Simple Present Tense Exercises.

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Change the verb into the correct form: Cambie el verbo a su forma correcta .

( s, es, ies)

1. Daniel ________________(fly) to Paris once a year.

2. She never _______________-(do) her homework.

3. Lisa _____________(try) to help her sister.

4. Mark _____________(go) home at seven.

5. The baby _____________(cry) every night.

6. He ________________(miss) her a lot.

7. Joe _______________-(study) really hard.

8. A boy _________________(kiss) a girl.

9. Joana _____________(buy) new stuff all the time.

10. Tim _________________(watch) this show every night.

Write the sentences in negative form. Escriba las oraciones en

forma negativa Do not/ don´t o does not/ doesn´t

1. I ______________(not ride) horses.

2. You __________________(not sell) cars.

3. He _________________(not bring) gifts.

4. She _______________(not take) pictures.

5. It _________________(not cost) so much.

6. We _______________(not seem) so happy.

7. They __________________(not buy) new products.

8. Michael _________________(not dance).

9. Michel _________________(not run) fast.

10. Tim and Kate ___________________(not work) every day.

11. Lucas and Clara ______________________(not eat) meat.

12. I ____________(not swim) much.

11. Sara ________________(say) this all the time.

12. The teacher ________________(teach) us new things.

Change the verb into the correct form: Escriba preguntas


1. _________________(I wake up) at five in the morning?

2. _________________(you go) to work by train?

3. ________________(she drink) coffee every morning?

4. ____________________(he smoke)?

5. ________________(it hurt)?

6. __________________(we dance)?

7. _______________(they travel)?

8. ____________________(Emma cook) well?

9. _________________(Alexander exercise) regularly?

10. _______________(I look) well?

11. _______________(you rest) enough?

12. _________________(William work) too hard?

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