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No Description Weighting Tender Returnable(s) Scoring Criteria Score

5.1 Evaluation Criteria 100%

5.2 Minimum Threshold 70%
5.2.1 Company's background and 50% The Tenderer shall submit list of traceable references 3 or more completed contracts of
experience in providing which adequately demonstrate that the tenderer has similar nature and scope – 50%
professional services. experience in providing professional services of, at
2 completed contracts of similar
least, three (3) comparable contracts of similar size
nature and scope – 30%
and scope.
1 completed contracts of similar
Provide testimonials or completion certificates for
nature and scope – 10%
design and/or completed projects consisting of the
following information: 0 completed contracts of similar
nature and scope – 0%
1. Name of company/client where project was
2. Contract Description of works performed
3. Professionals Services (start and end date)
4. Contract value (for scope performed)
5. Verifiable contact person (name, designation and
contact details)
5.2.2 Multi-disciplinary Staff 30% The Tenderer shall provide an organogram of key Compliant = 30%
Organogram for professional personnel for professional services as per the tender
services as per the tender bulletin. The organogram shall include entire • Has fully met the requirements
bulletin and sub-disciplines and company structure. As a minimum, include: the • Key staff members have
CV's of key personnel on each resourcing strategy, HR policy and IR policy. The relevant qualifications and
discipline: The Tenderer must organogram shall clearly indicate the role and level of extensive experience
demonstrate relevant responsibility of key personnel. relevant to the nature of the
experience of assigned key project.
1) The Tenderer shall provide CV's (including • Compliant organogram
Resourcing Strategy qualifications and professional registration • Proof of professional
certificates) of key staff to demonstrate the relevant registration
HR policy qualifications, level of experience and competencies.
• Resourcing strategy submitted
a) Relevant certified copies of tertiary
IR policy • Hr policy submitted
b) Verifiable proof of professional registration • IR policy submitted
(i.e. professional registration certificate and/or
professional registration number) with the
-Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), Not Compliant = 0%
-The SA Council for the Quantity Surveying • Failed to comply to
Profession (SACQSP), requirements
-South African Council for Project and • Key staff has limited
Construction Management Professions experience relevant to
(SACPCMP) construction services
- South African Council for the Architectural • No organogram submitted
Profession (SACAP), etc.
• No proof of professional
c) Experience of key staff in relation to the registration
scope of works.
• Organogram lacks detail and
d) The level of responsibility. is incoherent. No details in
allocation of tasks and
• No IR and HR policy
No Description Weighting Tender Returnable(s) Scoring Criteria Score

5.2.3 Skills transfer to the Employer 20%

The Tenderer shall propose how the tenderer will be COMPLIANT = 20%
able to transfer the skills, a skills transfer plan need to
• Skills transfer plan submitted
be submitted and outline how skills will be transferred.
The plan must be submitted and comprehensive per • Skills transfer plan
designation, methodology also need to be clear. comprehensive per
designation listed in the
• Explain methodology on how
skills will be transferred
• Did not submit plan
• Methodology is poor/is
unlikely to meet the
requirements / objectives.
• Unacceptable exceptions
• Skills transfer plan not

A. Kannemeyer G. Nkosi



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