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National Examinations

Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education




ENGLISH 0561/02
Paper 2 Comprehension and Summary MOCK
2 hours
Write your full names, class and Centre on
this paper. 2
Write in dark blue or black pen. 3
Write your answers in the spaces provided
in the question paper Total Marks
The number of marks is given in bracket [ ]
at the end of each question or part Percentage %
question. Dictionaries are not allowed

The total number of marks for this paper is 60.

This exam consists of 12 printed pages.
CRACKiT Exams 0561/02


Answer all the questions in this section

Cresta Ranked Among the Top 10% of Hotels Worldwide

American trvel online company

Tripadvisor, Inc. has ranked 10 of Cresta
Marakanelo Limited (CML) hotels amongst
the top 10% of hotels in the world during
its recently published Travellers’ Choice
awards. Tripadvisor, the world’s largest
travel guide platform, helps hundreds of
millions of people each month become better travellers, from planning to booking, to taking a

The Travelers’ Choice awards honour traveller’s favorite destinations, hotels, restaurants,
things to do and beyond, based on the reviews and opinions collected from travellers and
diners around the world on Tripadvisor over 12 months. Over the years, Cresta has been a
home to local and international visitors who have left impressive reviews after receiving
world-class hospitality. It has a long history of serving travellers who seek authentic African
experiences as well as modern comfort.

1. From paragraph 1
a) Who ranked Cresta Marakanelo Limited (CML) hotels amongst the top 10% of hotels
in the world?
………………………………………………………………………………………………….… [1 ]

b) What services are provided by Tripadvisor?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

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c) Suggest the services that Cresta Marakanelo Limited offers to its customers
2. From paragraph 2

a) What is the main influence that determines who gets the travellers choice awards
………… ………………………………………………………………………………..… [1 ]
b) Quote a phrase that shows that Cresta provides top-tier services to its customers
………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
3. From the entire passage

Write a word or phrase of not more than seven words that carries the same meaning as the
following words in the passage

i) Awards
ii) Impressive
iii) Authentic
……………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

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Answer all the questions in this section
1. The main distinction between a retailer and a wholesaler is that the former sells directly
to the consumer, while the latter trades directly to other traders. Some traders act both
as retailers and as wholesalers but most find it is more profitable to trade as one or the
2. In order to be successful, the retail trader must satisfy the consumers, all of whom have
different needs and ideas about what they want. However, selecting the right things to
sell to hundreds of different customers can be a difficult task because there is a wide
range of goods from which customers can make their choice: commodities are sold in
various grades and qualities and most manufactured products are sold in different sizes,
shapes, weights, colours and containers. Retailers who sell food must know what
people like to eat and drink, and they must make sure that perishable food will not
remain unsold for very long. Those who sell clothing must know what clothes are in
fashion and what quality people want, otherwise they will be left with costly stock.
3. Generally speaking, the more items that are sold by retailers the more profit will be
made. If retailers are compelled to hold costly stock this will reduce profit, and may
even cause them to lose money. It is essential, therefore, to get a quick turnover. In
order to achieve this, the goods that are on sale must satisfy three conditions. Firstly,
they must be the type of goods that customers want to buy. Secondly, they must be
available in the quantities that the customers want, and thirdly, they must be available
at prices which people are prepared to pay.
4. But there is much more to successful retailing than this. Where there are many traders
selling similar commodities the retail has to attract customers, and then please them,
apart from the appearance inside the shop or store, effective advertising or an eye-
catching window display may lure the customers into the shop-but selling is an art in
itself and the most important principle of art is ‘the customer is always right.’

(From Certificate English Language 2nd edition)

1. From paragraph 1
a) What is the difference between a wholesaler and a retailer?

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b) Why do most traders prefer to act as one or the other?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
2. From paragraph 2
c) If retailers of perishable food do not know what people want to eat and drink, how
will they suffer?
3. From paragraph 4
d) What does the motto ‘the customer is always right’ mean?
………………………………………………………………………………………………[2 ]
4. From the whole passage:
Choose four of the following words or phrases. For each of them give one word or short
phrase (of not more than seven words) which has the same meaning that the word of
phrase has in the passage.

