to
change. Whether you are expert or not people are very happy to hear suggestion on how
something might work or not work and there is involvement of everybody in the project
from manger to manging director.

The Code of Ethics reasserts the Group’s collective commitment to instil and develop
this confidence. Its goal is to allow each individual, in his or her daily activities, to
embrace the fundamental values upheld by its managers and employees: promoting the
protection of its employees, safeguarding its assets, promoting responsible citizenship,
protecting its customers and promoting its products and services.

Respect for people is a fundamental value at Swasti Nissan: each individual has a duty
to contribute to the cohesion of the company by conducting professional relationships
with both managers and colleagues that are open, loyal and respectful to all.

As such, the Group undertakes:

 Not to discriminate for any reason whatsoever in working relationships and in

 To recruit and promote its staff members according to their specific qualities
and treat them with dignity, without favouritism and with due respect to their
private life.
 To take the necessary measures to ensure that working conditions protect the
health and safety of employees.
 To take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protection of
 To comply with laws and regulations governing the protection of employees’
personal data.

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