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Genetics Exam 1 Example Questions

Fall 2011 Fill in the blanks below with words from the Word Bank that best fit or complete the statements (1-11). Write your answer neatly in the blank next to the number. Words can be used more than once. Not all words will be used. Wordbank Alu Family Centrioles Chiasmata Chromatid Chromatins Chromatin Remodelling Crossing over Cytokinesis Diploid Euchromatin Expressivity Fertilization Gametes Germ-line cells Haploid Heterochromatin Histones Kinetochore Law of Independent assortment

Homologue Homologous Recombination Independent assortment Law of Segregation Meiosis Nonsister chromatids Nucleosomes Okazaki fragments Oligonucleotides Promoters Recombination Ribosomes Sex-linkage Solenoid Synaptoneal complex Syngamy

1. _______________ Genetic exchange at equivalent positions along two chromosomes with substantial DNA sequence homology. 2. _______________ The primary protein components of chromatin, that compact the DNA. 3. _______________ Lightly packed form of chromatin that is rich in genes. 4. _______________ In bacteria, the site of initial binding is established when the RNA polymerase subunit recognizes these specific DNA sequences. 5. _______________ This thicker structure consists of numerous nucleosomes coiled closely together, creating a second level of packing. 6. _______________ This process causes chromatin to change its structure in order to allow replication and gene expression to occur. 7. _______________ Most well characterized human SINE (short interspersed element) 8. _______________ Short chains consisting of up to approximately 20 nucleotides linked together.

9. _______________ Reflects the range of expression of the mutant genotype. 10. ______________ Occurrence of discontinous DNA synthesis results in these small fragments. 11. ______________ Function as nonspecific workbenches where proteins are synthesized during translation.

Describe each of the following terms in 1-2 sentences. (3 pts) 12. Centrioles

13. Chiasmata

14. Chromatins

15. Chromatid

16. Crossing over

17. Cytokinesis

18. Diploid

19. Fertilization

20. Gametes

21. Germ-line cells

22. Haploid

23. Homologue

24. Law of Independent assortment

25. Law of Segregation

26. Meiosis

27. Kinetochore

28. Sister chromatids

29. Recombination

30. Synaptoneal complex

Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences. Be concise, but thorough. 31. Difference between homologue and sister chromatids? (5 pts)

32. What is the significance of the following slide? (3 pts)

33. Contrast the end results of meiosis with those of mitosis. (5 pts)

34. Given the end results of the two types of division, why is it necessary for homologs to pair during meiosis and not desirable for them to pair during mitosis? (5 pts)

35. Contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis. (5 pts)

36. Explain why meiosis leads to significant genetic variation, while mitosis does not. (5 pts)

37. Certain people are able to taste the chemical phenylthio-carbamide (PTC) when it is present in wet filter paper. These people are called tasters. Others are unable to detect PTC and have the nontaster phenotype. PTC is an example of variation in sensory perception, and the genetic basis is thought to be rather simple. The ability to taste PTC is attributed to a dominant allele, denoted, T, located in chromosome 7. The recessive allele is designated t. The genotype TT and Tt are tasters of PTC, and tt genotypes are nontasters. From 204 matings of heterozygous tasters with nontasters, 259 taster and 278 nontaster progeny were observed. Use a chi-square test to determine whether these numbers give a satisfactory fit to the Mendelian expression. (8 pts)

38. In a cross between a black and a white guinea pig, all members of the F1 generation are black. The F2 generation is made up of approximately black and white guinea pigs. (6 pts) A) Diagram this cross, showing the genotypes and phenotypes.

B) What will the offspring be like if two F2 white guinea pigs are mated? (3 pts)

Use the following scenario to answer questions 31 and 32.

A cross was made between a plant that has pink flowers and purple seeds to a plant with white flowers and green seeds. The following data were obtained: F1: All offspring have pink flowers with purple seeds F2: 133 pink flowers, purple seeds 67 pink flowers, green seeds 43 white flowers, purple seeds 57 white flowers, green seeds Assume that the pink flowers and purple seeds are dominant traits and test the hypothesis that the flower color and seed color genes are assorting independently. HINT: This is a dihybrid cross.

