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When conducting research on students' satisfaction in learning, several

variables can be considered to gain a comprehensive understanding of the

factors that influence satisfaction. Here are some common variables that
researchers might investigate:

1. Teaching Methods: This variable refers to the instructional

approaches used by teachers, such as lectures, discussions, group
work, or hands-on activities. Researchers may examine how different
teaching methods impact students' satisfaction and engagement with
the learning process.

2. Learning Environment: The learning environment encompasses

factors such as the physical classroom setup, resources available,
classroom management techniques, and the overall atmosphere of
the learning space. Researchers may explore how the learning
environment influences students' satisfaction and their perception of
the learning experience.

3. Teacher-Student Interaction: This variable focuses on the quality of

interaction between teachers and students. It includes aspects such
as teacher-student communication, availability of teachers for
assistance, feedback provided by teachers, and the level of support
and encouragement students receive from their teachers.

4. Curriculum and Content: Researchers may examine how the

curriculum and content of the course or subject impact students'
satisfaction. This includes considering the relevance, clarity, and
organization of the curriculum, as well as the appropriateness of the
content in relation to students' needs and interests.

5. Assessment and Feedback: This variable involves evaluating the

methods and frequency of assessments, the clarity of grading criteria,
and the feedback provided to students. Researchers may explore how
the assessment and feedback processes influence students'
satisfaction and their perception of their own progress.

6. Technology Integration: With the increasing use of technology in

education, researchers may investigate how the integration of
technology tools and resources impacts students' satisfaction. This
includes examining the accessibility, usability, and effectiveness of
educational technologies in enhancing the learning experience.

7. Individual Characteristics: Researchers may also consider individual

characteristics of students as variables in studying satisfaction. These
characteristics may include prior knowledge, learning styles,
motivation, self-efficacy, and personal interests. Understanding how
these individual factors interact with the learning environment can
provide insights into students' satisfaction levels.

8. Social Interaction and Collaboration: This variable involves studying

the impact of social interaction and collaboration among students on
their satisfaction in learning. Researchers may explore the role of
peer support, group work, and opportunities for collaboration in
fostering positive learning experiences.
9. Personalization and Differentiation: Researchers may investigate the
extent to which instruction is personalized and differentiated to meet
individual student needs. This variable encompasses factors such as
differentiated instruction, individualized learning plans, and
opportunities for students to pursue their own interests and goals.

10. Motivation and Engagement: This variable focuses on students'

intrinsic motivation, engagement levels, and their perceived value
and relevance of the learning activities. Researchers may examine
how these factors influence students' satisfaction and their
willingness to actively participate in the learning process.
These variables are not exhaustive, and researchers may consider
additional factors depending on the specific context and research
objectives. By analyzing these variables, researchers can gain valuable
insights into the factors that contribute to students' satisfaction in learning
and inform the development of effective educational practices.
Teaching Strategies Overview (
There are several theories that attempt to explain satisfaction in the
context of learning. These theories provide frameworks for understanding
the factors that contribute to students' satisfaction and engagement in the
learning process. Here are three prominent theories:
1. Self-Determination Theory (SDT): SDT emphasizes the importance of
intrinsic motivation and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs
in promoting optimal learning and well-being. According to SDT,
individuals are motivated when their needs for autonomy (the sense
of control and choice), competence (feeling capable and effective),
and relatedness (a sense of connection and belonging) are satisfied.
When students have opportunities for self-directed learning,
experience competence in their abilities, and have positive
relationships with peers and teachers, their satisfaction in learning is
likely to increase.
2. Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT): EVT suggests that individuals'
motivation and satisfaction are influenced by their beliefs about the
value and expectancy of success in a particular task or learning
situation. Students' satisfaction is influenced by their perceptions of
the value or importance they attach to a task (e.g., intrinsic interest,
utility, or social value) and their expectations of success in completing
the task. When students perceive a task as valuable and believe they
can succeed, they are more likely to experience satisfaction in
3. Flow Theory: Flow theory, developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
explains the experience of deep engagement and satisfaction when
individuals are fully immersed in a challenging activity. Flow occurs
when individuals are in a state of optimal balance between the
challenge level of the task and their own skills and abilities. In the
context of learning, students are more likely to experience
satisfaction when they are presented with tasks that match their skill
level, provide clear goals, and offer immediate feedback, leading to a
sense of immersion and enjoyment in the learning process.
It's important to note that these theories are not mutually exclusive, and
multiple factors can contribute to students' satisfaction in learning.
Additionally, individual differences, cultural influences, and contextual
factors also play a role in shaping students' satisfaction. Understanding
these theories can help educators and researchers create learning
environments that foster motivation, engagement, and ultimately, student

