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(E & TC Engineering)
Cellular Network
(2019Pattern) (Semester - II)
Prelim Exam paper
2022-23 Sem-II

Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:

1) Answer Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, Q.7 or Q.8.
2) Neat diagrams and wave forms must be drawn wherever
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4)Use of nonprogrammable calculator is
5) Assume suitable data if necessary.
Q1 a)Differentiate between cell sectoring and cell splitting.[8]

Q1 b)Explain Handoff strategies[9]


Q2 a)What is frequency reuse?Explain co channel interference

reduction factor.[8]
Q2 b)Differentiate between co channel interference and adjacent
channel interference.[9]
Q3 a) Explain assumption in i) Pure chance traffic ii)Statistical
Q3 b) During busy hour 1000 calls were offered to a group of
trunks and 5 calls were lost .The average call duration was 2
minutes.i) Find traffic offered ii)Traffic carried iii)Traffic lost iv)
Grade of service v) Total duration of periods of congestion.[9]
Q4 a) Define grade of service and blocking probability for lostcall
system and explain its significance[9]
Q4 b) Over 20 minutes observation interval 40 subscribers initiate
a call .Total duration of calls is 4800 sec. Calculate load offered
to network by the subscribers and average subscriber traffic.[9]
Q5 a) Explain LTE advanced architecture.[9]
Q5 b) Differentiate between infrastructure and ad hoc architecture
of WLAN.[8]
Q6 a) Explain 5G architecture.[9]
Q6 b) Differentiate between 4G and 5G[8]
Q7 a) Explain the following
i) Code rate ii) Constraint rate iii) Word length iv)Block length v)
Hamming distance vi)Minimum Hamming distance[9]
Q7 b)Explain following terms with reference to Schedular design
i) Classifier ii) Channel Quality[9]
Q8 a)With example, explain how Hamming code is used for single
bit error corrections. [9]
Q8 b) Classify Schedulers & Explain Weighted Round Robin
scheduling and Weighted Fair Queuing scheduling[9]

Differentiate between cell sectoring and cell splitting.
Explain handoff strategies.
Explain assumption in i) Pure chance traffic ii)Statistical equilibrium.
Define grade of service and blocking probability for lostcall system and explain its significance.6
During busy hour 1000 calls were offered to a group of trunks and 5 calls were lost .The
average call duration was 2 minutes.i) Find traffic offered ii)Traffic carried iii)Traffic lost iv)
Grade of survice v) Total duration of periods of congestion.

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