39. What is your calculated chi-square value? Assume X2 critical value of 7.82 (6 pts) A. 7.9 B. 12.01 C. 91.02 D. 199.75 E. 425.47 40. Do you fail to reject or reject your null hypothesis based on your answer from question 23? Assume X2 critical value of 7.82 (2 pts) A. Reject (No independent assortment) B. Fail to Reject (Independent assortment) C. Neither D. Unable to discern

41. How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the following genotypes: a) AaBb, b) AaBB, c) AaBbCc, d) AaBBcc, e) AaBbcc? What are the gametes in each case? (5 pts)

42. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder. A male whose brother has the disease has children with a female whose sister has the disease. It is not known if either the male or the female is a carrier. If the male and female have one child, what is the probability that the child will have cystic fibrosis? (5 pts)

43. In a family of eight children, where both parents are heterozygous for albinism, what mathematical expression predicts the probability that six are normal and two are albinos. (5 pts)

44. Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is an inborn error of metabolism that results in death, usually by the age of two. You are a genetic counselor, and you interview a phenotypically normal couple, where the male had a female first cousin (on his fathers side) who died from TSD, and where the female had a maternal uncle with TSD. There are no other known cases in either of the families, and none of the matings were or are between related individuals. Assume that this trait is very rare. A) Draw a pedigree of the families of this couple, showing the relevant individuals. (6 pts) B) Calculate the probability that both the male and female are carriers for TSD. (3 pts) C) What is the probability that neither of them are carriers? (3 pts) D) What is the probability that one of them is a carrier and the other is not? (Hint: The p values in b,c, and d should equal 1). (3 pts)

45. Three gene pairs located on separate autosomes determines flower color and shape as well as plant height. The first pair exhibits incomplete dominance, where the color can be red, pink (the heterozygote), or white. The second pair leads to personate (dominant) or peloric (recessive) flower shape, while the third gene pair produces either the dominant tall trait or the recessive dwarf trait. Homozygous plants that are red, personate, and tall are crossed to those that are white, perloric, and dwarf. Determine the F1 genotype(s) and phenotype(s). If the F1 plants are interbred, what proportion of the offspring will exhibit the same phenotype as the F1 plants? (6 pts)

46. Describe what is meant by the phrase gene interaction as it pertains to the influence of genes on the phenotype. (1-2 sentences) (5 pts)

47. Contrast penetrance and expressivity as the terms relate to phenotypic expression (1-2 sentences). (5 pts)

48. List three main differences between DNA and RNA. (3 pts)

49. Contrast the difference between a nucleoside and a nucleotide. (1-2 sentences) (5 pts)

50. What are the three major types of RNA molecules and briefly describe their function. (1-2 sentences) (5 pts)

51. Define the process of transcription. Where does this process fit into the centrol dogma of molecular genetics? (1-2 sentences). (5 pts)

52. Define the process of translation. Where does this process fit into the central dogma of molecular genetics? (1-2 sentences). (5 pts)

53. Most mutations are thought to be deleterious. Why then is it reasonable to state that mutations are essential to the evolutionary process? (1-2 sentences). (5 pts)

54. Explain why the one-gene:one-enzyme is not considered totally accurate today. (1-2 sentences). (5 pts)

55. In a cross of Drosophila involving the X-linked recessive eye mutation white and the autosomally linked recessive eye mutation sepia (resulting in a dark eye), predict the F1 and F2 results of crossing true-breeding parents of the following phenotypes. (8 pts) A) white females x sepia males B) sepia females x white males

56. Heat-stable DNA polymerases that have 3 to 5 exonuclease activity would be most useful during polymerase chain reactions (PCR) for which of the following reasons? (2 pts) A) The enzymes would stabilize the hydrogen bonds between the bases of each strand. B) The enzymes do not break down during the gel electrophoresis process that typically takes place after PCR in order to isolate DNA segments of interest. C) These polymerases replicate DNA much faster than normal polymerases that do not have exonuclease activity. D) The amplification of a PCR product depends upon the attachment of PCR primers, which anneal to complementary sequences on the DNA template. E) PCR uses heat to denature DNA and the rapid rate of DNA replication often results in copying errors.

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