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Here's the raw video of my FLS demo for Bread and Pastry Production NC II.

We were only given 30 minutes to finish this demo. I have 4 minutes excess time. If
you are preparing for this demo, try your best to finish in less than 30 minutes
but still making sure that you will be giving a good feedback to your trainees'

- It's better to use earphones or headsets for this video.
- There's still a lot of room for improvements for this demo. Since we also have to
record this at home, we have a limited space and my actual activity demo is not
visible from the view.
- Here are some of my trainer's feedback for improvements:
- Less discussion in training methods
- Application for assessment is at the registrar's office (not on the
assessment center)
- Distribution of task sheet after the return demo


Part 1:
-Introduce yourself
- Ensure the safety of the facilities, tools, and types of equipment based on the
OHS and all tools and materials are complete based on the Training Regulation
-Introduce the qualification
-Distribute and fill out learners’ profile form and sign the attendance sheet
-Welcome trainees as officially enrolled in the qualification
-Start pre-assessment - distribute data gathering tools (explain the forms) Pre-
test and self-assessment check explain the purpose of the pre-test and self-
-After pre-assessment start the orientation

Part 2
-House rules
-Traditional vs CBT
-CBT Principles
-Roles of trainer and trainee (incorporate principles of adult learners)
-Evaluation system
-Training methods
-Explain the different training methods
-Competencies (Focus on Core)
-Quick Workstation tour
-End of Orientation
- Break

Part 3
- Give feedback based on the pre-assessment (Data Gathering, Pre-Test, Self-
Assessment Check)
-Assign trainee on the specific training method based on the result of the pre-
assessment tools
-Institutional Assessment Area
-Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - feedback on the result of pre-
conduct an assessment of evidence and counter-validate the presented
evidence through
a performance test
-Go back to another trainee and check the result of the self-check

Part 4
(Next day)
- Practical work area, demonstration of skills (in my case- cutting and assembling
petit fours)
- Trainee’s return demo
-Give the task sheet and performance criteria checklist, the student will have a
practice in an hour or 2
- After practice, introduce the achievement chart and progress chart

Part 5
- Once the achievement chart and progress chart is complete, proceed on the
Institutional Assessment
- Explain the purpose of the Institutional Assessment
- Start with the written test - to test the underlying knowledge
- Demonstration of skills (Practical Test)
- Question and answer (Oral Questioning)

Part 6
- Feedbacking and giving the result of the IA
-Sign rating sheet, give evaluation form, sign Institutional Assessment Results
-Awarding of Certificate
-Give instructions for the National Assessment
- Closing Remarks

Still follow your trainer's instructions for your demo. This is just an example but
I'm sure we may have a bit of differences in the format of our FLS demonstrations.
If you are just preparing for this demo, I wish you good luck and all the best!

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