(a) Latter (paragraph 1)

(b) Perishable (paragraph 2)
(c) Costly stock (paragraph 2)
(d) Turnover (paragraph 3)
(e) Similar commodities (paragraph 4)
(f) Former (paragraph 1)
(g) Lure (paragraph 4)

(h) Principle (paragraph 4)

................................................................................................................................ [4 ]

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Answer all the questions


1. Not until you look towards the east and see the tall sun-bleached rocks of Manyene
Hills casting foreboding shadows over the land beyond- like sentinels over some fairy-
tale land of the dead- are you really at home.
2. And here now the bus turns west, following the line of the old village, and look across
the Suka- which has given up flowing- and see the line of the old village stretching like
an interminable snake and the sun from the southern bank of the river, on and over the
rim of the earth to the other end of the world, with The Ancient Rain Tree- now
impotent- standing guard in an empty landscape.
3. Then, once more, the bus turns and the driver switches off the engine for the mile long
roll down into the village of Suka. With the engine off, you can hear just how the old
bus shakes and rattles and always dust, dust and more dust, so that you see the heads
of those sitting in front like figures appearing in the mist, silently, except for the
coughing and sneezing, not complaining, resigned. It's been a long journey from the city
and we are thinking of home as we get nearer and nearer but home seems to get further
and further as one approaches.
4. Two people are ahead. A man and a woman. The bus pulls up beside them. The woman
gets on. The man turns away as soon as his wife touches the handrail on the bus. She
now waves at his turned back. “It is the Agricultural Demonstrators wife,’’ Lucifer
vaguely recalls, “and that must be the husband.” There is something sad about this
couple but he can't remember what it is. He lowers his head so that she won't see him.
There's an empty seat up front: she sits in it.
5. The bus moves on. It stops once more before Lucifer starts walking towards the exit,
ready to get down at the next stop. He keeps his head turned away from the
demonstrator’s wife. The thing that he has heard about them- which he can't
remember- makes him uneasy. It sits uncomfortably in him together with other things
that he can't name, things that have always haunted him in his home country, making
him feel like an unwelcome stranger here where he was born and grew up.
6. Lucifer pulls the bell roll, the conductor opens his bloodshot eyes yawns and acts as if
as if he has got a grudge against Lucifer: ‘Anything on top? ‘No.’

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7. Lucifer looks ahead at the seemingly endless road and sees a figure frantically waving;
signaling the bus to stop. In the middle of the road too! Suddenly Lucifer recognises his
father. He strangles an impulse to tell the driver to move on to the next stop. Not until
the last moment does this crazy figure jump off the road. The bus screeches to a stop.
The driver leans out of the window and shouts: ‘Tired of living heh, Mudhara?’
‘You have got my son on this bus, haven't you?’
8. The driver doesn't answer, someone giggles and a minute later Lucifer and his father
are standing on the dust- road clearing in the strange silence following the departure
of the bus in a dead country and the awkwardness of a long-due reunion: the son
looking at a dust- cloud going further and further away from him and the father
stretching a work- abused hand in welcome. They have been seven years together and
still no child,” Lucifer now clearly remembers what it is that makes him sad about the
Agricultural Demonstrator and his wife. He is still looking at that receding dust cloud.
9. Finally, Lucifer turns from the dust- cloud to his father. They shake hands silently. The
father is unable to restrain his emotion- hand gripping hard, face contorted and
distorted through a mixture of emotions and eyes sweeping the bush beyond his son’s
head. The son, already confused between embarrassment and pity, resentment and
guilt, fixes his eyes on the dirt- matted hairs on his father’s stone-wall chest. For some
time, it seems as if they are frozen standing there beside the road, father’s hand
squeezing while the son is dying to be released. At last Tongoona lets go his son's hands
and says: ‘Is this the only luggage you have?’
10. Both of them look at the single valise standing in the dust beside the road, Lucifer looks
up, but he does not look into his father's eyes. He looks round at the old stony country
and wishes he was elsewhere.
‘Yes’ Tongoona picks up the valise.