In the Philippines, Senior High School (SHS) refers to the last two years of
the K-12 education system. Various teaching methods and strategies are
applied in Filipino Senior High Schools to facilitate effective learning. Here
are some commonly used teaching methods:
1. Lecture Method: The lecture method is frequently employed in
Filipino Senior High Schools. Teachers deliver information and
explanations to the whole class using verbal explanations, visual aids,
and presentations. This method is often combined with other
strategies to enhance student engagement.
2. Group Work and Collaboration: Filipino Senior High Schools
emphasize collaborative learning through group work activities.
Students are assigned to small groups to work together on projects,
discussions, problem-solving tasks, and presentations. This method
promotes teamwork, communication skills, and critical thinking.
3. Inquiry-Based Learning: Inquiry-based learning is encouraged in
Filipino Senior High Schools. Students are encouraged to ask
questions, explore topics, conduct research, and critically analyze
information. This approach develops students' critical thinking skills,
problem-solving abilities, and independent learning capabilities.
4. Project-Based Learning: Project-based learning is implemented to
enhance students' practical skills and promote deeper understanding
of concepts. Students work on extended projects that require them
to investigate, analyze, create, and present their findings or solutions.
This method fosters creativity, collaboration, and application of
5. Flipped Classroom: The flipped classroom model is gaining popularity
in Filipino Senior High Schools. Students are assigned pre-recorded
lectures or readings to review at home, allowing class time to be used
for discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities. This
method promotes active learning and student engagement.
6. Technology Integration: Filipino Senior High Schools increasingly
integrate technology into the classroom. Teachers use multimedia
resources, interactive presentations, online platforms, and
educational apps to enhance instruction and provide interactive
learning experiences.
7. Demonstration and Hands-on Activities: Filipino Senior High Schools
utilize demonstration and hands-on activities in subjects such as
science, technology, and vocational courses. Students actively
participate in experiments, simulations, and practical tasks to gain
hands-on experience and reinforce their learning.
8. Differentiated Instruction: Differentiated instruction is practiced to
address the diverse needs and abilities of students. Teachers adapt
their teaching approaches, materials, and assessments to
accommodate different learning styles, interests, and abilities.
It's important to note that teaching methods can vary across schools,
teachers, and subjects. Educators often employ a combination of teaching
strategies to cater to different learning styles, promote student
engagement, and achieve the desired learning outcomes.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on teaching methods and

their impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F) environment.
You can customize it based on your specific research objectives and
1. What is your level of satisfaction with the teaching methods used in
your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How often do your teachers use lectures as a primary teaching
method? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
3. How frequently do your teachers incorporate group work or
collaborative activities in the classroom? a) Very frequently b)
Frequently c) Occasionally d) Rarely
4. To what extent do your teachers engage you in problem-solving or
critical thinking activities? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate
extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
5. How often do your teachers incorporate technology, such as
multimedia presentations or online resources, in their teaching? a)
Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
6. How frequently do your teachers use hands-on activities,
experiments, or demonstrations to facilitate learning? a) Very
frequently b) Frequently c) Occasionally d) Rarely
7. How often do your teachers provide opportunities for student-led
discussions and class participation? a) Very often b) Often c)
Occasionally d) Rarely
8. To what extent do your teachers personalize the learning experience
to meet individual student needs? a) To a great extent b) To a
moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
9. How well do your teachers explain the relevance and real-world
applications of the topics or subjects being taught? a) Very well b)
Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
10. How satisfied are you with the overall effectiveness of the
teaching methods used in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b)
Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding the teaching methods used in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific teaching methods or strategies you want to investigate in your

