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By Mya Elisha Binti Arif Rafhan

Objective: To show that living and non-living things have mass and occupy space

Materials: Scale, glass, soil, water, pumpkin seeds

1. Take an empty glass and weigh it using the scale. Record the mass.
2. Fill half of the glass with soil, put it on the scale and observe the mass. Record the mass.
3. Repeat the same steps but with water and pumpkin seeds
4. Record your observation.


Material Living/non-living things Mass (g) Occupy space

Soil Non-living 16 g Yes
water Non-living 51 g Yes
Pumpkin seeds Living 37 g Yes


1. Classify the materials in this activity into living and non-living things.

As recorded per table.

2. Are soil, water and bean sprouts matter? Explain your answer.

Yes, they are. All things that have mass and occupy space are matter.

3. Give five other examples of things that are matter.

Rocks, wood chips, dried leaves, plants, chair


In summary, all living and non-living things have mass and occupy space. That is called matter. Matter
can be found in all things such as rocks, sand, wood chips. In short words, any physical object is made
out of matter.

Genosis Attributes and Global Skills:

Deep thinker: This experiment makes me think if matter means anything that has mass and occupies
space. In the universe everything is made up of matter, so how can we differentiate between living
things, and non-living things?

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