‘How heavy it is! What's in it- books?’ Lucifer nods. He doesn't want to encourage his
father, but the latter is away before he can stop him. ‘Still reading, eh? You are tough.’
The implications in his father's words, Lucifer feels, are: ‘I am proud of you.’ He feels
like a cheat and he feels he has to confess: ‘Lately I've been so busy, there just seemed
to be no time to read.’


11. An awkward silence. Lucifer wonders whether his father is disappointed that he hasn't
been reading as much as he should. What if I told him that for the last six months, I
haven't read a single book, Lucifer wonders. That would be cruel. He knows how much

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stock his father lays in his reading. It's an unfailing source of pride to him, his father
even once confided to him in one of the rare, relaxed moments. That sentiment has
become an ominous obligation to Lucifer. He can't shake it off even when he is away
from his father. And now that he hasn't touched a book in six months he feels worse
than a cheap cheat, a criminal, in his father's presence. This feeling and other less
defined feelings, including the fact that neither can look the other in the eye, made
Lucifer wish he had a different father. The thought is so cruel that he immediately
suppresses it without examining it carefully. By way of atonement he says: ‘And how
are they, all at home?’ It is false before it even comes out of his mouth. The light-
heartedness he had intended to convey taste tepid on his tongue, which became heavy.
‘They are well,’ his father says and from his tone, Lucifer knows his father is not fooled.
The silence confirms it.

After 10 minutes of silent working Tongoona asks: ‘When are you going away?’

‘Back to town?’

‘No- where you are going- overseas.’

‘About a fortnight from today.’

Another 10 minute pause, then: ‘Did you get our letters?’

‘Yes, I did.’

12. One, two, ten steps: ‘And why didn't you reply?’ Lucifer doesn't answer. His flesh
crawls, getting ready for the first slap. None comes. This comes as a surprise to Lucifer.
Never again will his father raise his hands to beat him. He has become a man of his own,
independent. This realization is suddenly for some strange reason to Lucifer, and the
fact of his independence is almost frightening. He feels humbled, weighted down with
a responsibility he cannot understand. Somehow, the slap of his father's open palm now
seems to him infinitely easier to bear than this responsibility and independence. In a
subdued voice, his father says, ‘How do you suppose we can know what's happening
to you when you don't answer our letters?’ Again, Lucifer doesn't answer. The weight
of his responsibility is crushing him. Now he wishes his father would slap him, take that
weight and have done with it. But his father doesn't. The pain is unbearable.
(Adapted from Waiting for the Rain by Charles Mungoshi)

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1. From paragraph 1

a) What was it that cast shadows over the land to which Lucifer was returning?
.…………………………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

b) Explain the meaning of ‘… like sentinels over some fairy-tale land of the dead’ (lines 2-
3). Do not use the bolded words in your answer.
…………………………………………………………………….(2 marks)

c) What word in the first paragraph expresses the idea of evil?

…………………………………………………………………………………..………………..…(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 2

d) Explain in your own word two pieces of evidence given in the second paragraph which
make clear that the land is dry
………………………………………………………………………………………………. (2 mark)
3. From paragraph 3

e) Why do the passengers seem to be in a mist?

………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
4. From paragraph 7

f) Explain in your own words Lucifer’s first reaction when he recognises his father.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)

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g) What two things does Tongoona do when the bus is coming which justify the use of
the phrase ‘crazy figure’
.………………………………………………………………………………………… (2 marks)

h) The bus driver calls out to Tongoona, ‘Tired of living-heh, Mudhara?’ Why does he do
……………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)
5. From paragraph 11 and 12
i) What is meant by the ‘That sentiment has become an ominous obligation to Lucifer’?
Do not use the bolded words in your answer
………………………………………………………………………………… (3 marks)
j) What ‘pain is unbearable’ to Lucifer?
……………………………………………………………………… [1]

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6. Summary writing
Describe Lucifer’s thoughts and feeling when he meets his father again. Use only
the material from paragraph 7 to paragraph 12. Your account must not be longer
than 150 words, including the ten given below.
Begin your summary as follows:
When Lucifer sees his father again, he feels very uncomfortable

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