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on teacher-student

interaction and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. Feel free to modify or customize it according to your specific
research objectives and requirements:
1. How would you rate the overall quality of the teacher-student
interaction in your F2F classes? a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d)
2. To what extent do your teachers create a supportive and inclusive
classroom environment? a) Very high extent b) High extent c)
Moderate extent d) Low extent
3. How frequently do your teachers provide clear and timely feedback
on your academic performance? a) Very frequently b) Frequently c)
Occasionally d) Rarely
4. How approachable do you find your teachers when you have
questions or need assistance? a) Very approachable b) Approachable
c) Somewhat approachable d) Not approachable
5. How often do your teachers encourage active participation and
discussion in the classroom? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d)
6. To what extent do your teachers demonstrate genuine care and
concern for your academic progress and well-being? a) Very high
extent b) High extent c) Moderate extent d) Low extent
7. How effectively do your teachers communicate course expectations,
objectives, and grading criteria? a) Very effectively b) Effectively c)
Moderately effectively d) Ineffectively
8. How well do your teachers adapt their teaching approaches to meet
the diverse learning needs of students? a) Very well b) Well c)
Moderately well d) Poorly
9. How often do your teachers use teaching strategies that make the
learning experience engaging and interactive? a) Very often b) Often
c) Occasionally d) Rarely
10. To what extent do your teachers promote a positive and
respectful classroom environment? a) Very high extent b) High extent
c) Moderate extent d) Low extent
11. How satisfied are you with the overall teacher-student
interaction in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
12. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding the teacher-student interaction in the F2F environment.
Note: Along with the survey questionnaire, it's essential to ensure the
confidentiality and anonymity of respondents, provide clear instructions,
and consider adding demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) to
gather additional information for analysis.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on the learning

environment and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How would you rate the overall quality of the learning environment
in your F2F classes? a) Excellent b) Good c) Average d) Poor
2. How comfortable and conducive do you find the physical classroom
environment for learning? a) Very comfortable and conducive b)
Comfortable and conducive c) Moderately comfortable and
conducive d) Uncomfortable and not conducive
3. To what extent are the classroom facilities and resources sufficient
for your learning needs? a) Very sufficient b) Sufficient c) Moderately
sufficient d) Insufficient
4. How well does the school provide access to learning materials, such
as textbooks, reference materials, and technology? a) Very well b)
Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
5. How safe and secure do you feel in your F2F learning environment? a)
Very safe and secure b) Safe and secure c) Moderately safe and
secure d) Unsafe and insecure
6. To what extent do you feel supported and valued by your school in
your learning journey? a) Very supported and valued b) Supported
and valued c) Moderately supported and valued d) Unsupported and
7. How well does the school foster a positive and respectful learning
atmosphere among students and teachers? a) Very well b) Well c)
Moderately well d) Poorly
8. How often are extracurricular activities and enrichment programs
provided to enhance your learning experience? a) Very often b) Often
c) Occasionally d) Rarely
9. To what extent does the school encourage a sense of belonging and
inclusivity among students? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate
extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
10. How satisfied are you with the overall learning environment in
your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding the learning environment in the F2F setting.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of the learning environment you want to investigate in
your research.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on curriculum content and

its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F) environment. You
can customize it based on your specific research objectives and
1. How satisfied are you with the relevance of the curriculum content to
your academic and career goals? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. To what extent do you find the curriculum content engaging and
interesting? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a
limited extent d) Not at all
3. How well does the curriculum content help you acquire the necessary
knowledge and skills for your future endeavors? a) Very well b) Well
c) Moderately well d) Poorly
4. How well does the curriculum content align with real-world
applications and current trends? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately
well d) Poorly
5. To what extent does the curriculum content promote critical thinking
and problem-solving skills? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate
extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
6. How often does the curriculum content incorporate diverse
perspectives and multicultural content? a) Very often b) Often c)
Occasionally d) Rarely
7. How satisfied are you with the variety and range of subjects or topics
covered in the curriculum? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
8. How well does the curriculum content accommodate different
learning styles and abilities? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately well
d) Poorly
9. How effectively does the curriculum content address current societal
issues and challenges? a) Very effectively b) Effectively c) Moderately
effectively d) Ineffectively
10. How satisfied are you with the overall curriculum content in
your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding the curriculum content in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of the curriculum content you want to investigate in your

