(with 2 yr GS VS金品)April 2023 official quotation (1&2 year) halin

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Prepared By Halina Wong (+852 6575 6495)

A. Alibaba.com 出口通服務價目表 – Gold Supplier (2 years)
Total Amount
Service Description 服務内容 2 years
Gold Supplier Membership Package
出口通會員費 (24 months)
• Minisite & unlimited products posting
1 HKD 78,000
• Online transaction gateway & logistics support
線上支付系統 & 物流支援
Pay-For-Performance 外貿直通車
No charge for Pay Per Click in the mainland china. Flexible HKD 10,000
2 budgeting and easy to control. (optional)
Superior location with free display platform
Alibaba Logistics Partner Consulting Service
阿里巴巴物流拍檔諮詢服務 NEW-JOINER
3 Consulting services: export, customs clearance, logistics,
trading, platform training, etc.
諮詢服務: 出口、報關清關諮詢、物流、 交易、 平台 (FREE) HKD 88,000
Complimentary (first-come-first-serve) (Government SME Funding
無憂起航 (限量資源; 先到先得) NEW-JOINER 「市場推廣基金」的資助
• Minisite Free Setting up service SUPPORT Sponsor HKD 44,000)
4 店舖首頁裝修服務
• 50 product launch service + product HKD 13000
description (FREE) HKD 44,000/24 =
50 件產品高質發佈服務+產品內頁服務 ~ HKD 1,830 PER MONTH
Platform Upgrade | Hong Kong & Taiwan Only
平台升級 | 僅限香港, 澳門及台灣
#Request For Quotation (RFQ)| 採購直達 (RFQ)
Optimized from 20 quota to 40 quota per month 2022-2023
採購直達 (RFQ) 由每月 20 條升級為每月 40 條 PLATFORM
5 Cost (價值): 40 x HKD 60 = HKD 2,400 per month
12 months x HKD 2,400 = HKD 28,800 per year HKD 60,800
*Product Showcase | 平台櫥窗廣告
Product Showcase: optimized from 10 to 20 showcase (FREE)

Cost (價值) : HKD 32,000 per year

June 2023 Promotion| Hong Kong Only
7月促銷 | 僅限香港 June 2023
Product Showcase | 平台櫥窗廣告
Extra 5 Product Showcase (For 6 months)
送平台櫥窗廣告5個(為期12個月) HKD 8,000
*10/7/2023截止 (FREE)

# Request For Quotation (RFQ): The RFQ is published by buyers for sellers and provides quotes actively based on buyer needs until a transaction
purchase order is created. It expands foreign trade and transforms passive players into active players
# 採購直達 (RFQ) 是由買家發布採購需求,賣家根據 買家需求進行主動報價,直至達成交易訂單。 讓外貿拓展, 由被動轉為主動!

*Product Showcase: higher exposure in searching engine in organic ranking
*櫥窗廣告: 優化搜索排名,在同等匹配條件下,櫥窗產品相較其它產品在搜索中更有優勢。

* The qualified suppliers can enjoy the support of being our qualified 1 STAR supplier which last for 6 months. For more details, please discuss and
confirm with your account manager
*合資格的商家將獲得維持半年的一星商家直達支持, 詳情請向您的客戶經理聯絡

Startup Service Kit 新手建站

Alibaba Logistics Partner Consulting Service

Platform Upgrade 平台升級

Appendix I: Gold Supplier Service Details 附件 I: 香港金牌供應商服務細項

Item Service Description 服務內容 Gold Supplier Price 金牌供應商
1. Minisite & unlimited products posting Included in membership fee
個人化網站及無限產品發佈 包含在年費

2. Product showcase (10 products for higher natural ranking) Included in membership fee
產品櫥窗 – 提升自然排名 (10 件產品) 包含在年費

3. Multi-Language translation (up to 16 languages) Included in membership fee

支援 16 種語言翻譯 包含在年費

4. Instant communication tool Included in membership fee

即時溝通工具 – 交易管家 包含在年費

5. Website visitor tracks and communication quota Included in membership fee

網站訪客行銷 包含在年費

6. Biz Trends - performance analysis and market data Included in membership fee
數據管家(基本版)– 分析及呈現行業資料 包含在年費

7. Sourcing.alibaba.com - directly search and respond buyer leads Included in membership fee
Sourcing.alibaba.com - 買家採購直達 (RFQ) 包含在年費

8. Online transaction gateway Included in membership fee

線上支付系統 包含在年費

9. Regular local platform operation training Included in membership fee

定期本地平台操作培訓 包含在年費

10. Regular seminar, workshop and tour in HK or China Included in membership fee
定期的本地及內地研討會及走訪 包含在年費

11. Quarterly review of platform performance Included in membership fee

季度平台分析 包含在年費

12. P4P-Pay for Performance: free exposure, only paid by click Additional charge 額外收費
外貿直通車-按點擊收費 (每次充值最少 HKD 10,000)

13. Top ranking key word (yearly) Additional charge

產品置頂: 產品展示在搜尋第一頁第一位 (1 年) 額外收費

Other possible charge 其他可能費用:
1. 1-2% service charge per transaction on Supplier for online payment under Trade Assurance (max. USD 100)
如買家使用平台信用保障網上交易服務,供應商須付全單 1-2%服務費 (100 美元封頂)。
2. Service charge of USD 15 per transaction will be charged for payment transfer from Alibaba.com payment
account to Hong Kong bank account
3. Optional: Pay-For-Performance (P4P) service top-up. SME Export Marketing Funding is applied

Remarks 備註:
1. The proposal is valid until 10 July 2023 (MON)
此價目表有效期至: 2023 年 7 月 10 日 (MON)
2. All terms and conditions are according to the contract of Alibaba.com Hong Kong Limited.
3. Alibaba.com has been qualified by the government SME marketing funding. Successful candidate can
get subsidy on 50% of annual spending from the Hong Kong Government. For details of the fund,
please visit http://www.smefund.tid.gov.hk/eindex.html
度消費 ( 金品誠企認證費用除外) 。詳情可參考網站 : https://www.smefund.tid.gov.hk/cindex.html


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