Peer Assessment

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Peer Assessment

Agung Rahmadi

Online Education Strategies

Writing Basics and Academic Integrity

Jonathan Powers


University of The People

Peer Assessment

Studying at a university certainly has various learning methodologies,

including the peer-assessment method. Peer assessment approach to teaching

students to provide feedback to other students. As a student at the University

of The People, we are delighted that the University of The People applied the

peer assessment method. This helps the students to improve and provide new

insights through other students' perspectives. The University of The People

has a core learning program, such as peer-to-peer learning programs are

expected to consolidate students to discuss and share their skills and

knowledge with other students to help other students grow and obtain new

learning experiences (Components of the Study Process - Uopeople Catalog,

2020). Students are expected to comprehend the material presented by other

students. Therefore, students should be objective in providing feedback to

other students.

The peer assessment helps to empower students to take responsibility

and manage their learning process. The peer assessment also helps students to

provide constructive feedback to other students, share their skills and

knowledge with other students and motivate students to engage with course

material more deeply. Another benefit is that seeing other people's

perspectives on a subject might spark or inspire the learner to conduct their

own original research on it. This concept relates to the examination of both the

structure and general writing/presentation skills as well as the content. The

viewer's mental model of such a situation is strengthened by seeing examples

of effective writing and well-organized assessment. The final product is likely

to be noticeably better if the peer review is designed to allow the student to

make necessary changes before submitting it (Moss, 2021).

There are a few challenges in providing peer feedback to other

students, such as could not be objective in providing feedback, complaints

from other students due to their obtaining awful feedback, and pressure from

other students. To create an effective decision in a dilemmas situation, we are

required to have judgment skills (Judgment Skills: Definition and Examples,

2023). Thus, students should improve their judgment skills to avoid

inequitable providing feedback to other students.

Receiving peer feedback from other students sometimes being a nerve-

wracking moment, which is when there are concerns about inequitable

feedback from other students. This might occur especially if the students are

not objective and do not comprehend the material courses presented by other

students. Peer assessment is able to be subjective due to the students do not

evaluate their own performance. Peer assessment is also able to consume

much time for students due to they must read and evaluate material courses

presented by other students. Sometimes in a few cases, there are students who

may not be familiar with the assessment criteria.

In order to provide feedback to other students, we are required to be

able to provide constructive and objective feedback to other students. This is

carried out to assist other students to improve their performance and to

motivate themselves. There are a few strategies to assess assignments from

other students, such as providing clear feedback. Providing clear feedback

helps students to comprehend their mistakes and evaluate their work properly.
Giving students feedback entails explaining to them both what they are doing

properly and wrong, with the emphasis of the feedback being on what the

student is doing correctly. A student's learning is most successful when they

are explained what is accurate and inaccurate about their work (Importance of

Providing Meaningful Student Feedback - Center for Teaching Excellence |

University of South Carolina, n.d.).

This document contains 672 words.


Components of the Study Process - uopeople catalog. (2020, August 6).

Uopeople Catalog.


Judgment Skills: Definition and Examples. (2023, February 1).



Moss, P. G. (2021, January 14). PEER assessment – advantages and caveats –




Importance of Providing Meaningful Student Feedback - Center for Teaching

Excellence | University of South Carolina. (n.d.).




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