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on assessment and

feedback and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How satisfied are you with the clarity and transparency of assessment
criteria and expectations in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b)
Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How frequently do your teachers provide timely and constructive
feedback on your assessments? a) Very frequently b) Frequently c)
Occasionally d) Rarely
3. To what extent do your teachers use various assessment methods
(e.g., tests, projects, presentations) to evaluate your learning? a) To a
great extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at
4. How well do your teachers provide clear explanations and examples
of how to improve your performance based on assessment feedback?
a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
5. How satisfied are you with the fairness and consistency of grading
and evaluation in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
6. How often do your teachers provide opportunities for self-
assessment or reflection on your learning progress? a) Very often b)
Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
7. To what extent do your teachers involve you in the assessment
process by seeking your input or self-evaluation? a) To a great extent
b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
8. How well do your teachers provide guidance and support for
improvement based on assessment results? a) Very well b) Well c)
Moderately well d) Poorly
9. How satisfied are you with the overall assessment and feedback
practices in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding assessment and feedback in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of assessment and feedback you want to investigate in
your research.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on technology integration

and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F) environment.
You can customize it based on your specific research objectives and
1. How satisfied are you with the use of technology in your F2F classes?
a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very
2. How frequently do your teachers incorporate technology tools (e.g.,
computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards) in their teaching? a)
Very frequently b) Frequently c) Occasionally d) Rarely
3. To what extent does the integration of technology enhance your
learning experience in the F2F classes? a) To a great extent b) To a
moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
4. How effectively do your teachers use technology to present
information and deliver instructional content? a) Very effectively b)
Effectively c) Moderately effectively d) Ineffectively
5. How often do your teachers use online platforms or learning
management systems to facilitate classroom activities or
assignments? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
6. To what extent does the use of technology in the F2F classes promote
collaboration and communication among students? a) To a great
extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
7. How well do your teachers provide guidance and support for using
technology tools effectively? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately well
d) Poorly
8. How satisfied are you with the availability and accessibility of
technology resources in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied
c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
9. How well does the integration of technology in the F2F classes
prepare you for future technological requirements? a) Very well b)
Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
10. How satisfied are you with the overall integration of technology
in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding technology integration in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of technology integration you want to investigate in your
Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on social interaction and
collaboration and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for social interaction
and collaboration in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How often do your teachers incorporate group work or collaborative
activities in the classroom? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d)
3. To what extent do group work or collaborative activities enhance
your learning experience in the F2F classes? a) To a great extent b) To
a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
4. How well do your teachers facilitate effective group work or
collaboration among students? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately
well d) Poorly
5. How often do your teachers encourage peer-to-peer learning and
discussion in the F2F classes? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d)
6. To what extent does peer-to-peer learning and discussion contribute
to your understanding of the subject matter? a) To a great extent b)
To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
7. How well do your teachers foster a positive and inclusive learning
atmosphere where everyone's ideas are respected and valued? a)
Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
8. How often do your teachers provide opportunities for student-led
discussions or presentations in the F2F classes? a) Very often b) Often
c) Occasionally d) Rarely
9. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for socializing and
building connections with your classmates in the F2F classes? a) Very
satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. How satisfied are you with the overall social interaction and
collaboration in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding social interaction and collaboration in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of social interaction and collaboration you want to
investigate in your research.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on personalization and

differentiation and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How satisfied are you with the level of personalization and
differentiation in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How well do your teachers adapt instructional methods and materials
to meet your individual learning needs? a) Very well b) Well c)
Moderately well d) Poorly
3. To what extent do your teachers provide opportunities for you to
pursue your interests and strengths in the F2F classes? a) To a great
extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
4. How often do your teachers use flexible grouping strategies to
accommodate different learning levels and styles in the F2F classes?
a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
5. How well do your teachers provide personalized feedback and
support for your individual progress and growth? a) Very well b) Well
c) Moderately well d) Poorly
6. To what extent does the personalization and differentiation in the
F2F classes enhance your motivation and engagement? a) To a great
extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
7. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for self-paced learning
and independent exploration in the F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b)
Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
8. How often do your teachers provide choices and options for
assignments or projects to allow for personalization and expression
of your learning? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
9. How satisfied are you with the overall personalization and
differentiation in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding personalization and differentiation in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of personalization and differentiation you want to
investigate in your research.

Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on motivation and

engagement and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How satisfied are you with the level of motivation and engagement in
your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How interested and enthusiastic are you about attending your F2F
classes? a) Very interested and enthusiastic b) Interested and
enthusiastic c) Neutral d) Not very interested and enthusiastic e) Not
interested and enthusiastic at all
3. To what extent do your teachers create a positive and supportive
classroom environment that encourages your motivation and
engagement? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a
limited extent d) Not at all
4. How often do your teachers use real-life examples, hands-on
activities, or practical applications to make the subject matter
relevant and engaging? a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d)
5. How well do your teachers communicate clear learning goals and
expectations in your F2F classes? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately
well d) Poorly
6. To what extent do your teachers provide opportunities for active
participation, discussions, and collaborative learning in the F2F
classes? a) To a great extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited
extent d) Not at all
7. How often do your teachers provide challenging tasks or assignments
that require you to think critically and apply your knowledge? a) Very
often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
8. How well do your teachers acknowledge and recognize your efforts
and achievements in the F2F classes? a) Very well b) Well c)
Moderately well d) Poorly
9. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for self-expression,
creativity, or choice in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied
c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. How satisfied are you with the overall motivation and
engagement in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
11. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding motivation and engagement in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of motivation and engagement you want to investigate in
your research.
Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on individual characteristics
and their impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. Please indicate your gender: a) Male b) Female c) Prefer not to say
2. Please indicate your age: a) 15-17 years old b) 18-20 years old c) 21-
24 years old d) 25 years old or above
3. Please indicate your grade level: a) Grade 11 b) Grade 12
4. How satisfied are you with your academic performance in the F2F
classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very
5. How confident do you feel in your ability to succeed in the F2F
classes? a) Very confident b) Confident c) Neutral d) Not very
confident e) Not confident at all
6. How well do you manage your time and organize your tasks in the
F2F classes? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
7. How motivated are you to achieve your academic goals in the F2F
classes? a) Very motivated b) Motivated c) Neutral d) Not very
motivated e) Not motivated at all
8. How well do you adapt to changes or challenges in the F2F classes? a)
Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
9. How satisfied are you with your level of engagement and
participation in the F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. How well do you communicate and interact with your teachers
and classmates in the F2F classes? a) Very well b) Well c) Moderately
well d) Poorly
11. How satisfied are you with your overall experience as a learner
in the F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d)
Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
12. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding individual characteristics and their impact on student
satisfaction in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific individual characteristics you want to investigate in your research.
Here's a sample survey questionnaire focusing on personalization and
differentiation and its impact on student satisfaction in a face-to-face (F2F)
environment. You can customize it based on your specific research
objectives and requirements:
1. How satisfied are you with the level of personalization and
differentiation in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
2. How well do your teachers adapt their teaching methods and
materials to meet your individual learning needs in the F2F classes? a)
Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
3. To what extent do your teachers provide opportunities for you to
pursue your interests and strengths in the F2F classes? a) To a great
extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
4. How often do your teachers use flexible grouping strategies to
accommodate different learning levels and styles in the F2F classes?
a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely
5. How well do your teachers provide personalized feedback and
support for your individual progress and growth in the F2F classes? a)
Very well b) Well c) Moderately well d) Poorly
6. To what extent does the personalization and differentiation in the
F2F classes enhance your motivation and engagement? a) To a great
extent b) To a moderate extent c) To a limited extent d) Not at all
7. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for self-paced learning
and independent exploration in the F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b)
Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
8. How often do your teachers provide choices and options for
assignments or projects to allow for personalization and expression
of your learning in the F2F classes? a) Very often b) Often c)
Occasionally d) Rarely
9. How satisfied are you with the overall personalization and
differentiation in your F2F classes? a) Very satisfied b) Satisfied c)
Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very dissatisfied
10. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions
regarding personalization and differentiation in the F2F environment.
Note: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity, provide clear instructions, and
consider including demographic questions (e.g., grade level, gender) for
further analysis. Additionally, you can adapt or add questions to align with
specific aspects of personalization and differentiation you want to
investigate in your research.

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