Cloud Clean Status

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sysadmin@SV934DDP# cloud clean status

Cloud tier cleaning started on cloud unit "ddecsSP" at 2023/02/10 09:08:31: phase 3
of 12 (pre-enumeration)
11.8% complete, 436 GiB free; time: phase 1:09:23, total 3:28:39
Background deletion completed.

sysadmin@SV934DDP# cloud clean watch

Cloud tier cleaning on cloud unit "ddecsSP": phase 3 of 12 (pre-enumeration)

12.2% complete, 436 GiB free; time: phase 1:11:04, total 3:30:20

Active Tier:
Resource Size GiB Used GiB Avail GiB Use% Cleanable GiB*
---------------- -------- --------- --------- ---- --------------
/data: pre-comp - 1065970.6 - - -
/data: post-comp 257926.8 182243.9 75682.9 71% 1923.3
/ddvar 47.1 17.4 27.3 39% -
/ddvar/core 984.2 0.1 934.1 0% -
---------------- -------- --------- --------- ---- --------------
* Estimated based on last cleaning of 2023/02/10 08:59:52.

Cloud Tier
Resource Size GiB Used GiB Avail GiB Use% Cleanable GiB
---------------- --------- -------- --------- ---- -------------
/data: pre-comp - 900663.6 - - -
/data: post-comp 294816.4* 294380.6 435.8 100% 133773.3
---------------- --------- -------- --------- ---- -------------
* Post-comp size is based on CLOUDTIER-CAPACITY license and might not be same as
the cloud storage.

Resource Size GiB Used GiB Avail GiB Use% Cleanable GiB
---------------- -------- --------- --------- ---- -------------
/data: pre-comp - 1966634.2 - - -
/data: post-comp 552743.2 476624.5 76118.7 86% 135696.6
/ddvar 47.1 17.4 27.3 39% -
/ddvar/core 984.2 0.1 934.1 0% -
---------------- -------- --------- --------- ---- -------------

sysadmin@SV934DDP# filesys clean watch

**** Cleaning is not in progress.

sysadmin@SV934DDP# filesys clean status

Cleaning finished at 2023/02/10 08:59:52.
sysadmin@SV934DDP# filesys clean set schedule never
Filesystem cleaning is scheduled to run "never".
sysadmin@SV934DDP# filesys clean show schedule
Filesystem cleaning is scheduled to run "never".

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