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Semua hadir segak bergaya

Seronok bertepuk bergelak ketawa

Genap Sebulan kita berpuasa
Disufri hall akhirnya kita bersua

Assalamualaikum and a warm good afternoon to all the ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our
long-awaited Raya Lunch for the year 2023. After a prolonged pause due to the pandemic, it
brings me immense joy to see all of you here, radiating elegance and charm in your splendid
Raya outfits. Each one of you looks absolutely stunning, and if we were to hold a catwalk, we
might just discover TRC’s next top model. So, let's take a moment to appreciate ourselves with a
well-deserved round of applause for the fantastic fashion sense on display!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now, before we proceed further, it is with great honor that we extend a warm welcome to our
distinguished guests of honor:
1. YBhgTan Sri Dato’ Sri Sufri Bin Hj Mohd Zin,
2. YBhg Dato’ Abdul Aziz bin Mohamad,

We are also privileged to have our Independent Non-Executive Directors joining us today:
1. YBhg Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin,
2. YBhg Dato’ Ir. Abdullah Bin Abd Rahman with his spouse, and last but not least
3. Cik Fadzilah Mohd Salleh.

Thank you all for joining us today.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this blessed moment, let us invite En Syed Izzudin Bin Tuan Dalam, to recite doa to seek the
grace and favor of Allah as we commence this event.
[Pause for Doa recital]

Thank you En Syed Izzudin. Now, without further ado, it is my utmost honor to invite our
esteemed Group Managing Director, Ybhg Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Sufri Bin Hj Mohd Zin, to the
stage for his welcoming speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a resounding round of applause as we welcome TSS to kick
start this event.
[Pause for applause]

Thank you Tan Sri for that insightful welcome. Now, it's time to embark on the most anticipated
part of our celebration, the main event – the FOOD! We have an amazing feast prepared for
everyone, so eat to your heart's content, savor the flavors, enjoy the company of loved ones, and
leave thoughts of dieting for another day.

Before we conclude,

Sungai disusur sehari-hari

Dalam gelap menangkap ikan
Kami menyusun 10 jari
Salah dan silap harap dimaafkan

I wish you all a truly joyous and blessed Hari Raya. Let us also take a moment to reflect upon the
essence of Hari Raya... Let us embody the spirit of forgiveness, extending our sincerest apologies
to one another by saying "maaf zahir batin" - seeking forgiveness for any wrongs, whether seen
or unseen, that we may have committed. With that, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. Thank
you and have a memorable time ahead.

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