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Glenrise Investments

IMS Procedure

Procedure for Communication, Participation &


Document No: IMSP-006

Version: 1.0

Date of version: 1/9/22

Created by: SHEQ

Document Owner:
SHEQ Manager

Approved by:
General Manager

Procedure for Communication Doc No. IMSP-006 Rev No. [01] Date Printed:9/19/22 Page 1 of 6
©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights
Change history
Date Version Created by Description of change

1/9/22 1 H. Mudenda Removal of distribution column

Procedure for Communication Doc No. IMSP-006 Rev No. [01] Date Printed:9/19/22 Page 2 of 6
©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights
To establish, implement & maintain a Procedure for Communication, participation, and consultation
with regard to IMS Risks, Aspects / Hazards and Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety
Management System.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure is applicable to the Internal and External Communication and consultation with
interested parties for the Activities, Processes, Products & Services of Glenrise Investments covered
under Integrated Management System.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITY: As defined in the table below.


4.1 Communication: It is the process of meaningful interaction among persons of an organization &
external interested parties related to the Integrated Management System.


5.1 The Communication with Internal and External Agencies shall be done in order to ensure that:

Internal functions at various levels are aware of the Integrated Management System including the
Significant Risks, Aspects / Hazards in their working area.

The Communication from Interested Parties is received, documented and responded to the

Processes for Communication with External Interested Parties on Significant Safety Risks,
Environmental Aspects/ hazards are considered.

5.2 The decisions taken regarding the concerned IMS Issues raised by any of the Interested Parties
shall be routed through IMS MR.

5.3 The following table shows the various methods by which the Internal and external
communication is established and the responsibility for the same.


S.No. Topic For Personnel To Be Resp. For Mode Of

Communication Communicated Communication Communication
1. Awareness on the All Employees IMS MR &SHEQ Notice Board &
purpose of Integrated Training Programme
Management System
2. IMS Policy All Employees IMS MR, HODs, HOSs Poster, Cards, Display
boards & Training
3. Role & Responsibility Concerned Respective Head of the Work Instruction /
Employees Departments & HR Procedures
4. Objectives And Targets All employees Respective Head of the Group Discussion,
Departments Management
Review Meeting,
Procedure for Communication Doc No. IMSP-006 Rev No. [01] Date Printed:9/19/22 Page 3 of 6
©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights
5. IMS Issues Concerned HODs IMS MR Emails, Minutes of
Meetings, Notes
6. Legal and other Concerned SHEQ , Legal Team Mail mentioning legal
regulatory Employees requirement, Minute
requirements. of Meeting.
7. IMS Performance Management IMS MR Management Review
Review Committee Meeting


S.No. Interested Topic For Mode Of Resp. of Receiving,

Party Communication Communication Recording and
1. Customer Any relevant Information Verbal/ Letter/ emails Finance/ Concern HOD’s
as required by the
2. Local Any SHEQ Concerns raised Verbal / Letter/ emails HR
3. Supplier Request for improving Letter/ emails Purchase
Environmental & Safety
Any Other Issues raised
Significant Impacts / Risks
from their operations.
4. Visitors / Request for improving Verbal/ Letter / Notice Concern HOD’s
Contractor’s Environmental Protection board/emails
Any Other Issues raised.
Significant Impacts / Risks
from their operations.
5. Banks & Relevant Information as Letter/emails
Insurers required Finance

6. Media Initiatives taken by Press-Release,

Organization & Interviews, Directors
Subsequent Development Presentation at
7. Regulators a) Response to Show- HR
(Govt. Cause Letter/emails
Authorities, b) Consents
5.4 Management shall decide for external communication on following points through Management
Review meeting if asked for.
Significant Environmental Aspects / Risks

IMS Performance.

IMS MR shall record the decision taken in minutes of the meeting. Management of Glenrise
has decided not to communicate its Significant SHEQ Risks to external interested parties.
Procedure for Communication Doc No. IMSP-006 Rev No. [01] Date Printed:9/19/22 Page 4 of 6
©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights
5.5 IMS Policy shall be circulated to all suppliers to generate awareness about SHEQ issues. The key
suppliers shall be included in IMS Awareness training to make them aware of Significant Impacts /
Risks from their operations and to exercise control over them.

5.6 Internal Communication effectively established between the various levels of the Organization
(i.e., Top down, bottom up and Horizontal communication channels) concerned department heads to
their employees and to express their concerns/suggestions of employees, the safety suggestion box/
book is made available in every working sites.

5.7 IMS Policy is made available to all employees and interested parties. Any Concerns from
Interested Parties shall be recorded in the Concerns/suggestions from interested party/ Customer
feedback form.

5.8 Concerns if any, raised by external interested parties are communicated through the proper
channel through HR. Details of External communication with External parties are recorded by HR.
Details shall be recorded in the External Communication register.

5.9 Awareness shall be given to the Security about the importance and purpose of the IMS
Management System, including Awareness on communication.

5.10 Participation and Consultation

5.10.1 Participation:

Employees / Workers are involved in Aspect and Impact analysis, hazard risk identification & risk
assessment also the identification of necessary control measures. Employees are also involved in the
development of IMS objectives. During risk assessment & determination of control measures due
consideration is given to identify IMS objectives. Workers are involved in incident investigation &
details of investigations are recorded in the incident register.

5.10.2 Consultation on SHEQ matters:

SHEQ Officer conducts monthly safety committee meeting with employee representatives, &
members. The agenda for the meeting includes –

o Development and review of systems to manage OH& S risks.

o Any change that affects workplace safety, health, environment and quality.
o Any other health and safety matters

Input for the meeting also includes feedback on concerns from interested parties. The decisions and
further actions are recorded by HR and circulated to the concerned personnel for action. HR
Maintains minutes of safety committees.

6.0 Document / Record reference:

S. No. Document /Record Description

01. Concerns/suggestions from interested parties
02. External communication register
03. Internal Feedback form
04. Minutes of Meeting (Safety Committee)

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©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights
Reference documents

o ISO 9001:2015, clause 7.4

o ISO 14001:2015, clauses6.1.2; 7.4
o Integrated Management System Manual
o List of Interested Parties,
o Legal and Other Requirements/ Compliance Obligations Register
o IMS Policy
o Procedure for Document and Record Control
o Procedure for Identification of risks and opportunity.
o Procedures for Preparedness and Emergency Response

Procedure for Communication Doc No. IMSP-006 Rev No. [01] Date Printed:9/19/22 Page 6 of 6
©2022 Glenrise Investments Pvt Ltd. Please refer to the SHEQ Department or procedure owner for latest revision before use. All rights

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