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International Schools of Islamic Educational College

Second term 2019/2020

Jabal Amman / Jubaiha English Language / Grade 5
Summary / Weslandia

No. Name : …………….……………. Class:……………Date : …….…………

Vocabulary Words:

Vocabulary Word Meaning

blunders silly mistakes

civilization the ways of living of a people or nation
complex made up of a number of parts; hard to understand
envy feeling of unhappiness because another person has what you want
fleeing to be running away
inspired influenced; to be filled with a thought or feeling

rustling causing a light, soft sound of things gently rubbing together

strategy the skillful planning and management of anything


A) Plot overview / most important sentences

Wesley doesn’t have friends at school. To make himself happy during the summer,
heuses his imagination and some of the things he learned at school to start a garden.
garden becomes his own world. In time, the world he creates interests the kids who
oncetormented him.

1. He (Wesley) was an outcast from the civilization around him.

2. He (Wesley) would grow his ownstaple food crop- and found his owncivilization.

3. Wesley found it thrilling to open his land to chance, to invite the new and unknown.

4. Ignoring the shelf of cereals in the kitchen, Wesley took to breakfasting on the fruit.
5. To keep off the sun, Wesley wove himself a hat from strips of the plant’s woody bark.

6.His domain, home to many such innovations, he named “Westlandia.”

7. Uninterested in traditional sports, Wesley made up his own.

8. In like manner, he’d named his new fabrics, games, and foods, until he’d created an
entire language.

9. As the finale to his summer project, he used the ink and his own eighty-letter
alphabet to record the history of his civilization’s founding.

10. He had no shortage of friends.

B) Setting (time and place):Recent past, Weslandia (Wesley’s land)

C) Characters:

 Characters: Wesley, his parents, and his friends

D) Theme:Uniqueness - follow your own path

E) Genre:Fiction; it tells the stories of imaginary people and events .

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